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Ficus sacred edem from seeds. Seeds TM Gavrish "Ficus Sacred Eden" - "What will happen if sowned seeds? The story of an unexpected ficus, and also "sacred". I'll tell you how to care at home. and what are the signs and suva


Preferred dissipated, but rather bright light, which provides windows overlooking east or west.

During the "summer holidays" in the open air of the balcony or the plot, you need to take care that the tree does not burn straight sun rays.


The best summer temperature interval - from 20 to 25 degrees; Winter temperatures should not be below 15 degrees.

Attention:Drafts are contraindicated.


The optimal soil substrate should be weakly acid or neutral, sufficiently loose and nutritious.

You can use the finished soil for ficuses, or mix in two parts of the turf and leaf land with one part of coarse sand.

  • ferry
  • sheet;
  • peat ground with sand;
  • all ingredients are equal to quantity.


Landing container can be standard shape: (The vertical size is from a quarter to a third of the height of the plant), with a mandatory drainage hole.

Since the water is extremely unfavorable, the container material is better to choose porous - ceramics without a solid glaze layer.

At the bottom of the container, the drainage layer of shallow pebbles or clay

During the landing, as the soil shields, when filling out the voids between the roots, it is necessary to ensure that it should not bust the root neck of the plant: it should be located in the ground.

If the plant is high, you need to take care of the support for its barrel.

After landing, the ficus should be pouring.


Young plants transplant annually, and mature specimens - once a few years, and the signal to the transplant is the complete brave of earthmaker roots.

Allocarly spacious tanks are undesirable: for young ficuses the diameter of the new pot must be 2 cm bigger Former, for mature - at 6cm.


Watered ficus religious twice a weekwell-standing, soft water, not allowing moisture stagnation.

Excess irrigation water, accumulating in the pallet, immediately drain.

If necessary, in hot summer days, the frequency of irrigation increases, but the upper layer of the Earth should dry a little before the regular flow of moisture.

Air humidity

It is necessary to maintain high humidity, reminiscent of Indian edges relative to this plant.

Required daily spraying of soft water room temperature


From spring to autumn, one or twice a month is carried out with alternately mineral and organic components, while providing high nitrogen and potassium content.

If wintering is warm, feeding does not stop.

With a cool and bright content in winter, feed less frequently.

Growth and cropping

In indoor culture grows up to 2-3.meters with a potential ability to achieve multi-meter height.

Important: Forming trimming is necessary to limit the growth and creating a beautiful crown.

Crop the young shoots of early springbefore the start of active vegetation; In addition, as they grow, they pinch the tips of growing branches in order to stimulate the development of a more dense crown.

An interesting result is obtained, brazed in the "pigtail" of a stem of several young plants lined in one container.

In general, thanks to its rapid growth and pronounced plasticity of young stems and shoots, Ficus religious is a wonderful candidate for creating spectacular half-meter bonsai trees with the use of the entire arsenal of devices: replaceable wire frames, target trimming, tensioning support systems.


On the photo Ficus Sacred "Eden":


Ficus sacred can multiply with cuttings and seeds.

Reproduction of cuttings

For such a reproduction, stem cuttings are used about fifteen percentimeter length, with several leaves.

The lower cuts of the cuttings are treated with a stimulant of the root formation and rooted in the soil substrate from equal amounts of perlite, or coarse sand and peat, covering with polyethylene film.

After the formation of the roots and the appearance of new shoots (about a month, sometimes - earlier) Cuttings are searched into separate containers with the usual mixture for ficuses.

Reproduction of seeds

This method is widely used for home cultivation. "Sacred Buddha Tree", and the seeds with a good germination are sent by mail.

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in the growth stimulator solution, and then sowed on the surface with a light loose soil mixture.

Painting with polyethylene film and expose to warm, well-lit place, ventilate and maintain a substrate in a moistened state.

Shoots appear, as a rule, in a week.

As the seedlings are risked, and then searched into separate containers.

Diseases and pests

Ficus "Eden" resets the leaves- The result of frequent permutations, insufficiently wet air, drafts and leakage of temperature.

The same can be observed in a recently purchased plant, experiencing stress due to a sharp change of content conditions.

Reference: In natural conditions, the leaves of the ficus of the religious or partially fall into the dry season.

Therefore, insufficient watering and spraying is the "Start" button to drop the crown.

The care errors, first of all, the moisture stagnation leads to the weakening of the plant and the damage to its fungal infections. In this case, it is necessary to optimize watering and process the ficus fungicides.

With insufficiently wet air on the ficus, the TLL will settle.

In addition, his can attack torment Cherver, triples and shields.

As a first measure, we use the processing of the affected parts of the plant with soap solution, but the most effective remedy for pests - system insecticides.

Ficus sacred Eden- A plant simple for maintenance at home.

The temperature is not lower than 15 degrees, the absence of the scorching sun, frequent movements and drafts, sufficient irrigation, regular spraying - and Buddhist "Bodhi tree" will develop well, but in addition, actively clean the air from xylol and toluols.

The targeted trimming and formation of plastic seedlings can turn it, in itself a sign and viable, plant in spectacular interior decoration.

Think about the acquisition of a ficus, but we are lost in the variety of its varieties

Useful video for the cultivation of the ficus Sacred "Eden" from seeds and tips on home care:

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I will say right away - gardener from me is not experienced and so-so . So when I got an impressive putting overdue seeds(No, I did not buy them, they themselves "came"), I didn't really expect to get incredible shoots from them, and that even abubs what and "survive" from me. No, I certainly had cases of successful landings / transfers of any plants. Here, for example, in the response to "Promotion plantation" from tape I told about grown loiter.

Although I am was aware of the consolation and subducing news that:

Overdue seeds possess up to 5 years. Subject to proper storage.

In general, risked and planted trial overdue 4 species of various indoor plants. One of them - Ficus sacred from company "Gavrish":

Inside the package was a small square bag of paper. In which the ficus seeds themselves were. In the amount of 3 pieces !! NDA is not too much.

You will not tell a lot about bag with seeds. Except that information from the manufacturer:

Went time even a month , and mini greenhouse stood everything without any germs. I already thought to throw this idea and throw out empty guy from the window sill Only the place occupies. But literally every other day, I noticed that there is a tiny only shoot (True, then it seemed to me that this could be a weed pessimism and rushing). For the sake of interest, I decided to watch, and that's what I had graduated from me:

Here, my little crocha:

Fikus need bright but scattered light. However, it is quite normally growing in half. If the lighting is not enough, it will begin to reset the leaves.

Tseivaya very loves warmthbut not only heat. In summer Temperature should be - from 20 to 25c. In winter - not lower than 15. In the cold season it is better to maintain the same temperature as in the summer. However, remove the pot away from the hot central heating battery. Also remember that the ficus does not tolerate temperature differences and is afraid of drafts.

Regular, moderate. Water when the top layer of soil is dry. Use resistant, soft water. But, do not pour the plant, avoid water stagnation in the pallet. Soil moisten Ficus also does not like.

Immediately after watering:

So that the ficus felt well, it would be good to place a water container next to it or simply more often spray Air around him. If the air is too dry, the plant will begin to reset the leaves.

Feed it 2 times a month, nutritional mixtures containing nitrogen and potassium. Standards alternate - Mineral once, then - organic.

At home, the ficus grows quickly and its roots becomes closely in a pot. therefore young Drug it is recommended to transplant often - 1-2 times in the year. Adults Plants that are already constantly growing in large tanks, not need to transplant. Just once a year, replace the top layer of the soil fresh.

Trimming is needed to limit the growth of young shoots and give the desired form Krone. The best time for this is the beginning of spring. Further, over the course of the year, pinch the tips of new shoots.

Following the recommendations, I transplant to the vessel, suitable on the root system at the moment. After all, they should be transplanted only when the roots fill the entire pot. So so far fistelock is sitting in temporary "refuge":

Ficus Sacred by Eden from "Gavrish"

This home plant is well cleaning the air from harmful substances and saturates it with oxygen. And also kills almost half of malicious bacteria, which can cause unpleasant diseases.

★ ☆ ★ If you put a pot with any kind of this plant in the kitchen, then you you will always have food and do not experience hunger and needs.

★ ☆ ★ Ficus brings wealth to the family that owns them. It will give you good luck and put together family relationshipsBy making the atmosphere of your home more cozy and comfortable.

★ ☆ ★ There is an opinion that ficus is positive energy catcherSo many seek them to acquire.

★ ☆ ★ Eastern beliefs, the pot needs to be put so that the leaves are deployed to the West. It is believed that in this way you accumulate positive energy and unfold it in the right side. It is noted that the atmosphere in the house becomes softer, calm and has to positive reflections.

★ ☆ ★ A whole range will take about the ficus and magic pregnancy advises him to grown in his house. Some of them recommend asking the sprouts from friends who already have children, or even steal ficus from such familiar or relatives.

★ ☆ ★ In order for you as soon as possible, heirs appeared, put it in the married bedroom, and pregnancy will not wait long for a long time. It helps even those who tried almost all the ways to have children, and failed.

★ ☆ ★ If you see how new young leaves or shoots grow, in the near future you are expected to add in the familyAfter that, it is necessary to reject the process into a separate container and care for it as if this is the personification of your yet born baby.

The most important thing is to believe in the wonderful properties of this plant - and it will surely help you! Everyone wants to be happy

Ficus sacred Eden - The plant is unusual, interesting and mysterious. In addition, it does not require any special conditions for maintenance at home. And even such a novice flower engine can grow from seeds like me therefore Irecommend.!!


From the moment of planting the seed passed 5 months. Ficus transplanted B. goroshchoch more. Rights rapidly:

Thank you for attention

P.S. As the ficus grows, I will definitely complement this review with new photos))

Ficus sacred: Care, illness, photo, reproduction. "\u003e

Related records:
Ficus Sacred Eden is an evergreen tree, which belongs to the Family Family. The sacred fiber looks like a plant with gray branches and beautiful heart-shaped leaves having a streak and a long edge. The birthplace of Fikus Edem is considered India and Thailand. At home, the sacred ficus can be grown in the winter garden or in the warm room. In the wild, the tree reaches up to 4 meters in height, but the content in the apartment rarely exceeds 1 m.
Ficus Sacred Eden: Care
Ficus sacred care prefers Ragulary. The most suitable temperature for this plant should be at least 18 with in the summer and not lower than 16 with the winter. Lighting Ficus Sacred Eden loves slightly scattered. To do this, put the tree needed near the Eastern or Western window. Direct sunlight Ficus does not like, so when the plant is kept on the street, it is necessary to protect against the sun.

Air humidity for ficus EDEM should be very high, as this is a thermal-loving tropical plant. In this regard, it is necessary to spray the leaves of ficus with indoor water every day. Watering takes place once a week with dilated water. It is impossible to allow the accumulation of moisture in the pallet, and it is better to nourish water a little than to overflow.

Video: Ficus Benjamin Care Watering Fikus at home

The ficus sacred landed into fertile soil consisting of sand, turf, coal and leaf humus. Drainage should consist of a layer of clay and sand layer. Fertilizer feeding in spring and autumn once every two weeks. It is desirable to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers together.
Reproduction, transplant
The ficus of the sacred edem of seeds grows, can also multiply with cuttings. In the reproduction of cuttings, 15 cm stems are used in length with several healthy leaves. Before boarding, the cut is treated in a solution of Kornin. For this, the cuttings are planted in greenhouse to the ground with peat and perlite, and from above are covered with a polyethylene film. When rooting occurs, the obtained plants are transplanted into the pots.
Modify the ficus of the sacred of seeds is needed in separate drawers with moistened soil. After germination, shoots are placed in earth containers.
Adult plant transplant is best held every two years at the beginning of spring.
Ficus the sacred does not like drafts and can be amazed with milder cherver, trips, aphid and shield. In this case, the tree is treated with solutions from pests.

Useful plant used in folk medicine and cleansing air is characterized by high decorative crown. Ficus sacred is an unpretentious indoor flower, growing rapidly and develops at home. The creation of a favorable microclimate village is required to maintain a beautiful appearance and enhance immunity.

Description and characteristics

Ficus Religiosa - evergreen, semi-estate, monocarbonate plant of a family of mulk with gray branches. Sheets with parameters 10-17 per 8-12 cm, heart-shaped, have a long point at the end and petiole, approximately equal to the size of the sheet plate. Starids are light green, pronounced.

Ficus religious in the natural medium grows up to 30 m, the diameter of the trunk is 3 m. At home, significantly less, but it grows quickly, it reaches 2 m of height for a year. The view belongs to Banyanam, forms many air roots, which, pulling out to the ground, are rooted and over time become a barrel. When growing in the room, you can get bonsai with a height of 50 cm, a stramblous tree or interior decoration, intertwining the flexible shoots of several young plants among themselves.

Blossom lasts from April to June. Green inflorescences have a mouse form, subsequently give purple or reddish berries filled with many small seeds. Restantly resemble figs, but inedible.

Due to the form of fruits, the ficus is also called the sacred flag. Wood porous, soft, on sections, adhesive milky juice is released.

How to grow a tree enlightenment at home

Edem is unpretentious to the care, but demanding to the environment. When exposed to adverse factors, discharges the foliage, becomes susceptible to infectious diseases, changes the color of the sheet plates. The rest period is not necessary, but if desired, you can transfer to a cooler room.

Care for sacred ficus at home includes:

  • watering;
  • spraying;
  • feeding;
  • transplant;
  • forming and sanitary trimming;
  • protection against drafts, diseases and pests;
  • maintain optimal microclimate.

Soil and dishes

For the sacred ficus, EDEM recommended to use a special soil, well-toe water and air, with a neutral pH reaction. It is allowed to assemble it alone from the turf, sheet and peat ground, river sand in the ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1. The substrate for growing seedlings from the seed material should consist of 70% peat, 20% of the vermiculite and perlite mixture, 10% of the coarse sand.

Capacity should be chosen based on the size of the root system. Ficus does not tolerate moisture, so it is necessary to take care of the presence of drainage holes. Clay pots without coating well remove unnecessary moisture, paste air, and high weight makes an instance with a developed above-ground part more stable.

Lighting and temperature

The ficus of the sacred requires sufficient flow of light, otherwise the tree will begin to dump the foliage. With a gradual teaching to the direct sunlight, the plant is well tolerated. It is possible to accommodate in a half, but it will affect the decorativeness of the indoor flower. In winter, it is advisable to put it next to the most illuminated window, but it is impossible to allow drafts. The culture of thermal lodge, in the spring-summer period, the temperature should be maintained in the range of + 22-30 ° C.

If there is a desire to create conditions for the state of rest, it suffices to reduce this figure to +15 ° C, but not allow +12 ° C and less - the leafy plates will cover spots, fall, the sacred ficus can die.

Air humidity and watering

In nature, a variety grows in conditions of high humidity, so at home it is necessary to install a humidifier of the air or often spray the flower with a sprinkled soft water from the spray. When placed next to heating devices in winter, the operation is also needed. The feature of the species lies in the fact that with elevated air humidity at the pointed ends of the sheet plates, water droplets are formed. The tree speaks well on the washing of the shower.

Water the sacred ficus of Eden as the needed water temperature is needed. From March to September, it is abundantly moistened after grazing the upper layer of the soil. When the autumn cooling begins, it is necessary to dramatically cut the watering. Otherwise, foliage is possible, resetting the roots. The plant makes it easier to transfers small soil overhang than overcoating.


Solutions of complex universal fertilizers and growth stimulants are used in spring and summer. With their help, the sacred ficus is growing rapidly, grows, strengthens the root system. The procedure must be combined with watering so that the funds do not burn the roots. Frequency of feeding - 1-2 times a month. Nutrient mixtures must contain a lot of nitrogen and potassium.

Trimming and transplanting

The formation of the crown will provide a decorative plant. The haircut is needed by a sacred ficus also to contain growth. In just a year, the tree is capable of growing up to 2 m, if not quenching the upper shoots. Removal of the crimson contributes to the formation of a thickest above-ground part. The operation should be made early in spring before the start of the active vegetation period. Culture is suitable for creating bonsai - young shoots bent in different directions with a wire.

It is necessary to carry out 1-2 times a year to transfer a seedling of a sacred ficus, then it is enough to 1 times in 1-1.5 years. You should focus on filling the flower pot of the root system. The diameter of the container is required to first increase by 2 cm, then - by 6 cm. The root neck is positioned at the same level. When the plant reaches large sizes, it suffices to replace the top layer of the soil on the new one.


The main methods of breeding the sacred ficus Eden - seed seeds and shilling. The seed material is small, so does not require soaking. If you wish to get a lot of high-quality instances, you can pre-mix it with large sand. Capacity to use a common one, to put drainage to the bottom, prepared soil, pour off. Seeds try to distribute evenly over the entire surface, pour 0.5 cm of sand. Cover the film or package until shoots appear.

Periodically ventilated, moisturize as the soil drying, maintain good lighting, temperature regime at + 25-30 ° C. It may be necessary to install lower heating.

When growing a ficus, EDEM from seeds should be borne in mind that they germinate unevenly, some are capable of ascending only in 2 months.

Shoot should be cut every 3-4 days, removing weak copies. It is necessary to regularly spray seedlings with antensed water from the sprayer, but not to fill. Seared by individual containers is recommended only in 2-3 months.

The reproduction of plants with stalling is spread more, as an adult copy will turn out earlier. However, it must be remembered that the observing and rooting of shoots in this case is much worse. Unlike seeds, rooting the cuttings is best in spring or summer, it is possible to use the remaining floral material. To remove excess Milky Juice, you must put a twig in warm water for several hours. After that, slightly dry the location of the cut, sprinkle with chopped activated carbon.

Planting the cutting should be in a humid nutritious substrate, after reading the lower part from the leaves. It is enough to buoy 2-3 cm. Top to put a glass jar or a transparent plastic bottle (after removing the narrowing part) to create mini-greenhouse. Rooting occurs after 2-3 weeks. All this time, the cuttings need to be kept in greenhouse, periodically moisturize the soil. Pereavating to a permanent place, it is necessary to maintain the shelter for another week, gradually escaping the seedling to the environment.

Pests and diseases

Under the observance of agrotechnical recommendations for landing and care, the sacred ficus has a good immunity, but when cultivating in an unfavorable situation, problems are possible. From pests of indoor plants, the danger represents tryps, a web tick, a shield, a torment cherry. Insects need to be riveted from the twigs, spray the plant with chemicals subject to security rules. From soil pests will help to get rid of transplanting with concomitant processing by permitted means.

Ficus may get sick due to abundant irrigation. The danger of the root rot in the fact that the symptoms are not noticeable immediately. If we start with the transfer to a new pot and the creation of an optimal microclimate, the plant will die. Best protection - prevention. When used for planting a garden land and sand, it is necessary to perform calcination, watering with hot water, a solution of manganese for disinfection.

The sacred ficus has high decorativeness, suitable for creating unusual compositions when plexing the trunks of several seedlings. From this culture, beautiful bonsai trees are obtained. Does not require complex care, but is sensitive to environmental conditions.

Ficus religious notice received such a name. Perhaps, many have heard the legend of how the Indian Gautam Prince meditated under the enlightenment tree for a long time under the enlightenment tree and one finely became a Buddha. But did you think that this amazing plant really exists? Meanwhile, it is: Ficus Eden can be raised at home. Obschery in the features of the care of this flower, and let the sacred tree decorate your home.

Ficus the sacred edem from seed will be able to grow any colorland. But first, it is necessary to clearly understand how we are dealing with what plant. The birthplace of this green copy is Nepal, India, as well as China. It has heart-shaped leaves with slightly pointed edges. Light green veins appear on the sheet plate. In the natural habitat, the plant blooms, but in the conditions of the room it rarely happens. What is interesting, homemade fisus often forms fruits, but they are inedible.

Growing from seeds

Ficus religious for the most part is grown from ordinary seeds. In the flower tank, pour a mixture of peat and sand in a 1: 1 ratio. The cooked soil substrate must be moistened to moisten. Carefully dispense the grains along the top layer of the Earth, then press them a little, and suck sand from above.

Create an optimal microclimate for glowed stems you can, cover the flower pot with a glass can or transparent film. Do not forget to regularly spray the soil composition with water from the spray, but do not pour sprouts excessively. Greens will proceed from seed about a week. Wait until at least one leaves appears on each of the processes, and then transplant them to a permanent place.

The sacred ficus plant is not particularly demanding in. However, several rules need to take into account. For example, lighting in the room where the flower pot is behind the flower pot must be bright, but it is better not to place it on the windowsill, it is better not to place: direct solar rays do not likely affect the development of the plant.

Care at home should also include a certain temperature regime (22-26 degrees in the summer and about 16-18 in winter), as well as the humidity of about 50%.

As for the irrigation, they must be regular. For substrate moisturizing, use resistant or even filtered water. Upon the condition of dry microclimate in the apartment, try to spray the flower.

Crown Pruning and Forming

Ficus called the sacred from time to time recommended. Thus, you can form a thick crown of the home tree. It is necessary to start a similar procedure in early spring, during the ficus activation of the basic processes of vital activity. Some flower products prefer to form a plant with a wire frame. The flower stems are very flexible, so it will be possible to experiment with the creation of new forms.