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Prayer from the demons of a drunk man. Orthodox prayer from demons

Unfortunately, the universe of unclean strength in people is not only in movies, but also in real life. So that you can protect yourself and your family, we have prepared for you detailed instructions, how to drive a demon from a person at home. Strictly observe all the rules of exorcism to not be the next victim yourself.

Analogs of demons are in any culture of the world, which confirms the real existence of a hostile person.

In Christianity, the demon is an angel who was expelled from heaven for his cunning and pride. The Supreme Bad was called Lucifer, he wished to find the same power and strength, as well as God. For their envy and arrogue, Lucifer with his intermediaries was tied to Earth, they became those whom we call demons, demons and devils.

The demon is weaker a daemon, but smarter and caulient. The view of it is very similar to the line, but he is the biggest. The demon can take a completely different appearance, be invisible, pass through the closed doors.

In order to show yourself in the physical world, the evil spirit is necessary a human body. An evil spirit may set into a person through:

  • Fright;
  • Weakening energy;
  • By inheritance, if the ancestors of man were with warlocks.

Symptoms of obsession

Explicit signs of demon in man:

  • Aggression for no reason;
  • Depression;
  • Insomnia;
  • Obscene brand;
  • Thrust for suicide;
  • Frequent cramps;
  • Changing voice;
  • Guilt.

Ritual exorcism

Jesus Christ was also an exorcist.

Ritual, expelled demons and everything unclean with the help of sacred prayers is called exorcism.

It appeared in about the first centuries AD, when the persecution of Christians took place. Many servants of the church were hidden in the catacombs, adherents who suffered for their faith could make miracles, cast out evil spirits.

At the beginning, only Jesus Christ could pass the evil spirits, in the future such a gift was purchased apostles. At the base of the church, this gift moved to priests

In the Middle Ages, the number of healers who could drive the demon significantly decreased. The servants of the Church repeatedly committed serious sins, and could not help obsessed, but were confident in their strength. They justified their failures, saying that additional rituals are very strong and necessary.

Through the unfortunate people were cruel rites, they were filled with disgusting smells, they did not give food and water, caught the body with a split metal. It was believed that unclean power cannot withstand such torture and will soon leave the body, but the cruel torture did not endure the patient himself. The fraudsters argued that the deceased left the demon, and his death was justified.

Requirements for exorcister

The exile of the demon is a complex and dangerous work, reading a prayer over obsessed, it is necessary to comply with certain rules, otherwise he will sick:

  • He must be older than the launched;
  • In his date of birth should not be zero;
  • Accounting must be worn cross and abide by the post;
  • He should not seem fame and take money for his help;
  • In the room where prayer will be read, remove sharp objects, and it is advisable to bind the idle to the chair; When you exit the demon, a person may not control himself.
  • In the week, when the clearing will be committed, there should be no birthdays, weddings and children of children;
  • In the house where the rite is held should not be attended by a woman with monthly;
  • When reading the prayer, you cannot make mistakes, skip words.


Clear is Orthodox exorcism. (It is worth understanding that believers of other denominations have their own similar rites) The person applied to the people in which the demon settled, this is a request for help from God with the help of prayer.

Similar rituals have people of any religion.

Prayer, expelled demons from a person:

We are interested in in a single Christ and the words of God.

I'll be slaughtered, diatling, lean from the servant of God (name).

Christ is risen his will, I expel his power, I expel

A terrible and unclean devil, the power of the Vyshny God, the Father is invisible.

Christ is buried; Christ Risen, Bezh,

Dilution, the victory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and forever and ever. Amen.

Cross on me, on God's slave (name), the cross at the slave of God (name).

Cross the devil curse and expelled.

Retreat, demon and a devil and an unclean spirit, from me, the slave of God (name).

From all over, in whom you sit, from the slave of God (name).

Aughing, get away from the other door, the angels and archangels, cherubs and seraphim sit here,

Here Archangels Mikhail and Gabriel, Most Holy Virgin Mary, Svodnev, Virgin, Queen Heavenly,

Horn creator flesh, Jesus Christ, our God, King Heaven.

By the force of Christ Dvil, be cursed and the unclean spirit of all seven cathedrals, now, is dreaming, forever.

Amen. Cross - the keeper of the All Universe, the Cross - the beauty of the church,

The cross is the kings of the Power, the cross on the injuries of the devils from the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Questions of visitors and expert answers:

Biblical parable

In the ancient holy scriptures it is said that several demons can be universe. This is mentioned in the Gospel.

One of the stories says that Jesus Christ once, healing the patient, asked the unclean strength: "What is your name?". In response, the demon said: "My name is Legion."

The Savior kicked the evil spirits and instilled them in pigs, then real animals did not stand the neighbors and rushed into the abyss.

Independent claim

If for any reason you decided to get rid of an undesirable neighbor without the help of priests, you should know how to drive a demon of yourself alone:

  • You must remain alone, the demon can quickly find a new victim;
  • Necessarily the presence of icons and a native cross;
  • You must realize that the evil spirit directs you to all obscene affairs;
  • When it is to pass, the demon will resist, you should not stop believing in God and to his help.

Prayer, expelled demons:

Lord God bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will become, the Slave of God (name), blessing, and I will go, cross, out of the leaves, from the courtyard to the gate, in a clean field outside the doors, under the morning I will and under the eastern side, to the true Lord Savaof,

Sava Jesus Christ, the son of God, the king of the Heavenly and Holy Archangels Mikhail and Gabriel, six-cycle cherubs and seraphims and other distrect celestial forces, and the Holy Honest Prophet,

The forerunner and the Baptist of the Lord John, and the Holy Four Apostles and Evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John the Theologian, the Holy Prophet Ilya Fesvitian.

Create, Lord, your God's great mercy, from the throne of the Lord, the dark, stone, fiery and flame. From the clouds the dark pulling frequent rain.

In heaven from the throne, the Lord encourages and rises by God's mercy and a formidable cloud, a strong thunder and lightning.

And the true Lord of Savaof God lowered, saved Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the king of Heavenly, his God's great mercy from the throne of the Lord, Holy Spirit, Tsar Thunder, Queen Zipper.

The king thunder ran, the queen of Lightning flames lowered, everything was consecrated around, they told, all sorts of unclean spirits were repelled.

And from the fact of God's mercy, from the Terrible Tuchi, a terrible thunder arrow crashes from a strong thunder, and it is Grozny, Yaros and Dusto Dilzole expelled and the unclean spirit of the Demon K., S., S., N., and Mammont Messenger and finding me, the slave of God (name), drives out of the courtyard, the stone and the tree splits, and as the stone can not fly into one place, the tree to grow back, and the damn dilution and the unclean spirit, demon and mammoth messenger and quenched from me, the servant of God (name), from this place away for the trident lands, for the thirteut of the cities, for the thieves, for the thirty seas and could not me, the slave of God (name), to see, and Could you hear.

And as you are a formidable, fiery, thunder boom, the devil is afraid, and the unclean spirit is afraid, the demon K., C, C, I., and Mammoth Messenger and Overlook, and also would be a slave of God (name) frightened and worried My enemies and splasites (names), and all sorts of unclean spirits, they told and ran away from me, the slave of God (name).

Water go to the water, and the forest go to the forest, under the dry creaking tree, under the dead root, under the bush, under the hill, and the courtyard mason and the damn one and the damn devil and the unclean spirit, the daemon to go on his old, former place Dark home.

And as the Lord manages, the blinders do not see, but everyone knows, so Umudri, Lord, me, the slave of God (name), on unclean demons with a prayer to go.

Voice Thunder in the chariot, lightning your zipper, the universe moves, and in the rusty to be the earth, the unclean spirits from me, the slave of God (name), and how our parents lie in the Earth, do not feel the bell tongue, nor the singing of church And so would my conspiracy would be strong, strongly, in every time and to the future century, forever.


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will become, the slave of God (name), blessing, I will go out of the west in the east. The king climbs the Terrible cloud, and the Tsar thunder with the Queen of Linteli meswords.

How the enemies-devils are running around the thunder and queen zipper zipper: forest, water, yard and any unclean creature - in their dark estates: under the stump, under the deck, in the pool and lakes, so would be fled and from those who live in these Christie, from me , Slave of God (name).

All sorts of enemies of man would be fled: Forest devils, water, yard: under the stump, under the deck, in the lake, into muddy water, in the waters, in dry bushes, under the broken uncomfortable bridges.

They would be fled to be furious and irrevocably, eyelids on the century, from now on and dr. Amen

Signs of liberation

When the evil spirit exit, a person can feel the following symptoms:

  • Cold;
  • Trembling body or shaking;
  • Physical pain;
  • Increase pressure;
  • Sowing, cough or slowing breath;
  • Abdominal pain, heartburn, urge vomiting;
  • Migraine;
  • Involuntary movements;
  • Body breaking;
  • Screech and cry;
  • Expansion of pupils;
  • Strabismus;
  • Escape;
  • Hiss;
  • Stench;
  • Scratching;
  • Aposoo.

Other rituals

In addition to Orthodox prayers there are folk rituals, helping to expel demons from the human body, which can be used at home.

Example How to drive a demon of a person:

Obsessed demon must take on the threshold anywhere, inside or outside the dwelling. At the same time, it should not be any jewelry, except the cross. Under the legs, he needs to put a snow-white towel, throw a trifle on him, not to count it, and beside the seeds, and he must begin combing her hair and click the seeds.

The dev will start asking: "What do you do?".

You need to answer freely and without fear: "hair combing, yes we click."

Angry spirit will ask: "Do people eat lice?

"Isn't the dead alive?".

After these words, the demon will leave. In order for it to be not returned, all items from the rite should be wrapped and attributed to the cemetery, put there on any grave and pronounce:

"Return, I can be living, and you lie in the ground.

The moon and the sun walk along the sky together and do not converge, so we will not meet more with you.


Crossprint three times and leave without looking around.

Cursed at home

Evil power may not only be in a human soul, but also to dwell in a residential room. The perfect house for demons is the one where murders were committed, suicide. Often, evil spirits are settled in apartments where weathered alcoholics live, drug addicts, where they often swear and scandals.

If you purchased housing with otherworldly neighbors, they need to be expelled, otherwise demons will push you into drunkenness and suicide. Do not wait for a pleasant life.

Where they go

When you exit the demon, it is necessary immediately in a new soul. If he does not find another sacrifice, he returns to that man from whom he was expelled. If a person conducts an immoral lifestyle, the deva returns with the seven evil spirits and puts it into it. Therefore, so important after the rite will come and follow the decent lifestyle. When Jesus expelled demons, he did not say where to go. Demons themselves asked him to instill them in animals.

Video "How to drive a demon of a person?"

When the husband went to work, and the children to school, I remained alone, but I did not leave the constant feeling of anxiety, as if someone else was in the house. Once I started a strong heartbeat, and at that moment strange sounds began to be distributed in the apartment.

I grabbed the prayer room and began to read prayers from unclean strength, asked to help Archangel Mikhail, St. Cyprian, Seraphim Sarovsky. Everything subsided, but the fear of staying alone in a bad apartment remained, so I continued to read protective prayers every morning and before bedtime.

After a couple of weeks, I calmed down, felt that I was completely protected that nothing bad would not happen to me. The most amazing thing that after that my fear of the dark, who pursued me from childhood. Now I know that it is always safe that the highest strength will save me from any evil, it is only worth contacting them with a request.

Prayer from unclean strength is better to have with you, in printed form. Even if you think that you can learn enough long text by heart and rely on your memory, think about the fact that in the critical moment the memory can bring.

The attack of the unclean strength often makes a person helpless, from fear, he loses intelligence. If the text is with you, it means that already half of the case is made: even during the attack of the strongest fear you can get a sheet of paper and read the text of the prayer.

Prayer read loudly, clearly, you are more often baptized. Most likely, one time will be not enough, read the text until you calm down (or until the situation changes).

If you are in an unfamiliar place (in the forest, in an unfamiliar quarter), then try, continuing to contact God (for example, reading ours "Father" - the text of this prayer is easy to remember by heart), leave a dangerous place and go into a crowded place.

If the demone attack happened, then be careful at least for a month. More often pray, order Akathist Mikhail Archangel or Saint Cyprian. Be sure to go to church, try to compete, talk to the priest and fulfill his recommendations. It is important to do so that the dangerous situation is no longer repeated.

Archangel Mikhail - Defender from demons

The strongest prayer from the demons is an appeal to Archangel Mikhail. The leader of the Heavenly Help always helps people if they are overwhelmed by the evil. Therefore, boldly contact the Great Mikhail, he will definitely give protection.

Even if in do not remember the text of the prayer, please contact your own words: "The Great Archangel of the Lord, protect me from any evil and attacks of unclean strength, let any evil disappear and I will always be protected by your great strength."

There are a lot of evidence of a variety of people who lived at a variety of times, including our contemporaries, who saved Mikhail's prayer from death.

Seraphim Sarovsky wins unclean power

Effective prayer from the unclean is an appeal to our great saint Seraphim Sarov. Reverend since childhood was interested in faith, often prayed, observed the purity of thoughts and actions. People passed to him for advice from all over Russia, and he helped everyone.

It is believed that today Seraphim Sarovsky helps those who pray to him, including the terrible attacks of unclean spirits. The power of the saint is so great that he can save you from the interference of the devil.

Help will come from St. Cyprian

When the demons attack, you can pray to Saint Cyprian - one of the saints who lived in the first centuries of our era, during the persecution of the Christian faith. Holy Cyprian has an amazing fate - he was a great magician, he knew how to subordinate unclean spirits.

He believed that everything was already known in this world. But one day he realized that there was something in the world that he was beyond. He realized all the sinfulness and danger of his classes and appealed to Christianity.

Having become a Christian, he began to regain the true faith of pagans, because he understood what danger is their soul. He did not regret himself for the sake of eternal salvation of the soul of other people, so the Romans had soon dealt with him.

Martyr Cyprian took death for faith in Christ, but even later, many centuries continue to help us in difficult situations, when unclean spirits are trying to influence our lives. Therefore, the prayer of Saint Cyprian in the event of a collision with an overworldly world is considered one of the most efficient.

Prayer from obsession

It is necessary to distinguish such things as helping themselves in a difficult situation, and the expulsion of demons from a person. If something strange is happening to you, then sincere, hot prayer will help you.

But if you decide to help a prayer to another person, remember: the expulsion of the demons is a very difficult task, it is only a man of crystal purity on the shoulder.

Not every priest will take for such a matter. If you are a worldly person, then you should not risk, your prayer may be powerless. It is better to try to invite a person who is tormented by demons, more often go to church, pray, coming. From this patient will be much more benefit.

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For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

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Prayer from the unclean strength, from demons is a very effective means that can protect the victim from any uncleanness of the other world. In the modern world, such a need may arise very often, despite the fact that many people believe that demons and unclean power is an invention of ancient legends.

It should be remembered that there are no obstacles for demons, it is impossible to restore them with the walls or reliable doors with constipation. You can drive demons from your life only with a special prayer.

The strongest prayer from the unclean power

The most strong prayer from demons and unclean strength is considered to be known to every believer of the prayer of our father. Despite its simplicity and brevity, this prayer text guarantees the strongest protection that no evil can break. But it can only get it a sincerely believer man with a pure heart and without any bad thoughts. Therefore, if you encountered something in an inexplicable in your life, then you should immediately read the prayer "Our Father". The mystery of this prayer handling lies in the fact that his text does not contain any malicious intent.

In addition, to protect against unclean strength, another strong prayer should be read daily.

It sounds like this:

"Lord of the Most High, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, fence me the slave of God (own name) with his holy angels and prayers of the All-Strest Lady of the Heavenly of our Most Holy Theotokos, the power of the honest and life-giving cross, the Holy Apostle and the Evangelist John the Bologovo, the Great Martyr Cyprian and Martyrs of Justigny, Saint Nicholas of the Wonderworker and other saints of yours and your as wellts. Hear my request for help and help me sinful and unworthy. I pray you, the Most High, to save me from the Witchcraft, to protect me from witchcraft and crap. Save me and not let them hurt me any evil. Lord is all-speed, save my soul and fill it with your divine light. Protect me and in the morning, and during the day, and the coming dream. All sorts of dishonesty gave me from me, give me strength to resist the devilish temptations. True by force, all evil in hell. Amen".

Very strong protection against demons, demons and devil is the prayer of Archangel Mikhail. Daily protective prayer for this holy helps to drive away from the life of demons, demons and devil. It allows you to protect yourself from the enemies, the evil eye and all sorts of other troubles. Archangel Mikhail is a highly revered by the Holy in the Orthodox Church. He is the main defender of the spirit and body of a believer man.

In the Orthodox faith, Archangel Mikhail is an angel leader of the War of God, so it is more commonly called archrest, under his leadership angels fought against demons. According to biblical teachings before the birth of Christianity at the destruction of Lord Arkhangel, Mikhail helped the Jewish people to resist paganism. At the moment when Moses saved the Jews, withdrawing them from Egypt, it was Mikhail who pointed them the way and accompanied them. There are many church legends about the wonders who performed Archangel Mikhail. That is why prayer for him and his icon are strong protection against any negative.

"Oh lord Almighty, God, the great, King Heaven, hear the petition of the spiritual slave of God (his own name). They took me to the aid of his warrior of the strong Archangel Mikhail, crusher demons. I will contact him with a request sincere to ban all enemies whose actions are directed against me, approach me. Chrush them, let them not stand in front of your power, just like the sheep can not resist the strong wind. Oh, the great Mikhail Arkhangel, Angel Six-colored, the first prince and the governor all the heavenly forces, Cherubimov and Serafimov! Become a real assistant to me: Support me in everything, help me to cope with the insults, sorrows and sadness. Do not leave me in the deserts, on traveling breaks, on the rivers and on the seas, become my quiet refuge! Get rid of me, St. Archangel Mikhail, from the influence of the devilish. I pray you to hear me and do not refuse me in my request. Amen".

Prayer for protection against unclean power Seraphim Sarovsky

Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky was born in the city's merchant merchant family. His homeland is Kursk. Syu years had a desire to lead a pious image and take a monk for this. The seventeen-year-old young man left the father's house and lazed in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, and a little later left for the Sarov desert in the Tambov province. Rev. Seraphim became famous for his turnout, he also had a natural gift for the healing of spiritual and bodily illnesses. It is noteworthy that not only Orthodox Christians, but also people of other religions appealed to him.

Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky was heard by the Great Comforter of the Hurrying and the Council in solving various vital problems. You can contact him and asking for protection against unclean strength.

Prayer sounds as follows:

"Oh, the Great Relief of God, Rev. Father Seraphim! Hear a molub from us, humble and weak, burdened sins about help and consolation. Association to us asking us and help us resist our righteous way and live according to the commandments of God. Give us the strength not to succumb to the demonic temptations and accept our repentance in our free and involuntary sores. I, Slave God (own name) I ask you the Rev. Seraphim to give me your intercession from the unclean strength. I do not allow her to harm me and point me the way of salvation. I hope you and I hope to get the soul saving with your help. Amen".

It is necessary to protect with prayer not only itself, but also its home. Such a need is related to the fact that the otherworldly forces can greatly harm. They can cause strong internal fears and even tremble into humans. A very strong prayer against unclean strength in the house is written by Saint Panix Afonov. A person who reads this prayer is not only becoming invulnerable, but also protects his own housing.

Prayer protects against any goat demons. It should be remembered that the house is also the creature of the other world. If it does not find a common language with him, he begins to harm and sometimes makes life unbearable.

Prayer from unclean strength in the house can help in the most difficult situations. But at the same time you need to properly prepare for it and read it correctly. It follows during the week to observe a strict post and avoid any entertainment activities. You need to read prayer for nine days twice: in the morning and evening. It is very important in a peaceful and calm state.

Listen to prayer for the protection of the house and family from evil and the unclean:

Prayer from the expulsion of demons from the person of the Sacred Cyprian

Prayer from the expulsion of demons is a strong tool that helps save the soul of a person who has become a victim of unclean strength. The strongest is the prayer of the sacred martyr Cyprian, in Russian in the abbreviated version it sounds like this:

"In the afternoon, at night or at any time of the day, I begin to read the prayer of the Sacred Martyr Cyprian. I sincerely believe that strong prayer words will drive all evil forces, and they will leave the fame of the Most High Glory. This priest says: "Lord Most Holy Holy and strong, the king of Heaven, hear a prayer facing you from the servant of God, Cyprian. I ask you, Lord is a glorious, bless my soul, the servant of God (own name, before you all the secrets of my heart are open. Lord, enlighten my sinner, showing your goodness and donate any evil and a whale, aimed at destroying me. Approve me, God is unsticted and loving me in the faith of mine, helping to resist the righteous way and not to succumb to the temptations from the evil. I'd reject me, Lord, do not leave me alone with my troubles, but support and do not let me go down in the depths of despair . Protect, Lord, from the troubles and my home, do not allow to harm the evil forces to households. Let my prayer be heard and filled with my soul to the divine light. I give me a blessing, Lord, to all my business and let all the devilish goats grow around me. Week, Lord, my enemies, remove from their hearts envy and malice, so that they could not harm me anymore. I am payable thanks to the gratitude prayer, Lord Almighty, and glorify the name Holy. Amen. "

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Martyr Trifonu
From the young age, the Lord gave him the power of the expulsion of demons and healing of various diseases.

Prayer of the Holy Martyr Trifon
About the Holy Martyr of Christ Trifon, a quick assistant and everyone who resorts and praying before Holy Distribution to you will be in peace! Hearing now and for every hour the prayer of us, unworthy of your slaves, honoring the holy memory of yours in the all-way church of this, and predominate about us before the Lord at any place. You bo, pleased Christ, in the great miracles, erecting Clerk flowing towards you with faith and sushchya in the sorrow of people standing up, he himself promised to pray for them to the Lord from the life of this to the Lord and asked this gift from him: In some kind of need, sadness and diseases of the soulful or bodies will begin the holy name yours, that yes will be delighted from all the prick zlago. And you sometimes, you sometimes darish Tsareva, in Rome Gradi from the devil to torment, healed, Esi, Sita and us from the people of our goats, they save our abdominal days, the very last day of our scene. Let us then the assistant and the raw wrench, and the kingdom of the Heavenly leader. And you are now prestigious from the saints of the saints from the throne of God, the moths of the Lord, but it will be encouraged by the partakers of the Father's visit to the merry and joy, but with you buying the father and son and the saint commander of the Spirit. Amen.

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Rev. Irinarh (in the world of Elijah) was abandoned by the world, he was touched and held in the Borisogleban monastery 38 years in the gate. This saint itself led to fight demons.

Prayer first
About the great waters, good-proof suffering, newlyphonic wonders, our Irinarshe. Russian fertilizer, Grada Rostov Praise, the abode of this jewelry and approval! Who will not be surprised by your spontaneous and long-life sufferment: Thirty-year-old in the crawling and crucible huts to himself have concluded themselves, the cavity, the Alcba and the extension of the kingdom flesh for the sake of Heaven suffered Esi, to the way and expulsion from the monastery, in vague. The Viemes, Yako in the midst of the silence from brethren, Yako, a kind of innumerable lamb, Paki in the abode returned to the ESI and in Tyujda, the hut instilled else, Yako Adamant is solid, on an invisible Besnowian hordes and visible enemies your patience for themselves. Also, the feasibility of God's Misdosa, the prevenue of God's False of Woman, was not afraid of the preventiveness of God, but a leisurely in the word, in his own Si returned. Together, God, seeing your faith and sufferer long-suffering, the gift of the dismisses and healing to you, Darova: Bestly Bo Healing, Chrome Quality, the blind eponymous episode was supplied, and a lot of things with faith for you, even let's even breathe. We are unworthy, such miracles seeing and joy performed, call you Sita: Rejoice, valious sufferers and demons to the winner, rejoice in the soon of our assistant and warm to God prayer. Hands and we are sinful, praying for you and resorting to your head: Javi is a gracious victancy about us to the Almighty and OK Overute Your Vodna Prayers All useful to save the souls and orders of ours, save the holy monastery, every hay and all and all the country of Christian all the entras of the enemy, in the sorrow and the diseases of our sickness give us a hand of help, yes by your petition and controversy, the grace of our God and the Mercy of Our God, save and we are unworthy, at the expense of the lives of this, Schioo standing, and how to prompt DCNAGO with all the saints forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer Second
About Rev. Father Irinarsh! Well we pray to be diligently: Budy We are interested in our fabulous, we succeed, the servants of God (names), from Christ the world, silence, prosperity, health and salvation, and from all enemies of visible and invisible fences, the possession of us by finding anyone The troubles and sorrow, the chance of the temptation of the enemy in the temper, yes, VSI, we glorify the all-in-friendly name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Reverend Anthony Great

On the great waters of God, Rev. Father Antony! Yako, having a keenness of Vladyce Christ and to the Mother Mother's Mother, Budy about us, unworthy (names), a warm prayer, standing up from all sorts of troubles and misfortunes, and your prayers are invalid from the enemy visible and invisible. Moths of the Mercy of God, let us save us from our limits, imagine weighing fate. Moths goodness of him, hedgehogs of the temple (home) to this need to give, the life of our dying and all the hallors of the temple of this pardonish, and our souls will save our souls, and we are tentatively Slavm, praise, sing and greatly Connected, and forever. Amen.

Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky
Rev. Seraphim himself reflected the onslaught of the devil, taking the feat of the pillar, praying on a huge stone in the forest with the Abreed Hands.

Prayer first
ABOUT STORE SERFICE, Great Sarov, the miracle, all resorting to you in a pileous assistant! During the days of Earth's lives of your nickname from you, soothe and unprofitable, but everyone in the sweetness could be the vision of your face and the fraxtful voice of your word. To the Sim, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of the weak shower of healing is abundant in you. You just know the god from earthly work to heavenly rest, your love is simple from us, and it is impossible to have the miracles of your wonders, multiplying, Jaco of Heavenly Stars: Be-Bo on the entire end of the Earth Our People's People is healing. We are dark about: about the pretijah and the meal of God, daring to him prayer, Nikolizh calling the teezavyiy, will take us a bad prayer for the Lord of the Forces, but gives us all the well-consuming in the life of this and the whole to spiritual rescue is useful We will teach us from the falls of sinful and true repentance, in the hedgehog to make outritably in the eternal heavenly kingdom, the appearance of the glory now in the nonsense of Silayashi, and Tamo to chant with all the saints of the alienitory Trinity to the Location of the Century. Amen.

Prayer Second
On the great waters of God, Reverend and the governor of our seraphim! Watch from Horland Glory on us, humble and weak, burdened with sins by many, your help and consolation of asking. Association to us by the brestling of yours and the pumps to us the commandments of the Lord immaculately preserve, the belief of Orthodox tightly contain, repentance to the Gresh of our diligence to God to bring, in the piety of Christian to be graciously advancing and deserve to know your prayer to God. She, Scholya God, hear us, praying to you with faith and love, and do not despose us, requiring your intercession: now and at the time of the death of our possession, we will stand up with your prayers from the vicious bridges of Diavolsky, but it does not have those power, but Yes, you will be able to help your inheritance Bliss of the monastery of Garay. At your hope, our hope is hindered by our hope: wisestly to salvation and bring us to the disadvantage of the Life of the Life Eternal Labor Summary with the throne of the Best Trinity, and Slavim and sing with all the saints of the Holy Father and Son and Holy Spirit. centuries. Amen.

Prayer Third
About Rev. Father Seraphim! Ascending about us, Rabe God (names), a bug in your prayer to the Lord of the Forces, but gives us all the well-consuming in the life of this and the whole to spiritual salvation is useful, and we will protect us from falling sinful and true repentance, let us teach us, in the hedgehog In the eternal celestial kingdom, the earnest of you are in the open Silayshi glory, and Tamo to chant with all the holy Trinity in the eyelids.

His Guardian Angel

Psalm David, 90
The most important in the help of Vynyago, in the blood of God is awkward, the state of the Lord: My Esi and the refuge, my God, and I hope for him. Yako, that will save you from the network of catch and from the word of rebellion: the shoulders will be squeezed by the hand, and under Kille, it is hooked: the weapon is created by the truth of him. Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in TMA transient, from shaking and demon of half a feud. The country falls from the country. Thousand, and TMA is wearest to you, it will not approaching you: Obhach is the cleaning of your watch and reward sinners of vrudeshi. Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe, Vynyago put your refuge. It will not assign evil to you, and the wound will not approach your telescope, I can also save an angel about you, keep your luck in all ways to you. In the hands of the hand, yes, yes, not when you are pushing about the stone to the leg: on aspid and Vasilisk coming, and ease of Leo and Zmia. Yako on My Upopa, and get rid of and: covered and, too, know my name. I will call to me, and I will hear it: I am in grief with him, Izmu I, and I will glorify him: I will fully fulfill him with a long time and I will tell him my salvation.

Psalm David, 67
God will resurrect, and the gazes are harmful, and yes, they fight his hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear, IKOK wax from the face
Fire, Tako, the sinners will die from the face of God, and the righteous will be divided, and they will rejoice before God, and they will rise in merry. Take God, send him the name, the Lord named to him, and Raduyuya before him. Yes, they are crumpled from his face, Father Syrah and Widoves: God is in place holy. God inspires the unanswered in the house, the hungry of the courage, the shuttless, extinguishing the living in the Goff. God, you are frauding before people who are frantic to you in the desert, the Earth shaved, because the skies of the canos of Sinaian's God, from the face of God Israeva. Rain is waveled excommunication, God, your heritage and idle. You committed an e. Your animal live on her, prepared for your goodness, god. The Lord will give the verb to the gossip of the lot. The king of the power of the beloved, the beauty of the house is divided. After drinking through the limit, Kriel Powder Poprene and intercourse of Her in the shrinking of the Zlata. The disclosure of the heavenly kings on it is born in Selmon. Mountain of God, Mount Forky, Mount The Mountain, Mount Forky. Is the Mountain of the Mountains of the Spring? Mountain, the southelessness of the god in her favor, for the Lord settled to the end. The chariot of God's TMAME topics, the thousands of gossy, the Lord in them in Sinai in Satap. Having traveled to the height, the plenty of captivity, the beneficial of the Danyan in the man, because not shining, hedgehogs. The Lord God is blessed, the Lord is blessed day day, the God of our God's salvation will hurry us, God is a savage, and the Lord, the Lord comes to the mortal. Obache God will crush the heads of his enemies, the top of the Vlas of its freight. Retch Lord from Vasan I will treat, I will treat the depths of the sea. Yako Yes, your leg is worried in the blood, the language of your dog, from the enemy from him. The blessed of the march of your king, God, the marchs of the god of my king, and in Satap, are prevgested by the prince nearby, through the virgins. In churches, bless God, gentlemen from the source of Israel. Tamo Veniamin Yuneys in horror, the prince of Judah Vladyka, Prince Zavaloni, Prince Naffalimli. Commandments, God, your strength, strengthen, God, Sie, hedgehogped me in us. From the temple of yours in Jerusalem you will be brought by the Tsanie Gifts. Forbid a beast of causta, Sonm Yunets in the Yunitsa of the Human, Yezhuke's sophisticated by Srebro, the languages \u200b\u200bof the thoughts are broken. They will bring prayer from Egypt, Efiopia finances his hand to God. Earth kingdoms, go to God, take away. The Lord, who has arisen on the sky of Heaven to the East, will give a challenge to his voice. Give the glory of the gods, to Israel a tellepota him, and his strength in the clouds. Diven God in the saints of his own, the God of Israel: that will give strength and powers to his own, God blessed.

In our ultra-modern, high-tech demons, oddly enough, are absolutely real. They can take different forms and can penetrate everywhere. There are no barriers or locked doors - they pass through the walls, they can also easily penetrate into the human body. Protection from them is only one - prayer from demons. It is not by chance that the places where there is a prayer (churches, monasteries) of demons on the Spirit are constantly sounding.

Best prayer from demons and otherworldly forces

A person who disappeared from faith, which does not pray, does not attend the church - can become easy prey for the dark forces. Those who cannot get rid of their bad habits and destructive passions are even greater danger. Pottaka with his sinful inclinations, people can be said to calculate the place in their soul for the dark forces. The devil enhances the existing sins and passion and contributes to the emergence of new ones. Calling a drinking person, the demon not only repeatedly enhances the thrust to alcohol, but also pushes to the commission of fight, violence, drunk unzoboy. The prayer from demons Moses Moirina not only expels the dark forces, but also eliminates the addicts to the drink. A prayer from demons will help to get rid of any attacks.

Orthodox prayer that eliminates demons and other evil spirits

The phrase "bad apartment" appeared not by chance. It happens that unclean power is in the house or apartment, making accommodation there is absolutely unbearable. Typically, this happens after the murder or suicide that occurred in the house. Orthodox prayer from demons purifies the room from unclean. And prayer from Beshsurance, read daily creates an irresistible barrier and protects against the repetition of the situation in the future.

The text of the Orthodox prayer from Beshsurance Seraphim Sarovsky

On the great waters of God, Reverend and the governor of our seraphim! Watch from Horland Glory on us, humble and weak, burdened with sins by many, your help and consolation of asking. Association to us by the brestling of yours and the pumps to us the commandments of the Lord immaculately preserve, the belief of Orthodox tightly contain, repentance to the Gresh of our diligence to God to bring, in the piety of Christian to be graciously advancing and deserve to know your prayer to God. She, Scholya God, hear us, praying to you with faith and love, and do not despose us, requiring your intercession: now and at the time of the death of our possession, we will stand up with your prayers from the vicious bridges of Diavolsky, but it does not have those power, but Yes, you will be able to help your inheritance Bliss of the monastery of Garay. At your hope, our hope is hindered by our hope: wisestly to salvation and bring us to the disadvantage of the Life of the Life Eternal Labor Summary with the throne of the Best Trinity, and Slavim and sing with all the saints of the Holy Father and Son and Holy Spirit. centuries. Amen.