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When the procession goes. How and for what purpose do people get into your projects? Cross moves in Russia

The congestion usually opens with damagers in the preview of the lantern with a burning candle, these as if sacred banners, under which the Church of the militant will face here on Earth; The Harughs are the Cross of the Lord, like a trophy - the victory mark and the celebration of the faith of Christ, followed in front of the holy icons, and these last before icons God's Mother And the Savior. With the participation in the cross procession of many priests, the younger priests will be published from the church, and then older in turn and pairwise; Closer to the Primer, with two hiereheans, the pressure cross and the gospel - a cross on a dish, which is covered with air, and the gospel is a cross on a dish, which is covered with air, and the gospel of the chest, without a shield. During the procession of the laity, carrying Horugwi, crosses and icons, when changing their own, should not stop all the progress or go ahead too far from the clergy, but also the priests themselves should not fall behind each other, neither to be ahead, and go so So that the cross movement line is not interrupted by unauthorized persons who entered it from the sides. The priests must submit an example of conscious and reverent participation in the procession. The clergy should be far from lagging behind the icons who are carried in front, go pairly in a row, and not as it happens; not to crumble with acquaintances, do not smile, do not talk on the road with the laity and between sobya (CC. St. Sin. 1830 Apr. 28 days), not shy away from the direct path and to be held between the crowd of laity, do not protect yourself from sun ray And the pr. umbrellas, and even more so do not protect their heads from the cold and bad weather with caps and hats (R.D.S.P. 1886, №14).

During the fall of the cross for four countries from the Primate, with the crop, follows the deacon to be chosen: "Lord will pray, Retz Si", or "Lord Pray, RSC WSI"?

In the "order of consecration of the temple, from the Criton's bishop" at the end, it is said that when the bishop "falls the cross to three times on four sides," the "Protodiankon" comes against the cross on three times and translate the verbolet: the Lord is praying, RSC WSI. " And in the "Following, how consecrated antimiss to put in the new church" about the similar action of the Presbyter, it is true: "Start the following cross and, becoming in the middle of the temple, it falls on three times to four countries: east, west, south, north. Deonon is the same as an honest cross on custom, I can go to it. " So, the actions and the introduction of the consecration of the temple at the end of the china are the same with the actions and leadership during the procession; Therefore, when the cross of the cross during the Cross Diakon, the country, having entered the country, should be brought to the country with a cross from the cross of the country to the country: the Lord will be prayed, RSC MSI "(R.D.S.P. 1899 №35) .

Can a priest entrust the psaller to one to follow the procession from his church to another?

During the procession, the prayer on the paths and intersections is going on to consecrate both people and everything that is needed for life, that is, at home, paths, water, air and the very earth, as the sinners trapped and deserved in the footsteps "( Simeon Solun., Ch. 353; new screen., P. 544-545). In view of this order, what will it be for the procession if one Psalmist will participate in it? During the commissioning of the glory moves, the special rise of religiosity is noticed, and the pastry should not impede this, reducing the advent of the congestion with his absence (C. West. 1894, No. 7).

"A brief church-governocarriage dictionary" (the essay of the prot. Alexandra Swirlin, M.: 1916) explains to us: "There is another type of lithium, known from us under the name of the gloor. In the event of any public disaster, or a common need, or in the memory of the Divine Relief from the Former Disasters, this is committed by this lithium. The temple proceeds with a choruguevia, a life-giving cross, the Gospel and St. icons and bypass the whole selection with prayer singing; either become among the village and there are prayer; Either finally go to the water and there they make water binding. "

"Lithium translated from Greek - knee-freeness, diligent, nationwide prayer. This is the name of the prayer committed in the selected temple or even completely outside the temple, so that all Orthodox - and the announced, and prohibited, and so that it was literally the moles in the nationwide - lithium. "

There were processions in the 4th century in Byzantium. St. John Zlatoust arranged against Arian night marchs along the streets of Constantinople. To do this, silver crosses were made on the trees, which were solemnly rushed around the city together with sainted icons. People walked with grilled candles. So our church goddes arose. Later in the fight against heresy, nonsense, special crosses arranged saint Cyril Alexandria, seeing emperor oscillations. Later in Konstantinople to get rid of mass diseases, a life-winning tree of the hurry of the hurry was taken out of the temples and wore the city through the streets.

Cross moveswho are not part of worship, appeared due to the desire of believers to pray not only in the temple, but also in places of phenomenon miraculous icons, prayer features of the honorable saints. In order for the march to such a place not to be a celebration of time, during the godfather, the gospel was read, it was uttered, the church chants were spoken. The participants of the cross move carry the icons, crosses, Horugwi. This made the procession more solemnly, reminding counter-depth and strength of Orthodox faith.

Sometimes the procession that lasted for several days, turned into a real pilgrimage. Participants of such a cross move, laying out everyday care, transferring the paths, make a feat of Christ for the sake. Such a procession is the symbolic carrying of his life cross, the execution of the words of the Savior: "If someone wants to go for me, reject himself, and take his cross, and follow me" (Matt. 16, 24).

What is a procession?

The procession is a crowded solemn procession from one temple in another, around the temple or to any appointed place (for example, a holy source) with a large pressed or remote cross, from which he received its name and itself procession. The participants in the procession are also carried holy Gospel, icons, Horugwi and other shrines of the temple. The priests and church believers make a march in the liturgical vestments. During the procession, the feast of the holiday, Irmodos, and sometimes a festive canon (in the Easter week). Cross moves are regular (calendar) and emergency (during epidemics, wars and other special events).


What did the goddes come from?

Just like the holy icons, the godfalls received their origin from Old Testament. The ancient righteous people often committed solemn and nationwide processions with singing, maintenance and flavor. The narratives about this are set out in the sacred books of the Old Testament: the outcome, numbers, the books of the kingdoms, the psalter and others.
The first protrases of the godded moves were: the journey of the sons of Israel from Egypt into the promised land; The procession of all Israel, after the Ark of God, from which the wonderful separation of the Jordan River was followed; Solemn seven-time entry with the ark around the walls of Jericho, in which the wonderful drop in the unappreciable walls of Jericho from the charm of the sacred pipes and the launches of the whole people; As well as solemn nationwide transfer of the Ark of the Lord Kings David and Solomon.

What extraordinary cases are the goddes?

Extraordinary cross moves are committed to the permission of the diocesan church authorities in cases especially vital for the arrival, dioceses or the entire people of the Orthodox - with the invasion of the interempines, when attacking a destructive illness, when hunger, drought or other disasters.
Did urgent prayer with a crushed heart can't replace the goddes?
True to the believer scary to stop God and choose from the law that I want, but should unquestioning to do the will of God.
Does all righteous people - Moses and David, Solomon and all Israel, did not have a crushed heart and zealous prayer?
All of this they had, but also the godfalls committed. The Jerichonian Walls of the Jeridian Walls were divided from the Cross of Jordan. Here and during the various punishments of the wrath of God for the sins of our glad, drought, Mora, a destructive disease for people and in cattle, the attacks of enemies to the Fatherland are committed by gods. Therefore, together with a general prayer, fasting and repentance, following the example of Ninevian residents, avoid the righteous punishment sent to us from God.

What is Horugwi, without which solemn processions are never committed?

The first prototype of Horugway was after a worldwide flood. God, appearing towards Noah during his sacrifice, revealed him an arc in the clouds and called her the eternal covenant between God and people (Gen. 9, 13-16). As an arc in the clouds reminds us of the Testament of God, and on the Khorugwy, the image of the Savior serves us as always with a reminder of the deliverance of us on a terrible court from the spiritual fiery focus on sinful.

The second prototype of Horugway was at the exit of Israel from Egypt during their transition through the Cherry Sea. The Lord appeared to them in a cloud pillar, and all the Military of Pharaoh covered the darkness from this cloud, and destroyed them in the sea, Israel saved. So we see the image of the Savior, as a cloud, which came to us from heaven to defeat our enemy - the spiritual hellish pharaoh - a devil with all his military. Strong in Branch, the Lord always defeats for us and drives the power of the enemy.

The third prototype of our Khorugway was the same cloud that covered the tabernacle and mounted Israel while traveling to the promised land. All Israel looked at the sacred cloud cover and spiritual eyes missed him the presence of God himself.

Another prototype of our Khorugway is a copper sour, which was erected by Moses on the command of God in the wilderness. With the views on him, the Jews received healing from God, as the copper sniped converted the criticism of Jesus Christ (John 3, 14-15).

So we, carrying during the glory moves of Khorugvi, we will build bodily eyep to the images of the Savior. Virgin and Saints; The spiritual eyes are asked for the primeguards of them, which is in heaven, and we get spiritual and bodily healing from the sinful remorse of spiritual zmies - demons, tempting us.

Why do each parish have his own Horugwi?

During the journey of the sons of Israel to the promised land, all 12 knees made their journey after his signs, or Khorugway, and any banner carried ahead of the skin, and he followed all their knees. As in Israel, Horugwi had their own, and with us with every knee church parish Located in the temple of Horugwi. Like all the knees, Israel traveled back to their Khorugway, and we have every parish during the procession you should be placed on your Khorugway.
Instead of the then maintenance, we now have church evils, which is why all the air is being consecrated around and all people, and all the power of Beshskaya is driven.
Therefore, Horugwi serve as a winner weapon on the enemy, who trembles them and drives against Christian places and housing.

The procession is not just kilometers; This is the path of the soul. Physically, it is very difficult to go. As you will present, what is the road, as you need to take a picture (that is, run there here) all participants: kids, grandmothers who alternately carry large ancient icons, good, if the rain and permeating wind will not be, - unwittingly fear, but then you can easily eat help and feel it like happiness.

Probably, to comprehend that such a procession is, it is necessary to go through - and everything will be in place.

Do you want to know more about the procession for Easter in 2019? On the eve of this holiday, which is celebrated by Orthodox believers on April 28, 2019, church services are in temples.

Especially solemn car serving on the night from Saturday to Sunday. It goes all night and is called Vigrosive.

When and how is the congestion for Easter in 2019? What time will the procession for Easter? Tell about it in more detail.

This procession got such a name because usually headed by a priest, who carries a big cross. Other clergymen carry icons and Horugwi.

On Easter ahead of the procession, the lantern is labeled, behind him the recent cross, the presidential image of the Mother of God, the gospel, the icon of the Resurrection. Completes the procession to the head of the temple with a trispecie and a cross.

In Orthodoxy there are prolonged and short cross moves. The congestion for Easter, as a rule, is short-lived.

Where and when is the congestion for Easter?

Church Service B. Good Saturday Starts in the evening, at 20.00. And the procession passes on the night from Saturday to Sunday.

What time will the procession for Easter? This action takes closer to midnight. All clergymen are becoming at the rank of the throne. Priests and praying in the temple ignite candles. The solemn ringing of the bells - Blagovest - heralds the onset of the Great Minute of the Bright Holiday - Resurrection of Christ.

The clergy and the flies three times bypass the temple, stopping every time his doors. The first two times the doors are closed, and for the third time they open. The doors symbolize the stone that closed the coffin of the Lord and on the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ was discarded.

Now you know when and how the congestion goes on Easter. After making the godfather, with the onset of Easter, the priests are changed in white festive robes and the service continues.

Begins the bright ship, during which joyful exclamations sound: "Christ is risen!" - "Verily Risen!". After the festive liturgy, at about 4 am, believers are fighting painted eggs, slices of a slicer or Easter.

If on the day before, in the days of the passionate week, the bells in the temples were silent, then on easter week Annunity is heard everywhere. At Easter, it is customary to visit friends and close, treat themselves and treat others.

In the old days they arranged these days folk Gulyanya, drove dance, swung on a swing. Widely celebrate this holiday and in our time.

Today in the Public Chamber Russian Federation Pass round table "Extension as a form of social consolidation and spiritual mobilization." About multi-day crosses, weekdays, life and wonders - conversation with Andrei Bardge, the organizer and head of the hiking moves, including one of the longest in the history of Russia, whose participants in 2015 passed 2000 km along the route Sevastopol-Kerch Smolensk.

Christianity needs to be lined up - here and now

- Andrei, tell me why people go to the procession? What kind of task are in front of me?

One of the tasks of the multi-day procession is to form a community. In the routes with a length of less than 1000 kilometers a community, as a rule, does not have time to work out. If you need to pass 1500-2000 kilometers, everything is very tired, and such projects are not always justified. This is a very important and interesting process when absolutely unfamiliar people of different ageswho came from different regions and dioceses, representing different estates and professions, begin to try to each other - and try in Christ. They learn to pray with each other, help each other, share the last, shoulder to substitute, literally "wearing each other's burden." This is what she is calling for pastoral sermons and good books. In practice, unfortunately, it is not as often found, and in the procession it happens every day every minute. And since everything is done at the limit of forces, it is immediately visible who is who really.

If a person goes with a prayer, she worries in the sweat of his face, erases his legs into the blood, gives God his strength and time, disinterestedly, voluntarily sacrificing what he has, it is comparable to the feat of the Verig, with the pillarism. As one bishop said in his preaching, for participating in such a cross procession, for the patience of voluntary suffering and sorry to the glory of God, God forgives many sins.

Of course, any participation is good, but agree, there is a difference: make a waist bow or with the eliminated tears of a hundred terrestrial. In this case, everyone participated in the most different ways - With its time, legs, prayer, money, pies, someone gave overnight with a bath ... The Lord appreciates not what is easily given to us, and our efforts. That's for them, for prayerful work in patience and humility and gives God the right to anyone to catch something from him. The more effort made, the feeling the result.

- Sometimes with goddes call comfortable bus trips and excursions ...

I think that it is not entirely correct to call such events with godders. In general, over 15 years of the existence of processions in Russia, various traditions were formed in different places, in different dioceses, not always, in my opinion, the right. It is difficult to transplant the same tradition on another soil. She does not come true. It's one thing - to go a few days, and quite another - a few weeks or months. This is the same as inviting a person who recently learned to ride a bike in the yard, participate in Rally "Paris-Dakar". There is a completely different scale, other stresses, from a person requires other efforts. There is a difference: come and live in a monastery for several hours or hard to work in it month, two, three.

But most people have families, work, and they have no time nor the strength to participate in a debt and large-scale procession.

I agree. As a rule, people at such multi-day projects really do not have time, but they can go into one-day crosses (for example, in Yekaterinburg). And other people can go to five-day, like, for example, the Great or Irinarhovsky procession. Tens of thousands of people take part in them, but there is another return.

- Do you have a lot of young people in the crosses?

As a rule, the main participants are not young people. This youth is not forces. In young and needs, there is no conscious need, there is no understanding of the purpose and meaning of the procession. For no accident, our participants are often 50, 60 and even 70 years. They saw life, know the price and matters. Some of them looked at death. But they again and again choose the procession as the most significant thing in their lives. To understand, you have to try and survive yourself - to draw. Here, unnecessary pathos and empty conversations pass quickly, a real estimate of themselves, its life, and perhaps a new, right goal. Christianity must be drawn, and not the efforts of the former generations, but here and now - to each of us. One conversations and photographs could not do.

With a prayer about the world

- Tell us how to create a route.

Any procession should have a topical topic, a logical beginning and end, fit into a reasonable time frame, to go on new settlements and, if possible, away from federal tracks. Many things have to take into account. When we are planning the route with God's assistance, we never know whether we will pass it to the end, whether all the difficulties will overcome all the difficulties that will be on the way, all adversity, bad weather. For example, in 2004, it was rained in 2004, and 2010 was, as you remember, very hot. It happens, the entire route is not immediately. So in 2015, he was not given long, "even Sevastopol and Smolensk did not appear immediately. Was the idea to go with a prayer about the world along the border with Ukraine, and when, how and where to go through - the question.

By the way, we talked with the Metropolitan Smolensk Isydore that the delegation of Smolensk Metropolis was previously in the Crimea at the feast of the post of the Mother of God, because we have an icon of cover! I think this is the fishery of God - to go around the battle places of the Great Patriotic War along the border with Ukraine from Sevastopol in Smolensk, where cathedral There is an icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria", which a lot of centuries is a guide for our Orthodox Luda.

Going to the godfather, a person changes

- In the procession of Sevastopol-Smolensk participated in experienced gests?

Most participants were newcomers from the Crimea. In my opinion, there is no such big cross moves in the Crimea. There, after all, short distances - a day, two, a week can go a procession, rarely more. During this time, a person does not have time to really get tired nor get sick or even get rid of it. We walked not three days, and more than three months. Here you need another approach, another margin of safety. We have a tough discipline, although not army.

In this procession, several military, who have their idea of \u200b\u200bdiscipline and order participated in this cross. Although these are Russian orthodox peopleFirst, it was very difficult with them. Fortunately, we broke up with friends. Here people really change in best side. This is repentance.

According to the established tradition, at the end of the godfather, I leave a notebook on the table and ask those who want to take part in next project, leave your phone and address. And almost everything wrote: and our military, and grandmothers who went with us. One of them, an old familiar, I drove twice from the godfather for disobedience. For her it was a real tragedy. But she was able to find the strength to ask for forgiveness, repent and return. And we stayed friends. I think that all these 65-70-year-old grandmothers (like, for example, Schimonakhin Seraphim) will go to the procession again.

- How and for what purpose do people get into your projects?

We are extremely naked, we come as it is, and it turns out that we don't need anything from God

Most people come through the "Sarafan Radio", although sometimes through sites, social networks, mail. They again and again come to us in search of the truth, which they often lack, - a simple truth, understandable to them. It seems to me that people love the procession for his sincerity. In modern life, there is too much pricing, lucavia, lies, betrayal, fabulous, empty conversations, benefits. And here there is no soil. Here we receive communication with like-minded people and, most importantly, dare to turn to God. We are extremely naked, we come as it is, and it turns out that we do not need anything from God, big account.

How not to be?! Read the prayers - in them we usually ask health, work, accommodation, some well-being for your grandchildren, children ...

In the glory progress it turns out that there are things to be more likely, here a person is manifested by the most unexpected way. You yourself seemed so right and good, well, just very Orthodox, rarely - in something a little bad. And suddenly, when you, concentrating in practice, in constant tension you go and pray, overcome the difficulties of continuous everyday walking movement, regardless of weather and well-being, you suddenly turn to the neighbors, friends and yourself with some kind of new, not always good faces. It is necessary to change, learn to be better - without this, do not survive here, do not get along with others, do not pass. Through repentance with God - change.

- You said that all the way from Sevastopol to Smolensk passed 20 people, and how many people went with you?

In the procession, thousands of people participated fragmentary, that is, they went with us for an hour or two or three, sometimes a day or two. There were cases when people came to the day, plunged into it, saw the beneficial effect of the godfather and returned through time again. The procession ended on the day of the celebration of the Icons of the Mother of God "Odigitria". And I came to the phone and mail a lot of congratulations from those people who somehow took part in the procession. They wrote, for example: "Thank God, you reached! We are watching the "Union" channel, read the newspapers Orthodox, are sick for you. We were sure you would come. Thank God, it happened. " Ask about what will happen next. We discussed possible options Development of events with representatives of the Smolensk Diocese. Having plunged into this project, they are unexpected for themselves, it seems to me that they see what they need themselves, it is necessary to Orthodox residents of Smolensk, Roslavl, those smaller settlements that were on our path. None of them remained indifferent. This is all touched the best way - connected to each other and with God.

- Did you remember some vivid cases?

In this cross procession there were two people, not newcomers, participants of our former projects. One in the Urals constantly lives, the second in Moscow. They came at the beginning of the week two in the Crimea, then if necessary, left home, and when they returned, both said: "We returned to another procession." The same, with the same people, but by other, changed, who have become a little better. It's very serious important moment.

Here the Lord manages, explicitly showing that he is always near

- What makes the same people take part in the goddes?

The road actually goes -

The search for God and the truth of him. The person who entered this story can already often come out of it, because there is nothing like anything else. This is already some other existence, I will venture to say - more correct. Different people, priests from Moscow, from other major cities spoke more than once and not two that they live in urban environments where noise, passion, city problems, dynamics, running, fuss. And they strive to break out to the procession at least for a day or two, a week to live, breathe other air, another spirit. Here the road actually goes - in yourself. But at the same time this movement passes Cathedral, together. It is very difficult here - to tears, to fainting, and you are amazing! - That's happy. Because - for the sake of Christ is done, in any way.

We go with Jesus Prayer, which creates miracles with people. To the one who sincerely asks God, the Lord helps. He is always there. On the church holidays Often we come in exactly that temple where there is a prune or a readable image. For example, I specifically not planning, we came to the Trinity Temple of the city of Azov. The holiday of Holy Equal-Apostles Prince Vladimir we "randomly" met in the temple dedicated to him in the village of Pluted on Bryansk region. Here the Lord manages, explicitly showing that he is always near that he is with us.

That is why the real hiking procession is a huge, colossal force, as if the Banner of Victory was carried. These are not us invented words, but a replica of the representative of the administration, a small-churred person from. It was so worked for him, he felt it so much, saw. I think he saw right.

- What happens that the sorts are falling into the despondency?

Once during another procession in one of the Ural dioceses, we were unsuccessfully placed on three nights. Despite the preliminary arrangements, it turned out that there was no place to sleep, wash, treat, feed more than a hundred people. The first thought was to go until the next settlement, where everything would be more or less good. But it could offend those few parishioners who were waiting for us here. We approached the city, stand, talk. Place nowhere. Suddenly the car stops, the man comes out and says: "I built the house, in which there is no one. I was going to move to that week. Absolutely new house with extensions, kitchen, bath. Live! " And we stopped in it for two days. It was such an unexpected holiday with a treat from welcoming owners! In the cross procession, we do not eat meat, but the kebabs and barbecue from sturgeon were glad. For the host of the house it was also a holiday, a peculiar consecration of housing is definitely. We once again felt the explicit presence of God. When some problems arise, it immediately helps.

Concern how to preach

- Sweets felt physical fatigue, having passed 2,000 kilometers?

Sure. But they then understand: this is the price of their real churching on the way to God. In the procession, everyone receives not only asking, but even more so. People come with their aspirations, problems, requests. Some of them share. But a joint prayer for God about the world, about the church is very cool brings. Prayer "Lord, Pomemui" is a prayer for Russia, and for Ukraine, and for the entire church-Christian people, and not only Christian.

In the procession of Sevastopol-Smolensk, we could not unleash the Armenian village. And in one of the previous congestion, the area of \u200b\u200bthe compact stay of the Tatars, where there is no orthodox churches. But we were able to build normal friendly relationships with the Tatar and Armenian communities. In the Armenian Church, its idea of \u200b\u200bChristianity is incorrectly in our opinion. But these were our fellow citizens, our compatriots, good, kind people, While waiting for us, prepared food, the baths were treated, brought water from wells to drink us. It was humanly sincerely and great. I hope, through this event, they will act differently to Orthodoxy.

- What kind of difficulty do you have?

Different. Everyday physical exertion, lack of familiar comfort and mutual understanding, unpredictable events (for example, bad weather). In the procession, there are pride, rather radical people. After all, there is open space for discussion, but also the hospital, correctional colony, if you want. Any orthodox man May receive a blessing and participate in the crossage progress, performing the main minimum rules: to go with Jesus prayer, not to drink, do not smoke ... On the other hand, it entails certain difficulties, because everyone has their own ideas, beliefs, addiction in trifles, their own Some rolls in the worldview. We pass 8-10 hours a day, it happens more. But for communication there are valves, evenings, there is a vacation on Saturday and Sunday. Often there are some discussions on political, economic, but above all, of course, on spiritual topics. Well, when a person does not insist on his delusions, but seeks to truth. It is very important that there are intelligent shepherds to communicate and with the participants of the cross move, and with the local population. Need good books for distribution. After all, we often overnight in schools, especially in those places where there is no church. Teachers, parents, high school students come to us with questions. If there are radical people among us, the result of these conversations is not always good. But God for some reason gives everyone the opportunity to improve, salvation? We are all exchanged experiences, some knowledge.

- Was there cases when people left the procession?

It's one thing - when you preach on the Internet, lying on the sofa, and completely different - in the procession. Here you need a special responsibility!

Yes, there were two or three cases when I had to say goodbye to those people who were distinguished by non-church glances, rudeness, inappropriate radicalism. Unfortunately, no one is insured against mistakes, misunderstanding, delusions. At home, we can afford proudly chatting on various topics on the Internet, lying on the sofa. We have a free country. But when you begin to preach from the face of the godfather, on behalf of the church, it is much more serious, and we must try to be a responsible person, because many residents perceive information from the gathering people as truth. And although the procession contributes to the eradication of nonsense, it is necessary to try it yourself. Here you need a real sermon, and not self-catering, audacity and stubbornness.

Check for patience

- With what feelings did people leave the procession, if they were expelled?

It is necessary not only to make a universal step for everyone, but in general our all our life is subordinate to the neighbor

In any case, this is disturbing. The man walked with some hope, with some question to God. This is because one of the chances that a person is given to be tested and participated in church. And the man could not, broke on nonsense. There are of different levels Problems, different margin of durability in humans and different forces. We are not always able to endure the features and wonderful quirks, the stubborn habits of each other. Coming to the temple on the liturgy, you do not allow yourself to make noise, chat, gnawing seeds, drink alcohol, brying with weapons? Refer to the cross movement needed to be for worship. This is not a rally, not a concert, not a sports or a journey, but a church service. Of course, you can always briefly suffer a non-church man in the hope of correcting it, but it is difficult to endure for a long time. Simple household example: someone can sleep for 6 hours a day, and a few and 8 hours. The first one gets up early, noise, wakes up the rest and stubbornly does not want to understand his petty permit. It seems to be a trifle, but there is such a problem. We need not only a universal step to do for everyone, not only the pace and rhythm of movement, but in general the whole of our life is to subordinate to the neighbor, create a convenient mode for all. It's complicated.

In addition, we pass different territories, detention. Some close to Metropolines, dioceses, where a more or less prosperous situation with temples, there are good priests, missionaries, confessors. And there are other places where there are no churches, books where we have to even baptize people.

Let's say, going through Udmurtia and the Urals, on average we passed 30-40 kilometers a day. In the procession of 2015, Sevastopol-Smolensk, the distance between the settlements was less and the average transition was 20-30 kilometers. Therefore, life was a little easier. But there were other problems. We left the Crimea in the spring, the summer came to my heels, and the heat breathed in the back of the head. Only came out of the Krasnodar Territory, from the Rostov region, and there immediately heat for 40 degrees. Thank God, we left the heat in time, because to move in such temperature mode You can only at night. And to move at night in the dark it is difficult: it is anxiety for traffic cops, for the participants of the movement, etc.

On one ship called "Church"

- Are all the dioceses turned out to be at the height?

I sincerely thank the Smolensk diocese, where the surprise of Tolkovo everything was organized, although there was no experience in conducting processions. From the very beginning, the faithful tone was asked the active participation of many priests of Roslavlovsky degree led by the adolescent - father Mikhail. Several times came to us and the father of Jacob. His friends, relatives, children took part either in the congestion itself, or in our placement, in the organization of life. This is a very important moment of the godfather, christian life As it is: with real hospitality, stirring, welcome. The fact that we are, unfortunately, we lose in everyday life, it is miraculously reanimated and lives.

The fact that the Smolensk diocese was at the height, great merit belongs to the secretary of the diocese Father Paul and above all the Metropolitan Smolensky and Roslavl Isidor. In his preaching, he said that the procession unites our people at all levels, including even household. If earlier you, for example, did not greet a neighbor on the street, did not notice it, then, in the same procession, they realized that you were like-minded people, the co-workers. You lived all my life in one settlementBut only now they were on the same ship, which is called "Church".

- And the secular authorities helped?

Sure. In all the dioceses, where we walked, a lot of secular authorities were done. They provided support for roads, accommodation, food, solution household problems, because people need to wash every day, treat, they need to be washed. A pleasant surprise was the fact that many representatives of the authorities personally participated in the procession, went next to us with a prayer. Nobody forced them. So they saw something present here. The assignment of the governor or the boss can be performed differently. You can attach a soul or not to invest. It seems to me that people invested their soul into this case. As a result, one of the main tasks of the cross move was solved - the association of the whole society. Our congestion Sevastopol-Smolensk has achieved all possible purposes, overcoming all obstacles, troubles and difficulties. And God forbid to God's blessing with the support of spiritual and secular authorities Our business has been further continued.

"Consider homemade pets with easter table. do not do it"

On Sunday, April 8, Orthodox celebrates the holiday of Sunday's Light Christ. Easter on the night from Saturday to Sunday meet in different ways: someone goes to church, and someone just covers festive table at home. Even children know that this day should be congratulated by the words "Christ Risen!" However, for external attributes, many forget the true meaning of the holiday. Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin told how to meet Easter correctly.

- After graduating from the Soviet era of Easter, many perceived as a secular holiday: painted eggs are considered the same symbols as tangerines on New Year. But if a person did not observe Great postwhether he can mark him at all Christ Sunday?

He needs to try to understand the meaning of the holiday. Even if someone has not fastened, he can triumph at Easter, but the main thing in the celebration is to participate in worship, meeting with Christ. This holiday reminds: to enter the kingdom of God can only if you believe in Christ. The remaining paths from hell are not removed; man in eternity is doomed, if not a Christian - as if a good man He was.

In this, the essence: Easter is absolutely not tolerant, not politched and not inclusive - after all, Christ was resurrected to give people the only way to eternal life. This is the main thing, and not tables and not hiking, so no longer drunkenness and not entertainment. If there is no strength to come at night, you can come in the morning, but without worship the holiday loses its meaning.

For most people, Easter ends with dinner on the night from Saturday to Sunday or with Sunday breakfast - Eat Culich, eggs broke, can be returned to ordinary life. How to spend Easter day recommends church?

On this day, people either rest or go to visit. Many come to the temple and the evening of the first Easter day when a solemn evening is performed. This day is well suited to ask for forgiveness from those offended, or those who offended you. It would be nice to resume relations with the people with whom they were meaninglessly lost. You can visit patients, lonely people, for example, in the nursing home or orphans. For good deeds, all 40 days are well suited during which Easter is celebrated.

It is necessary to find agreement around Christ - the husband is unbelieving must be consecrated by the wife of a believer, she leads him behind him and seeks to bring all his family to Christ.

- After Easter liturgia, all the limitations of the Great Post are removed? Intimate relationships between spouses are resolved again?

Yes, after returning from the temple, you can eat meat, dairy. This applies to all norms - the post is completed, it means that you can return to the marital relationship.

- The question of wine is currently relevant for the Russian person: we know that the koror should be on Easter meal. Do I need to sanctify it?

Often people sanctify wine, it is allowed, but not necessarily. It can be used - in the glory of God. But it is important not to overdo it, noting the end of the Great Post: the extreme degree of intoxication is never, including for Easter, does not paint a person.

- Sometimes pet owners ask: can the cat be treated with an Easter egg, and a dog is a piece of ham? In this will not be Kramol?

Do not do this. Consecrated easter eggs - this is a shrine; Even the shell from them the pious people are not thrown into the garbage, but save to burn, and the ashes are referred to, for example, under the tree. Therefore, animals should not give Easter food.

How are church services for Easter

In the morning in Great SaturdayThis year falls on April 7, a worship service begins in the temples. After her, from noon - one afternoon and up to six-eight o'clock in the evening (the rupin can be clarified in a particular temple) believers bring to sanctifying cakes, Easter, painted eggs and other food for the Easter table.

At the age of half the twelfth evening, the Easter midnight begins - the priests belong to the refside (the canvas, which shows the position in the coffin of the body of Christ) in the altar, put on the throne. There she will stay 40 days - until the Ascension of the Lord.

Before midnight, the bells are solemnly ring, and the royal gates open at midnight and the procession begins. At its end, the priests sing the tropar: "Christ is risen from the dead!"

This follows the Easter Morning, after which everyone is Christ - kissing three times, give each other painted eggs and say: "Christ is Risen!" - "Truly Risen!" Starting from three nights of Sunday, you can also sanctify the Easter food, the sanctification will continue in the afternoon - from 11-12 to five to six o'clock in the evening, as well as on Monday and Tuesday.

When can I start talking? After the end of the Divine Liturgy, which ends at about three nights - four o'clock in the morning.

Folk customs

Despite the fact that Easter is a religious holiday, and the church does not approve of superstition, many Orthodox continue to believe in the secrets of the ancestors. For example:

If the girl wants to get married this year, during the service in the church she should speak about himself "Resurrection of Christ! I went to me the fiance of idle! ".

Born in Easter Baby, fame and a great future.

A man who died in Easter is considered to be marked by God - he immediately falls into paradise. Burn it with a red painted in his right hand.

A piece of slices can be choke by birds - they will bring good luck and wealth to the house.

Many stars in the sky in the Easter night - to frost.

The shell from painted eggs can be folded into the property and wear together with the cross - as a charm.