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What can and what can not be done in the great post. What can and can not be in the post

Each post is a special time when you should not compromise with your weaknesses and vices. Each person has secret sinful desires, but the one who is deprived of this is righteous, but the one who knows how to live with it.

Great post - It's not just 40 days without meat and milk. This is a real gift from the Lord God, because these days we get closer to Christ and understanding that he had to go through the sake of cleansing our souls. This is not just 40 days of abstinence - this is the time needed to become better.

The meaning of the Great Post

As already mentioned above, you should not perceive the post as something material. Abstinence from food is only a tradition. Yes, it is important, but is not determining. Many people are limited to abstinence in food, without understanding the secret meaning of the post. His essence is purely spiritual. We do not eat meat only because Jesus also did not do this within 40 days in the desert. It is much more important to abandon something else. For example, from what makes you worse. This is the time to forgive themselves and for independent correction of their problems of spiritual. For example, someone wants to quit smoking or drink alcohol. The great post in this case will be very useful. The most common mistake is the resumption of bad habits after Easter. It does not make you stronger. In the example, the monks can be given, which refuse everything in the world, and then returned to a worldly life. As church believers say, this is the worst, which may be for the spiritual development of a person, for the devil tempts such people is doubly stronger.

Discard something that brings you a negative. Perhaps this is a communication with some person. For someone, this is a bad habit, for someone - work or unsuccessful friendship. You may have to do something good to silent your guilt for old mistakes. Development options are incredibly much - you only need to listen to your heart.

The meaning of the post is in the formation of a person as a person's personality. This is not a bad time, because Jesus Christ has already survived all this. This is time for learning, to test yourself for strength.

What can and what can not be done

Of course, there are bans for the time of fasting, from which they do not leave that do not choose. During the abstinence it is impossible:

  • watch prosail of television, funny films;
  • there is an animal food;
  • make bad actions, sin. Of course, the sin will not go anywhere, but it is impossible to do what you can foresee and control in yourself;
  • to be married. Wedding prohibited by the post according to the rules of the Church;
  • be angry. Negative emotions are better transformed into something else: sport, work;
  • indulgel. This is a terrible sin, one of the mortal sins that many people do not attach values.

What can and need to be done in the post:

  • visit the temple;
  • pray;
  • at least once adopt the sacrament of communion;
  • help close in everything.

This is the time of family union. At such periods easier to unite efforts to become stronger together. Help each other to solve emotional and spiritual problems to become stronger as a family. If you have assistance to other people, then they should not refuse if there is time to help.

Go to the temple, read prayers at home. If you are sick or you are contraindicated abstaining from animal food, then do everything to feel good. For this, no one should reproach anyone. This is only your choice - to follow the rules or violate them. The Great Post, like any other, is just a reason to become better, but you can do it all and at any other time.

Despite the fact that the restrictions in food are an important component of the Great Post, its true meaning is not at all fasting. To observe strict and long post before Easter correctly, it is necessary not only to limit yourself in nutrition, but also to engage in your spiritual life. Otherwise, it will not be post, but a simple diet.

To the fact that it is impossible to do the great post 2019, not only the ban on the use of animal products. In the period of the Great Post, each believer should limit his pleasures and behave humbly to strengthen faith.

The purpose of the Great Post is not just getting rid of extra kilograms, and distraction from extraneous thoughts about your own pleasure, including thoughts about food, in favor of thoughts about God. The man, according to church teachings, consists of body and soul. The priests say that when one (in the period of the post, it is, of course, the body) is strengthened by another.

It is interesting!Many people who hold the post, emphasize that this period really acts on the body is beneficial. The mind enlightens, ease of body appears.

Newbies to withstand lean time will be difficult, especially when they find out what you can not do during the post. But this is possible, withstanding the post, step by step, the believer will move towards good. It is also necessary to remember that the post is not necessarily pregnant and nursing, old people and sick people, as well as children who have not yet reached the fourteen-year-old age.

What can not be done during the Great Post

* Smoking and drink alcoholic beverages (only a glass of red grape wines is allowed on Saturday and Sunday);

* Squander, gossip, pronounce indecent words;

* Limit pleasure. Less watching TV, refuse hiking in movies and cafes;

* Observe married abstinence. Spouses can only kiss each other in the evening day;

* Refuse eating foods of animal origin. It is meat and fish, all dairy products, eggs, sweets, baking and bread. Fish can only eat in great church holidays, falling down asleep: Annunciation and Palm Sunday (July 7 and 21, respectively). It is allowed to eat fish caviar;

* Breasting before others. Especially boasting that a person keeps the post. This is an internal solution of each believer and should not put it at the bottom, manifesting his pride;

It is necessary to understand that a list of what cannot be done in the great post is fully applied to the priests. For the laity, some crossings are allowed in compliance with the Great Post, especially with regard to nutrition. But any cross-parting needs to be discussed with the priest in the church and get his blessings on them.

It is clear that during the Great Post, which in 2019 must be followed from March 11 to April 27, there are not only prohibitions. There are also rules that during this period must be done.

What you need to do during the Great Post

* Together, watching TV in the evening you can read the religious literature: the gospel, the psalter or the life of the saints. So it will be possible to expand its concepts about the faith and the meaning of life. Find concrete wise recommendations for improving your spiritual and family life. Most religious books are adapted to modernity, they are considered easy and interesting in content.

* Go to church. During the period of the Great Post, it is necessary to do this. At least once this period must be confessed and coming. If the rejection of food cleans the body, these religious rituals contribute to the cleansing of the soul. In the parent Saturdays, which fall out this year by 11.18 and March 25, must go to the temple and put candles for the dead.

* Give alms. It is said that allegations in this world are poor and those who need to help our deceased relatives in the sky. When a believer gives alms, he may ask for the suffering to pray for the health of the deceased relative.

* Do good deeds. You can feed animals and birds, give old things in orphanages, make donations.

A list of what is impossible to do the great post 2019 impressive. But this period does not have to miss this period, because the list of cases that should be done is also great. The period of the post is the time of cleansing the body and soul, a person should strive to improve and try to develop spiritually, strengthen his faith. This is the true meaning of the post, which should never be forgotten. Just the rejection of certain food without work on the spiritual side of life is called a simple diet.

Each post is a special time when you should not compromise with your weaknesses and vices. Each person has secret sinful desires, but the one who is deprived of this is righteous, but the one who knows how to live with it.

The great post is not just 40 days without meat and milk. This is a real gift from the Lord God, because these days we get closer to Christ and understanding that he had to go through the sake of cleansing our souls. This is not just 40 days of abstinence - this is the time needed to become better.

The meaning of the Great Post

As already mentioned above, you should not perceive the post as something material. Abstinence from food is only a tradition. Yes, it is important, but is not determining. Many people are limited to abstinence in food, without understanding the secret meaning of the post. His essence is purely spiritual. We do not eat meat only because Jesus also did not do this within 40 days in the desert. It is much more important to abandon something else. For example, from what makes you worse. This is the time to forgive themselves and for independent correction of their problems of spiritual. For example, someone wants to quit smoking or drink alcohol. The great post in this case will be very useful. The most common mistake is the resumption of bad habits after Easter. It does not make you stronger. In the example, the monks can be given, which refuse everything in the world, and then returned to a worldly life. As church believers say, this is the worst, which may be for the spiritual development of a person, for the devil tempts such people is doubly stronger.

Discard something that brings you a negative. Perhaps this is a communication with some person. For someone, this is a bad habit, for someone - work or unsuccessful friendship. You may have to do something good to silent your guilt for old mistakes. Development options are incredibly much - you only need to listen to your heart.

The meaning of the post is in the formation of a person as a person's personality. This is not a bad time, because Jesus Christ has already survived all this. This is time for learning, to test yourself for strength.

What can and what can not be done

Of course, there are bans for the time of fasting, from which they do not leave that do not choose. During the abstinence it is impossible:

  • watch prosail of television, funny films;
  • there is an animal food;
  • make bad actions, sin. Of course, the sin will not go anywhere, but it is impossible to do what you can foresee and control in yourself;
  • to be married. Wedding is prohibited by the post according to the rules of the Church;
  • be angry. Negative emotions are better transformed into something else: sport, work;
  • indulgel. This is a terrible sin, one of the mortal sins that many people do not attach values.

What can and need to be done in the post:

  • visit the temple;
  • pray;
  • at least once adopt the sacrament of communion;
  • help close in everything.

This is the time of family union. At such periods easier to unite efforts to become stronger together. Help each other to solve emotional and spiritual problems to become stronger as a family. If you have assistance to other people, then they should not refuse if there is time to help.

Go to the temple, read prayers at home. If you are sick or you are contraindicated abstaining from animal food, then do everything to feel good. For this, no one should reproach anyone. This is only your choice - to follow the rules or violate them. The Great Post, like any other, is just a reason to become better, but you can do it all and at any other time.

Be yourself and strive for knowledge of the Word of God. , give good and do not judge strictly those who will not do this. Focus all your attention on your flaws. You will succeed - only a little faith and the power of will need. Good luck to you and do not forget to press buttons and

12.02.2018 03:49

Any church date has its own characteristics to know each believer. On the day of remembering the departed ...

The great post is the perfect time to reach ascetic, refuse fun and idleness, and dedicate your time with simple work for the body and soul. Now many do not comply with the post at all, and some do it only formally - for example, refusing meat dishes. It is important to understand that it is forbidden during the post not only in terms of food, but also in terms of actions.

What can not be done in the great post?

The basis of the post is not the restriction in nutrition, but the restrictions of spiritual. It is during the post's period that the most favorable ascetic lifestyle, repentance, compliance with the commandments is considered. Consider banning in the post in more detail:

  • it is forbidden to conduct active secular life, having fun, indulge in idleness and laziness;
  • do not attend any entertainment activities, be it movie, theater or club in interest;
  • it is important to carefully comply with all the commandments and repentance in case you have slipped such emotions as anger, envy, aggression, greed and other;
  • it is strongly recommended to a marital abstinence, and even more so - the abstinence of couples that are not married;
  • it is forbidden to drink alcohol, narcotic substances, smoking;
  • it is important to monitor and allow only the brightest of them - otherwise, if you are subject to passions, all your efforts will be in vain;
  • it is strictly forbidden to indulge in a gluttony, overeat.

The true Orthodox post limits the body so that a person could better reveal and experience his divine essence. That is why this period is not recommended to plan a trip, vacation, celebration of various events. The more sensible, calmer, spiritual and morally you will spend this time, the more you will help your soul.

What can not be a great post?

If we say specifically that it is prohibited from the food, it is primarily the products of animal origin, sweets and delicacies:

  • any kind of meat and poultry (fish is allowed for certain days);
  • milk and all types of fermented products;
  • any eggs and products containing them (for example, mayonnaise);
  • chocolate, candy, marmalade and other sweets;
  • baking all kinds.

Thus, they are excluded from the diet of sweets (except fruits) and all sources of protein of animal origin. In order for such a mode, there are problems with the body, it is important to include in the diet the maximum number of protein food of plant origin: peas, lentils, beans,.

Recommendations for compliance with the Great Post

Lifestyle for the post's period should be the most simple as possible - do not use accessories, do not buy and do not affect road clothes, do not have fun and do not attend public events. Approximately the same smooth, calm condition is important to support and in your soul - do not give in to the provocations of the surrounding world: Do not worry, do not be offended, do not be angry. Take everything as given to you over the test, having passed that, you clean the soul. It is your even internal state that is the indicator that you successfully cope with the post.

Do not try too diversify meals - the table should be simple and even sozden, without choosing dishes, without frills. Of course, sick, old people and pregnant women are not in the rigor to observe all the rules - however, to compensate for it, they should pay prayer more time, repentance.

Prayer reading is considered a mandatory component of compliance. As a rule, it is done twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. In addition, this is recommended to visit the Saturday and Sunday services in the church, which also help deeper to feel the very essence of the Great Post.

From Monday, June 4, 2018, one of the longest posts of the year began - Petrov post. He's long, because the multi-day, lasts this post until the day of Peter and Paul, which falls on July 12.

The main task of the post is to prepare a Christian Moral and physically to the holiday dedicated to the actual founders of the Christian Church. Therefore, its value is only a bit less than the great post.

Petrov Post, who is also called apostolic, has its own characteristics, its traditions, and taking into account the beginning of the summer - and their dishes.

Petrov's post is considered first summer post.. He prepares all Orthodox to an important holiday. The post was established in honor of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul and was named PetropavlovskyBut because of an uncomfortable pronunciation, it was simplified to Petrov post, since the name of Peter appears in the title of the holiday first.

Petrov The post is considered to be incredible. Believers in this period refuse to receive dairy and meat food, however, unlike the Great Post, you can eat fish.

In addition, many see some symbolism in this, because the apostles themselves are associated with the establishment of posts, were fishermen, and Peter is also their patron.

During the post you can and even need to pray much. The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul were diligently prayed every day, and in order to become like them, honoring their memory, the church encourages believers also to read prayers hard. Holy Scripture should also be read, which helps strengthen faith and find answers to important issues in life.

Not important importance is helpful. Of course, this is not necessary to do this, but to protect yourself and your soul from torment, it is better to be kinder to people. In the period of Petrov post It is important to keep your soul in the state of meekness and humility.

However, it is very important to know not only that you can and need to do in Petrov, but also to understand what to do is not categorically.

Editorial "So simple!" invites you to know what is strictly forbidden to do During this summer post.

What you can not do during the post

It is worth mentioning about note and folk beliefs. One of the most common admission associated with Petrov's post says that marriages concluded at this time are fragile. This is, of course, complete nonsense!

Another thing is that if you are a believer, you simply won't celebrate such an event at this time. After all, Petrov The post implies restrictions and in the sense of fun, and in the sense of the table. So much easier to move the joyful event to some time after the post.

In addition, according to the folk custom, it is undesirable: to do the needlework, to give money in debt, cutting (hair will be rare), as well as hold rites, read conspiracies, burn and guess (although the last and so is forbidden to do the believing Orthodox person).

Not only deeply believers, but also worldly people are often asked: is it possible to clean on Sunday? After all, often during the week, many hostesses are not able to maintain perfect purity, so part of the hassle is washing, cleaning and ironing - postponed on the weekend.