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When is the best time to go to Berlin. Shopping before Christmas or a trip to Berlin in winter. Berlin Cathedral

Rest in Pattaya is good at any time of the year. Nevertheless, in the high season, some sophisticated tourists try not to come here. Lots of tourists, crowded beaches and high prices are not to everyone's liking. There are many reasons to go on a tour to Pattaya in the off-season.

First, of course, low prices... After the peak season, some hotels temporarily stop working, while others significantly reduce the cost of their services so as not to operate at a loss. Tours in September to Pattaya are an excellent choice for those who like to save money.

Hotels in Pattaya - High Quality, there are representatives of well-known lines. The hotels sometimes have animators with a program for kids and those who are older.

Secondly, peace and quiet. There are no restless groups of tourists, no queues for attractions, the streets are almost empty - you can relax and spend your vacation in almost complete seclusion.

Thirdly, the variety of activities. Rare cities in the off-season completely "die out", they become centers of cultural life. Pattaya in September is no exception. At this time, various festivals, concerts, exhibitions are held here. Museums and attractions also do not change their opening hours. The tour to Pattaya in September will especially appeal to young people.

Autumn is the rainiest time of the year. east coast Thailand. And the weather in Pattaya in September is appropriate: it rains much more often than usual, the humidity is high, there are many cloudy days ... But is it worth it to be afraid to go to the resort at this time?

What is the weather in Pattaya in September: temperature, precipitation, humidity

In September, the weather in Pattaya is quite comfortable. For many, this will sound paradoxical: how is it, after all, the rainy season is in the yard! But not as scary as he is painted. And the stories that at this time it is pouring so that it is impossible to leave the hotel - these are fairy tales. In September, it does not rain every day in Pattaya, and mostly after dark. Therefore, remember: so that bad weather in Pattaya does not catch you by surprise, do not forget to take an umbrella with you, especially after sunset. And evenings are better spent not on outdoors, but somewhere indoors - say, in a hotel. After all, showers in Pattaya are usually quite strong. Thunder, lightning, roar for the whole district - romance, and nothing more!))) At the same time, the rains in Pattaya in September rarely last longer than one or two hours. So if a heavy rain caught you away from your hotel, don't be discouraged! At least the first 90 minutes)))

  • Monthly precipitation in September is 200-220 mm. This is twice as much as in August, but less than in October.
  • Due to the rains, the humidity averages 81% this month. Above, again, only in October.
  • The number of sunny days in September in Pattaya is only 6-8 per month. But for many it is rather a blessing: you can get a tan in Thailand “through the clouds”, but in cloudy weather you risk getting sunburn will be much less.

Weather in Pattaya in September: this month it rains even on Koh Lan, which is very rare.

Average air temperature in Pattaya in September- 31 degrees during the day and 27 degrees at night. So, although the temperature gradually drops by the end of the month, sleeping without an air conditioner will still not be very comfortable.

Water temperature in Pattaya in September quite high - about 29 degrees. The low tide, which interferes with normal swimming in the sea, is already much less in September than in the summer months. At the same time, the length of daylight hours is quite summer. Daylight hours in September in Pattaya lasts a little more than 12 hours, gradually decreasing from the beginning of the month to the end. Sunrise time is from 6:00 am to 6:10 am, sunset time is from 6:10 pm to 6:30 pm. True, at this time it is unlikely to work out - again, due to constant cloud cover. Weather in Pattaya in September dictates its own rules to photographers)))

By the way, September in Pattaya is one of the most windless months... The wind speed is only 3.7 meters per second.

In general, the weather in Pattaya in September is quite comfortable. And to go there on vacation in the first month of autumn is also worth it because many tourists, after reading reviews and forecasts about the "terrible rainy season", are simply afraid to choose this month for vacation and prefer to relax on the beaches of Turkey or Spain. Therefore, there are no usual tourist crowds on the streets, hotels are half empty, and prices for food and souvenirs are still at the low season level.

  • Average daytime air temperature: 31 degrees
  • Average air temperature at night: 27 degrees
  • Average water temperature: 29 degrees
  • Precipitation rate: 216 mm

Friends, have you ever vacationed in Thailand in the first month of autumn? And how do you like the weather in Pattaya in September? Your feedback is very important!