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English province. Eastern Sussex (Sussex). The coast and gardens. County Western Sussex England Sussex

Sussex is a historic county in the South-East England region, its borders approximately correspond to the ancient Kingdom of Sussex. From the North, the county borders with Surrey, from the East - with Kent, from the West - with Hampshire, and from the south it is washed by La Mans, it is divided into two ceremonial non-metallic counties - West and East Sussexes, also highlight the city of Brighton and Hovex, Entering unitary status

Here in Sussex, there are white cliffs of the Dubrovsky coast of Southeast England.

By the end of the Roman occupation of Britain, Sakes raids were frequent, therefore a lot of forts were built in the south-eastern shore, such as Sussek and Anderitum (Singers-Castle)

In counties there are many historical monuments, including Norman castles, Celtic settlements and the cathedrals of Arundela. But the most famous landmark of Sussex is near the village of Wilmington: this is a 70-meter figure of a person, made on the slope of the chalk hill, presumably in the XVII or XVI century. It attracts many tourists and neo-language. Also East Sussex is known to the world with their stunning gardens and parks.

According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, in 477, Saksa under the command of King Ellie and his three sons landed in the West of this county and founded the Kingdom of Sussex. In 491, they took the castle of Singers and began to close the British to the West. The king of Ellie was the most influential from the modern Saxon rulers - Bretvalda, the main king. However, after him, the Kingdom of Sussex gradually declined, until 823 fell under the power of Wessex.

From 895 and before the conquest of England, Knude Great Sussex suffered from constant raids of the Danes. By this time also refers to the appearance in the region of two influential forces - Normans and the house of Godvin, probably
Local native. By the end of the reign of Edward confessor, the third part of the county lands was in the hands of this aristocratic family.

Sussex played a very important role during the Norman conquest of England, since it was through Hastings and Pevenssi direct journey to Normani. In 1066, Wilhelm has landed the conqueror with His Army near Hastings and smashed Harold II troops who died in this battle. Wilhelm made sure that the enemy would not interrupt his lines of communication, leaving his trusted people in Sussex (brother and son-in-law), and moved to London, and the remaining command of Normans divided the county into five "ramps" - districts. Each "Raip" stretched from the north to south - from the border with Surrey to La Mansha - and had a castle. Such a structure was chosen, presumably to successfully protect the paths to Normandy


In 1155, the royal charter was released on the formation of "five ports" ("Cinque Ports"), which gave five cities on the coast of Kent and Sussex, special privileges for maintaining royal courts. Gastings belongs to the number of these cities.

Because of his geographical position, Sussex was the place of preparation of invasions and often participated in the rebellion. In difficult times of the first Norman kings, the castles of Pevensi and Arundel played an important role in the uprisings. During the Baron wars, Sussex was in the hands of the royalists and was the center of the royal strength. In May 1264, the Lewis settlement passed the battle between the forces of the King Heinrich III and Count Simon de Monfora, the head of the baron opposition. During the battle of the power of the rebel captured the king and his son, the future of the English ruler Edward I.

Hastings - the most beautiful sea resort on the southeastern coast, known for the battle of the same name - near Gastns, with the Saintlya River, there was a battle between the English King Harold and the Norman Duke Wilhelm, October 14, 1066

Great Dixter (Great Dickster estate) is also located in East Sussex

Great Dickster is a typical English estate with a rich history and no less bright day. The spirit of this garden is in love for its historical roots, in the preservation of everything that is so expensive Christophone Lloyd. He can be envied in how he talentedly retained, developed and enriched his history, his family.

Rey, East Sussex. (England, Northiam, East Sussex) estate of the XVIII century. Most of the garden was created on the project of Edwin Luteens in the XX century in the style of "Cottage Garden" (regular style of the English rural house). E.Lootiens style is to build landscape paintings of full air and ease of perception (regardless of the complexity of their construction) and a smooth transition from one composition to another (consistent alternation of landscapes, despite their regularity). The keeper, the owner, the landscape designer and the architect of today's garden - Christopher Lloyd, who saved the glory of the avant-gardeist, breaking all the morals and the principles of the traditional construction of English gardens. Mixing styles in the garden unexpectedly only at first glance. With a more detailed and in-depth study of the history of the garden, the principles of the work of K. Llyud, everything falls into place. Old fruit trees, not a cut meadow lawn, "Business card" Garden - Stripped figures from Tisa - Tribute to the enthusiasm and taste of parents (Mother K. Lyuda loved meadow herbs and fruit trees, Father was fond of topics).

Mixborists are an integral part of the art of England, for the use of a variety of plants (including extends and breeding self-saming), most of the gardeners of the old world. However, Great Dixker could appear only in the presence of a talented practice that managed not only to preserve and develop the historically established features of the garden, but also "avant-garde" to combine, enrich them. At the same time, if neither paradoxically, using traditional traits of English gardens and trends in their development.

The text Igor Shushkovsky
Photo [Email Protected]/ Sets / 72157619315143825 / WITH / 3624941891 /

Great Dickster's estate is standing out even among the meeting of the most interesting southern England gardens. Today's owner and real custodian of this garden, a true family relic - Christopher Lloyd, whose name is widely known among landscape designers and England and beyond. Despite its previous age (eighty), he is full of strength and energy. Christopher Lloyd continues to work in his garden, embodying unusual creative ideas and experimenting with plants. It even gained the glory of the avant-garde.

Already when a quick inspection of the estate you feel a special style, an amazing boss of the garden and at home, when they are worthy of each other. The estate, like many others in England, has a centuries-old history. The first mention of the dictster dates back to the XIII century. But for the history of landscape design, the fate of the estate in the XX century is especially interesting. Indigenous changes have begun from buying an old house with an adjacent land. The restructuring of the house was engaged in the architect of Edwin Luthiens, already known at the time. Recognition came to him after performing a series of brilliant projects of country houses. Their distinctive feature was the expansion and reconstruction of the already existing old buildings, the use of characteristic local materials and the fact that Luthiens adhered to national architectural traditions. And the creative alliance of Lothiens and Gertruda Jackiell became known for the introduction and promotion of a completely new flow of landscape design of England.

On the epoch in the fate of the garden and the estate, which was associated with the parents of Christopher Lloyd, resemble several old trees, preserved to this day: three pears, still bringing fruit, laurel tree, black fig tree (fig tree) and one of those tees, Who attached a kind of form another father of the current owner, who was fond of topic haircut. Since then, the visiting card of the garden remained the unusual figures, end-sided from tees in the form of protein and chess pieces.

Hollows and tees figures give a special color to the architectural appearance of the garden, create a special atmosphere in various parts of the estate. "In the evenings, when the shadows of the figures became long," says Christopher Lloyd, "Tisi seemed not just to plants, and the living inhabitants of the garden, measured when a person approach."

Most of the garden was created on the project of Edwin Luthiens. And made in the style characteristic of it - light, air, when parts as if smoothly flowed alone to another. The layout of the garden ensemble is generally fulfilled in the regular style of the English rural house (the fact that in English is called "Cottage Garden"). The lines of tice living in places are bent, giving an eye to a breather after even straight lines of tracks. And the Great Dicksters themselves, made of york sandstone with a traditional English pattern, are also remarkable in its kind: the sidewalks of London itself are paved.

Entering the central gate of the estate, we are surprised that on both sides of the main track leading to the house, there are two impaired sequins of the grass (what we are called a meadow lawn). A bit strange to see such a design of the front entrance in the English generic estate. And just having familiarized with the history of the garden, you learn that such none-free lawns, found in different parts of the garden, loved Mom Christopher Lloyd, who devoted a lot of time to create a unique appearance of the estate. Such lawns consist of a huge number of plants, the original inhabitants of these places that carry peat soils well. The poorer the earth, the wider the range of natural forms of plants growing on it. On the fertile soils, weeds predominate (nettle, sorrel, for example), which are able to strangle all other plants. The grass on these lawns is cut twice a year (in August and late autumn) and is used later to create an compost. This method of the care of meadow lawns is used in most Gardens of England.

Grads Great Dickster are famous for their borders, compositions of beautiful and rare plants. Christopher Lloyd believes that if his garden requires great care and care, then the efforts took place will necessarily be rewarded. Adherent Mixboro, he explains his point of view by the fact that the neighborhood of shrubs, curly plants, perennials, twilight and summer ages contributes to the best conditions for growing and decorative expressiveness of the mixboarder. But the idea, for example, about the soil, as plants, saving the efforts of gardeners (by the way, and among our amateur gardeners, it is very common), in the root contradicts the principles of Lloyd. "If you see somewhere in the dictster of soil, then first of all because I love them," he says. - And if they save the work and efforts of the gardener, then this is a pleasant side effect. "

Interestingly, Lloyd's opinion relative to color schemes in flower beds. He perceives it as a challenge - an attempt effectively, successfully combine all the shades of colors using the exceptional beauty of flowering plants in the preparation of garden compositions. His position can be expressed like this: "I always awarely aware of the color itself and what I do with him." The combination of the pyramidal inflorescences of purple sage with pink rounded geranium curtains, emphasized by splashes of red and white (Lichnis Chalcedony and Anemone), well expresses his feeling of color.

Sometimes Christopher Lloyd allows plants to grow where the gardener could land them. Maybe from here and this is the stunning effect of the consonance of all elements of the total tonality of the garden. After all, many plants appear in the garden of self-sowing, throwing out excellent ideas. "But, naturally, Lloyd notes," I have a little my ideas! ".

In the creation of a harmonious flower garden, the height and form of plants play an equally important role, the decorativeness of the leaves. Often, the flooded inflorescences also turn into a kind of "highlight", speaking in another quality: they turn out of the actors - the statists in the main characters of the play of flowers.

Christopher Lloyd with love relates to the sediments, with which you can experiment, achieving a quick result. At the same time, these plants allow you to correct and smooth the emerging errors and errors in the design of flower beds. If the texts are flowing quickly enough, they are replaced by daisies, Korean chrysanthemums or perennial astra, which are pre-grown in the nursery estate.

Christopher Lloyd is fond of exotions: the leaves of Banana, Cannes and Bright Inflorescences of Georgine are unusually combined in its compositions, and there is no longer a track of the Sentimental Hands in them - Prima Theater of Nature joined the game. Decorative cereals (extremely fashionable current design element), pampas grass, Miscantus often act as soliters, soloists, fully revealing their decorative qualities.

I plan to see the Viu Beauty this weekend, we will expect the rains to spoil the charm of visits to the south-east coast!

And from the south, it is washes by La Mans, it is divided into two ceremonial non-metallic counties - West and East Sussexes, also allocate the city of Brighton and Hove, which has unitary status. The capital of Western Sussex is the city of Chichester, the population of the county is 776 thousand people, an area - 1,991 km2; The capital of East Sussex - Lewis, the population is 761,800 people.

In 1189, the division of Sussex on Western and Eastern was approved for the first time, and in the XVI century, new counties have gained their own self-government. In 1856, this situation confirmed the act on Sussex county, and in 1888 the counties became administrative. Until 1974, the Big Sussex continued to exist as administrative county. Since 1968, Western and East Sussexes have a common police.

Despite the separation, historical county retained a strong local identity, he even has his hymn - "Sussex by the sea", and Motto - "We Wu Wun" T Be Druv "(" We will not disappear "). June 16 - St. Richard Day , Sussex's cartridge - now it is also a county day.

Archaeological collections contain Neanderthal Stone Ax, found in the local village of Hamsi and dated about 80 thousand years BC. Further archaeological surveys showed that 8,000 years BC People from the mainland have penetrated into the territory of the future county - at that time, Britain was not yet separated from the rest of Europe.

By 4100 BC. People actively developed Sussek silicon fields. In the county, burials related to this period with clay dishes and weapons were discovered. The remains of the settlements and the burial of the bronze century are crushed throughout the territory, but especially along the exaltation of South Downs. In the VII-VI centuries BC. In Britain, the Celts, founded in Sussex the settlement in the Kissbury, near the village of Findon) and in the Valley of Devils Dike.

In 54-45 BC. Romans invaded the Sussex, as evidenced by the ruins of Roman villas and Roman-British temples. At that time, these lands belonged to the atrebat tribe, which preferred to the satellites of Rome, and during the second Roman conquest in 100, N.E. Sussex went into the pro-Roman kingdom of the regunuses, with which the heir to the athletic ruling race of Kogdnus. The period of the Roman rule left the county not only the villas, but also port settlements - the future Chichester, Hastings, as well as roads - for example, from Chichester before.
By the end of the Roman occupation of Britain, Saksov's raids were frequent, therefore a lot of forts were built on the southeast coast, such as Sussek and Anderitum (Singe-Castle).

According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, in 477, Saksa under the command of King Ellie and his three sons landed in the West of this county and founded the Kingdom of Sussex. In 491, they took the castle of Singers and began to close the British to the West. The king of Ellie was the most influential from the modern Saxon rulers - Bretvalda, the main king. However, after him, the Kingdom of Sussex gradually declined, until 823 fell under the power of Wessex.

From 895 and before the conquest of England, Knude Great Sussex suffered from constant raids of the Danes. By this time also refers to the appearance in the region of two influential forces - Normans and the house of Godvin, probably
Local native. By the end of the reign of Edward confessor, the third part of the county lands was in the hands of this aristocratic family.

Sussex played a very important role during the Norman conquest of England, since it was through Hastings and Pevenssi direct journey to Normani. In 1066, Wilhelm has landed the conqueror with His Army near Hastings and smashed Harold II troops who died in this battle. Wilhelm made sure that the enemy would not interrupt his lines of communication, leaving his proxied people in Sussex (brother and son-in-law), and moved to, and the remaining commands of Normans divided the county into five "ramps" - districts. Each "Raip" stretched from the north to south - from the border with Surrey to La Mansha - and had a castle. Such a structure was chosen, presumably to successfully protect the paths to Normandy.

In 1155, the royal charter was released on the formation of "five ports" ("Cinque Ports"), which gave five cities on the coast of Kent and Sussex, special privileges for maintaining royal courts. Gastings belongs to the number of these cities.

Because of his geographical position, Sussex was the place of preparation of invasions and often participated in the rebellion. In difficult times of the first Norman kings, the castles of Pevensi and Arundel played an important role in the uprisings. During the Baron wars, Sussex was in the hands of the royalists and was the center of the royal strength. In May 1264, the Lewis settlement passed the battle between the forces of the King Heinrich III and Count Simon de Monfora, the head of the baron opposition. During the battle of the power of the rebel captured the king and his son, the future of the English ruler Edward I.

In the XIII-XIV centuries, the corrupt government of the county together with the troops constantly passing through him, as well as the devastating epidemics of the plague, caused the peasant uprising under the leadership of the artisan of Tyler's science in 1381 and Jack Cad's uprisings in 1450. Cad was wounded in a battle near Lewis, but his death from the Russian Academy of Sciences did not stop his comrades.

During the board Elizabeth I. The County constantly recruited the soldiers for wars in Flanders, also here was also prepared for protection against Spain. During the British revolution, the sympathy of the county was divided: Aruntelo and Chichester took the supporters of the King, Lewis and Hastings captured supporters of parliament. However, the "round-headed" soon besieged and captured Chichester and Aruntelo, having gained the greatest influence in the county. In 1645, the strength of royalists began to gather in the west of Sussex, which caused preparation for resistance in Chichester.

The next significant milestone in the history of Sussex was the French revolution, when sets of volunteers rose to the country's defense in the county. With the beginning of the war with France in 1793, a camp was formed in Brighton. In 1803, when a system of Martlovsk protective towers was erected along the southern coast of Britain, the camp also formed in Eastbourne, and in 1804-1810, the Eastbourne Reduce was built there - the central fort and supply base for these towers. Currently, the Fort Building is the Museum of the Sussek Royal Regiment. In the 1860s, due to the possible war with France, there were even more fortifications in the county, including Fort in Newheyen.

In the second world war, the entire coast of Eastern Sussex literally turned into a fortress, coastal cities like Gastings and Eastborn became armed camps. A significant part of the civilian population was evacuated to safer territories within the country.

By the time of the census Wilhelm Conqueror ("Books of the Day of the Day") in Sussex there was a variety of industries, including fishing, salt mining, sheep and wool trade. From Roman times, the deposits of iron were developed in the county, and from the XIII to the XVIII century, the milking and forging of metals became the main industry of the Wood region. In 1543, the first in the UK cast iron gun was cast in the local village of Bucket.

Until the middle of the XVIII century, charcoal was used in the county of iron in the county, but during the reign of Henry VIII, the active cutting of local forests attracted public attention. The decrees of the protection of Sussex forests began to be published, and with the improvement of the method of application of stone coal to smelting metals, production moved to other areas.

Currently, the sector of services is dominated in the economy of Western and Eastern Sussexes. And if there were still production or headquarters of large enterprises in Western Sussex, the Eastern economy is mainly focused on tourist towns along the coast (Bexhille-ON-SI, Eastbourne, Hastings).

Through the Western Sussex passes one motorway - M23, starting in the London area of \u200b\u200bWaterloo, as well as large highway A23, A272, A27 and A259. The county crosses three large railway branches, and in the city of Crowley there is a second under workability British airport - Gatwick.

In East Sussex, a more intense situation with transport, in particular, does not intersect the motorway, only highway - A21, A22, A23, A26, A27 and A259, and the A27 highway connecting Eastbourne with Portsmouth, is one of the most loaded roads of Great Britain.

All major county roads suffer from traffic jams. The case is not better with the railways: in the 20th century, the rural part of the county served an extensive railway network, but in the 60s due to financial unprofitability, its significant part fell under the "Topor of Biching" (a policy held by the British government in order to reduce the costs of maintenance nationalized railway and consisting in the mass closure of stations and entire rail lines).

School system in Western and East Sussex - general education, presented 390 primary, 63 average state and 32 private schools, as well as the same academy. Also in counties are five colleges and three universities: Chichester University, Brighton University and University of Sussex.

In counties there are many historical monuments, including the Norman castles, Celtic settlements and Chichester and Arundel Cathedrals. But the most famous landmark of Sussex is near the village of Wilmington: this is a 70-meter figure of a person, made on the slope of the chalk hill, presumably in the XVII or XVI century. It attracts many tourists and neo-language.

The south-eastern corner of England traditionally was the place where residents of London went to relax. Previously, passenger trains divert the inhabitants in the fields and the fruit gardens of Kent (Kent) on vacation from the desktop. The steamers delivered people down the Thames on the beach in Margita, and all, from members of the royal family to young couples, enjoyed life on the sea coast in Brighton, Sussex county (Sussex). Surrey (surrey) is the least pastoral and historically important of the three counties. Professionals will live in it, ready to regularly go to work from the suburbs, which was called the "Belt of Exchange Brokers".

In the late XX century in the southwest region there were great changes. In a purely administrative plan, three counties turned into four, since local authorities divided Sussex to Western and East. More importantly, the old coastal resorts to keep tourists were forced to compete with more and more accessible places of recreation abroad, especially if we take into account the transformation of English weather.

Worse, Brighton (Brighton), which has long been known as "next to the sea", now comespaced with the capital by the number of homeless people. On the other hand, in recent years, something like the Renaissance, when various celebrities and other refugees from major cities preferred to settle in a more favorable area, away from urban noise, while the whole region retained and constantly retains a high level of housing and delicious healthy food . Narrow valleys and green meadows retain their charm, and there are even segments of wildlife, not to mention many kilometers of rocky shores.

The proximity of Kent and Sussex to the continent influenced the history of this region, which served as a "gate" for a variety of conquerors, both cruel and merciful. The remains of Roman rule are replete in coastal areas (the most picturesque - in Bignor (Bignor) in Sussex and Lullingstone (Lullingstone) in Kent), and many roads, including from London A2 to the Duvrian highway, follow directly like an arrow, trails, Passed legionnaires.

When Christianity spread in Europe, it came to Britain through (Isle Of Thanet) - the northeastern tip of the cent, which has since joined the mainland as a result of graining and reducing the sea level. In 597, our era Augustine moved deep into the country and founded the monastery in (Canterbury), in which the Anglican Church is now located. (Oddly enough, Sussex was one of the last counties who adopted Christianity, which was explained by the obstruction of the then forests of this region than the internally inherent blessings).

The last successful invasion of England took place in 1066, when Normans won over the army of Harold King (Hastings), on the place that is now marked by Battle Abbey (Vattle Abbey). Normans left their trace almost all of this corner of the kingdom, and Kent has no equal on the abundance of medieval castles, including a Dover castle with pointed rocks to protect against invasion from the continent and a huge rectangular Rochester citadel (rochester) near the old shipyards of Chatham (Chatham), the reference point Formerly unbeatable British fleet.

Divided from great historical places you can slowly spend days in such elegant old cities, like (Royal Tunbridge Wells), Paradise (Rye) and (Lewes), or enjoy the vigorous charm of traditional resorts, the best of which is (Brighton). It combines a noisy buzz of the university town, the atmosphere of old good times and excellent opportunities for gourmets.

Maybe there are not so many picturesque landscapes, but South Downs (South Downs) has limestone hills, which, like everywhere on the overpopulated southeast, allow you to forget about the bustle of urban life. And, of course, in Kent, Surrey and Sussex there are beautiful gardens, among which you can call the Ku-Gardens estate in Wakehurst Place, the lush flower beds of Sissinghurst (Sissinghurst) and the picturesque estate Petworth House (Petworth House), landscape park Sheffield Park) and ScoTney Castle Castle.

Suburban movement in this corner is the busiest in Europe, so that all attractions are near the railway stations. From London and other areas of England, comfortable buses of National Express go here, but the local bus service is to a much lower level.

County Surrey in England

Being a rural suburb of southern London for those who can afford it, Surrey (surrey) is divided into North Downs, which rises to the West of North Downs, reaches the greatest height of Dorking (Dorking) and continues to the east, in County Kent. The Surreya section within the M-25 ring motorway has little natural attractiveness and no historical meaning.

This site contains satellite cities and factories serving the capital. True, you can spend a good day at races in Epsom (Epsom) or Sandown Park (Sandown Park), as well as in one of the thematic parks Surrey - Parp Park (Thprpe Park) or the Cheszington World of Adventures (Chessington World of Adventures). Outside the rings, M-25 Surrey acquires a pastoral character, with the main city of Gilford County (Guildform), open by herassk empties on the Western borders of Surrey and Farmenham (Farnham), in which the only preserved castle of Surrey County is.

The main attractions of Surrey, Kent and Sussex

1). Canterbury Cathedral (CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL) - the advertised tourist attraction fully complies with advertising;

2). White rocks (DOVER) - Famous limestone cliffs are best viewed from the boat. The top view opens a beautiful view of La Mans;

3). City of Paradise (Rye) - superbly located on the top of the hill, offers the best dishes, housing and pubs in Sussex;

4). Royal Pavilion, Brighton (Brighton) - a place where George IV is entertained, built on the Nash project, is a higher (and only one) achievement of East Gothic architecture;

5). Petworth House (Petworth House) - In one of the most attractive vintage castles there is a wonderful collection of art objects;

6). Day on racing - In Surrey and Sussex, the most horse races are held in England - this is an excellent opportunity to have a good fun and cheat for riders.

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"The unfinished novel" is a sentimental history of two people who love each other very much, but can not be together. Both have families and, accordingly, commitments to loved ones. For many years in a row, the heroes are found at the hotel. They have only a few days a year to stay at the same time, without anyone life is impossible. It would seem that the story set as director of Natalia Boulyga is a pure drama. But no! The production turned out to be cheerful and easy, because love is not necessarily and not always tragedy. The star of the screen of Maria Poroshina, who has played in addition to the many other film collections Svetlana Svetlana in the films of Timur Bekmambetov "Night Watch and Day Watch", herself invited Yaroslav Boyko to take part in the play "Unfined Roman". For her, the choice of the scenic partner was obvious. Their creative tandem originated in 2003, when the series "Always say always" came out on the screens. The actors turned out to be so organic in the role of a loving couple that the viewer then did not have doubts: of course they have a novel!

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County Western Sussex.

West Sussex (West Sussex) - County in the south of England, borders with East Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey county. In the Middle Ages, the Kingdom of Sussex existed on the territory of modern county.

Western Sussex is famous for many attractions. Among them - WEALD Forest Territory, Cretaceous Hills Downland in coastal areas, Majestic Manor Goodwood, Petworth House and Uppark, Arundel Castles and Bramber. And rural county areas are a favorite place for hiking and bicycle walks of the inhabitants of county and tourists.

West Sussex (West Sussex) is ceremonial and non-metallic county in the south-east of England with a population of 808,900 people.

Administrative center - Chichester (Chichester). The largest cities of the county are Crowley, Vorting and Horshash.

Western Sussex does not apply to urbanized counties. 42% of the population live and more than half of businesses are located in rural areas.

87.6% of the population are indigenous British.

81.2% of the population are economically active, 11.4% self-employed and 4.7 unemployed.

The index of jobs - 0.82 (per 100 people aged 16-64 accounts for 82 jobs).

On 1 JobCentre vacancy accounts for 2 people receiving unemployment benefits.

The average salary in the county is 516.3 pounds per week (574.9 pounds in men and 440.8 pounds in women).

The average price for real estate - 263436 pounds.

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Sussex, county

(or Sessex.; Sussex, ancient. SUTH-SEAX) - County in South. England. 3776 sq. M. km, live. 380883 (1891). The chain of the hills will be resetting S. and end with a rocky cape Beech Head. The hills are these chalk formations and coated with a layer of peatlar. To C. From them to the hills c. Surrey stretches fertile and wooded plain. Between the doows and the sea, as well as in the swampy terrain to V. from Beachi-Head, a lot of fertile sites. Main PP. - Aron, Rother, Uz and Ador, all minor and flowing into La Mans. Climate S. Soft, harvest early. Wheat, Oats, barley and turnip - main agricultural products; On V. Many hops. Cattle breeding is developed; Soutudone sheep and Sussek breed livestock are famous. Lime, Charcoal, Potash, Salt. Powder, brick, pottery. Channel Guilford - Arond - Chichester crosses S. on Y. and Z. Main mountains. - Chichester, Brighton, Gastings, Arondl, Paradise, East Greenstord, Vincelsi, etc. Seaside cities serve for summer swimming. S. and most c. Surrey was the second kingdom established by Caxon.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-PB.: Brockhauses-Efron. 1890-1907 .

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    - (or Sessex; Sussex, ancient. SUTH SEAX) County in South. England. 3776 sq. M. km, live. 380883 (1891). The chain of the hills will be resetting S. and end with a rocky cape Beech Head. The hills are these chalk formations and coated with a layer of peatlar. To C. From them to ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

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    To improve this article, it is desirable?: Check the quality of translation from a foreign language. Check the article on grammatical and spelling errors. Recycling registration in accordance with the rules of writing articles ... Wikipedia

    Merseyside coat of arms motto: Unity in the service of all (Until 1986) See also other Counties England Status ... Wikipedia

    Kingdom; Essex, Suffolk, Sussex Dictionary of Russian Synonyms. County SUT., Number of synonyms: 6 Dorset (2) ... Synonym dictionary

    County - (Shair, Shire), Osn. ADM unit. Terr. dividing England. G. appeared in Wessex at 9th. In exchange Rome. provinces. As an adm. And politted, the unit was introduced by Alfred Great and his heirs. The process of education eng. G. walked. ways. Part ... ... The World History

    Coordinates: 51 ° 14'34.8 "s. sh. 0 ° 25'04.8 "s. d. / 51.243, 0.418 ... Wikipedia

    Hartfordshire Hertfordshire Country United Kingdom Status Ceremonial county The non-metallic county enters the region East England includes 10 Administratus. Regions Administrative Center Hartford Population (2004) ... Wikipedia


  • Sudya Mraka, Robertson Imogen. Summer of 1780. England, Sussex county. Harriet Westerman (her estate borders with the possessions of the castle Tornley, the house of the Sussex's Graph) detects a dead man in his grove, and with it ...