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You are the only person for me. Test: find out if you are a special person. you are kind to others

The human brain is a supercomputer that works 24/7. If we decide to create its man-made analogue, then in one second it should perform 3800 operations and have a volume of approximately 3587 terabytes. Of course, humanity does not yet have such technologies. However, not every brain is capable of such a result. Let's check how close you are to a supercomputer.

Chess is a game of aristocrats that is played all over the world. So simple in concept, but so damned complex at the same time. The Belgians even experimented with adding chess lessons to the school curriculum. As a result, both mental and physical development accelerated in 20% of children. So think about it, maybe this game will become a great hobby for you. We offer to test your predisposition to chess. In every situation you are playing as white and have only two moves to checkmate. Good luck!

In Hinduism, karma is the law by which good or bad actions determine the fate of a person. This means that if there are more good deeds and good deeds in your life, success and good luck await you, and if there are more sins, then life will turn out extremely unsuccessfully. Do you think everything is in order with your karma? We invite you to check it out!

According to Rosstat, more than 250,000 people left Russia over the past year. And this number is increasing every year. Maybe it's time for a change of scenery too? Imagine that you can travel anywhere in the world. What place would it be? We will help you with the choice. Answer ten questions and we will tell you which country is best for you to live.

As according to the law of meanness, when assembling a huge puzzle of a thousand pieces, the last fragment will be lost somewhere, and the picture will remain unfinished. The mood is spoiled, and the insidious manufacturer laughs at your failure. We decided to reproduce this moment of bitterness, but give you one chance to solve the problem. Each picture will be missing a fragment that will need to be selected from three similar options. Good luck to you!

On the state emblem you can often see the priorities and traditions of the country. Sometimes there is even too much information. Look at the coat of arms of Australia! There is a kangaroo, and an ostrich, and a shield with six state coats of arms, and a seven-sided Commonwealth Star, and a scroll with the name of the nation. If not for the kangaroo, then the task of determining the country would become a problem. We are not going to hide or complicate anything. Before you will be the most interesting heraldry of the world, you just need to decide who it belongs to.

The national cuisine of each country is unique in its own way. Did you know that the biggest dish in the world is a fried camel? They like to cook it in Morocco and stuff it with one ram, twenty chickens and sixty eggs. Almost every country has distinctive national dishes. For example, in Georgia it is khachapuri, and in Italy it is pizza. We have collected ten unusual dishes that are traditional in different countries. Can you determine which ones? Let's find out now!

Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci's The Savior of the World is the most expensive piece of art in history? An anonymous buyer purchased it at auction in 2017 for $450 million. This is what it means to love painting! Can you call yourself an art lover? We have selected ten pictures that every self-respecting person should know. You have to guess their authors. Can you score 10 out of 10?

A constant and serious propaganda of the socialist system was carried out among Soviet citizens. Therefore, there was no shortage of reasons for pride. Soviet citizens were always the first in everything, from food to space. Let's check if you remember what was vigorously discussed in the Soviet dumplings and on the benches at the entrance.

Adequately assessing yourself and your capabilities is very important. However, psychologists have proven the fact that we are not capable of this. Many amateurs are deeply confident in their skills, while professionals, on the contrary, belittle their abilities. The assessment of other people is also not worth listening to, because it is also biased: some will consider you the smartest person, others - an idiot. So, how do you properly evaluate yourself? The answer is simple: with our test!

Did you know that there is a crossword puzzle with 25970 words? A girl from Yerevan compiled it specifically to get into the Guinness Book of Records. We, of course, will not offer you to solve it. Because we have something more interesting! In this test, we have collected ten questions from the most entertaining crossword puzzles.

Scientists have proven that daily training is very important for the brain, otherwise a person will degrade faster in old age. We offer you an interesting workout for the brain right now. Do you know the name of the most poisonous fish in the world? Its poison can kill a person in two hours. And what is the rarest blood type that only 5% of the world's population has? We hope that you have enough knowledge to get the maximum score in our test. Warning: it will be hard!

An interesting fact from the world of music of the 90s. In the entire history of the existence of the “Combination”, 25 girls have changed in the group! Few people remember even the main composition. Do you consider yourself a music lover? Now we will check it! “Raise your eyes to the Christmas sky, think of everything that you dream about…” Do you recognize the song? If yes, then you have a chance to get the maximum score in our test. You will need to guess the popular song by one line. In the 90s, absolutely everyone listened to these songs, but do you remember them today?

The current Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by the people on December 12, 1993 and entered into force on December 23. In total, it contains 137 articles, in accordance with which the main directions of the domestic and foreign policy of the state are determined. Do you know who is the guarantor of the Constitution and the observance of its laws? And what is the highest value according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation? We invite you to test your knowledge right now!

Imagine that you won one billion dollars! But to get them, you need to spend everything to the penny. The rules are simple: if you spend all the money, you get purchases. Well, if you can't, then you get nothing. Let's see which one of you is a billionaire. If you can spend a billion dollars without a trace, then you are a born spender and you have a nose for expensive things. Don't think spending money is easy. Most fail to master even half the amount!

“The wisdom of Socrates was that he did not think that he knew what he did not know” - these words belong to Cicero, who uttered them more than two thousand years ago. Can you imagine what a journey this aphorism had before you read it? Now mentally remove the first word from the quote and try to understand what it is about. We are sure that among the erudite there will be a few who will understand the unfinished aphorisms. If you are one of them, then you can easily fill in our gaps. Try to catch the train of thought of the ancient philosophers and look at the world through their eyes. Then you will definitely succeed.

Incredible Facts

"The more you love yourself, the less you look like anyone else, and that makes you unique." - Walt Disney

Most people suffer from low self-esteem. But there are many special people among us who do not even realize that they are unique.

The reason for this is that sometimes there can be people in our lives who underestimate us and make us feel useless and flawed.

It's nice to know that you are special.

Each of us strives to be a special person, in a good sense of the word. However, only a few can be classified as such.

But there are signs that indicate that you are the chosen one, about whom you can safely say: he (she) is indeed a special person.

Here are the 10 signs:

Special person

1. You think there is always something to learn in life.

"The only true wisdom lies in the realization that we essentially know nothing." (Socrates)

You are not arrogant, like many people, and you are interested in what is happening around the world. In addition, you are an inquisitive person, and you always feel that you have to learn something new, because it is always useful to improve your own skills.

2. You are kind to others.

When you meet new people or when you are dealing with someone you already know, such as chatting with friends or colleagues, you smile and are always kind to them.

And rightly so, because there is no reason to be negative and have a negative attitude towards others.

Never try to imitate people who are always angry and dissatisfied with everything, those who are rude and ignorant, those who disrespect others, even if they themselves are physically stronger.

As a rule, such people have a lot of personal problems and internal complexes.

It is how you treat others that defines you as a person. Your kindness and positivity make you special and unique.

3. You understand other people's feelings

You do not know how, but when someone shares with you the details of his personal life, talks about his problems and troubles, you perfectly understand how this person feels at that moment.

You share feelings and experiences and are able to guess the mood of people.

For example, if someone tells you: "I'm fine," you know for sure whether the person is fine or just a phrase to calm down, but in fact everything is much more serious. After all, by the face and intonation in your voice, you are able to determine the experiences of your interlocutor, his thoughts and mood.

4. You know how to enjoy music

"There's a beautiful thing about music - when it hits you, you don't feel pain." - Bob Marley.

The human brain is very sensitive and especially receptive to music. We not only enjoy music, but also need it in our daily lives, and it always evokes deep emotions in us.

These emotions can be good or bad, but they are always very strong emotions.

Rare Qualities

5. You know how to listen

"I like to listen. I learned a lot by listening carefully to others. And most people just don't know how to listen." - Ernest Hemingway

This is one of the rarest qualities in a person. Anyone can talk about themselves for hours. But the talent to hear another is not given to everyone.

If you know how to hear and listen to others, while being sincerely interested in what the interlocutor says to you, then you are truly a special person.

6. You enjoy making others happy.

You feel good every time you manage to please someone or make them happy.

You think a lot about how to make people smile more and live better. And most importantly, you put a lot of effort into it. On your part, it can be an unexpected gift, a smile, a surprise, or any good deed that will make someone in this world happy.

When everything becomes cloudy, it becomes not important at all; when connections, like strings, are torn, and the meaning - seemingly found - seems like a stupid invention, an excuse for one's own uselessness. It is at this moment that a special person takes the seat next to you.

They say there is a special person in the world.

He is the one who sits next to you in the minibus when your life manages to collapse in one go, when your personal cross becomes too heavy to carry on your back.

When your hands are shaking - and your voice would probably be shaking if the stone in your chest didn't prevent you from speaking.

When everything becomes cloudy, it becomes not important at all; when connections, like strings, are torn, and the meaning - seemingly found - seems like a stupid invention, an excuse for one's own uselessness.

It is at this moment that a special person takes the seat next to you.

Silently looks at you, and then says something simple, but necessary to the point of pain, to the point of grateful laughter. Something that gives you the strength to get through a few more days.

You smile and even joke. You shamefacedly cover your face with both hands that were shaking until recently, wanting to hide your awkward, but obvious weakness, so clearly seen by your neighbor. But deep down you know that no one is judging you. And it makes you feel better.

The person gets off at the same stop as you. Sometimes he accompanies him to the house, but after that, as all the creators of good deeds are supposed to, he goes further around the world. Help the rest of the doomed.

Soon he is met somewhere else. He finds those who are tearful and empty, but determined in their own destruction. Burnt inside, hammered, filled with pain to the brim. In silence, they measure the roads with their steps, limply trudge somewhere to the end of the path.

The man finds them at the edge.

This edge is anything - a high-rise building on the outskirts or a path to your favorite park, streets of the Center, entrance doors ... Everyone has this edge - their own.

But that's where they meet the man. Sunny by nature, with a subdued light in his eyes, he says:

– Can I help you with something?

And people can't refuse him.

Initially hostile, closed in on themselves and their own desperate misfortune, they suddenly respond, opening up to a simple passer-by.

– Yes, you can! they often say.

And many, a little later, add: - Do ... anything. Tell me something, touch me... Just don't leave me alone. And, I beg you, do not turn out to be either a thief, or a bastard, or a deceiver. Don't be bad. I can't get over this yet.

And the pain comes out.

It covers with a huge wave, and the bodies, together with the souls, shudder - and tremble.

Destitute, people suffocate in sobs and their own hopeless, absorbing and hopeless grief.

And cling to the person.

And he, fulfilling their request, a desperate cry of prayer, hugs them with warm, gentle hands and cradles them, not letting go, like lost children.

He does not let people go until the bright pain that suddenly came out leaves the exhausted hearts. Until the calm from childhood envelops their minds, calming the nervous trembling.

After that, the person forgives and forgives: for tears and for a moment of weakness, for stories about life, for hatred and for pain. For all those vices that we are so ashamed of, but which we all have.

And people, accepted, reassured, try to live again.

If not for themselves, then at least for those who, like Man, did not leave them in the hour of darkness.

They again believe in goodness - and, quite a bit, in a miracle, because such saviors are like a gift from heaven.

They believe in themselves and, sometimes, even in the fact that they can become the same Person, not indifferent to someone else's emptiness.

After all, desperate people desperately need someone who will be there when they run out of strength.

Who will become a wall at the very end of the path, when the whole world has faded, and the future - joyful, bright - has collapsed like a house of cards.

We all really need such a person.

And there would be many such people if each of us decided to become one for others. author Elena Korf.

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet