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God's mother unfading color of a prayer for marriage. What praying before the icon is unfair to the color: its meaning and what it helps


The icon "unfading color" depicts the Virgin, who sits the baby in his hands - Son Jesus. At the same time, the Mother of God holds white lily in his hands. This flower on this icon personifies impatience, youth and eternal beauty.

Interesting is the fact that all icons "unfading color" differ in each other, no two similar. But always the Virgin on them is depicted with some flower. This is usually a rose or lily.

A little about the history of the icon

Today it is not possible to say for sure when and under what circumstances this icon was written. But if you believe the suggestions of specialists, "unfavorable color" was brought back in the 17th century by pilgrims from Greece. So icon appeared in Russia. As the legend says, this image of Our Lady is associated with Mount Athos, on which immortelle grew. It is said that in the first variations of the icons, the flames of immortals were depicted in the hands of the Virgin. She herself was depicted with a scepter sitting on the throne. A little later, the icon paints began to remove complex artistic elements, and the immortelle was replaced by Lily.

Which symbolizes the icon "unfading color"

Orthodox believers are experiencing a special thrill in front of this web, because the icon symbolizes purity and impossibility. Therefore, the "unfading color" icon appeals to the icon:

young girls who protect their honor and innocence for the future husband;
Lonely women who are in search of a loving and decent husband;
For the blessing for the young bride, which marries (giving this icon, the mother blesses her daughter on the wedding day);
Married women who want to overcome family adversity and keep marriage by making it happy.

It turns out that the tradition to give an icon at the wedding is designed for the fact that in the future "unfading color" will help a married woman as a keeper of a homemade focus, in solving family problems.

Usually, women are praying in front of the icon "unfading color", but if you wish to ask the Virgin and can both men.

According to believe, thanks to this icon, you can save female youth and beauty for many years, always remaining attractive.

There are many references that the image of the Virgin with a flower helped heal the patients and helps to return health from ailments. Even describes the case (memories of the Monk Blizzard), as the patient healed only from one touch to the lilies drawn on the icon.

Icon "Crying Savior" The image is depicted on canvas width in 13 and a height of 16 versh (approximately 57.2 cm at 70.4 cm), the image is the belt, the letter style is probably Italian. The image is largely different ...

Icon of the Mother of God "Yeletskaya" Day of the celebration - February 6, Art. / February 18 N.St. The phenomenon of the ancient miraculous heletic icon of the Mother of God occurred on February 6, 1060, during the reign in the Chernigov grandson of the Holy ...

Sincere prayers, industrial in front of the icon "unfading color", are capable of not only to restore the spiritual forces of believers and instruct them on the path of righteous, but also help preserve youth and beauty.

Appeal to the Virgin of the Miraculous Icon contributes to the preservation of loving relations between spouses, helps close people to find an understanding, strengthen family relationships, solve serious problems with which households are docked. Girls resort to prayers in front of the icon, with an appeal to the limit for help in search of a reliable and loving spouse. To the Virgin Mary come and those who need a consolation, revered icon among people who have known for any mountain. Manythers to the Virgin before the icon "unfavorable color" help find faith in tomorrow, forces to continue their lives, inspire to fight gloomy thoughts And also allow you to forget about mental alarms.

Related to the icon of Our Lady "Eutful Color" Many miracles. It never once happened that after prayers before the shrine, young girls found a satellite of life, gaining harmony and happiness in family life. They testified the suffering and that Virgo Maria helped them after applying to the icon to gain peace of mind, to find the meaning of their existence, to overestimate his life. Other Christians came to the shrine in the minute, when the sadness covered the souls and thoughts of them, and only the Queen of Heaven could sign them on the way true, indicate the righteous way of life, to find happiness and take himself as a person is.

Orthodox know that it cannot be limited to the mercy of the fate of those who need it in the caress. Many miracles associated with "unfading color" happened in the old days, the phenomenon of the image of the Virgin Thousands of Christians got rid of spiritual weights. But today wonderful phenomena occur.

For example, on Mount Kefalonia, located near Athos Island in Greece every year there is something amazing. One very interesting tradition is supported here: on the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christians bring white flowers to the temple, similar to what came to the Virgin Mary Gabriel with them. These flowers are stored until the celebration itself in honor of the Assumption of the Virgin. Moreover, watering plants, there is no need.

And a bright miracle is observed every year - dry flowers stems after 5 months are filled with new forces, not knowing no moisture or solar heat. Not only are the plants do not die, new snow-white buds appear on the stems. For some kind of beliefs, this event was the reason for creating the icon of the Mother of God "unfavorable color." The authors of the creation of steel inspired by a miracle, Afonov monks.
Flowers who hold in the hands of the Virgin and Baby Jesus - a symbol of the impassion and purity of the Virgin Mary, her spiritual perfection and righteousness. From this, the Orthodox Church began to apply to the Most Holy: "You are the root of virginity and the color of the purity unfastened."

Among the clergymen of the Church on Mount Kefalonia was common believer, stating that harshest flowers that everyone can see the icons under the kyot, symbolize human souls. We, like plants, often lose that spark the Divine, which God gave us God. Not only the body is not enough (this is not so terrible). Invoys our soul, for we forget about what the life of a true Christian should be, resorting to sinful actions. But as well as the flowers, we can always return, stepped on the way of life of the righteous. Flow spiritually - to believe and trust Christ by our Savior. For everyone who resorted to the Mother of God with a hot prayer to the Virgin, God is always ready to help.

The icon of the Mother of God "unfading color" ...

April 16.
Day of Remembrance

Icons of the Mother of God "unfading color"

The celebration in honor of the Icons of the Mother of God "unfavorable color" is performed on April 3/16, and in honor of the relative and today it has already almost completely closely with her later list of the image of the "adult color" - November 15/25.

In more ancient images, the difference was as follows. On the icon, the "unstippable color" of the Bog Moudnets rented on the right hand of the Virgin, and on the icon "flawed color" - on the left. In modern icons, these differences are not respected.

What helps icon.
The image of the Mother of God "unfading color" is the iconographic embodiment of chastity and purity, first of all, as the properties of spiritual, therefore, the Virgin Motherod's properties will give assistance in gaining and preserving these wonderful and saving qualities for everyone. Chastity is the integrity of wisdom, domestic peace, spiritual silence, humility and meekness, they give female nature that the resistance of the spirit, which no matter anywhere.

Prayer in front of this way helps in preserving marriage, strengthening the family, in the resolution of family problems, in overcoming the sorrows, which sometimes happen in our everyday life.

Sincere and diligent prayer Before the icon "unfading color" instructs the right path of spiritually suffering, helps to find the forces to transfer deep sadness, not to be dismissed from disappointment, eliminates the despondency and severe thoughts.

Prayer first
ariza is mine preparing, my hope, the Virgin, the privifulity of the sirah and strange subsidiaries, which are grieving joy, inspired by patroness! See my trouble, seeing my sorrow; Pomping Yako is mighty, shames are strange. Miscellaneous of my depths, allow the one, Yako Volishi: Yako is not imam in wanting to help you, nor a bird's present, nor burglary comforter, tokmo to you, about the Bogomati, Yako and the preserved and covered in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer Second
ABOUT, Most Holy and Neckless Mati Delo, Hope Christians and a sinful refuge! Protect everyone in misfortunes to you, hear our wedding, and your ear your ear to moles. Vladychitsa and mother of our God, do not contempt that requires your help and do not remove us sinful, at the sights and teach us: do not retreat from us, your slaves, for Rapting our. Buddes us mother and patroness, hand you hand yourself with merciful cover. Bring us sinful to quiet and serene life; Yes, our sins.
Oh, Mati Marie, our preparing and ambulance, the face of us with your petition. Protect from enemies visible and invisible, softening the hearts of evil people who assume us. Oh, Mati Lord Creator OUR! You are the root of the virgin and the unlocking color of purity and chastity, we have helped us by the weak and dyed carnal passions and wandering hearts. Enlighten our spiritual eyes, yes see the path of the truth of God. The grateful of your son will strengthen our weak will in fulfillment of the commandments, but we will get rid of any trouble and attack and are justified by your stortive intercession on the terrible court of your son. He, we pay glory, the honor and worship of now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Tropean icon
Rthink, the Bogopevo, the rod is secret, the color unfastened with the trustees, rejoice, the Vladychitsa, I fill the same joy and inherit the life.

About the history and meaning of the icon

Our Lady's disadvantageous color
XVIII century, Tretyakov Gallery
The history of the origin of the icon of the Mother of God "unfading color" is touching and at the same time majestic. For a long time, on the island of Kefalonia, located near Afona, the very beautiful and largest island in the Ionian Sea, there is a tradition - it is preserved and now: on the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, white flowers bring like lilies, with which the Archangel appeared in her hand Gabriel to show her the will of God about her. The flowers are tremendously and carefully put under the kyot, to her face, and there they stay until the very holiday of her awaits without water and without sunlight. But a miracle happens: after almost five months, the stems, dried in the twilight, are incredibly filled with moisture, come to life, instead of dried inflorescences, new buds arise and bloom in white lush flowers - here it is, "unfavorable color"!

Brought with about. Rhodes Greece.
Located in Moscow
It is believed that from the first Afonov list, which spread in the Orthodox world, there were three main - Greek, Russian, Bulgarian. From them, in turn, there were subsequent options, which gave rise to this amazing iconographic diversity. By the time of the creation of the first, the Greek original of this icon is referred to the XVI-XVII, and its appearance in Russia is to the XVII-XVIII centuries. One of the first revered lists got through the pilgrims to the Moscow Holy Alekseevsky monastery, the first mention of which was dated 1757, and it was in her honor a celebration of April 3/16. Where did the image iconography come from, it is unknown, but there is an assumption that with the Balkans.

Moscow, Weapon Chamber,
End of the XVII century. Salary - silver
At about the same time, other lists appear in the Central and South Russia, and their diversity is simply ambitious, they are all great, and their indispensable attribute - white, pink, red flowers in vases, garlands, trellis, on other images, this is a flourishing sailion in Hand of Our Lady. Sometimes the flowers are woven into the world of the head of the baby Jesus or make up a pedestal on which it stands the molded with the Godhead. In wonderful stylized inflorescences, roses, lilies, immortals are guessed, roses, richly growing on the slopes of the Sacred Mount Athos and those who are considered not only immortality, but also purity.

Our Lady "Disadvantaged Color"
From the Church of Pokrov in Filya, Moscow, 18th century
Also, this image originated from the Orthodox Iconographic Heritage: In the Museum of Benaki, in Athens, the icon of St. Anne with a little Maria, dating back by the XV century. A white flower is in the hand in the hand, and in this symbolism is clearly read by the type of white lily, which the Archangel Gabriel will once hand out. In the State Historical Museum there is an icon of the XVI century "Our Lady with a baby with a flower", where the flower is not the Virgin, and Jesus, as on the Icon of the first half of the 18th century, "Our Lady with a Baby", created in Belarus. It is believed that this list became the original crown on the heads of Our Lady and the Godhead and organically fit into the canonical principles of Orthodox icon painting.

Yaroslavl Regional Public Organization
artists, icon painters, restorers -sphia
By the 19th century, the complex compositions of the icons are simplified, the abundance of attributes, except the crown, the flowers are often designated by one branch in the hand of Our Lady, the icon becomes less distinguished and on the composition, and in color, because, according to historians and art historians of church painting, later lists are inferior Ancient. From this point of view, the Icon of the Mother's Mother's "unfading color", created by the icon painter of Marina Filippova, continues the initial, ancient tradition, although the image is taken by the image, not overflowing canon attributes.

Orthodox prayer for the Most Holy Theotokos "Evilion Color" about marriage

Prayer is able to make a lot of well-being, good luck and abundance, you need to do it always always, regardless of the mood, day of the week and weather. The prayer "unfading color", the icon of the Virgin about marriage, will surely help you establish a personal life. This Orthodox prayer is capable of a lot, only here not everyone understands and appreciates. Some prayed, it became a little better, and they abandoned. It is impossible to treat it so much. Continue to pray and then when everything is fine. Hurry to thank, and not just ask.

The prayer of the Virgin is unfair color: text in Russian with comments

Who can read the prayer "unfading color"

Those girls who are in finding their love can safely read this prayer.

They read it those who dreamed to arrange their personal life in ancient times. The purity of the Most Holy Theotokos is a symbol of a clean and innocent bride. This is the reason why girls began to pray before this icon, asking for help find a good husband and with a strong family.

The fact that the number of places in which there is an icon of Our Lady is quite large, shows us how much it is revered. The image unfading color is considered powerful.

But not just the bride can contact this icon. Those who sick or sadness can also pray before her.

The text of the prayer icon "unfading color"

Below you will find information as read by the prayer icon "unfading color", as well as read

Oh, the Most Holy and Breakdown Mati Delo, the hope of Christians and a sinful refuge!

Protect everyone in misfortunes to you, we hear our wedding,

Cancel your ear to ours. Vladychitsa and Mother of Our God,

Do not construct your helping and do not give us sinful

Weeks and teach us: do not retreat from us, your slaves, for Rapting our.

Buddes us mother and patroness, hand you hand yourself with merciful cover.

Bring us sinful to quiet and serene life; Yes, our sins.

Oh, Mati Marie, our preparing and ambulance, the face of us with your petition.

Protect from enemies visible and invisible, softening the hearts of evil people who assume us.

Oh, Mati Lord Creator OUR!

You are the root of virginity and the unfading color of purity and chastity,

We assisted the help of wearing gentle and betented carnal passions and wandering hearts.

Enlighten our spiritual eyes, yes see the path of the truth of God.

The grateful of your son will strengthen our weak will in the execution of the commandments,

Yes, we will get rid of any trouble and attack and we will justify

Your stortive intercession on the terrible court of your son.

Jesh, we pay glory, honor and worship now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen.

How to correctly read prayer?

Prayer for the Most Holy Theotokos: I read it from ancient years. Young girls with a request for her husband

The rules of prayer unfading color do not differ from the rest, absolutely nothing.

  • You can read it together both with morning prayers and at evening Moluba. She will not lose strength if reading it in the temple on his own or at home.
  • Another, quite ordinary rule is sincerity. Your heart needs to be opened. No need to pick up intonation, build tone, change your voice ... all this is too. Just empty your head from the garbage and give completely prayer. Believe in what you say, in its power and in yourself.

Prayer and all kind words that she carries are able to completely destroy the accumulated negative inside a person. Prayer can cure, not only the disease and soul. She helps to get rid of trouble and evil. It is rumored that she is even able to extend life.

But in order for prayer to operate, you need to configure yourself to a positive result and that it really helps. All the saints and our Lord do not always hear us, for one simple reason, because we do not go into the soul what we are talking. You need to say sincerely. Pull off the whole negative and emit faith.

Learn to pray. Learn to believe. Learn to radiate good. Do not copy evil and hatred, all this will only worsen your life and will attract a lot of negativity into it. Do not waste time on unnecessary things, better devote his prayer and God.

Only one who once tried to become true to the path, could no longer and day to not pray. And do it not in order to improve your life, but in order to get closer to the Lord. Do not be because you need, but because you consciously have become ready for this.

Peter and Fevronia

If you have any questions or you need help in the established life situation, you can consult with our experts.

I got married thanks to this prayer. Two years went in girls, it was not lucky and was not lucky. I found this site and decided to try to read this prayer. A week later I met in a supermarket unexpectedly with MCH and after six months of the wedding. Soon we will have a kid! And the Internet and your site thank you so much for your lucky happiness!

My older sister 32 and she lives in America. She has a divorce by the shoulders and she was very disappointed in men. But our mother says that you need to pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary and everything will be fine. The sister did not believe in this and offended mom. And I decided to pray for her, because I sincerely wanted her happiness. I know that 32 in America - early for marriage, but I wanted nephews rather, while I didn't leave time. And I prayed for her, day and night. And so he met her beautiful dentist on Whlevrolet. We collect the whole family money for tickets in summer :)

I also helped this prayer! Long, for a very long time I waited for my narrowed - but the cherished sentence did not receive everything! What I just did what I didn't take it! And mom found this prayer for me! Soon I met my beloved and soon (this summer) our wedding! My happiness there is no limit! Believe the girls, God will definitely help you fulfill your cherished desires!

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Prayer in front of the icon of the Mother of God "Unlifeful Color"

Before the icon, the "unfavorable color" of God's Mother is raised about the preservation of the life of the righteous, about the faithful marriage, they ask a happy marriage, preservation of cleanliness and chastity, about getting rid of the carnal battle when joining the married life.

The pronounced prayer icon "unfavorable color" has the meaning of pure and flames, it helps when solving complex situations in the family. The icon of the Mother of God "unfading color" is one of the most popular among Christians, which is its beauty to the world.

On the icon is depicted by God's mother holding a flower in hand.

He has the meaning of disadvantage of virginity and the immaculate life of the Most Holy Virgin. The Church of Orthodox Christianity is also drawn in the Moluba Moluba, calling it unfading color.

The world is presented by several options for icons that differ from each other. On one of these icons is presented the face of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the onions of the Divine Baby, who holds the Scepter and Power in Hands.

Read the prayer at home and in the church

It is possible to read prayer, being under the Senius of the Church, or at home. In any case, it will have a value and will be effective if you are applying with love and faith. Otherwise, the Most Holy Mother of God will not be able to hear you and problems will remain not allowed.

Be sure to purchase the icon "unfading color". You can put it in the room and take prayers in front of it daily, asking problems, improving the situation in marriage, happiness to children, etc.

You can freeze in front of the icon of the candle to be easier to concentrate at a desire.

Icon "unfading color" has a wonderful meaning. There is a testimony that on the day of the celebration of the icons, on April 16, in the Samara region, one female pensioner, the unpretentious face of the Most Holy Virgin with unstippired color appeared on the window.

Prayer for family preservation

There are many prayer words with which Orthodox turns to the Mother of God in front of the icon "unfading color". Everyone seek to find different things. Deathy in marriage is resorted to its meaning, mothers who want to gain happiness to their little children, as well as anyone who wishes to lead a decent life under the Seny of Christianity.

The prayer in front of the icon "unfavorable color" of the Blessed Virgin Master is important, as it is possible to read a lot of evidence on the Internet.

Most often, holy words in front of the face helps to get a vacation of sins, protection in misfortunes. Prayer helps to achieve the masterman to hear her and helped their advice and miraculous force. She is able to give a quiet and serene life, especially helping his sins that rest.

"Nehudesh Color" has the importance of protecting visible and invisible enemies, soften evil hearts. Also addressed to reduce the carnal desires and passions. Many wives and husbands turn to her in order to preserve loyalty in marriage, when temptations arise, or the fear of their occurrence.

Many married couples pray together to keep marriage and reach harmony in relationships. The amazing case of healing and finding family happiness is possible to read on various forums and Internet portals.

Prayers of the Presidoy Virgin

In Christianity, the Earth's mother of Jesus Christ, one of the most revered personalities and the greatest of the Christian saints.

Prayer of the Virgin Maldious Color: Comments

One comment

My husband and I married 3 years. At first, everything was fine: each other was understood with the half-clow, helped, supported in a difficult situation. But as in any family, we have problems. Began the missing, they began to understand each other less, quarrels began. They tried to compromise, but this little helped us solve family troubles. We were already ready for a gap, but I didn't want to destroy the fact that so long and with love was built.

My grandmother is a very believer man told me about the icon, which helps in family problems, instructs the true wife and saves the family. This is the icon "unfading color."

It was here that I found a prayer to the icon, I read every day, it becomes easier to my soul and notice how relationships with my husband are being established.

Icon "unfading color"

Orthodox Christian icon of the Mother of God "unfading color" is honored as one of the Holy and Beautiful images. Learn about the amazing strength of the icon and how she can help you.

In Russia, Icon appeared in the 17th century, brought it from Greece to Moscow, where she immediately became loved and worship. Since that time, there are many cases of healing from the "Virgin Flower". After all, in prayers, they often compare the Virgin and the Son of God's Jesus Christ with unfading, eternally fragrant flowers.

At the form of the Most Holy Virgin in one hand holds a divine baby, and in the other - White Lilia. This is a symbol of intelligent, purity and getting rid of evil thoughts.

What is asking the icon "unfading color"

In addition, the Orthodox pray for the purity of thoughts and reconciliation with themselves, they ask to strengthen faith. Holy Lick is able to protect from sins and instruct the true path. Icon helps when choosing a spouse or spouse, warns from an incorrect or rash solution. Strengthens family bonds.

If this face of the Virgin to wear on his chest, he will save childhood and chaste. The breastplate icon is worth wearing young girls and unmarried girls.

The icon is treated with plenty and lonely or lost people who have lost a loved one. In an excellent image is looking for consolation and peace.

Girls and women are addressed to the Virgin, the Holy Image protects the representatives of the beautiful sex and helps in difficult issues. At all times, the icon came with requests for love and good satellites of life. Prayed for their loved ones who were in danger and asked to return men from war alive and healthy. Married women turned to the image asking to strengthen families or prayed for the conception of the child.

The people said that the Face of the Mother of God with Lilia was able to preserve female beauty and youth, it is only worth making a flower.

The fastest of all the queen of God performs the maternal prayers about the marriage of his daughter, because there is nothing stronger than the love of the mother to his children.

Prayer to the icon "Disadvantageous Color"

"O, Most Holy and Neckless Mati Delo, Hope Christians and a sinful refuge!

Protect everyone in misfortunes to you, hear our wedding, scream your ear to moles to our, Vladychitsa and Mother of our God, do not have a consensus that requires your help and do not give us sinners, at the same time, and teach us: not retreat Rapting our.

Buddes us Mati and the patroness, hand you give a merciful cover to yours.

Bring us sinful to quiet and serene life; Yes, our sins lose.

About Mathi Marie, our preparing and ambulance, the face of us with your petition.

Protect from enemies visible and invisible, soften the hearts of evil people who work for us.

About Mati Lord Creator OUR!

You are the root of the virgin and the unlocking color of purity and chastity, we have helped us by the weak and dyed carnal passions and wandering hearts.

Enlighten our spiritual eyes, but we see the way of the truth of God.

The grateful of your son will strengthen our weak will in fulfillment of the commandments, but we will get rid of things from any misfortune and you are justified and justified by your stortive intercession on the scary sown of your son.

He, we pay glory, the honor and worship of now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen".

Remember sincere prayer and request will always be heard. Turning to the beautiful holy image, keep your thoughts in cleanliness and order and the Most Holy Mother of God will definitely help you. We wish you good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

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God's mother unfading color of a prayer for marriage

The Most Holy Mother of God is the main teacher of man in front of the Lord and brings him all the innermost desires of a person.

In the history of Christianity, a lot of images of the Mother of God are known, and each of them is glorified by wonderland! And of course, there are icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary, prayers in front of which helps to gain happiness and marry.

One of these icons is the icon "unfavorable color" is one of the most lyrical images of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the favorite icon of all Orthodox women!

It is assumed that on writing this icon of the Afonov monks inspired an annual miracle, eyewitnesses of which were not once inhabitants and guests of the Holy Mountain.

Pilgrims bring the Mareti white flowers (lilies), and the clergy makes them in the kyot the icons are meticulously. On the eve of the holiday of the Assumption of the Virgin, dry and lifeless stems are filled with strength and color, produce new buds.

Allegorically, this miracle is associated with the blamelessness of the Virgin Mary - its unfavorable color. It is believed that in front of this icon of the girl can ask the Virgin about the acquisition of real love, about a successful marriage, about a happy family life.

Prayer Virgin about marriage

This prayer is read before the icon "unfading color".

"On the Most Holy and Neckless Mati Delo, Hope Christians and a sinful refuge! Protect everyone in misfortunes to you, hear our wedding, scream your ear to molely our, Vladychitsa and Mother of our God, do not have a consensus that requires your help. Do not remove us sinful, at the sights and teach us: Do not retreat from us, your slaves, for Raptation our. Buddes us Mati and the patroness, hand you give a merciful cover to yours. Bring us sinful to quiet and serene life; Yes, our sins lose. About Mathi Marie, our preparing and ambulance, the face of us with your petition. Protect from enemies visible and invisible, soften the hearts of evil people who work for us. About Mati Lord Creator OUR! You are the root of virgin and the unlocking color of purity and chastity, we went to help us by the weak and dyed carnal passions and wandering hearts. Sunieve our spiritual eyes, but see the path of God's truth. The grateful of your son will strengthen our weak will in fulfillment of the commandments, but we will get rid of any trouble and attack and are justified by your stortive intercession on the terrible court of your son. He, we pay glory, the honor and worship of now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen."

Who can still pray for marriage:

1. Prayer to the Lord God about marriage (Read prayer).

2. Holy prayers about marriage.

Also about a happy marriage, you can pray to the saints that are peculiar mediators between the person and God. They listen to prayer and pass it to God! They respond to your sincere requests!

a) a prayer for marriage Nikolai Wonderworker

Nikolai Wonderworker is one of the most beloved saints from the Russian Orthodox people. Its wonders are diverse and countless. There is no such incident so that the saint could not help a person. He is very willing to respond to prayers for marriage. Read prayer ...

b) prayer Matron about marriage

The Sacred Matron is called "Mother". Miracles Matrones are incommens. She is very responding to the requests of women about the happy marriage and the birth of a child. Read prayer ...

c) Prayer Ksenia Peterburger about marriage

There is a huge number of evidence of the help of Ksenia Peterburger in marriage and personal happiness. Read prayer ...

d) Prayer Peter and Fevronia about marriage

Saints Peter and Fevronia are revered in Orthodox Christianity as a sample of a loving family. They lived a long happy life, kept gentle feelings to each other. Now their names are associated with an example of the real family happiness, strong, filled with love marriage. According to their icons, the most amazing miracles are happening before their icons, including requests for a happy marriage! Read prayer ...

e) prayer for coverings about marriage

Pokrov to the Blessed Virgin Mary - Great Holiday! It is celebrated on October 14 annually. In the cover of girls who wish to get married need to come to church and put a candle of the Blessed Virgin. Ask her about a happy marriage. Married women can be asked about happiness in family life!

It is believed that the man's husband, given to you after prayer for cover, will be the best and ideal man for you! Read prayer ...

All believers are addressed to the Mary Verine Mary, one with a request for help, others - with gratitude, others are simply a consolation. The Mother of God is the most revered image of Orthodox Christians, judging by legends and testimonies, the Mother of God does not leave people alone with their trouble. Icon unfoldable color is one of the most touching images of the Virgin.

The history of the emergence of unwilling color

On the largest Ionian Greek Island of Kefalonia from a long time, a tradition was taken: on the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (April 7), pilgrims arriving on the island, bring white, similar to lilies, flowers. According to apocrypha, with a similar white flower, which symbolizes the immaculate purity, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin with the good news of the immaculate conception. Flowers stacked by parishioners to the icon under the kyot are not removed to one of the main Orthodox holidays - Assumption (August 28), they lie without water and light. In the twilight, without moisture, the flowers and stems gradually dry out, but a miracle comes to life, the stalks are filled with moisture, and instead of dry inflorescence, buds, blooming white flowers appear, becoming unreasonable color.

Which means an image for Orthodox

According to the Byzantine Acophisticians, Jesus Christ and the Queen of Heaven are compared with unfavorable flowers. It is based on acaptists, the miraculous image of the Virgin "unfavorable color" (XVII century) was created on the Sacred Mount Athos.

On the shrine, the Mother of God is depicted with his son, who holds on one hand, in the other hand - a white unwanned flower. On some icons you can see a pink plant (rose or just a pink branch), and the baby is on the right hand, then on the left. But from a small difference in images, the value of the icon does not lose their power and miraculous power. It is argued that the first icons were portrayed by the Virgin, squeezed on the throne and holding a scepter, Ovivated by a white branch.

The value for believers icons "unfading color" is difficult to overestimate, legends are made about its strength. One of the legends narrates that the Most High Virgo helps women will save beauty for many years. The meaning of the icon for immaculate devs, who want to find a decent pair for life, especially great. In antiquity, this information was secret, and it was passed exclusively on the female line.

Help image

Lick of Our Lady on "unfading color" one of the most tender, peaceful, beautiful, emitting calm, joy, love. It seems that one look at a charming image is enough to be sad, the alarms scattered, and the soul calmed down.

What does the image help:

  • save female youth;
  • save chastity;
  • girls to find a satellite of life;
  • gain understanding between close people;
  • remove mental confusion;
  • send to the righteous way;
  • solve family problems;
  • protect a family hearth
  • family people get rid of temptations;
  • save family, family values.

The icon "unfading color" blessed the bride to the wedding for a happy marriage.

What to pray for

The main thing when reading the prayer is sincerity and faith. Sincere prayer to the Mother of God contributes to the scattering of fears and anxiety. The rebel shower session calms down, becomes peaceful. In the same time you need to pray for the expulsion of gloomy thoughts, peace of mind, to ask the Virgin about the understanding, the world for the family. People confused in life seeking their way can safely turn to the holy image of the instruction on the right path.

Most often, young Virns are addressed to Mother to find the only one who can live all his life without trouble. Girls who want to avoid worldly temptations and dedicate their lives to the ministry of the Almighty will also pray. Married women pray if there are home problems, there was a split and misunderstanding. It is believed that the Queen of Heavenly helps a family pair to preserve good relations and strengthen the family.

Miraculous image

From a long time, people believe in miracles sent by "unfading color." Hundreds of thousands of Christians got rid of mental alarms thanks to the holy image. Many indicate real healing. Especially Mother loves and helps children. There are cases when parents prayed before the intercession about the health of patients and children received healing. Children disappeared with speech problems, and one day, a dumb began to talk after the prayer of his parents.

World shrine lists

The study of the iconography of the image is diverse. After the appearance of "unfading color", many versions of icon painting, differing in detail, but the same in meaning. Some researchers tend to the fact that the appearance of the first Athos copy was in Constantinople. So it is or not, but since then there have been three main well-known directions of the icon paintings by the Virgin:

  1. Russian.
  2. Bulgarian.
  3. Greek.

Each direction is distinguished by its traditions. Flowers on copies can be found not only white, but pink and even red. But in all images, the prototype of Lily donated by the Queen of the Heavenly Archangel Gabriel is guessed. In the historic Museum of Athens, there is an image of the XVI century, on which the branch holds the Son of God, and not God's mother. And in the XVII century in Belarus, an iconist was created with the royal crowns on the heads of Our Lady and Baby. It is assumed that it was from this copy that the tradition of writing the Bog Master and the Mother of God with crowns on their heads, which does not contradict the principles of Christian icon painting.

In the later lists in the XIX century, the compositions are simpler and inferior to the ancient images in the richness of color and details. Compositions are becoming easier, many attributes disappear, branches are depicted not so luxurious and bright.

Moscow lists

In the pre-revolutionary Russia there was a Moscow monastery for unmarried girls, he was called Alekseevsky. It was there that the most ancient list of the icon "unfading color" was kept in front of which the girls prayed to preserve spiritual purity and compliance with the purity of bodily. Most likely, the list was brought to the Russian Empire almost immediately after writing the image in the XVII century, since one famous copy was dated 1691. The copy is different from the rest: the baby stands on her full growth, relies with a hand of the shoulder of the Sitting Mother of God. On the rules of the Virgin, a tape with the name of the icon. On the throne there is a jug with a white beautiful branch.

Another well-known list was kept in the temple of Assumption on the burls. At the bottom of the copy, a beautiful blooming lily is depicted, on which the Son of God is. Mother supports the baby with one hand, the other holds a white branch, angels are hidden over her head. The Church of Assumption was mentioned in their works Lion Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Alexander Griboedov. Currently, the church is revived and it contains a modern list of "unfading color", since the old copy disappeared with the authorities of the Soviets.

Where you can see "unfavorable color"

Lists of miraculous icons can be seen by visiting the following holy places:

  • Russia, Moscow: Red Selo, Holy Alekseevsky Monastery (until 1757 there was an original here).
  • Voronezh: Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Virgin. The image was reading and loved by Serafim Sarovsky, who prayed to him in the temple of the town of Kat (Ryazan region).
  • Samara region: An amazing case occurred in the house of one Christian, on the window glass there was a non-manual image of "unfading color", which disappears with the onset of the night and appears with dawn. It was in 2012 on April 16 (the day of the celebration of "unstippable color", April 3 - on the old style). Since then, the miracle come to watch and pray countless pilgrims. The hostess even tried to catch up in fraud, there were many commissions in the house, but nothing came out of this, the Lick of the Virgin and appears on the glass every morning.
  • Yeysky district: Miraculous Spring, who was revived in 2008.
  • Ukraine, Kiev Region: In Vasilkovsky district there is a temple consecrated in honor of this image.
  • Kherson region: The christmas temple of the Virgin, here icon is different from the rest of the fact that it is bleeding, there are many sick people and just believers to look at the miraculous icon and pray to her.

The strength of the image for modern believers

Pilgrims massively go to Greece to Mount Athos to admire the wonderful way of the Virgin and tell her about their troubles, ask for healing for themselves, their relatives. Orthodox believe that healing or sickness, peace, help and resolving family problems will receive. Holy Fathers warn that the Mother helps only with sincere prayer if the request of "help" goes from the heart itself, only with faith.

Athos priests compare gentle branches on images with pure souls of people. This means that plants are faded without life moisture, and without real faith and love, the human soul tastes, the most positive features disappear. But after the spiritual prayer from the comprehensive unconditional love of God and the Virgin, the soul can be reborn to the new righteous life, as wonderful branches on sacred icon painting are reborn.

In which place the house should be icon

The main place in the house should be given to Jesus Christ and Savior. For home interior there are no strict rules for placing icon painting, as for churches. "Unabletable color" can be placed in any, convenient for peaceful prayer. The main thing is to highlight the image "Red Angle", place above the other lists (except Christ), decorate as accepted in Orthodoxy. It is not allowed to accommodate in cluttered cabinets, also near the shrine it is not necessary to put any foreign objects, except for the parts that are adorning the Virgin.