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When the cakes are shine at Easter. When baked cakes and paint eggs. - What should be on the Easter table

Cook covers and eggs to the bright holiday Easter is a long tradition, which is one of the most important. When the cakes and eggs shine in 2018, they take with them the other treats who love. After all, Easter is a big holiday and ignore preparations for it can not be, especially if a person believes. Every year the question arises when the cakes and eggs are shine at Easter. In 2018, as in other years, highlight the basket is needed on the eve of the holiday or during the vigil service.

Preparation for festive meal

As a rule, Easter morning begins with the fact that the whole family is sitting at the table, lights a candle, reads prayer and talks to those treatments that were covered on the eve. It is necessary to start your breakfast on this holiday day with a piece of porchen eggs and a piece of calch. But to cover the festive table, it is necessary to prevent everything you need for the holiday. Is it possible in Easter.

First of all, the main and most important attributes of Easter is easter cakes And painted eggs, which are also called paintings or pussy. Paint eggs and baking kulichs accepted on a passionate sadmice, in Pure Thursday. If not cooking does not work on this day, you can continue to prepare traditional treats for Easter in Great Saturday, day before the holiday.

Interesting! It is believed that it is impossible to cook on Good Friday. But, our ancestors were confident that it was in Good Friday that Kulichki oven had a stove and painting eggs. Culici on this Friday was especially lush. There is a belief that if you bake a loaf of bread on this day, he will not cover mold.

When to go to shit

And so, when all cookings for Easter are ready, the question arises when the cakes and eggs are shine
2018? Usually, it must be done in the Great Saturday. Since Easter in 2018 is celebrated on April 8, then it is necessary to shy cakes and eggs on April 7. Usually temples start this rite from the very early morning and continue until the evening. Since those who want to sanctify their baskets a lot, in churches shine food almost throughout the day. So, the most important thing you need to know about when the cakes and eggs on Easter in 2018 are shining, this is what they are shining on April 7, on the Great Saturday, from morning to evening.

Attention! Little churches sometimes conduct lighting food at Easter at a particular time interval. This is due to the fact that people come little, and it is necessary to have time to prepare for the vigil. Therefore. It is best to clarify the reference schedule of food in the temples. Often they are hung such information on the door. On the festive table can be prepared.

Together with herbs and eggs, it is still necessary to put a piece of meat, salt, horseradish and something dairy, for example, a piece of cheese.

Interesting! Many mothers put chocolate eggs for their kids in Easter baskets and will holy them too. Some carry to sink and Easter rabbits, but this is already inspired by Europe, and is not a tradition on orthodox EasterHowever, it is not prohibited.

Why cake is needed

Kulich is another famous Easter attribute. Why should the Easter Kulik be in a basket and be lit? The fact is that cake is the original Russian ritual bread, which must be stove on yeast and be sweet. It is believed that this bread gave Jesus Christ to his disciples at the secret evening.

Kulichiki always have a cylindrical shape, they always need to add a little raisin. But already for spices, you can choose to taste. During the lighting of the calch, it must stand in it church candle. Serve for a festive table

In the Great Saturday in the temples, shops are put on the street, because, the influx of believers will be very large. On this day, the rite of consecration of food, in particular, such important Easter dishes as painted eggs and cakes is carried out.

It was the Great Saturday that this year falls on April 15 is the only day when the eggs and cakes are illuminated. In each temple, time during this Saturday, when food is being consecrated, will change and need to be focused on a specific schedule. But, in general, the sanctification begins at about 12:00, after the end of the morning liturgy, lasts until 19-20 pm.

In some temples, the service schedule is set so that it was possible to sanctify products twice within one day or even in the morning on Sunday Easter. It is better to ask in advance when and how the consecration of kulichs and eggs will be able to take place in the temple in which you are going to go for this purpose. By the way, today many temples have their websites on the Internet, where the schedule of worship is updated. Therefore, it is not necessary to even take the temple to familiarize yourself with the current schedule.

Rules of consecration of Kulukhai

If you consider the installed historically canons christian churchThe consecration of Kulukhai must go after the end of the service, accompanied by prayer chants. But today there are too many people who take part in this process. The temples would not cope with the influx of believers, if the cakes and eggs were not sanctified continuously in the Great Saturday for several hours in a row.

The Great Saturday comes after Good Friday. Already in the evening, during the service, the priests will change their black clothes in festive white, after the godfather at midnight from Saturday to Sunday, the priest will say "Christ Risen", which means that Easter has come and people should congratulate each other.

In some small village temples, the consecration of food, as it should be on church canons, is held on this night. But in the cities of the influx of people very large and would have to postpone the service to sanctify the food all night. Therefore, today, the consecration of kulichs, painted eggs and other food is held on the day of the Great Saturday.

What products to consecrate

Each priest will say that it is not necessary to drag a huge basket with me to the temple with me, where all the planned Easter eggs will be. It is enough to sanctify one cake and several painted eggs. In no case to the sanctification do not bring wine or other alcoholic beverages.

The consecration of food is symbolic, these products in the festive Easter morning are used to talk after the Great Post, the right exit from this period.

Tip! It is not necessary to bring to the consecration of the cakes, which just got out of the oven. Moreover, Kulich and glaze should already be completely cool. Painted eggs take different colors.

A kind thing is considered to treat other parishioners with a part of the products brought, something to put something in a basket, which the priest carry servants of the Church as a gratitude to the temple for carrying out such a large and important rite. Do not forget to give alms to people who stand by the temple with an outstretched hand.

For consecration, it is best to put products in a flat bottom basket, which can be easily put on the ground or a shop. Additionally, the basket can be decorated with ribbons, flowers, beautiful trench. Its shape and sizes should be compact and comfortable so that in the temple there is enough space. Products cover with cloth.

Common issues regarding the sanctification of products and answers to them:

  1. When are cakes begin to sanctify? You need to focus on noon and this process goes until late evening. It is better to hurry, because, not in all temples repeat the rite of consecration of food in Easter morning.
  2. What is important, in addition to the consecration of food when preparing for Easter? Be sure to visit the service, pray, as well as confession and compete.
  3. What time does Easter worship begins? It is the festive worship service begins at midnight from the procession, but the service itself begins at around 11 pm Good Saturday.
  4. When does the post end? After the Divine Liturgy on the night from Saturday to Sunday and the communion ends post, it is about four in the morning. From this point on, you can already sit at the festive table and celebrate the offensive of Easter Christ.


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Bake the cakes and paint eggs on the eve of such a big holiday as Easter, it is known to everyone. When the cakes are ready and beautiful eggs are waiting for their holidays, people think about to consecrate part of the food. After all, food lighting is an important ritual in Easter.

When to sip cakes in 2018? First of all, it is necessary to recall that Easter in the current year falls on April 8. Based on the date of Easter, the answer to the question when you need to shit cakes in 2018 - April 7. This day is called the Great Saturday.

Easter for Orthodox Christians is the most important holiday in the year, hence the numerous traditions and signs related to this day. Be sure to conduct certain rituals, including such as lighting food.

The best time when cakes shine in 2018 is the Great Saturday. Despite the fact that there are lighting of food in the temples from the morning and until the evening: believers who comply with this rite a lot, best of all to shy food at night on Saturday on Sunday after the service. But this perfect optionBecause the church is not prohibited to prepare for Easter in advance and sanctify the cakes, eggs and other products in the Easter basket from the morning of the Great Saturday, which in 2018 falls on April 7.

Some believe that it is not necessary to sanctify food for Easter. But, if a person plans to celebrate this holiday, then it is necessary to try to fulfill its strict rules and comply with tradition. At least basic. If you do not want to take part in such ritual actions, it is worth thinking about whether to celebrate Easter at all?

When should you shit the cakes in 2018? April 7, 2018 on the Great Saturday - the last day of the Great Post. In large and small cities, the consecration of Easter basket is held in churches and, as correct, passes from 10.00 am to 22.00 in the evening. From 20.00 you can come with your basket to the church for the service. There is a service, during which the acts of the Holy Apostles are read. After the service that is completed processionThe food lighting also occurs.

What is cake?

Now it is clear when to sink a cake in 2018 in Moscow or other city. But why exactly Kulich should be in the Easter basket along with other products? Kulich is Russian ritual bread, and it has always been the main attribute of the Easter table.

Proper cakes should be sweet and cooked from yeast doughbecause, it is believed that it is this bread, Jesus Christ fed his students on the last joint dinner before the crucifixion on the cross - at a secret evening.

It is interesting! Kulich is exactly Orthodox baking for Easter. Catholics also often along with yeast crumbs prepare sandy cakes, who are called "women".

This baking must necessarily have a cylinder form and contain a little raisin. From above, cake is decorated with powdered sugar or icing. Spices can add a variety of: from vanilla to nutmeg.

April 7, Saturday is a day when to sip Kulichi in 2018. Together with cake painted eggs, something dairy, a piece of meat, horseradish and salt. Consecration of Kulich is the most well-known and executable church rite.

This year the Orthodox will celebrate Easter on April 28, 2019. And people want to know: what time is it usually, from which hour on Saturday begin to saint eggs and cakes? After all, one of the wonderful traditions of this great celebration is the consecration of Kulichi and Eggs.

By tradition, the temple must come to the Great Saturday, on the eve of the Easter holiday. So, this year it is better to do it saturday April 27.

Most suitable timeTo consecrate eggs and cakes - this is an Easter service. The festive service takes place in the church on the night from Saturday on Sunday and ends at about three hours of the passion.

Of course, for many people it is very late, so there will be nothing terrible to come to the temple not in the evening, but in Easter day and consecrate the products. It is necessary to do it before noon - because the celebration begins from an early morning, and in the day it is better to be at home and congratulate each other with a joyful greeting: "Christ is risen! Truly Rissed! "

It will not be known that the consecrated food can not be thrown away. Therefore, you should not take a lot of food in the basket.

What time start to sate cakes on Saturday

To come to the church to consecrate the eggs, kulichs and other festive foods in Saturday, on the eve of Easter. So, often people go to church in the morning in a passionate Saturday with Easter baskets.

On this day, you begin to shit food in temples from 11-12 hours and up to 21 hoursThat is, before the start of Easter service.

In many churches, you can also come on the following days at the Easter Sedmice (on Monday, Tuesday). In any case, it is better to ask the mode of operation of a particular temple in advance.

So, in many temples, the schedule is postponed in advance: how much, from what time and which the hour begins to consecrate the festive meal. The corresponding schedule can also be found on the information board or on the Church website, for example:

Is it possible to sanctify eggs and cakes at home

Consecration of eggs and silence in the temple is a solemn preparation for the holiday. Although many people do not come to church, but will correctly go to the temple and fulfill an ancient tradition.

Each believer can come to Easter to church or at least ask close man Do it instead of him. It is important to understand that these products are not just a meal, but the real symbols of light resurrection. The egg personifies life, revival, and the cakes is the image of the body of Christ.

Well, after everything is ready, you can come home and sit down at the table. Usually in the temples at midnight the procession passes.

After solemnly declare that Easter came, and from now on you can eat consecrated Easter food. The holiday begins, and Great post ends.

What products can still be consecrated on Saturday before Easter

Of course, believers can be interested not only when cakes and eggs are shine and eggs. People also ask whether to illuminate other products and drinks?

The church does not prohibit parishioners to cover, for example, meat, wine, meat products. You can also put salt in the Easter basket, seasoning, a piece of cheese. You should not take alcoholic beverages for consecration.

The appropriate comment gives the Hieromona of Joss Gmer.

The tradition of sating cakes in the temple allows a person to tune in to the bright waves of the holiday. It is no secret that the assembly of believers is a special atmosphere, which can hardly feel at home. That is why visit the temple on such a day is worthless.

"In the consecration of wine there is no need"

On Sunday, April 16, Orthodox expects the most important religious holiday. Its indispensable attribute are, including edible supplies: painted eggs and cakes. When it is better to cook them, when to sanctify in the temple, what should a festive table be? We asked these household details of the High Holidays at the abbot of the temple of the Holy Bescas and Damian in Shubin, Archpriest Alexander Borisov.

- When do you need to paint eggs and cakes?

After the services dedicated to the events of the Great Thursday, memories of the secret evening and communion. That is - on Thursday evening. Many do it on Friday, but at the most sorrowful day the passionate week is still better not to engage in household items. It is better to buy these products.

- Preparing these products at home, should I follow some rituals?

Not. Pray, ask for the blessings of the Lord, read "Our Father" - is always good. But there are no special spiritual rules of painting eggs and cooking kulukhai.

- When are eggs and cakes sanctify?

On Saturday, after the morning liturgy: Usually, the sanctification begins at about noon and continues until nine o'clock in the evening. You can do it on Sunday.

- Can not baptized people Consension cakes and eggs?

May, of course: and sanctify, and participate in worship. Not baptized is not only assumed to communion.

- other food and wine that will be on festive tableAre you sanctified in the church?

It is enough to sanctify the cakes and eggs. Everything else you can consecrate the personal prayer at home, on the meal. Wine is not consecrated in the church, there is no need for it.

- What should be on easter table?

After the Easter service is given permission for all types of food. Only, of course, everything should be in moderation. If a person kept the post, then you do not need to immediately overeat: it can be dangerous to health. Everything must be in moderation, especially for alcohol.

- What should Orthodox on Saturday, besides the lighting of eggs and kulichs?

To come in the morning Divine Liturgy, coming up. Since just on Saturday a victory over death is committed. As a sign of this, during the liturgy, priests are reproduced from black robes in white. And at midnight, believers will have to return to the temple on the festive service and the procession.

- You can come to the liturgy immediately with the products, which will be consecrated, or better to bring them then?

No, people come to the service immediately with bags and knots. Standing with them, nothing terrible. After all, it is not necessary to sanctify all the eggs and cakes at once. One slicer, one egg. It's enough. Everything else will be sanctified from them - at home.

There is a tradition to pick up candles from service in pure Thursday. And after the service, which is completed by the consecration of eggs and cakes, the candle is carrying home?

No, it is done only in Maundy Thursday In the evening, when after reading the gospel of the candle is quenched. Then the candle take home, stored and light in special cases of your life. And on the other days, the candles do not quit, and they naturally remain in the temple.