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In pure Thursday you can get out at home. Signs associated with clean Thursday. Ritual for pure Thursday to fulfill desires

An important and significant day of passionate week is a great or pure Thursday. In 2018, he falls on April 5 and is associated with a huge number of accepts, customs and rituals. This is the only day in a year, when many rituals can be done with the good purpose and good intentions - to improve their lives.

Every year the date of this day is changing and directly depends on the date of Easter. In 2018, Orthodox Easter Christ is celebrated on April 8, which means that April 5 will Maundy Thursday. Its popular name "Clean" this day was not accidental - all household worries for cleaning the apartment, washing, ironing was made to end this day. In and Saturday, nothing can be done already, and with the onset of Easter there is a festive week when nothing can be done already. Also, people in the villages went to the bath, many challenges for pure Thursday were associated with water.

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Every day passionate weeks we remember the suffering of Jesus Christ during last days Life on Earth. On Thursday, Christ collected his disciples for dinner, which in history remained called the Last Supper. There he told the disciples that one of them would betray him that he was crucified on the cross, but on the third day he will rise. Everything happened, but there are three very heavy and complex psychologically for every believer of the day.

One more important detail This Thursday is the establishment of the sacrament of communion. Jesus lasted bread in a circle and said that this is his body, he laughed in a circle and said that it was blood him. Also, the Savior is handed over his pupils personally. Next, we will talk in detail about what you need to do into pure Thursday, according to folk traditions and belief. As for the church charter, be sure to go in the temple in the evening, pray and compete.

What to do on Thursday at the stage of preparation for Easter:

  • Through the all respected strict post. But it is on this day that you can cook food using heat treatment, as well as vegetable oil.
  • What the money was found, they need to recalculate them three times in pure Thursday: at sunrise, at noon and at sunset. Recounting to do alone and secret from all home.
  • You can cook a threshold salt (on the night from Wednesday to Thursday), which is strong guard and protector from diseases. There are different modern methods Cooking, the easiest - just to take the whole family on a handful of salt from the shared handhelter and pinches into one fabric package.
  • It is necessary to actively clean and wash, because then it will not be possible to do this for two weeks. The hostess is carried out in pure Thursday, general cleaning, erase everything with the house, stroke. If the strength remains, you can start the bake of cakes or paint eggs.

Water rituals

Many conspiracies for pure Thursday are connected with water, it is clear that this day has no air from this day. This morning water, they say, has miraculous power And sheeps all sins. It is necessary to plunge into an open reservoir or at least wash the dew.

In principle, the rituals of purification can be held at home on the shower. It is only important to do it consciously, with a prayer on the lips and necessarily in cold water. Exactly cold water The method on this day washed off the disease, give the body beauty and health.


  1. Since this day is directly related to the cleanliness, then understandable things, nothing good will be with people who live in a dirty house. So, clean up, bring all home to this process to ensure that it goes well and friendly.
  2. In the villages would be the custom for the first time to cut the child on this day. For well-being, several shreds of wool in cattle were also cut off.
  3. It is necessary to clean up from the morning - wash and clean everything. Otherwise, throughout the year, then the family does not avoid quarrels and even diseases.
  4. Starting from this day and before the Easter itself, nothing can be counted.
  5. What money was found, recounting them three times on this day. You can still rearrange the furniture and various small souvenirs during cleaning also with the purpose financial well-being. And you can also shoot a gun if it is also available to attract money.
  6. On Thursday night put in water silver spoonAnd in the morning this silver water wash. They say it will give youth and keeps beauty.
  7. What else do in pure Thursday before Easter - it is a threshold salt.

In this material we tried to maximize all the signs, customs, conspiracies and prayers for pure Thursday. What should every believer Christian must do - go to the temple to serve in the morning or in the evening and confess, and then compete. It was during the secret evening on this day of the last week of the life of the Savior on Earth, he established the sacrament of communion.

Clean fours - this is the fourth day passionately the saddles. This day is associated with many troubles and cases that must be completed during the day. And what exactly should be done in pure Thursday before Easter? Will a mandatory list of cases, in their private sequence, so as not to forget anything and how to prepare yourself and your home to the bright holiday of Easter.

Briefly about the sense of pure Thursday

To understand why it should be done in a clean Thursday, what can be called tradition, you should refer to the history and significance of this holiday.

During the service in the temple, this day remembers the secret evening, during which the Savior of mankind predicted that he would be betrayed by one of his students, and also established the sacrament of baptism, dividing bread (from my flesh) and wine (from my blood) between apostles. Also, at the secret evening, Jesus washed the legs of every apostle, showing an example of virtue, humility and selflessness. Partly, precisely because of this, the act (abandonment of the legs), the great Thursday is customary to call clean fours.

It is believed that on pure Thursday, it is necessary not only to clean their soul with prayers and rite of washing, but also to put their homes in order. To any act, this day should be treated as a step on the way to complete healing of the soul from evil, as well as all the cases with joy and reading prayers.

What you need to do in pure Thursday

Since the day is to be troublesome, waking up a splash. First of all, after waking up, it is necessary to wash or swim with soap, it is believed that water in pure Thursday (especially early in the morning) is endowed with healing force. Using it, as with the help epiphany waterYou can heal the ailments, strengthen the immune system, attract good luck.

When all bath procedures are completed, it is necessary to proceed to the general cleaning of the house, the yard and the shed (if we are talking About private housing). One of will say that the windows and frames are necessary to wash with water charged with money: for this you need to immerse the coins in the pelvis with water, and then, to wash every corner of the window, each slot so that weaker can easily enter the house and do not leave it .

In addition, it is necessary to wash the windows and frames, it follows to each corner in the house: to circle cabinets and shelves from the rubble, throw off the sproured products from the refrigerator, wipe the dust, press the floor. If there is in the house of Caica, then unfinished repair work, then in pure Thursday they must be brought to mind.

After cleaning the mistress was taken for cooking. It follows a stove in pure Thursday, it is believed that before Easter, they will not be ruined and will remain fresh and soft. It is necessary to knead the dough and read the prayer, then the traditional treat for Easter to get lush, gentle and very tasty. Also, you should go to the store and purchase products for festive table. For Easter, be sure to buy eggs for staining.

If we talk about trouble in the kitchen, it is worth mentioning this tradition as the preparation of the Thurspath Salt. Despite the fact that it is usually cooked in the monasteries, some hostesses also want to have such a salt in a person for personal use. It is believed that the Thursday Sol is endowed with not only healing force, but also magical. Therefore, it is used both for the treatment of ailments and for the removal of damage, the evil eye, for love spells. But, such use of salt is not welcomed by the church, since it is all considered remnants of paganism (except, of course the use of salt for healing purposes).

And the final item is important in pure Thursday is a visit to the temple. In the temple, it is advisable to come and confess. It is necessary in order to completely clean the spirit and body, because only the pure Thursday you can pour all sins, even mortals.

What is forbidden to do in pure Thursday

Many prohibitions on this day are directly connected with what needs to be done. For example, it is impossible to leave your house with an unlucky. It is believed that if you can be lazy and not to put the house in order, then in it in it will reign quarrels and misunderstanding. You can not even start cooking until the house is removed. That is why, the sequence of actions in pure Thursday is as described above.

In addition, despite the fact that on this day it is customary to prepare treats for easter table., dishes can not try, because Great post It continues, and it means to cross all your efforts in the past. In addition, Holy Week - The most strict week of fasting. Of course, if a person cannot comply with the post, but he is allowed to be reluctantly.

Also in pure four it is impossible to give anything in debt, as financial well-being can leave the house for the whole year. Duty can not be given not only money, it concerns any things and items.

According to the church canon, it is necessary to pray in pure Thursday, and therefore the church recommends not too far to be worldly affairs if they prevent prayers.

Knowing what can be done in pure Thursday, you can adequately prepare for the meetings of Light Easter, because it is almost the final stage.

IN last week Before Easter for Orthodox Christians, clean (Great) Thursday comes.In pure Thursday, divine services are held during which they remember Mystery Supperwhere Jesus Christ washed his legs to his students, thereby establishing the rite of the Holy Communion.

Also, starting from the Great Thursday and until Sunday (Easter), all church services are dedicated to the memories of the suffering of Jesus Christ, which he survived on Earth

Clean Thursday: Cooking Easter

From clean Thursday, cooking for Easter begin: the house is cleaned, cooks and cottage cheese Easter are preparing, paint eggs. Believers go to the temples to confess and coming up. From the church you need to bring a lit candle, trying not to repay it on the road. She protects the house from fires, and the family is from diseases.

To the Great Thursday you need to get up to sunrise and take a shower, Cleaning the soul and body from sins and fuss. It is symbolically, of course, because it is believed that water on this day heals and protects against turmoil.

After global cleaning in pure Thursday, the house can not be removed before Easter Otherwise, you can "clog the eyes lying in the coffin of Christ." Interesting that on this day during general cleaning You can find long-willed things. Also from Thursday and before Easter it is impossible to give anything or leaning out of the house.

In addition, this day was satisfied with a large washing, reserving all the clothes, linens, tablecloths, towels, curtain mats, rugs - in a word, everything you can wipe in the house. It was believed that each thing was rejoiced to the arrival of Easter in the house, because it needs to be prepared for the holiday. At the same time, the family from Thursday on Friday spent over the "Gorokhovina" (pea straw), sent on the floor.

Clean Thursday - Day for the haircut

In pure Thursday, it is customary to stand, thanks to which the hair will become curly and will grow rapidly. Also in the great Thursday, it is advisable for the first time to cut one year old children, who up to a year, it was previously considered a sin.

Clean Thursday: sayings and signs

1. If in pure Thursday you stop and hang out, the entire year the purity will be included in the hollow.

2. Everything must be wrapped, even the port is and the Easter rejoices.

3. If you put a trifle into the water and wash it into clean Thursday windows and doors, you will wait for a profit throughout the year.

4. In the evening to the Great Thursday, put in a container with water of some silver object. In the morning, on Friday, you need to wash this water and all the next year you will be protected from the evil eye and disease.

Cash rituals on pure Thursday

Highly good ritual to attract money in pure Thursday will recalculation of money, Moreover, both the real paper and iron and those in the project, and you only plan to get them. Make it need three times. After that, throughout the year, money will not be translated. It is necessary to count money in special intervals: early in the morning, at noon and at sunset. This procedure should remain secret from all, including close people. Conspiracy for money: "Tychchi, half, six hundred, everything, everywhere my hand Vladyka will take." It is impossible to communicate with anyone and distracted by foreign affairs.

Another ritual to strengthen its cash energy is to wash the doors and windows with water, which is impregnated with energy of money. To do this, in the tank with water in which the rag rolls, you need to throw coins. It is better if such water with coins stands all night. After such a ritual, money throughout the year will grow as on yeast. Conspiracy with coins: "Money, go - do not translate, grow-multiply, do not suit the enemy".

Another powerful plot For money in pure Thursday, it is read on the water for cleansing the home:

"I ask you to have a farewell water. Mother - clean water, sorry, Mother, water, help. How much you are in the lake, in the river, in the stream, the ocean, in every human glass, so I had a lot of money: and on Monday, and on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, and on Thursday, and on Friday, and in Saturday, and on Sunday. " After the end of purification of the housing of the conspiracy water, you need to recalculate money three times with the words: "Tychka, Poltushki, Six hundred, Everything, Everywhere My Hand Vladyka will take."

After all the doors and windows in your home will be washed, you need to get a trifle from the water and put it in a distant pure corner. Water should be poured under any plant, houses or on the street.

Also with rituals and conspiracy for money in pure Thursday You can use your own words.

Ritual for pure Thursday to fulfill desires:

It is believed that the increment of money, as well as the execution of desire, contributes to the permutation of furniture or other items in pure Thursday. During the process of permutation, think about your desire. You can move and shift anything, both large and small items and things. But the desire should be large and cherished, especially desirable. The permutation ritual can be carried out only after cleaning. Special attention should be paid to the sector at home, which is responsible for desire.

Clean (Great) Thursday falls on the seventh week of the Great Post and is celebrated three days before the Light Easter. In 2018, the holiday falls on April 5

According to the biblical legend, three days before the crucifixion, Jesus gathered his 12 apostles on a secret evening. In his teachings, Christ constantly claimed that he had to lead a humble lifestyle and love the near. So that evening the Savior washed the legs of the crowd and divided bread with them with wine.

At the same time, the Bible says that it was at that meeting Jesus told the disciples that some of them would betray the teacher in the near future. The Lord foresaw the sin of Judas, however, she chose not to call him name. Unfortunately, it happened. On the night of Thursday, Judas, Jesus, sold Jesus for 30 and quarples.

Clean Thursday 2018: What can and Can not be done

So that well-being and prosperity is not bypassed your home / apartment by side, in pure Thursday you need to make general cleaning.

In addition to harvesting in the house / apartment, go over things in your wardrobe and throw out all objects that came into disrepair. Thanks to this, you will open the place for the new one.

If you have a resentment, it is in pure Thursday it is important to let them go. Talk to a person with whom there are some disagreements to further do not carry accumulated problems with you.

What can not be done in pure Thursday 2018

In no case leave the house dirty. If you ignore cleaning in pure Thursday, then the entire subsequent year of Lada and the world in the family will not.

From clean Thursday to a passionate Friday, in no case leave no wash dishes and clouded, but not wounded underwear.

In pure Thursday and before Easter, do not give anything valuable from home, as well as do not clothe money: together with values \u200b\u200byou can "give" and well-being.

Pure Thursday 2018 when swim after 12 or to

In pure Thursday try to stand up to sunrise and rinse the body clean water. At this point, you are spent with yourself the whole negative, which has managed to accumulate over the past year. After bathing, try not to think about the bad thing all day.

Clean Thursday What needs to do this day to marry

According to people beliefs, A lonely girl must imagine the image of the desired man (perhaps this is a specific or imaginary person). Tuping and believing in the performance of your dreams, you can refresh the desire and fulfill such rites and rituals:

Take the usual soap and, calling the name of the beloved, pronounce: "(Name) will stick to me like soap."

After cleaning the house ends, it is better to bring the perfect order in your wardrobe. And certainly leave the place ... for men's clothing. This symbolic gesture allows you to imagine those days when a loved one will be near: the girl invites him to his life.

You can take the seed of any plant and put it in flower pot. The folk sign says that if the flower planted in pure Thursday will take up pretty quickly, then it remains to wait for a marriage.

But if the girl has long been looking for his happiness, but so far she did not meet the narrowed, she must paint eggs herself, bake an amazine and distribute them to everyone who needs.

When to count money in pure Thursday

Many challenges for pure Thursday are associated with financial well-being at home. It is believed that starting cleaning, windows and doors should be washed with water, in which the handful of trivia lies. This will attract money to the house. In addition, it was believed that general cleaning on

Clean Thursday will help to find once lost, but expensive things. Water remaining after general cleaning, it is worth pouring away by presenting that all the troubles go down with it.

If you consider money for pure Thursday, 2018 can be a year of financial well-being. I need to count money on this day three times, at dawn, on the midday sun and on the sunset. You need to recalculate all the money that is in the house and make sure that during their recalculation did not distract anything. This process should be targeted, with the understanding of the importance of tradition. Do not be distracted by telephone conversations, it will destroy all the power of the tradition. And it is not necessary to delay - the recalculation of money must end until sunset, so that money does not start decay.

The Great Thursday is considered the most appropriate day for baking eating cakes and for dyeing easter eggs. This tradition was observed in Russia. The hostess on Thursday baked cakes from pre-prepared peasants, prepared cottage cheese Easter (as they speak in the people - Pasch or Pascha) and other festive treats, including meat.

Also on Thursday traditionally painted eggs, it was considered a matter to which the whole family had to be connected, especially children.

Passion week - time is very strict, but in folk tradition There are still various rites and beliefs associated with the Great Thursday.

So, on this day, it is still customary to harvest the so-called Three-Pelen Salt. In Russia, the whole family participated in this rite - the household took turns took a pinch of salt and put it in a common bag. Then the salt was poured on the baking sheet and calcined, and then the reference back. Thursday Sol. It was considered a drug from all diseases, it was also added to the water when washing the floors so that a healthy mind was in the dwelling.

H Playing Thursday Signs of Custom Prayers Prayers

A lot of rites are connected with clean Thursday, the purpose of which is to increase the well-being of the family and protect yourself and close to unnecessary expenses. Until now, there is a tradition in pure Thursday to recalculate money three times so that they always be in pockets and in the house. It is necessary to count money in the morning, day and evening. After that, the money is not accepted in debt to Easter, but it will take prosperity from the house. It is also undesirable at this time to give something or throw away, for the same reasons - so that the house is not impoverished.

To attract wealth to water, intended for cleaning, sometimes threw coins, sentencing: "Money, go - do not translate!".

Conspiracies in pure Thursday concerned and easter Kulich: If the main dish turned out to be successful, it was believed that the year would be satisfied with and prosperous. Well, if the hostess was flattened, then the ruined cake was necessary to throw away as soon as possible, bake a new one and not to tell anyone about failure - it gave the opportunity to avoid trouble. It also concerned other Easter dishes.

Clean (great) Thursday is the fourth day of the passionate week. Accurate date He has no, because pure Thursday depends on how the number of Easter. In 2018, the Great Thursday falls on April 5th. We offer to figure out what is the essence of clean Thursday and how to spend it.

1. What event is dedicated to pure Thursday?

On this day, Orthodox remembers the secret evening, during which Jesus Christ set the main thing church sacred - Participle. In addition, Christ washed his legs to students, showing an example of humility and a caring attitude towards close.

2. What can not be done in the great Thursday?

  • You can not swear and quarrel.
  • Contrary to the current tradition can not be harvested to the detriment of visiting the church service.
  • Cannot drink alcohol.
  • There is a folk acknowledged that from clean Thursday to Good Friday Do not leave dirty dishes And clouded underwear.
  • There is also such a sign: in pure Thursday it is impossible to give anything valuable from home, as well as leaving money. So you supposedly give your well-being.

3. What can be done in pure Thursday?

April 5, it is advisable to visit church service, confess and coming up. Thus, believers are preparing for Easter's meeting. On this day there are no restrictions on work, traveling to the cemetery, the commission of church rites.

4. Why did tradition in pure Thursday make cleaning?

Most likely, it happened because of the custom of baptizing people on the eve of Easter - in Good Saturday. People haughtily and washed on Thursday, so as not to be distracted by this in the next two days. And washing, and the haircut used to be quite laborious. It was perceived as work, and it was not accepted to work on the holiday.

5. Is it possible to cut your hair into pure Thursday?

No ban on hair haircut in pure Thursday. Bring your own appearance In order for the Easter holiday - good.

6. Is it possible to go into pure Thursday?

Yes, you can make cleaning in pure Thursday. The church warns from making cleaning the main event of this day.

7. What time do you need to swim in pure Thursday?

The custom is cut and wash in the great Thursday came from those times when it was a time consuming. Therefore, the swimming was considered great difficulty, but do not work on a holiday. Today to take a shower is a matter of five minutes, so it does not matter how much person is engaged in these procedures.

8. Is it possible to drink wine in pure Thursday?

Drinking wine in pure Thursday can not, because the passionate week is the time of strict post.

9. Signs associated with clean Thursday

There are many folk admissionhaving pagan roots. For example, it was believed that if the girl can not get married long, in pure Thursday, she needs to wash and laid out a towel, which at Easter with the eggs and cake to give as alms. In addition, sites on the Internet are filled with conspiracies and sentences, but orthodox Church Refers to this sharply negatively and does not recommend performing similar practices.