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How to clean on pure Thursday correctly. How to swim in pure Thursday. Cash rituals for pure Thursday

In 2018, pure Thursday will celebrate on April 5, and many people are interested, whether it is possible to get out on this day or better postpone all the things at another time. A detailed answer to this question is shown below.

Cleaning in pure Thursday - is it possible?

Definitely yes, and even need! It is believed that if in the house a full order, then the year will pass successfully, because all the households will feel the wave of freshness, purity and order.

Here we are faced with a fairly common case, when Orthodox and folk traditions are harmoniously combined with each other.

Thursday on the passionate sadmice is called clean because it was on this day that Christ washed his legs with all his 12 students (including Judas who betrayed him a few hours later).

So it turned out that during the course of several centuries in Russia and in other countries, people sought to redeem thoroughly on this day. And also to bring full order in your homes - they cleaned the web, they swept the whole garbage, windows windows and tinted fences. It is clear: ahead Good Friday And Saturday. And there Easter is the chief Christian holiday, which today without exaggeration mark billions of people on our planet.

Interestingly, so far many mistresses in pure Thursday try not to pour dirty waterwhich remained after cleaning, to the toilet or another place in the house. It will be better to take it out and pour out somewhere outside the apartment - on the stony track or to the ditch, so as not to prevent plants and other living beings.


In fact, the question of whether it is possible to get into pure Thursday, you can reduce to a more general: Is it possible to work at all on this day, do some home or service affairs?

Of course, it is possible - life goes by her! And each person comes not only at will, but also in accordance with the actual circumstances.

Is it possible to go on Friday after clean Thursday

If a person does not have time to complete all his affairs, he can swim and get into the house and before Thursday, and after him, reports Wordyou. So, often the circumstances are formed so that it is possible to get, washed, etc. Only on Wednesday evening. You can also make these cases and on Friday, and on Saturday, - there are no strict prohibitions.

This point of view is separated by representatives of the Orthodox Church.

However, it is important to make one reservation here. The fact is that Friday and Saturday at the Personal Week (Sedmice) - the time when the Savior was executed and crucified, and his spirit left a lifeless body. It is clear that these are the most severe, dramatic days for all believers, when even a post is assumed to be the most serious restrictions.

Therefore, at such moments it will be better to focus on reading the Bible, prayers and virtues. Home fuss can simply distract from the holiday and preceding him days - therefore it is better to finish swimming, washing and general cleaning At home on Thursday.

What else can you do in pure Thursday

But what else do in Maundy Thursday Before Easter according to folk traditions:

  1. In modern conditions, not everyone can go to the bath. But the silver spoon or other dishes from this noble metal will certainly be found in many houses. If you dial in silver dishes of water and in the morning (again, it is better before sunrise), wash my face - get a charge of cheerfulness and health for a whole year. You can just put silver spoon In a vessel with water and wash.
  2. You need to try to clean not only your body, but the whole house. In pure Thursday, they are trying to get rid of all the rubble, old things that have long been not used.
  3. Sewing, washing and doing other household deals in pure Thursday hostess is not rebored, and they are better to do before the evening.
  4. You still need to cook eggs in pure Thursday in the evening, paint them, knead the dough, and then put the baked cakes. Austo does not follow if you cook them proper technology. An interesting nuance - on this day it is forbidden to take a sample with a silence, eggs and other festive dishes. Of course, such a rule is more relate to people in church workers who observe Great post. However, you can listen to the Council and those who have not fastened.
  5. Even in pure Thursday prepare the so-called thursday Sol.. It is prepared on the basis of the usual salt - crystalline mixed with the splashing ball of rye bread or with a thick, which remained after the settlement of kvass. It is believed that she will serve as an excellent faith for the whole family, and there will be a whole year.
  6. In pure Thursday, there are also peculiar conspiracies for money and on the narrowed. For example, you can put a silver coin into the water overnight, and then hide it in the wallet for a whole year. Or take a piece of soap and say the name of your beloved, saying: "(Name) will stick to me like soap." Of course, these traditions relate, rather, to folk than to church. However, in the desire of a person, he has nothing wrong with living in prosperity.

The history of the holiday of pure Thursday is connected with the Last Supper. Jesus, gathering his students, washed her legs, showing that the humility of a true Christian should be limitless. It is also a symbol of spiritual and physical cleansing. Its part is the mandatory visit of the temple - believers must pray and confess.

From this day and until the resurrection of the Lord, everyone is devoted to the memories that he survived on Earth.

What should I do in pure Thursday?

As mentioned above, even before the sunrise, Christians tried to "clean" water - bathed in the river, the lake or were poured in the bath to be healthy for a whole year.

Also, earlier on this day, many were manufactured for Easter table.. To do this, they took the salt jemy, wrapped it into a rag and put in the oven. When the rag burns out, the salt was collected and kept within the course of the whole year.

In pure Thursday, people tried to bring home from the church with a candle so as not to go out. To do this, made special lanterns from colored paper or glass. The flame of passionate candle burned the cross in the house on the bastard - from anything of unclean. They lit up this candle and with severe diseases of people or livestock, as well as with severe childbirth, gave hands to the dying.

On this tradition of clean Thursday, we will stop in more detail. There is a belief: if you want, certainly, pay back to the sunrise in pure Thursday. It is believed that, indeed, this morning water acquires wonderful. This water can be flushed by accumulated in the year.

Therefore, they are advised at dawn, but also a shower or with soap foam is also welcome.

It is believed that not only, but also the souls, as water acquires cleansing and protective properties that can wash off the accumulated negative and disease. It is important during the procedure to have bright, joyful thoughts.

Money Sketch in Clean Thursday

It was previously believed that if all the available existing ones for three times, the family will live in abundance during the year. Following believing, the recalculation of money should be done early in the morning, at noon and at sunset. It is necessary to do this in secret not only from outsiders, but also from all our households. Only then from the execution of this ancient rite will be the UK.

What can not be done in pure Thursday?

W. orthodox people There is a list of actions prohibited in pure Thursday. All because, this day is associated with the purification of the body, soul and housing from dirt. And those who are in pure Thursday in the house dirt raised, will live in the mud and quarrels all year.

In pure Thursday it is impossible to give out of the house anything valuable and can not, because together with the values \u200b\u200byou can convey well-being.

Clean Thursday is also called the Great or Passion Thursday. On this day, active preparation for Easter begins. In Clean Thursday, there are a number of customs, which should be held, but there is something not desirable.

How to start the day?

Clean Thursday on both clean to wash off all dirt. And we are talking not only about the body, but also about the soul, and about thoughts. On this day it is customary to swim on the night of the environment or early in the morning, before sunrise. It is believed that water today has special forces as to baptism, therefore it is capable of cleaning the soul from sorrow. And you need to ask for all the diseases to go with water.

Why is Thursday? It must have happened because of the custom of baptizing people on the eve of Easter - in Good Saturday. Haircut and washing in old times were considered great difficulty, and work in holidays It is impossible, so there was a preparation.

In the morning, on the holiday, you need to go to the church to confess and compete. After all, the preparation of kulchi and the PASK is allowed only with pure soul and thoughts. From the temple with you, you need to take a candle to store the comfort and faithful family members.

House cleaning on holiday

"Check" needs not only yourself, but also a house. Wash the floors on this day, it is desirable from the farthest angles to the threshold, and dirty water should be poured as far as possible from the dwelling. So you will remove the entire negative from your bed. After Thursday there is no longer cleaning. It is believed that in pure Thursday during cleaning you can find long-lost things.

You can make a "Thursday Salt", which will protect the house all year. To do this, after bathing, family members must throw the slices in the bag and bake it. Previously, such a salt was added to the water when the floors were soapy, and used as "medicine" from diseases. It was believed that it possesses the healing force.

On this day, you need to adhere to the post, because the passionate week has not yet ended. And this is the most strict and important post in the Orthodox faith.

What is forbidden to do?

Trying festive dishes can not be allowed to drink alcohol too. Also in the post it is impossible to allow bad thoughts, fading and angry, swear and offended. It is believed that the cakes can not try until Sunday even those who do not adhere to the post.

It is impossible to cook cakes and paint eggs before they did not remove the house. Preparation of Easter cakes - a serious rite. Clean should be not only the heart, but also the house in which the treat is preparing.

Cannot be left dirty dishes Or soak lingerie on Friday night. It is believed that who in the house dirt raised, will live in quarrels all year.

But at the same time it is impossible to clean up to the detriment of the visit to the temple or prayer. Everything should be timely: he cleared the soul, you can clean the house.

On this day you can not borrow money. And in general, it is better not to give anything from home, even a neighbor salt. It is better to refuse, because it is believed that this way a man gives prosperity and well-being.

On this day, every believer should leave his problems, anxiety, fears and sinful thoughts. Do not cost to enter a bright holiday Easter with a negative cargo. Clean Thursday accompanies many customs, adopted, rites, prayers and traditions.

Thursday in the passion week is often called alive. And not just like that. Also, our ancestors noticed that the incredible things happen on Thursday: and the fun desires come true, and the soul is filled with hope, and the forces appear even in those who lowered their hands.

What is so unusual happening on this day? And how to make such a grace not bypassing your family.

What you need to do

Go to church and bring the so-called passionate candlewhich helps in the treatment of a variety of diseases. Ideally, pure Thursday is the best day for confession and communion to meet Easter holiday with pure soul and bright thoughts.
If the morning service is not possible to get, be sure to go after work in the temple: in the evening there is a consecration of candles. Since a long time, Christians tried to convey to the house burned in the church candle. It was believed that if the candle won't get out, then everything in the house and family would be safely all year. A lamp was lit from this candle, and the candle was hidden for the icons and got it and got angry when someone sick in the house.

Complete cleaning. Despite the fact that Thursday is called pure cleaning in the house better complete on Wednesday. And Thursday to devote to pre-holiday troubles.

It is important that day to clean the house in the house, in the body and soul. It is customary to disassemble and throw away unnecessary things. It is necessary to wash from the farthest corners to the threshold, dirty water is desirable to pour out at home.

It is impossible to celebrate the approaching Easter holiday in a dirty housing, then nothing good to wait for the next year. Until Easter, the house is no longer cleaned.

Swim. To stay happy and prosperous until the next clean Thursday, you need to clean your body. In pure Thursday, the water in the reservoirs is saturated with a fertile strength. Also before sunrise, everything was batted in the bath. According to believe, immediately after awakening in pure Thursday, each of the family members had to wash the water in which the silver object was laid at night. It was believed that after such a wash, a person would be healthy and beautiful, and he could not be afraid of the evil eye - no one would be able to harm him. Before washing, you must certainly pronounce prayer.

You can, of course, comply with these traditions. But the babies should not wake up so early: it will be enough to wash them well when they wake up and will be in a good mood. And if you are in a hurry in a kindergarten or school, simply be afraid of them or hidden water or decoction from verb branches consecrated in Palm Sunday (1 twig is poured 1 liters of boiling water, boils for 5 minutes and insisted). By the way, the usual water is also no worse: it is believed that all the water on this day is particularly healing and strengthening. Just believe in it!

Bake cakes. The hostess on this day are preparing bars, painted, cakes and rings. In an older, the hostess got up early early, praying and tuned to the holiday, kneaded the dough. Closer to the evening they start baking. According to customs, the furnace of the sings and cakes, the eggs can be painted only after cleaning in pure Thursday.

Folk beliefs It is said that by what kind of cakes turned out, you can judge how the whole year will pass until the next Easter. If a easter cakes turned out lush and tasty, then next year Bring only joy. But if the pasting failed, then the year is to be sophisticated.

Of course, working in the office women are hard to combine both baking and work. But there are a few secrets that will help and relative to the ridiculous herring with their own preparation, and at the same time not to be tired:

Use modern cake cooking household appliances. For example, in the bread maker you can knead the dough for cakes, and then bake them in the oven. Or the dough, cooked in the bread maker, shifting into a shooter and bake a luxurious round cake!

Call for the rescue of all households. Father of the family S. strong hands It may well help with the kneading dough, and the children will cope with the decor. This pure Thursday in the family circle of the kids will be remembered for life!

Cut. It is believed that the hair cut on this day will help get rid of the evil eye and disease. And the haircut will certainly please.

Prepare Three Sol. Also on this day you can make a special Thursday salt. The usual salt wrapped in a rag and recalculate in the oven. All family members take the pinch of salt and pour it into a special jar, which is then hiding behind the icon. Such salt has amazing healing properties: She sneaks food when someone sick in the house.

Realcate money. No matter how ridiculously did not sound like this tradition, but our ancestors believed if during the day three times to recalculate money in the house, then they would be found all year! To paint eggs and make pisanka, too, you can on this day.

What can not be done on this day

In no case on this day you can not give or take in debt. Even if you do not have enough something, it is better to go to the store. If a neighbor for salt went to you, find a reason to refuse her, otherwise, together with salt, you can give your health, wealth and peace from your home.

Do not give the things on this day that you do not need. It is believed that you give your well-being.

No matter how you belonged to the signs and traditions associated with clean Thursday, remember that this day is worth spending in positive setting. Think about the most cherished and good. And everyone will certainly get better.

Important and most important day Passionate week is a great or pure Thursday. In 2018, he falls on April 5 and is associated with a huge number of accepts, customs and rituals. This is the only day in a year, when many rituals can be done with the good purpose and good intentions - to improve their lives.

Every year the date of this day is changing and directly depends on the date of Easter. In 2018, Orthodox Easter is celebrated on April 8, and therefore, April 5 will be the great Thursday. Its popular name "Clean" this day was not accidental - all household worries for cleaning the apartment, washing, ironing was made to end this day. In and Saturday, nothing can be done already, and with the onset of Easter there is a festive week when nothing can be done already. Also, people in the villages went to the bath, many challenges for pure Thursday were associated with water.

Read useful materials on this topic:

Every day passionate weeks we remember the suffering of Jesus Christ during last days Life on Earth. On Thursday, Christ collected his disciples for dinner, which in history remained called Mystery evening. There he told the disciples that one of them would betray him that he was crucified on the cross, but on the third day he will rise. Everything happened, but there are three very heavy and complex psychologically for every believer of the day.

One more important detail This Thursday is the establishment of the sacrament of communion. Jesus lasted bread in a circle and said that this is his body, he laughed in a circle and said that it was blood him. Also, the Savior is handed over his pupils personally. Next, we will talk in detail about what you need to do into pure Thursday, according to folk traditions and belief. As for the church charter, be sure to go in the temple in the evening, pray and compete.

What to do on Thursday at the stage of preparation for Easter:

  • Through the all respected strict post. But it is on this day that you can cook food using heat treatment, as well as vegetable oil.
  • What the money was found, they need to recalculate them three times in pure Thursday: at sunrise, at noon and at sunset. Recounting to do alone and secret from all home.
  • You can cook a threshold salt (on the night from Wednesday to Thursday), which is strong guard and protector from diseases. There are different modern methods Cooking, the easiest - just to take the whole family on a handful of salt from the shared handhelter and pinches into one fabric package.
  • It is necessary to actively clean and wash, because then it will not be possible to do this for two weeks. The hostess is carried out in pure Thursday, general cleaning, erase everything with the house, stroke. If the strength remains, you can start the bake of cakes or paint eggs.

Water rituals

Many conspiracies for pure Thursday are connected with water, it is clear that this day has no air from this day. This morning water, they say, has miraculous power And sheeps all sins. It is necessary to plunge into an open reservoir or at least wash the dew.

In principle, the rituals of purification can be held at home on the shower. It is only important to do it consciously, with a prayer on the lips and necessarily in cold water. Exactly cold water The method on this day washed off the disease, give the body beauty and health.


  1. Since this day is directly related to the cleanliness, then understandable things, nothing good will be with people who live in a dirty house. So, clean up, bring all home to this process to ensure that it goes well and friendly.
  2. In the villages would be the custom for the first time to cut the child on this day. For well-being, several shreds of wool in cattle were also cut off.
  3. It is necessary to clean up from the morning - wash and clean everything. Otherwise, throughout the year, then the family does not avoid quarrels and even diseases.
  4. Starting from this day and before the Easter itself, nothing can be counted.
  5. What money was found, recounting them three times on this day. You can still rearrange the furniture and various small souvenirs during cleaning also with the purpose financial well-being. And you can also shoot a gun if it is also available to attract money.
  6. On Thursday night, put a silver spoon in the water, and in the morning this silver water wash. They say it will give youth and keeps beauty.
  7. What else do in pure Thursday before Easter - it is a threshold salt.

In this material we tried to maximize all the signs, customs, conspiracies and prayers for pure Thursday. What should every believer Christian must do - go to the temple to serve in the morning or in the evening and confess, and then compete. It was during the secret evening on this day last week The life of the Savior on Earth, he established the sacrament of communion.