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Conspiracy for money on a silver spoon. Conspiracy on a spoon

Trying to increase your condition, improve financial positionPeople resort to magic, witchcraft, calling for help supernatural forces. It is also widespread to attract money to store in your home, wallet, pocket different talismans.

One of these magic talismans was the "Spoon of Zagrebanka." Beautiful product It should be stored in the wallet, right with money, the financial aura of the happy owner will certainly improve!

What is a spoon rhe

Summary like a spoon, a rhe blanket is an ordinary kind of souvenir. Very beautiful, attractive, and by the way quite inexpensive. Few can be kept from buying such charms, especially since the cost varies about one hundred rubles.

Similar talismans at all times differed high efficiency. The first mentions of the wonderful talisman reached us from paganism, ancient Russia. Externally, the monetary souvenir is a small product, in shape resembling a small spoon. Why a spoon? Probably because the spoon has long been a symbol of the full life, completeness and material benefits.

Spoon, the rhe is most often made from precious metals - Gold or silver. Based on the author's talent, decorate, inflicting on the product different images Animals - Rooster, Horses, Sheep. Sometimes a spoon of scuba looks like its usual fellows only to the shape, while its main body is a small decade, scoop, broom. A rooster can sit on the handle, horseshoe, coin. The talisman may be distinguished by the presence of signs of the zodiac, incomprehensible symbols, the inscription - "Zagrebanka". Talismans may vary external species, but the shape of even how should be similar.

A beautiful product that is distinguished by amazing decoration is actually very miniature and will easily fit not just in the wallet, but in a small compartment for plastic cards.

How to use a spoon of screak

Like any cash talisman, a spoon of ribs need to be able to properly use. First, it is necessary to know that you can buy it yourself, it is allowed to receive as a gift as a small souvenir, however, the giving must necessarily be a friend, a good man And you should prevent such a souvenir from the pure heart, not tai of evil intent. Only under such conditions the product will attract well-being and financial profit.

Before placing a spoon in a wallet, it is purified by brine. The night put a spoon in a glass filled with salted water. In the morning rinse with running water, wipe, put on permanent place storage, previously spoken. A spoon is a special place, next to major cash bills, do not put the coins. When the talisman lies next to the trifle, it will attract only coins, and then the loss of money will begin at all. In the empty compartment, the product is impossible.

If over time the talisman will start to lose force, it is again left in salty water for the night, washed and re-read the conspiracy over it. It is important to remember that the product in the wallet, nobody should see. It is also undesirable to tell about it undesirable if you want to help your close in this case give them a spoonful of the rhe bark and teach it to use it, but you have so much that you already have it, and it does not work!

Conspiracy on a spoon

Actually for long years The use of such an attractive product, there were many conspiracy in the people who contribute to the strengthening of his magic properties. Conspiracies are certainly associated with carrying small rituals.

Important! In order for the talisman to bring money to it, it is necessary to sincerely believe.

We can find a lot of examples on the web pages and choose something more suitable for yourself. It is important to pronounce the words of the conspiracy with the right attitude, believing that words will endow the subject of an additional force, contribute to the random attraction of money, will attract good luck.

When and what to read

Immediately after the product passes the procedure for cleansing with salted and running water, conspiracy read over it. It is desirable that the rite of rite fell to a growing moon. In order for the words of the conspiracy to have a big power reading, the spoon is kept under the lunar light. Increase the power of the talisman will allow the next rite. They put smoothly into a row of burning 4 candles, the distance between them is shifted with clover petals.

The magic product is placed behind the burning candles. Performing magic ritual makes a breath of holy water in advance and pronounces the selected plot.

Variants of conspiracy

As there are already a lot of conspiracy options, but their essence is always similar. Applying asks for improving well-being and financial condition:

  1. Spoon, spoonband - You're my charm! Money, money to me more and smaller trouble. Zagrebushka Zagrebyu and wealth multiply!
  2. That happiness was a hindrance - completely I drive. Money, happiness and good luck to yourself.
  3. Spoon, spoon, help, pile of money. I will be friends with you, happiness, joy to all give.

Approximately such can be conspiracy. Although, according to experts, if a person really truly believes in such talismans, then financial well-being will improve in any case. Conspiracy can be pronounced independently, asking what you need in your own words, you can not talk at all.

Why a spoon is working

Efficiency of similar cash amulets It is indicated primarily faith in their ability. If the owner of the talisman will not believe in its force, the flow of money energy will not work, will not go on the right track. Secondly over the amulet, before putting it in a wallet, it is recommended to read a special conspiracy that enhances the ability of an unusual subject.

The product is made of precious metals at all in vain. Of course, it is beautiful and unusual, but silver in turn contributes to the definition of negative energy, protects against the bad, including from the money evil eye, damage for money. The gold and silver product protects its owner from waste, theft, losses, multiplying the existing capital.

Money, as they say, does not happen much, but most of us are so lacking so much that we think, not as the border to drive, but how to feed our children, yes, one small thing can come to the rescue - spoon - Dust the souvenir for money conspiracy reviews will be presented in this article.

What is a spoon-rhe, and why does she help?

This spoon is a small silver souvenir that can be bought in any resort town or on the Internet. average price Her in Russia is 300 rubles. Photos of a spoon-rhe bubbanks on the unstashes of the worldwide cobweb. As a rule, this souvenir is worn in a wallet, next to money.

Silver spoon attracts to her owner good luck and wealth. It symbolizes the satiety and prosperity. After all, how food is liquid in hand and not to hold on the fork, but it is better to keep on a spoon, then you will stay and you will stay, and money with a spoon-rubber Help is well, yes add to the wallet. And without it, they are through the fingers as the water is leaking. Therefore, it is called the souvenir of the rubbishka, as it enhances the money in the wallet of the owner.

How to use a spoon-rubberry?

A spoon should be able to use that she brought money to.

  • As you acquire a spoon, you must first believe that it will really help improve the financial situation. Without faith, no talisman will not work for you.
  • Then you need to clean a spoon-rhe from energy negative. After all, silver misses human energy and spends a lot of his strength. And if they sell such a spoon on the street, then there are many people who look at it and the views are not good. Hold the spoon one night in the Water Saint and the energy bad will leave, and the power of the spoon will be restored.
  • Then need read a plotTo activate a powerful attractive force to enjoy money. And the words of the conspiracy are as follows:

"A spoon, a spoon, groze, money to me mani. Let me be rich, and my whole family. Do not leave me in need - I will be faithful to you!"

  • Or such:

"Mykrebushka is mine, a spoon, my spoon. I will walk with you, money and success to manham. Flows money with an estate in the walields. With a spoon, I will not part, and I will become a rich I will become!"

  • After reading the conspiracy, put a spoon-rhe to my wallet, in separate pockets. With the trifle, it is better not to keep together, as it can be easily lost. And in a separate pocket and will not see your strange eye, your mascot, and she will not lose.
  • When you notice that the power of the spoon began to fade, then in this case you need to restore its strength. It is necessary to rinse a spoon under the jet of running water and put on the night, again, in a jar with holy water.
  • To make money from you without declining, you must not slip and help the needy. No doubt in the soul almighty Beggar And do charity, then the money will return to you doubly and triple.

A spoon-rubberry is an original miniature souvenir that symbolizes the magnitude of money. The history of his occurrence is rooted in the pagan past Ancient Russia. Today O. magic properties This subject goes legends.

Popular rites

Using it as an attribute in magical rite You can attract financial well-being in your own life, as well as improve the state of affairs at work or in business. An important condition for the success of a ritual, which uses a spoon-rhe, is that the object should be made of silver. To a spoon-rhe braking start to attract cash flows, it is necessary to speak magic words. Such rites are very simple, and they can be performed independently.

Simple conspiracy on a spoon-rubbish

So, after the acquisition of a spoon-rubberry, it will be necessary to leave separate room And put the subject in front of you. After that, pronounce one of the following conspiracies:

    "We remove all the interference to a prosperous life, I will drive failure, and the money is a spoon-rubberry zagreb."

    "I had a silver spoon, and now she will be a spoon for money. I will be friends with her and do not rush. Poverty Do not know, have prospect. I go home and money for me. "

A conspiracy spoon-rubberry should be worn in a wallet or in a purse in the monetary department. This can be done without difficulty, as the subject has miniature sizes.

Ritual to improve health

In addition to the properties of attracting material well-being, a spoon-rhe bark often turns to improving health. In addition, being in the immediate vicinity of a person, a spoon becomes a strong talisman and acquires the ability to protect the owner from any negative. Also, some facts indicate that this item clears the house from bad energy. In order to get a universal mascot for the house from a silver object, a spoon of the bush must be conspired. Conspiracy sounds as follows:

"Behind the seven endless seas, behind the family with doping forests, there is a cliff high on which not climb. There the house built himself a blacksmith-well done and lives there, well. And even though he worries a day and night, not knowing fatigue, but does not complain. He did not wonder the horseshoes for horses frisms, but the happiness of human. Hurry up, it works, so that every living person it gets, so that no one is unhappy on Earth. It will hit the hammer once - the family will strengthen, the second time will hit - the house in the full bowl of good and good will turn, the third time will hit - the money supply will appear.

I will come to the rock and ask the blacksmith-well done about Malom. Help me, make a spoon of silver, spoon for happiness and good. Who will take it, he will spread with trouble and stop taking out. There will be his family to live in prosperity, and they will always be in prosperity. The case is done forever and the words of my nobody will change. Amen".

A spoon-rubberry, which turned after a conspiracy in a home talisman, should be stored in the dish, where other cutlery are: ordinary spoons, forks and knives. Great gift near man is a spoon-rhe bark. Conspiracy will turn it into a magical subject, but even if this is not done, it will become a permanent reminder that there is a reliable friend who wishes material well-being and prosperity in life.

The acquisition of wealth is a matter of a long time, so superstitious people tend to use special souvenirs. One of them is a charm for money - a spoon of rhe.

It is a small souvenir capable of fit into the palm of palm. To activate the amulet, you need to read a plot.

Why it is for a spoon that the function of attracting money is made? Has long been believed that this cutlery Admissible to keep everything that he matched.

This cannot be said about the plug - cherished words will be fastened through the teeth.

Exists a large number of Considering options that need to read, here are some of them:

  1. "That was an obstacle to happiness completely expelled, I attract good luck and money".

    This spell is considered the simplest, it must be pronounced after a spoon was purchased.

    It should be put in the wallet where bills are stored. Before removing the product - say the magic words.

  2. "I had a spoon of silver, and a spoon for moneyWho will be friendly with her, it will not be needed that wealth will live in prosperity, and the money in the rest is "- the second version of the spell.

    It can be used for a conspiracy of the overag, who wants to give to loved ones. Then money in the wallet will always be found.

  3. "Spoon, spoon, help - I have a lot of money, you give. We will be friends with you - joy and success to keep "- an option of a conspiracy on finance and success in work.

    Souvenir Spoon Zombil is placed in the bouncing compartment. This will contribute to luck in any money, and protect against debts.

The talisman for the type of spoon is sometimes replaced by a wallet mouse. It operates on a similar principle. Mouse and spoon do not exceed 2 cm - this is done specifically for compact placement Among the money.

Do not forget to activate char, And if you are going to present it with your native - tell us how to correctly read the conspiracy to activate the properties.

It is possible to make a wubbler alab, using a screwdriver.

Souvenir spoon rhe silver and gold: reviews

Natural materials have always been considered magic raw materials, because they originate from nature itself. A spoon of rhe blanket is made of metals, often from silver and gold. Silver will have a smaller value than a gold product.

note! Modern amulets on the attraction of money are made in the form of a variety of figures.

They are often framed by ornaments or silhouettes of animals: for example, a spoon handle according to the type of goldfish adds the originality models.

Amulet to attract finances is made of sample silver 925, as well as 585 sample gold.

The price of a gold product starts from 1 thousand rubles, a silver spoon has a cost of 350 rubles. Prices are changing according to the complexity of work and sizes.

Below are reviews of owners of magical spoons:

Obereg Properties Ownership reviews
Golden spoon Gold gives its owner equilibrium. The material has long been considered a symbol of wealth, so solid people tend to acquire gold amulets A spoon that attracts money should look solid - this can be said about the product of gold.

Lose souvenir is difficult - after all, it attracts attention to its brightness and gloss. Owners of golden souvenirs mark the efficiency of the spoon after its conspiracy

Silver ribbushka As is known, silver is considered a magical metal - it is not able to accumulate negative information.

That is why experts advise to talk a silver rhe. Signals say that the material is associated with the Moon, so it is better to read a conspiracy on the growing phase

People who bought a souvenir claim that he really works. In order to enhance the effect of the properties of the overawe, you should completely believe the magic.

Reviews say that a spoon of silver is popular, thanks to the grace, simplicity and affordable cost.

Talisman spoon rhe, how to use it correctly?

Modern rhebrids are presented with exquisite engraving and abundance additional details. They are compact and easily fit even in a small wallet.

If the completion compartment contains small holes, it is better to place a souvenir in the paper bill.

We highlight the basic rules for using amulet:

  1. Material. Experts recommend purchasing a spoon from silver. Magical rituals carried out with this material are capable of implementing.

    Silver does not collect negativity, so only positive charges can absorb.

  2. Purpose. The product can be purchased as for yourself so for a gift. Amulet acts as a decent wedding congratulation.

    Presenting the product to the newlyweds, it is necessary to specify the method of using a souvenir and put words to activate.

  3. Using. If the spoon was presented, ask in the donation: Is it consecrated, new or not?

    Spoon presented with evil intent can be conspired in reverse side, then the new owner may suffer from lack of money.

  4. Cleaning. Before activating and placing a storage, the product needs to be cleaned. Take a glass of water and dissolve a little salt in it.

    The rhe creample is put in the container for several hours, then wash off under running water, the remains of the salt and wipe dry. The monetary spoon needs rituals, if wept sucking.

Before using the amulet, you need to read the poems indicated in the first section of this material. You can make verse yourself: it is important that good thoughts are present there.

Important! Reading the conspiracy over the amulet, pay attention to your thoughts. They must be positive and are aimed at receiving funds to good way.

Do not give souvenir to unauthorized people: after the room in the wallet, do not get it from there and do not show anyone.

When the rhe rarely found its place in the wallet, leave it there. It was noted that the owners of souvenirs are really being established in work and profits.

    Related records

From time immemorial, to attract wealth and material well-being in the house, conspired talismans and amulets were used. One of these symbols is a spoonful rhe, and if you still impose a conspiracy on it, then it will turn into a talisman who attracts all the benefits of life into the house.

Conspiracy on a spoonful rhe - When to read

Why did the spoon become the subject of attracting wealth and material well-being?

Root response to this question goes deep into paganism. In ancient Russia, a spoon was considered an indicator of the welfare of the hosts. After all, where there is a spoon, there is food. Where food is, there is from what to cook - it means there are food supplies. And if there are reserves, then the funds for their acquisition are available. So the fact is indisputable, so the spoon not only was the main attribute in the rites for attracting money, but without even it did not even go to visit.

After purchase magic TalismanThe owner immediately begins to change the material side: increasing profits are increasing, debts return, monetary problems disappear. In essence, a spoon of rhe harbing contributes to a continuous energy cash flow.

The material from which the miracle is manufactured is silver. This noble chemical element, endowed with force, which is capable of protecting and cleaning the human energy field from various negative manifestations, both from human side and from magic. The same properties are endowed with the item that is made from this material.

The magical properties of the spoon are directed not only to the increase and obtaining wealth, but also on its protection: from theft, ruin, loss and from the influence of magic (evil eye, damage).

The strength of the silver spoon is directed, only for improved material well-being and financial well-being owner.

Tips on the proper use of money talisman:

  •  Choose an amulet in classic style - mini silver spoon;
  •  Store the spoon should be in the wallet, together with large checks. Do not put with small coins - only a trifle will be attracted and in an empty branch - emptiness;
  •  Before starting to work with a spoon, you should clean its energy. For the night in a glass with salty water, lay the mascot, and take out and rinse in the morning under the flowing jet of water. Then wipe dry and put on the destination;
  •  Clean ritual should be carried out periodically, especially when it felt that cash flow runs out;
  •  Talisman is not subject to third-party;
  •  Show and tell about it a stranger, it does not follow, this is a personal matter and publicity is not subject to, otherwise it can go all on the contrary and instead of arrival - ruin.
  •  And the last item is very important to speak silver spoon, without it she will simply not work.
    If the talisman is purchased as a gift, then the instructions for its use must be applied in writing or oral form.

We speak the spoonful of Zagrebushka

In order for a spoon, the rubberry is not only a beautiful souvenir to receive, but also showed its magical forces to attract material and financial benefits, it must be prepared for direct appointment.

For this, the corresponding plots are read and special rites are being held. It should be done with a certain configuration and the right approach. It is also important to imagine visually, as a stream from cash banknotes pours into your wallet.

Simple plot

A conspiracy, which is read before a souvenir for money, turn into a permanent place of residence, that is, in a wallet.

"With the help of your spoon, a rhe, I interfere with happiness - I drive, and wealth and good to yourself Zagreb."

For good luck

Conspiracy for prosperity and good luck, brings good results and reads like this:

"There was a souvenir Silver, the money mascot became. I will be friends with a spoon and turn the money. There will be my life in prosperity and money in the remainder. As I hurry home, so let me hurry for me. "

Strong ritual

Ritual to attract wealth and well-being. It is held on a spoonful of the rhe, before placing it in the wallet.

Conspiracy is read at the growing moon. For the ritual it is necessary to take: 3 church candles, clover leaves and a glass of consecrated water.

Before starting the ritual, open the window or the window, burn the candles between them spread the clover leaflets, and put the spoon on all this construction. Put in front of me a glass with water and read a plot:

"I wish Goslato, I wish silver, I wish wealth, I wish you success. I also wish you health and happiness and let it be so. "

To read a plot seven times. Do not hurry, hold the rite in a relaxed atmosphere. Then drink water and mentally thank Higher powerwho sent a request for help. Talisman put in the wallet, now it will always be filled with cash banknotes.

Why the spoon does not work

A spoonband may not always justify the trust that was assigned to it. The first reason is the owner of this talisman himself. And in order to understand why the "unfashionation" of the talisman occurred, you need to know the reasons for which it can happen. Perhaps in the future, unconscious mistakes will be fixed, and the work of the talisman will resume. These are these reasons:

  • Lack of faith;
  • The rite of activation of the spoon is not properly carried out;
  • Emerging doubts in the power of magic;
  • Incorrectly chosen phase of the moon;
  • Careless attitude K. money Talisman;
  • Boasting, arrogance, bhamge, which manifests itself from the owner of the spoon.

And very important moment - This is a charity.

Silver is a metal that requires constant motion of energy. The cash flow that was attracted by magic should be sent to the right direction and only then it will increase and replenish. Serving alms asking and needing and do it without regret, but with joy. Bring donations and help abandoned kids.

Revise all the listed aspects and if they found at least one tip, then immediately correct it and the cash flow will resume.