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Talismans to attract money - send cash flows to your home. Whether money and good luck with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions, materials

How often we hear the phrase "not in the money happiness", but with full confidence I can say that only those who have them are. Unfortunately, we live at such a time when money play a weighty, crucial role! Now you can buy everything and everyone, the right is one who has more money.

Everyone happened that our desires did not coincide with the possibilities, and it seems that everything is around against us, we love to call it a black stripe. Gradually, of course, you get used to a constant lack of money, you get used to denying yourself in many things, weighing well, to spend a pending third of the award, choosing between the repair of the refrigerator and the shoes for the child. And with a feeling of envy, you see how another your friend bought a new car, built a house, rested abroad ... one thing all, nothing else.

I want that any person had confidence in tomorrow, so I will reveal all the secrets to attract money into your life!

How to attract money

The most popular amulet is considered money Tree . A cute, inconspicuous plant, the leaves of it look like coins, its presence in your home will contribute to career growth and financial stability. The best place for him is the south-eastern side of the apartment or desktop.

It is considered correct not to buy it, but to take processes from the one who has already taken place in life and plant themselves. You need to do it in the first half of the day, do not spare money on the vase, it should be luxurious, you need to put three coins with a number 5 on the bottom.

You can make a decorative money tree with your own hands using yellow coins. It is necessary to put it on a prominent place, in that part of the apartment, where you spend the most time.

Powerful talisman is considered - non-discrepancy bill . There is due to the large bill that you were presented or issued at work for special merit, got it unexpectedly. At the growing moon, hold it under the lunar light, whatever she got a magic charge, and put it in a wallet or a purse separately from all other banks, whatever it could not be in contact with them. The bottom line is that the magic bill can not spend under any circumstances. And then your total income will only increase.

I think you heard that there are weight money . Coins or bills coinciding with your date of birth, or containing letters corresponding to your initials. If you have such a bill, it is not necessary to just wear in the wallet for happiness! It is necessary to turn the tube and wind on it a red woolen thread, that a ball came out. The resulting sphere is to hang onto a red, silk tape and hang over the entrance door to the house. The main thing is to firmly fasten the tip of the thread, so that our tangle does not work out. To enhance the effect, dripping with cinnamon or lemon essential oils.

The next money talisman is made with all the soul. We take any sphere, for example: a ball, a Christmas ball, a bowl of foam ... all the surface with glue small the same coins (it seems to be on fishing cushion), we leave a small part free. We need a wooden spanch (toothpick), on which we glue artificial leaves, make such a small twig, and insert it free space. As a result, we get a gold apple. Then cover the apple golden paint into several layers and be sure to store it on a saucer with a blue cut. With your effort you charge this amulet with your own energy, which is guaranteed to bring you wealth to your home.

Rune Fekhu - Home in any money issue. She is able to help even in the most difficult financial situation. You can make an amulet alone by applying it to a wallet, bracelet, key chain, laptop, phone case, etc. The main thing is that this item is with you, as often as possible, and better around the clock.

You can also simply apply to a clean sheet of paper, while you need to talk to the rune (tell her what you expect and want), and insert a wallet or bag in the hidden branch, so that no one has seen him. But know, it will help only with honestly earned money, without cheating, theft and crime!

Today, very popular cash amulets on Feng Shui:

  • Chinese coins with holes connected by red thread;
  • Clothes or any rose accessories;
  • Toad with three paws, which has a coin on the front paw;
  • Puzzled monk of wanting with a bag of wealth and wisdom;
  • Aquarium with goldfish in the house (in perfectly clean water).

Money amulets do it yourself

Do it yourself very easy to do money bag . All the coins currently lubricate the eucalyptus oil and put in the bag, despite the "kopeck to a penny", and hide in the northern part of the house, so that no one saw and knew.

Another symbol of wealth is ship with sails . It can be bought or done independently, placing in the living room with direction to the house. On the deck you need to decompose coins or jewelry jewels. This talisman will protect against poverty not only you, but also all your family, relatives and loved ones.

Walnia nut - Symbol Success. Carefully split the nut for 2 halves, get its contents, we will need only the shell. On tiny leaves, write your desire, wind it and tie it up with any thick thread, stick a small bead in place (the thread should be outside). Then glue the shell returning the root of the initial look. Wear an amulet needed in a bag, pocket, away from prying eyes.

The easiest method is - sweet Covers . Any bill of wallet lubricate fresh honey, dried in a sun or hairdryer and put in a secret wallet office. Money will just stick to you.
So we reviewed the most effective, affordable ways to attract money to your life. Using these simple tips, you can save yourself from many problems and insecurity.

From a long time, there will be a lot of admission, subject to whose poverty will bypass you by side:

  • Do not make garbage and not count money after sunset;
  • Nothing can be thrown into the window;
  • Do not fit crumbs with hand from the table;
  • No revenge in the house with different brooms;
  • Do not give anything in the evening in the evening;
  • Do not cut the bangs or hair yourself;
  • Do not blame money on Sunday;
  • You can not put the header and gloves on the table;
  • Do not sit on the table.

Remember, thoughts are materialized! Think positively, build the build plans for the future, implement and enjoy every long day!

Many centuries were engaged in the manufacture of cash talismans. They serve to attract well-being, and with the help of effective conspiracies help attract financial success throughout life.

Previously, people were easier to treat material benefits, not counting the lack of big money the problem. To achieve the desired goal, they made an amulet on wealth with their own hands. He helped to attract money through the direction of financial flows into the necessary owner of the Amulet Rod. Amulet for money differed not only in the way of creating, but also materials, rituals. So, a cash amulet can be made of stone, wood, matter or other material.

How to make a cash amulet do it yourself

The power of natural elements will help you in creating the strongest amulet, which will direct financial flows literally in your hands. To do this, you need to take into account the phases of the moon, and coincide with its creation to.

Prepare a linen bag of natural linen fabric and a hen rope. You will need to put symbols of each element: water, earth, air, fire. Our ancestors used a match or raucion, a handful of land, a feather and a capsule with spring water. You can choose other items that cause you association with all elements.

Explore items on the table and burn a white wax candle. Peer in its flame and concentrate on your financial well-being. Imagine that money has already rushed to your house and you are accompanied by luck. Say the words of the conspiracy and fold the bag cooked:

"Nature's forces to their aid call for, I wish wealth. Not for robust, but for well-being, for the life of a harsh and food. I urge the land to open the subsoil, the wind pleases the waves of all the waters to send me, burn the road to me. None of the single coin is passing by me. Each in my wallet will fall. "

Following the bag, put several coins of different nominal nominal and a couple of bills that will interact with the energy of the elements and will attract wealth and prosper in your home. The bag is necessary for a day to put near the open window, and then hide in a secluded place.

In order not to miss the monetary success, carefully observe the signs that will soon appear on your way and specify the right direction to achieve financial independence. We wish you prosperity, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

18.08.2017 01:12

Amulet who performs wishes will help to realize the most bold dreams. The magic subject made by your own hands is able to create ...

Even the most pragmatic man sometimes thinks about his luck and how to attract it. In life...

Fortune's favor is an unpredictable thing. When good luck accompanies, it affects everything: and things are going, and life becomes more fun. And so that she never turned away, you can do the good luck talisman yourself, which will work in the direction you need. How exactly it is created and how to attract good luck and well-being, learn later.

Good luck and amulets for good luck are items that can have an energy impact on the surrounding owner space, attracting the necessary benefits to it. Such magical "things" can not only attract wealth to their owner, love, good luck in work at work or study, but also to protect him from attempts to negatively influence from outside (damage, evil eye).

Where to start and what to take into account?

Of course, such items can be easily purchased in a souvenir shop, an esoteric shop or order an individual amulet (talisman or) in the photo of a healer or magician providing relevant services. Although they are able to speak magic artifact to attract a particular energy flow, it is better to make the most magical thing at home.

It is believed that the amulet created by their own hands has the ability to radiate much more magical power than acquired items. Therefore, those who thought about attracting well-being, we will tell how to make an amulet for good luck alone.

Before you start creating a magical object, it should be determined with it - to attract what particular benefits will be its energy. In addition, you can contact the story and make an amulet or a talisman, which would meet the traditions of family, faith or nationality (for example, the Slavic Runic Symbol, a five-pointed star of Eastern cultures, Chinese hieroglyph, etc.).

An important role in the manufacture of mystical objects is played and used in the process of raw materials. Thus, choosing the appropriate option, which waging to good luck can be done for yourself, you need to consider three main criteria:

  • Influence type.
  • Materials used.
  • Egribal affiliation.

Another important point is the correctly selected day and the time of making mystical things. Best perform magical procedures (make, activate, speak) when the moon will be in the phase of its growth. This period is considered optimal to create amulets for good luck or talismans for specific purposes: attracting wealth, love, money, luck at work and in study, etc.

Whatever you choose a version of the amulet manufactured for yourself to good luck (Slavic, Muslim, Chinese or other), it is recommended to do with the light of candles. So, the ritual for creating a magical assistant is worth spending on the evening or at night.

It is advisable to know which day of the week is considered successful for the rites of making mystical assistants. First, it is necessary to determine what the type and nature of the impact of the amulet will be, as the day of the week, which is allowed to manufacture the subject, depends on its purpose:

  • On Monday it is undesirable for the creation of magical things, since this day is considered not charged energetically.
  • Business people who are thirsting to attract luck can make talismans for good luck in business on Tuesday. This day fits and those who want to become successful at work or achieve an increase in career.
  • Wednesday, it is desirable to make luck talismen to those who relate to the sphere of trade.
  • Thursday is the most suitable day to make amulets for good luck, oriented to the diplomatic aspect of the owner's life. Also, Thursday is suitable for making talismans attracting luck and faith.
  • In order to equip a personal life and try happiness in love, it is necessary to create amulets on Fridays personally better.
  • Those who wish to attract good luck to each of their activities of their activities can be taken for the implementation of mystical items on Saturday.
  • Sunday is the optimal time to create a variety of things for success and successfully implementing yourself in politics.

When the day is defined for the manufacture and type of the magic product, you can move to the final step. To make an amulet for good luck with his own hands brought the necessary owner of the good (money and wealth, love, success in affairs, luck at work, etc.), an internal mood is important. Naturally, a strong desire more effectively "works" to attract a particular energy flow.

Therefore, it will be necessary to transfer this potential to the magical subject so that it helps to come true in a shorter time. Therefore, before being taken for creating a mystical thing to attract good luck (five-pointed star, a road designation, an amulet in the style of Kabbalah, etc.), you need to tune in to a positive "wave" and think about the favor of Fortune for a particular purpose.

Most Popular

The most popular amules to attract good luck are decorative brooms and a star Pentacle. As you can do them yourself, read further.

Brooms are magical assistants who reliably protect the house from evil and adverse influences from outside, attracting good luck and luck for each family member. Therefore, it is not only amulets, but also are charging for good luck. They can be quite possible at home. The main thing is to choose a day in advance and prepare all the materials necessary for the ritual.

There is nothing difficult in creating such items to attract good luck. In order for the Slavic brooms to become an effective assistant in achieving the desired goal, it should be made only from natural materials. As the pictures demonstrate, it will be necessary to fulfill the following oversee:

  • Stems of cereals for the base of crafts.
  • Red woolen thread for dressing.
  • Dried flowers, garlic clove, cereals, peas, corn, beans, coins - for decor.

In order for the house, the wealth in it did not put into the house, and the Slavic traditional brochille was better to prepare and speak to good luck on Saturday with a growing moon. As decor, the specified products are not just like that. Each of the components symbolizes a certain aspect of a person's life, in which he needs help Fortune:

  • Grandfather, beans, peas - symbols of well-being, consent and peace in the family.
  • Coins will attract different riches in the house.
  • Dried flowers serve to enhance the abilities of the magic assistant.

First, the basis of the type of People's Slavic Bridge is created. Then the listed decor elements are attached to it. When the amulet is ready for good luck and money, well-being and protection, it should be noted. Magic words will help to activate the product to help the owner of the house: "Now this is my mascot! Let him succeed to me, wealth, all sorts of benefits will bring, and the bad weather and trouble will lead! "

Then hold for a while in your hands such an amulet created to attract good luck and well-being. After that, the product is ready to use.

The star Pentacle, depicted in the photo, is part of the Western Magic Heritage. This pentagram is one of the most ancient symbols that serve to protect their owner and bring good luck to him.

Star, like a decorative Slavic broom, can be made at home from handicraft materials. Since this magical assistant has a patronage to people associated with trade, to make it better on Wednesday. For ritual, you will need:

  • A cut-out circle of green or gold color from cardboard - a star will be drawn on it.
  • Black marker.
  • Candle from green wax.

Light the candle and with its light, draw the pentagram shown in the photo above. Take the cardboard on which a five-pointed star turned out, and look at it, trying to fill with your domestic energy. Now the amulet is charged and ready to use.

Star, like any other amulet for good luck (for money, wealth, etc.), can be stored in a wallet or in a breast pocket. The main condition for their effectiveness is a contact with the owner. Posted by: Elena Suvorov

In order to succeed in any sphere, the power of will, the desire, motivation and, possibly, a little magic. Quickly turn the fortune face to yourself with the help of good luck talisman, which will help to gain financial support, and also keeps the owner from negative influence. It is only important to believe in his magical strength and stubbornly go to the goal.

Talisman handling rules

Before you make a choice of a suitable talisman, you need to create a pleasant atmosphere with money. For this, first of all, it is necessary to clean up the wallet. It should not have crumpled bills and foreign objects. Photos used tickets, promotional leaflets and other things to remove, and the banknotes must be accurately folded. A good way to show availability for wealth is to buy a new wallet of red, green, golden or blue.

Magic things will not tolerate neglect, and to personal mascot should be treated with respect. You need to choose the one to which the soul lies. In the role of a talisman can act anything: a coin of travel, red threads, pebbles, spoon, horseshoe or any memorable thing. A suitable amulet can be bought in a specialized store. But the highest force has a mascot for money with their own hands.

The amulet should not demonstrate others and take without need. After the acquisition, you need to talk with the talisman, to tell about your goals, ask for help, hold in your hands and remove the place in him. Magic attributes can be carried in his pocket, wallet or close to the body. But the symbols of the Feng Shui must be set to activate into a specific sector.

Symbols of luck

A good way to increase the material condition is to plant a tree with round leaves. It can be a ficus or a well-known "money tree". Behind the plant to care and relate with respect. Strengthen the influx of finance will help several Chinese coins laid under the bottom pot.

Nako's manneks - a popular guard for good luck in work. Put a cat figurine on the table so that she watches outside the room. Under the statuette to put a cut of a beautiful red fabric or a similar color with a pad. It is believed that the raised left foot gives the joy of communication, and the right attracts good luck. The universal version with both legs will improve all areas of life. Such an overag will help you quickly advance through the career ladder, find a common language with colleagues, able to offer your ideas for consideration by bosses.

Slavic attributes are associated with fertility. As an amulets, animal figurines, wheat ears, horseshoes, an image of the sun or rune appear.

In India, semi-precious and precious stones are used in India to attract wealth.

Fragment good luck can clover, gold coins, a leprechaun figure, a small magnet, the image of God's cows and others.

Amulets do it yourself

The mascot for good luck and the money with their own hands is initially charged with the energy of the owner and will be effective purchased. The amulet acquired in the store may be ordinary souvenir, and made independently will definitely work in force. But when creating you need to adhere to several rules.

Important conditions for work:

  1. Start on a growing moon or full moon with a good mood.
  2. All materials need to personally bring to the house.
  3. In the process, include a visual row, representing money going to hand.
  4. Do not doubt the magical powers of the talisman.

Cord for luck

Very simple and effective amulet to attract good luck. Depending on the color, various tasks will help solve. It is very important for weaving to buy new good threads. During the work, the dreams come true, ideas are made, money flows continuously in hand. What colors take:

  • green - wealth and new cash inflows;
  • red - the execution of the innermost desire;
  • blue - exercise of small ideas;
  • yellow - success and happiness.

You can gossip the braid from both all the threads and from one selected color. Put on clothes on

left leg and not removed while the desired will not fulfill. After making the conceived, thank you for work and burn.

Another variation of such an amulet is wearing thick cords of the selected color. It can be both braid and other complex weaving. Such a charm to wear with me until all the ideas are shifted, and after burning with gratitude.

Money bag

This amulet will attract good luck to the workplace, will help start your own business or increase profits. It will take the flap of beautiful red or turquoise fabric, fragrant spices: cinnamon, fragrant pepper, bay leaf and ginger, as well as sprigs of needles, dried mint, several coins and patchouli oil.

Sew a simple bag of selected fabric. Both colors have a beneficial effect on the work sphere, so take the one like more. Decorate the finished product at will or leave, as it is. Bag fill the dried herbs and spices.

Put three coins and drop a few drops of money oil (patchouli, mint, cedar). Sew open edge and store in the workplace. Such an amulet has enough for the year, after which it must be replaced.

Runic wubbles

A simple way to make a whaling for good luck and money is to use the power of runes. The easiest option is to apply the image of the rune on the inner side of the wallet.

Most often to attract wealth, a fee is used, but in fact, symbols attracting money and good luck, more. Which one to choose, depends on the value of the runes and target at a certain point.

A suitable rune can be used both independently and make a personal charm. In the clay mass drop the oil of patchouli or cinnamon, you can add a pinch of powder from spices. Range the ball and sleep in the shape of a coin. Apply the image of the rune on it and dry.

Treat a wooden blank size with a large coin. Make sure that the edges were smooth without sowing and apply the image of the rune fee.

Finished amulet to hold in his hands, charging with its energy, and put in a countersunk wallet pocket.

Get winning

The ordinary black pepper and a beautiful bag will win the lottery. Sew the latter can be independently or buy in a handwritten store. On the usual sheet of paper to write the desired amount, roll up the tube and put in the bag. Pour inside the seeds of fragrant pepper and tie. Finished amulet to hold the left hand, representing the gain received, and leave the moon overnight. Going for buying a lottery ticket, do not forget to take a bag with you and believe that it will bring good luck.

Another way to win in the lottery or card. It will take three coins, a glass bottle, a zest of orange and a piece of cinnamon sticks. All ingredients fold into the container and pronounce: "My luck, my victory! Fortune came, the trouble was gone! ". Blockchik hold one night under the light of the moon and hide into a secluded place.

Very effective amulet for winning - a card from a new deck. Collecting on the game or buy a lottery ticket, buy a new deck of cards. Get a bubne dozen and drop a few drops of patchouli oil from it.

To reinforce the amulet with the words: "Dozen in your pocket, Fortuna with me, please give me a big win."

To quickly achieve the result, it is not necessary to apply all the proposed options. It is enough to choose one who received the greatest response in the shower, sincerely believe in its power and thank for work. Then luck and prosperity will never turn away from its owner.

Everything, probably heard what alerts, amulets and talismans And understand their meaning. But not everyone knows how to make a charm, amulet, talisman for good luck and money with your own hands. Alone, without the help of magicians and sorceress (if there are such).

Due to such negative programming in people and there are various fears, phobias and neurosis, as well as failures in relations, and indeed in life ...

Since the program is essentially a set of various information stored in the memory of a person and tied to certain emotions and behavioral reactions - just like the dog Pavlov, the call is flowing saliva - then every power to reprogram yourself, put new anchors and give yourself installation on Success and good luck. "Start button" is just your mascot, amulet or charm.

We program your mascot (amulet) for good luck and success, or make a wubble from the evil eye and damage

To begin with, make yourself a simplest mascot for general good luck, for example, an amulet from a ring on the finger, which will be a "startup button" positive emotion or