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How to collect magic herbs? Herbs-Talismans to attract love, money and good luck the sun collection time

Our "traveler" is the 14 most useful herbs that can be reeded with a complete description of the valuable properties and a list of contraindications.


This plant of the kind of succulent was first discovered in the countries of South Africa and Arabia. During the journey of the Russian ship to South Africa, one of the team members picked up an unknown tropical fever, and it had to be left on the shore. Literally in a month, the sailor found in the same place another team ─ it looked significantly better. It turned out that in the jungle he found a tropical plant similar to a shrub and chewed his leaves (rather from hunger), and then noticed that the well-being began to improve significantly. So, according to unofficial data, Aloe fell into Russia.

In nature, more than 200 different types of aloe is known, but the most common tree or amecake in our country. As a rule, two useful products are obtained from its leaves ─ juice and gel. The first is more often used in medicine, the second ─ in cosmetology. Aloe juice contains useful trace elements: manganese, copper, potassium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, bromine, vanadium, iron, iodine, silver, fluorine, silicon, zinc and many others.


  • strengthens immunity
  • cleans blood
  • treats the diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and urinary systems
  • provides anti-inflammatory, bactericidal impact
  • treats eye disease
  • enhances the secretion of digestive glands
  • normalizes cholesterol levels
  • accelerates healing wounds and ulcers
  • treats diseases in the gynecological sphere
  • removes inflammation from the gums


Aloe juice should not be used in cancer, possible allergic reactions, uterine bleeding and pregnancy (only by permission from the attending physician).


This perennial plant of the Araliyev family grows mainly in mountainous areas, and most often it can be found in the Far East, in China, Tibet, Vietnam, in Altai, in Siberia. The birthplace of the plant is recognized by China, and the pronunciation of his name is borrowed from the Chinese language (although in the original ginseng is written in two words and translates as "life root"). The most useful part of ginseng is truly the root, in the form similar to a small human figure (in connection with this, ginseng is sometimes translated from the same Chinese as a "man-root").


  • it has anti-inflammatory effect
  • affects carbohydrate exchange
  • increases performance indicators
  • increases the endurance of the organism and its resistance to stress, infections, changes in external temperatures, etc.
  • aligns blood pressure tests for hypotension
  • lowers cholesterol levels
  • activates the function of the adrenal glands
  • stimulates the blood circulation of the brain
  • accelerates fat exchange
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds and ulcers


In cases of self-treatment, with uncontrolled reception of drugs with a ginseng content, it is possible to deteriorate well-being up to the deadly poisoning, so it is better to consult a doctor before taking. Ginseng is completely contraindicated in the development of acute infectious diseases, with elevated arterial pressure, pregnancy.


In nature, there are about 30 different types of Eleutherococcus, but only one is applied in medicine - the eleutherococcus spiny. This species is a shrub, with branching, spiny trunks (plant trunks can reach 4 meters in height) and fruits in the form of black berries. Eleutherococcus belongs to the Aralia family, as well as ginseng and, accordingly, has similar properties similar to it. For this reason, it is often used in overwork as a tonic. By the way, Eleutherococcus enters the classic composition of the Russian drink "Baikal".


  • tones
  • enhances performance
  • eliminates chronic fatigue
  • put in order the nervous system
  • helps to reduce blood sugar levels
  • helps with the prevention of oncology
  • has a calming effect on the eyes, favorably affects the vision in general
  • improves appetite
  • increases the resistance of the body to infectious diseases
  • helps in irradiation and poisoning
  • contributes to the treatment of stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity
  • useful for restoring the menstrual cycle and when infertility
  • enhances men's sexual activity


Mother and stepmother

TUSSILÁGO or KASHLEGON ─ This name is a plant wearing in Latin. "Mother-and-stepmother" is rather Russian folk interpretation, the basis for which the leaves served as the leaves, slippery outside and fluffy from the inside. The plant belongs to the Astrov family (comprehensive), and its main useful property ─ treatment of cough and other bronchhalytic diseases. Math and stepmother contains alkaloids with antibacterial effect, and inulin, which improves the quality of food learning and the improvement of digestion.


  • improves the secretion of gastric juice
  • plant decoction removes muscle and articular pain
  • helps with inflammatory skin diseases (furunculese, acne)
  • helps with excessive sweat
  • promotes the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases (angina, tonsillitis, FARENGIT)
  • helps in dental problems (periodontal disease, gum inflammation)
  • heals broncholy disease


Salvia (Latin name Sage) is a large genus of shrub plants. By the way, as for the original name of Sage, it comes from the Latin Salvere word (from the lat. "To be healthy"). A description of the use of this plant remained in the records of many Greek and Roman physicians. Hippocrates, in particular, called the Sage "Sacred Grass".

Around the world, about 700 species of Salvia recorded. However, for medical purposes, in theory, only 100 of them applies, and in practice, known for their therapeutic properties of sage species, total 2 - Sage meadow (wild) and sage medicinal (specially grown in gardens and gardens). For treatment, they are used mainly, the leaves of Sage: of which brazers, tincture, oil and ointment are preparing. In the fresh form, the sage leaves are used only externally. The leaves contain vitamins, phytoncides, essential oils, alkaloids, flavonoids, organic acids, resinous and tanning substances, natural antioxidants.


  • helps in the treatment of skin diseases, outdoor wounds, ulcers, tumors
  • it has anti-inflammatory properties
  • has a general affecting effect on the body
  • limits sweating
  • helps with diarrhea
  • promotes the prevention of arthritis and treatment of frostbite
  • provides antiseptic and spasmodic impact
  • effective in the prevention and treatment of diabetes and female diseases
  • promotes memory improvement
  • it has a strengthening effect on the hair (slows down the level of baldness in men)


You should not use the sage to women during breastfeeding period, as it helps to reduce lactation (however, when the time comes to teach a child from breast milk, sage, on the contrary, will be useful)


With its original name and sad popularity among children, nettle is obliged to burn the hairs covering her stems and leaves. In theory, all of early childhood we know that you can not touch the nettle with your hands, because you can burn or "point", but in practice the benefits of nettle significantly exceeds its vigorous property of all "stiff" (except for the calf tree, from New Zealand, touching which does not just burn, but in principle it is dangerous for life).

In Russia, you can meet only two types of nettle - the nettle of the bounty and vertex burning. There are carotene in nettles (it is larger there in carrots and sorrel), ascorbic acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium, nickel, sodium, copper, titanium, manganese, boron, iodine, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins A, B1 , B2 and PP, and in the content of vitamin C, nettle exceeds even lemon. Nettle is often used to prepare various heralds for medical purposes, but its leaves can also significantly brighten up the taste of many soups in cooking.


  • cleans blood
  • increases blood hemoglobin
  • promotes the treatment of skin diseases (furunculov, acne, eczema)
  • has hemostatic and healing effect
  • helps a female organism to recover faster after delivery
  • facilitates the symptoms of PMS and menopause
  • it helps to increase the tone of the cardiovascular system, improves the heart
  • helps in the treatment of rheumatism, radiculitis, alleviating pain in the muscles
  • may be applicable to care for hair and scalp, reduce hair loss
  • improves the work of the digestive system, gives a choleretic and laxative action
  • rights blood sugar levels in diabetes


Nettle is contraindicated in pregnancy, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis.

Ginkgo biloba

The main places of origin Ginkgo Biloba are Japan and Southeast Asia. It existed on our land in the Mesozoic Era. Ginkgo Biloba has long been one of the main drugs of Asian medicine, and today it is successfully used in the West, and in Russia, as a means to improve memory and extend the youth. The composition of the extract from the leaves of Ginkgo biloba includes more than 40 biologically active compounds. There is in this plant and their own unique components ─ boblobalids and ginkgolds (which it is obliged to its unusual name), and it is them to a large extent due to its special pharmacological activity.


  • stimulates mental activity
  • improves the concentration of attention, clarity of thinking and memory
  • slows down the development of senile dementia and brain aging processes
  • eliminates dizziness and headaches
  • struggling with depressive states
  • stimulates the speed of the reaction and performance
  • eliminates the sensations of anxiety, anxiety and irritability
  • stimulates libido
  • improves Son.


You should not use the extract of ginkgo biloba women during pregnancy.


Kombuche or, as it is called in Russia, tea mushroom ─ is a symbiosis of acetic stick and yeast fungi. Tea mushroom hit us in the 20th century through Transbaikali straight from China. In everyday life and traditional medicine, both Russia, and India, India, and India, is not a mushroom itself, but its infusion. In Japan, Geisha drank a chant of Kombuchi for weight loss, rinsed their hair, removed pigment stains and even warts on the skin. In India, the infusion of the tea mushroom was pinned paints on the tissues. In China and Russia, it also drinks as an invigorating and perfectly quenching his thirst for a drink. Combuch and with therapeutic tasks are not bad, as it contains a lot of healing components (alkaloids, vitamins, enzymes, glycosides, aromatic substances, as well as sugar, acetic acid and alcohol).


  • strengthens immunity
  • it has antibacterial and antiviral impact
  • helps in the treatment of runny nose, angina, bacterial disinteria
  • soothes
  • tones
  • remove mental overwork
  • restores the microflora of the stomach after taking strong preparations


Due to the high sugar content, tea mushroom may not be useful to people suffering from fungal diseases, obesity, diabetes mellitus.


A perennial plant of a family of legumes, whose homeland is considered China, has a high nutritional value, in connection with which it is often used in digestive disorders. The plant includes isoflavones and flavones (substances regulating hormonal activity in women), saponins (substances that block the absorption of cholesterol) and chlorophilus, which contributes to the cleansing of the entire body. Also alfalfa contains minerals (iron, zinc, potassium, calcium) and acids (lemon, apple, ascorbic, fumaric, oxal).


  • cleans the body
  • helps women's health (with menopause, breastfeeding)
  • helps in the treatment of cystitis, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, pyelonephritis
  • stops nasal bleeding
  • contributes to the removal of kidney stones
  • helps to activate hair growth
  • removes redness and swelling


Levsa grows high in the mountains. The most famous places where you can break a bouquet of Levzei ─ Altai, Sayan, Mountains of Kazakhstan. In the people, this plant is often called "Maral Root", and all because the autumn of deer marals, inhabiting in some mountainous areas, dig and eat his roots. Actually, thanks to them once, the usefulness of Levzei was discovered.

For biostimulants, concentrated in the root of Levuses, the plant is also often referred to as a natural anabolic (a substance that gives the energy that increases the endurance contributing to the rapid restoration of the muscles). So the root of Levzei can often be found as part of popular sports additives.


  • improves the composition of blood
  • stimulates the vital processes of the body
  • contributes to the expansion of vessels, thereby adjusting blood pressure
  • increases hemoglobin levels
  • it has a tonic and a fascinating effect
  • treats from apathy, depression
  • increases performance
  • reduces blood sugar level
  • can help in the fight against alcoholism and impotence


Levze's root is contraindicated in epilepsy, arrhythmias, sleep disorders, arterial hypertension, increased nervous excitability, chronic diseases of the liver and kidney, acute period of infectious diseases.


Another ancient Greek philosopher Ksenofan wrote about her in his writings. In the entire history of the existence of wormwood, about 400 of her species was derived. There are about 180 species on our country, of which the most popular ─ is bitterly wormwood. The plant is a straight stem with a height of about 1.5 meters with leaves and yellow (sometimes reddish) flowers. In the stems and leaves of wormwood, many useful substances and essential oils are concentrated. In addition, carotene, ascorbic acid, potassium salt, apple and succinic acid were found in wormies. By the way, another popular look of wormwood ─ Estragon, who is definitely known to you as Tarkun. Bitter wormwood is included in the absinthe and some other vermouth.


  • stimulates the vital activity of the body
  • gives the body tone
  • it has cleansing properties
  • fights with glorodic infections
  • it has anthelmal action
  • helps in the treatment of eczema, bronchial asthma and rheumatism
  • used to rinse the oral cavity with an unpleasant smell



Horsetail ─ perennial herbaceous plant, known to many gardeners as a hard-painted weed. The horsetail multiplies with disputes, looks like a mini-tree and a little resembles a horse tail (hat ─ derived from the "tail"). As befits weed, the hat does not have its own historical homeland, it is just known in different countries, depending on the climate, its height varies. For example, in Russia it reaches no more than 1-1.5 meters, but a 12-meter plant can be found in South America. The horsetail contains a lot of useful substances and elements ─ vitamin C, flavonoids, potassium salts, silicic acid salts, bitterness, saponins, carotene, resins and tanning substances.


  • stops bleeding
  • heals wounds and ulcers
  • has a strong diuretic action
  • it has spasmolitical, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and generalifying effects
  • treats diarrhea
  • treats to the eczema, deprive and dermatitis
  • recommended for tuberculosis prophylaxis
  • useful in arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism


The use of the horsetail is contraindicated during pregnancy, nephrodes and jade.


This is a perennial plant of the family of Clanotkov usually grows on wasteland, from here and its name. The territory of the spread of the mother-in-law is very extensive: it can be found in Europe, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Western Siberia. The most common type of plant is a dietpit heart. It is his solution that soothes in stressful situations and has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. Of all the known soothing herbs, the motherboat has the strongest exposure: in its composition there are flavonol glycosides, essential oil, saponins, alkaloid Stakhidrin, tannins and carotene.


  • promotes the treatment of neurosis, heart disease
  • helps with gastrointestinal disorders
  • provides a beneficial effect in sleep disorders and menstrual cycles.
  • heals wounds and burns
  • used in the early stages of hypertension


The dye is contraindicated in pregnancy, arterial hypotension, bradycardia, stomach ulcers, erosive gastritis.


Echinacea is a perennial plant from the Astrov family. In nature there are only 9 species of Echinacea, and the most studied Echinacea is purple, it is used in medicinal purposes. With his appearance, Echinacea resembles a chamomile (only the petals of another color), and you probably often faced her in nature. As medicinal raw materials, stems, flowers, leaves and rhizomes with roots are used. All pieces of Echinacea contain polysaccharides, essential oil, coffee acid esters (echinacoside), glycosides, resins, betaine, organic acids (Cerutinovaya, palmitic, coffee, linoleic, olein, and phyto-sterols, phenolic compounds, phenol acids, tannins, Polica and alkaloids). Echinacea is a powerful vegetable antibiotic.


  • enables immunostimulating effect
  • increases the body's resistance to viral and infectious diseases (due to coffee-acid)
  • it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  • helps for burns, furunculese, wounds, abscesses, urticaria, bite insects and snakes, eczema, herpes and other skin diseases
  • it is used for diseases caused by the impact of ultraviolet rays, ionizing radiation, chronic inflammatory processes
  • helps in the treatment of polyarthritis, rheumatism, gynecological disorders, prostatitis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract

In the presence of an acute stage of the above diseases before applying these plants and their derivatives, it is necessary to consult with the doctor. Children up to 12 years old data plants, with rare exceptions, are not recommended.

Each of us at least once in my life I bought a lottery ticket or participated in any monetary or gift drawing (for example, in some shares in the store). However, only units won huge amounts. How do they do it? Perhaps, in their victory, the interesting science of Numerology played a considerable role.

Numbers for winning the lottery according to the method of Hellen Dodge

Ellin Dodge is the famous numerologist and an expert of the magic of numbers, which has written a lot of work on the effect of the number of numbers on the fate of a person. He is one of the people who participated in the opening of the National Lottery of England in London.

We will get acquainted with the main steps that will help increase the chance to win in the lottery using its method. The winnings will overtake you when you accurately calculate numbers numerology. For winning the lottery follow the following ordinary rules:

  • It is necessary to choose the month in which you are going to play and find out its number. Make it very simple. January - the first month of the year, respectively, the number of it 1. December is the last, and its number 12, etc.
  • Next, select the date.
  • Add a date for the month. If you have thought up to play December 12, then our figure: 24.
  • Add a year for it. For example, our year - 2016. 2016 + 24 \u003d 2040.
  • Next, it is necessary to bring the result to the unequivocal value. In this case, from our number 2040 exits 6. You can use our automatic calculation (right) and calculate everything automatically.

Thus, you can use our made magic digit in any numeric lottery. You can also use all the numbers, which is given 6. For example: 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, etc.

Popular numbers - an easy way to raise a chance

Also, to enhance your chance to receive a winning combination, you can see the unequivocal number of the nearest already ending lotteries. This is done simply.

  • We write down all the figures in a row and fold them. Example: 12,13,14,15,16 - 1 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 6 \u003d 25, 2 + 5 \u003d 7. Odd.
  • If you check so few nearest editions, you can reveal some patterns. For example, even numbers have fallen laterally, which means a big chance that an odd number falls.
  • We exclude the repetition. If in the previous game there was 3 or, for example, 4, then they can be excluded.

Perhaps the following information will help you. After analyzing more than a hundred circulation, it turned out that the most popular combination was the numerological number of which was the number 9. Using this method and analyzing the nearest passages, you can find the most suitable digit at the moment.

Little tricks

To finally convince oneself in the correctness of your actions, it is also recommended to use the following small tricks when playing:

  • If possible, buy a ticket on your birthday (or on the birthday of your beloved and a person close to you). This method is confirmed by the calculations of famous numerologists.
  • A very good symbol is the eight. Hold her special attention in calculations and bets. In numerology, he is responsible for cash supply and financial independence and stability.
  • Pay attention to fours and twos, as the main components of the eight. They create numerological equilibrium and stability, reinforcing the main value. In numerology, these symbols are the most successful.

Using all the ways given in this article, you can increase your chances of success. The main thing is to believe in your luck and luck, never give your hands. After all, a positive internal attitude to any event also increases a favorable outcome. Good luck loves bold people.

Panaceans - that is, the magic medication does not exist. Medicine is not omnipotent, but also the actions of the grasses are not enough if the disease arose and the inflammatory process began - the antibiotics needed.

Nevertheless, a healthy lifestyle is based on proper nutrition not only in the sense of food, but also in the sense of energy. Plants were originally and are food for a person, and at the same time are also drugs. Therefore, of course, the value of herbs for human health can not be taken into account. As it should not be ignored and achieving medicine that allowed only 100 years to increase the life expectancy of people about twice.

By the way, how much I communicated with the magicians and with people dealing with the healing, they positively relate to medical drugs if they have a need. The challenge of the healer is perhaps that the need for medication does not arise in order to be healthy.

Publish a rather interesting video about the magic of herbs and another article. Be healthy)

It is used to remove male lust, as well as weakness.

For this, the roots of the artichoke are going to the time when the sun is in the fifth sign of the scales. Then read:

"White's body, stand, do not break, I will not be thorn before the female. The root root goes into the root will go, and no sorcerer will take my flesh. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Pansies Attract the attention of the opposite sex, get rid of loneliness.

To do this, you need to dry them in any book about real love and carry with you.

Aria Flowers are gathering in the second quarter of the moon from noon to sunset, used as waging from thieves.

For this, dried flowers are brewed:

"I am a stone, I am a fire, a thief, my place is not tried. If you are, the thief, in this place will enter, the name of the langion you will find. The fire will cover, the stone will crush, the thief will force. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and dream of centuries. Amen".

Then rush where you need to protect yourself from theft.


Basil It is a national plant of India, a very strong grass that activates the personal capabilities of a person protects, preventing apartment theft.

Brings courage, increases extrasensory abilities, contributes to reconciliation after a quarrel.

Attracts good luck, love, joy, the attention of the opposite sex, increases income, is often used in alliance with another grass, oil to enhance influence.

If you hold it in your pocket with money, then there will be a quantity.

His kidneys are carrying with them to calm down after breaking and finding new love, put in bags with dry herbs to attract the attention of the beloved, as well as protect against evil forces.

Used to guide the dope, Dunda during the treatment of a deep wound patient so that it does not feel pain, falling into a light trance.

Increases the mood, helps to keep self-control, eliminate disadvantages, overcome various dependencies.

Ginger Love, money, success, power, prompts to look deep into himself, see their advantages, disadvantages, good for meditation, helps in finding a compromise, giving a person flexibility, loyalty.

Calendula Can cause prophetic dreams.

Iris Good for those whose spouse is not indifferent to the female floor, keeps in the house, for this breaks away, saying:

"Kasata mine, let's go to me to live home, and with us and my spouse, the slave of God (name)."

rose flower Brings love, peace, happiness, applied in love magic in order to "reach" to the person, in creating love mascots, for rapid recovery, can prevent the formation of relationships based on caustic, benefit, and not on feelings, treat heart disease.

Bud roses under the pillow brings good dreams.

Rose Jericho
Ensures the resurrection, often used on religious holidays.

If we put a rose into the water, then it will break, the leaves will become green with a pinkish tint, and if it is again to deprive the water, it will again turn into a lump of dry leaves.

Rosemary Attracts success, good luck in business, it helps to overcome the bad luck, the "black strip" in life, protects against the damage, the evil disease, infectious diseases, cleanses the air, is expelled with an unclean force, heals, brings love, strengthens intellectual forces, retains youth, removes indifference from the state of indifference , apathy.

Before the start of any magical ritual, the hands into the nasty rosemary.

Because of its connection with the sea, it is often used in marine rituals, ensures safety on the water, also applies in rituals for personal, career growth, to enhance the space that needs to be cleaned, protect.

A powerful witchcraft grass, cleans against negative energy, destructive programs, the evil eye, damage, distinguishes evil forces, eliminates dependencies, fears, phobias, bringing happiness, harmony, attracts love, helps break love curses.

In the dry form is used to enhance the premises to expel evil spirits. In the form of powder protects, cleans, used in love spells, with health problems.

To protect against the evil eye, wearing in a fabric bag or put over the door. To protect the house to spray her decoction.

To save all children in the house, is going to late autumn with the first frosts, saying:

"Oh, you, Ruta, I bow to you, I'll give you to you, I'll bring you to the house. And you, the root-mother, do not let my children offend: neither aware or a nicer, nor native and someone else. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Rowan He protects against witchcraft, protects against the evil eye, damage, develops the gift of foresight, promotes predictions, helps to control the feelings, wake up the sexuality dormant in a woman, to protect themselves from foreign char.

For about 40 years old, women give love, especially warm autumn.

Beads from Ryabina are the best protection against someone else's magic of any kind.

Sandal is a spiritual, spiritual plant, cleans the energy of a person, protects, is used in

Talismans, amulets and wubblers from plants.

The manufacture of faces for the house, car and man takes on not only magicians, but also ordinary people, without even noticing it. Taken by a child's favorite toy, sometimes plays the role of the guard to a greater extent than the amulet acquired from the magician. Do not scold the child on the road for a spoiled or lost toy, it is quite possible she took on the "blow of fate." And adults do not lag behind children, buying key chains, decorations and other trinkets. Holding the keychain on the keys we make it so that they would not be lost, thereby programming the key chain on the wubble of keys. Making consciously charms and talismans for themselves, families and friends can avoid many troubles.

Obereg - A nice thing in which the protective forces are concentrated. The charm guards the owner, the house or the car reflecting the evil eye, damage, illness, envy, theft, etc.

Amulet - The item "charged" active energy, which can be filled in places of force or charge yourself. The energy of the amulet of a narrow-controlled action, that is, it brings good luck in one area. Chargeing Amulet "For Love" Get it, "for money" - money, for each action you need a separate amulet. Having worked amulet do not wear, put in the box and store the house. Do not play for children, do not show unauthorized people.

For example, amulet "to receive work" after the triggering, put in a black box and hide in the northern part of the house. Amulet "At the birth of a child" in a white box and the western part of the apartment at home. "To recovery" in a yellow box and center at home. Amulets can be charged in this place and maintain the result achieved.

Mascot- It has all the properties of both the overama and amulets, and it can how to help and harm. "Vaccked" from someone else's house toy is able to take revenge on the new owner. Selfiece talismans will never benefit, they will give the entire negative of the old owner in retaliation. It happens the talismans come unexpectedly: they are given, they find, they are inherited, but unites them one - attachment to the owner. Forgetting the home mascot home will be "not in its plate" energy feeling and loss. Availability for us such talismans as a native cross, rosary or wedding ring.

People with a weak will of the talismans have to have on the one hand, since they feed the owner, but on the other hand, when losing you can get a nervous breakdown, as it takes strong tie. It must be remembered: if the talisman was lost, then the power of it is exhausted and he became not needed by the owner. Do not despair and if you need this kind of magic, then look or wait for the new one.

Independent manufacture of medicinal fees.

The proposed therapeutic one-time doses and the number of herbs are not strictly binding, the doses of herbs depend on the state of health and well-being, as well as on the weight and age of the patient. Doses can be reduced, but should not be increased, but do not forget that many herbs are strong allergens.

All therapeutic teas must be taken under the control of the attending physician. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor its well-being and reaction of the body. All plants can bring both benefits and harm. There are no "innocuous" herbs that can be taken just in case.