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How to understand what guy brought you. How to find out if there is a spell on a person yourself. Rite with one church candle

History of wary men. Signs of Login (1)

Unfortunately, I am one of the awesome. Ex-wife About 8 years ago made a love spell on love. 6 years ago we divorced. However, having met another beloved man and married, I continued to run in a former family. I gave an apartment, provided, rushed for each call. At home, the quarrels began, which I did not perceive, the result - doubled and disengaged with my wife. I loved her, however, as soon as the question was raised about the former family - as if the "roof was eager." I did not want anything to listen to anything ...

History of wary men. I was kept (2)

I could not live without her day and I thought about her all the time. There was a strong jealousy and some possible signs of love spell. I began to lose weight, sometimes I could not sleep at night. The depression began, turned to doctors, did not find anything. Having accepted antidepressants for some time, helped a little. I also began to notice that I lost interest in other women, almost no one noticed. Then my acquaintances said that I was probably kept. I began to look for a way out of this situation ...

The stories are awesome. Depression began (3)

He changed very sharply. I did not understand what was happening. So sharply a person cannot change. Everyone said that "done" with him. A year later, he threw us with her son and left. But at the same time did not take his things. And then I learned - she brought him. She is very pressing on him. And it can be seen ...

What is stronger than the love spell? (Life of Saints Cyprian and Justina)

Perhaps this is the most famous in the history of the attemptedness. The sorcerer Cyprian was a very strong magician. And the girl of Justina, which he tried to be perhaps the customer's order, was just a Christian maiden. Why did the spell failed? And how it happened that now Cyprian and Justina - both saints orthodox church? For you, we shifted the most full story Cyprian and Justina on modern language (as close as possible to the source text).

Occultal Protection

Christianity believes that in the occult, a person faces a demonic world. But psychics and other healers are treated, and often because we see and positive results. In addition, more than recently, the occultists often work "under the Orthodox": they furnish themselves with icons, lamps and candles are missing, they read prayers, make patients be baptized, confess, coming. How to figure out a simple, spiritually illiterate person?

The power of demons over a person - punishment for sin

Saint John Zlatoust in the word about evil spirits"He says that when a person performs the commandments of God, he is guarded by the grace of God, and in the spiritual area, the sly spirits see that a certain protective fiery shell is guarded. Demons are afraid of such a person, because how can the hay touch the fire - it burns. But if the person is baptized, and he sins intentionally, then the grace of God moves away from such a person, and this certain protective fiery shell disappears above it. Demons, approaching such a person, glad: "This is our soul, our hands are predicted," and freely fit into it. So the holy fathers are presented to us to the teachings of the Church of Christ on the initial moment of human disease.

The most important feature of the love spell will, of course, the emergence of a sudden attraction to the previously absolutely indifferent object. All free time will be filled with thoughts only about this person. In the most deferred cases, you can even start haunting the person who brought you. The patient is not able to adequately perceive what happens to him, becomes aggressive, embittered, but only towards other people. By his passion, he refers to extremely precisely, she assumes it to heaven. If you notice one or more signs of love, then you need to immediately turn to a person skilled in the art, which in turn will help you cope with this problem.

Now you should talk about direct signs that the person was awesome. The definition of them as representatives of the male and female is quite simple in their performance.

Often the patient itself will never ask to get rid of the magical spell. Rather, everything happens on the contrary - a man, having walked any remark, criticizing or even a simple advice on his companion or their relationship, begins to behave completely inadequately, swear, scandaling, to fall into the attacks of rage and aggression.

Even with the condition that the person under the influence of the Char is fully aware of his actions and the fact that he performs something wrong, the object behaves unpredictable and completely inadequate. He is completely convinced that it is the most happy man On earth and comes absolutely correct.

It should list several of the most basic designations of the presence of probor magic. First, it is absolute ignoring all the advice, other people's opinions about relationships with one or another person, the inadequate attitude of the patient to the whole occurring around him, complete agreement with the fact that the hematic himself can experience suffering as moral and physical.

Idealization of your chosen one, refusal to recognize that everyone has their drawbacks, the adoption of his point of view for the only correct, while throwing their own, blind worship to its object of adoration. Very strong attraction, including sexual nature, is the main sign of love obsession. After committing sex contact, an awesome man is experiencing an incomprehensible feeling of guilt and anxiety, trying to leave his companion as soon as possible, or a companion, swears herself that it was the last similar meeting. But when contact with a magician who committed a spell stops, the unfortunate awesome is experiencing severe spiritual flour, seeks to return back.

A person becomes completely unable to realize and take control of his actions. He can do a lot of troubles in such a state. May stop sexual contact with the old woman if the magician who made a spell imposed a special spell, according to which the object of the attitude will be able to enter into sexual relations Only with a certain person, in particular with a magician.

Even with the condition that the spell is made ordinary, the contacts of the sexual plan with other women besides the magician will be extremely difficult to patient. In this case, a person will in every way to avoid the possibility of such meetings with his companions. A wary man is absolutely apatized to children and his parents if they are against his clauses.

Criticize in the direction of your chosen or chosen one, the defeated person completely does not tolerate. He can even start rushing into a fight. An objective assessment of his chosen one can not give.

The obsessive thoughts on sexual contact with the magician do not leave the wary literally for a second. The patient loses any sense of pride and its own dignity. Maybe any humiliation can be squeezed, if only his beloved was next to him. The magician who brought him, becomes literally the center of his universe. About the rest of the same thing he completely forgets.

Hardworking earlier person becomes completely apathetic to any work, is unable to fulfill any order. The one who has influenced the magic of the attitude is becoming too emotional, they are awakened by heavenly too sentimental impulses, the patient is tired too quickly and it is constantly cloneing in a dream, in which he often sees bed scenes with his beloved or lover. A man under the influence of love spell can also fall into depression, testing a permanent longing. Also, the spell can affect both physical well-being. Heartbeat is rapidly, excessive sweating appears, pain and tingling of the heart muscle suddenly occur. The patient can constantly chase the thoughts of an obsessive nature, including suicide. A man who was fascinated for love is extremely difficult to communicate with those people who used to be close and loved for him.

Among other things, the one on whom the balls are damaged by damage, begins to experience strong craving for alcoholic beverages, even if it was not previously observed. If the desire to drink attended and earlier, then in the present state, it will further aggravate and can grow into chronic alcoholism.

In some, especially launched cases, the chance can even overtake the heart attack.

The very first signal that you could become a victim of a probatory magic can serve that you started to make completely rampant and uncontrolled actions and action that you start regret over time. Remember that at the very first signals that you would have become a victim of the magician - Vista, should immediately contact people who have some experience in removing such curses.

If you still received certain signals from your body that they have become an object of love, in no case fall into despair and do not panic. From any situation, even the most difficult, there may be the right way out. It is only necessary to apply and soberly, and most importantly, in time, evaluate the current state of affairs and take the right decision for this situation.

First, you need to accurately appreciate the degree of proximity in which you are a person who decided to shock you. Perhaps it is worth just talking to the object that decided on such a serious step in order to be with you together.
How to find out if there were guidance spells or not?

The main sign of the love spell is, strictly speaking, the sudden attraction itself towards that man to whom you have not experienced absolutely no attraction or feelings. Most often, thoughts about this subject will fill out all your time. You will begin to dwell only on this person, you will stop adequately perceive the existing reality, you will not be able to take advice and criticism from the third party. Most often, such a comprehensive effect is characteristic precisely for the actuators of black type, but experienced professionals in this field can impose a very high-quality white spell.

It is worth focusing on certain characteristic symptoms that can be identified independently, only by analyzing their own behavior.

In addition to its main effect, imaginary magic also has an indirect influence on a person being traveled. The object begins to test sudden and prolonged strong headaches, migraine, it is irritable, tired very quickly, or on the contrary, it shows the outbreaks of an incredible and not characteristic of it for him of activity, the cyclicality of sleep, the captured nightmares and obsessive images are disturbed. On the physical condition The body spell also affects the body. If a man is awesome, then he can begin to have a sudden sexual disorders.

Among other things, it is also worth carefully visible to changes in your character or behavior. The mood differences begin, the character changes, the true essence of man is suppressed.

Of course, any of the above symptoms may be the usual consequence of overwork and immediately panicing is not worth it anyway. But if you also notice the constant obsessive thoughts of the same person together with the specified complex of the oddities about the same person, then you should think that you did not bring you?

How do people who have a certain experience in the sphere of witchcraft lovers advise? Best output If the attitude is detected, of course, there will be an appeal to precisely to experienced people. They will tell right order Actions for your situation.

If everything is confirmed, and you really fell under the influence of charming magic, then you need to immediately take a set of certain actions aimed at removing the love spell. If the ritual was too strong, then immediately appeal to the professionals of his case, the same in turn if they cannot remove the spell, at least we will weaken its action for a while until the customer will be found.

Only a few of the hundred cases, a person who fell under the influence of love magic can soberly and adequately evaluate his actions and the actions performed by him, which significantly complicates work with him. With such a situation, the person will seek help to his family and relatives, since he himself goes to break the relationship with his labeled magician will not be emotionally.

To determine the presence of a love spell, it is not necessary to have extrasensory abilities or to be a professional magician. It is believed that in one or another, extrasensory abilities have every person. It is important to be able to take advantage of the critical moments of your life. A wary man is not always aware that someone deliberately affects him. The meaning of any love spell comes down to make the victim think that the choice of a partner is made to her. However, strange behavior may notice relatives and relatives. To pay attention to the following:

    Walking is often distinguished from those who even recently trusted unconditionally. The composition of the probiginal spell often includes words that a person should love only someone who made a spell on him. In addition, the rite can be caused and distrust of others; Walking violently defends its right to be near those who "invested". If love was caused naturally, a person is usually ready for a constructive dialogue with relatives and other close people. However, the awesome categorically rejects any attempts to dissuade him from new relationships. If relatives are trying to engage the "poisoned" spell, he immediately begins to see the enemies in them, who set up the target to divide him with her beloved (beloved); Walking does not pay attention to the physical disadvantages of which he "loved." This does not mean that a person who, for example, no limbs cannot be loved. However, not everyone is capable of this.

Is there a spell on me? How to check yourself yourself?

If you catch yourself on the thoughts that in love with someone, you can not live without this person, you are seriously starting to think about suicide and so on, it is worth thinking. Probably, you were brought to the presence of the presence of the "on the eye" pretty difficult. Sometimes people choose themselves as satellites of the life of unworthy or externally unpleasant partners. The surrounding it seems that such a coarse, cruel, sloppy person is simply impossible to love. However, for someone, he becomes the only stood in life. And it does not necessarily have to testify about the magical impact that the finding has a sacrifice. Esoterics believe that if an unworthy partner appeared in a person's life, without which he cannot live, it may be due to any karmic debts of whom Satellite of life. Perhaps, in the past embodiment, you excessively crossed alcoholics, not understanding how serious is this disease. In its current incarnation, you are forced to live with drinking manTo which love is tied. However, it is possible to identify some signs of the love spell. Love for the girl (guy), which arose without outside intervention, does not cause the disappearance of previously arising attachments, for example, to parents, child, brothers, sisters. It is impossible to call love and painful necessity to be near the person to whom you do not even feel sympathy in the depths of the soul. You constantly think about those who love to truly, but some unexplanting power makes you be near a hated person.

Magic diagnostic techniques

Determine the presence of someone else's intervention in your life is not always possible from the first time, spending only one rite. To do this, try to perform several simple magic techniques:
    Bring from the Church of the Holy Water and pour into a glass. Then burn the Luchin (or ordinary match), hold it for some time with two fingers, and then throw it into a glass with holy water. Pay attention to how the beaches will behave. If it rests on the surface of the water and burns, no one has no magical effects on you. However, if the mound quickly extinted and drowned, it is likely that you have become a victim of the rite. In this way, it is possible to determine not only the presence of illness, but any other negative magical impact, for example, damage; take any item of who allegedly brought you, and go to the church. If on this moment You already live with this person and have access to many of his things, choose clothes, in particular, underwear. In all other cases, even the ballpoint handle is suitable, which for a long time I used the person who fell in love with you. The thing must be hidden so that it is not visible to others. You need to be in the church as long as possible. To make a reason for this, visit the service or come to the temple in the Holy Holiday. Tell me mentally several times:

    "The innocent - the crown, the guilty - the end!".

    After these actions, it is imperceptible to return it to its owner and watch this person will behave. If he did not harm you, his behavior will not change. However, the one who made a spell must feel the strongest discomfort. He can begin to complain about poor well-being, depression. At the man's love spell usually happens a major trouble, for example, he loses the keys to the apartment, breaks his hand, robbed it.

In addition to magic diagnostics, try to find confirmation that you were brought. If you live together, do it easy. Check your partner's personal belongings on the shelves in the closet. You may find a doll resembling you. This is a voodoo doll, with which a person can be subject to different impacts: damage, spell and even complete destruction. Track out how your partner is (especially if this woman) is preparing you food: Doesn't he be poured, does he take anything to you in food and drinks?

First of all, you should not go on a frank conversation with a person who brought you. Do not try to make him confess that he did. Most likely, you will not work. You can even aggravate the situation. Man whose victim you have become trying to apply even more strong love. The consequences may be unpredictable. There is an opportunity to just get rid of the love spell associated with what you do not know how exactly you were brought. Contact a specialist who can be trusted (he was really able to help your relatives or acquaintances, and you recommended it). But if you are afraid of fraud, try to fight on your own. Visit the church, pray to your holy, Jesus Christ, the Virgin, ask them for help and believe that your request will be heard. You will see the trick and become uncomfortable for your partner, change your behavior, be others. Men are often attracted due to wealth. Start supplied with money "the second half" is much worse and less. Soon your partner thinks about finding a new sacrifice. Not only a wealthy businessman, but also a person with an average or low level of prosperity may not only. Be careful, choosing a circle of your communication.

Understand that you are brought to help explicit signs Love spell. The symptoms of the magical impact differs in men and women, while rites to identify the love spells are the same for representatives of both sexes.


Signs of love spell

Love spells are dangerous, mainly the fact that the victim is extremely difficult to assess the substitution of feelings. However, there are a number of symptoms directly indicating that a spell was made. Also there is indirect manifestations that should alert the victim of the love spell and signal that she needs help.

Direct signs

To direct signs that help to understand, a person is awesome or not, belong:

  1. There were problems with food or sleep associated with inlentibility. Feeling of pain and unnatural fatigue.
  2. Found in house or personal belongings small subjects. They can include needles, rags or homemade dolls. It is also worth alert, when in a certain place at home or when wearing some element of clothes, thoughts about the beloved are amplified.
  3. After the occurrence of inlentibility, self-esteem sharply lowered. It seems that there is no one to attract anyone, but there will be no possibility.
  4. After the start of the relationship with the partner, disappears the need to talk with close friends, buddies. Even if a person had previously been very sociable, all his thoughts are busy now only by the object of their passion.
  5. It disappears the desire and determination to argue with a person, including in things that do not definitely do not like. Actions are performed under the invisible canopy of approval / disapproval of the object of passion.
  6. Permanent dreams of stuck. There is a feeling that fantasies are not connected with the joyful feeling of love. Happy dreams With the participation of an object of inlentibility do not bring positive emotions.
  7. The victim of the love spell begins to act absolutely in the unusual manner, the style of clothing, habits change.

Indirect signs

To indirect signs, indicating the preview of the prergence:

  1. Frequent meetings with familiar not entering the environment.
  2. The obsessive thoughts about the unfamiliar man.
  3. Sudden nostalgia by former guy, husband. Although the relationship ended not too peacefully, they remember only positive moments And there is a strong unmotivated desire to resume them.
  4. Disadvantages and ugly things of the object of passion are not repelled. Walking prefers to justify or close the eyes to the shortcomings of the partner.

How to distinguish sincere love from the love spell?

Distinguish true love From the attitude is quite difficult, but some features are characteristic of magical intervention in feeling:

  1. Lovely suddenly arose to a familiar person who never attracted anything.
  2. Feelings seem unnatural. With reasonable analysis, an understanding arises that a person is absolutely not suitable, does not correspond to tastes, there are no general hobbies and interests. However, the inexplicable abnormal sense of euphoria appears in thoughts about the object of love.
  3. It feels the need to constantly be near the beloved, but when meeting there is no relief. Dates are welcome, but oppress.

How does an awesome person behave?

The main features of the behavior in the spell:

  1. The trigger affects the power of the will. The awesome person in everything agrees with the storm, hears, can justify the cruel attitude and beatings.
  2. Love spell strongly affects energy streams. In the influence of informative magic, problems with inspiration arise, it looks weak and sluggish.
  3. The feeling of love is sharply replaced by apathy or aggressiveness and goes back to Euphoria. The victim of the love spell is emotionally unstable.
  4. Criticism in the address of the object of passion is not perceived or ignored. Sometimes it can provoke an evil from a person who is in power of the attitude.

Features of the behavior of the bewitched men

Walking guy:

  • it may become a flexible, weak, apathetic;
  • does not pay attention to anyone other than the elect;
  • throws hobbies;
  • becomes passive, can not support the conversation in the company;
  • all his actions are directed only to the conquest of love.

Features of the behavior of the wounded women

Walking girl:

  • ceases to follow appearance;
  • does nothing without approval of a partner;
  • avoids contacts with other potential partners;
  • it is angry with any mention of the unnaturalness of feelings.

Analysis of relationships to identify

Verified methods for analyzing relationships for identifying a love spell:

  1. Happy couples often remember the period of birth of sympathy. At the beginning of the relationship, the basis of the interaction between lovers - partners learn to the views and needs of each other, the trigger of characters occurs. In situations with a spell, there is no such period. The bewitched is suppressed by the will of the caster, completely obeys him, does not pay attention to the absence of mutual understanding.
  2. In relations, subconsciously attention rushes towards the strong qualities of a loved one. Attracts character, mind, appearance or hundreds of small details. The spell does not take into account similar nuances. When feelings arise to a person in which there is nothing attractive, it is worth suspecting the effect of magic.
  3. Sincerity is inconspicuous by a person who has decided. You should simply close your beloved in your eyes. The above, confused or evil expression of the face - a sign of likely impact or problems in relations.

Ritals to identify

There are several effective ritualsallowing.

These rites include:

  • magic ritual with candles;
  • rite with egg;
  • ritual with wax for definition of love.

Magic ritual with candles

To determine whether a person enchanted, at home, will need:

  • oil lamp with inappropriate light;
  • 6 drops of Ilan-Ilanburg oil;
  • matches or lighter;
  • 1 green candle (It can also be a red candle, think about which color sympathizes more) 15-20 cm in height;
  • one red ribbon (about 1 m long);
  • one green tape (about 1 m long).

The best time to perform the spell is in the second half of the lunar cycle. The rite can be performed at any time of the year, but effective results are achieved in spring.

Ritual process:

  1. It is necessary to create a magic circle.
  2. Pour oil into the oil lamp, light the candle and pray Maria Magdaline.
  3. Take a green candle in both hands and say: "I give love a true chosen one. Love comes to my life, as spring comes after the winter. "
  4. Tie a rubber around the bottom of the candle.
  5. Then repeat the step with a green ribbon and speak: "My love is true, the unloved will not turn me out, the word is stronger than the stone, hardware."
  6. Do not quench the candle, pray in gratitude for future love. During the ritual it is necessary to meditate. Then you need to remove both ribbons from the candle and weave them together so that you can wear on the wrist.
  7. Amulet is worth wearing until a dream partner comes to life. The love spells on the owner of the Oberega do not affect.

How to understand what you were brought to know from the video. Shot by user Evgeny Green.

Rite with egg

To determine a popular way, whether the next rite with the egg was hit by the influence of love magic. This technique can be used to absorb negative energy Or to see if there are strong magical violations that require immediate interference.

For ritual it will take:

  • fresh egg;
  • transparent glass;
  • aromamaslo or incense;
  • chair water.

Actions in ritual:

  1. Take a clean transparent bowl and fill it with holy water.
  2. Add to the water Aromamaslo or incense and pray to the gods / universe to bless the mixture and help see the truth in a situation.
  3. Get an egg from the refrigerator and pray that the egg absorbed the negative.
  4. Place the egg on the top of the head, spend it along the pattern.
  5. Shoot an egg with a nape, on the back of the neck, then into the center of the back and around the chest. It is necessary to focus on any negative impact absorbed by the egg.
  6. Then hold the egg over the open palms and above the soles of the legs. Need to make manipulations from top to bottom to remove negative impact malicious magic from the body.
  7. After split the shell and pour the egg into a transparent glass of water.
  8. Carefully inspect the egg on signs of conspiracy, look for anomalies, blood or change in color.

It is necessary to pay attention to such signs:

  • unpleasant odor;
  • blood in a glass;
  • water turbid.

These features indicate a magical impact, the need to create an amulet or protective rites.

Ritual with wax for definition of love spell

If suspicion arose that a spell was carried out on the son / daughter, a friend or a loved one, it is worth checking the action of spells. One of the strong rituals is a magic ritual with a candle.

For ritual, you will need:

  • paper and pen;
  • white wax candle;
  • large container with a flat bottom, filled with water;
  • mirror.

Rite is better to carry out full moon, in closed room, full of loneliness.


  1. It is necessary to wait for the night. It should be verified that the light penetrates the room.
  2. In a bowl with water, it is necessary to lower the leaflet with normal name Or the name of the person who was kept.
  3. Around the bowl decompose the sheets with the names of people potentially involved in the spell.
  4. Put in front of the bowl of the mirror.
  5. Slap the candle, tilting it and starting to slowly move over the container, drawing an invisible circle. To ensure that the movements remain smooth and stop the subconscious attempts to delay the candle closer to the name of the alleged "offender".
  6. It is necessary to spend ten circles clockwise and ten circles against.
  7. After the completion of the ritual, carefully see if there is a large cluster of wax near the defined name. If necessary, repeat the ritual.

How to find out who made a love spell?

To find out who made a spell should pay attention to such nuances:

  1. Walking often mentions the name of who subjected to its magical influence.
  2. The person who was imposed by a spell may call the name of the object of his desire in a dream. Sometimes close people can also come in a dream the image of someone engaged in witchcraft.
  3. A busy person is constantly meeting in those places where it has never been before.
  4. If the awesome after a meeting with "beloved" behaves inadequately, that is, a reason to suspect this person.

Do I need to remove the spell?

Love spell is a strong blow to the energy background. Of course, you should get rid of outsider magic. To remove the inherent, you should contact the MAG, go to church or create protective amulet on their own. It is necessary to help morally in every way, do not provoke it and not cause aggression.

Shoot a love spell obligatory. Moreover, if too much time is missing, then the person's globility will be irreversibly destroyed, and then it will be almost unrealistic to return everything to its place.


You can find out in the video. Video shot by Channel Marina Sugobiv.

How does an awesome man behave? What are the signs of the love of a woman? What if you were kept? Below we will tell you how to find out if there is a spell on the husband, and how to behave if the spell was made at you.

In the article:

Love spell, what is it?

First we define what kind of magical impact.

The spell is a conscious energy influence on a biopol of another person, in order to awaken in it a response feeling.

D. Voron "Love: Essence and Impact"

What kind of emotions will have to show the troubled, solves the client if the guidance ritual is made to order, or the self-finding itself, in the case when the ritual for attracting the desired person is carried out independently.

The spectrum of the desired feelings is wide here: from light love to the animal passion and inexplicable traction always be near.
Depending on how the degree of complexity and quality, a spell was carried out, the object can be different sensations. Anyone, even the most applies to black magic, as is essentially a violent effect on another person.

Each magical tradition has its own rituals of love magic. On the territory of countries former USSR - these are a variety of inhabrics and conspiracies in which they turn both to the forces of nature and to the Orthodox holy.

Sometimes they read the so-called "clean" plots, but more often they are accompanied by rites using needles, eggs ,. Depending on the necessary impact force, conspiracies can be read over food:, wine, sweets. In this case, it is very easy to understand that a person is very easy: symptoms arise after taking conspiracy. However, such a spell has a strong negative impact on the physical health of the object.

In our latitudes, sorcerers and witches also work with the Scandinavian runes, direct energy influence, talismans and other things. In these cases, it is necessary to be attentive, because in the CIS territory, for example, the units of real shamans units. And if you are offered a spell in this tradition, it is worth alert. Therefore, all the same we use local rituals tested by centuries.

When do you most often turn to the represented?

Often Walking want a person with whom once already had a relationship. Accordingly, the less time has passed since the break, the better and faster will be the result.

If the ritual was held in the first months after the end of the relationship, the result can be noted a few weeks later. But, for example, half a year - this is a longer period, although with this version of the attractions work, but they will require more strength. Well, and if more than a year has passed, then the result will need to wait for several months. It is also important to remember that the meetings and frequent contacts increase the likelihood of a positive result.

By ordering a spell from a specialist or deciding to make it yourself, remember that the result is influenced by many factors:

  • phase of the Moon;
  • compatibility of partners;
  • break time;
  • frequency of meetings.

An interesting nuance - The better and more seriously spell, the more expensive it stands. The magician appoints a high price for a spell not because he does not have enough money, and to make the client once again think if she really needs it.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about range, that is, the energy refund of the witchcraft from the property is the customer. "And why rollback receives the customer if the ritual performs a witch, and if I pay her money?" - you ask.

The fact is that in magic is not so simple. Witches and sorcerers who perform such a "dirty" job to order, always take care of their own protection. However, not all magicians offer it to their customers. As a result, the rollback receives the customer. What does the rollback look like? At the emotional level, it is expressed in the form of apathy, bad mood, drowsiness, nervous tension, aggression. In cases where a serious spell was carried out, or the most partly appealed to a specialist, and the magic impact was removed, the rollback may express in the form of sudden diseases, subsequent failures in their personal life, long strip of bad luck.

How to recognize signs of love spell? So-called " easy "Lovely It acts gently, stimulating the sense of tenderness from the object, love. When the person appears next to the person who brought you up using this method, you will feel the condition of a light trance, similar to the first, the most pleasant step of alcohol intoxication.

Behavior of the Walking Men using black Magic techniques will be different. In this case, instead of Euphoria, a person at a meeting with the woman who stuck him will feel. In general, to the question: "How to understand what they were brought to, using black magic?" - The answer is simple. The feeling that without the object of passion is bad, and next to him is even worse - the first indicator of a serious attitude.

The stronger the dark effect was, the deeper the physical results appear. In wary there are frequent rapid apathies, unmotivated irritation, just physical worsening health (frequent colds, dropping hair). Do not understand what happens to him, a person begins to drink, ceases to interact with society, trying to spend as much time as possible with the object of passion.
However, before running, make sure that what is happening with your loved ones is really a spell, and not the most common seasonal depression.

If you decide to turn to extreme measures and try to shock a person with black magic, remember that the awesome will always feel that something strange is happening. Moreover, subconsciously he will always understand who is the cause of what is happening. He will be bad. Naively think that this can build a long alliance.

With the help of love magic, you can "prepare" the relationship, what is called, "from scratch", if the client has an undivided love. Then it is possible to define a love spell on a rapid growth of attention to a previously indifferent person.

How to behave if they brought you

If you notice the symptoms of the attitude at yourself, you can first try free, but from this no less effective option - go to church Or go through the purification ritual corresponding to your religion.