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What dreams aquarium with fish dream book. Aquarium in a dream: one - happy events, others - quarrels and deception. Brief interpretations from different dreams

The plots seen in a dream often make it seek deciphering the dreams of the characters, but much depends on the details of the night vision. For example, aquarium fish will take off not only to good, but also to trouble. To obtain the most truthful interpretation, it is necessary to try to remember as many dream details as possible and clarify its value taking into account the details.

Aquarium fish can dream of different reasonsThe details will help to deal.

Common values

Most often, aquarium fish will dream of something pleasant: positive changes, the birth of a child, a long-awaited meeting. But it is of great importance that exactly the dreams in a dream. It is also important that exactly what kind of fish was hardened, they swam in clear water. Such plots can decipher quite diverse.

Living Fish Jumping in AquariumIt suggests that a dream will soon smile luck. Was the dead fishing fish, floating in a muddy liquid? This is a bad omen. May be trouble. If the inhabitants of the water world were different speciesYou can be sure that the white stripe will last in life for a very long time.

Live aquarium fish to dream for good luck.

A little goldfish promises to fulfill all the desires as in a fairy tale. Of course, only what does not contradict moral values \u200b\u200band the law will come true. Miniature glass vessel It can talk about the disorder of plans and approximation of numerous problems, which will be difficult to decide.

To see yourself floating among aquarium fish means cash losses and significant deprivation, which will be quite unexpected. It is advisable to save money and refrain from investing in doubtful projects. It is best to invest them in jewelry and real estate.

Fish tormented jump out of your house? The plot confirms that the dreams wants to change the situation or change the profession. If the inhabitants of the water world jumped out of a dirty liquid, changes will not improve the position. If they sought to leave clean waterThis means that the changes will bring success.

Dinking reptiles in the aquarium are convicted with malicious intrigues against the dream. Some of the friends or colleagues makes something wrong. It is necessary to take a closer look at the nearest surrounding and think about whether everyone can be trusted.

Acquire aquarium - to unexpected and empty raster. You should not silent money, they may soon need something really valuable.

Watch how someone from acquaintances buys a reservoir for fish, - soon he plays a large or will be forced to incur serious costs. It is worth warming this person if someone is from a near dream circle.

To dream aquarium - to unexpected spending.

Interpretation for women

When deciphering night vision, it is important to take into account the sex of the dream. For the ladies of interpretation can be completely different than for men. Often a woman aquarium with fish dreams to something nice. To see in a dream a lot of charming fish means to survive the happiest moments. The brighter the inhabitants of the water world, the more happiness will experience a dream in the near future.

Feed aquarium fish For a weaker representative means marriage soon and pregnancy. Its chosen will be influential manHe will gladly perceive the news of the upcoming paternity.

If the fish swam in dirty wateruntil marriage foreshadows. Meeting with a narrowed will occur a little later. Break in a dream aquarium - to difficulties at work, the cause of which will be the boss. The girl was harmful as she bought a new vessel for fish? Soon she will change its goal or decide to change the work. The decision will be correct, because past desires no longer have no prospects.

Get as a gift beautiful aquarium means that something good will happen. But to give a reservoir in a dream - to unpleasant surprises. Most likely, someone from loved ones will disappoint.

Cat caught fish in aquarium? The woman will face serious problems. The troubles can occur not only from the dreams, but also at her girlfriends. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent them about possible difficulties.

If the unmarried lady was breeding a large empty vessel, it means that it is deprived of the right of choice and suffers from non-free. A huge reservoir can be associated with some imprisonment in a huge "cage" that protects, but significantly limits.

The girl not only admired fish, but also changed the water, set the pebbles in the aquarium? This means that she should behave more modest and not climb into someone else's personal life. It is important to learn how to keep yourself in your hands and do not give advice if no one asked them.

Multicolored fish can dream of problems in relationships.

If aquarium fish dreamed different colors In relations with the spouse there may be problems. Everyone will pull the blanket on themselves, which ultimately can lead to even greater misunderstanding and distrust. Snovidice should not compete with his loved on the role of the head of the family, otherwise she can lose her husband.

Multicolored water inhabitants can also mean a big difference in their views between spouses.

Different dreams

Dream of aquarium by Miller's dream book foreshadows changes. In particular, if the dreams change water. If you catch a fish from the aquarium strives a cat, the plot warns that in real life It is necessary to be not so frivolous and treat everything more seriously. Windiness can cause many problems.

Fish in aquarium who died due to the wine of the dream is to deterioration of reputation, business problems, the impossibility of career growth. Such a plot does not promise anything good.

According to Freud, if the fishes in the aquarium were dreamed of a representative of the weak gender, she should pay special attention to this plot. He can speak both about pregnancy, and just about sexuality. An empty reservoir warns that the girl can suffer from infertility. By dreams Aquarium with fish for a woman also means that the family is a major value for her.

If the fools are shotThis reflects a strong desire to have a child. If the dreams launches adult individuals into the water, he wants to change the partner. For a man in marriage, such a plot can mean the approach of divorce.

The tank filled with fluid is often dreaming of those who have an enuresis. If the disease does not really give rest, it's time to take steps to get rid of the ailment.

IN family dream book It is said that the well-being of the dreams are stolen in personal life and family wealth. In this collection of predictions, it is also noted that the aquarium with a dirty liquid means disappointment in marriage and a quarrel with a loved one.

IN modern dream book You can read that the inhabitants of the underwater world are stolen cardinal changes to the one who they are gracious. It is possible that a person will change place of residence or will meet the love of life.

Looking into East female dream book, You can find out that the fish foreshadow lonely women long-awaited meeting with narrowed, and married ladies - pregnancy.

By eastern dreams If a woman sees a fish in a dream - this is a long-term relationship or pregnancy.

It is worth viewing the meaning of sleep and in the book of Longo Predictions. The plot has a positive value, especially if it happened to feed the aquarium inhabitants with the hands. According to the author, sometimes a dream can fill a tedious work, which takes a lot of time and strength, and will not bring the expected result.

Accidentally break the aquarium during cleaning - to problems caused by gossip and intrigues from enemies and envious.

Goldfish and other species

Goldfish symbolizes success, prosperity and well-being. If so far in real life is not lucky, soon everything will change and the long-awaited white strip will begin. IN noble dream book Grishina is written that gold fish personifies mumbling happiness.

For example, a dream will get acquainted with an interesting person who will live away from him. Often it will not happen, and the connection will not turn into serious relationship. But in love will warm the soul. It matters to whom it was the dream!

  • For a pregnant girl is a good omen. A beautiful and healthy child will be born.
  • Sick man Goldfish is promulit a quick recovery.
  • For students, such a dream is also considered favorable. He means that it will be possible to successfully pass all the exams.

If the fish swim in the home aquarium, things will quickly advance, and if it was in the tank, which was in the store, will have to make efforts to achieve the desired goal.

Bream means the desire for a carefree life where there is a lot of fun and entertainment. Salmon and carp will shoot financial Support and dizzying successes in the career. Kambala promises a minor deterioration in health, crucia foreshadows money losses. SOM means respect from an influential personality, Yersh is a welcome gift. The sea dragon talks about achieving the goal.

If small fish are shot, it means that they will soon overtake trouble. Also, fry can mean solving issues related to children. Tropical fish foreshadow successful projects. Medusa warns from the cunning of loved ones and warns that it is time to remove pink glasses And take the reality as it is. Piranha, oddly enough, dreams of holiday and fun.

Small fish to play for trouble.

Love sphere

Went two fish women floating in the tank? Then to unravel the dream will help memories of the trajectory of the pet movement. Sleep will tell you how to develop love relationship paired with. If the dreams have not yet met his soul mate, the interpretation will describe relations with the future partner. So, the following decoding is given:

  • Fish floats towards each other - to full idyll in his personal life. There will be no serious quarrel, the partners will be able to enjoy peace in relationships.
  • Pets diverge in different directions - there is a reason to alert. Relationships in a pair can noticeably deteriorate. Frequent scandals are able to provoke parting.
  • Fish floats in the same direction - partners will be like-minded people and friends. They will be able to overcome much, but there will be little passion in their union. This is love, similar to friendship.

If a person sees in a dream, how someone considers his aquarium from all sides, watching the inhabitants with interest, you need to remember this personality. Perhaps this is the one who sent fate to create a family. A person can be well acquainted, but it is not necessary.

Two fish in a dream may tell about the development of relationships in a pair.

Predictions of Shuvalova and Deniz Lynn

According to the evidence of the Shuvalova, the dream of aquarium fish does not foreshadow anything negative, if the pets were large, healthy and beautiful. Seeing such a dream, you can not worry. The plot promises the best:

  • good health;
  • joy and fun;
  • happiness in personal life;
  • family well-being;
  • wealth;
  • successes in work;
  • pregnancy and birth of a healthy kid.

The predictor believes that patients or small individuals foreshadow trouble with the second half and health problems. Perhaps the dreams are too much towards himself, because of what it is difficult for him to cope with obligations. If so, then you should take a pause and suspend the accelerated pace of your life. Otherwise, they can overtake serious problems.

In the dream interpretation, Denise Lynn is said that the fish are the symbol of the emotional life of life. The author of the Book of Predictions is confident that the inhabitants of the aquarium most often will shoot people who have monetary difficulties, as well as those who need recognition, praise and approval.

If the plot of the fish did not scare the sleeping, it is necessary to look at one of the dreams. This will make it possible to understand what small pets were hardened. Perhaps the information will be useful and will help make the right decision.

  • To see in a dream aquarium with floating fish in it, which feed, - you have a week when you need a lot of patience, be prepared for monotonous work. Perhaps she ultimately will bring you success, but at the beginning such work will seem to you boring and uninteresting. Through it certainly needs to go through; Take this work as a test that will bring a good result. Clean the aquarium and pour fresh water into it - someone will try to strike you "below the belt", be careful in search of support, because there are no detractors. If you weaken the vigilance and you will change your intuition, the unfair will take advantage of you harm you. Watch how someone looks at your aquarium, means that you will soon have a meeting with a person about which you have a negative impression. At the moment you can be more objective and evaluating other people's actions is not as critical. You may see this person in a completely different light. At least, do not pushe it at the very first moment. An empty aquarium means that you think that you are in complaints to your loved ones: you count on strong support, and get only on duty signs. You can advise only one thing - do not be too sensitive to trouble, perhaps you are now such a band. When it ends, you will stop perceiving all so dramatic. Buying a large, spacious aquarium - omnation large expenses, and not always justified; It would be worthwhile to behave wisely and not to silent money, but for some time it will be impossible to implement it. After such a "burst" in the affairs, you will come lull. If you have dreamed that you acquire a small but cozy aquarium, the dream foreshadows the refusal of the case under reasonable reasons. Noticing that the company is not laid from the very beginning, retreat from him, otherwise you are waiting for heavy disappointments. Break aquarium - to a major quarrel of your fault. Take a dream as an omen - be more attentive to what you say, otherwise conflict can not be avoided; Calmfully treat what your loved ones say: they can tell what they will later suffer. Be tolerant to the disadvantages of others, otherwise come across the dislike of others. Someone from your friends or relatives disassembles the aquarium - you are annoyed by a shortage of time, because of this, everything falls out of the hands, it seems to you that things go bad and establish them there is no possibility. In fact, you only need to focus on the main thing, throwing secondary. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to do it. Analyze your position and determine what is now most important for you.

Sleep associated with fish, with water space, usually has a favorable interpretation. Life on earth originated in the depths of the ocean - perhaps this is partly due positive interpretation Similar dreams. Let's see what the fish in the aquarium is being shot, according to various interpretations.

Dream Interpretation Catherine Great

According to the compilers of the dreams of Catherine Great, those who sees aquarium in sleepy golden, distinguishes in real life a passion for collecting. If you are simply watching fish and other inhabitants of a home reservoir, there is a possibility of a pleasant surprise, which in the near future will present you a loved one.

Female dream book

Aquarium in a dream to see, buy, install means for a young girl shift jobs.

If a woman in a dream considers aquarium, admiring his cute inhabitants, it means that her life is well arranged, she is satisfied with himself and partner, happy and calm. This applies to all aspects. family life, including sexual.

If you are going to feed aquarium fish in a dream - wait in the near future guests.

Eastern Dream

Why dream aquarium with fish women? For young Operations of the beautiful floor, this is a sign of a slow marriage, and the spouse will be wealthy. Financial problems of the pair are not threatened, but there may be no mutual understanding in such a marriage.


For the birthday days of the autumn (and the first winter) months, the aquarium in a dream foreshadows the appearance of offspring.

Dream Longo

For those in a dream prepares fish food, intending to feed the beautiful inhabitants of the aquarium, such a dream means in the near future a long monotonous work. If you consider it responsibly and with patience, it will give excellent results.

Dream Stranger

To see aquarium with fish in a dream - it means to enjoy peace and all sorts of pleasures in life.

Dream Miller

You see in a dream, as if gathered to change the water in the aquarium? Be prepared for speedy changes in life.

If someone wants to pull the fish from the aquarium, and you just observe, without hindering, it is a reason to think about your behavior. Perhaps B. lately You have become frivolous. It can deliver a lot of trouble if you do not adjust your own behavior in accordance with generally accepted standards.

Dream of the XXI century

See a pretty aquarium with pretty fish in a dream - fortunately and success in all endeavors.

What dreams aquarium

Dream Miller

If in a dream you see that the cat is trying to catch the fish from the aquarium, but you do not drive it - it is possible that your frivolous behavior can cause many problems for you and your loved ones.

If you dreamed that you change water in aquarium - in real life you are standing on the threshold of change.

What dreams aquarium

Dream of Freud.

Like any closed container aquarium - is pure female symbolAnd his connection with water speaks of great satisfaction from the sexual relationship.

Aquarium in a dream - speaks of ambulance.

Aquarium S. large quantity Fish and beautifully arranged - symbolizes for the dreaming his family.

An empty aquarium means infertility.

Running to the aquarium of the fry - talks about the desire to have children, and the launch of adult fish to the aquarium speaks about the desire to start or change the partner.

A broken aquarium - talks about a possible break with his partner. Be careful!

Aquarium - can see in a dream and people suffering from Enuresis in childhood.

What dreams aquarium

Family dream book

Big Aquarium S. beautiful fishHaving dreamed of a young woman foreshadows soon marriage. Moreover, the spouse will be very wealthy. But it is too early to rejoice: it is unlikely that this marriage can be called happy - there will be no mutual understanding in the family.

The cat is trying to catch the fish from the aquarium, and you do not think to stop it! Your frivolity can cause many problems for both of you and for your loved ones.

Changed water in the aquarium - wait for change.

What dreams aquarium

Newest dream book Ivanova

The more fish in it and what they are a dicker, the more pleasant events (situations) will occur soon in your life (usually within 28 days).

What dreams aquarium

Spring dream book

Aquarium to see empty - to the full indifference of the face that was not indifferent to you.

What dreams aquarium

Summer Dream

Having dreamed of aquarium with exotic fish floating in it, which you are glad to watch - to a raid and an unforgettable meeting with people you are guarding.

What dreams aquarium

Autumn dream book

If you dream aquarium with having fun frolic fish or you feed in the dream of these fish - the long-awaited pregnancy will come.

For an elderly woman, this dream is to be tormented by old diseases.

What dreams aquarium

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If a filled aquarium was dreamed and fish flooded in it - pay high attention to its food: an unexpected digestion disorder is possible in the very near future.

An empty aquarium - you can cover apathy, turning into depression.

What dreams aquarium

Dream "Fedorovskaya

To see in the aquarium of dead fish - means that you should think about the feasibility of your hobby, do not neglect the opinions of relatives.

Break the full aquarium - promises unexpected profit, inheritance or conclusion of a major transaction.

To see an empty aquarium - means that soon you have a lot of fun with an abundant table and drink.

Watch the inhabitants of the aquarium - a loved one will give you a surprise.

What dreams aquarium

Modern dream book

Aquarium is a sign of a sudden disorder of digestion, which can happen to you in the coming days.

What dreams aquarium

Eastern Dream

For a young woman's sleep in which she sees big Aquarium With beautiful fish - means that it will marry a wealthy person. However, this marriage will not be called happy, because there will be no understanding between spouses.

Dreamed that you change water in the aquarium - you stand on the threshold of change.

What dreams aquarium

Dream Interpretation Catherine Great

See aquarium in a dream - to show interest in collecting.

In a dream, you follow everything happen in aquarium, - in real life, wait for some surprise; Most likely, a surprise will give you a person who you love very good dream - To see that the aquarium crashed.

This means that soon you will be a big profit.

It is possible that you will receive inheritance. If after such sleep you have to conclude a deal, conclude; You may not doubt that the transaction is very beneficial to an empty aquarium dream of a feast; Most await you delicious dishes And abundant inspired.

What dreams aquarium

Dream Stranger

Aquarium (with fish) - to rest, relaxing, peace; Inhibition of consciousness, inertia, deceleration.

What dreams aquarium

Akulina healer dream book

Aquarium - the work started will not bring success, it is better to abandon him now and start new project. Imagine that you pour the contents of the aquarium to the ocean (see Ocean).

What dreams aquarium

Combined dream book

Aquarium is a sign of a symbolizing disorder of the digestion system, which can happen to you in the near future. Pay attention to your health.

What dreams aquarium

Online dream book

Aquarium itself - symbolizes a system of digestion, illness associated with it.

If it is a small fish, then according to our Internet dream book, this is a symbolic image of children.

There is a large - reflection of partnerships.

To see in a large aquarium a lot of beautiful fish for a woman - promises soon get married, and very well.

Change water in it - won changes change.

If the water is clean in it, provided that there are inhabitants in it - the sleep is only a favorable change.

Empty - a hint that the dream can be deceived.

Split aquarium filled with water - a stream of luck in business will be shed.

He dreamed that we were swimming in it - warning about the threat of financial losses.

Feed fish in aquarium - in the next seven days you will be useful to iron excerpt.

Clean it - get ready for a blow from a cunning person.

To see how someone considers your aquarium - in the dream book, the first impression of someone is deceptive, it is not so bad.

Buy new and big - you will soon have to be seriously spent.

It dreams small, but convenient - you should stop the development of all important projects.

Someone closely decided the aquarium to disassemble - you yourself do not have enough time, you do not control the case.

Watching in a dream on the cat, which in the aquarium fish cares - beware of stupid actions, it will be difficult to correct the consequences.

If the fish in it are dead - then according to the dream, it turns out that you spend time on a stupid hobby.

I dreamed that we would consider everything in aquarium - soon there will be a surprise from your loved one.

Aquarium with fish dreams - to pleasant events, joyful surprises, to long-awaited gifts. It is possible that you are waiting for a fascinating journey.

According to the dream book, a broken aquarium - the likelihood of a large scandal is great in life. Pursuing your interests, you will have to come with someone in conflict.

What dreams aquarium

Female dream book

If in a dream you see a big aquarium with beautiful fish, you face marriage. You have marriage with a wealthy person. However, it is impossible to say that this marriage will be happy, - in this marriage there will be no place for mutual understanding and confidence.

What dreams aquarium

Dream of the XXI century

The aquarium with clean and transparent water in which fish or reptiles is swimming is enlightened by happiness, success in affairs and promotion, especially if the aquarium of large sizes.

The absence of living beings in the aquarium - warns you of a possible deception or a quarrel with a person you need.

A complete aquarium is broken by you or someone in a dream - symbolizes your success in business, an unexpected receipt of money, profits, inheritance.

Sleep, in which you swim in the aquarium yourself - is a warning, you can expect losses, losses and disappears.

What dreams aquarium

Dream Longo

To see in a dream aquarium with floating fish in it, which feed - you have a week when you need a lot of patience, be prepared for monotonous work. Perhaps she ultimately will bring you success, but at the beginning such work will seem to you boring and uninteresting. Through it certainly needs to go through; Take this work as a test that will bring a good result.

Clean the aquarium and pour fresh water into it - someone will try to strike you "below the belt", be careful in search of support, because there are no detractors. If you weaken the vigilance and you will change your intuition, the unfair will take advantage of you harm you.

Watch how someone looks at your aquarium - means that you will have a meeting with a person in the near future, which you have a negative impression. At the moment you can be more objective and evaluating other people's actions is not as critical. You may see this person in a completely different light. At least, do not pushe it at the very first moment.

An empty aquarium means that you think that you are in complaints to your loved ones: you are counting on strong support, and you only receive duty signs of attention. You can advise only one thing - do not be too sensitive to trouble, perhaps you are now such a band. When it ends, you will stop perceiving all so dramatic.

To buy a large, spacious aquarium - an omnation of large expenses, and not always justified; It would be worthwhile to behave wisely and not to silent money, but for some time it will be impossible to implement it. After such a "burst" in the affairs you will come.

If you have dreamed that you acquire a small but cozy aquarium - a dream foreshadows the refusal of the case under reasonable reasons. Noticing that the company is not laid from the very beginning, retreat from him, otherwise you are waiting for heavy disappointments.

Break aquarium - to a major quarrel of your fault. Take a dream as an omen - be more attentive to what you say, otherwise conflict can not be avoided; Calmfully treat what your loved ones say: they can tell what they will later suffer. Be tolerant to the disadvantages of others, otherwise come across the dislike of others.

Someone from your friends or relatives disassembles the aquarium - you are annoyed by a shortage of time, because of this, everything falls out of the hands, it seems to you that things go bad and establish them there is no possibility. In fact, you only need to focus on the main thing, throwing secondary. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to do it. Analyze your position and determine what is now most important for you.

17 lunar day

Sleep with the correct interpretation may be meaningful for sleeping. Pay attention to your emotional state after awakening. If it is good - you go to the right way, on which you are waiting for interesting dating and new business contacts. Bad Son. promises a shortage of communication.

Waning moon

A dream on a decreasing moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that he will soon lose its value in real life. Only dreams with negative content are embodied: they carry a good sense.

March 23.

The picture seen usually tells about future problems in communicating, business and financial spheres or personal life. Such dreams are embodied in the same vein as in a dream.

Multicolored inhabitants water Element Please the eye in the reality and foreshadow joyful events in the real life of the dream. Psychologists have proven soothing influence of aquarium fish on the mental state of a person. What is the interpretation of this dream? What will aquarium fish shoot? Consider all the values \u200b\u200bfor dreams.

Most dream books interpret the vision of rainbow marine inhabitants in a positive way. Fish is a happy change, joyful news and desires.

  • Businessmen Fish promise the conclusion of a successful deal,
  • married Woman - adding in the family,
  • for lovers - harmonious relationships,
  • students - successfully closed session,
  • working People - getting premiums and salary gain.

However, this dream is not always interpreted positive: in story line May take an unexpected direction:

  • you see dead fish;
  • aquarium fish float into the sea;
  • fish are in a glass jar;
  • fish are trying to jump out of water tank;
  • you catch fish with a porch or hands.

The quality of water in which amphibians was floated were also important:

  • Pure Transparent driver foreshadows joyful changes,
  • Muddy and dirty - unfavorable.

To change water in aquarium - symbol of cardinal changes in life.

You see jumping over waterfish - In reality, there is a change in life in life, which will bring a lot of positive impressions and fill with joyful emotions.

Talking fish Shot to bright unexpected impressions from adventure. You will long remember the experienced events. Sleeping with goldfish has a direct interpretation - your dreams are realized soon.

See sleep on the eve of the trip - You are awaiting a fascinating journey filled with vivid impressions, after which it will be difficult to enter the usual rhythm of life.

Move marine inhabitants From one container to another - to changing the usual lifestyle. Feed - to monotonous uninteresting weekdays and heavy work. However, if the feeding process delivers pleasure in a dream, hard work will bring good profits.

If the fish float in an unexpected placeFor example, in the pool, you will be accompanied by success in endeavors. However, to see aquarium inhabitants in the open sea - a confusion symbol: You do not know what way to go further and what to do.

What does it mean to catch aquarium inhabitants? If you do it with your hands, ahead awaits success in endeavors. If you catch a cake, you have to get acquainted with unpleasant people.

If the dreams sees himself in the aquarium Instead of fish, you should expect losses, losses and deception.

Dead little fish Assist the ambulance. All your aspirations and hopes will not come true. An empty aquarium dreams of loss and deception: be alert.

Interpretation of dreams about fish for dreams

Dream Miller

Miller's dream book draws attention to the purity of water in the aquarium. If the fish floated in transparent water, sleep foreshadows positive changes in life. If they swam in muddy clogged water items, we do not have to expect good from life.

Miller's dream book foreshadows a young girl to a quick marriage and harmonious relationship with his beloved. Catching fish from the aquarium - promises tests in life. However, the tests will not be long and no indigenous changes will bring. To see the image of rainbow fish - promises a joyful period in life.

Dream of flowers

Tsvetkova's dream book determines this dream as a good chance in life. New features and prospects in life will open a dream. See dead amphibians - to unhealthy. Catch fish in aquarium with a saccmother or hands - in good luck, for married women - To pregnancy. Also, the dream book predicts success on a service field.

Dream of Freud.

Dream Interpretation Freud believes that the catching fish of dreams cannot relax during sexual contact. Freud advises learn to turn off from problems and completely surrendered to mutual feelings during proximity.

Freud also compares aquarium with women's Lone and considers this image by foresight of ambulance. To see an empty container - to infertility, see the full aquarium - to sexual pleasure.

Place fry in aquarium, according to Freud, denotes the desire to have a child. To launch adult amphibians to the water speaks about the desire to change the partner. Break aquarium - to dissonance in relations with a partner. Freud also believes that the aquarium can dream of the suffering enuresis.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream interpretation from A to I warns about digestion disorder: pay special attention to my diet in the coming days. The vision of the empty aquarium promises apathy, which can go into a protracted depression.

Dream Stranger

Dream interpretation of the wanderer sees in this story a symbol of peace and relaxation, as well as some inhibition of perception of reality.

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map: