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Why do garlic leaves yellow? Spring yelloweshes garlic: than to pour and feed under different reasons for yellowing garlic started shroud in spring what to do

The yellowed bikes of garlic in the spring are one of the problems with which the summer residents may face when growing garlic on the beds. There are several reasons why yellowes garlic and, of course, there are proven recipes that will prompt what to do if garlic yellowed still in spring.

1 Cause - Strong Spring Frosts

The yellowing of the leaves of winter garlic in the spring can be caused by spring severe frosts.

You yourself will realize that garlic yellowes in the spring for this reason, if you woke up in the morning in the country, you will see the grass in an now and the thin crust of the ice on the puddle.

What if there was spring frost?You will help HB-101 stimulants, epin, zircon. Divide the tool according to the instructions and pick up the bed with landings or spray the yellowed leaves of garlic.

2 Cause - fungal and other diseases

There are several diseases that lead to the fact that garlic yellows in the garden in the spring. It:

  • white rot,
  • black mold,
  • bacterial rot
  • fusariosis
  • and stalking gentle.

It is easy to determine that the plant is sick. Cash the bulb garlic from the ground and if you see blackened roots on the bottom and the mold that appears, it means you need to fight fungal disease. From garlic diseases, and other vegetables best helps prevention. Before boarding, you need to shovels in a solution of mangartee, or special preparations "Maxim" or "Phytosporin" literally for 15 to 25 minutes.

If you have not previously handled the planting material, then there are options than to pour garlic. For example, a solution of cook salt - two tablespoons on 10 liters of water. It is also possible to pour a bed garden with garlic with the help of Maxim or Phytosporin solutions.

The pest, which provokes the development of stem nematodes on garlic, will score a calendula planted nearby, velvets, mint, coriander, Issop and Charker, they will scare the pest.

But the most important thing is how to warn garlic diseases, in which the leaves are yellowing - to follow the landing rules:

  1. Do not make fresh manure;
  2. Taking into account the rules of alternation of planting vegetables in the garden and in no case plant garlic in the place where potatoes were growing before.

3 Reason - Unsuitable Soil

Landing into highly acidic soils can also cause why the leaves of garlic in May are yellowing. This plant needs to be treated in neutral soils. Learn the level of acidity helps special devices. And if you determine that your garden plot with sour of soil, then acidity needs to be reduced. For this, in front of the autumn peopling of the garden, it is necessary to make lime into the ground.

  • 50-70 kg of lime are brought for strongly acidic soils on one weaving,
  • on sour - 35-45 kg
  • and on weakness - 35-30 kg.

Then the garden is drunk and preparing a bed for planting vegetables.

4 Cause -lack of nutrients in the soil

The lack of nitrogen, potassium and magnesium in the soil is the reason why yellowes garlic in spring. What to do in this case? Proper make feeding.

Yellow garlic than to pour and get down:

  • Nitrogen - very quickly washed away from the soil, and it is extremely necessary during the period of active growth of plants - early spring. Therefore, in the spring, any nitrogen-containing mixtures can be made, and you can do with simple humus or urea.
  • With a lack of potassium, sulfate potassium is made at the rate of 15-20 g per 10 liters of water.
  • Magnesium disadvantage can be avoided by the introduction of extractive feeding with sulfuric acid magnesium at the rate of 100-200 g per 10 liters of water and pole

More recipes What to do and what to feed winter garlic with yellowed leaves:

  • Relieve neatly aisle. Make a groove in 1 - 2nd depth. Pour fertilizer in granules into it. It may be urea (carbamide) or other complex mineral fertilizer. Plush the granules of the earth. After that, plenty of all the beds, so that the fertilizer is dissolved, since any plants absorb nutrients only in dissolved form. After that, you can climb the wet bed with a dry ground or a compost so that the soil, as long as possible, remained wet.
  • Prepare a solution for watering the beds. 1 tablespoon of dry mineral fertilizer dissolve in 10 liters of water. For feeding the urea or fertility suite will fit. This solution watered garlic - 10 liters of a solution of 1 square meters. m. This version of the dressing of garlic with yellow leaves is even better, as the liquid fertilizer falls to the roots of plants.
  • From organic fertilizers can also be prepared good feeding for garlic. Prepare the infusion of bevelled green grass, weeds without seeds with the addition of wood ash. The solution of this liquid "green fertilizer" can water garlic under root or make extraxornal feeding.

5 reason - ne Regular watering

Caring for garlic in the spring, if yellow leaves in May and June are regular watering and soil looser. Then you will avail, the appearance of yellow leaves and collect a good crop of garlic

Quite often, gardeners face the problem of yellowing garlic leaves in the spring season, which can lead to the death of the plant. Why yellow garlic in the spring, and what to do to avoid this trouble? Read more about it.

Only by defining the source of yellowing foliage, you can take actions to eliminate the problem. Yellow feathers of garlic appear for several reasons:

  • the plant was planted in the ground before it should be. The planting of the culture begins not earlier than the middle of October, so that the plant does not have time to exist;
  • spring frosts can provoke the yellowing of the leaves;
  • nutrient deficit;
  • diseases of the plant caused by rotation processes;
  • such an insect like a leek fly, very often causes great harm to culture, after which the feathers begin to yellow.

How to determine exactly why the foliage of the foliage is of garlic, and what to do in the current situation? If the frosts were not observed, then the affected plant will pull the affected and thoroughly examine it. Diseases associated with rot, will be immediately noticeable by the presence of brown spots and mold.

Detect the attack onion flies is also quite simple. Go to the garden and spend your hand on the tops: if the fly postponed the larvae, the midges and bugs will begin over the foliage. When the rotten and pests were not detected, the only option remains the lack of mineral substances. And this is not strange, because early in the spring, when snow comes down, he takes with him deep in the ground all nutrients. Garlic with a weak root system is unable to independently extract these elements.


If winter garlic has already begun to be sick in early spring, and according to the weather forecast, it is clear that the frosts are approaching, then in this case you need to save the culture immediately. To do this, paint the plant with stimulants of growth and cover the garden with a dense film, agrofiber, spunbond or other warm material. When the threat of frosts passes, the protective canvas can be removed and make sure that the garlic remained green and unharmed. After that, you can start feeding.


One of the common reasons why yellow garlic in spring is a disease. It can be triggered by different insects or fungal pathogens, such as white rot, black mold, fusarium, etc. Any disease is easier to prevent than cured, but if the infection has already happened, then there is a proven national way of getting rid of pests: on 10 liters of water 2 Art. l. stone salt; The obtained solution is abundantly watered.

To prevent garlic diseases, it is worth following some rules:

  • every year alternate vegetables landing in the garden. It is impossible to grow garlic in the place where potatoes sprout;
  • do not use fresh manure as fertilizer;
  • some insects scare the mint planted next to garlic, calendula, velvets.

Wrong soil

If all the rules are observed, and the garlic turns yellow, what to do in this case? Pay attention to the acidity of the soil. Very acidic soil can cause why the tops yellow and garlic has an unhealthy appearance. Neutral primer is ideal for this culture. Determine the acidity of the soil is possible by special equipment. If it is high, then in the fall in the ground it is recommended to add ash. It accounts for approximately 50 kg of lime.

Excess or lack of fertilizers

The deficiency of potassium, magnesium, nitrogen can also cause why the foliage of garlic foliage in the garden in spring time. What to do with this problem? Proper to make fertilizers in the soil.

When the soil is experiencing a lack of potassium, it is recommended to make a sulk potassium in the calculation of 20 g on the water bucket.

Magnesium deficiency is eliminated by irrigated magnesium sulfate at the rate of 150-200 g per bucket of pure water. Best of all, nitrogen is washed out of the ground, which is necessary for the growth of any plant. Therefore, nitrogen-containing fertilizers or organic humus are introduced into the soil in early spring.

Watering mode

If yellowing garlic in May or early June, then the problem lies in the improper watering of culture. Regular irrigation and mulching of the soil on the beds will help preserve a healthy green kind of garlic foliage.

Having determined why the problems of the yellowing of the foliage of garlic arise, each gardener will be able to independently choose a way to eliminate the cause. In any case, it is important to do all preventive work in the complex.

Video "Why yellow garlic"

From this video, you will learn about why the garlic turns yellow and how to fix it.

In the agrotechnology of growing garlic there are natural yellowing associated with the end of the growing season and causal, when the violation of the rules of cultivation leads to a disease or physico-biological deviation from the norms of development during the growing season due to pest damage. To find out the reason for the yellowing of garlic leaves, consider in the article possible reasons and offer proactive and current methods of protecting culture from negative factors affecting the crop and quality of garlic.

Swimming garlic leaves. © Kristin Crouch.

Causes causing the yellowed leaves in garlic

Garlic is divided into 2 groups - spring and winter. Spring yellowing of the leaves manifests itself to a greater extent, the garlic of winter. The reasons that cause yellowing can be divided into the following:

  • stress factors caused by impaired agrotechnics of cultivation;
  • infection of plants with fungal microbial microflora
  • damage pests.

Violations of rules of cultivation, leading to the yellowing of garlic leaves

To lay out the causes and take timely measures to protect garlic from premature yellowing of the leaves, it is necessary to initially clearly perform all agrotechnical techniques of cultivation:

  • soil preparation and fertilizer
  • selection and preparation of planting material,
  • proper landing
  • care in autumn-winter and spring-summer periods.

Consider possible violations of agricultural engineering, which can lead to the yellowed of garlic leaves. If the yellowing of the leaves of garlic is caused by violations of agrotechnology, then good care, timely feeding and watering, compensate for the shortcomings of the care and plant, forming new shoots, will provide a worthy crop of garlic heads.

Overlooking soil

Garlic - culture requiring neutral soil. With many years of introduction of mineral tanks, there is a slight acidification of the rooted soil layer, which garlic reacts to the yellowing of the leaves due to the partial inaccessibility of nutrients through the root system. Plants for their development are used in this case the nutrients of the leaves.

It is necessary before planting garlic to make wood ashes at the basis of 1.0-1.5 glasses per square meter. m Square and swift. Please note that the introduction of ash cannot be combined with mineral tuks. The fertilizer is made under the steamer, ash - before planting the teeth or vice versa, but the difference in time is at least 2-2.5 months. You can use a dolomite flour or limestone for deoxidation (see article ""). When growing in crop rotation, provide for the introduction of organic fertilizers under the predecessor.

Embossed landing material and landing errors

For landing, it is necessary to select only a large, healthy planting material. It is necessary to pre-displaced garlic cloves in manganese or other ways.

After preparing the soil, form a bed gardening. If necessary, polit the furrows. The landing of garlic teeth is carried out in the zone 4-5 cm depth.

With a solubular planting material, shoots will be uneven, which will lead to different reactions of young plants on the impact of the external environment. Strong plants suffer temporary changes in temperature and humidity. Weakened (from small teeth) will be developed in development and can at all die.

In case of small landing, garlic can partially extinate from return freezers, especially in the absence of snow cover or quick melting. In cold soil, the root system does not work, and the plant takes the nutrients of the leaves to maintain growth and development. Externally, such a stressful situation is manifested by the yellowing of the leaves.

With too deeply landing garlic cloves, the soil does not have time to warm up, the roots do not function and the leaves also begin to shut up.

To prevent the negative impact of weather conditions on the plants, it is necessary in the spring to cover the planting film at night until the periods of frosts are passed. To increase the stability of the culture to weather fluctuations, it is necessary to treat plants by any biostimulants (epin and others).

Sick leaves of garlic. © Thinking Stomach.

Violations of landing of garlic

Too early landing of garlic will contribute to the formation of a significant above-ground mass, which is stronger than the influence of weather conditions.

With a late landing of garlic, it does not have enough to form a root system, the plant reacts quite painfully to any changes in weather conditions.

Violations of garlic in the autumn-winter period

In the southern regions, where often the autumn is long and dry, if necessary, you need to be mediated landings to pour on a mone of a small water rate.

With frosty winter with protracted frosts, a bed with garlic is better to throw extra snow or throw in branches that snow will keep. Positive results gives landing garlic to the Siderate, who plays the role of the Kulis - and green fertilizer, and the storage of snow.

Incorrect feeders of garlic

The yellowing of the leaf of garlic in the spring can be caused by a nitrogen deficit. So that nitrogen is preserved in the root layer and did not leave with water into the lower layers, it is necessary to use under garlic ammonium sulfate under the full fertilizer to use soil preparations in full fertilizer or urea.

If the fertilizer was not made from autumn (for different reasons), and the early spring leaves of garlic began to turn yellow, it is necessary to carry out the first feeding of garlic to nitrogen, as soon as the plants come into growth and further feed the agrotechnology of growing this cult, respectively.

In the rainy spring, nitrogen feeding is better made by ammonium and amide nitrogen forms (urea, ammonium sulfate).

If the weather is dry, it is more practical to feed garlic with ammonium nitrate, pre-dissolved in water (20-25 g / 10 liters of water heated in the sun).

Some gardeners in the spring are used in the first feeding of the ascent of 100-150 g / sq. The uola contains a large set of trace elements, including potassium and magnesium, whose disadvantage also causes the yellowing of garlic leaves. The ash positively affects the growth and development of the root system, the above-ground mass, the intensive bodies.

If the ash was made from autumn, and the spring leaves of garlic began to yellow (under all other positive conditions), which means there are not enough of several elements or their relationships are disrupted. In this case, it is better to make nitroammofosku, azophosku, nitroposk at a dose of 25-30 g / sq. m in the form of a solution or other full fertilizer according to recommendations.

Methods for making fertilizers:

  • Nutrient solutions are brought into furrows chopped between rows of garlic, closed soil or mulch.
  • Some gardeners recommend the nutritious solution through watering the entire area occupied by garlic.
  • The fertilizers made by small loosening close up in the soil or bring them under watering.

The method of making feeding depends on the weather conditions and the host preferences.

Wrong watering garlic

The yellowing of garlic leaves can cause insufficient moisture content in the soil. A particularly strong change in the color of the leaves is observed in young plants. Therefore, in April-June (depending on the region), when the plant is developing hard, the laying and the growth of the teeth are, the watering is needed sufficient and regular. Water should be accumulated and warmed in the sun.

At the same time, garlic does not make flooding and with frequent rains we need draining grooves along the rows of garlic landing. After irrigations, it is necessary to blame the soil and water in the future, so as not to open the formed heads of the Sun.

Slow leaves of garlic. © 09 ACRES.

If agrotechnical requirements are performed on time, qualitatively, but the yellowing of garlic leaves covers all new and new plants, without a doubt, landings are amazed by diseases or pests. In this case, it is necessary:

  • inspect the stems and leaves of garlic carefully;
  • drop in different places several plants and inspect the root system and heads of garlic;
  • with the help of the reference book, determine the name of diseases or pests and drugs for protection;
  • if the diseases and pests settled on one plant, prepare the tank mixtures for plant treatments, pre-checking them for compatibility.

Garlic diseases accompanied by the yellowing of the leaves

To diseases of garlic, causing the yellowing of the leaves, belong:

  • white and basal rot;
  • black mold (asperillosis);
  • blue or green mold (penicillosis);
  • fusariosis;
  • false torment dew (peronosporosis);
  • rust garlic.

Rotary, mold, dews are fungal-bacterial diseases. They hit the plants, mainly with the onset of warm wet or dry hot weather, under which there is an intensive growing of the mushrooms in the soil and the above-ground mass. At this time, sporing bags (ASSS) are formed with disputes that initiate new infesses. Some disputes are saved in the soil until 25-30 years.

Therefore, when yellowing the leaves of garlic and the discovery of light whitish-gray fluffy mushroom growths at the base of the leaves, on the stalk, on the roots and teeth immediately proceed to treatment.

Calendula, landed with garlic, as a pest repellent. © Hannah Moloney.

Measures to combat diseases causing the yellowing of garlic leaves.

The yellowing of the tips of the leaf of garlic with the rapid spread over the entire sheet plate and an increase in the number of yellowed plants on the site is an explicit evidence of plants damage to fungal diseases.

If the mushroom is seen in the dry period, it is necessary to increase the soil humidity. It is better to polish the garden of garlic with a solution of ammonium nitrate to increase the resistance of plants with infection.

In a wet period with a high air temperature on garlic, fuzariosis, mildewing dews, some rotes are rapidly developed. To prevent, the soil is necessary to reduce its humidity. You can carry out feeders, more practical - extractive with the content of trace elements.

In order not to mess with the definition of each disease and the selection of drugs to protect plants from each disease separately, it is better to turn to biological preparations.

In an effective way to stop the disease is the treatment of plants by biopreparations, harmless to the health of family members, animals, useful insects and other livelihoods. These drugs include biofungicides, including:

  • phitosporin-M - with damage to mildew, rust, phytoofluorosis, root rot;
  • coniiotin, Glyocladin, Triphodermin - use with root rot, root rot (white, gray, black);
  • ampelomycin - from pulse dew;
  • mikosan - increases the activity of intravenous positive microflora and enhances the immunity of plants to diseases.

The use of listed biofungicides in tank mixtures reduces the amount of treatments, increases the resistance of garlic to disease damage, contributes to the formation of a sufficiently high crop of healthy garlic bulbs. Plants and soil are treated by biological preparations. Preparation of tank mixtures and plant processing and soil should be carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations.

Attention! If garlic was amazed by diseases, this culture is returned to the previous place only after 4-5 years.

Pests causing the yellowing of garlic leaves

Garlic is amazed by a number of pests, which in uncontrolled reproduction are able to destroy the harvest: stalk nematodes, leek fly, onion minor, onion leaf, root mite, leek flea and others. The most malicious pests of garlic are leek fly and stalk nematodes.

Lukova Muha

Remember! With the defeat of garlic, Low Fucking begins with the whims of the tip of the sheet.

The pest winters in the soil in the form of a pupa. With the onset of sustainable heat (April - the beginning of May), the years begins the years of having flown flies that lay eggs to the ground at the base of garlic plants. After 3-8 days, the dedicated larvae penetrate the young teeth, settled in the present stem (donation) and begin to eat plant juices. The affected plants initially fade, and then yellow and dying.

Preventive measures for protection of garlic from onion flies:

  • carrots and onions mixed rows are seeded on the garden. Around the garden, you can land mint, carnation, calendula and other plants with a strong smell, which pushes the pest;
  • the soil is systematically superficially loosened to a depth of no more than 3-4 cm;
  • the soil around plants sprinkled with a mixture of 0.5 cups of wood ash, a tablespoon of tobacco dust and 1 teaspoon of ground pepper (consumption per square meter of the square);
  • it is possible to sprinkle a row with a mixture of tobacco dust and ash of sunflower or a mixture of tobacco dust with lime-pulp;
  • effectively spraying garlic plants with a weak solution of copper mood: dissolve in hot water 1 tablespoon of the preparation and mix with 10 liters of cold water.

Active measures to combat onion fluff on garlic:

In order to avoid harm to health, it is not recommended to use chemical preparations for garlic. Be careful when using chemicals for planting plants and soil during culture vegetation.

From the methods allowed to use onion fluff on garlic, carry out:

  • spraying garlic with a solution of carbon monotoamonium nitrogen salt; Processing contributes not only to the protection of plants from the onion flies, but also to get rid of malievous dew, brown and yellow spotlight;
  • watering soil under plants with urea solution; When the solution is hit on the leaves of plants, the latter are wrapped in water to avoid chemical burns;
  • 30 ml of ammonic alcohol are mixed with 10 liters of cold water and bring into shallow grooves along the rows of garlic; The ammonia can be replaced by 200 g of stone salt. (Remember! Salt accumulates in the soil and can affect the subsequent planting plants of cultural circuit).

In recent years, a number of bioinsecticides have been developed, which are successfully struggling with pests. Such bioinsecticidal drugs include bioinsecticide "Dachnik", "Actorphit", "Gaouxin". Their use is effective when processing plants and soil according to recommendations.

Rust on garlic leaves. © sam bauer.

Strong nematoda

Infection of garlic plants nematode most often happens in a raw cool summer. The smallest larvae nematodes are in the tissues of infected plants. Dithylene disease develops. Plants begin to lag behind. The false stem of garlic thickens, covered with whitens, and then brownish longitudinal stripes, begin to yellow leaves.

A distinctive feature of infection of garlic nematode serves the drumsiness of a pedestal, a teeth of garlic bulbs become friable. There is a destruction of garlic bulbs in general, with the acquisition of a specific smell. The larvae leave patients, decomposed plants and quickly move to new sections.

What is characteristic of nematodes:

Preventive methods of fighting nematodes

  • landing only a healthy planting material;
  • mandatory disinfection of planting material;
  • after harvesting, all the remains need to burn or send to compost; repository disinfect with chlorine lime or formalin;
  • to the former field garlic return no earlier than 4-5 years;
  • be sure to bring dolomite flour or other soil decks; In neutral soil, nematode loses the speed of movement, freezes;
  • some gardeners before planting are treated with a 1% food soda solution;
  • the number of nematodes on an infected area can be noticeably reduced by planting of plants (spring rape, vica, soybean, peas, beans, beans); Adult plants are drawn with roots intense with pests, and burn;
  • systematic inspection and chopping of diseases;
  • plant spraying with a solution of copper sulfate.

It should be noted that all preventive measures performed against the onion flies are in one degree or another and nematoma and lead to her death.

Active methods of combating stem nematoda

To save the field from infecting nematoda, it is necessary to exclude its ingress into the soil with an infected landing material. Soil contamination is in the absolute majority of cases through the landing plant landing. So that this does not happen to carefully disinfect the planting material.

At your discretion, you can offer the technology to disinfect the sowing material from pests without reducing the germination of plants:

  • Sowing material is soaked in a certain amount of water heated to + 38 ° C for 1 hour.
  • Add to this solution with cloths of garlic formalin. The amount of the formal added should increase its content in the solution to 1% concentration.
  • The temperature of 1% solution with formalin and cloves of garlic is adjusted to + 49 ° C and at this temperature are withstanding the planting material for 20 minutes (no more).
  • The disinfected planting material was washed in cool water, dried and planted in the field.

Clamp disinfection can also be carried out in an ash, manganese, 1% salt solution and other methods.

You can use the preset kaolin or bentonite. Mix powdered minerals with top layer soil. At the same time nematode leaves processed places.

In the aisle of garlic, with subsequent shallow sealing makes urea. Ammonia, accumulating in stems, toxic for nematode larvae.

Negatively affect the larvae (not only onion flies, but also nematodes) nitrogen feeding.

Some gardeners handle the soil under garlic salt (200 g / 10 l of water) with a solution or solution of ammonia alcohol (30 ml / 10 l of water). After the soil treatments, the plants are necessarily wrapped with clean water to prevent the chemical burn of the leaves.

From chemical methods of combating nematodes, it is possible to propose soil processing and garlic with bionectic acid drugs. It is undesirable to use chemical preparations (even allowed to use), as they negatively affect human health in violation of the rules for the preparation of solutions and plant treatment.

Yellow and dry leaves of garlic, affected by nematode. © Elizabeth Bush.

From bioinsecticidal preparations are effective to protect against nematodes Aversectin-C, Avernetin-N, pecilomycin, metarizine, bass and others. Using bioline secticidal preparations, it is necessary to carefully comply with the recommendations. When deviating in breeding and application (excluding temperature, humidity and other requirements), the positive effect will be insignificant.

The proposed material discloses only measures to combat the main diseases and damage to garlic pests, the external manifestation of which is the yellowing of plants. As you understood from the article, the main protection is preventive measures. With strict compliance with the requirements of the biopreparations.

In its small farm, it is quite possible to exclude chemical drugs from the means of protection. Share and you with our readers with our "secrets" of successful combating formidable pests and diseases of garlic.

Summer just started, and the tips of the leaves of garlic began to turn yellow, why it happens if it was still far from cleaning garlic, let's figure it out in our article.

In winter garlic leaves can turn yellowing, if it was planted too early under winter. Try to plant winter garlic after October 15, then the sprouts will not have time to go.

Garlic can turn yellow after spring frosts, it can be helped by a spraying antidepressant, for example a zircon. Processing with this drug should be carried out until plants recover, every 5-7 days (1 ml of 10 liters).

The yellowing of garlic can cause a lack of moisture. In this case, we increase the watering of garlic and loose aisle, giving air access to roots.

Calling the yellowing of garlic can be the effect of onion flies. It is not afraid of a sharp smell of the plant itself, and it is possible to scare it if you sprinkle a cottage with a mixture of tobacco dust and wood ash. On garlic beds Sita Carrots, Lukovoy Fly loves her.

Swimming garlic can under the action of a fungal disease at which the roots are lowered. It is possible to avoid this if soak up before planting in mangarteese of garlic teeth, or Maxim's preparation.

The lack of nitrogen also causes the yellowness of the leaves of garlic, in the spring, always bring nitrogen fertilizers when loosening the bed. You can also feed garlic urea (for 10 liters of water 1 tbsp). Any feeding of garlic end in late June!

Swimming garlic on the garden and with a lack of potassium. Therefore, in the soil you need to make a potash fertilizer, for example, potassium sulfate.

The lack of magnesium is also the reason why yellow garlic. Magnesium is rich in magnesium such fertilizers such as calmagnesia, the dolomitic flour (brought under the pixel in the fall).

Folk tips, what to do if yellow is garlic:

  • urea or korovyan helps with a lack of nitrogen;
  • 2 glasses of ashes should be pouring boiling water, insist and pour garlic;
  • halong garlic salt with a solution, take 1 tbsp on the water bucket;
  • use for watering a weak solution of manganese.

Why yellow leaves of garlic, what to do with this, hope you learned. To reduce the risk of the development of garlic diseases, be sure to plant it, carry out the prevention of the teeth. High yields!

Read also

One of the first vegetable crops that appear on the garden after melting snow is winter garlic. A young garlic greens pleases the eye of the gardeners after the soil warming up to the possess temperature. The cloves planted under winter have time to root in a short period before the onset of soil frosts and go on the winter period of rest.

Early spring garlic begins vegetation, actively increasing the leaves. It was during this period that many vegetables notice that garlic shores. Why does this happen and what to do?

The main reason for the yellowing of the lower leaves in garlic is the lack of nitrogen compounds in the soil. The deficiency of nutrition is exacerbated by the lack of sufficient moisture in the soil.

If your plants are lagging behind in growth, and the lower leaves become yellow, then it is worth 2 nitrogen feeding and organize regular watering (every 4-6 days).

Mineral fertilizers with nitrogen for garlic

Mineral fertilizers - carbamide (urea) or ammonia nitrate (20 g / 10 liters of water) will eliminate the imbalance. Watering under the root is carried out at the rate of 1 bucket on each mongon meter of garlic plantation. Suitable for feeding and complex nitroammofosk (15-20 g / 10 liters of water), comprising in addition to high doses of nitrogen, also necessary during the entire vegetative period of serving potassium and phosphorus.

Organic fertilizers with nitrogen for garlic

From organic fertilizers, it has best established itself to irrigation of garlic at the beginning of the growing season, fermented infusion of nettles and / or lawn grass. In addition to nitrogen compounds, green fertilizer enriches the soil with all the necessary chemical elements and humic substances.

Crumpled weeds fill the bucket on 2/3, tightly rambling greens, pour to the top with water, covered with a lid and expose to the sun or into a warm room for a rush for 7-10 days. The resulting infusion has an unpleasant and sharp fragrance, but it has a unique effect on many plants. Fertilizer is bred by clean water 1: 5 and shed a bed with a young garlic at the rate of 1.5 buckets per square meter. Meter landing.

Another proven method of eliminating nitrogen deficiency is irrigated by a groin with a solution of dung. The composition is rich in biohumus, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and a whole complex of trace elements. Half of the bucket of fresh cowboy poured 10 liters of water and insist in a warm place 2-3 days. The resulting concentrate is bred by water 1:10 and used for fertilizer of garlic.

How to feed

Nitrogen feedings, regardless of the type of fertilizer, it is recommended to spend twice at the beginning of the vegetation, with an interval of 14-15 days. You should not wait until the nitrogen deficit in garlic will begin shining the leaves. The problem is always easier to prevent than to solve it.

Sprinkle with nitrogen-containing solutions with garlic plantation 10-20 days after the appearance of the first sprouts, as well as after the abundant planned irrigation. And at the end of the event, perform a shallow soil looser (up to 3 cm) to ensure the admission of additional oxygen portions to actively developing roots.

Good garlic harvests every season!