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How to plant aquarium plants to make it beautiful. I suggest looking at beautiful photos of naturally decorated aquariums with plants. Preparing for disembarkation

Algae is aquatic plants that grow thanks to the nutrients in the water and solar energy... People grow a lot different types algae, which have a myriad of uses in Everyday life... Different types of algae are grown for different purposes: for food or as a source of biofuel for trucks. One of the advantages of growing algae is that it is a fairly straightforward and straightforward process.


Part 1

Prepare your growing medium

    Choose a transparent container so the light shines on the algae. A glass or plastic container is perfect for this purpose.

    • If you are growing algae for a science exhibition, take plastic bottle or something bigger, like a small aquarium.
  1. Fill the container with water. The culture medium will mainly consist of sterilized water. Pour the water into a clear container.

  2. Add nutrients to the water. In nature, algae live together with other aquatic life. These creatures create balance in the underwater ecosystem and provide them enough nutrients such as nitrates, phosphates and silicates. Since the water bottle does not contain these nutrients and trace elements (such as trace metals and vitamins), you must add them yourself. Buy them from the store, or take some water from an aquarium or pond and add to a container.

    • Water from a pond or aquarium can contaminate the nutrient medium with various particles.
    • Nutrient salts can also be added to the container. Find a nutritional formula that works for most types of algae.
    • Analyzing the effects of different nutrient mixtures on algae may be one of the topics of your scientific exhibition.
  3. Find a sunny spot. Before adding the algae to the bottle, find a suitable spot for it (a windowsill or sunny spot in your yard where the algae can be safely stored). This will allow the algae to receive enough sunlight to grow in a nutrient medium. If you can't find a suitable place, place a container of algae under the phyto lamps.

    Part 2

    Add algae
    1. Choose the type of algae. According to the latest estimates, there are now about 70,000 species of algae in the world, and this is not counting those that have not yet been classified. People use different types of algae for many different purposes. Many types of algae are used to produce biofuels that power electrical components. Other types of algae, such as spirulina, are used in food. Sometimes algae are grown in schools or for scientific experiments. The choice of algae depends entirely on the purpose for which you need it.

      • For example, if you want to include algae in your diet, start growing spirulina.
      • Spirogyra is sometimes used in science exhibitions.
    2. Take a sample of the algae. For a simple experiment, you can take any sample of algae and observe their further development. If you just want to observe the development of algae in general, take a sample of algae in a pond, lake or other natural source... Remember that there are many different types of algae in nature. If you want to study a particular species, take a sample from the appropriate location. In this case, it is best to purchase a specific algae species or algae culture from an algae company or order them online.

      • For example, many people are interested in growing algae such as spirulina. Since it is often used in food, purchase a sample from a reputable company.
      • If the algae is needed for a school project, get a plant sample from a local pond.

After you have purchased an aquarium plant, rinsed and disinfected it, it is time to start planting it. It is best to plant the plants in an aquarium with soil and a small layer of water, about 5 cm above the ground. If your aquarium is not new, then we work with what you have. Novice aquarists admit quite frequent mistakes when planting plants in an aquarium.

Always start planting from the rear window. This rule applies not so much to correct fit how much to good tone and drawing up the correct design. The front of the aquarium should be free of plants, or planted with small plants that form a grass cover on the ground.

Avoid bending the roots to the sides. Plants with a strong root system, such as Cryptocorynes or Vallisneria, should have straight roots and no bends. To do this, a groove is made in the soil with a stick and the plant is planted deeper than the root neck, the root is covered with soil and then the plants are slightly pulled up to the root neck, so the root will always be straight and even.

When planting plants, it is very convenient to use a special long tweezers for aquarium plants in cases when your aquarium is full of water or has already been launched. Using tweezers, it is easy and convenient to grab the plant by the root without damaging it and immediately deepen it into the ground without first making a hole. This method can be used to plant a large number of small and large plants in a short time.

Position root system plants according to its natural growth... As we have already described for plants with a powerful root, it should be completely buried and directed downward. Plants like Aponogeton and Echinodorus have flat roots growing in a horizontal plane.

A wide, shallow hole is made for them, the roots are spread like a fan in it and sprinkled with soil. Plants with a tuber or bulb are planted so that the tuber is not covered with soil on top. Mosses and ferns can be tied with a thread or fishing line to a stone or driftwood on which they will grow; after rooting, the fishing line or thread should be removed.

Do not plant different types of plants next to each other. Young plants tend to grow and multiply. If two are planted next to each other different kinds Plants that have grown, one of them will be in excellent condition, and the other in oppressed. A taller, faster growing plant will always dominate a shorter and slower growing plant. To do this, conditionally divide the aquarium into sectors and plant in each of them a certain type of plant in groups in accordance with your taste and preferences.

Do not plant densely fast growing plants. Fast growing plants should be planted at a certain distance from each other, because growing into short time they will prevent each other from receiving nutrients and light in required quantities, which over time will lead them to a deplorable state. If you do not know how to properly plant a plant and at what distance from each other, then look in the reference book for its adult sizes. Some particularly large plants are planted in aquariums in a single copy at back wall or in the corners, while the distance to neighboring plants can reach 20 centimeters or more.

Plants that feed exclusively through the root system should be properly planted in fertilized soil or in pots with specialized soil for aquarium plants. Such plants include cryptocorynes, aponogeton, echinodorus. Currently, there is a greater variety of fertilizers for aquarium soil, some of them are applied at the root of large plants immediately at the time of transplantation, you should not neglect them, especially when growing these types of plants.

Remember that each transplant of a plant in the aquarium is a great stress for him and a temporary stop in growth. This stress can be avoided or minimized by using small plant pots. In them, you can periodically change the location of your plant without disturbing the root system, and if you choose the right size, you can camouflage it very well in the aquarium soil.

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Live plants provide a natural healthy aquatic environment for any aquarium, and provide shelter and protection for many small fish and fry species. Each plant has its own conditions for successful growth, some are very moody and require special care, others are unpretentious and adapt to various water parameters. The latter are optimal choice novice aquarist.

Step # 1. Find plants that require the same conditions as your fish. Lighting is usually set at a ratio of 2 watts per 4–5 liters of water. So for a volume of 100 liters, bulbs with a total power of 20-25 watts will be required. These are approximate average figures !!!

Step number 2. Beginners are encouraged to purchase unpretentious plants, such as Hygrophila varifolia, Javan moss, Anubias dwarf, Cryptocrine, Vallisneria.

Step number 3. Use fine gravel or coarse sand as substrate. Reliable rooting is possible with a soil thickness of 4–6 cm. If possible, mix the new soil with a part of the old one from a mature aquarium in the proportion ¼ (for example, you can ask your friends or acquaintances). This is important for a new aquarium and will provide the initial feeding of the plants.

Step number 4. Before placing the plant in water, carefully examine the leaves, they may contain snail eggs. Uninvited guests will fall out of place.

Step number 5. Most root plants are sold in pots / containers. Gently remove the plant and use a toothpick to untangle the roots.

Step number 6. Use a pencil or wooden dowel to make a groove in which the root system will fit. Cover up the roots. Floating plants can simply be placed in the aquarium.

Step number 7. Plants need from 3 to 4 weeks to acclimate, all this time they will live off the stored nutrients. Therefore, it makes no sense to add fertilizers, they will not be absorbed and will only pollute the water. In the future, the fish themselves will fertilize the soil, no worse than expensive additives.

Everything aquarium plants conventionally divided into three groups: rooted, bushy and those that swim. Plants that receive nutrition through the root system need special planting methods. Such greens have developed roots and are most often found already rooted. Shrub plants are sold without roots and need to be planted on their own. A separate category is floating. Their distinctive feature- lack of a root system, so they do not need soil at all.

The main rule for settling flora in an aquarium is compliance optimal distance between instances. If you plant the plants too densely, then sunlight will not fall on the lower leaves, and they will fall off. Creeping plants can occupy all the space uncontrollably, so they are recommended to be planted only in large aquariums and periodically delete the part. To make the plants feel good and do not take up all the space, place them in such a way that the leaves are barely in contact with the neighboring ones.

How to plant pop-up plants

How to plant rosette plants

Rosette rocks are those that grow as a "broom" from the ground. These plants are distinguished by their large size and developed root system. These include:

  • Echinodorus,
  • Sagittariya,
  • Cryptocoryne,
  • Aponogeton,
  • Samolus.

It is important to choose the right size of the plant based on the size of the aquarium. If you purchased medium-sized greens, then leave 8-11 centimeters between them, ate larger ones - 15-25 centimeters. There are species where from 20 to 40 sheets are located on one plant, this should be taken into account and planted only in huge aquariums.

For planting, shortened plants are most often used. They are buried in such a way that a neck, lightly sprinkled with soil, remains on the surface. These plants look beautiful singly, moreover, this position allows them to grow unhindered. Learn also the fact that in the future, the plant will close lighting fixture or daylight so it is preferable to place it on background... In addition, if it is put in the foreground, then the aesthetic component of the reservoir will suffer.

How to plant shoots

How to plant plants with horizontal roots

How to plant bulbous specimens

The rest of the plants

Algae for aquarium

Plants in an aquarium play not only the role of a decorative, exotic element, but also carry a number of useful and necessary functions. They contribute to the biological balance of water, its enrichment with oxygen, metabolism, purification from harmful substances that appear in the process of fish life, as well as from the remains of decomposed food.

Live algae for the aquarium can be both beneficial and harmful. Useful species algae in aquariums or harmless - these are green, brown and quartz.

Dangerous types of algae for the aquarium are blue-green or red - they quickly adapt, and because of them, the water begins to bloom instantly.

Depending on what algae got into the aquarium, they should either be dealt with or simply controlled.

We plant the plants correctly

Many people confuse algae with aquarium plants. Therefore, to the question of how to plant algae in an aquarium, there is only one answer - plants should be planted, algae enter the aquarium in the form of spores, with live fish food or with new plants.

How to properly plant aquarium rooting plants?

  • Before planting, each plant should be cleaned of rot, snail eggs, then washed with water and disinfected with a manganese solution. Long roots need to be pruned according to the soil layer, this will induce them to grow rapidly;
  • plants should not be planted very close, they need a place for development, it is best to plant them in a checkerboard pattern;
  • no need to squeeze the roots, while they should be completely covered with soil, and the growth bud should be on the surface;
  • it is more expedient to plant some types of plants not in the ground, but in a pot, this is convenient when cleaning the bottom soil;
  • you should familiarize yourself with the compatibility of the plants.

A very useful and common plant for the aquarium is anubias, its leaves serve as a substrate for fish, first for spawning, and then as a shelter for it from fish.

Plant elodea will become an excellent filter, it will collect part of the turbidity and draw out harmful compounds for its growth, thus purifying the water.

Vallisneria and Riccia will release additional oxygen into the water and reduce the possibility of algae entering the aquarium.

The number of fish and plants should be biologically balanced, but remember that plants should not occupy more than 1/3 of the tank.

Anubias content in the aquarium, species, reproduction, planting, photo-video review

When growing anubias in an aquarium

It should be borne in mind that the plant needs an abundant amount of organic matter, so the soil must be nutritious. The water in the aquarium should be warm (from 26 to 28 degrees), and also clean, which in turn provides for its regular change, at least 1 time a week. Lighting plays an important role in the cultivation of anubias. It should be moderate. With its excess, the leaves of the plant will acquire blue-green, which indicates the appearance of algae in the aquarium, and in the future this may cause its death. Anubias is propagated in an aquarium, separating a part from the rhizome with no big amount leaves.
When growing a plant in a greenhouse, you should also remember about nutrient soil, high humidity, strong diffused lighting and a temperature of at least 26 degrees.

Anubias heterophylla or Anubias congensis

Occurs in the shady swampy areas of Africa (Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Zaire, Angola). In nature, the plant is partially submerged in water.
Anubias Congolese grows slowly. The leaf plate is elliptical or lanceolate, green, leathery, 10 to 38 cm long, 3 to 13 cm wide.At the tip, the leaf is sharp, the base can be sharp or round, short in the form of an arrow or spear, the edges are slightly wavy. Leaf plate with clearly visible main and lateral veins. The petiole of anubias is slightly smaller than or equal to the leaf. The length of the peduncle is 5-27 cm. The covering leaf reaches a length of 4.5 cm, when ripe it opens wide. The flowers are small, connected in a cob, which protrudes almost half above the bedspread. Very small seeds. The rhizome is fleshy, thick, creeping, sometimes branched, the adventitious roots are cord-shaped. Anubias reaches a height of 25-60 cm.The bush is 15 to 25 cm wide.
Anubias Congolese is best grown in a paludarium, where the plant can fully develop. In height, it can even reach 1 m, and the length of the leaves will be about 40 cm. In an aquarium, anubias grows slowly, the leaves become smaller.
Feels good Anubias varifolia in a tropical large aquarium. You can plant it in the background or in the middle of the aquarium. Herbivorous fish are indifferent to him. When a peduncle appears in anubias, it is better to get rid of it, as the plant loses a lot of strength at the end of the flowering period.

Required parameters for keeping anubias varifolia in an aquarium

Anubias gracilis

Homeland - Sierra Leone and Guinea. The plant prefers the shade of trees, a moist environment along the banks of rivers, lakes, streams, which are full of water during the rainy season (during this period the plant is under water for some time).
The rhizome of anubias graceful is up to 1.5 cm thick. The petiole is about 60 cm long, with a short sheath. The leaf plate is green, heart-shaped, leathery, 10 to 40 cm long and up to 20 cm wide, pointed at the apex, rounded at the base. Pedicel length from 6 to 15 cm. Covering sheet up to 3 cm line, elliptical. The ear is up to 3 cm in length, with a large number of flowers. Anubias blooms gracefully from late winter to late spring.
Anubias graceful prefers a moist greenhouse, but it can be kept in an aquarium, only a spacious, large one. When planted in an aquarium, the plant will acclimatize for several months. Anubias is a graceful tall plant, so it is best to place it in the background in the aquarium. Plant growth is very slow.
Conditions for optimal content of Graceful Anubias: temperature 22-30 ° C, pH 6.6-7.0, hardness 5-15 °. The plant develops normally only in clean water, therefore, it is necessary to ensure its powerful filtering and weekly substitution. V muddy water through holes are formed on the leaves of anubias. Diffused lighting is preferable for the plant. Install incandescent lamps with frosted bulbs or fluorescent lamps of the LB type at the rate of 0.3 W per 1 liter. Direct sun rays Anubias does not tolerate. Daylight hours - 12 hours.
Anubias graceful will grow well in soil obtained by mixing sand or fine gravel with humus of beech and clay foliage. Growing in hydroponics is not excluded.
It is necessary to plant anubias graceful so that its powerful rhizome is not buried, but remains on the surface. Only the roots that extend from it are instilled in, otherwise the rhizome may rot.
Reproduction: Anubias is propagated by the graceful division of the rhizome. It is divided into parts with 3-5 leaves. Leafless pieces are left in water until leaves appear and roots form.

Anubias barteri

photo of anubias Barter

Anubias Barteri - Variegated (Anubias barteri var. "Variegated")

Refers to decorative forms anubias Barter, which are distinguished by the presence of bright light, sometimes even white bald spots on the leaves.
There is no unambiguous interpretation of the origin of such a pattern. Some experts argue that this is the result of selective selection, while others consider the plant infected with a virus. In any case, this color of the leaves does not have a negative effect on the development of Anubias, moreover, it gives it a bright personality.
Anubias variegated - a versatile plant, equally suitable for cultivation in aquariums, and for cultivation in a greenhouse or paludarium. Although the size of the plant is quite modest, it is still better to provide it with a spacious aquarium, at least 40 cm in height. Variegated Anubias is planted in the center or in the background.

The conditions for optimal keeping are the same as for all Barter's Anubias.

Blooming anubias can please only in a greenhouse or paludarium. Although, nevertheless, sometimes it happens in the aquarium

Anubias Afzeli or Anubias afzelius (Anubias afzelii)

photo Anubias Avtseli

It grows along river banks, in the swamps of Gambia, Mali, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Senegal. Anubias Afzeli is very popular with aquarists. Anubias Afzeli is characterized by bright green foliage growing separately, its shape is oval, the top is rounded, the base is wedge-shaped, slightly pointed towards the end. Leaf plate up to 20 cm long, up to 10 cm wide. Long cuttings... Plant stem height at favorable conditions can reach 50 cm, but in an aquarium 25 cm is its maximum height. Large rhizome with powerful roots. About a dozen varieties of Anubias Afzeli can be found in aquariums.
Anubias Afzeli belongs to the whimsical plants, therefore it is not recommended for the novice aquarist. In an aquarium, it is best to plant the plant against the side walls in the background. Anubias grows slowly.
Water parameters the minimum temperature is 24 ° C, the hardness and acidity of the water are unimportant. The plant needs clean water, so good filtration and regular changes are needed. When organic matter accumulates on the leaves, the old leaves are destroyed, 2-3 young strong leaves remain on the bush.

Lighting options for Anubias Afzeli

Optimally diffused, moderate lighting. As artificial lighting it is advisable to use fluorescent lamps in tandem with incandescent lamps with a power of not more than 60 W, the bulb of which is matte. Place lamps over plants. With an excess of light, green algae appear on the leaves, which negatively affects its condition. Daylight hours at 11-12 o'clock will suit Anubias.
Plant soil should be nutritious. Due to the powerful root system, the plant is not whimsical to the size of the substrate particles. When planting a plant in a new soil, nutrient additives are added under the roots: sludge from the old aquarium, clay and peat additives. The soil layer is up to 10-15 cm.
In a humid greenhouse or paludarium, the plant feels much better than in an aquarium.

Reproduction of Anubias Afzeli

Anubias dwarf or Anubias nana

photo of anubias nana

The native land of the plant is the tropics of Cameroon. Anubias dwarf grows along the banks of streams, rivers, swamps, as a rule, it is completely submerged in water. It takes root on tree roots, stones, less often in the ground.
Anubias nana has a shortened stem with a rosette of petioled leaves. The plant is short, growing on average up to 8-12 cm. A rigid, oval leaf plate, the base of which is rounded, with a sharp top, shiny green, up to 8 cm in length and up to 4 cm in width. The petiole is short, not more than 5 cm. Anubias rhizome is branched, creeping and completely covered with leaves.
Several plants of anubias dwarf are planted in the aquarium at the same time in the foreground. The rhizome of the plant can be attached to a snag, an uneven stone, or simply deepened into the ground. Anubias grows slowly, although after a while it forms a well-compacted carpet, which becomes a shelter for some of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Anubias nana develops equally measured both in the air and in aquatic environment throughout the year. Thanks to the tough leaves, the plant will feel calm in an aquarium with cichlids.

Aquarium plants not only add beauty and liveliness to the aquarium, but also serve as a breeding ground for its inhabitants, purify water, increase oxygen levels, and one might say heal. Therefore, the question, 'How to plant the aquarium plants?' Is very important.

An aquarium is not a can of water, it is a microsystem in which a lot of processes take place simultaneously among the inhabitants of this microcosm. And no two aquariums are alike. Therefore, aquarium plants must be chosen carefully enough so as not to change the existing ecosystem - the inhabitants of the aquarium are extremely conservative in this matter.

The plan for planting aquarium flora should be thought out in advance, since frequent plant transplants adversely affect root system , and not every plant can quickly adapt to new living conditions (even if everything happens in the same aquarium, its own, so to speak, aura is formed around the plant, to which it is already accustomed)

Looking at root system , then it is easy to understand how deep the plant needs to be sunk into the ground.

Aquarists often face such a problem - you try to root a plant, but it doesn't want to and floats up. And here is a life hack: take a stainless steel nut, tie the root zone of the plant to it, and can be planted. Now the plant will definitely sit in the ground securely.

A prerequisite is that the nut must be made of stainless steel (it's easy to check - the stainless steel does not magnetize).

At the stage of planting aquarium plants, you need to take care of decorative elements ... How and in what quantity to place decorative details- a matter of taste, but note that due to the scenery, the volume of water is reduced, and in addition to shelters, the fish still need space for swimming.

How to plant rosette aquarium plants

Rosette plants are easy to identify, they are similar to a broom. Popular are:

  • Echinodorus
  • Sagittaria
  • Cryptocoryne
  • Aponogeton
  • Samolus

These are fairly large plants with dense rhizomes. The choice of a rosette plant is made based on the size of the aquarium. When planting medium-sized plants, you must observe a step of 10 cm, otherwise the plants will interfere with each other's growth and development (the larger the plant, the more step). If the aquarium is small, then a single rosette plant will also look pretty good.

Planting scheme for an aquarium plant with rosette roots.

Usage decorative elements, such as stones... They are wrapped with fishing line or thread and an aquarium plant is tied.

Glass rod... It performs very well the function of a "weight", and also has small size, making it easy to disguise it in the aquarium.

How to plant aquarium plants with horizontal roots

The main problem in planting this type of aquarium plant is the constant attempt to float it up. First, take a look at the plant, you need to determine to what depth we will sink into the ground, the beginning of the green part serves as a reference point - it should be above the ground, everything below we deepen into the ground. On top you need to put a pebble (pebble), which can be removed a little later, when the plant has hardened.

The rest of the aquarium plants

They are planted directly into the water, they have no root system. They are unpretentious and grow rather quickly, so they need to be sorted, thinned out and monitored so that they do not obscure the entire surface of the water. The correct amount of floating plants is one third of the surface of the aquarium. The most popular floating aquarium plants are duckweed and frog.

There are also plant species that simply grow on snags, stones and other objects. No problem how to plant this type of aquarium plants , no, the main thing for them is to catch on to the object.

What to consider when planting plants

The roots of the plants should be freely located in the ground. Do not allow the root to bend up or stick out of the hole - this way the plant will not take root.

After planting aquarium plants is complete, you need to fill the aquarium with water.

The location of each aquarium plant should be chosen according to its needs. Light-loving plants are planted at the most illuminated wall of the aquarium. Bulky plants occupy the background, corners or side walls. The middle part of the aquarium is reserved for small plants.