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Aquarium siphon for large aquariums. Order at the bottom - the use of a siphon

Siphon for aquarium is used to purify the soil in aquarium from various garbage: the remaining food, dirt, feces. How is the "siffon" in the aquarium? Siphon himself is nothing but a hose with a funnel, which should be wider than flexible trumpet. The funnel or the "glass" looks like a simple inverted glass, at the bottom of which there is a hole. These two parts are connected. The funnel is placed on the bottom of the aquarium, and the flexible tube is inserted into a bucket or another container in which it merges dirty water. How to make a siphon for aquarium? It can be bought in any store, and you can do it yourself.

To assemble a siphon, you will need a bottle of medium-sized plastic and hose - a flexible smooth or corrugated tube. The plastic bottle needs to cut off the bottom, insert the hose in the neck. The length of the hose depends on the size, or rather the depth of the aquarium. The diameter may be any. It must be remembered that water will descend faster if the tube diameter is greater.

After the siphon is made, how to install it? Siphon needs to be lowered in water so that it does not remain air. When water is completely scored in it, you need to pull out the end of the hose from the water, from which water will be produced. The hole must be closed so that the air does not get into the tube. If this is not done, dirty water can again get into the aquarium. So that the petty fish did not get into the siphon, to the end of the tube that will be in the aquarium, you need to fasten the gum.

How to use a siphon? It is necessary to know that the drain part of the hose should be lower than the water level in the cleaning aquarium. After the siphon is completely filled with water, one end of the flexible tube is lowered into the container where dirty water will fall, and to stick to the funnel. Usually, the "glass" sticks into the ground for the entire depth, trying not to damage the bottom of the aquarium. Further, you should open the hole, closed earlier. Dirty water flows into a bucket.

The principle of assembly is similar to how to collect a siphon for the sink. If you had to collect such a siphon, then it is not easily easy for aquarium. Due to the water, the soil in the funnel rises, the dirt first goes to the top of a glass, and then the hose flows into the container. It is necessary to choose the right siphon so that the stream of water lifted the ground, cleaning occurred. Also, if the flow of water is too powerful, the soil can wash together with dirty water.

Made siphon for aquarium, how to use, with what periodicity is such a siphon? If you do not clean the soil in the aquarium, the dirt is accumulated, the ground can score. It is harmful to soil and can be mortally for fish living in aquarium. If the "siphonon" often, the bio filtration of the soil will be ineffective.

The most polluted place in the aquariums is a soil. The excrement of the inhabitants of the aquarium and the remains of the feed, unselected fish, are settled onto the bottom. Naturally, its aquarium needs to be regularly cleaned from these waste of fish life. Qualitatively and effectively clean the aquarium soil will help you a special device - siphon.

Siphon is a device for cleaning aquarium soil. He sucks dirt, silt and excrement of fish.

  • electrical, they work on batteries;
  • mechanical.

Models may differ slightly from each other. The filter consists of a glass and hose, so they are the same not only in composition, but also by the method of use. The filter must be omitted into the aquarium and set vertically at the bottom. Il, dirt, the remains of feed and excrement will eventually begin to flow into the glass with time, after that they flow along the hose and fall into the water tank. When you see that the water coming from the aquarium into the glass has become light and clean, move your own siphon to another contaminated area.

Standard mechanical siphon It consists of a hose and a transparent plastic cylinder (cup) or a funnel with a diameter of at least five centimeters. If the glass diameter is small, and the aquarium is low, not only dirt, but also the stones that will fall into the hose will fall into the siphon. Required condition - Siphon must be transparent so that you can move the device on time to another place when notice that clean water is already in the glass. You can purchase an industrial siphon in any store for fans of aquariums. There are a lot of firms that are engaged in the production of high-quality filters.

There are industrial siphonsin which there are no hoses. In such siphons, the cylinder (funnel) is replaced with mud workers, similar to pocket or trap. There are also models equipped with an electric motor. Electric siphon runs on batteries. About the principle of work it can be compared with a vacuum cleaner.

By the way, you will not need fill aquarium water. This vacuum cleaner sucks water, the dirt remains in the pocket (trap), and the purified water immediately returns to the aquarium. Often, similar models of vacuum cleaners are used to clean the soil in such aquariums, where there is too much sludge and dirt on the bottom, but in which a unwanted frequent change of water. For example, if you are engaged in the cultivation of certain types of cryptocorine, you know that they need acidic old water.

Electric filter Also very comfortable in use. Dirt, excrement and silt delay in a trap-pocket, and clean water passes through the walls from Capron. With this filter, you will not need to drain the dirty water into the glass, and then filter it with a cloth or gauze in case you need to maintain acidity in the aquarium. Electrical devices It is also convenient to the fact that you do not need to follow the drain hose, which all the time strives to jump out of the bucket and blur with dirty water all around, because These siphones have no hose.

Thanks to the impeller-rotor you can regulate the intensity of the water flow. However, the electrical siphon has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. The main drawback is that it can be used only in such aquariums, in which the height of the water pillar does not exceed 50 cm, otherwise water will fall into the separation of batteries.

Siphon for aquarium do it yourself

If for any reason you have no opportunity to buy a siphon in aquarium, no need to despair. In this article we will tell you how you can make it at home. The main advantages of the homemade siphon are the savings family budget and the minimum amount of time for its manufacture.

To start we need to prepare materialsWe will be useful to work:

  • empty plastic bottle with lid;
  • hard hose (the length of the hose will depend on the volume of your aquarium);
  • stationery knife;
  • silicone for sealing.

At the first stage of work, we need to make a funnel from a plastic bottle. To do this, cut the bottle in half, the neck and will serve us as a funnel. The main element of our vacuum cleaner for aquarium is ready.

The size of the funnel, respectively, the size of the bottle can be both large and small. Everything will depend on the size of your aquarium. For example, for small aquariums, you will be quite able to do with a semi-liter bottle.

So that your funnel is stronger to suck water from the bottom of the aquarium, you can make an uneven edge on a funnel. To do this, cut a bottle with an uneven cut, and zigzag or to make gear cuts. But if you choose this option, then you need to be extremely careful in the process of cleaning the aquarium. Anyone your careless movement can harm fish.

After that, go to the next step of work. In the plastic lid from our bottle we do a hole. The hole diameter should be equal to the diameter of the hose. Ideal if the hose is easy to pass into the cover of the cover. In this case, you are guaranteed to get rid of the course.

Our siphon is almost ready. Insert the hose into the cover from the inside. In the middle of the funnel should be no more than 1.5- 2 centimeters of the hose length. The remaining hose length should be outside. If suddenly you can not make the perfect hose hole in the lid, you can use the usual silicone and sew the seam, so you get rid of water flowing. After complete drying Silicone, your siphon for aquarium is ready.

It is worth it, however, note if your aquarium is very densely planted with algae, in this case filter you will not need. Cleaning only those parts of the soil, on which there is no vegetation. The frequency of cleaning depends on the number of residents in the aquarium. After cleaning the bottom, the siphon do not forget to attach the water exactly as much as they poured.

During the vital activity of fish and other people's population of your aquarium, at its bottom, the soil gradually clogs by grazing garbage: parties of fish feed, feces and other mud. It is impossible to ignore this phenomenon: the clogged soil will soon be poured, and in the tank will be saturated with toxic nitrites and ammonia, which is why its inhabitants can just die. If aquarium apocalypse in your plans is not yet included - you will have to do the purification of the soil from the accumulated garbage. This process is called a siffon, and the device used for this purpose is an aquarium siphon.

Siphon for aquarium: action principle

What is a siphon? Speaking simple language - This is an ordinary pump. The word siphon can also be denoted by the phenomenon of the phenomenon at the end of any pipe. Actually, both of these concepts are quite fully revealed with a ziphon value as a tool for pumping fluid.

And in our case, the liquid (water) rolls out with dirt and waste. From said it follows that the main part this device - This is a suction tube.

The basic principle of action of any aquarium siphon is simple enough:

  • one end of the hose or tube is lowered close to aquarium soil,
  • and the other must be as low as possible bottom level with outside Banks over some clean capacity.

It remains only to create a vacuum on the tube, but it is easy. Any experienced motorist at least once in its practice pumped out gasoline from the gas tank machine with an ordinary rubber hose, creating a vacuum in it when the mouth is sucking. In the same way, you can do when the aquarium vacuum cleaner is launched.

Water with garbage is a self-shot in the tube and merges into the prepared container. It remains only to give dirty water to stand out, merge the purified water back into the aquarium, and remove the dirt.

There is nothing complicated, and all other improvements and auxiliary adaptations of professional siphones to clean the soil can be attributed to the results of scientific and technological progress.


Aquarium cleaning siphon is a design in the form of a long hose with a tube at the end. It acts on the principle of the vacuum cleaner: pulls water, soil and dirt. Due to the special grid, located at the end, the soil particles are not tightened inside. In addition, they just settle because of their weight.

What siphon to choose? There are several varieties that have their advantages:

  • mechanical;
  • electric.


They can be equipped with a special pear, with which water begins to swing. At the end - a transparent plastic cylinder or a funnel. Transparent walls are necessary to ensure that in case of malfunctions (stones, small fish, snails) urgently stop working and take action. The use of a mechanical siphon requires draining of water. Therefore, purchasing the device, calculate the length of the hose.

To start cleaning the soil, you need to press a pear a couple of times or if it is not, to draw air to the air.


The electrosipphone operates on batteries, and when using water drainage does not occur. Also in the electrical siphon there is no hose, which undoubtedly facilitates use. Usually, such a device consists of a plastic transparent glass, the stream intensity can be adjusted. The water is immediately cleaned and returns to the aquarium, while dirt settles in the trap.

But the electrosiphon has the main minus - they can clean the aquariums not deeper than half a meter. Otherwise, water will be on batteries, and the device fails.

The most important element in the assembly of a siphon for aquarium is the hose. For a capacity of 100 liters, a pipe with a diameter of 10 mm is suitable. If you use thicker, then during "cleaning" can not be noticed how much of the water will fall into a bucket before you clean the bottom. To protect you from such troubles in our master class, we will show you how to make a siphon for aquarium by 50 liters from the items that are certainly in the house for everyone. For this we need:

  • hose with a diameter of 5 mm - 1 m;
  • plastic bottle of water - 1 pc;
  • 2 cubes syringe - 2 pcs;
  • insulating tape;
  • brass hose outlet - 1 pc;

Making a siphon for aquarium with your own hands

  1. For a start, we take the syringes, take out the piston and remove the needle.
  1. With a knife on both sides, cut all the protrusions from one syringe to turn out the tube.
  1. We take the second syringe and cut the knife only the part into which the piston was included. In the place where the needle was attached to cut the hole with a diameter of 5 mm.
  2. The resulting tubes connect together into one with the help of the isol. In this case, part of the syringe with the hole should be outside.
  1. In the same hole insert the hose.
  2. Take plastic bottle And in the cover cut the hole with a thickness of 4.5 mm.
  3. In the resulting hole insert a brass output under the hose.
  4. To the protrusion of the brass output, we attach the other end of the hose.
  1. Our homemade siphon for aquarium is ready.

So that our fixture has earned, it is enough to immerse in the soil a wide end of the hose and squeeze the bottle. When the reverse thrust appears, and the garbage from the bottom will begin to ride along the hose up, the bottle can be unscrewed from the cover, the end of the hose is lowered into the bucket, and the voila, made with their own hands the siphon for the aquarium came into action. After such a cleaning, the amount of water that resulted in garbage must be replenished with fresh.

Professional devices: brief overview

Aquarium equipment manufacturers offer a wide selection of soil cleaning different species - expensive and cheap; Mechanical, electric on batteries and powered by household network; small, middle and high power; With valves and sumps, etc. Sometimes it is sometimes difficult to understand which device you need to buy.

The most important thing is not to hurry and thoughtfully determine exactly the brand that is suitable for each specific case.

Eheim. If aquarist is a high-tech fan technical Systems, he will surely pay attention to the products of the famous German company Eheim. EHEIM electrical siphon (on batteries) With a weight of only 630 g, it effectively cleans the soil without draining aquarium water, the purified water immediately returns to the aquarium.

The edges of the suction tube have a gear perforated form, which allows the root to save water plants. The device for aquariums with a capacity of up to 200 liters with a height of the walls up to 0.5 meters is calculated.

Hagen. - german companywhich traditionally is located in a number of leaders in the production of siphones. The line of cleaning devices of this company is very large, and prices can satisfy almost any buyer. So, electrical appliance Hagen Marina Aqua Vac is capable of not only effectively and carefully clean the bottom substrate, but is an excellent assistant when conducting water substitution thanks to the 7-meter bay hose, which is included in the delivery. True, the cost of such an appliance is quite high, about 6 thousand rubles.

For those who want to save on the siphon, this company offers a compact device, the launch of which is carried out using an ordinary rubber pear. In this case, a separate container installed below the aquarium level is needed to collect the merging water. The price of such a siphon is only within 600 rubles.

Tetra. Found their buyers and devices of the well-known company Tetra, which provided aquarists with siphons of different power. For example, the TETRA GC50 model is able to well clean the soil even in a 400-liter aquarium, and the GC30 model is very convenient for small-capacity cans - up to 60 liters. Naturally, the cost of such cleaners is different, but in general Tetra siphons are a budget option With a fairly high German quality.

Aquael. Experts also recommend the products of the Polish company Aquael. Light, reliable and effective cleaners The soil of this brand has long been more serious rivals of German siphons. One of the main advantages of the Poles is a lower price.

In the aquariums, the ground at the bottom is usually the most contaminated place. In the ground the excrement of the inhabitants of the aquarium and non-eaten feed are accumulated. These waste waste must be periodically deleted. Purification of aquarium soil is produced using a special device - siphon.

Siphon for aquarium - This is a special device for cleaning aquarium soil by sucking mud, yel and excrement of fish.

Types of siphons for aquarium and their designs

Siphons are two types: electric (working at the expense of batteries) and mechanical . Siphon models for aquarium slightly differ from each other. Consist the hose and glass siphons. The method of their use is also the same. The siphon is immersed vertically on the bottom of the aquarium, dirt, Il, the remains of feed and excrement gradually, they begin to suck into the glass along with water, then leave the hose and flow into the water container. After the water flowing into the glass becomes bright (clean), the siphon is moved to the next contaminated portion of the soil.

Standard model mechanical Siphon for Aquarium It consists of a plastic transparent cylinder (cup) or funnels with a diameter of at least five centimeters and a hose. If the glass is too narrow, and the height of the aquarium is small, then the siphon will suck not only the dirt, but also the stones that climbing the spirals will fall into the hose. Siphon must necessarily be transparent to watch the cleaning process on time to move the glass to the next area of \u200b\u200baquarium bottom. You can buy an industrial siphon in any store for aquarists, since any self-respecting aquarium firm is certainly engaged in their release.

Siphon manufacturers for aquarium produce several models in which there is no hose. The cylinder (funnel) in such a siphon is replaced with muds collectors in the type of pocket or trap. There are models that are equipped with an electric motor. Electrical model The siphon works on batteries on the principle of a vacuum cleaner, without draining aquarium water. In such a model, the water is absorbed into the siphon, the dirt is delayed in the pocket (trap), and the purified water immediately arrives back to the aquarium. Usually, such a model of the siphon is used to clean the soil in the aquariums with intense baseability of the bottom, but unwanted frequent change of water. For example, when growing some kinds of cryptocory, which need acidic old water or when the content of fish, loving acidic old water and do not require regular substitution.

Electric siphon for aquarium Very convenient to use. Pocket trap delays dirt, excrement of fish, Il, passing through the walls of Capron water. At the same time, it is not necessary to drain the dirty water into the container, as well as to deal with its subsequent filtration through a rag or gauze and to maintain the necessary acidity in the aquarium. It is also convenient for the fact that the drain hose will not be able to jump out of the bucket, because the electrical siphon has no hose. The intensity of the flow of water in such a model of the siphon is adjusted using an impeller-rotor that is inside the machine. However, the electrical siphon has a disadvantage - it can work in aquariums, in which the height of the water column does not exceed 0.5 m, otherwise water will fall into the compartment with batteries.

When choosing a siphon, aquarists advise to dwell on the model with a high glass (not less than 0.2 m) so that when cleaning the soil, the device does not absorb small stones. The principle of operation, immersed in the siphon soil, is similar to the operation of a mixer, - pebbles rise and mixed, but since they can not climb higher than 15 cm, then they fall to the bottom of the aquarium. It should also be paid to the edges of the glass, it is desirable that they have a rounded form, since, first of all, this form will make it easy to immerse the cylinder into the ground, and secondly, it does not hurt the roots of plants. The most comfortable shape of a glass - oval, such a siphon is easily immersed in the most inaccessible places Aquarium bottom (between scenery, spinning, large stones and ceramics).

Before buying a hose, measure its needed length, and purchase a transparent hose, inner diameter which is 0.8 - 1.2 cm. The siphon hose must have a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of pebbles in the aquarium, or to be transparent to notice the resulting tap. It is worth considering that the thickness of the tube, the greater the water current. Buying a hose Pay attention from which material it is made. Reinforced, corrugated and other reinforced designs for aquarium hose are not suitable. It is better to buy a hose from polyvinyl chloride, which has ease, elasticity and compactness. It is necessary to store such a hose in the folded form, without the chances, otherwise cracks may form in their place.
Experienced aquarists advise to provide for the hose special brackets, brackets or choms, so that it is reliably fixed and did not break away from the drain nose. For this purpose, you can use a small trim plastic pipe a couple of millimeters larger diameter drain hose. The trim should be gently bent and fasten so that there is no squeezing of the hose for a drain. Very conveniently corrugated connection of a drain hose with a siphon for an aquarium, since the hose is not clarified when trying to clean the farthest corner of the aquarium or receiving the soil in a high aquarium.

Very convenient if the drain of dirty water from the aquarium is made directly in drain pipe bathroom. To do this, it is possible to install or use an existing V-shaped corner designed to drain dirty water from the washing automatic machine. If it is impossible to drain the water from the aquarium into a special pipe, you will have to install an adapter on the side of the bath or toilet to the adapter to securely fix the hose.

However, most often aquarists for draining water from aquarium as a tank use a regular bucket. When overflowing water, the drain siphon hose is completely lowered into it and filled with water. The free end of the drain hose is clamped with a finger, removed from the aquarium and falls into the container (bucket), when the finger is taken away, the water is reading to go sick. If there is a desire, you can adjust the flow rate of the fluid in the siphon. To this end, close to the siphon compound area with a drain hose, in the tube it is necessary to make a hole equal to the diameter of the pipeline itself. The intensity of water current can be adjusted, then opening, then clamping the hole made by a finger.

Another successful device for aquarium facilitating the work with a siphon is a special fastener. Typically, the drain hose from the siphon is descended into the container, as a rule, a bucket. At the same time, the end of the hose does not strive to jump out of the bucket and pour the floor, so you have to maintain it with one hand. But with a high aquarium, it is inconvenient, as sometimes to move the siphon for the bottom it is required to use both hands. It is in this case that aquarist will help fasteners. It is a plastic semiring, which is attached to the bucket wall. Through the fastener is the hose. In this case, the diameter of the drain hose may be different. If, for example, an aquarist wanted to lengthen the siphon hose, then it will have to use the larger diameter hose and when connecting two hoses, by inserting one to another, the fastener will retain this, greater diameter, hose. The drain hose attached this way, it will definitely not be able to slip out of the bucket at a time when both hands of aquarium player, siphoning ground, are busy.

There are models of siphons for aquarium, which are equipped with a valve-crane. Comfortable accomplishment. If, for example, when cleaning aquarium soil to a protective lattice of the bottom of the cylinder, the dead roots (leaves) of plants are naked, or the fish will be sworn, then the siphon will not need to be pulled out to fly away the garbage. Just turn the valve to overlap water and due to the fact that the suction effect stops, the garbage will fall off from the grid. Also valve-valve is conveniently used when dirty aquarium water Fully filled the tank for the drain - overlap the flow of water and no need to pull the siphon from the aquarium. You can safely go to pour or pour dirty water to release the container for the next portion of the fluid being drained.

The process of cleaning (siffons) of aquarium soil

Cleaning the soil in the aquarium with a siphon is not rushing, but you need to clean the aquarium bottom at a time. Therefore, you need to try to walk across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe soil, but so that the dirty fusion of the water was not more than 30 percent of the water volume in the aquarium before cleaning.

The standard siphon of the rounded shape perfectly cleans large cleans, as well as open spaces of the bottom of the aquarium. But its corners or plots, densely overgrown with plants or stamped decoratives, difficult to process. Specially created siphon glasses of triangular shape will be helped here, which are easily penetrated into hard-to-reach bottlenecks and aquarium angles.

When using a siphon for an aquarium, a vacuum cleaner effect is created, the dirt is assembled from the surface of the soil. If the siphon is immersed deep into aquarium soil, then the contamination is removed from the lower ground layers with their simultaneous loosening. Inside the siphon, the soil begins to rise, the torment and other dirt flows into the drain container, and the soil granules settle on the bottom of the aquarium under their own weight.

Especially neatly need to clean the aquarium bottom, if a lot has been planted in it aquarium plantsOtherwise you can damage their gentle roots. Therefore, when cleaning such aquarium, it is advisable to use special devices and tools that would easily penetrate even in the most hard-to-reach places and thick thickets. Aquarium firms are manufactured specifically designed for such cases of siphon. This model is a metal tube on which the drain hose is tight. The end of this tube is flattened to slit 2 mm wide. On the plot of the metal tube 3 cm, the numerous holes with a diameter of up to 2 mm are drilled above the slit. This model of the siphon is suitable for cleaning an aquarium with a standard soil fraction and is not suitable for sand. The siphon with a metal tube will allow you to clean any hard-to-reach place, without spoiling the root system of plants and suck ill from aquarium bottom.

To drain dirty water, most often use the bucket, but this container is extremely uncomfortable if you need to clean the large volume aquarium (more than 100 liters). Therefore, many aquarists use long hoses that stretch from aquarium to the bathroom, kitchen or toilet. With this hose you can pour fresh in the aquarium clean water. For mollusks, individual particles of soil or fell in the siphon, the fish did not climb the sewer, the end of the drain hose must be thrown into the pelvis or bucket installed in the bathroom. At the same time, the method of random "catch" will settle on the bottom of the tank, and the dirty water to flow into the sewer. If you are worried about possible interface sewer system or loss of beloved fish, then take a siphon with a special mesh filter.

To clean the aquarium soil, you need to prompt all the easier and open fate of the bottom. If necessary, some decorations fashionably moved or lift to open access to the siphon. Typically, a lot of fish excrement is accumulated under large stones, bulk scenery and snags. Therefore, the glass is needed to the aquarium bottom. If the formation of aquarium bottom used a large fraction of soil or edges of pebbles is not well run well, then immerse the siphon in the ground you need rotational movements.

Hold the siphon on one piece of soil follows until 60 percent of garbage leaves, then you need to rearrange the device to the next contaminated area. If you move the soil on open plot Right and left and back and forth, then the siphon will capture some number of stones, so it is necessary to wait until the captured soil particles do not fall on the bottom of the aquarium. Although sometimes with the help of a siphon, the soil is dragged to another place. If, for example, you need to sprinkle an iron element (sprayer or compressor hose).

During prosiphenation of aquarium soil, not only cleans the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe bottom, but also a drainage of old polluted water. When working with a siphon, it is necessary to ensure that the draining of the old water does not exceed 30 percent of the volume of the aquarium. Do not forget that it is impossible to completely drain all the water from the aquarium. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the soil using a siphon rather quickly. Instead of a fusion of water, it is necessary to pour a new one, in advance the auxiliary tap liquid. If at a time it failed to clearly clean the ground, then the procedure will have to spend again.

Cleansing the soil should be remembered that this intervention in the formation of an aquarium ecosystem. Therefore, to suck all excrement, dirt and Il from aquarium soil is not worth it. Indeed, in these substances, useful bacteria live, which are capable of splitting the organic. This cleavage organic is the best filter for plants. For example, if the aquarium is covered with stones. For proper arrangement The slides are necessary to plant plants in its perimeter, which are well developed root system. Plants with such a system will fasten the shape of the slide laid and not give it to crumble. Of course, you should not sit like this slide until the plants are good to root. There are a number of plants that are called carpet or foreground plants. They raise all over the area of \u200b\u200bthe aquarium and look very impressive, but at the same time they do not make it possible to carefully accept the soil, without damaging their root system or violation of a beautiful appearance.

If all the bottom of the aquarium threatens with algae, then the soil should be removed, it is thoroughly rinsed, then boil and dry in the oven. If you do not make this procedure on time, the aquarium will appear anaerobic areas from the black inland soil, and then the aquarium will be able to feel the smell of rotten eggs, which will indicate the presence of hydrogen sulfide.


An indispensable tool for any aquarist - siphon for aquarium. Maintaining the purity of the bottom is much more complicated than cleaning "on land". Food particles, organic residues - all the garbage accumulates at the bottom, starting with time to decompose. As a result, poisonous substances that poison the inhabitants of the aquarium are distinguished. It is also important to put the soil in order how to replace water weekly.

It used to clean the soil accounted for a thorough flushing. But this method is not only too troublesome, but also dangerous. Full flushing of the soil seriously violates the biological balance, which over time is installed in the aquarium. Moreover, the removal of il from the bottom harms aquarium plants for which it is a nutrient medium.

It is necessary to clean any aquarium, whether it is a gigantic capacity of 200 liters or a tiny nano kindergarten. To decide which siphon to choose, you should carefully examine the device parameters.


Aquarium cleaning siphon is a design in the form of a long hose with a tube at the end. It acts on the principle of the vacuum cleaner: pulls water, soil and dirt. Due to the special grid, located at the end, the soil particles are not tightened inside. In addition, they just settle because of their weight.

What siphon to choose? There are several varieties that have their advantages:

  • mechanical;
  • electric.


They can be equipped with a special pear, with which water begins to swing. At the end - a transparent plastic cylinder or a funnel. Transparent walls are necessary to ensure that in case of malfunctions (stones, small fish, snails) urgently stop working and take action. The use of a mechanical siphon requires draining of water. Therefore, purchasing the device, calculate the length of the hose.

To start cleaning the soil, you need to press a pear a couple of times or if it is not, to draw air to the air.


The electrosipphone operates on batteries, and when using water drainage does not occur. Also in the electrical siphon there is no hose, which undoubtedly facilitates use. Usually, such a device consists of a plastic transparent glass, the stream intensity can be adjusted. The water is immediately cleaned and returns to the aquarium, while dirt settles in the trap.

But the electrosiphon has the main minus - they can clean the aquariums not deeper than half a meter. Otherwise, water will be on batteries, and the device fails.

Features of application

Experienced aquarists know perfectly well how to use this cleaning device, and which nuances should be considered. But newbies may have a number of difficulties that, however, are easily solved.

  • So that the water during the cleaning process merged, you need to constantly monitor the end of the hose without a funnel. Position it correctly: below the water level in the aquarium itself.
  • The lower this end of the hose is, the stronger will be water pressure.
  • For better cleaning of the soil, the funnel or the cylinder is immersed on the full depth of the substrate, reaching the bottom. So you get rid of the smallest and most "seeded" particles of dirt.
  • Choosing a siphon, consider all the features of the aquarium. Your choice will depend on the capacity of the tank. Agree, a large and powerful electricphone is hardly suitable for cleaning the bottom of the Nano aquarium, and too small device will make cleaning big Aquarium Tedical and ungrateful business.
  • Islestore powerful for aquarium Siphon can suck fish, so be careful with your pets.
  • To clean the substrate in Nano aquariums, standard siphons will not fit - they are too large. In this case, special siphons are used for Nano aquarium, which are sold in pet stores. You can also make such a siphon yourself, with a syringe and a thin tube (for example, from a dropper).

Cleaning process

To clean the soil, you will need quite a long time, so choose an hour when you have nowhere to rush. It is important in the course of work to take into account two points: the soil is better to clean the whole at a time, and the water in the water should not turn out more than 30% of the total volume.

Large open spaces are easy to clean with a standard siphon with a round wide nozzle. Processing corners and other hard-to-reach places more difficult. But in pet stores you can find special clay nozzles for a siphon.

With a large number of aquarium plants, cleaning will be complicated. Using a cleaning siphon may result in root damage. In this case, narrow nozzles will also come to the aid. During the cleaning of the aquarium, do not forget that many dirt accumulates under decorative elements. Lift stones and squigs, go under all scenery. It is also necessary to immerse the siphon in the full depth of the soil, and because simultaneously with cleaning the particles are ruined.

If the aquarium is very large, it will be uncomfortable to merge water in the bucket. The best way - Long hose, which will allow it right into the bathroom, kitchen or toilet. In one section, the siphon is held, while about 60% of dirt will not be counted.