Repairs Design Furniture

What is better to comb or groove on a bar. Finnish and German bar profile from the company "Factory houses" Swedish profile of timber. Stiffness and strength of construction

Getting started to build a house from a profiled bar, special attention should be paid to the form of his profile. Their today, by less, there are four, each of which is characterized by the benefits and disadvantages inherent. All this must be taken into account so that in the end it turned out a solid house from a tree.

In this article, consider profiles Bruus, We note their positive and negative sides, which will allow, on the basis of the information obtained, to have a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bwhat direction is to move when implementing a plan for the construction of a residential building, and any other wooden buildings of various appointments.

Wooden housing construction has a centuries-old technological history. More our grandfathers could cut the house with one ax - warm and first-class. However, life is not standing in place: machines came to replace the logs - mechanization. It greatly simplified and accelerated the construction of houses from the tree in Belarus, Russia and a number of others, mainly, the Nordic countries.

In the course of technological improvements in the market, a variety of wood building materials appeared, but the most sought-after steel rounded log And, of course, profiled timber.

Engineers paid great attention to the method of connecting the crowns. First of all, it was important to achieve non-imaging walls. The vintage methods of compounds were not suitable here, so new, which during the tests received excellent characteristics, approval from experts. These are the very most profiles of the bar, about which we are talking about.

What is a bar profile
Bruss profile can be compared with the tread of the automotive tire. In fact, it is a drawing, which by machine processing appears on a bar. Like the tires and the profiled timber, the degree of clutch of the two surfaces is particularly particularly given, only in the first case - rubber with the road surface, and in the other - a crown with a crown.

The profile is created on specialized equipment. The technological process includes the following steps: a wooden billet (for example, a 210x160mm timber) "rushes" into the machine, and the output is obtained by a profiled bar (size 200x150 mm), which already has an appropriate drawing profile. At the time of technological processing, the bar is polished.

As we have already noted above, Bruss profiles are different. They are distinguished by the number of grooves and spikes, some form a comb of three to four grooves on the surface of a bar. Due to this, the manufacture of a rigid construction of the house is achieved. The convenience is that it is not necessary to extrude the diagonal of the house once again, since the high-precision equipment provides the manufacture of building materials with the corresponding parameters.

Types of bar profiles
Profiled brushes should be divided into two types:
- with the possibility of laying along the wint of the insulation;
- Of this opportunity.

Note that there is no consensus about what kind of profile is better not. Manufacturers will praise their products, but here more benefits gives objective information, which will make it possible to form the highest possible opinion about what kind of profile can and need to be preferred in one situation or another.

There is no document in Belarus that would clearly regulate, established certain standards for timber profiles. But in this matter you can rely on the experience of Finland. In this country, the profile timber without the possibility of laying insulation, as well as with fine / medium in height, the comb is intended only for the construction of non-residential buildings, such as economic buildings.

So, today there are following types of timber profiles:
-Fofil with one spike;
-Fofil with two spikes;
-Fofil with beveled chams;
-Pille-comb - with three-four spikes;
-Fine profile.

Brous's profile with one spike
This is the simplest view of the profiled bar. This building material is applied with very economical construction. As a rule, it is used in the construction of summer houses and hozpostroops.

The advantage of the one-axis timber - in its relatively low price. Non-flat technological processing of blanks allows you to get brushes with a spike on one side and a groove on the other. The principle of connection is not complicated: the spike is inserted into the groove than and the conversion of the crowns.

The lack of such a bar is that it is not recommended to be used in the regions with a long winter-cold period of the year. The adjacent of this timber, as practice shows, not sufficient, therefore, cold bridges can form. In addition, when the wooden structure, the wooden structure is more often formed by cracks between the wrens, which requires their subsequent cacopa, and this may not be the best way to affect the appearance of the house, the structure.

Thus, the use of a profiled bar with one spike is possible, but only if it is strictly followed by the technology of its laying, mounting.

Brous profile with two spikes
It can be used for the construction of wooden houses in Belarus, but provided that the insulation, the sealant, and the thickness of the bar, will be laid between the crowns, and the thickness of the bar is at least 150 mm.

Due to the double observation, the cold air does not penetrate the interventory space deep enough so that it was possible to worry about the freezing of the walls. In addition, bruses of this performance have the best adjacent.

At the time of the density, they can turn out, bent - which is natural for wood, but in this case it is necessary to use brazing, all kinds of interventic connectors, and the principle of the lock itself must be chosen optimal. Only so you can stop the negative consequences or minimize them when the wooden structure is dried.

Some manufacturers of the profiled timber laid on the entire length of the insulation in the form of a peopleine sealer with a diameter of 5-8 mm, which provides a reduction in thermal conductivity by 35-40 percent, therefore, inside the house, erected from this type of building materials, will heat.

Brous profile with beveled chamfer

Profiled bars (with different types of spikes and grooves) can have a removed chamfer. This is done not only from aesthetic considerations, wanting to allocate each bar, emphasizing the naturalness of the building material. There are two more reasons why they take a chamfer.

One of the main is an obstacle to water to the interventional space. Water negatively affects the grooves and spike: digging, they expand, which leads to their deformation, cracking. In addition, the missing chamfer allows you to better hold the pant of the walls.

As a rule, the chamfer is removed from the top rib of the bar, because if it is done from the bottom edge, it will be "open" for water into the interventory space. It suffers not only by the building material, but also insulation. All will quickly turn into rot. Note that there is no standard chamfer sizes, each manufacturer of the profiled timber itself decides which the value of the removal should be.

German bar profile (comb)

Each specialist who is engaged in the construction of wooden houses will say that the profiled bar with the drawing of the "comb" is the best solution in the choice of building materials.

The comb is created by sampling grooves and spikes. They can be three or four, which ensures the highest possible protection against the penetration of the cold to the house. When the thorns fall into the groove, the conditions of overcoming "obstacles" are not left for the air, therefore, such an interventional connection is considered one of the most reliable and warm.

In some regions, such a kind of profile is called "German". It was developed with the goal to get rid of the use of insulation and seals, which had a "price pressure" on building materials. And indeed, this approach made it possible to reduce the cost of a profiled BROUS comb for as much as 15 percent, which is quite a few, if you consider the purchased volumes of building materials required to build a residential building in Belarus.

There is such a profile and one disadvantage: the presence of a large number of spikes and grooves complicates work on the connection of the beams among themselves, because for this it is necessary not only to bring the timber to the wall, but also to ance it with accuracy so that he "sat down" in his place. Often, the use of profiled combs of browns in a rainy period leads to an increase in their humidity, which also complicates the process of "putting on" a bar for a bar. And yet, the rate of construction of the house does not depend on the type of profile, because the fact that the construction work is acting more important is greater importance.

Thus, if you build a house, a cottage from a profiled BROUSE comb, then it will be a reliable and very warm structure, which will delight with its beauty and reliability of the hosts for many years.

Finnish profile bruus

In the Belarusian market, Finnish profile appeared relatively recently. It is noteworthy that its creation technology was not developed in Finland. Rather, the name of the profile was given by analogy with high quality that Finnish houses in Belarus possess.

This type of profile is the following drawing: on the bottom of the logs choose the grooves of such a width so that the spikes of sufficient height (at least 1st cm) remain on the sides of the bar. Due to this, the support area at the bar is significantly increasing, which provides a better adjoining of one crown to another.

Proven in practice that Finnish profile reliably protects the house from winds and frosts. In addition, the house from the profiled bar with the Finnish profile gives a more uniform shrinkage. In cases of using the insulation, it will not be seen at all, which increases the aesthetic appeal at home.

Swedish profile of Bruus

The company "Factory Houses" does not apply a Swedish profile in the production and construction of houses.

Profiled timber from "House factory"
Company "House factory"it offers customers the best samples of profiled brusons: with three and four spikes and beveled chamfer. Such products meet the requirements in the construction of a truly warm and reliable home. Production technology that is applied in the enterprise meets the requirements of our time.

Mute Bar It has a number of advantages.
-The first, the construction of the walls does not require their insulation with a heater or sealing tape. Very high-quality adjacence does not leave the cold hope that it will penetrate the house. Thanks to this, significant cash customers are saved.
- Secondly, such a bar makes it possible to conduct construction work at an accelerated pace. The work of builders' specialists can be compared with the folding of the "Lego" constructor. The absence of a temporary "delay" also has a positive effect on the balance sheet of the family budget.
-The third, raw materials are used only high quality - it's wood and ate wood with high fiber density, which provides materials minimal heat losses, therefore, the walls of the house from the profiled timber will never be promoted, which is very relevant for the northern regions of Belarus.

In addition, the production cycle embedded in the workshops "House factory" Provides chamfering. We talked about the peculiarities of this type of Bursa and it makes no sense to repeat, but we note that this principle of increasing operational properties is not applied by all sectoral enterprises.

So the company "House factory" produces two most popular types of profiled brusons: German and Finnish, which has a lot of advantages and a minimum of flaws. The latter, by the way, can be avoided if you observe the technology of building a wooden house. Specialists will take care about it "House factory".We work within the framework of high demands, so we manage to carry out the tasks set before them at the maximum possible high-quality and organizational levels.

The market has developed a tendency when wooden housebuilding has become growing in demand. Against this background, various companies appeared, firms and it seems to be good, however, one in their work is focused on quality and modern technologies, while others are the possibility of rapid earnings to the detriment of quality.

The first to buy expensive equipment, carry out professional training of workers, introduce foreign technologies and monitor the quality of raw materials, and others are looking for opportunities to make bruses with the smallest costs. Such an attitude affects the consumer properties of wooden houses, which, of course, has an impact on the image of wooden housebuilding, as such.
It should be trusted only for many years working companies that are ready to guarantee the construction of wooden houses in Belarus in accordance with the high customer requirements.

Thus referring to "House factory" You can protect yourself from cooperation with nonprofesionals, to ensure reasonable cash investment in the residential real estate, to accrue positive construction experience

You probably know that the progenitors of all possible types of bar profile became Finnish (with two spikes) and German (comb). But even despite the abundance of "intermediate" options, a profiled "Comb" bar and building materials with a Finnish profile continue to compete for the palm of the championship. In this article we will try to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the bar from the massif with a German profile, as well as houses built from such a material.

To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the bar profile under consideration by us, we will understand for a start: for what purpose do you need to complicate something at all, changing the form of the original timber? The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe technologist, who invented the "comb" profile, was the highest possible decrease in the thickness of the interventory seam and the refusal of the need for a pantry of the gaps between the bars. The form of the ridge should have ensured the most dense fit of the material when assembling at home. Ideally, built from such a profiled wall timber should be hardly monolith.

Pros and cons "Combs"

We will proceed as follows: As the advantages of "combs", we will take the information that marketers lure potential buyers - and there are completely advantages and a word about possible misunderstandings. By the way, all the advantages of such a profiled bar from the array really take place to be provided that its quality is not just good, but great. A fly spoon will be information from the former developers who have chosen in one time for the construction of the house it is the profiled "Grebelka" bar - one to whom, as not to them, know about all the shortcomings of this building material.


  • Through the walls are excluded, the house is better holding heat, the moisture physically cannot get into the space between the crowns.
  • In the process of living in a wooden house, you can not be afraid of the appearance of cracks in the bar.
  • The house from the profiled timber does not require finishing work.
  • High construction speed and simplicity of the process.


  • Wood building materials are very capricious: react to change of humidity, presence or absence of load. Therefore, it is impossible to fully predict their behavior. The timber can "turn out" when drying, the likelihood of the appearance of the gaps between the crowns is great. Therefore, when assembling a house from a profiled timber, it is necessary to use brazen, studs, etc. (Read more - in a separate article) to ensure a full-fledged closure brux.
  • Unfortunately, practice shows the opposite. Any array gives cracks. The question is only in what size.
  • If you are going to reside constantly in your own house, you will have to think about the insulation of its walls. Is it worth saying that after such work it will simply be impossible to neglect the trim of the facade? And this is only one of the few reasons, as a result of which, in most cases a finish is carried out. Remember the brushing of the bar because of its drying and the appearance of cracks between the crowns.
  • The described advantage is appropriate, if building material is really high-quality, and builders are professionals in their business. Under the word "qualitative" we understand that this is a dry bar, which was kept until the construction of the construction in optimal conditions, under the word "professional" - builders will comply with technology without leaving blind places.

What can you really do not argue, so it is with the ecology of the profiled bar from the massif, he is at least Finnish, at least a German profile.

  • Manufacturer. Choose only large market players. It can be a mediator represented by the supplier and the actual manufacturer.
  • Humidity. Check the seller's words using a compact needle moisture meter. It is better to buy a bar, whose humidity does not exceed 20%. Take care that before and in the construction process material was kept in the appropriate conditions.
  • There should be no cracks in the building material!


The cost of a bar from an array with a "comb" profile is somewhat lower than for building materials with Finnish lock. Prices for material of natural humidity start with 7500 rubles. per cube. m., on dry - from 11,000 rubles. per cube. M. Much depends on the type of drying,% humidity, sizes and wood.

Brous's profile determines the manufacturer itself, given the possibilities of its production. The level of sharpening equipment allows the profile of various types. The range of profile is not really great, but every month will be improved. Many types of profile came to us from Europe, where they have already proven themselves well. Manufacturers understand that the simplest "Comb" profile is the easiest when assembling, as well as in demand. This kind of profile began to produce not only in large industries, but even in handicraft conditions.

Many industries are produced as basic types of profile:

  1. View of a bar with two spikes and grooves.
  2. Type of timber with a bough of three spikes - grooves - "comb" or "German".
  3. Finnish profile.

The more ridges at such a profile, the better its thermal indicators. But not many know that it is worth digging from sizes as the "comb" profile cracks when dried or in a glued along the lamellas. Even compliance with the full technology will not give full guarantees, since when changing the equipment or reference it is possible, you can miss the size and error even in the age of millimeter will give such a deplorable result.

You will ask a question, but why was this kind of timber been invented? Why did you need to design such complex profile processing? Designers, the basis of their idea set the task to reduce to a minimum interventional distance and completely eliminate additional insulation. The form of such a profile was to enable the possibility of making a more dense adjoining of the bar with each other. So, subsequently, such walls should become not only the warmest, but completely eliminate moisture entering, as well as wind into the house. In fact, this did not happen, from here negative reviews about such buildings.

Pros and cons profile "Comb"

Stated by manufacturers pluses of such a profiled bar with a "comb" profile is:

  1. A tighter connection to each other.
  2. Increased thermal insulation.
  3. The comb because of its design does not give the rain and the wind.
  4. When drying and shrinking the house of the seams with the type of "comb" are connected even stronger and become almost hermetic.
  5. Houses from the profiled bursa "Comb" do not need additional grinding and rugs.
  6. The structure of such material can be immediately coated with impregnation and paint.
  7. Building from such a material faster.
Judging by customer reviews, many advantages are too high. Houses built from the dried profiled timber especially large cross section give a shrinkage for a long time. Within 5 years, shrinkage at home at one developer has already reached 10 cm, and the house still sits down. Experts believe that even dry profiled timber with the design of the "comb" can be made without complying with many technologies, which means that it remains unreasonable inside. In this case, during the first 3 years of life, the house will begin to dry, and this kind of profile does not allow you to perform a qualitatively additional canopt of walls. In addition, when drying, the timber is also cracking, the gaps are formed every day.

The manufacturer declares us only about the advantages of his product. This is justified by the fact that any material for him is only a product that needs to be profitable. But the profiled bar "Comb has also has many negative sides.

Production of the profile "Grebelka"

Technology of such a profile requires additional equipment and the presence of special nozzles on the frieze. Moreover, you can do this profile not on any milling machine.

The technology of its manufacture came to us from the Germans. That is why such a type of timber is also called German. It is made from the usual material by milling. After the design is ready to be cleaned from sawdust and dust and treated with special antiseptics. This is done to prevent its rotting and infection with fungi. Since such a profile will be difficult to process.

Are there any difference from the manufacturer?

Manufacturer manufacturer Retail. We have already said that the manufacture of the "comb" profile requires accuracy and special compliance with all the rules and stages of its manufacture. And this can only make a manufacturer's current reputation. By purchasing a bar of such a profile, pay attention to how many years this manufacturer works on the market, read customer reviews. Many craftsmen learned to make a "comb" profile in handicrafts. They do not comply with non-technology, are not responsible for the quality of their products. The price of such sellers will be less, but you will not receive guarantees. As a result, you most likely just throw money.

The profiled crement bar of a large cross section is very difficult to dry. Purchase pocket moisture meter and do not trust the seller's words. Measures the moisture content of the material brought to you before you pay off the supplier.

Qualitative materials of such a profile should not only be competent, but also stored in incorrect conditions. One-day firms cannot afford so expensive pleasure. And this will certainly affect the quality of the goods.

By purchasing a profiled bracer "Comb" from the manufacturer, you not only can count on warranty, but also will not waste money.

Price to the profiled Bar "Comb"

The cost of the Bar profiled "Comb" today depends not only from the manufacturer, but also from the time of year and the prices of wood, gasoline and labor. Of great importance, the variety is also played here, the type of wood used.

The average price in Russia to the profiled Bar "Comb": natural humidity - from 7,500 thousand rubles per cube, dry - from 11000.

They say how many people - so many opinions. This can be equally attributed to the reviews of the profiled BROUSE "Grebenka".

It is difficult to argue and agree with these reviews, since this building material has not yet passed the run and you need time to make any conclusions. And the European experience should not be taken as an example, since the climate and ecology in Russia are completely different.

Profbus "Comb

A profiled ridge bar is an excellent solution for people who value a high standard of living. Regular construction of the structure of wood provides comfortable accommodation in homes from a comb profile. Product samples usually have 3 - 4 spikes and beveled chamfer, which allows you to build reliable homes that meet modern requirements. Since the gap when laying a comb profile is excluded, the sealer for the walls is not needed.

Profbus is manufactured according to the technology developed in order to maximize the thickness of the interventovation seam. This method of manufacturing material eliminates the need for caulking of slots formed between the bars during the construction of the walls. Technology of stacking spikes in the groove ensures the most dense adjacent of individual elements, so it is easy to assess the advantages and disadvantages of this material.

A German profile having a drawing "Comb" is the optimal solution when choosing building materials. The presence on each of the sides of the material of spikes and grooves in large quantities largely complicates the construction. The bar is specifically designed to not fulfill unnecessary work related to the insulation of a wooden house. Various types of thermal insulators always require additional investments in the project.

The reliability of the wooden building using a profiled ridge timber is due to the presence of spikes and grooves on the surface of the material. For the highest possible protection against cold weather, only 3-4 spikes are provided. The strength of this interventovation compound is explained by the exact spike hit in the groove, which prevents the penetration of cold air into the house.

Walls from profarwood combs will always maintain heat, which is achieved at the expense of the following factors:

  1. Marking of sliced \u200b\u200belements.
  2. Accuracy of operations in the production of material.
  3. Cutting bowls with each side of the bar.

Among the main reasons for the popularity of the ridge timber, the quality and speed of laying are highlighted. The use of this type of material in construction allows to reduce labor costs. The rapid construction of the design based on a special assembly card is possible only by labeling the sliced \u200b\u200belements.

The creation of a reliable "labyrinth castle" eliminates the purge of a wooden house with cold wind. This is possible due to the finished cutting of the cup from all sides of the material. Accuracy in the manufacture of a bar in factory conditions allows not to produce additional fittings when laying products.

What to pay attention to when buying

The choice of material for the construction of a wooden house is influenced by a large number of different factors. This is not only the price of the product, but also the characteristics of the climatic conditions of the territory, where the construction of a wooden house is planned, as well as its purpose. The glued bar differs from the profiled sample not only at a higher price, but also a number of features:

  • the profiled timber is made of a solid log, and glued - from the boards (lamella);
  • the comb profile provides better thermal insulation of the house than glued material;
  • the Bar profiled completely dries out only a year after the end of the construction of the house, and the glued array goes on sale dried in production.

To determine what a rar is better, you should not take the arguments of marketers that the German profile has among the advantages. They are given only to lubricate the potential buyer, therefore are not a warning about the possible consequences of the use of a poor-quality profiled bar. Before buying a material, it is necessary to think well, inquiring at the former developers about the lack of timber.

The cost of wood construction material is determined depending on the size of the cross section and humidity, which can be measured with a compact needle moisture meter. The best choice is the crement bar, whose humidity is not higher than 20%. The price of dry material is 11 - 12 thousand rubles. For 1 m3 at a length of 6 m.

The average price of a profiled timber of natural humidity allows you to significantly save on the purchase of this material. For example, a ram, which has a humidity of 40% is sold at a price of from 7 to 9.5 thousand rubles. Depending on the size of its cross section. It can be:

  • 100x100 mm;
  • 150x150 mm;
  • 200х200 mm;
  • 230x230 mm.

Building material should not have any cracks on the surface, so it should be carefully examined before buying it. It is not recommended to trust the handicraft manufacturing engaged in the manufacture of timber. The material having a "Finnish Castle" is offered at higher prices than a ram from an array with a comb profile. In any case, after buying a bar, it is necessary to observe all the conditions for its storage in warehouses and construction sites.

Pros and Cough Crested Brous

When planning permanent residence in its own wooden house, you will need to take care of the insulation of the walls of the structure. Select products only from large manufacturers. Solving the question of which timber to choose, other advantages should be taken into account:

  1. Accelerated rates of construction work in compliance with the styling technology of spike products in the groove.
  2. The high quality of raw materials for the production of a profbus provides a decrease in thermal losses in finished houses.
  3. The insulation or sealing tape in the construction of walls from the profarus combs does not apply.

If the profiled ridge bars stacked on a rainy time, their humidity begins to increase. The construction of a wooden house from a high-quality bar occurs quickly if all work is made by experienced masters. The concept of high-quality profile means dry building material, which was stored until the moment of use in acceptable conditions. In general, the profile type does not play a large role in the process of accelerating the assembly of walls, as the result always depends on the professionalism of builders.

Since the insulation of the walls of the house from the German timber is excluded, then the finishing works will not be required. This largely reduces the cost of construction work. Accommodation in a new wooden house will be comfortable, since the ridge bar ideally keeps warm and misses moisture between the crowns.

After working related to laying insulation, for the facade of the house requires a suitable finish. This type of work is carried out not only after the insulation of the walls, but also when the appearance of various damage to the wood. It should be remembered about the crash of the bar due to severe drying, which causes the formation of cracks between the individual elements of the structure.

Shrinkage at home from a profiled case of natural humidity

Building materials from wood are distinguished by the response property to changes in humidity. With accuracy to predict the effects of the influence of factors on wood is impossible. Since the likelihood of cracks and cracks between the crowns is large, then the assembly of the house from the profiled bar requires the use of special devices: aging, studs, and the like. They are needed for a full-fledged closure of BRUSEV. In practice, the gaps and cracks of completely different sizes can appear in any kinds of timber.

Characteristics of structures from timber

When buying a bar for erection of a house, you usually choose what is better for this project: Finnish profile or comb. If the choice is stopped in a German profile, then the laying of the thermal insulator in the process of assembling the structure between the logs is not required. The manufacturing technology of this material is based on the ideal observance of geometry of teeth and grooves. In the process of using a comb for the construction of walls, the bars can crack due to the fact that the teeth are not fully included in the grooves.

In the conditions of improper storage of products, spikes peculiar to swell from moisture and damage. This does not mean that this type of products cannot be used in construction, just buy a bar is necessary for a more reliable manufacturer. If the supplier's material was stored under the open sky, then it is better not to buy it. Only the perfect observance of the geometry of the German profile will ensure the construction of walls on the provided technology without the use of thermal insulation. Since the correct laying of German products implies the entry of thorns in the groove, the probability of displacement of the material is excluded.

An example of laying a Finnish Profile

The popularity of the Finnish profile is due to his unpretentiousness. It is possible to engage in the management of construction work and using the material that scored a bit of moisture. The classic Finnish profile is not inferior in its characteristics of German. The main difference is that when laying the upper and lower bar of the Finnish profile does not come into contact with each other, forming a thin slot into which the insulation layer should be put.

Spruce and pine are basic wood materials from which a profile is produced. They have a low thermal conductivity coefficient, which is 4 times less than the brick of ceramics. This should mean that with a width of a wall from a bar equal to 20 cm, the thermal insulation characteristics of the structure are similar to the properties of a brickwork, the thickness of which is 80 cm.

Since the walls from the German timber are actually a monolithic compound, then the material after drying should not be deformed and cracking. For the finished design of the house, an external finish is not required by any panels, as the view of a natural tree is beautiful and expensive. Wood does not contain harmful additives, and in the houses of the house there will be a constant level of humidity in the conditions of natural ventilation.

The building materials market is filled with various types of timber. Among users of professionals, the highest assessment received a boll of a comb from the manufacturer. The walls collected by the timber with a profile of a comb is warmer, the connection is hermetically. What features such a bar is talking to our readers.

A ram with a comb profile can have a different shape.

Profiled has several types of lock connections. The more spikes and grooves in the castle, the more warm there will be a connection. But we are made mostly three. Just purchasing additional sawing equipment for a unclaimed and a little-known profile is unprofitable. By design, the lock connections are divided:

  1. Plain. One or two spikes and grooves.
  2. Complex German or "Comb." Ships and grooves more than two.
  3. Finnish. It has a complex shape of the castle.

Its name "comb" the castle received for several teeth, which externally resemble a female comb. He came to us from Germany therefore it is not rarely called "German". For the demands of the ridge, it is in the first place from buyers. Of course you can meet a poor-quality bar from handicraft small manufacturers, but attentive buyer will be able to distinguish a poor-quality product. The fact is that when drying, a complex castle can crack. And use expensive equipment for drying lumber Minor manufacturers do not want. Buy a bar with a German locking compound is necessary for large manufacturers, and which we will tell below.

Pros and cons

Such a complex castle in design was invented in order to minimize the interventore distance as much as possible. What practically eliminates the additional insulation of walls during construction. When connecting the lock, it turns out dense and practically sealed. No moisture, not wind will not fall inside the wall with a complex lock connection. Then why so many negative reviews about the material on construction forums? Why do many of our readers write about a poor-quality bar? Consider more about what pluses does the manufacturer declare:

  1. The thermal insulation of the walls is higher than that of a simple lock 2 times.
  2. The wall connection is tougher.
  3. Does not give moisture and cold wind to get inside the house.
  4. When shrinking, the connection with numerous spikes is even more connected and the seams become hermetic.
  5. I do not need to grind the walls of the house from the profiled matrian with a German connection.
  6. Collect a box from a profile with a complex lock faster, as the coupling is tougher.
  7. After the assembly, there is no need to additionally warm and separate the house.

At first glance, the material seems perfect. Now consider whether all the stated pluses of the profile are true and do they have attitude to this castle connection?

Shopping house from any natural humidity bar is long and can take place for 3 years. Moreover, in the first year, the walls will fall at 5-13 cm. Little shrinkage at the profile of a chamber drying profile, but the percentage of shrinkage and the lock connection are not connected. The case is more like a cross section of a bar, which is difficult to bring from 150x200 mm to perfect humidity even with compliance with all technologies. And any inaccuracy when drinking a complex lock when dried will lead to even greater cracking.

Additionally, to cross the walls at the house from a bar with a profile is difficult, as the castle will not allow you to make a job. This applies to any kind of profile. Making a conclusion, it is possible to allocate the disadvantage of a complex lock:

  1. How wood will behave when shrinking with any kind of profile it is difficult to say. Plug the wall can in any case. The exclusion is the glued bar and the profiled chamber drying. But the price of them is higher than the natural humidity.
  2. Walls are cracking from any profile anyway, the only chamber drying they will be less.
  3. Collect the box at home or bath from the profile of any complexity can be quickly having skill. If the construction is carried out for the first time and do it yourself, then you should not wait for a quick result, even if the "comb" profile is selected.
  4. When cracking over the years, the internal and exterior wall decoration will be needed. The exceptions again make up chamber drying and glued profiled timber.
  5. Improper drying leads to deformation of a complex lock and it will be impossible to build from the bar.

Unscrupulous manufacturers do not chase the quality of their material, so bothering a cheap sawn timber should not wait for an excellent result. And the negative sides over the years will continue to appear.

Manufacturer Manufacturer Returns

It is possible to produce a complex lock only on a specialized quadrilateral fridge having special friezes. Cheap machines are not suitable for similar work.

Responsible manufacturers after making a profile are cleaned by the lock from the OPILE and are treated with special antiseptic compositions. In small companies, this stage is missing and not rarely found in the market inexpensive lumber susceptible to rot and mold. It is not worth buying such, since its quality characteristics are lost.

Seeing a large cross section is difficult, so buying a chamber lumber is only from a proven company. You can distinguish a benign manufacturer for a number of signs:

  1. work in this industry is carried out for more than 5 years.
  2. they have their own warehouses, where the finished lumber is stored in a certain humidity and purity.
  3. the goods on the construction site will deliver packed in hermetic film.
  4. give a guarantee on your lumber.
  5. proceed with antiseptics, as it will be difficult to carry out the processing of a complex castle.

A lot of positive feedback from buyers is quite important. And it is worth alert if there are no negative among the reviews. It is not mistaken only the one who does nothing. And even more so, it is not worth excluding the human factor in the manufacture of complex profiled grade comb. Read more How complex lock can be seen on video:

Consider several large companies that are engaged in the manufacture of a profiled ridge timber in the form of a table:

Any major manufacturer offers customers high-quality lumber comb at an affordable price with a flexible discount system. Since companies producing a bar in most offer ready-made houses from the material, it is recommended to buy such a hand for construction. What a manufacturer is closer to your construction site and has more positive feedback, that is better.

Price analysis

The price depends on the type of wood, cross-section and remoteness from the manufacturer. Not much important price for gasoline and seasonality. So winter you can buy lumber at a lower price and high quality. Consider the middle price of the comb's material in the table:

It is too early to talk about the quality of quality, since we have a material from us so long ago. Which profile is better, the crest bar from the manufacturer or simple to say one thing is impossible. Using it in Europe and other countries is not an indicator, as we have another climate.