Repairs Design Furniture

The most effective air cleaner is selected. The most reliable air purifiers for home

Cleaning the air from dust in the residential room has long been not a luxury, but necessity. This is especially true for large cities and settlements with a bad ecological situation. Even if you live in a relatively clean area, but among your home there are people, patients with asthma or those prone to allergies - the air cleaner must be in your home necessarily.

Many believe that air conditioners and climate systems are fully coping with the air purification function in the residential room. This is not true. The filter system even in the last models of air conditioners cannot clear the room from the smallest dust, pollen and tobacco smoke. That is, from the main causes of allergies, diseases and common poor well-being. In this article, we will look at how to choose an air cleaner depending on your needs and give the rating of the best manufacturers.

Principle of operation of air cleaners, air purification technology

The range of devices presented in the market is quite wide and diverse in appearance. The principle of operation and the design of any of them are about the same. As a rule, the air purifier for the house consists of the following details:

  • fan, which draws air from the room;
  • pre-filter in which large pollution is delayed;
  • systems of fine cleaning filters, passing through which the air masses are cleaned from the smallest impurities;
  • additional disinfection devices (ionizers, ozonizers) and moisturizing.

Consider what technologies and air purification systems are used in modern instruments.

HEPA filters

He heads the rating of the fibrous filter HEPA (eng. "High Efficiency Rarticulate Arrestance", which is literally translated as "highly efficient particle delay"). To date, it provides the highest and high-quality cleaning due to the fact that the distance between the material fibers is several microns. The filter cleans the air by 99% of these contaminants as:

  • bacteria;
  • pollen;
  • microscopic dust.


In the chamber of the device under the action of catalyst and ultraviolet radiation, toxic substances are disintegrated by oxygen, water and carbon dioxide. Thus, split:

Photocatalysis is one of the most effective ways to clean. The disadvantage is an excessive purification, in which neutral and useful microorganisms are removed from the air.

Inside the device is a ceramic heating element. Air enters into the way of natural convection and heats up to a temperature of 200 degrees. The smallest suspended particles disintegrate on carbon dioxide and water vapor. Such a device is effectively fighting with

  • vegetable and animal allergens;
  • viruses and bacteria;
  • disputes of mold;
  • tobacco smoke, dust;
  • smells and gases.

The thermodynamic air cleaner works without replaceable filters and fan.

Plasma (Electrostatic) Filters

On the metal plates inside the filter, an electrostatic field is created, which attracts the smallest particles. Such a system removes about 85-90% of dust. Electrostatic air purifiers are well coped with major pollution, although less efficiently than HEPA filters and photocatalysis.

Coal filters

The coal air purifier is capable of absorbing only the largest molecules, but cannot clean the air from allergens. Therefore, in modern air purifiers, activated air purification coal is used in a complex with other filters.


The ionizer generates and lies in the air negative ions, which:

  • positively affect the general state of a person, improve mental performance, reduce fatigue;
  • effectively fight bacteria and mold;
  • help get rid of unpleasant odors.

A high-quality air purifier from dust must be supplied with the ionization function, since when cleaning, air masses lose not only harmful impurities, but also their useful properties.


Ozone is gas, which is distinguished in nature at a thunderstorm as a result of an oxygen electricity. In the air cleaners artificially creates the same process of the collision of electricity and oxygen. The released ozone is able to disinfect air from bacteria, mold, fungi and other microorganisms.

In large quantities, ozone is destroyed for all living things. Ozonation is needed extremely carefully and dosed to be used in residential premises, better in the absence of people. Most often, this method is used in air purifiers intended for medical institutions.

The most effective are the instruments whose cleaner system consists of several types of filters. This allows you to achieve maximum air purification indoors from various types of pollutants.

Other devices with air purification function


The humidity rate in the residential room is 40-60%. The decline in this indicator due to the action of radiators of heating in winter and air conditioners in summer leads to the creation of uncomfortable, and sometimes dangerous to the health of the microclimate in the residential room. The principle of operation is enough simple - inside the device there is a water tank that gradually evaporates and in the form of steam is thrown into the room with a fan.

By design, the humidifier may be:

  • Mechanical. Evaporation of water occurs under the action of air flow injected by a fan.
  • Ultrasonic. Water goes into a state of steam when hitting a special membrane. The ultrasonic device works absolutely silently, energy efficient.
  • Steam. Water heating to the state of the steam occurs in the inner chamber.

Sink air

The device, which is also very popular, which is simultaneously the so-called air sink. The principle of operation of such an instrument is as follows:

  1. the fan pulls the contaminated and dry air into the device;
  2. inside, it is driven through the system of disks moistened - on which the smallest particles of dust are settled - either through a water curtain (in this case, the dust dissolves in water);
  3. purified and moisturized air is displayed in the room.

What is better - air cleaner or air washing? It depends on your problem. If you are struggling with dust - purchase washing, and to get rid of bacteria, fungi and microbes it is better to choose a functional air cleaner.

Principles of choosing a cleaner

In order to get rid of the problem and not to spend the means to buy an inefficient device, you need to carefully examine the criteria that affect the choice of air cleaner.

  1. The first and most important - contamination with which the device copes. The table below shows the degree of efficiency of various types of cleaners with respect to the main polluting air factors.
  2. Types of cleaners and their abilities for neutralization of harmful factors
    Types of cleanersElectrical
    Dust -
    Bacteria I.
    Tobacco smoke- -
    Toxic evaporation - - - -
    Gaza- - -
    Soot - - - -
    Allergens -
  3. Performance. One device is able to work effectively only in a separate room. The volume of the air of the whole apartment or at home it can not clean. The performance of each model is fixed and depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. As can be seen from the table, the best indicators and rating of photocatalytic, thermodynamic and HEPA filters.
  4. Maintenance complex, filter change frequency. Air purifier without interchangeable filters Although it does not require consumables, also needs systematic care. The efficiency of the device depends largely on the correctness and timeliness of its service:
    • Electrostatic - It is required to wash metal plates performing the role of the filter once a week.
    • Photocatalytic instrument, ozonator, ionizer need to be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner once a month.
    • HEPA filters are purified by a vacuum cleaner and completely change every six months.
    • In the devices with the "car wash" you need to change the water every 2-3 days, and control its level daily.
    • Coal filters change every six months.
  5. How often it is planned to use the device. So that the air in the room is always clean, the air purifier from dust should work constantly. If the device is turned on periodically, you should not select devices with the "Water washing" function. In time, the water will not fuse the reproduction of bacteria. In addition, in a short period of working hours, such devices cannot effectively clean air, and, accordingly, do not bring tangible benefit.
  6. Noise level when working. With permanent operation of the device, the tenants should not experience discomfort and inconvenience, so it is better to purchase completely silent models (they include photocatalysts and ionizers) or devices with night work function.
  7. Place and installation method. Outdoor, wall and desktops are offered. When installing, it is also necessary to comply with the requirements at the minimum distance from the walls to the instrument.
  8. The presence of options and additional functions, for example:
    • air pollution sensors.
    • filter shift indicators.
    • automatic control of humidity level.
    • disconnect timer.

Popular Brands and Manufacturers

In addition to the basic characteristics, when choosing an air cleaner, you should pay attention to the reputation of the manufacturer. We bring to your attention a rating compiled by the results of tests of air cleaners and consumer reviews.

  • Philips, Panasonic, Sharp - company with a world name, the quality of their products is no doubt.
  • Ballu (China). The cleaning system of air cleaners of this brand consists of four steps of various types.
  • Timberk (Sweden). Specializes in the release of air purification systems and maintaining microclimate in megalopolis apartments.
  • AirFree (Portugal) is the only one, which means the best supplier in the Russian market for thermodynamic household air cleaners.
  • Russian-made devices are represented by the Bork brand. Decent technique at an affordable price.

To choose the air cleaner for an apartment or at home, it is necessary to approach comprehensively, given many factors, primarily the state of the health of all residents. It is not always necessary to be guided by the principle "The more, the better." Too powerful cleaners can harm, removing useful microorganisms from the air. If someone from family members are sick, be sure to consult your doctor before buying and installing such devices.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 7 million deaths in the world occurs annually due to polluted air. And indicators, alas, grow. According to WHO experts, dirty air is the largest ecological risk to human health.

All air cleaners were put in equal conditions: the initial level of air pollution is about 2 million particles in size from 0.3 to 0.5 μm in a cubic air feet (or about 70 million in the cubic meter).

Various impurities in the air are solid suspended particles (general concept - fine dust), gas pollution, and not only outside, but also indoors, increase the risks of the development of many diseases, significantly reduce the quality of life of allergy and asthmatics. Are you still doubt about the need for an air cleaner at home?

Opinion expert

Pollen, dust, wool and scales of skin of pets, evaporation of household chemicals, fungi. All this is deposited on the floors, furniture, but first of all - to the largest surface in your apartment. We are talking about the surface of your lungs: 40 m² in exhale and 120 m² on the breath. Asthma, allergies, complication of the flow of other respiratory diseases - the "first line" of diseases coming with various contaminants. In addition, studies show that due to pollution, the risk of cardiovascular diseases is also increased: strokes, heart attacks, angina.

As we tested

Each air cleaner (all - new) we tested at the maximum speed of work. The air "caught" directly at the outlet of the devices, armed with a professional mellover counter (from 0.3 μm to 5 microns) particles - Particlescan Pro. We checked our experimental on the most strict standard - fixed the presence of particles from 0.3 to 0.5 μm in the existence of particles.

All models were in the same room where the level of pollution shown by PARTICLESCAN PRO was about 2 million particles in size from 0.3 to 0.5 microns per 1 cubic foot air or about 70 million in 1 cubic meter (1 m 3 \u003d 35.314666721489 cubic feet ). It is the smallest pollution that is most dangerous for a person.

ParticleScan Pro is a high-precision laser counter of suspended particles in a directional air flow, which is especially important when testing air purifiers at maximum speeds, when the percentage of pollution slip through filters is large.

Roman Chukhanov

Leading expert Center for Housing Ecology "Breeeth!"

What an air cleaner is better

Daikin Ururu McK75JVM. K. Literally stupid by filters: Catechin, corrugated (works with a plasma ionizer - pollution is given a positive charge, and their corrugated filter attracts them), photocatalytic, with titanium-containing mineral to destroy odors, viruses and bacteria.

Daikin Ururu McK75JVM K. Dough Fragment

Even the source of the strimmer charge is - generates rapid electrons that neutralize formaldehyde molecules and other harmful chemicals. Add here more moisturizing air (we did not use it). But from the HEPA filter the Japanese refused.

It would seem, not a single dust overcome such a powerful barrier. But no, everything turned out to be not so rosy - with a result of about 55,000 fine particles in a cubic foot (without a small 2 million per cubic meter) * Daikin took the last (seventh) place in the test. We, honestly, were surprised by such failure. It is worth this air purifier about 52,000 rubles **.

Air cleaner Bork A803 Airengine Won from Daikin - this is already a victory. But the rest lost. It has a patented purification filter Green 360 °, consisting of an enzyme filter with an antibacterial impregnation and a coal filter with a catalytic element. A clear thing, all this is that the happy owner of the device breathe with full breasts.

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Bork A803 Airengine. Dough fragment

The manufacturer claims that the air cleaner is able to delay particles up to 0.1 microns in size (though, it is unclear: all or a certain percentage) and neutralize the most different odors. Great, great. But our professional scanner of fine particles made his verdict - Bork sixth place, with a result of about 44,700 fine particles with a size of 0.3-0.5 μm in 1 cubic feet of air (or one and a half million in the cubic meter).

It is Bork A803 about 70 000 rubles. At the same time, in the kit there is even a remote control.

The fact that expensive air cleaners wipe in the tail - strange. But the fact that they win much cheaper models - generally surprisingly.

Meet: Ballu AP-155. Cleaning system: First, the air goes through a pre-carbon filter, delaying relatively large particles, then through a HEPA filter (particles up to 0.3 microns), then a VOC filter 2 in 1 (coal filter + natural mineral zeolite), neutralizes Unpleasant odors, chemical compounds such as CO2, formaldehyde, freon. Plus air ionization.

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Ballu AP-155. Dough fragment

Recall, the goal of our test is the inspection of the ability to clean the air from the most dangerous fine particles. And in this discipline Ballu ranked fifth With the result (residue) about 24,000 particles in 1 cubic foot (about 805,000 in the cubic meter). It costs a pretty Ballu AP-155 only 10 000 rubles.

Tefal Intense Pure Air PU4025 is the case when we were surprised again. Let's face: what are your associations with the Tefal brand? Surely, a frying pan appears before the eyes of many. But where is it, and where is the air purification? However, this air cleaner turned out to be a strong middle pepper - Tefal ranked fourth.

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TEFAL INTENSE PURE AIR PU4025. Dough fragment

He has 4 levels of filtration: pre-purification of air from large dust, then activated carbon (odors, volatile organic compounds), HEPA - cleaning from fine particles with a diameter of up to 2.5 μm (pollen, allergens, mold, bacteria, viruses) and finally , Filter deactivating formaldehyde.

And what do you think? The result shown by the Particle Counter ParticleScan Pro is about 18,000 per 1 cubic foot (in a cubic meter - about 630,000). Here you and the frying pan. It is worth this air cleaner - about 25 000 rubles.

Little sensation: The top three opens the same stranger from China - Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 2. We know that Mark Hiaomi conquers more and more hearts, but, as a rule, it is the hearts of lovers of inexpensive and advanced smartphones, and then the air purifier. But in this segment, the Chinese were stronger - Xiaomi Third.

What with filters? There are two of them: an external with a grid for coarse cleaning and a pleated HEPA filter, delaying solid suspended particles, and an internal filler from activated carbon made from coconut shells (smells, some gaseous contaminations - adsorption). Filters are inserted into each other and the whole design is attached in the housing, in special grooves.

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Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 2. Dough Fragment

"Bronze" result: about 15,000 particles ranging from 0.3 to 0.5 μm in 1 cubic feet of air - this is 518,000 particles in the cubic meter.

And, attention, the price is xiaomi: when ordering in Russian online stores (we will remind, officially the brand in our country is not presented) - from 11 000 rubles. At the same time, it is also controlled from the smartphone: control the operating modes, create a schedule and even see the degree of air pollution.

With Philips, the opposite is not surprising that the air purifier in the test leaders. The company is well known to the development and implementation of various medical technologies, and air purification in rooms, where we spend a lot of time, just helps to keep health.

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Philips AC3256 / 10. Dough fragment

The fact that this air cleaner is one of the best in the test proves that the classics of the "genre" of the air purity cannot be written off. But the "newcomers", like Daikin, do not always work.

Philips in second place. Results (residual pollution): Total about 12,000 fine particles in a cubic air feet or 420,000 particles in the cubic meter. Price - from 30 000 rubles.

Panasonic F-VXK70R- This is a climatic complex: and air purification, and its moisturizing. We did not check the quality of the latter - this test about another. And so for that other - air purification - here, in fact, the entire classic set of filters is responsible.

Pre-net, filter with activated carbon granules (fights with smells, gaseous pollution) and our old familiar HEPA filter - it is he who is the main fighter with particularly harmful fine dust, allergens, and the additional filtering layer of Green Tea Catechin (with green tea extract) suppresses Virus activity.

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Panasonic F-VXK70R. Dough fragment

In Panasonic F-VXK70R there is Nanoe technology: Nanoions of ultramal diameter, in the shell of water molecules adding to them, attract allergens, viruses and other horrors in the air and, falling into the airflow, carry them to filters. The Japanese, of course, have a lot confirming the effectiveness of this research technology. Well, let it. We are important to the end result.

And he turned out better than others. The F-VXK70R air cleaner showed the best results of air purification from all seven tested models of different brands. Panasonic Winner of our test.

Specifications: Professional particle scanner with a size of 0.3-0.5 μm in the air recorded at the outlet of this air cleaner about 8700 such particles on cubic foot air (304 500 in the cubic meter). This is about 220 times less than the initial level of air pollution (about 2 million particles per cubic foot). Price Panasonic F-VXK70R - from 50 000 rubles.

Test results: The amount of fine particles in 1 cubic air feet. Measurements are made using the PARTICLESCAN PRO counter

Opinion site.

Panasonic F-VXK70R It was better to clean the air, it is highly technological, also moisturizes, with a Russified control panel, and it looks pretty.

Given the results of the test, the functionality of the Japanese device, the convenience of operation, design, this air cleaner receives the main editorial award - "The site recommends».

Award "Optimal Purchase", even though the brand Xiaomi is not officially represented in Russia, gets an air cleaner Mi Air Purifier 2.For decent air purification results, simplicity of design, remote control with smartphone, cute design and quite affordable price.

A good air cleaner is a useful acquisition for the house where allergies, children, elderly live. It is very important to choose such a device that will serve many years will be effective and comfortable in use.

Criteria for choosing a good air purifier

Maximum air - exchange

It is known that in effectively work the device must skip the air in the room 2-3 times in 1 hour. Therefore, calculate the volume of the room (in cubic meters) and multiply this number to three, and then check the result with the parameters of different air cleaners.

Filters used

There are several types of filters: electrostatic, ozonizing, photocatalytic, water, coal, HEPA filters. Everyone has its pros and cons. For high-quality models, there are several filters at once, i.e. Multistage cleaning.

Easy service

It is necessary to consider 2 points:

  • the time you are willing to spend on caring for the device. If the electrostatic filter requires flushing not more than once a week, and the photocatalytic - once every six months, then the air washing need daily attention (change and filling water);
  • the presence in the design of replaceable blocks, the cost and frequency of their replacement.

Additional functions

These are indicators, displays, backlights, timers, flavoring, UV lamp, etc. The most important of the "bonus" functions for which it is worth paying is the possibility of controlled air humidification.

Humidifier air cleaners

Air washers

Sinks at the same time and moisturize, and purify the air from dust and other contaminants. Important advantage of these devices - no need to buy consumables for them. Moisturizing and air purification is carried out without using replaceable filters.
To clean the air, the air is driven either through a system of disks moistened with water, or through a water veil's injected fan.
This is another advantage of air miles - water evaporates naturally, and the humidity in the room cannot rise above the comfortable 60%. The disadvantages of these devices include noise and decent dimensions.

Climatic complexes for cleaning and humidification

Multifunctional devices that combine in a single case are three separate instruments: a full-fledged air cleaner, a humidifier with a traditional "cold" evaporation and ionizer.

Advantages of climatic complexes:

  • The presence of an intelligent control system for air quality and the level of relative humidity, which allows the device to be used in automatic mode;
  • High degree of air purification with or without moisture (as opposed to classic air miles).


  • The need to periodically replace "dry" and (or) moisturizing filters.

In the room climatic equipment market, a large selection of air treatment equipment is available: air humidifiers, air purifiers, air ionizers, climatic companies perform several operations at the same time. At first glance, it seems that the differences are minor and in technical specifications a lot in common. However, air purifiers for home and apartments have a functionality that may be absent in other types of climatic equipment. The main purpose of the air disinfection cleaner is the fight against invisible pathogenic microorganisms and allergens, the sources of which are located inside the residential premises. Microscopic particles of allergens are difficult to remove using conventional filters and mechanisms that are used in simple humidifiers of ionizers and air sinks. In air purifiers, a multi-stage cleaning and special filters are used, which ensure the sterilization of air indoors, which is especially important for people suffering from asthmatic attacks, seasonal and chronic allergies caused by the components of the smallest dust, dust mites and productivity products of insects, human and animal leather flakes, Puph and wool, pollen, mold, mold, fungi and other irritants, leading to painful recalculations.
If there is a need to buy a cleaner, the air disinfectant for home or apartment, you should pay attention to the model of the air purifiers of the following type:
- Thermodynamic air purifier (equipped with a thermodynamic filter).
- Photocatalytic air purifier (equipped with a photocatalytic filter and ultraviolet lamp).
- Air purifier with non-filter (High Efficiency Particulate Arresting Technology - Highly Effective Particle Delay).

Thermodynamic cleaner air chain

Even who cares about his health and health of their family, you can safely recommend to buy a thermodynamic air purifier.

The price of the device is made up of a variety of factors, including:

  • performance - the ability to clean the air in rooms with a large area;
  • power - the level of electricity consumption during operation;
  • design - Many devices are equipped with a spectacular decorative backlight, which turns them into stylish interior items.
Thermodynamic air purifiers are effective and powerful devices. The principle of operation is the thermodynamic system. Air sterilization (TSS) is the destruction of bacteria and allergens with high temperatures. Safety pumps are tightened with air inside the special chamber with a temperature of up to 200 ° C, where most viruses and bacteria die. Then the air is cooled and revealed back to the room. This process is not stopped, with the result that the device is able to effectively clean the entire air in the house in a short time.

An important factor is that during operation the cleaner does not allocate foreign odors and does not contribute to the formation of ozone. Thermodynamic cleaners are 100% safe and environmentally friendly, so they can be used even in the bedroom or children's room.

Cleaner Air Disinfector Photocatalytic with UV Lamp

Air cleaners with a photocatalytic filter and ultraviolet lamp are guaranteed to destroy viruses, infections, bacteria, allergens and unstable unpleasant odors indoors, sterilize the pumpable air. If the task is to buy a cleaner and air deficiency for asthmatics or allergies, the air purifier with a photocatalytic filter is suitable as it is impossible.
This type of air purifiers can be equipped with multi-stage filtering, but the main elements ensuring air disinfection is a photocatalytic filter with an ultraviolet lamp.
Due to the interaction of the photocatalyst and ultraviolet radiation, a chemical reaction is generated, in which the impurities in the air are destroyed and formed by safe components. The photocatalyst is a plate filter made of a porous glass with a catalyst - titanium oxide. The air injected by the fan passes through the filtration unit, microparticles and microorganisms are delayed on a filter with a catalyst, which in the influence of ultraviolet radiation activates oxidative reactions, during which the microparticles are split into water and nitrogen molecules. The outlet turns out air without dangerous impurities. The photocatalytic filter does not need to be changed, since in the process of oxidation and splitting on the surface of the filtering element there are no organic particles.
Despite all the advantages of the air purifier with a photocatalytic filter, it is desirable to be dosed, since when the air is streaming, along with pathogenic microorganisms, useful elements that create a favorable microflora indoors are destroyed. The filter is not intended for cleaning inorganic dirt, synthetic particles or stone dust.

Cleaner Cleaner Air Disinfecting with Nera Filter

To ensure the most comfortable terms of life for people, and even more so children exposed to asthma and allergic reactions. Manufacturers of climatic equipment offer to buy air purifier for allergic and asthmatics with nera filter. Nehra is an abbreviation, translated from English High Efficiency Particulate Arresting - highly efficient particle delay. Filters of fine cleaning - nera filters, found wide use in various industrial areas for cleaning and sterilizing air indoors, including in medical institutions, where elevated requirements for hygienic standards are presented. Nehra filters are used for home climatic equipment. Purifiers and air disinfection for apartments with non-Filter apartments are considered the most effective for disinfection of air at home and combating viruses, pathogenic bacteria, microscopic allergens, such as dust mites, pollen and spores of mold and fungi.
There are several classes of nera filters. The class is determined by the level of filter efficiency, the smaller the particle that is capable of delaying the filter, the higher the class. Starting from class H12, filters are delayed to 99.5% of particles, the indicators of the most powerful Filter of the H16 class reach 99.9995%. The filter is a sheet made of fibrous material of folded harmonic. Disposable low-class filters are made of fiberglass and paper, they do not delay relatively large particles. Reusable, high-end filters are made of fluoroplast, the fibers of which can be of different diameters and thickness, which affects the bandwidth of the filter. Such a filter for air purification is used to filter microparticles with a size of up to 1 μm, the minimum size of the particles detained reaches 0.06 μm. Filters in air purifiers can be washed, but the accumulating dirt in the end significantly reduces the effect and in displays a filter, so it is recommended to change it every six months or once a year, depending on the intensity of the equipment operation.
Nehra filters do not destroy biorganisms, but only interfere with their passage through the filter, so swollen cleaners additionally must be equipped with a disinfecting equipment, for example, an ultraviolet lamp or antibacterial impregnation for filters.

Basic components of home dust - organic microparticles, such as human epidermis (every person per day loses from 2 to 7 grams of skin), disputes of mold (frequent cause of respiratory diseases), pet wool, feces of homemade dust ticks, various bacteria, viruses, etc.

And what is the most ancient, the most obvious way to dispose of organic waste, starting from dry branches in the country and ending with our own bodies? Of course - fire, burning! As a result, the combustion of the organications are formed mainly carbon dioxide (absolutely harmless, not to be confused with carbon monoxide gas!) And water pairs (therefore, "smoke" from the pipe has white color, it is basically pairs). In addition, a negligible amount of mineral waste, ash, usually, absolutely biological inert and not dangerous for humans is formed.

Despite its apparent evidence, air purifiers using this principle appeared relatively recently, and in the Russian market are represented by the only manufacturer - portuguese company AIRFREE. The principle of operation of these filters is the oxidation of organic substances with air oxygen when heated. The filter device is based on a ceramic kernel - the heating element in the form of a vertically located cylinder with a plurality of longitudinal channels. By natural convection, the cold air out of the room falls through the bottom holes of the kernel into the channels, where, moving towards the upper outlet, heats up to a temperature of about 200 ° C. The configuration of the channels and the heating temperature of the kernel is calculated in such a way that during the time the particles weighted in the air pass through the channel, they have time to "burn" completely.

The term "burning" should not be understood literally. The process occurs without flame formationwhich cannot be formed with such a relatively low, temperature. The result of combustion is water vapor, carbon dioxide gas (in molecular form and microscopic quantity), as well as an endless-small amount of mineral salts (similar ashes remaining after the combustion of wood). Moreover, the number of these salts is an order of magnitude less than the volume of the "burnt" microparticles. In addition, they are absolutely safe, and their number allocated by the device into the atmosphere for many months of work, it is hardly exceeded the amount of ashes from one burnt match.

This principle of filtering absolutely environmental: In the process of work, no harmful substances are distinguished, chemical compounds are not used, catalysts, sources of electromagnetic radiation, not "burned" oxygen. Instruments of this type not only do not produce ozone, but effectively remove it from the air. At the same time, the method does not require the use of fans, which makes air purifiers absolutely silent. In addition, no consumables are required.

It should be noted that this type of instruments is most effectively fighting microspores mold - One of the most dangerous allergens. HEPA filters themselves become the spreads of the dispute argument (accumulating the organic agent, especially with high humidity, is a good environment for the development of microplane), and the photocatalysis simply does not always "have time to destroy them (photocalitic filters effectively cope with pollution at the molecular level - gases effectively , smells).

Thermodynamic filters are effectively destroyed Bacteria and viruseswhich "burn" in the same way as other organic microparticles. Instruments of this type installed and round-the-clock work in the apartment, some reducing the frequency of the ARVI and influenza.

Despite, it would seem that there is a low performance, with constant operation, the instruments of this type of filtering are achieved over time and support the same degree of air purity indoors as HEPA filters, without possessing, with their disadvantages.