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Aquarium water filters. Types of filters for water purification in the aquarium and methods used. Actually, here, the most typical filter backpack

Do you need to filter water in aquarium? And if necessary, how and how often? To respond to these and other questions regarding the state of the aquatic environment in a closed space, you need to represent what processes continuously occur in aquarium water.

Like people in their home, needing in order, periodically removes the garbage, ventilate the premises and residents of the water house are needed in a clean and comfortable environment.

  • feed residues
  • excrement of his inhabitants
  • pieces of plants.

It suggests the obvious conclusion: this garbage you just need to remove (or change water), and the problem will be solved. But most often mechanical water purification is clearly not enough to create comfortable living conditions of home water fauna.

The remains of the organic inside the tank are quite quickly decomposed in the warm standing water. Excess ammonium, nitrites, ammonia, as well as methane gas that is distinguished as a result of such an expansion can lead to lilyty death.

If there are 2-3 fish in the aquarium, the ammonia produced during the decay of organic substances is processed by absorbing it.

And if there are many fish? Then the chemical or biological purification of aquarium water is required.

Many aquarists believe that the aqueous medium requires comprehensive filtration - mechanical, chemical, biological. In special cases, it is necessary to carry out disinfection.

Mechanical water filtration in the aquarium

This function is performed (internal or external), which pump the aqueous medium through a special element (porous sponge). Relatively large particles of garbage - waste, feed remains, pieces of vegetation - delay in the pores of the sponge. Purified water comes back into the container.

When a large amount of dirt accumulates on the sponge, or change it, or washed. The frequency of maintenance of the filter element is prescribed in the instructions for the device.

Such filtration, its effectiveness is the topic for perennial disagreements in the society of professional aquarists.

Supporters of mechanics believe that decompanying dirt from the sponge must be constantly removed in order to prevent the emission of a large number of accumulated waste back to the water.

Their opponents believe that the waste of vital activity of the inhabitants of the aquarium is collected on the surface of the filter element are almost perfect material for the development of colonies of useful bacteria - saprophytes. These microorganisms are quite successfully coping with recycling of nitrites and ammonia.

Biological water filtration in the aquarium

It is partially produced by sapropytes, spreading in sponges of mechanical filters, as well as aqueous vegetation. There are also special bacteria that are contained in a porous ceramic element of such aquarium devices as biofilters.

The standard biofilter has 2 types of active microorganisms:

  • ammonifying (nitrosomonas, nitrosocystis, etc.),
  • nitrification (Nitrobacter, Nitrospina and Nitrococcus) bacteria.

How do they work?

At first, one type of bacteria processes the ammonium to the nitrite in the aquarium. Other microorganisms convert toxic nitrite to nitrate, which is then freely absorbed by aqueous flora and is derived from water substitutions.

Another way to reduce the content of nitrates is a partial replacement of water. The normal dose of nitrates in aquarium medium is up to 15 mg per 1 liter of water. You can check the dose using special tests.

It is important to remember that in the process of its vital activity of bacteria, a lot of carbon dioxide is distinguished, so you need water in the aquarium. Air bubbles not only encrose water with oxygen, but also remove harmful carbon dioxide.

As auxiliary method of biological cleaning, some aquarists use. It is used, as a rule, in aquariums with large fish producing a lot of life waste and poorly adjacent to any aquarium vegetation.

In Pithofilter, aquarium water is supplied using a pump in a pallet with a large filler and land plants. Their roots are washed by contaminated water, absorb some of the organic parts from it, after which the liquid merges back into the aquarium.

Such a cleaning technique not only helps to relieve the load on the biological filter, but also allows you to grow different types of plants - from decorative fakes to edible green to the table.

The next level of cleaning in biofilters is chemical cleaning.

Ceramic filler for bio filter.

Chemical Filtering Aquarium Water

It is carried out using activated carbon, which absorbs protein molecules well.

In some biological filters, zeolites - water minerals based on calcium and sodium are used as a chemically active filtering composition. They absorb dissolved ammonia well.

First of all, chemical filtering is needed for the health of fish. Water vegetation processes ammonia and other harmful substances independently, being essentially an excellent chemical biological filter.

To chemical cleaning with the help of activated carbon, it is necessary to resort in extreme cases, since such filtering is able to disrupt the biological balance of the aquarium. In the worst case, with excessive contamination of the filler, a return emission of waste into water may occur.

Usually, the filtration with activated carbon is resorted after a long-term treatment of aquarium with medicines. Such a cleaning method effectively removes various drug residues from water, which can harm the aquarium inhabitants.

Activated carbon granules for aquarium filter.

Disinfection Aquarium

There are several ways to disinfect water, among which you can allocate

  • ozonation
  • ultraviolet irradiation
  • chemical disinfection.

Ozonizer treatment - expensive and time-consuming occupation. First, the water is subjected to ozone processing in a special capacity (separately from the aquarium), and then it is poured into aquarium medium through a filter with activated carbon. Advantage - high disinfection efficiency.

Aquarium water also destroys well enough

  • harmful bacteria
  • spore fungi,
  • viruses.

Irradiation should not be exposed to the Aquarium itself, but the water that needs to be pumped along a special source of ultraviolet radiation.

Recently, ready-made antiseptic, antibacterial agents appeared on sale. These include, for example, antiseptic air conditioning for Aquacons aquarium water and malachite green.

As a rule, certain doses of such air conditioners dissolve in a separate vessel in a certain proportion, and then the finished solution is poured into the aquarium. Air conditioners not only disinfect water, but also successfully treat some diseases of decorative fish. Use similar means is necessary only according to the instructions.

Filtering water in the aquarium is a necessity. Better if it will be comprehensively. This will provide a healthy and comfortable habitat of decorative water fauna and flora.

Good filter for aquarium

what is better to choose?

As a rule, this question arises from a conscious aquarist before buying and selecting the filtering system for its reservoir. Of course, you can all start on samonek, how many do it - go and buy a filter in the petrohpa that is available and which will be offered sellers. But, only then it is not necessary to complain about sellers and sorry your money thrown on the wind. The sellers work this is to sell the goods and without any difference your further fate and the fate of your filter.

In this article, we will not stop on the details of the establishment of a balance in the home aquarium and the effect on it aquarium filter, and we will try to emphasize your attention on the quality characteristics of filters, as well as give advice to customers. The same readers who are looking for where to buy a good filter for aquarium at an affordable price, we recommend paying attention to the time proven store Aquarius, It is just a huge selection of filters for all cases of aquarium life. Separately, we recommend paying attention to the line of aquarium filters for which there are enough detailed reviews on our site:

From german company Tetra.Perhaps today it is the most popular, high-quality and affordable filters! Detailed review of the tetra filters you can read!

The legendary series of external filters EHEIM, more!

From company Laguna. - Domestic brand, new! Detailed review!

So, before you go to the store for aquarium filter, you should figure out which filter is exactly your aquarium. To do this, you first need to solve what your reservoir will be: how many liters, which fish will populate it, which plants will be planted in it, how many will it be. If your aquarium is big, there will be a significant amount of large fish in it, many plants will grow, the filter will have to cope with all this manifold and to make all the "uncleanness" from aquarium water as efficiently as possible. But, if it is a small aquarium, and you are not going to breed in it "sharks", I don't see the point of taking a filter-permerous powerful filter, you can do the "standard" internal aquarium filter and thereby save a significant amount of money.

Before buying aquarium filter, you must figure out which filtering mechanism in it will be applied.

There are four main types of aquarium water filtering:

- mechanical filtering;

- chemical filtering;

- biological filtration;

- combined filtering;

Briefly consider the principles of operation of each of the filtration types.

Mechanical filters and aquarium filtering

These are the simplest and, at the same time, effective filters for aquarium. The meaning of their work is simple - filtering fine suspension and trash in aquarium water. Filters for mechanical filtration are equipped with a pump (a motor with a pump) and a sponge (foam or sinter). Pump shakes aquarium water, which passing through the sponge is cleared. Purified water enters back to the aquarium through the outlet tube, as a rule, located on the pump from above. Such filtration effectively copes with the removal of large contaminants: feed residues, fish outrage, remnants of dead organisms, etc.

If you have a small aquarium and it floats a small amount of non-large fish, such a mechanical filter will be quite enough.

Chemical filters and aquarium filtering

These are filter filters through various sorbents. The most common adsorbent is activated carbon. Wide use in the aquaries received various ion exchange resins, such as zeolites. Filters involving additional chemical filtering are more practical than mechanical. Sorbents are capable of absorbing harmful chemical impurities contained in water (chlorine, heavy metals), and ion exchange resins are effectively struggling with poisons - ammonia, nitrites and nitrates that are formed and gradually accumulate in any aquarium in the process of hydrobionth.

Biofilters and Biological Filtering Aquarium

Perhaps this is the most valuable step of filtration in the aquarium. Its essence is in the breeding colony of bacteria-nitrifers. The colonies of these bacteria are multiplied on special substrates, for example, in the pores of unreleased ceramics. These bacteria are involved in the nitrification process, decompose extremely poisonous ammonia to less poisonous nitrite, nitrite to an even less poisonous nitrate.

Combined filters and aquarium filtering

These are filters that combine the use of various types of aquarium water filtering. Some filters have all the three above filtering types. But it is worth noting that even the simplest mechanical filter can be used as combined. That is, use in it and absorbing sponge, and, for example, aquarium coal.

Below is a good example of an internal filter for aquarium -

Hydor Crystal.

In fact, it represents the so-called "glass" with a sponge + has a coal compartment. The glass itself is spacious, which allows you to lay in it and other fillers at their discretion.

So let's summarize the above. If you have a small aquarium and not very big fish, then your choice is a mechanical, internal filter. Such filters are inexpensive, easy to operate and clean. But, if you have a large aquarium, large fish or there are just a lot of them, then our recommendation for you is to choose a combined filter with the presence of containers for placing substrates for bio filtration. Such a filter is more expensive, more complicated in cleaning, but it will serve you a good service for creating biological equilibrium in the aquarium.

For those who still want to do mathematics or want to make aquarium filter on their own, here is the formula for calculating the power of aquarium filter

Buying a good aquarium filter, you should also pay attention to its technical characteristics:

Power consumption.

Adaptation to Russian electrical networks.



But the main characteristic of the aquarium filter is its power. The power of the filter is determined by its ability to skip a certain amount of water for a certain period of time. Usually on the filter packaging they write: 300l. / Hour, 1000l. / Hour - pay attention to it.

If you do not want to score your head counting the required filter throughput, you can simply see the recommended volume of the aquarium for this filter that the manufacturers are written on the package, for example, "designed for volume to 150l." However, this figure does not always correspond to reality.

Manufacturers often overestimate filter performance. This is due to the fact that the performance measurements are made under conditions close to ideal - in clean water, excluding additional fillers.

A rather important characteristic of the filter is its "noise". Good aquarium filters are noisy, but quietly, or even no noise. Agree, I would not like to hear the roar of a motor from an aquarium at night, as if the "flock of night bikers charts around your bed." If possible, do not take Chinese aquarium filters or filters of non-clear brands. Trading stamps that have proven themselves in the market are trying to make their products with high-quality and silent. Recommend you a specific company is very difficult - there are many of them, and they are not always "branded". But, based on our own experience, we want to draw your attention to Tetra, Hydor, Eheim, Aquael - a recognized combination of price and quality.

There is another small aspect of the technical part of the aquarium filter - it is a simplicity of its service: assembly-disassembly, installation, additional components. Some filters, even the simplest for mechanical filtration, are equipped with two containers, some one. For some, additional nozzles are attached to aeration to another. Some are easy to disassemble and clean, others are difficult. Therefore, choosing in the store the best aquarium filter, at least turn it in your hands, look at the components, think if they need you or not.

Now let's consider the question of choosing aquarium filter based on its location.

All popular aquarium filters can be divided into:

Internally filters;

External filters;


Internal aquarium filters

In the photo inner filter Tetra In Plus, above was the photo Hydor Crystal - this is internal filters. They are attached and work inside the aquarium. They can be of all types of filtration, that is, mechanical, chemical, biological and combined.

Internal aquarium filters are the most popular filters using well-deserved demand from buyers. Their price is an order of magnitude cheaper than external filters, they are easy to maintain. As a certain disadvantage, some aquarists note that internal filters occupy a place in the aquarium - thereby eating precious volumes. However, this is a controversial moment, because the filter does not occupy 1/3 of the aquarium. Well, yes, it takes 2-3 liters of volume, hanging quietly in the corner. It seems to me that this is not a very significant disadvantage, especially for amateur aquariums.

The internal aquarium filters also include so-called aerial filters. The principle of operation of these filters is based on air movement under water. Air bubbles, climbing to the surface create thrust in the air tube. Water passing through the filter material under the action of this thrust is cleaned. The advantage of such filters is that they combine the functions of the filter and aerator. The disadvantage is noise from the murmur water.

Among the filter structures built inside the aquarium, the so-called "Hamburg carpet filter" is located. In fact, it is a sheet of foam rubber, 2-3 thickness, and sometimes more cm, fully separating a small space in the aquarium by the type of Sampa. A pomp, pumping two or three volumes of water per hour, heater and / or other aquarium devices is installed behind the foam rubber sheet. The porosity of such a foam rubber is chosen minimal, less often average. A large foam rubber is not suitable. The pump outlet is displayed in the main section of the aquarium, most often with the "flute".

This design is best suited for small aquariums: spawning, grooves or quarantine containers, where you need clean bottom and, at the same time, you need to maintain balance. In the pores of the sponge, nitrifying bacteria are actively spread, and the bottom can always be interference.

False and bottom filter for aquarium

False is a special design of an internal aquarium filter, where the filtering elements are located under the soil of the aquarium. A small lattice is fastened over the present bottom, which is covered with a soil with a fraction size, more than the size of the mesh cell. The current of water is carried out through the soil, which is the first level of cleaning in the filters of a similar type. Next, water can also pass through a series of filter fillers and pumping is injected back into the aquarium.

The advantages of such a filtration system include what stagnation processes will not develop in the soil. The disadvantages are some complexity in the maintenance and replacement of filtering elements with a possible blockage.

External aquarium filters

These are filters that are installed outside the aquarium, only tubes (output and intricate) are lowered into the aquarium.

The advantages of such filters:

A large number of cleaning steps - by different filtering materials;

Additional volume for the resettlement of nitrifying bacteria;

The possibility of free combination of chemical, mechanical and biological filtering;

Such aquarium filters make sense to put on aquarium from 100l. With a significant density of planting fish. What recommendations can be given when choosing a better external filter for aquarium:

1. Look at the performance of the filter (l / h) by choosing it under its volume.

2. Examine the question of noise.

4. What sorbing materials are included. What and how much you need to buy, what is the change in filtering materials.

5. Examine the question of connecting the head of the filter and buckets (as attached, what weak sides of the fasteners, is there any danger of leakage, there is a warranty obligations of the manufacturer and the seller). There were cases when aquarist, coming home from work, found an aquarium without water, and the water ranged by the filter poured the neighbors from the bottom.

Below, for visual understanding, briefly consider the Tetra Ex and Hydor Professional Filters (detailed links to them above - at the beginning of the article). So, here is Tetra EX:

Here is an external filter


Aquarium phyto filter. Beautiful and helpful.

Phytofilter - This is a special design intended for biological filtering of aquarium water. Filtration of substances harmful to fish, in purple filter is carried out using the roots of moisture-loving plants.

In fact, the purple filter is a type of external filter, however, the main advantage of the use of purplefilter is its environmental friendliness. Purification of water from harmful impurities is carried out due to the natural ability of plants to use nitrates, nitrites, phosphates, which are successfully supplied in water due to the livelihoods of fish.

Most often, the phyto filter is used to keep fish-compatible fishes with aquarium plants, for example, with cichlids, goldfish, discs, etc. The pete filter is designed in such a way that the roots of the plants are actually located in the filter element and washed with aquarium water, while choosing from it Harmful substances for fish. Purified water is sent back to the aquarium. As a rule, the phyto filter placed on aquarium, substantially decorated with an interior. In this way, it is possible to divide the habitat of plants and fish, thereby creating different conditions of content and outstanding designer solutions.

For phyto filters, special plants are selected, the root system of which transfers flooding.

Read more about the design of purple filters, their advantages and disadvantages -.

Hinged aquarium filters

This is a compromise between the desire of aquarist to establish filtering and the physical inability to shove into the mini-pectorium as it may be. Such filters are called "backpacks" or "waterfalls". This filter is best suited for small aquariums, when in a volume of 7-10 liters, any internal filter will be superfluous. They are attached to the outer wall of the aquarium, the intake tube is lowered into the aquarium, the outlet creates a waterfall.

Actually, the most typical filter backpack.

But do not confuse them with internal backpacks, such as - Tetra EasyCrystal.

So, summarizing the above, you can recommend:

For small aquariums up to 20 liters - mounted filters - backpacks.

For aquariums up to 100 liters - internal filters.

For large aquariums, over 150 liters, external aquarium filters will be the best choice.

Completing this article, I would like to note that there are other less common methods and mechanisms for filtering aquarium water, such as the filter located in the lid of the aquarium. Such methods for the location of the filter are less popular and also have a number of advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the filter can be done by itself, for example, from plastic canister and bottles. In the network and on the YouTube channel, there are enough examples of homemade.

I would like to believe that this article helped you decide on the choice of the best aquarium filter. But, remember that no even steep filter will replace the banal weekly substitution of aquarium water.

Substitution of aquarium water - the best filtering!

Video about good aquarium filters

And what aquarium filter do you use?
Watch aquarium statistics on the forum -!

Aquarium filter Aquael
Aquarium filter Atman.
Aquarium filter Eheim
Aquarium Fluval Filter
Aquarium Hydor Filter
JBL aquarium filter
Aquarium Filter JEBO.
Aquarium filter Dophin.
Aquarium Filter Resun.
Aquarium filter Sera.
Aquarium Filter SICCE
Aquarium Sunsun filter
Aquarium Tetra filter
Minjiang aquarium filter
Aquarium Filter ADA
Aquarium filter Jewel Juwel
Aquarium filter Triton Triton
Aquarium filter Dennerle
Aquarium Barbus filter

Article super! At one time, when I flew out an external filter, I did not have such a competent article at hand. Outcome: Now in the aquarium for 300l, I hang two filters from two sides: mechanical and biofilter combined. With both terribly satisfied. My taste is better than an external filter. I was lucky with buying, but you can attach such that at least crying. There is mad money, and in practice the usual mechanical filter. It is necessary to know what you need what you need, and armed to go to the store. Of course, it's not necessary, and in advance to think about the purchase options for your aquarium in advance, and this article is undoubtedly good in this assistant to a novice aquarist. Thank you!

Hello, Yana!
As far as I remember, on the contrary, they swam on the external aquarium filters on the fan fucked forum. They said they say they are hard to clean and spinning!? Here you say that you prefer them, but at the same time you have two internal filters in aquarium now?! What to believe?
I understand, the question is rhetorical - but still! What filter are you tired?!

Yours faithfully,

well, I am writing that for my taste, those filters that I have now, much better than an external filter) "I hang two filters on both sides: the mechanical and biofilter combined. It's terribly satisfied. For my taste is better than an external filter."
I can write sometimes cory, but I am always happy to explain my doodle)))
I did not like to use the outside filter !!! Bulky, brushing uncomfortable, everywhere tube, and the rake, through which the water descends into the aquarium, is constantly clogged, and now it is rinsed it just the most difficult.
With a mechanical filter, everything is clear as twice two five. I took out the sponge, with ease, removed everything removable, washed it back. With a biofilter, almost everything is the same (I have exactly an instance, as submitted as an example in this article) only to wash more on one compartment, but it is easily removed and clean. Clean wonderful, despite the fact that I have goldfish, rather dirty creatures. In general, I am for the mechanical and biofilter combined!
ZY I categorically apologize for the fact that it unclearly described my preferences. I hope my first time I redeemed my guilt)

Mouse. , Hello!
Thanks for the kind words and praise, nice!

The topic of uv-steriaitisors is quite extensive and you can talk about it for a long time.
Alas, while there is no full-fledged article on this topic on FF. But, I can definitely say that the uch-sterriser is a good thing, but additional. There are many opinions, a lot for and against this issue, but still regular water treatment with a sterilizer gives its advantages. The main consumers are the price, good sterilizers, with good bandwidth standing is expensive. Sterilizers that are sold with filters are usually weak.
Is it possible to do without a sterilizer - yes! And three times, yes! Why? Everything is very simple - if you follow the aquarium, care for him, if there is a stable biobalance, etc. - the sterilizer is not needed. And vice versa, if a person does not understand what a aquarium is and perceives it as a TV, then no HC-sterilizer will help from Aqua.
Judging by what you told about your aquarium, you have everything ok - a normal number of fish, live plants ... You understand what balance is and other aqua. Wisdom.

I confess to be honestly, periodically (2 times a year))) I think about uv, but for 15 years, Aqua. Praktiki never bought it. And now, when the herbalist and aquaskeeper took up tightly ... and the aquarium turned into a magnificent, healthy, beautiful oasis ... I understand that the best device for aqua is aquarium itself))) Priesges facilitate life, but without due attention and Care, they are useless.

Yours faithfully,

ZY Come to us, I suggest talking there. At the same time, the people survey that he thinks about this.

I think it depends on the filter setting. I recently took a small Chinese filter of a non-clear brand, needed for aerated. So, he has two exits - two nozzles. If one shuffle blows strongly. If you open both blows weakly.

Hello! Please tell me with the choice of filter. I have a 100l aquarium. A little herb, anabias and moss. Neonks 6pcs, catches 4pcs, bombuses 4pcs, shrimps 5pcs. Light Metalometry 70V, inside the filter, CO2.I newcomer and there is a test of the pen so to speak. But I plan to purchase a 180l jar and make a herbalist with a small number of fish and shrimp. And now I have the choice of the Filter of the Emergency Filter, this is JBL E901. Eheim4 + 350 or 250 can be another EHEIM advise. In characteristics they write that the flow of water can only be adjusted, I do not understand how. Do you need a crane?

Sergey, on all external filters there are cranes, with which you can adjust the stream. But it is not recommended that they are not recommended. I used a JBL-good sophisticated, silent filter. For Eichmans I will not say. I recommend that you chat with the guys on our forum, on this topic.

Didn't the Hydor filters watched? I recently ordered my prime 30 in Aquionics, I look forward to looking forward to 7000r., It is interesting to compare the price and quality.

Hello, there is an option to hang in aquarium 200l filter Boyu SP1800B (750) liters per hour for mechanical, and fall asleep zeolite in a small aquail (300 liters per hour) for chemical processing, as you think, as far as effective. Population 8 Danio, 8 Neon, 2 Anzitrus, 200 grams of shrimp, I plan to Akantofthalmusov.

How to choose an external aquarium filter?

The external filter, compared with the inner, there are many advantages - a larger amount of filtering materials, it does not occupy space in the aquarium, it is necessary to clean it less often.

Choosing an external filter, there is something to think about - in such a variety of brands and models it is easy to get confused.

Here is a brief overview of the series of the most popular filters, which will help you make your choice.

Tetra Ex-400, 600, 800, 1200 Plus

This is the most popular series of filters, it accounts for more than 30% of sales, if you consider in the number of filters sold.

The phenomenon of such popularity is explained simply - the famous name, a democratic price.

1. Convenient design:

Each filler lies in a separate tray

To clean the filter is easily disconnected using a special adapter.

There is a button for the initial start filter

2. Warranty obligations:

Warranty period - 3 years

In Moscow, St. Petersburg and Ekb there is a service center for warranty and aged repair

All consumables and spare parts are available on a wide sale.

3. Low noise operation - Filters EX 400, 600, 800 PLUSs work absolutely silent, Filter EX 1200 Plus publishes a moderate noise due to high-performance filters.

4. Convenient handle for carrying a filter to the place of cleaning and back.

Eheim Classic 2211, 2213, 2215, 2217

External filters of the Eheim Classic series are produced without special innovations for several decades. Despite the fact that EHEIM has developed and successfully sells already several series of more modern and "advanced" external filters, the Eheim Classic series is still very popular with aquarists.

The reason for such popularity is the simplicity of the design, which causes high reliability, as well as the price. Reducing the price largely contributed to the transfer of the production of these filters to China. That is, to purchase filters of the Eheim Classic series, produced in Germany, is not possible in principle, because at the factory in Germany they are no longer produced.

1. The filter is equipped in such a way that the water enters the bottom of the canister, and goes out in the top, which guarantees the passage of water through all the filtering stages, the "short circuit" of water current, which is possible with a loose fit of the baskets in more modern filters, it is impossible in principle .

2. Lack of "extra" connections in the form of adapters, buttons for quick launch, etc. Provides increased protection from leaks.

3. In extended equipment, high-quality EHEIM fillers are present. But if you do not want to overpay for them - it is possible to take cheaper options, without filter fillers, and fill them in your own taste.

4. No fillers basket reduces water flow filter resistance.

5. Double connectors that perform the adapter function allow you to easily disconnect the filter for cleaning. (Attention! Classic 2211 model is sold without cranes, cranes are purchased separately.)

6. Warranty - 3 years from the date of sale, in Moscow there is a corporate service center. Spare parts, if necessary, can also be found.

1. The opposite side of the simplicity of the design is a number of minuses caused to her:

The lack of the start button will force from time to time to launch the filter "Dedovsky" way, by a deep breath, holding the output filter hose in the mouth, which is not very convenient.

The lack of filler baskets make more manipulations when cleaning the filter, or will require the use of special bags (for the use of activated carbon or peat, it will be a prerequisite).

2. Noise level Although it is possible to be called low enough, but still higher than more modern fellow.

3. There is no handle for carrying, which makes the filter service (especially older models) is not so comfortable as competitors.

* Note: EHEIM Classic 2211 filter - the manufacturer for some reason sells it in almost the "bare" form - in addition to the filter itself, only hoses, flute and inlet nozzles are included, as well as two thin and coarse sponges. Cranes that allow you to more or less conveniently serving this filter, sold separately, while the price of them is extended - almost half of the filter cost. As a result, the filter 2211 with cranes and fillers will cost hardly no more than 2213 with all the necessary components. For this reason, this filter we sell only when the buyer himself knows what he needs, and is ready to solve these problems independently.

Aquael Unimax 150, 250, 500, 700

The Polish company Aquael has long been evaluated from the manufacturer of the 2nd echelon from Eastern Europe to one of the models of the modes in the market of aquarium equipment. Almost every task that arises before the manufacturer of aquarium technology, they try to solve the original way. External Aquael Unimax filters also offer several interesting technical solutions.

1. Exceptional silence in work - even in powerful models of 500 and 700.

2. Have all the "standard" options for modern external filters - the pump for the initial start, carrying handle, separate containers for fillers.

3. Models 500 and 700 are equipped with special wheels so that they can be easily and convenient to move to the cleaning site, because filters filled with water are quite heavy.

4. In any AQUAEL UNIMAX filter, an UV sterilizer can be built, it provides a regular installation location. Thus, it is possible to ensure UV sterilization without installation in the bedside table of an additional device and unnecessary hoses, which is very convenient.

5. Models 500 and 700 have 2 pumps, and, accordingly, 2 input and outlet hose, which provides increased reliability (even if one of the pumps failed, the second will continue to work) and the best distribution of water flows in the aquarium.

6. Warranty for filters Aquael Unimax - 3 years from the date of sale, in Moscow there is a service center.

7. In addition to Eheim - Aquael is the only manufacturer who produces its external filters in Europe (Poland).

1. When selling filters of senior models (500, 700), we have repeatedly faced the fact that they simply do not fit into the end. Before ordering such a filter, make sure that the place is enough for it - or be prepared for installing the filter next to the aquarium.

2. Filler for biological cleaning is not much better than the filler in TETRA filters.

Sera Fil BioACTIVE + UV

SERA FIL BIOACTIVE external filter series is particularly noteworthy in that it includes filters with already built-in UV sterilizer, while the price difference between models with UV sterilizers is so small that it seems to us that if your choice fell on this product Firms - it is better to take a model with a sterilizer than without it.

1. Standard set - carrying handle, quick start button, adapter for quick disconnection of the filter, fillers lie in separate trays.

2. The built-in UV sterilizer will protect fish from pathogenic microbes, remove the yellowish tint of water and is easier to cope with its turbidity.

3. The package includes a highly efficient Sera SiPorax filler and a special preparation for quick biological launch of the filter - Sera Filter Biostart.

4. In the work of these filters are quite quiet.

5. Warranty - 2 years, the fulfillment of warranty obligations is carried out by the Seller.

1. Models 250 and 400 have a rather bulky design (quite wide in the diameter), which means you need to make sure that they will enter the end.

2. The "idle" tube (by which water falls into the lower part of the filter) has a wide cross-section - on the one hand, it reduces water current resistance, but on the other, the useful filter is stealing.

3. For UV sterilizers, only the "native" sera lamps can be used, which, however, is easy to find on sale (in particular - lamp for model 130 + UV, and 250/400 + UV).

Eheim Professionel 3.

"Top" line of external filters from the German manufacturer.

The Eheim Professionel 3 series includes all engineering surveys and developments, as well as the aspirations of many aquarists.

1. Exceptional silent in work.

2. Low power consumption.

3. Filter start button, connector adapter, special recesses for ease of carrying.

4. The filter is completely "charged" by highly efficient EHEIM fillers, including Eheim Substrate Pro, which guarantees high water purification (except model 2080).

5. Warranty - 3 years, the service center works in Moscow.

1. fairly high price

The most important thing is - whatever the filter you do not have a mistake, the main thing is to select it according to the volume of your aquarium.

Running and maintenance of an external filter for aquariumHow to run and maintain an external filter for aquarium?

The role of filtration in the aquarium is rather difficult - the purity of water depends on the quality of filtration - and not only optical, but also a chemical, often an invisible eye. And as a result, the health and life of the inhabitants of the aquarium depends on how correctly and is serviced by the filter.

Running an external aquarial filter

So, a new filter is ready to install. We will not describe the process of installing tubes, hoses, all kinds of adapters, etc., since each filter looks like this process in its own way, we will dwell only in the total moments:

The first thing is to get filter filter fillers and sponges that are equipped with a filter. It sounds ridiculous, but sometimes people forget to do it.

Rinse the housing, baskets (if any) and all fillers and sponges with warm water to wash off production dust. If this is not done - nothing terrible will happen, but you do not need an extra dirt in the aquarium? It is advisable to wash off, wipe the lubricants and the oil in the rotor and wherever you get.

Lay all the fillers as it is indicated in the filter instructions.

Biological activation of the filter.

If you run aquarium simultaneously with the filter, it is especially important to biologically activate an external filter. But even if you install the filter instead of an old one, or instead of an internal filter, it will not be superfluous and allow the filter faster to make up useful bacteria and exit "full power".

It is very easy to make it - just put one of the special preparations on the bottom layer of sponges (or rather, the first in the course of water current) or on a porous ceramic filler if the filter is equipped.

The most popular drugs for these purposes are presented in our store:

Tetra Bactozym and Tetra Safestart

sera Filter Biostart.

Dennerle Bactoclean.

We do not undertake to judge which one is better - all 4 drugs are produced in Germany, and the Germans are usually all right, so take any of them, at their discretion.

Important: In order for the bacteria successfully settled in the filter, it is necessary to prepare water in advance. If the aquarium has not yet been launched - this will not require additional effort, and if the aquarium is fresh and poured tap water, it should be prepared to prepare it using special air conditioners that eliminate chlorine and heavy metals - these substances are also (if no more) are devastable for useful bacteria, as And for fish.

After activation, you can finally collect, connect and run a filter, following the instructions for use.

The first time (especially if the aquarium is new) water can be poisoned and staying for quite a long time (usually about 1-2 weeks, sometimes up to month). This is due to the fact that in the water begins to multiply a large number of microorganisms serving the nutrient medium for each other - bacteria and infusories. Usually such a torment is called "bacterial" and no danger to the aquarium population it does not carry. It passes with time, herself - the main thing in the first months of the life of the aquarium feed fish is very economical, not allowing flipping (the whole feed should be eaten in 2-3 minutes).

Often, novice aquarists take a torment for a sign of some serious problems and begin to infinite the water, which only delays the process of establishing biological equilibrium.

So, the filter is launched, the water circulates through the fillers, and the owner, satisfied with itself, observes life in the aquarium.

A couple of tips:

Try not to leave the excessive length of the hoses - cut off too much so that the filter is later convenient to serve. Each extra centimeter of the hose is an additional water current resistance, which reduces the filter performance. But do not overdo it - I will die 7 times, 1 time a down.

It does not hurt on the inlet nozzle of the external filter (which is located in the aquarium) to install instead of a regular lattice, which delays large dirt (leaves, etc.) and does not allow you to get inside the filter fish, install a special prefilter - it will serve the 1st stage of filtration From coarse mud, which will allow less often to serve the outer filter itself, while washing the sponges of the prefilter. Currently, such prefilters produce EHEIM.

Filter service.

An unequivocal testimony for cleaning the filter is a noticeably reduced water current - this can be determined or visually, if the "flute" is located above the water level, or substituting the hand over the water current - and compare the feeling with those when the filter has just been launched. If the difference is noticeable - the filter is time to clean ..

However, we would not advise every time waiting for such a decline in productivity and clean the filter somewhat more often, especially if there are problems in the aquarium or there are problems with increasing unwanted algae (raid on glass, soil and plants, beard, etc. ).

The fact is that the filter only delays dirt on his sponges, which at the same time physically remains in aquarium water and continues to slowly dissolve and processed with all sorts of bacteria. If the aquarium is densely populated by plants that have time to "recycle" all these substances, using for their own growth - there is no big problem. But if there are few plants in the aquarium at all, all these substances will go "on the feed" by algae (do not confuse with plants), which joyfully and violently begin to grow everywhere.

We give several basic rules when cleaning an external filter:

Sponges for coarse filtering and non-porous ceramics (its manufacturers are often put in the 1st basket) can be safely washed under the crane, directly by tap water.

Biological filler (porous ceramics, all sorts of balls, rings, etc.) should be rinsed only from coarse mechanical dirt, just dropping into the tank with water, which has just been taken from the aquarium. This will allow the colonies of beneficial bacteria with such labor. If you rinse these fillers just "under the crane" - most of these bacteria will die.

Producers are recommended to change the sponge of fine cleaning (white synthet) - but the experience shows that they are completely able to survive at least 1 flushing (under the crane). If the original thin cleaning sponges do not work, they can be completely replaced by a versatile cotton wool for thin filtration - it is easily cut (and even rushed with hands) and can be placed in any filter.

Do not forget to clean the engine compartment and the filter rotor - a lot of dirt also accumulates there and even grow the colonies of algae and bacteria. If this is not done, after some time the filter can just stop. For these purposes, you can use special rods.

From time to time, it is useful to clean the hoses - for these purposes it is very convenient to use flexible rods, such as JBL Cleany - universal and inexpensive.

If your filter is equipped with cranes for a separate overlap of the input and output stream of water, we recommend after the filter has been connected back to the hoses, first open the input channel, and after a few - output - this will make it possible to achieve the right filter filling with water and avoid the formation of air bubbles. In the head of the filter and problems with repeated start.

Biological water purification
Biological water purification includes the most important processes occurring in closed aquarium systems under biological cleaning, we understand mineralization, nitrification and dissimulation of compounds containing nitrogen, bacteria living in the thickness of water, gravel and rates the filter. Organisms performing these functions are always present in the filter thicker. In the process of mineralization and nitrification, nitrogen-containing substances are transmitted from one form to another, but nitrogen remains in water. The removal of nitrogen from the solution occurs only in the process of denitrification (see section 1.3).
Biological filtration is one of the four ways to clean water in aquariums. Three other methods are mechanical filtration, physical adsorption and disinfection of water - are discussed below.
The water purification scheme is shown in Fig. 1.1., And nitrogen cycle in aquarium, including mineralization, nitrification and denitrification processes - in Fig. 1.2.
Place of biological cleaning in the process of water purification
Fig. 1.1. Place of biological cleaning in the process of water purification. From left to right - biological clearing, mechanical filtration, physical precipitation, disinfection.
Nitrogen cycle in aquarium closed systems
Fig. 1.2. Nitrogen circulation in aquarium closed systems.

1.1. Mineralization.
Heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria are the main groups of microorganisms living in aquariums.
Note not from the author's book.
Heterotrophs (other "," different "," different "and" food ") - organisms that are not able to synthesize organic substances from the inorganic way of photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. For the synthesis of organic substances necessary for its vital activity, they require exogenous organic substances, that is, produced by other organisms. In the process of digestion, the digestive enzymes split the polymers of organic substances to the monomers. In communities, heterotrophs are consversions of various orders and relegates. Heterotrophs are almost all animals and some plants. According to the method of obtaining food, they are divided into two opposed groups: Golozoyny (animals) and hunch or inspective (bacteria, many rubs, mushrooms, plants).
AutoTrophy (Dr. Grech. - Self + Food) - Organisms synthesizing organic substances from inorganic. Avtotrophs make up the first tier in the food pyramid (the first links of the food chains). They are primary producers of organic matter in the biosphere, providing food heterotrophs. It should be noted that sometimes a sharp boundaries between autotrophs and heterotrophs do not delete. For example, Single-cell algae Evglen green in the light is an autotrophic, and in the dark heterotrof.
Sometimes the concepts of "autotrophy" and "producers", as well as "heterotrophs" and "consversions" mistakenly identify, but they do not always coincide. For example, Xaneselen (Cyanea) are capable of producing organic matter with the use of photosynthesis, and consume it in the finished form, and decompose to inorganic substances. Consequently, they are producers and relatives at the same time.
Avtrophic organisms to build their body use inorganic substances of soil, water and air. In this case, almost always a carbon source is carbon dioxide. At the same time, one of them (phototrophs) are obtained by the necessary energy from the Sun, others (chemotrofses) - from chemical reactions of inorganic compounds.

The heterotrophic species utilize the organic nitrogen-containing components of the discharge of water animals as a source of energy and convert them into simple compounds, such as ammonium (the term "ammonium" refers to the sum of ammonium ions (NH4 +) and free ammonia (NH3), determined by the analytical path, as NH4-N ). Mineralization of these organic substances is the first stage of biological purification.
Mineralization of nitrogen-containing organic compounds can begin with cleavage of proteins and nucleic acids and forming amino acids and organic nitrogen bases. Disamination is a mineralization process, during which an ammonium is cleaved with ammonium formation. The subject of disamincing can serve as urea splitting with the formation of free ammonia (NH3).

A similar reaction can go purely chemical way, however, deamination of amino acids and compounds associated with them requires the participation of bacteria.

1.2. Nitrification of water.
After the organic compounds are transferred by heterotrophic bacteria into an inorganic form, the biological sweeper enters the next stage, the name "nitrification". Under this process, the biological oxidation of ammonium is understood to nitrites (NO2- defined as NO2-N) and nitrates (NO3 defined in the form of NO3-N). Nitrification is carried out mainly by autotrophic bacteria. Auto-flowing organisms, in contrast to heterotrophic, are able to absorb inorganic carbon (mainly CO2) to build cells of their body.
Avtrophic nitrifying bacteria in freshwater, salt-water and marine aquariums are presented mainly by Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter. Nitrosomonas oxidizes ammonium to nitrites, and NitroBacter is nitrites to nitrates.
Fish content in closed systems S. Spott
Both reactions come with energy absorption. The meaning of equations (2) and (3) is to convert toxic ammonium into nitrates that are much less poisonous. The effectiveness of the nitrification process depends on the following factors: the presence of toxicants in water, temperature, the content of dissolved oxygen, salinity and the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe filter.

Toxic substances. Under certain conditions, many chemicals suppress nitrification. When adding these substances to water or suppress the growth and reproduction of bacteria, or the intracellular exchange of bacteria is disturbed, damping their ability to oxidation.
Collins with co-authors (Collins et al., 1975, 1976), as well as Levine and MFA (Levine and Meade, 1976) reported that many antibiotics and other means used to treat fish did not affect the processes of nitrification in freshwater aquariums, while others turned out to be in varying degrees toxic. Parallel studies in seawater were not conducted, and the results should not be distributed to marine systems.
The data given in the three works are presented in Table. 1.1. Research results are not quite comparable due to differences in the techniques used.

Table 1.1. The effect of the therapeutic norms of dissolved antibiotics and therapeutic drugs on nitrification in freshwater aquariums (Collins et al., 1975, 1976, Levine and Meade, 1976).
The influence of therapeutic norms of dissolved antibiotics and therapeutic drugs for nitrification in freshwater aquariums
Collins with co-authors studied the effect of drugs in water samples taken directly from the working basins with biofilters, where the fish was contained. Levine and MFA used clean bacterial cultures for experiments. The methods used, apparently, were characterized by a higher sensitivity compared to the usual. Thus, in their experiments, formalin, malachite green and nifurpyrinol possessed medium toxicity for nitrifying bacteria, while Collins with co-authors showed the harmlessness of the same drugs. Levine and Foreign Ministry believed that discrepancies are associated with a higher content of autotrophic bacteria in pure cultures and the inactivation threshold would be higher in the presence of heterotrophic bacteria and at a higher concentration of dissolved organic substances.
From the data table. 1.1. It can be seen that erythromycin, hubrelcycline, methylene blue and sulfonamide have a clear toxicity in fresh water. The most toxic among studied substances was methylene blue. Results obtained when testing chloramphenicol and potassium permanganate, contradictory.
And Collins with co-authors and Levine and Foreign Ministry converge in the fact that copper sulfate significantly suppresses nitrification. Perhaps this is the result of binding free copper ions with dissolved organic compounds. Tomlinson and others (Tomlinson et al., 1966) found that heavy metal ions (CR, CU, HG) are much stronger than Nitrosomonas in clean culture than in active Ile. They suggested that this is due to the formation of chemical complexes between metal ions and organic substances. The prolonged effect of heavy metals is more efficient than short-term, apparently due to the fact that the adsorption bonds of organic molecules were fully utilized.

Temperature. Many types of bacteria can tolerate significant temperature fluctuations, although their activity is temporarily reduced. The period of adaptation, called temporary temperature inactivation (WTT), is often manifested with sharp temperature changes. Usually the WTT is noticeable with a sharp cooling of water; Increase in temperature, as a rule, accelerates biochemical processes and therefore the adaptation period may remain unnoticed. Srna and Baggali (Srna and Baggaley, 1975) were studied the kinetics of nitrification processes in marine aquariums. Increasing the temperature of only 4 degrees Celsius led to an acceleration of ammonium oxidation and nitrites by 50 and 12%, respectively, compared to the initial level. When the temperature is reduced by 1 degree Celsius, ammonium oxidation rate decreased by 30%, and with a decrease in temperature by 1.5 degrees Celsius, the rate of oxidation of nitrite decreased by 8% compared with baseline conditions.

pH water. Kawaii dr. (Kawai et al., 1965) found that at a pH of less than 9, nitrification in sea water is more stable than in fresh. They explained this with a reduced natural pH in fresh water. According to Seki (SAEKI, 1958), ammonium oxidation in freshwater aquariums with a decrease in pH is suppressed. The optimal pH value for ammonium oxidation is 7.8 for oxidation of nitrites 7.1. The optimal pH range for the seque nitrification process was 7.1-7.8. Srna and Baggali showed that nitrifier-nitrifier bacteria were most active at pH 7.45 (range 7-8.2).

Dissolved oxygen in water. Biological filter can be compared with a huge breathable organism. In proper work, it consumes a significant amount of oxygen. The needs of aquatic organisms in oxygen are measured in units of BOD (biological consumption of oxygen). BPK biological filter partially depends on nitrifiers, but mainly due to the activity of heterotrophic bacteria. Harayama (Hrayama, 1965) showed that with high biological consumption of oxygen, a numerous nitrifier population was actively operating. He missed sea water through the sand layer of the acting biological filter. Before filtering the oxygen content in water was 6.48 mg / l, after passing the layer of sand with a thickness of 48cm. It decreased to 5.26mg / l. At the same time, the ammonium content decreased from 238 to 140 mg. / L., And nitrite - from 183 to 112 mg.Ex. / L.
The filter layer is present both aerobic (O2 needed for life) and anaerobic bacteria (not used O2), but aerobic forms are dominated in well-aerated aquariums. In the presence of oxygen, the growth and activity of anaerobic bacteria is suppressed, so normal circulation of water through the filter holds back to them. If the oxygen content in the aquarium decreases, there is either an increase in the number of anaerobic bacteria, or the transition from aerobic breathing to anaerobic. Many anaerobic exchange products are toxic. Mineralization may occur under reduced oxygen content, but the mechanism and final products in this case are others. In anaerobic conditions, this process is rather as fermented than both oxidative, with formation instead of nitrogenous bases of organic acids, carbon dioxide and ammonium. These substances, along with hydrogen sulfide, methane and some other connections, give the chipping filter with a rotten smell.

Salinity. Many types of bacteria are able to dwell in waters, the ionic composition of which fluctuates significantly, provided that salinity changes will occur gradually. Zobelle and Michener (Zobell and Michener, 1938) found that most bacteria isolated from sea water in their laboratories can be grown in freshwater water. Many bacteria suffered even a direct transplant. All 12 species of bacteria that were considered exclusively "sea" were successfully translated into freshwater water by gradually diluted with sea water (5% of fresh water was added each time).
The bacteria of the biological filter is very resistant to salinity fluctuations, although if these changes are significant and sudden, the activity of bacteria is suppressed. Srna and Baggali (SRNA and Baggaley, 1975) showed that the decline in salinity by 8% and the increase by 5% did not affect the rate of nitrification in marine aquariums. At normal salinity of water in marine aquarium systems, the nitrifying activity of bacteria was maximum (Kawai et al., 1965). The intensity of nitrification decreased both during dilution and with an increase in the concentration of the solution, although some activity persisted even after increasing the salinity of water twice. In freshwater aquariums, the activity of bacteria was maximum before adding sodium chloride. Immediately after the salinity was equal to the salinity of sea water, nitrification stopped.
There is evidence that salinity affects the rate of nitrification and even on the amount of finite products. Kul Mann (Kuhl and Mann, 1962) showed that nitrification proceeded faster in freshwater aquarium systems than in marine, although nitrites and nitrates were more formed in the latter. Kawaii et al. (Kawai et al., 1964) obtained similar results, which are presented in Fig. 1.3.
The number of the bacteria of the filtration layer in small freshwater and marine aquarium systems 134 days
Fig. 1.3. The number of the bacteria of the filtration layer in small freshwater and marine aquarium systems in 134 days (Kawai et al., 1964).

Filter surface area. Kawaii et al. Found that the concentration of nitrifier bacteria in the filter is 100 times higher than in water flowing through it. This proves the importance of the magnitude of the filter surface for nitrification processes, since it provides the possibility of attaching bacteria. The largest surface area of \u200b\u200bthe filter layer in aquariums is provided by gravel particles (soil), and the nitrification process occurs mainly in the upper part of the gravel filter, as shown in Fig. 1.4. Kawaii et al. (1965) determined that 1 gram of sand from the top layer of the filter in marine aquariums contain 10 in the 5th degree of bacteria - ammonium oxidizing agents 10 in the 6th degree - nitrate oxidizers. At a depth of only 5 cm. The number of microorganisms of both types decreased by 90%.
Concentration and activity of nitrifying bacteria at different depths of the filter in the marine aquarium
Fig. 1.4. Concentration (A) and activity (b) nitrifying bacteria at different depths of the filter in the marine aquarium (Yoshida, 1967).

The shape and size of gravel particles are also important: small grains have a large surface to attach bacteria than the same amount by weight of large gravel, although very small gravel is undesirable, since it makes it difficult to filter water. The dependence between the dimensions and the area of \u200b\u200btheir surface is easy to demonstrate on the examples. Six cubes weighing 1 gr. Have a total of 36 units of the surface, while one cube weighing 6 gr. It has only 6 surfaces, each of which is more than a single surface of a small cube. The total area of \u200b\u200bsix single-frame cubes is 3.3 times larger than the surface area of \u200b\u200bone 6-gram cube. According to the SAEKI, 1958), the optimal particle size of gravel (soil) for filters is 2-5 mm.
The angular particles have a large surface than rounded. The ball has a minimal surface area per unit volume compared to all other geometric shapes.
The accumulation of Detritis (the term "child" (from lat. Detritus - swelling) has several values: 1. Dead organic matter, temporarily excluded from the biological cycle of nutrition elements, which consists of the remains of invertebrate animals, discharge and bones of vertebrates, etc.; 2 . A combination of small undressed particles of plant and animal organisms or their discharges suspended in water or the bottom of the reservoir) in the filter provides an additional surface and improves nitrification. According to the data section, 25% of nitrification in aquarium systems falls on the share of bacteria inhabiting deriters.

1.3. Dissimilation
The process of nitrification leads to a high degree of oxidation of inorganic nitrogen. Dissemia, "nitrogen breathing", or the recovery process, develops in the opposite direction, returning finite nitrification products to a low oxidation. In terms of overall activity, the oxidation of inorganic nitrogen is significantly superior to its recovery, and nitrates accumulate. In addition to dissimulation, which ensures the release of part of the free nitrogen into the atmosphere, inorganic nitrogen can be removed from the solution by regularly replacing the part of the water in the system, due to the assimilation by higher plants or with the help of ion exchange resins. The last method of removing free nitrogen from the solution is applicable only in freshwater water (see section 3.3).
Discimization is predominantly anaerobic process that goes in the filter layers experiencing an oxygen deficiency. Bacteria - denitrifers with restorative ability, usually either complete (bonded) anaeros, or aerobes that can move to anaerobic breathing in an oxygen-free medium. As a rule, these are organisms-heterotrophs, for example, some types of pseudomonas, can restore nitrate ions (NO3-) under conditions of oxygen deficiency (Painter, 1970).
With anaerobic breathing, the bacteria dissimibers absorb nitrogen oxide (NO3-) instead of oxygen, restoring nitrogen to a low oxidative compound: nitrite, ammonium, nitrogen dioxide (N20) or free nitrogen. The composition of finite products is determined by the type of bacteria involved in the recovery process. If the inorganic nitrogen is completely restored, that is, to N2O or N2, the disense process is called denitification. In a fully reduced form, nitrogen can be removed from water and is isolated into the atmosphere if its partial pressure in the solution exceeds its partial pressure in the atmosphere. Thus, denitrification, in contrast to mineralization and nitrification, reduces the level of inorganic nitrogen in water.

1.4. "Balanced" aquarium.
"Balanced aquarium" is such a system in which the activity of bacteria inhabiting the filter is balanced with the amount of organic energy substances entering the solution. In terms of nitrification, one can judge the "balance" and the suitability of the new aquarium system for the content of aquatic organisms - hydrobionts. Initially, the limiting factor is the high content of ammonium. Usually in heat-water (above 15 degrees Celsius) aquarium systems it decreases two weeks later, and in cold-water (below 15 degrees) - for a longer period. The aquarium may be ready for receiving animals for the first two weeks, but it is not entirely balanced, since many important groups of bacteria have not yet stabilized. Kawaii et al. Described the composition of the population of the bacteria of the marine aquarium system.
1. Aerobic. Their number 2 weeks after planting fish increased 10 times. The maximum number is 10 in the eighth degree of organisms in 1g. Filter sand - marked two weeks later. Three months later, the bacteria population has stabilized at 10 in the seventh degree of copies by 1g. Sand filter.
2. Bacteria, decomposing protein (ammonifiers). The first density (10 V 3 degrees of Ex. / Gr) increased 100 times in 4 years. Three months later, the population has stabilized at 10 to 4 degrees of Ex. / Gr. Such a sharp increase in the number of this class of bacteria was caused by the introduction of feed (fresh fish) rich in protein.
3. Bacteria, decomposing starch (carbohydrates). The initial number was 10% of the total number of bacteria in the system. Then she gradually increased, and four weeks began to decline. The population stabilized after three months at the level of 1% of the total number of bacteria.
4. Bacteria-nitrifers. The maximum number of bacteria oxidizing nitrite was observed after 4 weeks, and "nitrate" forms - eight weeks. After 2 weeks of "nitrite" forms were more than "nitrate". The number has stabilized at the level of 10 to 5 degrees and 10 V 6 degrees of the Ex. respectively. There is a difference in time between a decrease in ammonium content in water and oxidation at the beginning of nitrification, due to the fact that the growth of NitroBacter is treated by the presence of ammonium ions. Effective oxidation of nitrite is possible only after most of the ions will be converted by Nitrosomonas. Similarly, the maximum nitrite in the solution should manifest itself before the start of the accumulation of nitrates.
High ammonium content in the new aquarium system can be caused by the instability of the number of auto-flow and heterotrophic bacteria. At the beginning of the new system, the growth of heterotrophic organisms exceeds the growth of autotrophic forms. Many ammonium formed in the mineralization process is absorbed by some heterotrophs. In other words, it is impossible to clearly distinguish between the heterotrophic and autotrophic processing of ammonium. The active oxidation by nitrifier bacteria is manifested only after the reduction and stabilization of the number of heterotrophic bacteria (Quastel and Scholefield, 1951).
The number of bacteria in a new aquarium is only as long as it is stabilized for each type. Subsequently, fluctuations in the flow of energy substances are compensated by an increase in the activity of metabolic processes in individual cells without increasing their total number.
In the studies of Kvastela and Showlfield (Quastek and Sholefild, 1951) and Srna and Bagghalia, it was shown that the density of the population of nitrifying bacteria inhabiting the filter of a certain area is relatively constant and does not depend on the concentration of incoming energy substances.
The total oxidative capacity of bacteria in a balanced aquarium is closely related to the daily intake of the oxidized substrate. A sudden increase in the number of animals grown, their masses, the amount of feed injected leads to a noticeable increase in ammonium content and nitrites in water. This position is maintained until the bacteria adapt to new conditions.
The duration of the period of increased ammonium and nitrite depends on the value of the additional load on the processing part of the water system. If it is within the maximum performance of the biological system, the equilibrium in the new conditions in warm water is usually restored after three days, and in cold water - much later. If an additional load exceeds the system capabilities, ammonium and nitrite content will constantly increase.
Mineralization, nitrification and denitrification - the processes occurring in a new aquarium more or less successively. In the established - stable system, they go almost simultaneously. In a balanced system, the ammonium content (NH4-N) is less than 0.1 mg / l, and all nitrites are captured - the result of denitrification. The processes mentioned are agreed, without behind, since all incoming energy substances are quickly absorbed.

1.5 The bottom filter device is soil.
The gravel (primer) filters precede the definition of common parameters, preparation of the filter board and the calculation of the erlift. The erlifed device is discussed in section 5.1.
Primary requirements. Gravel filters fully provide biological and mechanical cleaning of the water necessary for most of even very large aquarium systems, therefore, the requirements for biological and mechanical cleaning are the same and are as follows: the surface of the filter surface should be equal to the aquarium area, the size of the gravel particles must be 2-5 mm ., Gravel must be sorted by particle size, the thickness of the filter layer must be the same throughout the filter area, the gravel particles must be incorrectly angular shape, water consumption should be about 0.7 * 10-3 m / s, the minimum filter thickness must be 7.6 centimeters.
The distribution of bacteria in the filter layer directly depends on its thickness, which indirectly affects the effectiveness of the processing of organic substances in water. Kawaii with co-authors showed that in the marine aquarium heterotrophic bacteria were the most numerous on the surface of the filtering layer, and at a depth of 10 cm. Their number decreased almost to 90%. Such a tendency remained for auto-flow species. The population of ammonium oxidant bacteria and nitrite, the density of which in the surface layer was 10 V 5 degrees and 10 V 6 degrees of Ex. / Gr., Decreased by 90% at a depth of 5 cm. Based on this Kawaii, etc. Recommended to arrange shallow filters with A large surface. Joshide (Yoshida, 1967) reported that in marine aquariums the maximum activity of nitrifying bacteria was marked in the upper filter layers (see Fig. 1.4). With an increase in the thickness of the layer, the activity decreased sharply. Thus, the requirement that the surface of the filter layer is equal to the aquarium area is the main one.
HirayaMa, 1965 showed that the dependence of the efficiency of organic substances from the filter thickness is indirect in cases where the criterion served asf (oxidative filter capacity). Osf can be expressed as the rate of biological consumption of oxygen - BOD / min. Conversely, the time required to pass the water through the filter should be positively correlated with osf. Hirayama showed that thick filters do not have advantages, as the time required to pass the water through the filter is proportional to its thickness. In the proof of this point of view, Hirayam put an experiment in which the waste water took place through four filters, differed only in thickness. The time required to pass the water through the filter was maintained constant by measuring water consumption. At the end of experience it turned out that Osf remained the same, despite the fact that the thickness of the filters was different. Thus, thick filters require large water costs than thin.
Filter boards. The filter fee separates the filter layers from the bottom of the aquarium. Note: In modern aquarium, such an arrangement of the bottom filter is called false. In aquarium, rarely applied rarely. It is important to firmly glue the edges of the board with the windows of the aquarium, so that the gravel will not be woken under it. For most aquariums, the filter fee can be made of any porous material that is not subject to corrosion in water. In the aquariums "Niagara Falls" and "Mystic Marinlife", corrugated sheets of reinforced glass fiber and the grid of their epoxy resin and reinforced fiberglass were used. In the corrugated sheets with a table of circular saw, equipped with a milling cutter for a plastic thread, the cracks should be cut down perpendicular to the rigidity ribs. The width of the slit (Fig. 1.6.) 1 mm, the length is 2.5 cm., The distance between the slits is five centimeters. After that, the panel is placed by slots down the aquarium and close the joints using fiberglass tape (width 5 cm) and silicone glue. After the glue fully solids, you can skip the gravel layer (soil) and to dissolve it on the board.
When using the mesh, it is cut from above with plastic sieve and fix it on the grid using a fishing line or steel stainless wire. The jokes are sealed with silicone glue. And sheets and grids should be separated from the bottom of the aquarium with special supports, such as concrete, or halves of polychlorvinyl pipes of the required length, cut along and installed on the paradise.
Fish content in closed systems S. Spott
Fig. 1.6. The transverse section of the aquarium showing the device filtered with corrugated fiberglass.

It is important that water can circulate between gaskets. Concrete supports are covered with three layers of epoxy glue, especially in marine aquariums, to protect concrete from erosion. Stands should not be attached to the filter board, nor to the bottom of the aquarium.
Filter performance. An important aspect of biological purification is the filter performance, which is determined by the maximum number of animals capable of living in this aquarium system. Hirayama suggested the following formula for calculating the filter performance in marine aquariums (equation is also suitable for freshwater aquariums, but needs to be clarified).
Fish content in closed systems S. Spott
The left part of the equation describes the oxidative capacity of the filter (osf), expressed by the amount of O2 (in mg) consumed per minute.
Fish content in closed systems S. Spott
The right side of equation (4) characterizes the speed of "pollution" of water by animals. It is also expressed by the amount of O2 (in mg) consumed per minute.
As can be seen from formula (4), the oxidative capacity of the filter may be greater or equal to the speed of "pollution" by animals. It is also important to note that the smaller the mass of individual animals, the lower the productivity of the aquarium system. In other words, the productivity of the biological filter is not a simple function of mass of animals.
A system that can provide the vital activity of one fish weighing 100g. May not withstand the load from 10 fish weighing 10gr. Suppose in the hypothetical aquarium w \u003d 0.36m2, v \u003d 10.5 cm / min, d \u003d 36 cm. If the soil is homogeneous in size and R \u003d 4mm, then it follows from equation (5) that G \u003d (1/4 ) * 100 \u003d 25. Substituting this data into the left part of equation (4), we obtain the oxidative capacity of the filter (osf), which is equivalent to the rate of biological consumption of oxygen - BOD / min.
Fish content in closed systems S. Spott
Suppose further that the aquarium contains fish weighing 200g. And their daily diet is 5% body weight. From the right side of equation (4) (OSF denoted x) it follows that:
Fish content in closed systems S. Spott
Table 1.2 shows the values \u200b\u200bx for one fish depending on its mass (in gr.) And the amount of daily diet (in% body weight). From table. 1.2. It follows that one fish weighing 200g., the daily diet of which is 5% of its body weight, creates a "load" to a filter equal to 0.69 osf / min. In this case, Q \u003d x / 0.69 \u003d 3.2 / 0.69 \u003d 4.6 fish, that is, in the aquarium, you can contain four fish.

Table 1.2. The load on the filter depending on the mass of one fish and the amount of the daily diet (in% body weight).
Fish content in closed systems S. Spott
Apply this technique with caution. The load on the filter changes as animals grow, and its performance can be suddenly exceeded due to the death of the fish or with a sharp decrease in the oxygen content.
As another example, we define whether it is possible in aquarium from the first example to contain 10 fish 50 gr. And one weighing 600g. With the same feed rate - 5% of body weight daily. As can be seen from the table. 1.2., The load on the filter will be 10 (0.21) +1 (1.85) \u003d 3.95 osf / min. The answer will be negative, since the load on the filter exceeds its performance, which is 3.2 osf / min.

1.6. Practical Filter Starting Guide
Proper operation of the biological filter includes measures to launch a new filter and ensuring proper care for the active filter.
Starting a new aquarium. During the launch of the new filter, it is best to give an increased load on it, that is, to adapt it to a slightly elevated alior of animals. Such a filter productivity supply will be prevented further an increase in ammonium content and nitrites when the attachment in the aquarium of new animals.
To enter the new aquarium, only unpretentious animals should be used. Animals sensitive to ammonium can only be released into an aquarium after the completion of nitrification processes. It is best to start turtles first. They are much less sensitive to ammonium than fish and many invertebrates, in addition, the turtles produce a sufficient amount of organic matter for the start of mineralization and nitrification processes.
Note: In our modern home aquariums, it is first recommended to plant snails, plants, carciro catfish - corridors, Lorikarya Oomikov - Ancrites. This is quite persistent pioneers and are not so expensive.
Not bad method of starting the filter is a gradual increase in the number of animals in the aquarium. If there are no unpretentious animals, and species are intended for cultivation, sensitive to ammonium, the number of animals should be brought to the maximum gradually. For example, if the ammonium content must be constantly maintained at 0.2 NH4-N / L, the number of animals should be increased slowly, gradually bringing the content of ammonium to the required level, enhancing new individuals not earlier than nitrifier bacteria will bring ammonium content to 0.2 mg / l or below. This technique is very laborious. The first Sopospar is to create a reserve filter performance with unpretentious animals - faster and more practical.
In cold water, the growth of bacteria and their adaptation is slowed down. Biological purification processes can be accelerated if prior to stabilization of nitrification processes to warm water and contain the aquarium thermal-loving species. Then the heat-water animals can be removed, the water temperature is reduced, and the aquarium is as much (and better less) by weight of cold-water animals. Sometimes after planting cold-water animals, a weak increase in the content of ammonium and nitrites in water is noted, even if the aquarium was pre-"balanced". If the temperature difference is not too large, then the ammonium concentration is leveled in a few days, which indicates the adaptation of bacteria to the cold. An increase in ammonium content can be minimized if time to adapt to reduced temperatures (96h.), And then placed in the aquarium of cold-water animals.
A good method that allows you to speed up the "launch" of a new filter is the transfer of bacteria to a new aquarium from the acting filter (filter squeezing). The new aquarium can be added soil and dedrit from a balanced aquarium. Soil should be taken from aquarium, where the temperature for several weeks was the same as in the new aquarium.
Change of water in aquarium. Excess detritus is undesirable, since it makes it difficult to flow through the filter. As the daddy accumulates, vertical channels are formed in the filter, along which the water flows with the smallest resistance, bypassing most of the filter layer. As a result, oxygen starvation begins in the filter, oxygenous zones are formed, where the growth of aerobic bacteria is suppressed. For the same reason, it is undesirable to use very fine sand, especially thick filters ("fat" layer of soil).
Removal of excess daddy is carried out by washing the upper layer and the transfer of daddy to the suspension. It can then be removed with a siphon simultaneously with a replacement of 10% of old water. Wash the soil should be carefully. Kawaii et al. Selected 1 gr. Sand from the surface of the filter and washed with clean sea water. After that, the nitrifying ability decreased by 40%. When re-washing it decreased even more. With intensive flushing of another sample, the nitrifying ability decreased by 66%, the subsequent flushing is another 14%. These experiments have shown that a significant part of bacteria-nitrification inhabit deriters and at intensive washing the bacteria is removed from the filter surface. Filtering layer - constant system. Soil can not be removed and rinsed, because at the same time microorganisms are removed along with the detritus. In cases where the flushing of the filter is absolutely necessary, it should be done directly in the aquarium using the clean water of the same salinity. In freshwater aquariums, respectively, stunned tap water.
Nitrification processes have a negative effect of temperature fluctuations, pH, dissolved oxygen and salinity content. Among these factors are the most significant changes in temperature and salinity. Less important pH oscillations and dissolved oxygen content.
It must be borne in mind that plants and animals, which usually contain in aquariums, much more sensitive to changes in the physicochemical characteristics of water than bacteria. In this regard, first of all, the needs of less sustainable higher organisms should be taken into account and only then bacteria that inhabit the filter, the individual cells of which are capable of surviving in the worst conditions. Thus, the range parameter ranges here, although narrow for bacteria, but do not interfere with the normal development of the remaining hydrobionts.
The deviations of the external environmental parameters should be registered daily, as well as before changing the part of the water or replenish the evaporated water. The oxygen content should be at the level of 100% saturation, this applies to the added water. This is necessary challenged for the contained animals, since nitrifying bacteria is not too demanding to the content of oxygen. The permissible level of fluctuations in pH in solonish and sea water 8-8.3, in freshwater - 7.1-7.8; The pH of the added water must be close to the pH in the aquarium.
The water temperature has the most noticeable effect on nitrification processes, and possibly mineralization. When the water temperature decreases, a distinct delay in the conversion of biogenic substances can be seen. The increase in temperature usually increases the activity of bacteria. Most cold-blooded animals do not even tolerate low temperature fluctuations if they occur very quickly. Temperature fluctuations when replacing part of water in aquarium should not exceed 1 degree Celsius per day. This means that the added water must be preheated or cool. If the aquarium is operated at room temperature, the water for replacement should be kept in the same room in a closed vessel and not to use until its temperatures compares with water temperature in the aquarium.
Sea water intended for replacement must be suitable salinity. Dilute sea water for saltwater aquariums follows in a separate vessel, fresh water is added in small portions, making breaks so that the inhabitants of the aquarium can adapt to it. The preparation of water of the required salinity in a separate vessel minimizes possible errors and does not break salinity in the aquarium. Moreover, the dilution of seawater reduces the possibility of salinity fluctuations in the previously cooked water.
To replenish losses from evaporation in aquariums with any salinity and replace part of the water in freshwater aquariums, the resistant tap water is recommended, that is, water, which was kept within three days in the open vessel to remove chlorine. In the saltwater and marine aquariums, evaporation of water from the surface leads to an increase in salinity, which is usually not a noticeable effect on most organisms, as it happens gradually. However, one should not allow a significant increase in salinity by the time of replenishing the aquarium with fresh water. The saltwater and marine aquariums must be closed to reduce the evaporation of water from the surface and add fresh water already with an increase in salinity by 0.2%.

Aquarium is a small reservoir populated by water inhabitants. In order to maintain biological equilibrium in it, various means and methods use. One of the methods is cleaning water in the aquarium.

To clean the water, use special aquarium filters that work using electrical pumps or air flow. There are universal filters in which the water flow rate can be adjusted. They are used in aquariums inhabited by various kinds of fish.

Classification of filters

An external suspension filter is a plastic box consisting of several sections. This filter is located outside the aquarium. His principle of operation is very simple: water is closed from the aquarium, filtered and returns back. Visually, this process resembles a waterfall.

Erlicate filter is a small plastic container having various forms: cylinder, cube or pyramid. The water in the filter falls through the perforated cover, under pressure from top to bottom through the filter material, then rises over an erlift and comes out. This type of filters is suitable for small aquariums as an additional filtering.

The filter canister is a vertical cylinder, which is an electric pump at the top. Water from the aquarium comes along plastic tubes and passes through the filter material. This filter is very good for large aquariums.

The sponge filter is the most primitive and at the same time the most popular type of filters consisting of a perforated tube with sponge cartridges attached to it. Polluted water enters the filter-sponge, cleaned, and goes through the tube.

Types of filtering materials

Calcium carbonate - increases the rigidity and acidity of water. Visually looks like limestone crusp, sand or coral crumb. Used as a mechanical or biological filter.
Activated carbon - fixes on its surface all unnecessary substances and utilizes dissolved medicines and heavy metals dissolved in water.
Gravel is a filter that can be used infinitely.
The aquarium is filled with water, as a rule, using a pump, which is a pump. Very many pumps are designed for both fresh and sea water. They are submersible and outdoor.
Depending on the type and type of filtering material, appropriate care for aquarium is carried out. Means of mechanical cleaning (various scrapers and sponges) need to be constantly cleaned. Chemical filter materials require periodic updates. Biological filters are partially replaced.
In addition to the use of filters, it is necessary to clean the aquarium bottom once a month. The procedure is carried out with a rubber tube with a tip of plastic or glass. The diameter of the hole of the tube should not prevent the passage through it water with garbage.
Twice a week is recommended to change from 15 to 30% of the total water volume of the aquarium. Water for this pre-defend one or two days.
Also normalize water condition will help special chemicals, completely harmless to the inhabitants of the aquarium. The choice of such chemistry is quite diverse and is present in almost all pet stores.

How to wash the aquarium with fish

Caring for fish in the aquarium, periodically have to deal with the problem - how to clean the aquarium at home. Regardless of whether it is large or small, the plaque in the form of algae and organic, water flies onto its walls. To make proper cleaning, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements for the life of the fish at this time in security.

Aquarium after "Run"

The first months after the "launch" of the aquarium must be followed by the state of its purity, removing the remnants of the fallen feed and scenery. Once a week you need to replace water on clean and infused, but not to change completely. If the aquarium lives correctly, it will establish a biological balance in it, water will become transparent with a yellowish tint. When it happened, you can make the first cleaning.

What you need

The first thing to do is to collect materials for cleaning aquarium. So that he shine purity, you should prepare:

  • Pure bucket or big bowl;
  • Scraper for algae;
  • Siphon with hose and gravel vaccumator.


Before starting work, you need to prepare new water. To replace, it will be necessary to remove stagnant water from the reservoir (20-30% of the total volume). If you adjust sea fish, prepare the correct proportions of the sea salt. Make sure that the new water is free from chlorine, organic and other malicious impurities. An important rule - water is considered to be real if chlorine was weathered for several days from her. Other water indicators (rigidity, alkalinity, acidity) can be checked with a litmus indicator, the water temperature is specially intended for this thermometer. Usually water is insisted for 48 hours, then it can be considered free from minerals contained in tap water. 2 hours before washing and 2 hours after it, it is undesirable to give food for fish.

Use a new bucket or bowl to clean the aquarium, and not those that were intended for washing floors. On the used objects remain chemicals included in soap or household chemicals. They are destructive to life fish. Make sure your hands are clean, there are no traces from soap or lotion. Do not forget to turn off the filter and disconnect it from the aquarium, turn off other electrical appliances before the cleaning process.

Plicing stages

Once you have done everything to clean the aquarium, you can pour into it clean water, or use a hose with a siphon to pump water from a bucket or bowl. Connect heating and lighting.

Cleaning filter

What if you can't wash the filter at the same time when cleaning the rest of the aquarium details? It is impossible to clean the filter with all scenery and water immediately, it may be harmful to all fish and plants due to a sharp change in the balance of the aquatic environment. Two or three times a month, the filter can be disassembled independently and clean it with a toothbrush. But correctly clean the filter in such a method that is specified in the instructions for its operation.

Look at how to clean the inner aquarium filter.

Support aquarium clean

In order to keep the ability to see fish through the glass, you must wash the aquarium about once every 1-2 weeks. You can prevent the formation of large algae and organic matter formed as a result of fish vital activity. Some algae and not broken organic are retracted with the help of "Sanitars" aquarium - catches or snails. Of course, it will depend on the conditions of your aquarium and how many fish is already inhabited.

Causes of clouding water and how to deal with it

Muddy water in the aquarium is a common phenomenon with which there was hardly every aquarist. Sometimes the reasons for the problems are quick, and sometimes you have to find out for a long time why the water is poisoned. How to deal with the formation of Muti, that at the same time it is recommended to do, and what is not?

When does a torment appear in the water?

The reasons for muddy water in the aquarium can be diverse, and they are not so easy to fight with them, as it seems at first glance.

  1. Lounge can occur due to swimming in the reservoir of small particles of algae, solid organic and cyanobacteria. There is another little reasonable reason - a bad flushing of aquarium soil and an inaccurative pouring of water from a clean container. This kind of clouding does not threaten water and fish, you can not do anything with it. After some time, the turbid part of the water will fall, or leaks in the filter, remaining there. Muti formation can provoke fish, loving to booming soil, but these actions for the reservoir are quite harmless.

  1. Perusting of water in the aquarium can cause cychlides, gold and voualeh fish - their active movement in the reservoir is the cause of the resulting Muti. If the filter is not installed in the tank, it will be difficult to clean the water.
  2. Often, turbid water appears after the first launch of the aquarium, after the bay of fresh water. Do not do anything, after a day, two sediment drops to the ground and disappear. The error of novice aquarists is a partial or complete water renewal, which is considered a rough mistake. When adding new water to a newly launched aquarium, bacteria will become even more! If a small volume aquarium, you can install a sponge filter that will quickly clean with water.

Check out the video telling about the device and the operation of the internal filter.

  1. Malicious bacteria in the aquarium can also be causes of mud. When the water becomes green, it means it is time to draw conclusions - it is an unnatural color. Muddy and green water is formed due to the overpopulation of aquarium fish or plants. That is, aquarium fluid passes through the filter, but not cleared. The abundance of the exchange products provokes the formation of minor microorganisms, infusories and other single-cells. If infusories benefit, then bacteria can harm plants - they will start rot. In order not to be surprised why fish and plants are often sick - follow the purity and well-keeness of the aquarium.

  1. Why are one hundred cells multiply? Because you do not have time to clear the reservoir after abundant feeding. For aquariums, it is better to unfeese than to overgrow. This rule will secure fish from problems. After the surplus, the water was cloudy again - what to do? To make pets a discharge diet, in a couple of days the bacteria will be cleaned, water biobalans will be restored.

  1. Incorrect decoration. Koryagi, plastic from poor-quality material dissolve in water, forming a muddy shade. If the scenery is new wooden, but unprocessed - they can be revealed or insisted in a salt solution. Plastic closures are better replaced with new ones.
  2. In the old, a stagnant nursery with fish, a precipitate is formed due to "blessing after the treatment of fish", this is when drugs and cleaning chemistry for aquarium glass were used in the reservoir. Such substances have a number of side effects, they disturb the biological balance, neutralizing a favorable microflora.

How to overcome a torment in the water?

Now the reasons are known why water purles in the aquarium, and what to do in each case. However, there are general rules, without the account of which it is impossible to completely eliminate the problem.

  1. Pripline soil in aquarium. Open the filter, rinse it and clean it. Then add activated carbon to it - this must be done to absorb the harmful substances. It is forbidden to make a complete replacement of water and washing the aquarium soil, otherwise the useful bacteria will be cleaned, and they will not be able to recycle rot and algae.

Look like a siphon in aquarium.

  1. In some cases, it is necessary to make an intensive aeration of the aquarium - when there are a lot of fish feed residues, and the unloading day is not enough. Oxygen will quickly remove the excess organic.
  2. If the aquarium disappears an unpleasant smell - it means that the struggle against the mud ended successfully. Also to eliminate bacterial clouds can be used by Eldeute, disembarking her shallow in the ground.

Water torment: types

Breakfast color will tell about the sources of its formation:

  • Water color is greenish - this is multiplied with single-celled algae;
  • Brown water - peat, humic and tanning substances, poorly treated snag;
  • Milkly white - begin to multiply unicellular bacteria;
  • The color of the water coincides with the color of the soil or the newly laid out on it - it means that the soil fed fish, or the stone turned out to be fragile.

Preparations warning the appearance of a muddy sediment

  1. Aquarium coal - absorbent, which is added after cleaning the tank in the filter for a period of 2 weeks. After removal, you can float there a new portion.

  1. Tetra Aqua Crystalwater is a means that binds small dirt particles into one, after which they can be removed or skipped through the filter. After 8-12 hours, the reservoir will be crystal clear. Dosage - 100 ml per 200 liters of water.
  2. Sera Aquaria Clear also binds the sediment particles, passing it through the filter. During the day, the dirt can be removed from the cassette. The drug does not contain harmful substances.
  • Before adding sorbents to water, it is better to cross the fish to another container.


In order not to appear muddy water, it is necessary to control the level of nitrates, nitrites and ammonia. They are allocated as a result of the vital activity of fish, plants and improper loosening of the reservoir. Therefore, it is necessary to settle in the fish reservoir, the size of which corresponds to its volume. Proper feeding of pets, timely cleaning of the products of their livelihoods, the removal of fallen plants settles the water balance. If there is no mechanical or biological filter in the aquarium, replace 30% of water weekly to fresh and resistant. Do not add water from the water pipe with chlorine odor or boiled.

See also: What kind of water to pour into aquarium with fish?

How to clean aquarium :: How to wash aquarium with fish :: Care and education

Aquarium world requires special care. The necessary conditions for its inhabitants are created using a variety of devices and fixtures - compressors, filters, etc. Special attention must be paid to the hydraulic support and lighting aquarium. However, the most important event, of course, is its proper cleaning. Clean the aquarium is not at all difficult.

The question "How to move to the baby to go to the tray (she is 4 months old)? »- 3 answers

Clean the aquarium start with glasses

In principle, the algae, which inverse the walls, do not represent completely no danger, but they spoil the type of aquarium, so they should be getting rid of them. It is necessary to do it regularly, approximately every two weeks. To remove algae fighters from glasses, you should use a special scraper, which can be purchased in a specialized store. It is best to take advantage of the magnetic device. If the scraper does not turn out to be at hand, replace it with a new sponge or razor blade.

Clean the bottom of the Aquarium

The next step is the soil siffon. Your task is to remove all the uncleans that accumulated on aquarium day. To do this, we use a rubber hose with a metal or glass tip, the diameter of which should be so that water can pass water with all the garbage. Another option is to use a special mud.

How to determine whether it is necessary to clean the aquarium

To understand whether to clean the aquarium, they advise to turn the soil. If bubbles are not raised from the bottom, cleaning is not needed yet. If there are bubbles with the tip of the rubber hose on aquarium bottom, periodically sticking it to the ground. Then the water change in the aquarium should be made to remove substances harmful to the inhabitants that accumulated in it. This is usually done twice a week, and about 20-30% of the total volume of water are replaced. This process is often combined with soil siffon. You can change the water less often in two times a week, but then the substitution should be avoided more than 30% at a time, since it affects the health of fish in the best way. If a tap water is used for the substitution, it must be estimated within a few days.

Clean filter

Clean the aquarium correctly - it means to pay special attention to cleaning its filter. In filter fillers accumulates dirt from the water, which passes through it. It is these fillers that should be cleaned, they need to wash them only when pollution becomes interfere with pumping water. Note that in no case deteriorates detergents. Ideally, the filler should rinse in the water downloaded from aquarium. You do not need sterile purity, it is enough to achieve free flow of water through the pores of the filler. To clean the filter nozzle, you can use the old toothbrush.

Video on the topic

Proper cleaning aquarium

How to clean the aquarium yourself?

Perhaps any owner of the aquarium will agree that the cleaning of the aquarium is a very important, necessary and responsible event. The main purpose of cleaning the aquarium is to maintain the natural habitat for fish, and, of course, the aesthetic beauty of the aquarium itself. If you encountered this question for the first time - do not worry, there is nothing complicated. Simple advice will prompt you how to correctly clean the aquarium without doing the special costs of the challenge of biologists and special tools. You will learn how to clean your artificial reservoir from unnecessary pollution and give it a healthy look.

Why start?

First of all, you must clearly realize that any cleaning aquarium is stress for its inhabitants. Therefore, try not particularly disturbing and not to frighten fish with sharp movements.

If you planned to make a permutation in aquarium or replacement of plants, then it is best to combine this procedure with cleaning your aquarium. It is strictly forbidden to use any detergent chemicals. Before the procedure itself, you can buy equipment for cleaning the aquarium in specialized stores, for example, a special siphon. If the funds do not allow this to do, then you can use fir-handed materials.

How to clean the walls of the aquarium

Any cleaning should be read from cleaning aquarium glasses. From the purity of the glass depends on what we will see the aquarium itself. Small algae constantly appear on the glasses and microorganisms are settled, which makes it difficult and makes the aquarium itself sloppy. You can clean the walls of the aquarium using special scrapers, a kapron washcloth or a conventional kitchen sponge.

You can cope with this task not only with special tools. Some species of fish, such as ancoles or snails, can simply eat light pollution. However, in this method there is a disadvantage: tracks from acredited algae can remain on the walls.

How to clean the bottom of the aquarium

At the second stage of cleaning the aquarium, we proceed to cleaning the soil. In this section, we will talk about how to clean the ground from the accumulated residues of feed and excrement, because all these impurities accumulate exactly on the bottom. Before you start work, make sure that it is really necessary. To do this, it suffices to turn something like a soil. If the bubbles begin to rise from the bottom, then it is necessary to clean.

This aquarium cleaning procedure will greatly facilitate and make painless ground cleaner soil. It consists of a flexible hose with a diameter of 15 mm and a glass or metal tip, which must be led along the bottom, periodically pressing deep into. Through the hose tip will be drained with all pollution. It is very important to monitor the amount of water drained, its volume should not be greater than the fifth part of the total volume of the aquarium. It is this amount of water to add you later.

When cleaning the soil, try not to damage the roots of plants, it can lead to their death. We should not forget that our goal is not only cleaning the aquarium, but also the preservation of everything alive in it.

We clean water

Water purification will help refresh the water and remove all accumulated harmful substances for fish. To cut the water change to the water to be extension, it is necessary to partially replace the water 1-2 times a week, as well as after cleaning the soil 25% of the total aquarium. Water for the substitution must be resistant within 2-3 days.

If the aquarium is not covered, the film may form on the surface of the water. It is also an important process in cleaning. It is possible to remove it using a sheet of paper, the size of the surface of the aquarium. Holding a leaf by the edges, it is necessary to horizontally dip it into the water, and then, slowly lift together with this film. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times.

It is very important when cleaning the aquarium not forget about aquarium filter. As a rule, the filtering elements of the filter are made of foam rubber, and to clean them, rinse thoroughly under the jet of warm water. And the mechanism itself when disassembling can be cleaned with a toothbrush or sponge.

Now you know how best to clean the aquarium without harming its inhabitants. Is it worth talking about how proper cleaning will extend life and improve fish health? After all, it can be more beautiful than satisfied inhabitants and happy, the fascinated views of their owners.

How to get rid of greenery in aquarium :: How to remove green raid in aquarium :: Aquarium fish

Beautiful aquarium is a genuine decoration of any apartment. But if it does not care for him or break the biological equilibrium in it, all beauty disappears. Glasses overshadow, water can be green from the rapid development of single-cell algae. How do you restore the breaking balance in this case?

The question "opened the pet shop. Business does not go. What to do? »- 2 answers


1. The rapid development of algae causing water blooming occurs during the bright lighting of the aquarium, increased temperature and the large content of nutrients in water. The cause of the latter is often the use of too much dry feed - the inhabitants of the aquarium do not have time to eat everything and, as a result, remnants are discharged and decomposed.

2. Faced with water flowering, do not try to clean it by partial substitution. Pulling fresh, you bring mineral substances into the aquarium and algae, as a result, the flowering of water is only enhanced.

3. To restore disturbed biological equilibrium, disconnect the aquarium lighting. If it is located near the window, take the window, defending the aquarium from direct sunlight. Stop feeding fish - the week hunger strike will not only hurt them, but on the contrary, will benefit. Aeration Suppose that the oxygen falls into the water will accelerate the oxidation of food decay products and purification of water. Remove from the bottom with a siphon accumulated garbage. During the week, you will be able to restore the normal aquarium mode.

4. One way to combat water flowering is the use of Daphny. Run a large number of racks into the aquarium - so much that the fish do not have time to eat them immediately. Single-celled algae are foods of duffy, during the day water in aquarium will be clean. This method requires a good aeration of the aquarium - otherwise, Daphnei may die that only flowering will increase.

5. The indirect cause of the rapid development of algae is a small number of plants in aquarium. When there are many plants, they actively absorb minerals, as a result, algae is not enough for rapid development.

6. Even normally functioning aquarium The walls are gradually covered with a thin green chain. Clean this flask with a razor blade. If there is a brown color, this indicates insufficient lighting aquarium. The rear wall of the aquarium can not be cleaned.

How to wash the ground in the aquarium :: How to clean the soil :: Aquarium fish

Aquarium priming - This is the place of accumulation of the remnants of the unseasoned feed and the products of the life of fish. Without regular cleaning, all this will cause clouded water and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. There are two main ways to clean primingbut.

The question "opened the pet shop. Business does not go. What to do? »- 2 answers

You will need

  • - water;
  • - big buckets;
  • - sieve;
  • - hose;
  • - Siphon.


1. On the eve of the planned cleaning of the aquarium, prepare the water that you will pour after the procedure. Fill her a big bucket or a saucepan and leave for 10-12 hours. During this time, chlorine added on sewage stations will evaporate, and harmful impurities and metals will fall on the bottom.

2. In case of severe pollution primingand get ready for full cleaning of the aquarium. Call all fish and snails, remove plants and decorative elements. Drain the water from the aquarium with the hose in a bucket or sink.

3. Pour in bucket or pelvis flow water. Put in a sieve with holes 5-8 mm a small amount of contaminated priminga and lower it into the water so that the liquid covers the stones by 1-1.5 cm. Shake the sieve from the side to the side, gently mix priming hand. Then pour it into any clean container and start rinse a new portion. Do not try to achieve the perfect cleanliness of stones, because Gumus particles that are on them serve as power supplies of plants located in aquarium.

4. After the whole priming It will be cleared, wipe the aquarium from the inside with a sponge, rinse the filter. Carefully pour the stones back. Fill the aquarium by the steady water, return the plants and decorations. After the shallow suspension bends and the water will become transparent, launch snails and fish.

5. In case of weak pollution primingand use the siphon. This device is a cylinder attached to the hose. The mechanism of action is based on the principle of reporting vessels. Siphon can be both industrial production, so manufactured independently. This type of cleaning does not require capping fish and release aquarium from water.

6. Fill the siphon tube with water from under the tap, close it on both sides with your fingers. Lower one end of the tube into the aquarium, the other - in the bucket located below. When you remove your fingers, the liquid from the aquarium flows into the drain container. Do not pour water directly into the sink or bath, because Little fish, snail or plant can get into the siphon.

7. Immersion device in primingYou delete contamination from it. Use a siphon with a narrow triangular tip to clean the corners and hard-to-reach places. Experts do not advise clean the whole priming immediately, because This violates the microbiocenosis of the aquarium. They offer "Siphonon" about 40% of stones in one procedure, every time paying attention to different sites.

8. After cleaning, the ability to make the missing amount of water from a bucket with water prepared on the eve.


Do not use synthetic detergents and do not scrape the stones with boiling water. You will kill bacteria involved in the vital activity of plants and maintaining microenvas in the whole aquarium.

Any aquarist is interested in the fact that plants and fish living in the aquarium were healthy, they did not hurt anything, there was clean water in the aquarium, without impurities that could damage plants and fish. But, in the diluted world there is nothing perfect, and the very existence of fish and plants suggests that in the area of \u200b\u200btheir habitat (in this case, this aquarium) will necessarily be collected by the remains of their own livelihoods, which will be the same and to poison life. In huge water bodies - the sea, the oceans, the nature of this problem was solved, and at home as a matus-nature should be the owner of the aquarium. And in order to clean the water from organic and inorganic impurities, you need to install filters. This will be devoted to our article.

Appointment of filters in aquarium

The appointment of filters is purification of water from particles, mucus, chemical elements, feed residues, fish life products and other organisms. The filter from the pump, which pumps water through the filter, and, in fact, the filter with various filter elements. Filters perform two functions. The first is a mechanical cleaning of water from suspended particles. The second is biochemical water cleaning. For example, filters must absolutely remove ammonia from the water, or convert them into less dangerous nitrates. If the maximum level of ammonia content in water is 0.01-0.02 mg \\ l, then the maximum content of nitrates in water, even for the most delicate fish, is 300 mg \\ l.

Filters are divided into internal, they are in the aquarium, and external, which are outside the aquarium. Donna filters still allocate, but this is just a kind of internal filters.
In addition, filters on cleaning methods are divided into mechanical and biological. But, at present, these two functions are trying to combine in one device, in order to save the aquarium space.

Adsorption system

Adsorption is a process in which, substances that are in water are absorbed by porous bodies. The most famous such substance is activated carbon. It is recommended to use birch activated carbon, since the coals from another wood are distinguished by harmful substances. Activated coal is not a panica from all from all types of pollution, although it does its job well. It perfectly filters weighted organic and inorganic particles, peptides, delays ammonium and nitrite. Unfortunately, coal is quickly clogged with mud, so it is usually used in the last stage of purification. Therefore, coal granules must be checked, clean, replaced.

Chemical filtration

Natural zeolites or synthetic ion exchange resins are used as filtering materials. They bind harmful substances - ammonia or heavy metals. Clear these filters also need aquarist.

Peat filtration

Peat filtration is rather a way to reduce water rigidity using its acidification, and thereby regulation of the reproduction of some bacteria. However, there are species of fish preferring a clean and sour Wednesday. For such, the use of peat, like a balm per soul. Water that passed through peat acquires amber tint. It must be borne in mind if you use peat.

Flotation system

This type of filtering removes impurities using foam. It uses the effect of adsorption of substances on the film balloons, passing through the thickness of the water. Flotation units or flotators are passed through themselves water, saturating it with air bubbles.

The resulting foam is assembled into foamboards and is disposed of. Clean water enters the aquarium or other cleaning steps.
Two types of flotation are used - direct-flow and countercurrent. Directional type - water and bubbles move in one direction. Countercurrent type - water and bubbles move in opposite directions. This type of flotation is currently fulfilled.

Diatomic filtering system

It is used to purify water from particularly small particles. As a filter element, a diatomace land obtained by the grinding of diatom shells is used (these are microscopic algae), hence the name. The diatom filter is equipped with a pump, powerful enough to overcome the filter resistance.

Osmotic type of filtration

Osmotic filters are equipped with membranes, practically only water molecules. Everyone else is eaten. Naturally, the water flows through the membrane, it is necessary to maintain strong pressure on the reverse side. Filters are quickly polluted, so require constant attention.

Deonization principle of water filtering

The principle of operation of these filters is that the positively charged ion of hydrogen H + is connected to the negative ion on- using chemically active reagents. As a result, we obtain a water molecule. This process is going until the ion-containing resin has a sufficient number of ions. Then the resin is changed.

The filter name speaks of its location - this filter is located inside the aquarium. This significantly reduces the length and number of communications. As a rule, a similar filter consists of a pump (in hermetically execution), and a filtering element (box, tank, etc.), through which pump pumps water. The foam rubber is often used as a filter element, but not simple, but waterproof. Basically, it performs the tasks of mechanical water purification from impurities. The filter can also perform tasks and biological, and chemical filtering. In addition, it can be used for water aeration. Which of the functions is the main, is solved in a specific situation. Since the internal filters have a small capacity (up to 1200 l / h) and the volume of the filtering element (700 sq. M.), then used in aquariums of up to 200 liters.
The principle of operation of the internal filter is as follows. Water from the outlet nozzle of the filter is directed through the walls of the aquarium and creates a circular flow of water, of course, not too strong, we do not need a whirlpool. Water with dirt particles is suused in the filter and cleared and then enters the aquarium again.
About filter performance. To achieve biological equilibrium, the productivity of 1.5-2 volume of aquarium per hour is necessary. Well, of course, the efficiency of the filter depends on the volume of the filter material.

Varieties of internal filters

Internal Erlift Filter

This is one of the simplest filters. It consists of a tube and a piece of foam rubber, which is supplied with a hose from the microcompressor. Porolon performs mechanical water purification. The performance of such filters is not very big, so they are more often use in the aquariums for growing juveniles.

Internal Pump Filters

The principle of operation is the same. The water pump is pumped into the filter and passes through the filter material. Such filters need to be selected with caution, as an excessive filter can turn the aquarium into the ferruging sea. Adjusting the pressure of water from the output nozzle are available, but the adjustment range is small.

Domestic biofilters

This type of filters purifies water, both mechanically and biological. The filter is divided into several cameras, in which there are various filtering materials: foam rubber, cape wool, activated carbon, ceramic filler.
Water that passes this labyrinth, deprives all mechanical suspensions, loses the smell, color, getting rid of humins, phenols, chloramines, nitrogen compounds, and more than more other, which spoils the life of plants and fish in the aquarium.

Internal Pump Filters

The advantages of these filters are compactness and high performance. For aquarium, filters are selected capable per hour to pump at least one volume of the aquarium, or even more.

Bottom filters

Since they are located at the bottom of the aquarium, but also to attribute them to internal filters. And it is better to install it at the very beginning until you start to exploit the aquarium.

The filter design is simple, but cumbersome. Lower platinum is a perforated construction for water passage. It is installed by 2-3 cm from the bottom of the aquarium. The soil is embanked from above - the particle diameter is 2-4 mm, the thickness of the layer is 5 cm. Using the pump, the water flow is organized. It can be both direct and reverse. As a filter serves soil.

First, it performs mechanical filtration, and then when useful bacteria will settle in it, and biological.

External filters for aquarium

As you understand, these filters are located outside the aquarium. According to the filtration method, they can be the most diverse (filtering methods are discussed above). But, since these filters are located outside the aquarium, then there is no need to select the aquarium space in fish and plants, and therefore external aquariums can be quite large, although it is not a rule. In external filters, several filtering methods are often combined, although, again, they can only perform one type of filtering. What filters use you in your aquarium to solve you.
We will not describe all types of external filters in detail, but we will stop on some subtleties of some filters.

External biofilter

The basis of this filter is the substrate on which the bacteria colonia is multiplied. The effectiveness of this filter depends on the substrate area (the more, the better), the uniform irrigation of water subjected to cleaning, being in hermetic compartment to maintain constant humidity. The filter is placed at the surface level of the water, and it enters the filter in the filter, and the pump is removed. When choosing this type of filter, you must pay attention to the performance of the pump, the quality and volume of the biomaterial, the filter design.

Materials used in biofilters:
- porous sponges;
- ceramic tubes;
- substrates for breeding the colonies of bacteria;
- Granulated coal.

Division of external filters by execution

Candy filters

Consist of a pump located in the upper removable part of the filter, and the canisters where the filtering substance or material is located. They are located below the aquarium, and the water in them comes in gravity, and is removed using the pump.


They are attached on the wall of the aquarium outside, the pump pumps water into the filter, and after purification freely falls into the aquarium, forming a kind of waterfall.

Criteria when buying a filter

The perfect filter should be like this:
- silent;
- quickly and efficiently purify water;
- reliable (do not break);
- easy to install;
- Easily subjected to cleaning;
- Well, of course, do not cost as "Mercedes", i.e. Be accessible to buy an average aquarium.

Whether he will be external or inner, actually, does not play any role, it is just the choice of aesthetic type of aquarium. The main thing is the performance of the pump and the volume of the filter medium corresponding to the volume of the aquarium and the number of its inhabitants. The optimal pump performance is pumping the volume of the aquarium in one hour. Of course, it is not bad to have a margin of safety, in case you decide to establish a more voluminous aquarium. But in this case, the performance of the pump must be adjusted.
Since filters work around the clock, the filter reliability is an important parameter. If the pump fails, and you will not notice this in time, then instead of useful bacteria, it usually concerns biofilters, they will begin to multiply the pathogenic bacteria that can cause irreparable damage to your inhabitants of the aquarium.

Care of filters for cleaning in the aquarium

Like any device, filters need periodic cleaning. Usually the manufacturer indicates this frequency, but when choosing a moment for cleaning, it is necessary to take into account how intensively "worked" your filters. Perhaps this period will have to shorten. If you have a multifunctional filter, do not clean them all at once. Thus, you will open the "enemies" the gate to the aquarium. Even the foam filters are cleaned with parts so that the growth of useful bacteria responsible for the nitrification of water resumed in the portion. The ceramics are washed with parts, with an interval of three months.

Today we will talk about such a device as a filter for an internal aquarium. Many people holding fish houses think that it is enough to throw a little feed in the aquarium once a day and their duties for the care of the device and its inhabitants ends. It is far from the truth and in case of inappropriate care, you will be convinced of this in the shortest possible time when the fish start to pop up to the top of the belly. Water must constantly filtered, and fish life activity and various harmful chemicals must be deleted in a timely manner. Let's try to choose the device together together, which will make the life of your pets as much as possible and make their lives comfortable as possible.

№10 - JBL ProCristal i30

Price: 550 rubles

Available filter for tiny aquariums with a volume of 10 to 40 liters. Over time, the device drives up to 200 liters of water, which will be more than enough for small tanks.

In addition to the filter, a sponge is a sponge, an activated carbon cartridge, an air intake, a few suckers and a cable. For efficient operation, the temperature should not exceed 35 degrees.

It is clear that the unheard of reliability to wait from such a state employee is not worth it, but the durability indicators at the model are quite acceptable. Even in a modest amount, you can buy a completely useful device. Some users complain that the claimed defense in the IPX8 class has pumped up and the device suffered from moisture from entering, but if the instructions are clearly followed - there should be no problems.

JBL Procristal I30.


Price: 600 rubles

Activated coal will eliminate all unnecessary chemicals, and bicobca and balls with a large surface area provide high-quality biological cleaning. Maintenance of the device is elementary - you just need to change the cartridge once a month, which is not difficult for newcomers. Even suckers are surprisingly reliable and durable.

Tetra EasyCrystal 600.

The lack of aeration and constant costs of new cartridges can scare part of potential buyers, but having remembered how much the device costs - it is simply impossible to find the option more productive for the same money.

№8 - Hagen Fluval U1

Price: 1400 rubles

An interesting filter for a small aquarium whose volume does not exceed 55 liters. Water is served using a special system that does not scare fish. Even shrimp and delicate fish will feel excellent in the tank serviced by such a device.

There is a coal filter compartment, but it will have to get it separately. The productivity of the device reaches impressive indicators - 200 liters per hour. The apparatus in Italy is assembled, which negatively affects its cost, but positively on quality.

The lack of chemical cleaning in the absence of a coal filter is, of course, minus, but for small aquariums it is not a problem. Good device with good technical capabilities.

№7 - AQUAEL TURBO 2000

Price: 2800 rubles

A good option for aquariums with volume up to 350 liters. The greatest speed of water treatment in our top is up to 2000 liters per hour. At the same time, only 27 W electricity is required for such enviable acupuncture.

You can install any filtration blocks and sponges, the direction of water is easily changed using an ergonomic regulator. Such functionality and effectiveness could not pass unnoticed, so that the device hitting our top better.

But without flaws, it was not necessary - the motor heats up, while working is a rather tangible low-frequency hum, and due to the imperfection of the design possible interruptions in operation. Nevertheless, the power of the gadget is too seductive to give preference to more stable options.

Aquael Turbo 2000.


Price: 2400 rubles

Absolutely silent, tiny and at the same time a very productive aquarium filter. Narrow intricate holes and a thin-burning tube make the choice of this option ideal for small aquariums, which contain crustaceans.

The flow of water can be adjusted and rotated within 90 degrees. Energy consumption is minimal, which is also important.

Of the minuses - the lack of aeration, as well as not the highest-quality suction cups, rapidly lost elasticity - will have to solve this issue manually. Simple installation and excellent value for money make this filter with a contented popular model in our country.

Dennerle Nano Clean Eckfilter


Price: 3000 rubles

The uniqueness of this filter provides a spherical head, thanks to which there is an opportunity to direct the flow of water in an absolutely either side. The design consists of a series of compartments that can be flushed separately, so that the clogging of one of them will not affect the operation of the entire filter as a whole.

There is one free compartment that can be filled with any filtering substrate that will seem optimal to you. Aeration is another incomprehensible plus.

There is a standard problem with suction cups, but it is a trifle in comparison with all the advantages of the device. An excellent choice for small tanks from 30 to 60 liters.


Price: 2100 rubles

As the name follows, this filter is capable of recycling up to 500 liters of water in an hour and has a separate ultraviolet module at its disposal.

Energy consumption is simply ridiculous - only 4.4 W, even with non-stop work per month, the use of this gadget will cost you about ten rubles. The device perfectly copes with the elimination of nitrites and ammonium, mechanical and biological filtration is also at the highest level.

Aquael Unifilter 500 UV

The device supplies oxygen even on a greater depth, so it is optimally suitable for the aquariums in which crustaceans live. Network reviews are strictly positive, good universal option, especially when taking into account how much it costs it.

№3 - JBL CristalProfi I200 Greenline

Price: 6000 rubles

Internal angular filter designed for biological and mechanical cleansing. Such a device is suitable for medium aquariums with a volume that does not exceed 200 liters. The adjustable flow of water varies in the range from 300 to 720 liters per hour.

The design of the filter is modular, which means it can be expanded due to a variety of improvements. The design is attached to high-quality and reliable suction cups, nozzle can be rotated 90 degrees.

An active cleaning component is anaerobic bacteria that easily cope with organic pollution. A sponge will discern with mechanical garbage. Any of the modules can be achieved and easily clean.

JBL CristalProfi I200 Greenline

№2 - Eheim Biopower

Price: 4000 rubles

Extremely productive device with rotating pump and modular design from EHEIM. Such a device is suitable for aquariums with a volume of 160 to 240 liters, filtering speed is up to 750 liters per hour.

You can additionally install a coal filter, you will receive with it and is ideal for the vital water of your pets.

Such power is needed if your aquarium is densely populated by fish - the products of their livelihoods need to be filtered regularly and timely. The only nuance - suction cups weaken and come into disrepair, you need to be prepared to replace them.


Price: 9400 rubles

The first line of our review takes not just a filter, but a whole filtering system under the JUWEL brand. This monster can be safely installed in the aquariums volume up to five hundred liters, and for tanks less than 350 liters, the installation of such a powerful apparatus looks simply inexpedient.

8 liters filter withdraws all solid waste and chemical impurities. Extract active layers is not difficult, there is access to the compressor and heater for convenient maintenance.

Two-billing principle of purification, based at different speeds of water movement from above and below, guarantees the maximum purity of your aquarium.


Despite the impressive dimensions, the device works almost silently and fish do not notice its existence. Performance is truly impressive - up to a thousand liters per hour, so that the best device for servicing a large tank is simply not found. Honored first place our top!