Repairs Design Furniture

How to embed the fitting into a plastic canister or a metal barrel. Using barrels and canisters. How to embed a crane in a barrel - raisins of execution of operation How to install a drain hose into a metal barrel

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Everyone who has come to use barrels or large canices, know how to blame the liquid from them, especially if they are filled to the top. To simplify this task, the container can be improved, namely, to embed a drain crane into it. Below we will consider in detail how in a barrel to cut the faucet so that the container does not lose their tightness.


The drain valve is a very convenient device, since thanks to it, the container does not need to turn over or lift. In addition, the drain is accomplished neatly, without spraying the fluid, which also happens in some cases extremely important.

The tap in the barrel is a relatively simple procedure that can be done for each home master. The only one should note that this process depends largely on the material from which the container was made.

Therefore, below we look at how to cut the crane into the iron barrel and the container of plastic.

Badge plum

In a metal barrel

Place the drain should be as low as possible. However, it is not necessary to do it in the bottom, since a similar insert will significantly reduce the functionality of the design and will require a special pedestal for it.

For the inserts, the following materials will be needed:

The price of all these materials is not high, therefore the cost of this operation is minimal.

Before proceeding to the cutting of the drain, it is necessary to clean the inner surface of the tank from dirt and rust.

So, the instructions for performing this work looks like this:

  • Before you cut the crane into a metal barrel, you need to outline the location of the drain. To do this, you can use the usual circulation.
  • Then in the specified location you need to drill a hole. If necessary, the hole can be expanded with a circular file. The main thing is that it corresponds to the diameter of the CU.
  • Next, from the side of the short carving of the CONSTANCE should turn the lock nut, after which it is inserted outside in the prepared hole.
  • After that, from the inside you need to push the second countertilization.
  • On the free part of the thread should be hounded with fum-ribbon and apply abundantly.
  • After that, you need to carefully tighten the connection.. It is necessary to make it with an effort to make a wall deformation at the squeezing place.
  • Now it remains only to fasten the locking valves and check the performance of the system..

On this, the process of plum cuts is completed with their own hands.

In plastic barrel

Now consider how to cut the crane into a plastic barrel. It is best to fulfill this procedure using a thermopystole and thermoclause.

If there is no such tool, then the tap in the plastic barrel can be performed using a threaded connection. The only thing in this case should take care of the sealing of the joint.

This is done as follows:

  • As in the previous case, before embeding a crane in a plastic barrel, you need to outline and drill a hole. If the plastic is soft, the hole can be cut with scissors or a sharp knife.
  • Then it is necessary to prepare a mortise faucet for a plastic barrel. For this, the threads need to install a large metal washer and waterproofing rubber gasket.

  • Next, it is necessary to apply the sealant to the gasket and the puck, as shown in the photo.
  • After that, the input nozzle of the device should be inserted into the hole and on the other hand also put on the threads with a rubber gasket and a washer, processing the mix of the sealant.
  • At the end of work from the inside on the thread you need to screw the nut.

Often, the container has a narrow neck, as a result of which it is impossible to screw the nut from the inside. In this case, you will need a fitting with a flange on one side.

Work in this case is performed in this order:

  • First of all, you need to perform a hole in the container in the diameter of the fitting.
  • Then the fitting should be fixed on the metal wire, which will push it into the hole from the inside the canisters through the neck and then pull the wire. To do this, the limiter can be tied to the wire on one side.

In the photo - fitting with flange

  • Before inserting the fitting into the hole, the place of fitting the flange to the wall of the tank must be lubricated with the sealant, you can also use a rubber gasket.
  • Next, the wire is dyed through the neck into the hole and thus the fitting is pulled out. Holding it to the wire, on the thread from the outside, you should turn the lock nut, after setting the rubber gasket and finishing the place of the joint of the sealant.
  • At the end of work on the fitting it is necessary to turn the shut-off valves.

To make the canister more comfortable, you can cut into it the second neck, from the opposite side relative to the first one.
In this case, the drain of water will be carried out evenly.

This is completed on this process.


The tap in the container does not require large costs of finance and strength, but it makes it much more convenient to use. The only one to perform this operation should be accurate, adhering to the above recommendations in order not to spoil the product.

From the video in this article you can emphasize some additional information on the topic designated.

Everyone who has come to use barrels or enormous cannors know how to uncomfortable liquid from them, especially if they are filled to top. In order to simplify this task, the container can be improved, in particular, to cut into it a drain crane. Below we will consider in detail how to cut the crane in the barrel, so that the container, along with it, did not lose their tightness.

Non-specialized information

The drain valve is a very ergonomic device, because thanks to it, the container does not need to turn over or raise. In addition, the drain is carried out carefully, without spraying the fluid, which also happens in some cases very fundamentally important.

The cutting of the crane in the barrel is a relatively simple procedure, which can be done at each home master. The only one is to be sent to emphasize that this process is highly dependent on the material from which the capacity was made.

Based on this below, we will look at how to cut a crane into a metal barrel and plastic container.

Badge plum

In the iron barrel

Place the plums are directed as possible below. But, do not do it in the bottom, since a similar cutting will significantly reduce the functionality of the design and will require a special pedestal for it.

The following materials will be useful for the insertion:

The price of all these materials is not high, based on this cost of this operation is minimal.

Note! Before proceeding with the cutting of the drain, it is directed to clean the inner surface of the tank from dirt and rust.

So, the instructions for executing this work looks like this:

  • Before cutting a crane into an iron barrel, you need to outline the place of plum. To do this, it is possible to use a simple circulation.
  • After that, in the specified location you need to drill a hole. If necessary, the hole can be enlarged with a round file. The main thing that it corresponded to the diameter of the cooler.
  • Then, from the side of the small carving of the CONSTANCE, direct the lock nutAfter completing what it is inserted outside to the prepared hole.
  • Then from the inside it is necessary to push the second lock nut.
  • On the free part, the threads are sent to wind the fum-ribbon and abundantly apply silicone sealant for pipes.
  • Then you need to whispenly tighten the connection. It is necessary to do this with an effort app, so that the wall deformation happened at the squeezing site.
  • Now it remains only to fasten the locking reinforcement and check the system performance..

On this process of the cut-off of the drain of their own hands is completed.

In plastic barrel

Now consider how to cut the crane into a plastic barrel. Optimal to perform this procedure using a thermopystole and a thermoclaus.

In the event that there is no similar tool, the tap in the plastic barrel can also be performed using a threaded connection. The only thing in this case should take care of the sealing of the joint.

This is done as follows:

  • As in the past case, before you embed a crane into a plastic barrel, you need to outline and drill a hole. If the plastic is soft, the hole can be cut out with scissors or a sharp knife.
  • After that, you need to prepare a mortise faucet for a plastic barrel. To do this, from the thread, it is necessary to establish a huge iron washer and waterproofing rubber gasket.

  • Then it is necessary to apply the sealant to the gasket and the puck, as demonstrated in the photo.
  • Then the input nozzle of the device must be inserted into the hole and otherwise wear the rubber gasket and the washer on the thread, using the sealant's joint.
  • In the end of work from the inside on the thread, you must turn the nut.

Typically, the container has a narrow neck, as a result of reaching the nut from the inside is unrealistic. Under such conditions, a fitting that owns the flange on one side.

Work under such conditions is performed in this order:

  • First of all, it is necessary to perform a hole in the container in the diameter of the fitting.
  • After that, the fitting should be fixed on the iron wire, which will be allowed to push it into the hole from the inside the canisters through the neck and then pull out the wire. To do this, to the wire on the one hand it is possible to bind the limiter.

  • Before inserting the fitting into the hole, the place of fitting the flange to the wall of the tank must be lubricated with the sealant, but it is possible to use a rubber gasket.
  • Then the wire is squocated through the neck into the hole and so the fitting is pulled out. Holding it to the wire, on the thread from the outdoor side to turn the lock nut, after setting the rubber gasket and processing the place of the joint of the sealant.
  • In the end of work on the fitting you need to turn the locking fittings.

Tip! In order to make the canister more ergonomic, it is possible to cut into it the second neck, on the opposite side relative to the first. Under such conditions, the drain of water will be uniformly.

On this, the routing process is completed.


The tap in the container does not require the enormous costs of finance and forces, but along with this makes it much more ergonomic in use. The only thing to make this operation is guided carefully, adhering to the above recommendations, in order not to break the product.

From the video in this article it is possible to emphasize some additional data on the topic designated.

Plastic barrels are widely distributed in various fields of activity - can be used for storage and transportation of oils, fuels, chemicals and other liquids. But if the container is used in everyday life as a cumulative water tank, it is necessary to screw the crane into it so that it is convenient to spend the contents.

Crane installation technology in barrel with a large hole with the "American" coupling

1 person independently will not cope with the task if the barrel is even 200 liters, he will be needed by an assistant. We need such materials:

  • the coupling "American" is a 3/4-inch straight with an internal and external thread;
  • crane with outdoor thread;
  • nut;
  • 2 rubber gaskets;
  • 2 Suitable for the size of the washers (can be self-made of plastic).

In a plastic barrel, a hole is prepared with a drill with a drill by 18-19 mm. "American" should not be free to enter it, but to screw up with some effort.

Assembly sequence as follows:

  1. "American" is collected and crane screws into it;
  2. on the clutch from the outside thread, the plastic washer and rubber gasket are dressed;
  3. the collected design is tightly inserted into the hole on the barrel;
  4. inside the tank on the "American" put on the gasket, and then the washer;
  5. naked and reliably tighten the nut.

For more efficient sealing, the connection site inside and outside the barrels can be treated with silicone sealant.

Crane installation sequence in a barrel with a narrow neck using the fitting

For this method, the fitting will be needed with an external thread on both sides (without a flange in the middle) or a regular tube of small length with solid, too, by external thread. On one end you need to put on an elastic gasket, washer and screw it up to the middle (if the tube) or until it stops (if the fitting) nut.

A hole is drilled in the barrel. A robust rope is taken, passed through the neck and is released into the hole for the crane. A prepared fitting is put on the rope, and any limiter is tied to its edge, which will take place in a narrow neck of the tank, but stalls in the fitting (tube).

The rope with the fitting should be pulled from the side of the hole for the installation of the crane extremely carefully so that the washer with a gasket is not slept. After entering the device into the slot, the gasket is put on the tube (fitting), the washer and tightly tighten with the nut. A crane is screwed to the residue.

Do you need reliable water tank in the country? One of the options is Eurocub, it can be accumulated in it, and then use as needed. It is interesting that it is suitable in it 1000 liters of water, it is compact and easy to install, as it is made of durable polymer. It will only be necessary to install a crane for the Eurocuba with your own hands. There is nothing complicated in this, except for some nuances that we will tell about the article.

At first we will detail in detail the container itself - what is it, where it is used, which happens, and then we will take the installation of the crane suitable for the Eurocuba. Our task is to help establish water supply on the country site.

What is Eurocube

So called the polymer container made in the form of a cube.

Due to the use of durable material, the product has gained widespread:

  • on construction sites;
  • on car wash;
  • in the oil and chemical industry;
  • in everyday life.

To protect the polymer design, use the outer metal grille, and the pallet is installed below, increasing the protection of the product. Thanks to this, Eurocube can compete with other stronger and expensive tanks.

The weight of the finished design is approximately 60 kg. The container has a neck with a lid for pouring the liquid, a special valve can be used, through which the air is passed into, it depends on what it will be necessary in it.

The latter, but the important part is a drain flange or coupling ball valve with a diameter of about 30 mm. Capacity refer to the category of medium-connected containers.


Although the eurocub can be different in size, volume and materials used for its manufacture, all exist standards:

Outdoor packaging It usually hard is a steel cutting and pallet. The latter can be plastic or wooden depends on the destination.
The form In the form of a cube.
Material Used polyethylene ND high density, most often - PE 100.
Thickness The wall may have a thickness of 1.5-2 mm, the size of its purpose depends.
Color Usually - natural white, although the instruction allows staining to any.
Crane The ball is more reliable, it is possible to install a piston option, but it will serve it much less in time.

By type of Eurokuba classify on:

  1. Food - Used mainly to store water and products (for example, oil, vinegar, ethyl alcohol).
  2. Technical - Usually used for the transportation and storage of acids, alkalis and fuel.

The price of the product depends on the manufacturer, as well as - new it or used. The difference can reach 7,000 rubles. Now we will deal with the cranes for the Eurocuba and the methods of their installation on it.


  1. A variety of ball valve, which is connected to water tanks using couplings that have internal. Also, the product may have inner conical threads.

  1. Opens a crane by turning the handle counterclockwise until it stops. A complete opening occurs when the handle is installed in parallel to it, it is closed by turning the handle clockwise.
  2. Very often, such a crane can be found in heating and water supply systems.
  3. Modifications of the device:
    • eXCOVERSION - one-contact or monolithic;
    • frequently used design - two-stroke, which and housing;
    • repair acceptable - three-stroke or collapsible (you can fix the crane yourself).

In the photo - a tank with a water crane on the plot

Tip: When choosing, it is necessary to consider the diameter of the adapter from the Eurocuba so that it coincides with the inner diameter of the crane.


  1. Clean the faucet before installing from sand and dust, the installation only take it completely closed.
  2. Prepare a linen thread for the machines on the thread or a plumbing fum tape.
  3. Wash the thread or tape on the thread, following all the grooves are filled.
  4. If you use the thread, squeeze the sealant on it.
  5. Screw manually crane for adapter. If everything is done correctly, it will turn almost two turns.
  6. Take the wrench and complete the crane winding.

Characteristics of the device - plus:

  • low cost;
  • low weight and dimensions;
  • long service life;
  • versatility and reliability of the design;
  • does not require maintenance;
  • it is allowed to install in any position;
  • hermetically overlaps the flow, and this can be done very quickly.

Minus: Wanted to close long levers or expensive electric drives with automatic use of the device.

Tip: When assembling a coupling crane, it is necessary to observe accuracy so as not to cause the deformation of the parts and the exit of the product fail.


Eurocube - plastic capacity of increased strength, due to the use of metal frame and pallet. Use products in various spheres of our livelihoods.

For ease of operation, a drain crane (coupling or flange) is provided, which is most often connected through an adapter. The video in this article will provide an opportunity to find additional information on the above topic.