Repairs Design Furniture

I clogged to the toilet how to clean. Not a single vanatoux: what to do if the toilet crashed and how to clear the blockage alone? Using a rubber hose

This happens for the following reasons:

  • too rigid water, which leads to salts deposition;
  • hitting large items;
  • construction garbage;
  • accumulation of sediment;
  • washing out of food residues.

What if the toilet clogged?

Careless handling of plumbing and violation of the rules of its operation leads to serious problems. If you failed to avoid them, you should know how to eliminate the zoom that has arisen in the toilet, with the help of remedies.

First of all, it is necessary to find out its character and determine where the pipe was hammered. To do this, open the water in all cranes to make sure the normal outflow of water. If it is forced everywhere, then the problem is in the riser. In such a situation, the solution to the problem is better to entrust professionals.

Trust the professionals

Please note the water rises upstairs or badly goes away. Do not use the drain tank to check. If you click on the button, you will not be able to stop the powerful stream. Moreover, the whole flicker dirt will be on the floor. The ideal option for checking is to pour water into a bucket and gradually pour, observing the consequences.

The cleaning method largely depends on the type of cork. Allocate several varieties of the cloud:

  • organic;
  • a plug of small items;
  • large from large products.

Large products

Most often there is an organic blockage, which is going to gradually, with time, narrows the passage and distort the plum. To eliminate such a mustor will help chemicals. The second place in popularity occupies a getting into the toilet to the toilet paper, the remnants of the toilet paper, the remains of food and other trash. Chemical preparations will not help in this case. It is better to use vanatuz. If the toilet has been hammered after entering large items into it, only a sanitary cable will help to correct the situation.

Ways removal methods

There are several options, how to clean the toilet yourself, if he clogged. A specific choice depends on the scale of the problem and the limitations of its appearance. Before starting work, remove water to the level of the drain. A sponge, rubber pear or an ordinary rag can cope with this task.

If the blocking just happened, and you know exactly the reason for its occurrence, the item can be removed by hand, putting gloves on them. If they are missing, use the usual package. Could not get the subject? Wire will come to the rescue, the end of which you want to bend in the form of a hook.

Another solution to the problem is Vanutuz. Close the drain hole and pump several times. Water and air when interacting, create hydraulic blows that ways to break through the formed plug. The diameter of the vehicle must exceed the size of the drain. If you do not have this tool, try using a plastic bottle.

Clean the blockage with a plastic bottle

Cut the bottom, and turn the lid tightly. A ready-made fixture slowly insert into the plumbing hole until the air starts to push it upstairs. With a sharp movement, press the bottle until you stop and immediately remove it. The pressure created is strongly strong that in most cases there are enough two or three approaches, and the trash can disappear. If the listed methods of eliminating the toilet zero do not help with their own hands, other funds will come to the aid.

Good results give simple and affordable substances. Pour soda into the drain, pushing it deeply, and in the top of the vinegar. As a result, an alkaline reaction will begin, which corps the fatty cork and salt deposits in just fifteen minutes. At the end, pour the teapot boiling water in the toilet. If the connecting elements are made of plastic, it is better to pour warm water, otherwise they burst.

Soda and vinegar

Modern manufacturers produce a variety of tools that allow you to quickly and easily solve the problem, how to eliminate the block that has arisen in the toilet. They are produced in the form of gels, liquids and powders. As a rule, similar preparations contain acid or alkali, which dissolve the blockage, resulting from small garbage. Domestos, Mr. Muskul, Tiret, Tofix, Mole are attributed to the most popular means. The packaging provides instructions for use, thanks to which you can quickly eliminate the blockage. The aggressive formulations should be used with caution, since with the plug, they can do the corps and pipes.

Means for cleaning pipes "Mole"

This is a professional tool, at the ends of which handle and nozzle are provided. It can have a different diameter - from six to sixteen millimeters, and length - up to sixty meters. For the apartment it is quite suitable for a five-meter cable with a nozzle in the form of anger - for breaking down or spirals - to remove garbage. Clean the toilet cable is better with the assistant. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Lower the end with the nozzle into the drain and start the rotation of his handle clockwise.
  2. Promote it to the maximum depth.
  3. With sharp movements, push the plug in the riser or hook and pull out.

Before getting the cable, lay on the floor with a rag. After completing all manipulations, wipe the products with a clean cloth with a detergent. If blockages happen regularly, it is worth buying this tool for personal use.

The problems with the clogged toilet are familiar to almost everyone. Knowing how to clean the toilet bowl, you can easily correct the situation. Remember that traffic jams never appear without a reason, so do not break the rules of operation of sanitary equipment:

  1. Do not pour out the remnants of the soup in the toilet and do not throw away the garbage, etc.
  2. If you need to pour the fluid, put the mesh in the toilet.
  3. Regularly pour in drain to the prevention of blockages.
  4. When carrying out repairs, make sure that the toilet does not get a construction trash.

Under these rules, the blockage does not threaten you. But if it were not possible to avoid problems, use the above methods to eliminate them.

Pour the pipes for cleaning the pipes as preventing blocks

Sometimes the toilet is clogged by reasons independent of you, for example, when a common sewage riser is called. In this case, you will not be able to do anything - you will need help professionals.

When to cause plumbing

If the messenger, it can be eliminated with his own hands. But most often the owners of apartments turn to those skilled in the art, since they do not know anything about the device of the sewer system and do not have appropriate tools.

Experienced workers will help to remove the blockage in compliance with all security measures. In addition, they will check the condition of the pipes and, if necessary, will be replaced.

In some cases, remove the plug in the toilet is very difficult. This applies to those situations where it was in the corrugation. It will be necessary to remove, which is pretty hard and unpleasant. Previously, it is necessary to overlap water in the apartment and prepare a container to drain the unclean. Without the help of specialists, it is not recommended to carry out such work.

The emergence of a blockage in the toilet is a fairly common problem. It can be encountered in the urban apartment, and in a country house and in the country, equipped with a sewer drain system. This problem usually requires a quick solution. If you wait for a leisurely plumbing, the scale of the spill of fecal waters can lead to another repair and large budget spending. Meanwood, the solution to the problem is to eliminate the blockage in the toilet is accessible even for an ordinary person. This does not require special technological skills, and sufficiently minimal knowledge and presence in the wearing accessible tools that are sold in each business store.

What clogs our toilets

In order to master the cleaning technology of the toilet and the sewer pipes adjacent to it, first of all, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with its design.

The toilet is a sanitary device, inside which there is a wastewater receiver, passing into a curved pipe, which is connected to the sewer system. The bending of pipes in the toilet is designed to create a water shutter, which is designed to prevent the penetration of unpleasant sewer smells in the apartment.

It has in this bending, as a rule, falls and get stuck various, large-scale items in water. It may be scraps of thick paper, rags and other rags, packages and polyethylene and so on. Basically, such things fall into your toilet due to the actions of your households, but in a separate case, in apartment buildings, such items can enter your sewer system due to the activities of your upper neighbors.

Methods of cleaning toilet bowls

In general, the methods of cleaning units coincide with similar actions to eliminate blockages in other sanitary devices. Conditionally, they can be divided into two large groups:

  • Mechanical methods - consist in the destruction or removal of the base of the zero by mechanical solid devices.
  • Chemical methods are to be destructed, dissolve the objects of the blockage by aggressive chemical fluids.

Chemical way to troubleshoot a toilet

This is the easiest way to eliminate blockages. In order to make it necessary to purchase a special fluid or powder in business stores, which fall asleep or poured directly into the plums of the toilet. Powder or liquid create an aggressive solution, on an alkaline or acid basis, which dissolves all obstacles that fall on its path.

But such ways should be treated with certain caution. When using such aggressive solutions, there is always a chance of damage to both the sanitary equipment and sewer pipelines adjacent to it. So before using such substances carefully read their composition and with instructions for use and relate the knowledge with the composition of the materials that are used in your sewer system.

Cleaning toilet soda - easy way

The essential disadvantage of the use of chemically aggressive liquids is their inability to fight with some types of clogging, for example, with a fascinating of solid items.

Mechanical methods of cleaning of toilet bowls - Vanutuz

Vantuz is a very popular plumbing tool that must be present in every home. Its design is extremely simple - rubber hemisphere placed on the mounting handle.

Working with such a tool is extremely simple: placing a rubber semicade above the place of the plum and sharp presses push the water deep into the drain. The water pressure is transmitted to the location of the block, destroys it or pushes the depth of the sewer system up to the main sewage riser.

Using apparel tools for emergency cleaning

In emergency situations, in the absence of a vehicle, you can use both infirred devices. To do this, take a plastic bottle of suitable size, cut the bottom from it and lower this design into the drain hole. Also as well as Vanatuz - make sharp shocks that must destroy the zero in the sewage or in the bend of the inner tube toilet bowl.

Also, the blockage in the toilet or in the adjacent pipe can and simply lines the water bucket heated for the hot temperature. Be careful. First, such boiling water can be burned out, and secondly from excessively hot water can be cracked faience toilet bowl. Therefore, it is better to first pour a small amount of hot water into the toilet so that its surface is warmed. In general, the heating of the toilet in the bend of the pipe with a hairdryer can also help in pushing a blockage toward the main riser.

Chemical cleansing fluid can be made independently. To do this, find half the packs of ordinary household soda. Dissolve it in water and pour into the toilet. Such an alkaline solution perfectly helps to eliminate certain types of clogging.

We use a sanitary cable

An excellent device for eliminating blockages in the toilet and in sewage is a sanitary cable. It allows not only to destroy the blockage or push his source towards the main jamb, but also to extract large items (for example, rags) by misunderstanding the sewage system.

Sanitary cable for cleaning toilet - Photo

The sanitary cable is equipped with a handle of the M-shaped form on one side and an acute nozzle or spiral on the other side. Spiral nozzle can be used as a kind of hook, which is extracted by the subject, blocking the sewer.

The order of working with the plumbing cable is very simple:

Lower the cable tip in the drain hole of the toilet or into the drain hole of the sink or bathroom. For the convenience of working in the sink, you can remove the grille of the drain hole, it keeps everything on one bolt. Also, the end of the cable can be inserted directly into the sewer pipe, disconnecting the siphon from the sink, which is cleaned and washed under running water.

Holding the cable with one hand - fuel its tip as deep as possible. After that, rotating a M-shaped knob, push the cable tip closer to the spot location. The bold object can be either pushed into a trunk riser, or extract, hooking it with a spiral nozzle.

It is possible to effectively deal with stamps in the toilet and in the sewer pipes helps and a homemade tool called pumping.

It is manufactured in the following way:

  • Find the steel rod and put the thread on one end
  • Drink out of steel and from rubber two plates, in their center do the hole.
  • Score to the tip of the rod nut, then fasten the plates and fix them with another nut.
  • At the opposite end of the rod, make a handle for ease of use. It can be formed by simply wrapped the end with a tape.

The tool can be effectively eliminated by blocks. Place the plates in the drain hole of the toilet and harsh jersends, similar to the use of the vehicle, push the mass of water inside the sewer pipes.

Toilet bowls in an apartment building

If, with the elimination of a toilet zero in an apartment building, everything is quite simple, since you have access to the entire sewer system, from the toilet to septica, the elimination of blockages in apartment buildings can cause certain problems.

Due to the chaotic movement of the sewage drainage of the subject, be it a rag or plastic bag can get into your system and from the upper floors. In order to avoid such problems - at the junction of the sewer system of your apartment and a trunk riser, it is necessary to place the check valve.

Eliminate the corrugation slave

When clogging, the toilet may occur such a situation when you have to disconnect the receiving tube of the sewer system from the toilet bowl. When using this method, you can not only effectively clean the blockage, which can be formed in the bend of toilet bowl, but also to get direct access to sewage pipelines. In this case, the plumbing cable can be directed directly into the pipe, which will facilitate troubleshooting. However, it is necessary to carry out such work with caution and with the prevention of neighbors to ensure the lack of receipt of a new portion of wastewater.

We carry out preventive work

In order to avoid emergency trouble - during the operation of the toilet bowls, certain rules should be followed. Remember that the toilet is not intended to reset there of large-sized and irritable items in water. Even a small rag that fell into the toilet toilet can become anchor for smaller items and form a solid blockage.

We treat with attention to the fluids poured into the toilet. Some of them can, upon contact with cold sewer shocks, form insoluble compounds and block pipelines.

To prevent clogging, regular cleaning of cleaning of toilet with special cleaning agents should be carried out.

In order to get acquainted with the process of cleaning the blocking in the toilet in more detail - check out the video tutorial.

How to fix a blockage in the toilet: video tutorial

A toilet, as it is neither paradoxical, is the most indispensable place in any apartment, so the toilet zoom can disrupt the peace of households. The article contains the 9 most common methods in the fight against clouds: from budget to expensive, from the lungs to the cardinal.

Screw tools

First of all, you can try folk ways to remove blockages that will not only help solve the problem, but also save the family budget.

Test boiling water

The simple and free method of combating blockages when the enameled or iron bucket of water is boiled and is sharply poured into the toilet.

However, the way to pay in itself and danger:

  1. Boiling water can scream households. For breakdown, the cork requires sharply and vertically to turn the bucket, which will lead to the formation of a set of splashes.
  2. Hot water can spoil the toilet itself. The temperature difference at best will lead to the appearance of small cracks on the surface, and at worst - the faience product can burst.

In addition, according to reviews, still risking to check the method, boiling water helps only from light dumpors with food waste or wood feline filler.

Soda with vinegar

Another budget method of cleaning toilet bowl is a mixture of food soda and vinegar:

  1. Stamps Soda falling asleep into the wash hole.
  2. Same way 2 glasses of ordinary vinegar poured.
  3. From above The hole is laid by a large dense cloth, for example, an old terry towel.

As a result of the chemical reaction of soda and vinegar, messengers break through the toilets and bathrooms. The side effect of the method is the ability to spoil the sewer pipes, if you move to soda. It is recommended not to try to increase dosage.

Lemon Acid and Washing Powder

Lovers of soft multilayer toilet paper are often faced with stamps precisely because of it.

An effective way to get rid of the attack, which at the same time cleanse the faienced friend from yellow divorces or rust:

  1. In warm water 1 cup of any washing powder dissolves.
  2. In solution 2 lemon acid packets are poured.
  3. Mixture Fills in the toilet for 4-5 hours or for a whole night.
  4. In the morning in the toilet Several buckets of warm water poured to wash out the softening storage residues and cleaning solution.


One of the most popular and effective means from a stone fly, the old rust and other toilet pollution, which, among other things, can cope with a slight block.

Application recipe is simple:

  1. First, the toilet is released from water. For example, a hand is wrapped with a rag, and then water is pushed with piston movements.
  2. In a drain hole Bottle of "White" poured. It is advisable to leave the remedy for the whole night.

In the morning, pollution from the faience will take accurately, the lungs of paper or wool pets can disappear.

We use chemistry

In the event of the ineffectiveness of the submitted people, the next step can be used industrial production.

On store shelves, there is a large range of household chemicals to clean the toilet and pipes, although they are all composed of alkali or acid:

  1. Domestic brands. Cheap "Mole." "Vomor".
  2. Foreign brands. High price range, such as Tired, Domestos.

According to the instructions on the package, the necessary dosage of the means is poured into the toilet. After a few hours there will be only to wash off the remains of the cloud. The first time, household chemicals may not cope with the problem.

If the water has become a little bit away, the means should be reused. If there is no effect at all, it means that more serious methods must be trying.

The main thing is to follow safety rules:

  1. Do not mix chemical Different types or manufacturers. Largely lucky if the mixture has changed its properties does not work, it will be worse if it spoils the plumbing or even the health of households.
  2. Do not try to create a chemical mix yourself Or buy it from hand, use only industrial samples. The result of chemical reactions can lead to anything, which is not known about the unknown composition, proposed for a penny on street breakdowns.
  3. When applying aggressiveUse protective glasses and rubber gloves.

Important: After cleaning the toilet "Chemistry", rinse it several times with water before first use.

Mechanical methods

Sand, construction trash or glass will not take a single chemical agent, so in such cases experts advise immediately apply "heavy artillery": Vanutuz, plastic bottle or cable.


Dark rubber suction cup with a handle familiar to many of the Soviet life. Such a tool can be tried to push the blocking further into the sewer. In general system, the diameter of the pipe is greater, so the garbage freely floats on.

Plastic bottle

In some cases, the usual 1.5 liter plastic bottle with a plug may be much more efficient to cope with the blockage than caustic chemicals or folk methods.

Let us describe the algorithm of action in detail:

  1. At bottle Dunyshko is cut off, while the cork is not twisted.
  2. Wear Long rubber gloves and lower your hand with a bottle into a hole of the toilet bowl, deep into the cutting edge.
  3. Further Several times strong sharp movements drive the bottle further.

The method with a bottle is similar to the effect on the actions with the vehicle, but the power of the hydroudar is many times more. Due to the increased pressure, the blockage can fly further into the riser and float into wide sewer.


The cable is considered a professional plumbing tool. It is beneficial to buy such a tool than to pay several times more for the challenge of a specialist with him.

Standard steel cable reaches a length of 7-10 meters, has a handle and a pointed tip.

In order to destroy them the stagnant garbage, it is necessary:

  1. Holding the handle, the tip of the instrument is immersed to a maximum in the plums of the toilet.
  2. Further Rotational movements need to promote the cable before breaking and trying to push it with neat push.

Important: All movements must be carried out slowly and slowly, as sharp and strong cable blows can damage the old sewer pipes.

Cardinal measures

In the event that the methods could not be removed in any way, it remains only to disassemble the toilet.

  1. In Soviet times The toilet was fixed by cement, so a specialized tool is needed to dismantle.
  2. Trumpetgoing to the toilet may also be embedded in the wall.
  3. With independent analysis You can additionally clog the sewer pipe with construction trash.

If it's still decided to remove the toilet with your own hands, then it is important to adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Lock Water supply to the tank.
  2. Dismantling barrel and unscrewing nuts fixing the base of the product.
  3. Further You must slightly move the toilet, opening stock.
  4. With the help of a plumbing cable, It is necessary to carefully clean the knee and part of the sewage pipe.

Remove the toilet is a rather unpleasant lesson on which you can spend a lot of strength, nerves, time and money.

Competitions of professional plumbers will help prevent the appearance of a blockage:

  1. Do not recycle In the toilet dietary waste, no matter how small they are.
  2. Do not wash off the toilet paper And all the more other hygienic agents. There were cases when even a children's diaper was pulled out of the riser.
  3. Monthly In preventive purposes, clean the toilet with soda or a purchase agent.


  1. If a block appeared, first of all, try to remember what could have been the cause:
    • Food recipes with soda or citric acid will cope with food waste.
    • Multilayer paper or content of the vacuum cleaner container will dissolve special chemicals.
    • Dense solid waste, such as clay, sand, can overcome only the cable.
  2. For such situationsThe house is better to have a mandatory set of soda, ventuza, cable, as well as several pairs of long rubber gloves.

The toilet in the house is one of the main premises. If guests can not look into the room, the toilet will be posted.

What opinion will be about the hostess at the sight of pollution, rust and limestone plaque in the toilet? Restroom must be constantly maintained clean. If the closet has been hammered, clean the blockage in the toilet will not be much difficult.

So, the toilet clogged. How to clean yourself at home?

Important! It is necessary to determine correctly where the block is localized. You need to open all the cranes, if in the kitchen and in the bathroom draining a slowdown, then the problem is in the common pipe, then it is better to turn to a specialist.

If water in other rooms flows freely in stock, it scored a toilet. In this case, you can cope with the problem with your own hands.

To eliminate the blockage in the toilet can be remedies:

  • Vantuz. Its diameter should be greater than the diameter of the drain hole. The tip of the device needs to close the hole and make several strong hydraulic shocks.
  • Plastic bottle. If there is no vanza at hand or its diameter is not suitable for making manipulations, clean the blockage in the toilet can be used with a plastic bottle.

    At the bottle, you need to cut down the bottom, and spin the lid. The device should be introduced into the toilet hole until it stops, then remove the sharp movement. Repeat action will have several times.

  • Santechnic cable. To combat deep blockage, use a special steel cable with a nozzle in the form of a spiral or girks. The end of the cable must be lowered into the hole until it stops, then rotating the cable, push it, it must break through the cork.

What to do if the mechanical ways could not be removed? Then, to solve the problem, use a tool from the toilet zero.

  • Household chemicals. Economic stores present a wide range of household chemicals. What means it is better to use? According to consumer reviews, Tiret, Domaset, Mr. Muskul are named better means.

    To quickly remove the blockage, you can use the "mole", its price is lower than import funds. Mole is a solution of inorganic salts, effectively removing raids and other contaminants.

    In the drain hole, you need to pour 200 ml of "CROT" and leave for a couple of hours, and then rinse with water.

Important! When using any means, it is necessary to use rubber gloves.

Folk remedies

If there were no household chemicals in the house, folk remedies will come to the rescue.

Means Mode of application
Vinegar and soda To clean the toilet with soda and vinegar, you need to fall asleep to the blocking of the furnace of the soda and pour the glass of vinegar. The mixture will quickly eliminate body cork and deposit, after 15 minutes you need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.

Do not pour boiling water if the connecting corrugation is made of plastic.

Vinegar For cleanings it will take a solution of vinegar (9%).

It needs to be heated a little and pour the dried toilet to a few hours, then clean the inner surface of the brush or the rough side of the sponge.

If the acetic solution did not cope with its task, you can try 70% acetic essence.

It should also be pouring for a couple of hours, and then rinse the toilet to detergent.

Soda In the dried toilet, fall asleep the pack of food soda and leave for the night or at least 8 hours.

Soda not only copes with a flaw, but also blends perfectly.

Lemon acid Lemon acid will help get rid of the blade and plaque.

Three tablespoons of acids need to fall asleep into closet and leave at least three hours, then clean it with a rash.

The advantage of citric acid is that it not only is cleaned, but also refreshes the toilet for a long time, unlike many chemicals with a sharp unpleasant odor.

Bura The bora is effectively fighting with layers and rust.

A glass of borants must be poured into the toilet and leave for the night, in the morning it is good to clean it with a brush.

Hydrochloric acid Salonic acid is not suitable for plastic sewer pipes.

In other cases, some fluid should be pouring into closet and leave for an hour, then you can wash off.

White Toilet to dry, pour one white bottle and leave overnight. In the morning, thoroughly clean the rash.
Tablets Vitamin C. To clean the drain hole throw in the toilet and dissolve a pair of vitamin C pills, after 10-12 hours, rinse.
Coca Cola If cleaning plumbing is often carried out, Coca-Cola will help.

A two-liter bottle of lemonade should be poured into closet and leave for the night, in the morning it will only be left to brush it with a rash.

In addition to Coca-Cola, you can use sprite or phantom.

Electrolyte The electrolyte is an acidic substance that is used for batteries.

It must be applied to the inner surface of the closet and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Oxalic acid Sorrelic acid, cleansing products before applying enamel, can effectively remove the blade stone.

A little means should be applied to the surface of the toilet bowl from the inside and pour into the water. After half an hour, wash and clean the closet.

Mustard powder In equal proportions, we mix powder, corn starch and citric acid.

With this pasta, we rub the inner surface of the toilet and withstand 30 minutes, after which it is cleaned with a brush and wash off.

Caustic soda Caustic soda corrosive organic matter. It can be cleaned from the inside, but it is necessary to do it in gloves.
Single-christ iodine A single-chip of iodine, which is sold in veterinary pharmacies, can be used to eliminate rust, raids and layers.

Liquid must be pouring into the toilet and leave for an hour, then rinse with it with a rash.

This caustic substance should not be used with plastic sewer pipes.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia alcohol Substances need to be mixed in proportions 1:10 and apply to the inner closet surface, leave for several hours, and then washed away.

Prevention blocks

  1. The cleaning of the toilet should be carried out regularly to prevent the formation of deposits.
  2. Follow the work of the drain tank if problems were formed, they need to be immediately eliminated.
  3. Water should be descended after each visit toilet.
  4. Do not throw in closet a large garbage and toilet paper.

Useful video

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The clogged toilet is a problem that once arises in each apartment. The solutions it requires immediate, so it is advisable to know in advance what and how to do, and also have the necessary funds at hand. This article describes in detail what to do if the toilet was hampered: how to clear it yourself, which may cause clogging, as well as what measures to take this to not happen.

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How to mount the sewer from the toilet to avoid blockages

The sewage system is designed to divert wastewater from buildings and structures. To properly work in an apartment or house when installing, you must follow the following rules:

  • Mount the sewer tube under the slope of at least 2 cm per 1 m.

Thus, the probability of blocking formation decreases. An unnecessarily slope should also be avoided, otherwise the water will move too quickly, and the waste will remain on the walls.

  • Places of turns are desirable to make not one tap 90 °, but two to 45 °.

So the turn will be more smooth, and additional resistance will be created in the system. In addition, such a removal will be easier to clean in case of blockage.

  • Connecting a toilet toilet tube to the toilet roller should be made separately from the other equipment (bath, and so on).

If you do not fulfill this condition, in the case of clogging sewage, wastewater is cleaned with the rest of the plumbing.

  • Installation is required to prevent unpleasant odors.

It is important to establish a siphon correctly. It should not be chosen or unnecessarily bent.

  • Correct the pipe diameter.

The optimal value for - 110 mm. If you choose a diameter, similar to remove from or bath (75 mm), clogged the pipe will be faster.

  • Maximize the use of smooth pipes when installing the system.

Corrugation, of course, more convenient, but creates additional resistance, and on its walls will quickly accumulate waste.

  • If possible, it is desirable to use plastic pipes (instead of cast-iron), they are easier to assemble and dismantle in case of system malfunctions.

Causes of clogging of sewage

Voro in sewage does not arise in itself. Most often, this is due to improper operation of a toilet bowl, as a result of which deposits accumulate on the walls of the pipeline, which reduce the diameter of the passage. Below lists the main reasons for clogging the pipe:

  1. Incorrectly mounted pipes.
  2. Wear sewage system.

This problem usually occurs in old houses, which over time give shrinkage, which affects the bias and quality of the pipeline. In addition, the sealing material in the joints of the joints is collapsed over time, which entails the appearance of leaks, or on the contrary, the formation of blockages (if the spool sealant and got inside the pipe). Causes of seal destruction:

  1. Deposition of salt on the walls due to poor-quality (tough) water.
  2. Incorrect operation.

At the third point it is worth stopping in more detail, since, unlike the first two two, it can be controlled without extra effort. The main thing is to exclude any items in the toilet (clothes, rags, any small items), as it is possible to eliminate the emerging blockage in this case yourself, it may not work.


Further, you should exclude the destruction of large foods (the residues of the compote, soup, croup, and so on) of waste by emissions to the toilet. Perhaps most of them will wash off, but many can get stuck in the pipe due to too small water pressure in the system.

Many believe that any paper easily dissolves in water, but it is not. It should be timed only to the toilet paper. The rest although decomposed in the water, but very slowly, so the sewage will break with great probability.

What to do if there was a blockage?

What to do if the toilet clogged? What ways to solve the problem can be used at home?

First you need to understand which part of the system there is a blockage. There may be several options:

In the case when the blockage was formed outside the apartment or at home, it is necessary to call a special service. If the sewer trumpet in the apartment (the most common option) clogged, it is usually possible to fix the problem alone.

What to clean the blockage in the toilet?

Let's look at what to do if the water in the toilet does not leave. There are three main ways (from the simplest and least expensive, to the most complex):

Sometimes it is enough to just clean the system with vanatuz, sometimes a comprehensive approach is required. Therefore, consider each method separately.

Important! Before cleaning the pipes in any way, be sure to disconnect the water supply to the toilet! Otherwise, if the attempt is unsuccessful, you can flood your neighbors.

How to clear the blockage with a canteau toilet or other devices

The easiest blockage is to enter the toilet of an extraneous subject. If you guess that it could happen, neatly cross the water from the toilet (as far as possible) and, putting rubber gloves, try to get an object from the siphon.

If these actions did not help, it is necessary to use vanatuz. The principle of its work lies in a powerful hydraulic impact that literally pushes garbage into a common sewer riser. In this case, the diameter of the device must be a slightly more drain hole for efficient cleaning of the system.

Before using the vehicle, you must close all other drain holes (and in the bathroom, and in the kitchen). And for a better result, it is necessary to carry out this procedure and with other plumbing devices, alternately closing the rest of the holes (the toilet is covered with a lid, which is pressed by a heavy item). Thus, the flow of garbage is excluded in the rest of the pipes within the apartment.

If Vantouz did not help, or it simply did not turn out to be in your home, you should use the following way.

If the toilet clogged: how to clean yourself, using chemicals

Tools for cleaning the toilet to the blocks are literally dissolved, which accumulated garbage there. Their composition contains various aggressive components (salt, alkali and others), which perfectly copble with food waste and paper. The main thing is to carefully examine the instructions of the purchased tool.

Remember! It is not necessary to use chemistry too often in the fight against clouds, as it damages the enamel of the toilet, which leads to the deterioration of its appearance.

If you do not want to spend money, you can use some folk recipes:

Soap must be grate and dissolved in water, then the resulting solution to fill in the toilet and wait at least an hour before washed.

This method is good only in the fight against small blocks, concentrated in minor remoteness from the toilet. What to do if after using chemicals zoor in the toilet failed?

If the toilet clogged: how to clean at home using a professional cable

Professional cable - the most effective adaptation in the fight against the clouds. It is a metal cable (with a diameter of from 6 to 16 mm, for home use is 6-8 mm) with a handle on one side and a pointed end to another.

How to independently clean the clogged toilet with a professional cable - the procedure:

  1. Holding the handle, put the opposite end in the toilet as much as possible.
  2. Rotate the device, gradually promoting it deeper.
  3. If an obstacle occurs, it becomes more difficult to twist, it is not necessary to continue the action more active.
  4. When the device leaves almost completely, you need to get it.
  5. If necessary, repeat the action several times.
  6. Clean the pipes from another plumbing equipment located in the apartment.

Video review: how to fix the blockage in the toilet

Important! After use, be sure to deteriorate the device by applying disinfectants.

Prevention of sewage system

In order for the toilet to be clogged, it is necessary to periodically carry out the prevention of the sewage system, which is easy to do at home without resorting to the help of specialists. It is important to prevent foreign objects in the sewage system. To do this, make a conversation with children and other family members about the dangers of such actions for a comfortable stay. Also follow the actions of workers during the repair so that they do not merge the remains of the cement mortar, sand, and other building mixtures.

And most importantly - apply measures even if it seems to be a small blockage. Otherwise, it will also start to eliminate plumbing.


Vomor is better prevented than eliminating. Therefore, take care of the correct installation of the sewage system, as well as about the high-quality pipe connection to the toilet. If nevertheless, any garbage accumulated, after reading this article of this article than to break through the blockage in the toilet, should not remain. The described methods are available to any person if they did not help, it is worth contacting professionals. After all, it is possible a problem space system located outside of your apartment.