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Characteristics of heating devices. Design of heating devices. Selection and placement of heating devices. Types and types of heating devices Electrical heating

The composition of the heating system includes several key components: boilers, radiators, pipes, control and safety devices. In the aggregate, they must compile an effective heat transfer system from the heated coolant air indoor. This function is performed by heating devices of heating systems: gas, electric. What is their peculiarity and how to choose the best model for specific heat supply?

Appointment of heating devices

In the overwhelming majority of cases, air heating in the rooms at home occurs due to heat transfer from the surface of heating elements - radiators, batteries. They may differ constructively, have a different design and method of raising the temperature on the surface. Thus, steel heating devices Kermi are designed to complete the water system.

However, despite all the variety of types, several key features of these elements of heat supply can be distinguished. All types of heating devices of the heating system can be classified according to the following features:

  • Used coolant - hot water, electric or gas heating element;
  • Material of manufacture: steel, cast iron, aluminum or bimetallic design;
  • Performance: Rated power, sizes, installation method and the ability to adjust the heating intensity.

The choice of a certain type directly depends on the specific heat supply scheme. Bimetallic heating devices are installed for the water system. In rare cases - when used as a hot steam coolant. The wrong choice may noticeably reduce the efficiency of the heating. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the features of the design and the technical qualities that the instruments for the heating of the premises are possessed.

Regardless of the type of radiator or any other heating heating device, it must be harmoniously combined with the common interior of the room. It is important to pay attention to the design design.

Types of water heating devices

The highest range has heating devices of water heating systems. This is explained by the high efficiency of such heat supply schemes, as well as optimal maintenance costs.

All heating devices for the house of this type have a similar design. Inside there are channels for which the coolant flows. Heat from it is transferred to the surface of the radiator (battery) and then with the help of natural convection air indoor.

The main difference, which is characterized by convectable heating devices, is the material of manufacture. It is in many respects that defines the design of the heating element. Currently there are 4 types of radiators:

  • Cast-iron;
  • Aluminum and bimetallic;
  • Steel.

Each of them has a number of functional and operational features. They are selected depending on the calculated indicators - each type of heating device of water heating systems must correspond to the characteristics of heat supply.

An important factor is the type of coolant used. For many bimetallic heating devices, antifreeze is prohibited.

Cast iron batteries

This is one of the first heating components that were used in heating systems. The choice of manufacturing material is due to the relative cheap, and most importantly - the large heat capacity of the cast iron.

This type of heating device for the heating system is currently not particularly popular. The reason for this is the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient. However, designer cast iron radiators are often used to create a classic interior in the room.

It should also be borne in mind that to consider them as convectable heating devices is inappropriate. The design does not provide additional plates that contribute to the best circulation of air masses. In addition, it is important to know such features of the operation of cast-iron radiators:

  • Large coolant. On average, this indicator is 1.4 liters. This contributes to the rapid cooler of hot water, but efficiently for a small heating system;
  • Cast iron for heating rooms is hard to repair and disassemble at home;
  • Big heating inertness. An increase in temperature on the surface occurs much slower than that of electrical heating devices.

Despite this in many houses of the old type, this type of radiators is still installed. The replacement is performed only by the tenants at their own expense.

Cast iron radiators need to be cleaned from the accumulated dirt and lime departure at least 1 time in 3 years.

Steel and bimetallic heating devices

Modern steel and bimetallic heating devices came to the change of pig-iron structures. Their main differences from the above-handed models is a relatively small channel for the coolant.

However, this does not affect the decrease in heat transfer. Thanks to used modern materials with a high heat transfer coefficient, the inertia of the entire system is significantly reduced when installing the heating devices Kermi. In addition, the factor should take into account other features of the operation of steel and bimetallic radiators for water heat supply:

  • The presence of convection panels to improve air circulation over the surface of the radiator;
  • The ability to install adjustment and heat metering devices;
  • Available cost and easy installation that can be made independently.

However, with these positive qualities, it is necessary to know the specifics of the operation of a specific model of a steel or bimetallic radiator. First of all, these are the requirements for the composition of the coolant.

When choosing a battery should be clarified - it is collapsible or not. This will help independently adjust the number of sections in a specific heating device.

Electrical heating devices

If the installation of full-fledged water heat supply is inappropriate or impossible - mounted electric heating devices for heating. They differ from the traditional autonomy of work and compactness. In addition, there are several types of electrical appliances who have a different principle of heat generation. The main disadvantage of electric heating is high energy costs. To minimize this, modern metering devices are needed - multitarithic electricity meters. In the evening and at night there are preferential tariffs for electricity consumption.

Wiring in the house must be adapted to maximum loads from electric heating devices for heating.

Heating convectors

If there is no autonomous (centralized) heating in the house or apartment, electrical heating devices are most often installed. Externally, they are similar to standard radiators, but have significant differences in the design.

Almost all electrical heating devices are used as a heating element of the Tane. Inside there is an element with a high electrical resistance. When the current passes through it, the electrical energy is converted into thermal. For greater efficiency, the Tanes are combined with heat exchange plates of steel or aluminum alloy.

There are several types of electrical heating devices for home:

  • Convection. The design is designed for relatively fast air heating in the room due to the movement of streams through special slots, located at the top and bottom of the design;
  • Oil. To increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe hot surface, the radiator is filled with a high energy intensity fluid. The temperature increases is much slower than those described above. However, even after turning off the electric heating heating device, its surface remains hot.

Almost all models have modern management systems. An mandatory element is an electronic thermostat that has a temperature sensor for automatic adjustment of the convector heating. Also, the safety of operation was not ignored. When tipping the device, the circuit breaker is activated. There are special models of heating radiators designed to work in wet rooms - bathrooms, kitchens. They have a moisture-proof housing.

However, for the heat supply of the Big House, electrical convectable heating radiators are not impractical due to the extensive costs of electricity. In this case, it is best to mount a more economical heating of PLEN or IR heaters.

If the total power of electrical convectors will exceed 9 kW - the connection of a three-phase power grid with a voltage of 380 V.

Infrared heating at home

To improve the efficiency of maintaining a comfortable temperature in the room, electrical heating devices are installed, radiating heat waves in the IR range. Their principle of operation is not in the heating of the air, but the surface of the objects falling into the action zone.

The undoubted advantage of such a technique is to reduce power supply costs. This is explained by the fact that the consumption of IR heaters is 20-30% less than that of similar models with Tanni.

Currently, there are 2 types of heating devices of the heating system operating in the IR range:

  • Film heaters. A resistor conductors are applied on the surface of the polymer film, which radiate infrared waves when the electric current is passed. May be mounted both as a warm floor and on the ceiling of the room - PLEN;
  • Carbonic heaters. A carboxyral spiral is placed in a special hermetic glass flask. When the device is turned on, it generates IR waves that heated objects. For efficiency, such devices are equipped with a reflector of stainless metal or aluminum.

It is noteworthy that the last type of room for heating rooms can be installed anywhere in the room. Often they are used to maintain normal temperatures outside the house in a certain zone.

However, for the data of IR, private house heating devices have a number of restrictions on use. First of all, it is impossible to close the surface of the film. This can lead to overheating and failure.

Gas heating air in the room

Analyzing the efficiency of the work of the above devices remains relevant to the issue of reducing heat supply costs. Therefore, as their alternatives, it is recommended to consider gas heating gas devices. These include not only traditional boilers, but also other, no less productive designs.

The simplest types of this type of heaters are the gas convector. It can be connected both to the main gas and to the cylinder with liquefied. The burner is located in the housing, which does not contact the air in the room. The oxygen supply to maintain the combustion process occurs through a two-channel pipe. Curly gas is removed through it.

If a mobile radiator model is needed - the Catholic gas heating gases are of particular interest. They have a slightly different principle of work. Gas comes from the matrix of small nozzles on the ceramic surface where it flammifies. As a result, a catalytic reaction occurs, which is the main source of heat.

What should be considered when choosing a gas heater?

  • Be sure to comply with security rules. Before connecting the device to the gas highway, you must read the instruction manual;
  • Organization of carbon monoxide gases. The most common consequence of the faulty operation of the heater is the excess of the CO2 level in the room;
  • Periodic cleaning of nozzles from accumulated soot.

It must be remembered that all heating devices must be adapted to specific operating conditions. First of all, this refers to the safety regulations and compliance with the work mode.

In the video material you can see an example of manufacturing an IR heater with your own hands:

Types of heating devices are determined by their design due to the method of heat transfer (convective or radiation heat exchange) from the outer surface of the instruments into the room. There are six main types of heating devices, radiators, panels, convectors, ribbed pipes, smooth-tube devices and calorificates.

By the nature of the outer surface, heating devices can be smooth (radiators, panels, smooth-paper devices - annex 9, a) and a ribbed surface (convectors, ribbed pipes, calorifers - annex 9, b).

According to the material from which heating devices are manufactured, metal, combined and non-metallic devices are distinguished.

Metal devices are performed by cast iron (made of gray cast iron) and steel (made of sheet steel and steel pipes).

In combination devices, a concrete or ceramic array is used, in which steel or pig-iron heating elements (heating panels) are embedded, or finned steel pipes placed in non-metallic (asbestos-cement) casing (convectors).

Non-metallic devices are concrete panels with close-up glass or plastic pipes or with voids without pipes, as well as porcelain and ceramic radiators.

Height all heating devices can be divided into high (more than 600 mm high), medium (400-600 mm) and low (<400 мм). Низкие приборы высотой менее 200 мм называются плинтусными.

Basically, the choice of the type of heating device depends on the financial capabilities, from the necessary technical qualities of the heating device, from the quality of the goods. A significant role in choosing the heating equipment is its type, installation method and conditions in which it will need to function, as well as its appearance (Appendix 9, B).

Cast iron sectional radiators are widely used heating devices - cast from gray cast iron in the form of individual sections and can be combined into devices of various areas by connecting sections on nipples with gaskets from heat-resistant rubber. The main advantages of cast-iron sectional radiators are well given warmly and withstand relatively high pressure. The large diameter of the passing hole and the small hydraulic resistance of most cast-iron radiators make it possible to successfully use them in systems with natural circulation. Cons of cast-iron radiators are the complexity of installation, not the most attractive appearance and high thermal inertia.

The radiator puts into the room by radiation about 25% of the total heat transmitted from the coolant, and is referred to as the radiator only by tradition. The panel is a convective-radiation-type device with a relatively shaft depth, not having lumen on the front. The panel transmits a somewhat large radiation than the radiator, part of the heat flux, but only the ceiling panel can be attributed to the radiation-type devices (which gives a radiation of more than 50% of the total amount of heat). The heating panel may have a smooth, slightly finger or wavy surface, column or coil canals for the coolant.

Aluminum sectional radiators have a very good heat transfer, low weight and attractive design. The disadvantages include what they are subject to corrosion, which is enhanced in the presence of aluminum electroplating pairs in the heating system with other metals.

Bimetallic sectional radiators (having an aluminum housing and a steel pipe along which the coolant moves), combines the pluses of aluminum radiators - high heat transfer, low mass, a good appearance and, in addition, under certain conditions, have a higher corrosive resistance and are usually calculated on Larger pressure in the heating system. Their main minus is a high price. Due to these radiators are able to withstand large pressure, they can be used in urban apartments.

The columns radiators are two separately manufactured manifold (upper and lower) interconnected by vertical "speakers".

Convectors are a housing with a design of metal tubes on which there is fins in the form of pressed or welded plates. Column and panel instruments, as well as convectors are produced in a video veneer row, which allows you to choose a model with optimal (for a particular room) with power characteristics.

Steel panel radiators are most commonly used in individual heating. Steel panel radiators have a small thermal inertia, which means that they are easier to automatically adjust the temperature in the room. Such widespread, they obtained thanks to a relatively low cost and a set of options in height, length, depth and thermal power. In accordance with Russian SNiP, the pressure when testing heating devices must exceed the working 1.5 times, which occurs before the start of each heating season during the crimping of heating systems.

Modern heating devices intended for installation in bathrooms and hallways are the most numerous in the number of models offered, sizes, colors and their combinations.

For premises with special requirements for air purity, such as hospital chambers, radiators are offered with the possibility of their easy cleaning from dust, which are parallel panels with a fruitable space between them. There are also devices, fasteners and connection to the heating system of which allow you to leak from the wall a acting radiator for cleaning from the dust of its rear wall.

The market flooded various heating devices for home. Each device has its pros and cons. To help you decide on the choice, we made a detailed analysis of each heating device, divided them into categories and imagine all of your attention.

Water radiators by material are four types:

  • Cast iron
  • Steel
  • Aluminum
  • Bimetallic
And in appearance differ on
  • Radiators with design
  • Radiators made under the order
Well, letting these criteria in general, we can distinguish them on the radiators:
  • Economical (cast-iron)
  • Middle value (bimetallic and aluminum)
  • High cost and reliability (tubular steel radiators, copper-aluminum)

Cast iron radiators

Cast iron is considered an outdated way of heating at home, but still used by people. Let's deal with why. Most often, this type of heating is chosen precisely because of their price and large heat transfer. The main disadvantage of such a heating device is the weight and presence of a large amount of water, which is why it is impossible to quickly change the temperature in the room. Long service life of these radiators and uniform heating rooms will make you think about the purchase of this type of heating.

Bimetallic radiators

This variant of heating devices is almost the most popular. Such radiators are made from alloy steel (or copper) and aluminum. Specifically about copper aluminum let's talk later. These radiators are considered higher in heat transfer than aluminum. Also have low weight and beautiful design. Steel or copper is used in parts that come into contact with the liquid. These parts heat the steel small core, which, in turn, heats the aluminum panels. Aluminum in the measure of large heat transfer well gives warmth to the environment. Bimetallic heating devices maintain a pressure of 20-40 atmospheres, which is three times more cast iron. May serve about 20 to 30 years. The only and pretty serious minus is their high price.

Aluminum radiators

Today it is the most popular heating device in Russia. They fell in love with many of their technical characteristics and appearance, as well as a modest price. Such radiators can be cast and extrusive. Alloy radiators are more reliable and durable. The mid-scene distance in these radiators is the same as the cast iron and bimetallic (350-500 mm). The maximum pressure is lower than that of bimetallic, from 6 to 16 atmospheres. Such heating devices have high heat transfer, as aluminum is quickly heated and begins to give heat. They have a low price that makes them the most popular among Russian residents. Radiators are strong enough. But it should be borne in mind that aluminum is very soft material and quickly covered with defects. Aluminum radiators can be adjusted temperature, and the temperature will change quite quickly, thanks to the aluminum property. But at the same time, aluminum radiators have low corrosion resistance and importing ability (the air is accumulated in the heating system to burst). Thanks to their appearance, they can become an excellent choice for the heating of your room.

Water convectors

To begin with, we will understand what convection is. This is the transfer of thermal energy by air. Reviews say that by installing such a heating device can be saved a large amount of energy. Such a radiator made of copper pipe and aluminum ribs. There is also a valve located on the instrument, they regulate the temperature of the air flow and the valve removing air. Such radiators can be outdoor, embedded, wall mounted. If you have large windows in the room, then safely install the types of water convectors built into the floor. But remember that such a convector is quite a high price. The difference between such heating devices in their versatility, so that they can be installed in various places. The average price for them is hesitated in the area of \u200b\u200b15-30 thousand rubles. Just if in your room the increased humidity you can buy a special model of the water convector.

Steel radiators

There may be panel and tubular. 60% are convection. Panels are distinguished by the fact that in the middle of the device they have from one to three panels, each of which has two steel profiles associated by contour. These radiators are easy to produce, as the welding connects the billets that have passed the stamping. The more rows there is a panel radiator, the more its heat transfer will be. The tubular heating devices consist of pipes made of steel and cooked with each other. Such a radiator is an order of magnitude more expensive panel. Even the bimetallic radiator will cost cheaper than tubular. Such heating devices are quickly and strongly heated, which means faster will begin to give heat to the environment. The pressure varies from 6 to 10 atmospheres for plastic, and from 8 to 15 for tubular. Such batteries maintain the water temperature of about 110-120 degrees. It is also an important factor when buying such radiators will be the mid-scene distance, it starts from 120 mm and ends 2930 mm. The main minus steel radiators is corrosion and weakness to hydrowood. But if you do not have enough tools to take an aluminum radiator, the steel will be cheaper than you, and you can purchase it.

Copper aluminum radiators

Excellent for the heating of a private house, since substances from which these radiators consist are good inertia. It helps to quickly adjust the temperature and save, as well as good heat transfer. 90% operate on the principle of convection. In such radiators, heat transfer is 2 times higher than those of the above-written bimetallic radiators. Such radiators are cheaper than copper and allow pressure in 16 atmospheres, which is suitable for high-rise buildings. So, you can install it even on the 9th floor. But at the same time it is difficult to establish and it is desirable for it only distilled water.

Electrical convectors

Such heating devices are much simple and universal, their work is to distribute heated air through the room. They heat the air without cauting it. Such convectors are outdoor and wall. The first can be put anywhere, so they are in demand in stores. The walls are installed under the windows where they immediately make the cold air from the windows warm, which gives good thermal insulation of the window. This is a very cheap type of heating, stand around 6-9 thousand rubles. At the same time, you instantly can connect them and start basking. The only disadvantage of electric heating devices is the cost of electricity, but it depends on the power of your convector. It is important to take into account that such convectors are not dried by air, but it is unlikely to become your choice to install them in the house.

Oil radiators

The work is amazingly simple: the electric spiral heats the oil that heats the metal case. To buy this device heating, remember some things: 1) The more sections, the more heated area will be; 2) If you are going to leave it for the winter at the cottage, for example, take protection against freezing. Oil radiators are safe and do not drown air, while cheaply cost and reliable.

Infrared heating

This type of heating is a relatively new option of heating at home. Infrared heating can use ceiling, wall and outdoor systems. The ceiling system is embedded without fail in the ceiling so that the heat flow is directed to the floor. Consequently, the floor will be the warmer air temperature, and this very well solves the problem of cold floors. It is based on the principle of translating electromagnetic waves into thermal energy. Such systems are sufficiently inexpensive in terms of saving electricity and easy to install, but the instruments for such systems are very expensive and infrared radiation can harm human health. But wall infrared heating can be made even with their own hands. It is enough to buy an infrared film, the price of which is about 1,500 rubles per square meter. Immediately, we will not recommend such heating for seats with harsh winters, these systems will not give you enough power. The floor system is practically no different from the wall, only in the intricacies of the installation.

Gas convector

Heating in such a heating device is due to gas combustion, where combustion products are derived through the chimney pipe. The cost of such convectors may differ from their specifications. With this type of heating, you can set different temperatures in different rooms. The efficiency occurs higher than that of the boilers, but in principle the same. Of the minuses, you can select the following: There are no different capacities, does not heat the water, only one room can be heated. Such convectors are suitable for the heating of cottages and garages due to the possibility of nutrition from the gas cylinder.

Water Heating Heating

This type of heating creates high comfort by heating the floor, but not to temperatures of ordinary radiators. It is also necessary to take into account that the room is heated evenly. Such heating quickly heats the room, which means it has high inertia. Using this heating you can safely ventilate the room, while you will not feel the cold, also increases the place in the house compared to conventional radiators. But it should be noted that the house should be well heated and that when installing in the apartment there may be some difficulties. It is also a pretty expensive type of heating (more expensive than radiator), although they say that it will soon pay off by electricity savings. But in the cold winter it will be difficult for you to use this type of heating, as you can't increase the temperature of the floor to a very high, you can still use the radiator heating additionally in the harsh winter.

Warm electric floors

Such a type of heating is perfect for an apartment building. Here you can use the heating cable, which will be extended throughout the room and will heat it. There is also an option heating with heating mats. This design consists of a thin cable and fiberglass, out of the advantages worth noting the overtakers of the screed. The infrared film can also be used, but we have already spoken about it above. We recommend installing such a heating system in the bathroom, kitchen and corridor. This will allow to maintain the temperature of the floor and the premises in general warm without high cost of electricity.

Air heating

This heating knows many not by the hearse, it works on the example of the stove, wherever we soak firewood, it heats up and heats the air. Air heating is distinguished by low electricity costs and lack of radiators and pipes. In modern form, it looks like a car radiator, which takes the cold air from the medium, heats up, and releases into the room. This system is made of an air heater, heat exchanger, pumps and air ducts. By cons can be attributed to the presence of noise during the operation of the device and the difference in temperature in different places of the room. Sometimes it has large sizes, it is worth considering the importance of the tissue filter and its subsequent replacement. A good choice for frame houses.

One of the main elevations of water heating systems is the heating device - it is appointed for heat transfer from heat carriers to the heated room.

To maintain the required room temperature, it is required that at each moment of the heat loss of the room of the room, the heat transfer was covered with the heating device of the QPP and the QTP pipes.

The heat transfer diagram of the heating device QPP and pipes for compensation for the heat loss of the room of quantity and the QDOC with the heat transfer of the QT from the water coolant is shown in Fig. 24.

Fig. 24. The heat transfer scheme of the heating device located at the external fencing of the building

The heat of the QT, which caused by the heat carrier for heating this room, should be larger than the heat loss quantity by the amount of additional heat loss of the QDET of the building structures caused by the enhanced warming construction structures.

Qt \u003d qu) + qdop

The heating device is characterized by the heating surface of the FPP, M2, calculated to provide the required heat transfer of the device.

The heating devices on the predominant method of heat transfer are divided into radiation (ceiling emitters), convective radiation (appliances with a smooth outer surface) and convective (convectors with a ribbed surface).

When heating the premises with ceiling emitters (Fig. 25), heating is carried out mainly due to the radial heat exchange between heating radiators (heating panels) and the surface of building construction designs.

Fig. 25. Suspended metal heating panel: A - flat-screen; b - with a wave-shaped screen; 1 - warm pipes; 2 - visor; 3 - flat screen; 4 - thermal insulation; 5 - wave-like screen

Radiation from the heated panel, falling on the surface of fences and objects, is partially absorbed, partially reflected. At the same time, the so-called secondary radiation occurs, also in the end absorbed by objects and places of the room.

Thanks to the radiant heat exchange, the temperature of the inner surface of the fences is increased compared with the temperature under convective heating, and the surface temperature of the internal fences in most cases exceeds the air temperature of the room.

With panel-radiant heating, due to the increase in the temperature of the surfaces in the room, a situation is favorable for humans. It is known that human well-being is significantly improved by increasing the proportion of convective heat transfer in the overall heat transfer of its body and reduce radiation on cold surfaces (radiation cooling). This is just ensured with radiant heating, when the human heat transfer by radiation decreases due to the increase in the surface temperature of the fences.

With panel-radiant heating, a decrease in the usual (regulatory for convective heating) air temperature in the room (on average 1-3 ° C), and therefore the convective heat transfer of man is even more increasing. It also contributes to the improvement of human well-being. It has been established that under normal conditions, well-being of people is ensured at an indoor air temperature in a room of 17.4 ° C with wall heating panels and at 19.3 ° C under convective heating. From here it is possible to reduce the consumption of thermal energy to the heating of premises.

Among the shortcomings of the panel-radiant heating system should be noted:

Some additional increase in heat loss through external fences in those places where heating elements are embedded; -

The need for special reinforcement for individual regulation of heat transfer of concrete panels;

Significant thermal inertia of these panels.

Instruments with a smooth outer surface are sectional radiators, panel radiators, smooth-tube devices.

Appliances with a ribbed heating surface - convectors, ribbed pipes (Fig. 26).

Fig. 26. Schemes of heating devices of various types (transverse section): A - sectional radiator; b - steel panel radiator; B - a smooth-tube device of three pipes; g - convector with a casing; D - device from two ribbed pipes: 1 - channel for the coolant; 2 - plate; 3 - Rib

According to the material from which heating devices are manufactured, metal, combined and non-metallic devices are distinguished. Metal devices are performed mainly of gray cast iron and steel (sheet steel and steel pipes). Copper pipes, leaf and cast aluminum and other metals are also used.

In combination devices, heat-conducting material (concrete, ceramics, etc.) are used, which close up steel or pig-iron heating elements (panel radiators) or finned metal pipes, placed and non-metallic (such as asbestosptpy) casing (convectors).

Non-metallic devices include concrete panel radiators with extended plastic or glass pipes, or with voids, as well as ceramic, plastic and other radiators.

In height, all heating devices are divided into high (over 650 mm high), medium (more than 400 to 650 mm), low (more than 200 to 400 mm) and plinth (up to 200 mm).

The magnitude of the thermal inertia can be allocated with low and large inertia devices. Minority devices have a small mass and accommodate a small amount of water. Such devices made on the basis of metal pipes of small cross section (for example, convectors) quickly change the heat transfer to the room when adjusting the amount of the coolant admiss in the device. Devices having a greater thermal inertia are massive, which accommodate a significant amount of water (for example, concrete or sectional radiators), the heat transfer is changed slowly.

For heating devices, in addition to economic, architectural and construction, sanitary and hygienic and production and installation requirements, still heat engineering requirements are added. The device requires the transfer from the coolant through the unit of the area to the room of the largest heat flux. To fulfill this requirement, the device must have an increased value of the CPR heat transfer coefficient, compared with the value of one of the types of sectional radiators, which is adopted for the standard (cast iron radiator type N-136).

In tab. 20 The heat engineering indicators and symbols are noted other instruments indicators. The positive indicators of the instruments are noted in Plus, the minus sign is negative. Two pluses indicate indicators that determine the main advantage of any type of appliances.

Table 20.

Design of heating devices

The radiator is called a convective-radiation-type convection device, consisting of separate columns - sections with circular or ellipse channels. Such a radiator puts into a radiation room about 25% of the total heat flux transmitted from the coolant (the remaining 75% convection) and is referred to as the "radiator" only by tradition.

The radiator sections are cast from gray cast iron, they can be combined into devices of various areas. Sections are connected on nipples with pads from cardboard, rubber or paronite.

A variety of designs of single, two-, and multiscolone sections of different heights are known, but two-column sections (Fig. 27) of the average (mounting height Hm \u003d 500 mm) radiators are most common.

Fig. 27. Two-column radiator section: HP - full height; HM - mounting height (construction); B - Construction Depth

The production of cast iron radiators is laborious, the installation is difficult due to the bulky and significant mass of the assembled devices. Radiators cannot be considered satisfying sanitary and hygienic requirements, since the purification of the dust of the intersection space is complex. These devices have significant thermal inertia. Finally, it should be noted the inconsistency of their appearance of the interior of the premises in the buildings of modern architecture. These disadvantages of radiators cause the need to replace them with lighter and less metal appliances. Despite this cast iron radiators, this is the most common heating device.

Currently, the industry produces cast-iron sectional radiators with a construction depth of 90mm and 140 mm (type "Moscow" - abbreviated M, such as Istartardti - MS and others). In fig. 28 shows the designs of produced cast iron radiators.

Fig. 28. Cast iron radiators: A - M-140-JSC (M-140-AO-300); b - M-140; B - RD-90

All cast iron radiators are designed for working pressure up to 6 kgf / cm2. The meters of the heating surface of the heating appliances are the physical indicator - the square meter of the heating surface and the heat engineering indicator is an equivalent square meter (ECM2). An equivalent square meter is called the area of \u200b\u200bthe heating device, which gives 1 hour 435 of the heat kcal with the difference in the average temperature of the coolant and air 64.5 ° C and the water flow in this device is 17.4 kg / hour according to the coolant movement scheme from top to bottom.

Technical characteristics of radiators are shown in Table. 21.
The surface of the heating of pig-iron radiators and ribbed pipes
Table 21.

Continuation of table. 21.

Steel panel radiators consist of two selected sheets forming horizontal collectors connected by vertical columns (column form), or horizontal parallel and successively connected channels (serpentine form). The serpent can be made of steel pipe and weld to one profiled steel sheet; Such a device is called sheet-tube.

Fig. 29. Cast iron radiators

Fig. 30. Cast iron radiators

Fig. 31. Cast iron radiators

Fig. 32. Cast iron radiators

Fig. 33. Cast iron radiators

Fig. 34. Channel diagrams for coolant in panel radiators: a - column form; b - serpentine two-way, in - serpentine four-way

Steel panel radiators differ from cast-iron smaller mass and thermal inertia. With a decrease in the mass of approximately 2.5 times the heat transfer indicator is no worse than that of cast-iron radiators. Their appearance satisfies architectural and building requirements, steel panels are easily cleaned from dust.

Steel panel radiators have a relatively small area of \u200b\u200bthe heating surface, which is why it sometimes has to be resorted to the installation of panel radiators in pairs (in two rows at a distance of 40 mm).

In tab. 22 shows the characteristics of the produced steel stamped radiator panels.

Table 22.

Continuation of table. 22.

Continuation of table. 22.

Concrete panel radiators (heating panels) (Fig. 35) may have concreted heating elements of the serpentine or register form from steel pipes with a diameter of 15-20 mm, as well as concrete, glass or plastic channels of various configurations.

Fig. 35. Concrete heating panel

Concrete panels have a heat transfer coefficient close to the indicators of other devices with a smooth surface, as well as high thermal voltage of metal. Devices, especially combined type, meet strict sanitary and hygienic, architectural and other requirements. The disadvantages of combined concrete panels include repair difficulties, a large thermal inertia complicating the control of the heat supply to the room. The disadvantages of the instruments of the filter type are the increased costs of manual labor during their manufacture and installation, reducing the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe floor of the room. Heat loss is also increasing through the additionally heated outdoor fences of buildings.

The smooth-circuit is called the device from several combined steel pipes that form channels for coolant coolant or register form (Fig. 36).

Fig. 36. Forms of the connection of steel pipes into smooth-tube heating instruments: A - coil form; B - Register form: 1 - thread; 2 - column

In the coil coating, the pipes are connected in series towards the movement of the coolant, which increases the speed of its movement and the hydraulic resistance of the device. With parallel connection of pipes in the register, the flow of the coolant is divided, the speed of its movement and the hydraulic resistance of the device decreases.

The devices are welded from pipes DB \u003d 32-100 mm, located apart from each other at a distance of 50 mm above their diameter, which reduces mutual irradiation and, accordingly, increases the heat transfer to the room. The smooth-tube appliances have the highest heat transfer coefficient, their vacuum surface is small and they are easily cleaned.

At the same time, smooth-paper devices are heavy and cumbersome, there are a lot of space, increase the consumption of steel in heating systems, have an unattractive appearance. They are used in rare cases when devices of other species cannot be used (for example, for heat heating).

The characteristics of smooth-paper registers are shown in Table. 23.

Table 23.

Convector is a convective type device consisting of two elements - a ribbed heater and the casing (Fig. 37).

Fig. 37. Convectors schemes: A - with a casing; B - without casing: 1 - heating element; 2 - casing; 3 - air valve; 4 - pipe fins

The casing decorate the heater and helps to increase heat transfer due to an increase in air mobility at the heater surface. The convector with the casing transmits to the room by convection to 90-95% of the entire heat flux (Table 24).

Table 24.

The device in which the functions of the casing performs the root of the heater, is called convector without casing. The heater is performed from steel, cast iron, aluminum and other metals, casing - from sheet materials (steel, asbestos cement, etc.)

Convectors have a relatively low heat transfer coefficient. Nevertheless, they are widely used. This is explained by the simplicity of manufacturing, installation and operation, as well as low metal.

The main technical characteristics of the convectors are shown in Table. 25

Table 25.

Continuation of table. 25.

Continuation of table. 25.

Note: 1. When a multi-row installation of plinning convectors, the KP introduces the correction to the heating surface depending on the number of rows vertically and horizontally: with a two-row installation vertical 0.97, three-row - 0.94, four-row - 0.91; For two rows horizontally, the amendment is 0.97. 2. Indicators of end and passing convectors models are the same. The passing convectors have an index A (for example NN-5A, H-7A).

The ribbed pipe is called a convective type device, which is a flange cast-iron pipe, the outer surface of which is coated jointly cast thin ribs (Fig. 33).

The area of \u200b\u200bthe outer surface of the ribbed pipe is many times larger than the surface area of \u200b\u200ba smooth pipe of the same diameter and length. This gives the heating device a special compactness. In addition, the reduced surface temperature of the ribs when using a high-temperature coolant, a comparative simplicity of manufacturing and low costs cause the use of this ineffective heat-effectively, a heavy device. The disadvantages of ribbed pipes include an irrelevated appearance, low mechanical strength of the ribs and the difficulty of purification from dust. Ribbed pipes are used as a rule in auxiliary premises (boiler houses, warehouses, garages, etc.). Industry produces round ribbed cast iron pipes with a length of 1-2m. They are installed horizontally into several tiers and are connected along a coating scheme on bolts using "Kalach" - flange cast-iron double taps and counter flanges.

For the comparative heat engineering characteristics of the main heating devices in Table. 25 shows the relative heat transfer of instruments with a length of 1.0 m in equal heat-hydraulic conditions when used as a heat carrier-water (heat transfer of the cast-iron sectional radiator 140 mm depth of 100%).

As can be seen, sectional radiators and convectors with a casing are distinguished by high heat transfer 1.0 m; The smallest heat transfer has convectors without casing and especially single smooth pipes.

Relative heat transfer of heating devices 1.0 m long Table 26

Selection and placement of heating devices

When choosing a type and type of heating device, the appointment, architectural layout and features of the thermal regime of the room, the place and duration of the people's stay, the type of heating system, technical and economic and sanitary and hygienic indicators of the device are taken into account.

Fig. 38. Cast iron ribbed tube with round ribs: 1 - channel for the coolant; 2 - ribs; 3 - flange

To create a favorable thermal regime, instruments are chosen, providing uniform heating of the premises.

Metal heating devices are installed mainly under light openings, and under the windows, the length of the device is desirable at least 50-75% of the opening of the opening, under the windows and stained glass, the devices are placed along their entire length. When the instruments are placed under the windows (Fig. 39a), the vertical axes of the instrument and the window opening should be the coincidence (no more than 50mm is allowed).

The devices located in the outer fences contribute to the increase in the temperature of the inner surface at the bottom of the outer wall and the window, which reduces the radiation cooling of people. The ascending flows of warm air, created by the instruments, prevent (if there are no windowsides, overlapping devices), enter the cooled air into the working area (Fig. 40a). In the southern regions with a short warm winter, as well as with a short stay of people, the heating devices are permissible to install in the inner walls of the rooms (Fig. 39b). At the same time, the number of risers and the length of thermal conductors is reduced and heat transfer of the instruments (approximately 7-9%), but the movement of the air with a reduced temperature near the floor of the room (Fig. 40B) occurs.

Fig. 39. Placement of heating devices in rooms (plans): A - under the windows; b - in the inner walls; P - heating device

Fig. 40. Air circulation circuits in rooms (cuts) with different arrangements of heating devices: A-under windows without windowsill; b - under windows with a windowsill in - in the inner wall; P - heating device

Fig. 41. Location under the window of the room of the heating device: a - long and low (preferably); b - high and short (undesirable)

Vertical heating devices are installed possible closer to the floor of the premises. With a significant rise in the device over the floor level of air at the floor surface, it can be transferred, since the circulation flows of heated air, closing at the level of the instrument, do not capture and do not warm the lower part of the room in this case.

The lower and the longer heating device (Fig. 41a), the smaller the temperature of the room and the entire air volume is better heated. The tall and short device (Fig. 41b) causes an active lifting of a jet of warm air, which leads to overheating of the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe room and lowering the cooled air along both sides of such a device into the working area.

The ability of a high heating device to cause an active ascending flow of warm air can be used to heating the premises of an increased height.

Vertical metal devices, as a rule, placed openly at the wall. However, it is possible to install them under the windowsides, in wall niches, with a special fence and decoration. In fig. 42 shows several techniques for installing heating devices in rooms.

Fig. 42. Placement of heating devices - A - in a decorative cabinet; b - in deep niche; in - in special shelter; g - behind the shield; d - in two tiers

The shelter of the device with a decorative cabinet having two slots up to 100 mm high (Fig. 42a), reduces the heat transfer of the device by 12% compared with its open installation in a deaf wall. To transfer to the premises of a given heat flux, the area of \u200b\u200bthe heating surface of such an appliance should be increased by 12%. The placement of the device in the deep open niche (Fig. 42b) or one over the other in two tiers (Fig. 42d) reduces heat transfer by 5%. However, the hidden installation of instruments in which heat transfer does not change (Fig. 42B) or even increases by 10% (Fig. 42g). In these cases, it is not necessary to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe heating surface of the device or even can be reduced.

Calculation of the area, size and number of heating devices

The area of \u200b\u200bthe heat pumping surface of the heating device is determined depending on the adopted type of the device, its location in the room and the joining diagram to the pipes. In residential premises, the number of instruments, and therefore, the necessary heat transfer of each device is set, as a rule, according to the number of window openings. In the angular premises add another device placed in a deaf end wall.

The calculation task is primarily in the determination of the area of \u200b\u200bthe outer heating surface of the device, which provides the necessary thermal flow from the coolant to the room in the calculated conditions. Then, according to the device catalog, based on the calculated area, the nearest trading size of the device is selected (the number of sections or the radiator brand (the length of the convector or ribbed pipe). The number of sections of pig-iron radiators is determined by the formula: N \u003d fpb4 / f1b3;

where F1- area of \u200b\u200bone section, m2; type of radiator adopted to installation indoor; B4 is a correction coefficient that takes into account the method of installing the radiator indoors; B3 - correction coefficient that takes into account the number of sections in one radiator and is calculated by the formula: b3 \u003d 0.97 + 0.06 / FP;

where Fp is the calculated area of \u200b\u200bthe heating device, m2.

Heating device - This is an element of the heating system, which serves to transfer heat from the coolant to the air of the heated room.

1. Registers of smooth pipes Pose a beam of pipes located in two rows and combined on both sides by two pipes - collectors equipped with fittings for feeding and removing the coolant.

Apply registers from smooth pipes in the premises, where elevated sanitary and hygienic requirements are presented, as well as in industrial buildings, an increased degree of fire hazard, where a large accumulation of dust is unacceptable. The devices are hygienic, easily cleaned from dust and dirt. But not economical, metalmakes. The calculated surface of heating 1M smooth pipe.

2. Cast iron radiators. The block of cast-iron radiators consists of sections of cast iron interconnected by nipples. They are 1-2 and a lot of channels. In Russia, mostly 2-channel radiators. At mounting height, radiators are divided into high 1000 mm, medium - 500 mm and low 300 mm.

M-140-JSC radiators have intercaltic fins, which increases their heat transfer, but reduces aesthetic and hygienic requirements.

Cast iron radiators have a number of advantages. It:

1. Corrosion resistance.

2. Extension of manufacturing technology.

3. Easy to change the power of the device by changing the number of sections.

The disadvantages of these types of heating devices are:

1. Large metal consumption.

2. The complexity of manufacturing and installation.

3. Their production leads to environmental pollution.

3. Ribbed pipes. Present a cast iron tube with round ribs. Ribs increase the surface of the instrument and reduce the surface temperature.

Ribbed pipes are used mainly in industrial enterprises.


1. Cheap heating appliances.

2. A large surface of heating.


Do not satisfy sanitary and hygienic requirements (difficult to purify from dust).

4. Steel stamped radiators. They are two swipe steel places interconnected by contact welding.

There are: column radiators of RSV 1 and coil radiators of RSG 2.

Column radiators: Forms a number of parallel channels, combined from above and below horizontal collectors.

Snake radiators Forms a number of horizontal channels for the passage of the coolant.

Steel plastic radiators Made by single row and double row. Double-row is made of the same sizes as the single-row, but consist of two plates.


1. Little mass of the device.

2. Cheaper cast iron by 20-30%.

3. Less costs of transportation and installation.

4. Convenient in the installation and meet sanitary and hygienic requirements.


1. Small heat transfer.

2. Special processing of heat water is required, since ordinary water corps with metal. Found wide use in housing in public buildings. Due to the rise in the cost of metal, the release is limited. High price.

5. Convectors. They are a series of steel pipes, according to which the coolant is moved and steel plates struck on them.

Convectors are with a casing or without casing. They are manufactured by various types: for example: Comfort convectors. They are divided into 3 types: wall mesens (hanging on the wall H \u003d 210 m), island (installed on the floor) and stairwise (embedded in building construction).

Convectors make end and passing. Convectors are used to heating buildings for various purposes. Used mainly in the middle lane of Russia.

Non-metallic heating equipment

6. Ceramic and porcelain radiators. They are a panel, pouring out of porcelain or ceramics with vertical or horizontal channels.

Apply such radiators in rooms that present increased sanitary and hygienic requirements for heating instruments. Such instruments are used very rarely. They are very expensive, the process of manufacturing time consuming is short-lived, and are exposed to mechanical effects. It is very difficult to connect these radiators to metal pipelines.

7. Concrete heating panels. Present concrete slabs with sewers embedded in them from pipes. Thickness is 40-50 mm. They are: windows and partitions.

Heating panels can be appropriate and built-in in the design of walls and partitions. Concrete panels meet the most stringent sanitary and hygienic requirements, architectural and construction requirements.

Disadvantages: Repair difficulty, high heat inertia, complicating heat transfer regulation, increase heat loss through additional heated outdoor buildings designs. Apply mainly in medical institutions in operating rooms and in the maternity hospitals in children's rooms.

Plumbing heating devices should satisfy heat engineering, sanitary and hygienic and aesthetic requirements.

Heat engineering The heating devices are determined by its heat transfer coefficient.

Sanitary and hygienic assessment - It is characterized by a constructive solution of the device that facilitates its content in purity.

Temperature of the outer surface of the heating device must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements. In order to avoid intensive burning of dust, this temperature should not exceed 95 o C, for therapeutic and children's institutions 85 o C.

Aesthetic estimate - The heating device should not spoil the inner view of the room, should not take a lot of space.