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Plumbing for heating in a private house. We solve questions on plumbing along with Forumhouse. Installation of outdoor sewer system

By and large, sewage, plumbing and heating are the main components of the comfort in their own home. And in his self-building everything will be in your hands. We will not be able to consider all the features and methods for installing such contours, but at least familiarize themselves with their main types and materials that are used in the private sector.

Varieties of equipment


  • At this time, almost all sewage and heating systems, as well as water supply, prefer to separate plastic - and costs cheaper, and saved longer. As for the sewer, their diameter for the room, as a rule, ranges from 32 mm to 100 mm.

  • The cross section of polypropylene pipes is selected on the purpose of the sanitary assembly and its workload. So, for a common drain and toilet bowl, a diameter of 100 mm is needed, and 32 mm is quite 32 mm for the washing machine. All other plumbing points are equipped with 50 mm pipes, even the washing machine is recommended to supply the flow of such diameter, not less, because there is a danger of a blockage.

  • On the street, for urban sewage or joint (with neighbors) of the drains of the effluents from 200 mm and more - it all depends on the system's workload. Also, such a diameter is used in drainage systems on private homes. Despite the fact that the water supply, heating and sewage is made mainly from polypropylene, can also be encountered with metal contours, but due to its high cost (compared to plastic) steel, copper and cast iron are used more and less.

Council. When installing any sewage, the optimal slope of the pipe is 10-20 mm per 1 mM. With a smaller slope, impurities are poorly, and with more, water does not have time to riveting hard and thick rubbish, which sticks on the walls.

Water pipes

  • In the room, the plumbing is bred copper (photo at the top), steel, metal-plastic and polypropylene tubes. If we talk about copper, then, perhaps, its only significant disadvantage for such designs is their high price.

  • For the street, or rather, under the ground, also use polyethylene pipeswhich differ in a small price and almost unlimited service life. Also, in the private sector, for gasket under the ground, for example, for the supply of water from the house in the summer kitchen, metal plastic can be used - the instruction does not prohibit this, although the project costs somewhat more expensive.

  • Of course, if you make a plumbing in a private house with your own hands, then most likely your choice falls on metal plastic or polypropylene. The reason is obvious here - first, the installation process itself is less labor-intensive, secondly, it will cost cheaper than steel or copper pipes, and thirdly, plastic has a longer operational resource.

  • If we talk about polypropylene, then for water pipes use two types of pipes - PN10 and PN20, although it will not be any violation if you use PN25.Just cost just more expensive. Here, some clarifications should be made, as any marking is suitable for cold water, but for DHW - only PN20 (up to 80⁰c) or PN25 (up to 95⁰c).

Council. If the heating and plumbing in your home is made by polypropylene, then most often the PN25 pipe is used for this, but the foil can be located or closer to the center or under the top. For ease of installation, it is better to use the first option, because when the second you need to use a special tool for stripping.


  • If we talk about water circuits, the water supply, sewage and heating are closely intertwined with each other. From the heating systems, in which water is acting as a coolant, two main directions can be noted - and. An either metal or polypropylene PN25 can be used to spread the batteries (sometimes metal-plastic), and for floor heating - polyethylene or metalplastic.

  • As heaters for country houses use gas, liquid, electrical and solid fuel boilers Different modifications. Of course, the most popular type of fuel is gas, but it is not available in all regions of the Russian Federation and therefore sometimes resort to other types of fuel or, having hope for ambulance gasification, establish universal units, such as gas-diesel or gas-diesel-wood-electricity.

  • Currently, new ways of heating buildings have appeared, for example, electric "warm floor", where, instead of a water pipe, mats are mounted with a heating cable, or IPO. It is noteworthy that infrared film can be installed not only on the floor, but also on the walls and the ceiling. In addition, the film is good, which allows you to lay it on the curly planes, such as walls with protrusions or niches.


Perhaps it is better to grab the essence of the main systems and make your choice will help you with a video clip attached to the article. But, in any case, before stopping at a particular method or material, you will have to spend a thorough assessment of the technical capabilities of the building, focusing on the energy resources available in your area.

Watering of the water supply in the country house

Installation of the water supply in a country house must begin with a project, subsequently this will help to make a list of the necessary equipment, materials and reinforcement. Make a project should master Plumbing, which will perform the installation of the water supply.

The plumbing in the country house consists of:
1) pumping station
2) cumulative or regulating tank
3) Pipelifier
4) shut-off valves
5) Control and Accounting Devices
6) regulatory fittings (for complex systems)

In order to equip the water supply in a country house, it is necessary to make water fence from surface sources. This uses complex pumping stations. The pumping station is located on the ground surface and has the ability to lift water from the depths of eight meters. The length of the pressure line should not be more than 200 - 300 meters (this is due to the pressure loss in length).

The membrane tank is a container designed to support consumption and pressure in water supply systems. The tank of the tank is calculated at the calculation of the flow and water consumption mode in the water supply system. The pipeline when installing the water supply in the country house it is possible to carry out both open (above the ground), and hidden (under the soil).
With a hidden pipeline, the pipes are stacked on the depth of freezing or equipped with thermal insulation. This is necessary in order to avoid freezing the pipeline in the winter season.
It is worth noting that, open installation is cheaper than hidden (it is a more expensive option). Regardless of which installation method you have chosen, you need to remember that the bias at the pipeline must be minimal and have direction towards the drainage crane. A drainage crane is installed at the lowest point of the pipeline. This is done in order to be able to empty it for the winter.

The shut-off armature is installed on the pipeline on the basis of the project, or following the requirements and conditions of operation of the equipment used, which enters the water supply system. As a rule, the reinforcement is installed after the pumping station in front of the water intake devices on the branches of the pipeline. This makes it possible to serve individual elements of the system, without turning off it and not emptying completely.

Installation of water supply in a country house requires the selection of pumping equipment. It is necessary to know the pump parameters that it must provide. The main parameter is the performance, that is, the flow rate of the pump and its pressure. In order to correctly calculate the pressure, you must first determine the materials for the pipeline and its diameter. First of all, it affects the losses in the water pipeline. The diameter of the pipes is selected in accordance with the recommendations of the speed of water, approximately 1 m / s to 1.5 m / s.

The formula for determining the water pressure is: H \u003d PTAP + HGEO + RA

In other words:

1) PTAP - the required pressure at the point of the fence (at least 10 MVS)
2) HGEO - the height of the fence point (geometric lifting height)
3) HF - water pressure loss in the pipeline (consists of loss of local resistance + length)

In order to determine the loss of the pressure, it is necessary to use the data of pipe manufacturers and shut-off plumbing fittings. After determining the required characteristics of the pumping device (consumption and pressure), you can safely choose a model of pumping equipment.

A comprehensive pump to start work does not require special training and can immediately start lifting water. To do this, pour the pump through a specially provided styling hole, after which the water mixture will be created in the working chamber and will create a discharge that allows you to raise water from a depth of seven meters.
In order for the pump exploitation to be durable, it is necessary to put a mesh filter of coarse water purification on the suction line. Before running the pump, it is necessary to check the tightness of the suction line and pressure in the pressure tank.

As a rule, the hosts of the country house, cottage or dachas in the private sector or the village are forced to independently provide their home by all communications necessary for civilized life. These include wiring, communications provide water access to a house from a well or well. It is also necessary to choose the right to choose plumbing equipment necessary for a comfortable stay. Water pipes

In every country house for personal use and domestic purposes, free access of water is needed. Recently, people living in the private sector prefer water supply from wells, thereby wells gradually depart into the background. The water that comes through centrally municipal pipes often in its composition leaves much to be desired, as it contains harmful chemical components and many impurities, including rust. Sewerage

Conducting a water pipe into a country house, it is necessary to take care of how the water used will be assigned. Modern people have already managed to forget about the time when the sewage was absent in private houses. In our time, the sewage is one of the most important and necessary communications.

If within the city you only need to connect to an existing sewer network, then in the country house, this problem is very acute. It is quite difficult to organize an autonomous sewer system in a country house.

In the event that your country house is located outside the city, where there is no centralized sewage network, it is necessary to carry out the installation of its own sewage treatment plant, such as a storage tank. Heating system

If you decide for yourself what you want to stay in a country house enjoying the fresh air and silence, then you need to take care of the heating of your country house, whatever winter would prevent you from unpleasant surprises. Start the process on the organization of the heating system of the country house is necessary from the project. By creating a project of the heating system, it is necessary to take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe country house, the material from which the house was built and the separated inside and outside.

In their house, you have to solve many issues related to plumbing equipment. It needs not only choose correctly, but also to competently install, make a wiring, and subsequently - and eliminate many problems arising during the operation. What materials and technologies to choose, mistakes, repair and other questions - in the subject of this week.


How to make a shower cabin with your own hands is simply inexpensive. Based on the personal experience of the portal users.

Wash buttons for Sanatayans, Shower Shirma, Pipes for water supply system, water softener and sealant sealant for seams between tiles and plumbing. Market news.

Regardless of the place of residence, whether it is a megapolis, a solid cottage settlement or a country side partnership, we need comfort and convenience. Therefore, the bathroom has long ceased to be the prerogative of citizens, and its level of equipment depends only on the material capabilities and personal preferences. Consider what you need to take into account by choosing to the plumbing, and how to prevent errors when conducting installation work.

Errors When installing and repairing plumbing costs expensive. Especially disappointing when errors are allowed by ignorance. Consider the most common of them.

In the article, we will look at several proven ways to allow you to restore the spoiled coating of an old bath.


Wiring of sanitary equipment. The unusual idea of \u200b\u200blaying the heating systems, hot water and warm floors.

Master class: Gîte - Copper pipes. Master class mounting soft copper pipes on soldering. How is the laying of the pipe from the consumer to the collectors, shows Plumbing Dmitry Krikun.

Work with plastic pipes. With apparent simplicity in working with plastic pipes, there are many pitfalls, which may subsequently lead to leaks of water supply systems. Learning to work with plastic pipes.

Installation of plumbing. The slightest error when installing plumbing can do very expensive. Experienced Plumber Dmitry Krikun will tell what follows first to pay attention to the installation of sanitary equipment and which major errors should be avoided. It will also show how to correctly calculate the track for the flow of washing machine.

Installation of apartment water supply. In order for the plumbing in the house to provide maximum comfort, you need to take into account the many nuances. Experienced Plumber Dmitry Krikun talks about how to foresee everything when installing water supply in the apartment.

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It ceases to be simply a cottage, where most of the year, from May to October, agricultural work is underway with the aim of procurement products for the winter, where there is a small household, and the amenities are located on the plot. Today, most country houses in comfort are no worse than city apartments, and sometimes even significantly exceed them thanks to their area.

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If you have become the owner of ready, which is sold to the previous owners, it means that all communications are already established in the house, including electricity, gasification and sewers. In the case when you acquire a plot for the construction of a country house, consider plumbing nodes and equipment at home design. This will help you company designers square repair.

It assumes the presence of a large area under the bathroom. After all, a country house is an excellent opportunity to compensate for the lack of housing in an urban apartment. And in the apartment, first of all, they suffer from this kitchen and bathroom. In a country house, usually arranged one - two bathrooms on each floor. This makes it possible to each bathroom in accordance with your wishes.

  • the children's bathroom is characterized by a small bath of steel or cast iron, traditional shape, since it is the most impact-resistant materials, a small toilet bowl and low shell, which, thanks to a certain design, can grow in height with the baby;
  • for most often acquire a shower cabin (square repair offers you the choice of a huge range of shower cabins - from traditional, without additional functions, to cabins from radio, various backlit, the ability to regime hydrosuins, etc.), toilet, bidet, sink;
  • - The most exquisite and rich in the interior compared to the previous, here the names of the presented plumbing are limited only by the fantasy and the financial capabilities of the customer - baths from various materials, shapes and colors, equipped with hydromassage, radio, backlit, heated water and other functions, shower cabins, sinks, sinks , bidet, toilet and a lot of others.

Selection of plumbing for country house

Plumbing for a country house is distinguished by the strength of materials, so a country house - a living organism that "breathes" and "walks" depending on the weather conditions, it means that plumbing for the country house must withstand all temperature drops and surfaces. In addition to this quality in the plumbing, in particular in the bath, thermal conductivity is important, since in the country house the air temperature may be somewhat lower than in the city apartment.

In this case, will save with low thermal conductivity, such as a bath from acrylic. Another advantage of the acrylic bath is a small weight, it is easy to deliver it, to establish, moreover, it does not have a large pressure on the boards in the country house. Bath from acrylic does not change the original color, no matter how much she would serve you.

The only thing that you will definitely tell consultants square repair is that it is not recommended to install in the children's bathroom, so it has low impact resistance.

Company Square Repair is glad to offer you produced by great circulation, and exclusive models made under the order. From simple and accessible to chic and elite plumbing models for a country house you will find in the catalogs square repair.


By purchasing plumbing from us, you get additional discounts on the installation of plumbing into a country house. Take advantage of our advantage - sale and installation of plumbing "turnkey" in a country house.