Repairs Design Furniture

Beautiful covered on a sofa to sew their own hands. The bedspread on the corner sofa is a decorative detail or necessity. Knitted things in the interior

It is necessary to take care that he will serve us as long as possible. Its appearance is no less important than technical service. To protect the coupling of the sofa from scuffs, we need a cover or covers that can be sewn with your own hands.

Covered on the sofa with their own hands - master class

To sewing cute with your own hands we need a dense tissue. Its quantity depends on the sofa size. In our case, the sofa is not very big, so we needed very little matter.

We will be cut out directly on the sofa. We throw the fabric with an invalion up on the seat and back, we have it, as it will look in the future in the future.

For all alleged places of future seams, we rock cloth with pins.

The most difficult place is the bends between the back and the seat on the sides. Here we will have to make the right cuts and only after this. It is necessary to cut at right angles. Just before taking into the hands of the scissors, try cloth so that it does not pull and did not take asleep. Only after that we make an incision and we spin fabric.

The sofa after climbing the fabric looks like this:

After that, we need to crop all the extra pieces of fabric, leaving only 1-2 cm on the seams.

Before starting to compassionate covers, remove it, turn it face and try to wear again. The cover should be loose and sit on the sofa smoothly and beautiful.

If all is well, we begin to compass all the machine, passing the pins along the way.

We left the covers for the sofa to decorate the ruffle, how to sew her with your own hands, now we will tell. Take a long rectangle of the fabric, try it on the entire length of the lower edge of the bedspread, if necessary, compare it from several pieces. Folds form and immediately compass on the typewriter. In this case, they have oncoming, equal depths and are at an equal distance.

It remains only to shoot our ruffs to the lower edge of the bedspread. First we spoil them together by pins, and then compass on the typewriter.

The lower edge of the ruffles coil on the overlock or bend and spend the typewriter so that it does not strengthen. We put on the case on the sofa and enjoy his new design. In a similar style, you can sew covers on the chairs and create your own unique design room. It turns out a whole furniture headset!

The interior of the bedroom should not only have a sleep, but please the eye during the daytime. How to achieve this? It is thorough to approach the question of the decor of the bedroom. A primary role is played by the selection of textiles.

Snow-white bedspread will become the perfect addition to any interior!

The most important place in the bedroom is the bed, which means that its decor will attract maximum attention. How to make a bed attractive? Put on her interesting bedspread.

The bedspread made with your own hands will fill the bedroom with comfort and warmth.

In stores it is difficult to meet that the covers, which will immediately like it, naturally fit into the interior of the room, will perform the necessary functions. Order sewing textile components of the interior in the studio is not always obtained. Therefore, an excellent solution to the question will be sewed covered on the bed with your own hands.

Sew covers will not be difficult if you have initial cutting skills and sewing. After all, any covers for the uncomplicated cut is a simple fabric rectangle.

Baby bedspread should be gentle and enjoyable by texture.

The usual cut of the scale of the desired size must be processed in such a way as to obtain the desired result. The bedspread may be light, flowing, without a sublock or thoroughly dense, with the presence of stitches. In addition, a banal rectangle can be decorated: add rolling, ruffles, decorative stitching, make embroidery, applique and get a unique bedspread.

The bedspread should be chosen on the basis of personal preferences, the overall style stylist, the purpose of this textile element.

Tyson and the design of the bedspread each chooses for itself.

The magnificent solution will be bilateral bedspread. If at the same time the sides of a single tissue, then it is extremely simple to use it. It will disappear the need to take care of which side to put it on the bed. When turns with different patterns, it will be possible to change the appearance of the bedroom in the mood, covering the bed in different ways.

Choose the tissue that during operation will deliver you only comfortable sensations.

The bedspread decorated with various decor (ribbons, lace, bulbs, swans), give the room an incredible comfort, will create a romantic atmosphere. At the same time, the abundance of textile components at the bottom performs a practical function - hides the bed frame.

Silk bedspread is stylish, fashionable and exquisite!

Covered from a smooth satin, silk fabric or a tapestry will bring the sophistication into the room. Chic, pomp will add the use of brilliant tissue, gilded finish.

The bedspread with a thick pile, made of wool, fur will perfectly cope with the task of additional insulation, give soft, comfort to the room.

Quilted bedspread protects from cold, create a homely, well-groomed atmosphere, the atmosphere of heat, comfort.

Complex models covered will require more effort and skewas.

Council. The master with minimal experience is better to choose the models covered without frills, fabrics that do not require a special attitude in work. An excellent option will be cotton, medium density blended fabrics.

The better the fabric will be, the more pleasant then it will use the bedspread.

Choose color

The color scheme of the product must match the style of the room, but can wear a seasonal nature, take into account the illumination of the room, its size.

The type of fabric for the bedspread should also be elected based on seasonality.

  1. The bedspread should not create the impression of contrast, if only this is not conceived designer reception. In the room of small sizes, the bed should not be a bright spot, otherwise it can make the illusion of filling the entire space. It is better to choose a beautiful bedspread similar in color with decoration and surrounding objects.
  2. The lighting of the bedroom, basic and optional colors also have an important meaning. The gloomy setting is preferably diluted with warm, light palette of shades. With good lighting, overall heat is allowed to show a great fantasy in choosing the color of the bedspread.
  3. Cold shine, overflows are relevant exclusively in the room of large sizes, preferably in the summer. Otherwise, the estimated chic will become an inappropriate farce.
  4. A variety of interior contributes tissues containing patterns, the use of decorative elements in the trim coat.
  5. Warm colors always carry freshness, create comfort. Pastel tones are capable of making visual expansion of the interface boundaries.

Heavy covers are best used in large bedrooms.

Preparing sewing

When the choice of model, type of fabric, colors are implemented, it is necessary to determine what will be needed in operation, and how to sew covers on the bed do it yourself. The first thing it is necessary to take into account the sewing of the bedspread - the flow rate of the tissue. To do this, you need to make simple measurements.

Tender coloring bedspreads completely always gives the ease of the whole room!

Determine the size of the bedspread

Calculate fabric consumption

To calculate the required amount of tissue, it is required to know its width. If it is 1.4 m, then for the bedspread on a double bed, you will have to cut 2 parts of the main web and tooldrate them. It is not always permissible for the aesthetics of the finished product. Therefore, it is advisable to take care of the necessary width of the tissue in advance.

From the choice of the original Croy scheme, it depends so much, try to choose the ideal for your bed.

The fabric for the top of the bedspread calculates simply: you need to know the length, width, add several additional centimeters to them. The tissue consumption for the roar covers should be taken into account with the calculation of the folds if they are required to lay. If they are presented, the strip length is additionally multiplied by 1.5.

The perfect and precisely thoughtful pattern for the covered - you can only substitute your meanings.

With the width of the fabric 2.8 m. Most likely, 1 product length will be enough. Crubbles in this case should fit in the remains of the tissue from the width. If the fabric is 1.4 m., It is necessary to lay 2 lengths of the main web and the total length of all sides with the ruff. In this case, the tissue consumption is essential, and the quality of the covers will suffer at the expense of additional seams.

Choose for the sewing covered the tissue with which you will easier work during the sewing process.

Crow and Sham

Having completed the preparation of the necessary materials, proceed to the most responsible - I will cut the coverage for sewing. The selected material directly affects the complexity of follow-up. With light, sliding fabrics (silk, atlas), you need extreme caution when strung, subsequent tailoring of the product. Stitch formation will deliver additional difficulties.

You can decorate your bedspread using a neat roller, which will always add the appearance of your bed elegance.

Council. The presence of a complex pattern on the tissue requires an accurate fit of the elements during the cutting process, sewing. The choice of monochromatic material will be easier.

Patchwork blankets every year enjoy more and more popularity.

The best way to cut - folded the cloth twice in such a way that the length of the main canvas is half along the fold line. Similarly, you can position the width. Then the cloth is thoroughly dissolved, to be tapered by pins. Curra exercise exclusively on a flat surface, prevent the submission of materials on weight.

Even the segano bedspread may look different, depending on the picture you choose.

The ruffle does not necessarily do one-piece. You can use the resulting tissue residues. It is important that all the setup bands are outraged in a single direction (along or across).

To create a patchwork bedspread, pick up the tissues that fit each other in color and texture.

If the bedspread suggests the presence of a lining tissue, they cut the synthetic layer by analogy with the main parts. In the stitch process, they are connected to a whole bedspread. If there is a pattern on the fabric, it is also necessary to take into account when striking.

Bright blankets for sleeping beds will always charge you with positive energy before bedtime.

Next comes timestart all the details together. Using a sewing machine, we connect the base of the bedspread with the ruff. To do this, place the details with the involving side, we lay the seams around the edges. Do not forget to lay folds if they are provided in the model. Sew covers with no extra details easily. If there is a lining, the insulation needed all the layers smoothly fold together, then sew.

Patchwork blanket is best created from not very bright sections of the fabric.

Council. Additional details are better to pre-pull the pins along with the main, or perform hand-made stamping seams.

In the presence of stitches, you must first perform its seams, then check the basic elements. If there is no experience, then the stitch seams are better to first execute manually.

For children's bedspreads, you need to choose not only a pleasant coloring, but also high-quality natural material.

Trial version

When you do not have sufficient experience of a sewing event, it is always scary for responsible work. Especially if the choice fell on complex tissues or the model covered. In this case, an excellent option will sew a trial option.

Beautiful bedspread can create one's own hands, the main thing is to charge a large number of desire.

This is a great way to create a beautiful bedspread on the bed of materials simpler, stretch out to perform smooth seams, lay folds, exercise a line, take into account the pattern.

Council. A good training option will be covered in a patchwork style. This technique requires painstaking work, but it gives invaluable experience.

Baby bedspread supplemented with toys in one topics.

Finished products can be used in the country, in the children's room. The skills of creating covers with their own hands will be undoubtedly useful in the future. Question how to sew covers on the bed- no longer will arise.

Sleeping beds can be supplemented with bedspreads that go water colors with bed linen.

Sew covers with their own hands is not such a difficult task. This will require a little time, forces, skills. Accurate calculation and patience guarantee a beautiful and cozy bedspread on the bed.

Video: 76 unusual ideas covered for bed

50 photo ideas for creating covered with your own hands:

The hostess know that beautiful covers for the sofa will be able to emphasize the style of the interior and create a comfort in the house. This decor element also performs a protective function, preventing the sofa contamination. Manufacturers strive to constantly surprise customers with the original design and democratic value of new products. Their photos are collected on the official websites of textile manufacturers for home.

The color of the product should be harmoniously combined with the interior style in the corresponding colors. So you will create a cozy atmosphere in the house and make the interior completed. The bedspread will be aesthetic decoration of the living room and bedroom, choosing a pillow and cape for chairs in a single design. Try not to rush to get a good result.

When you need to cover on the sofa

The bedspread performs decorative and protective functions. To the selection of textiles for the house approach carefully to reliably protect the sofa in the house. Textiles for the sofa is easy to wash, because you can always support cleanliness and order in the house. Sofa protection will prolong its service life and prevent the need to carry out the need for the first 5 years from the moment of purchase.

I liked the model of the sofa, but the upholstery is not suitable for the style of the room? Buying aesthetic bedspread with the original design - a quick solution to this complex problem. So you will save a large amount and time, without spending them on a hawk of upholstered furniture. Cover the sofa with a new bedspread and it is harmonious to fit into the interior!

Textile selection process is complex. Note:

  • wall color;
  • upholstery style upholstered furniture;
  • interior;
  • room area.

Pay attention to the material used for sewing. It is a dense fabric with drawing, embroidery. Satin, woolen, acrylic models Do not lose their popularity. On sale silk and fur optionswhose cost is higher. They do not lose their form after washing and create a smooth surface of the sofa and its aesthetic appearance. The style of their design can be different, which should also be taken into account.

Secrets of successful selection of bedspreads

A model of neutral tones will fit into the interior with pedestrous bright colors. Walls have a monophonic surface? Bright color textiles - your option! The color of the walls and the beds should be harmonious, but not merge.

Furniture upholstery color and material used to create interior items should be considered. Textiles is only an accessory designed in a single style with interior, furniture and other elements.

In spacious rooms, the use of all colors is permissible, and for small things should not buy bright textiles. He will make the room even less. The color of the curtain should not be combined with the bedspread. This decoration style is supported only in offices and offices of managers.

Neutral textile tones - universal interior option in any style. These are pastel colors, which will fit into common style and will not rush into the eyes. Tone parquet coating, stretch ceilings, walls, furniture are the main criteria about which you should remember in a textile store for home. This is a simple solution for the interior of the urban apartment and a country cottage.

You can arrange bright accents using contrasting color bedspreads. Red and more dark colors are ideal for an extraordinary interior. But this style is getting tired after 2-3 months. Therefore, choose neutral textile colors for harmony in the house and maintain a single style in the design.

Assortment of materials for sewing

The latitude of the range of home textiles is achieved by using various textures, materials, colors, styles, decor. For sewing, any available fabric can be used. Its choice will depend on the style of the interior and your budget. Models from velvet, wool, tapestry, cotton and flax are presented. More expensive - silk and fur meet less often.

They sew covers with both whole pieces of material, and from the popular-style "Pechvor". You can buy a bedspread on a synthetic tube, from natural fur and Chinese silk. Cotton and flax are valuable for their practicality and durability.

You can diversify the interior with a few covered in different styles. During the washing period of one of them, cover the sofa with beautiful textiles in another style. For example, it is worth seeing thematic photos on the Internet.

Natural and synthetic textiles for home

The bedspreads can be sewn from:

  • natural;
  • synthetic materials.

Covered from natural materials - over 80% of natural components. It is wool, cotton, bamboo, luna, eucalyptus, whole animal skins. They are traditionally used in homes and have advantages: preservation of volume and shape, breathability, pushing dirt. Models made of natural wool - an effective means for the treatment and prevention of arthritis and rheumatism, are used to restore the health of the joints.

Their disadvantage - they are not suitable for allergies, causing people with negative consequences: the outflow, rash. Yes, and the price of them above the rest is 2-3 times. Alternative to them will be bamboo and eucalyptus bedspreads. This is natural textiles with anti-allergenic properties, practical and antibacterial. They are pleasant to the skin and are able to improve the state of health.

Synthetic textiles are products from acrylic, fleece, microfiber and artificial fur. They are bright, practical, durable, their price is democratic. The acrylic models do not lose the primary shape and thickness even after a dozen washed, the colors will not be fused under direct sunlight. But they do not absorb moisture, so it's not comfortable to sleep under it. Such a bedspread is intended for decoration and protection of upholstered furniture from pollution and abrasion.

Light fleece products breathable and presented for sale in large quantities. They are suitable for children and bedrooms, even in the living room, such a decorative subject will also fit harmoniously. For more than two years in a row at the peak of fashion, artificial fur products remain. They are easy to wash and care, possess anti-allergenic properties.

The main features covered for the sofa

Beautiful bedspreads for the sofa are simultaneously performing several functions:

  • protective. Textiles will prevent the premature abrasion of the courtyard of the sofa, protects it from the appearance of spots and other contaminants. To do this, you should buy a product of durable fabric;
  • warming. Upholstered furniture, crissed eco-and-genuine leather, looks respectable and solid, but they are not able to provide proper heat in winter. To do this, cover the sofa with a bedspread, making your vacation more comfortable and maintain your health strong;
  • decorative. Textiles is the best tool for quick change in the interior, the style of design of the room and the creation of a homely coziness. Make the house brighter and comfortable, covering the sofas with beautiful coat covers from silk, artificial fur, flax!

Home textiles Optional to buy in a specialized store. You can get an exclusive bedspread created by individual order. To do this, contact the studio, deciding with the cloth, sizes, style. It is important that professionals work in Atelier, whose work can be confident.

Budget option - self-sewing textiles for home decor. You will need an overflow, sewing machine, thread, fabric, decorative elements (stones, ribbons, rhinestones, appliqués). This option is suitable for those who have at least 5 hours of free time per day and special skills.

The easiest way is to buy already ready covers in the store. So you will spend a few minutes to choose from and get a high quality product in the desired style.

Individual dimensions of the product

Before going to the store, you should measure the sofa so that the bought textiles pleased you and fulfill your destination. It is necessary to measure each part of the sofa, given the type of model: left and right. For the sofa of the standard size is enough of one bedspread with a good cut from natural or synthetic materials.

A large sofa will suit textiles out of 3-5 wedges or buy several at once. You also have to choose the method of fastening the bedspread on the sofa. It can be buttons, sticky tape, buttons, lacing, rubber band. They are suitable for angular sofas, and eurochells are a universal model. It can be seized on the sofas of 380-550 cm. For their sewing, durable cotton and polyester are used with the addition of Elastane. The amount of their colors reaches 50.

In order for textiles to serve for more than two years, you should learn to care for him, clean and wash it regularly. Washing is carried out 2-5 times a year. Before washing, read the guidelines on the label or contact dry cleaning. It costs 2-3 times a week to brush the vacuum cleaner to maintain the purity and eliminate the accumulated dust. If homemade pets live in the apartment, then vacuum will have to vacuum every day, especially during the molting period.

Caring and washing textile products for the house depends on the type of material, which was used for their sewing. Artificial fur, Shelk and wool is to wash manually, because the washing machine will worsen the appearance of the bedspread, it will lose its shape and quickly wear out. Discard the washing at high temperatures using water 30-50 degrees.

The bedspread is a sure way to refresh the interior of the house, giving him aesthetics and comfort by defending the factory upholstery of the sofa from pollution. Buy products of the proper quality of proven world brands. Such products will serve at least 3 years, while retaining the primary brightness of the colors, shape, aesthetics and sizes!

46 Photo of beautiful ideas covered for a sofa:

The bedspread is a great way to change the bored interior! With the onset of spring, paint a house in bright colors! - And the mood will rise and enthusiasm will add!
On the Internet, I somehow came across such a photo:

According to the drawing, it is quite clear how the bedspread is just done, but I still could not make adjustments.)))
The article described that the bottom (purple) fabric completely covers the sofa from all sides, it seems to me that it is superfluous - after all, it will not be visible at all, and they will have to spend decent! In addition, such ruffles can be achieved differently - simply sewing the "base" fabric to the bedspread in the missing places.))) In general, like this:

Works to make such a bedspread quite a bit - cut in size fabric, handle edges, insert champs and you can try on a favorite sofa! The garters can use climbing harnesses with brushes for curtains, etc. (Now this attributes are full stores) at your discretion.

Before proceeding with the sewing of the bedspread, it should be determined: with texture, coloring and how, as a result, it should look covered in the finished form: it will have a rise, bows, beautifully flowing rollers or other additional elements.

When buying, it is better to take fabrics by 30 cm., More than necessary and before opening it to wash it, in this case you can be sure that the sewed bedspread will be at the time of your sofa.

A simple bedspread on the sofa is not difficult to sew.

Getting Started, it is necessary to cook: white chalk (or in the old manner of a piece of soap), pins, maximum long line or tailor centimeter, scissors, needles, threads.

For proper cutting, measuring the length, width and height of the sofa. Then we fold the size of the length and width, add two height sizes to the resulting results. For example, the length of your sofa is 192 cm., Width 153 cm., Height 42 cm., 192 + 153 + 42 + 42 \u003d 429 cm., Add to the allowances (seams) for 3 cm. To the length and the same The width that received the figure is the size of the required material and correspondingly covered. Using a centimeter, measure and cut a rectangle on the necessary dimensions. Send the cloth across the edges and secure it with a pin or simply notify with free stitches. Firm on sewing machine seams.

Still great that spring can be not only on the street, but also at home, and in the shower!

By buying furniture, we often do not think about how to extend the life of her life, because the surface of the sofa can be inadvertently pouring coffee, the children fall into its paints or a negligent husband will forget to remove the pants in the stains of the machine oil and will take place on the favorite object of the interior, without changing. What to do? Sew covers on a sofa with their own hands. If you have a sewing machine, then it's time to look into the piggy bank of ideas.

It happens that the living room or the cabinet in the house is not enough: it seems that everything is worth it, but there is no bright spot that it would say that this is a room of good, where you can not only discuss urgent things, but and relax. If you need a comfort, then covered on the sofa is the first thing to be sewn. You can, of course, order it with a designer, but does he feel to the end that you wanted to see in it?

Ideas and on the Internet it is possible to learn, but we will offer you what it costs from. To start, determine the style of your room. If it is, then there is nothing easier to tie the bedspread on the sofa with your own hands. The simplest acrylic threads and the usual wooden hook are able to work wonders. Determine the size of the sofa and armrests - and start knit the squares of the same size. They are not easy to sew them to get the original thing.

- It covered with offset photo printing, where not only portraits of celebrities black and white-cinema, but also parts of newspaper articles transformed into textiles. Such a combination will just complement a strict style if it is also diversified with sofa pillows the same subject.

For Italian style, artificial silk is suitable, but heavy. Sust out of it what seems to be a careless curtains pounded on the back of the sofa and armrests. Very original such thing looks in the office, when heavy furniture begins to put pressure on with its massiveness.

Covered on a sofa with their own hands in the children's room

For to work. The bedspread should be not only a piece of fabric covering the sofa, but an original solution in the form of a flap with a lining, but decorated with a children's pattern, which soothes and gives a feeling of the small world of the smaller man. Use the fabric a simple, easily mastered hand in a soap solution that does not attract dust and not serving insect accumulation.

The color covered with their own hands is neutral, the same should go to the pillows: they can come up with Ryushi for them, for which these pools are comfortable to take hands.