Repair Design Furniture

Bud growth stimulant method of application. How to apply fertilizer bud. The bud is a universal natural stimulator of growth, flowering and fruit formation. The main characteristic of the fertilizer Bud

To prepare a working solution, the drug is dissolved in a small amount of tap water and mixed thoroughly. Then its volume is brought to the norm, after which it is mixed again.

Spraying is carried out with a freshly prepared solution in the morning or evening, while it is important to ensure uniform wetting of the leaves. "Bud" begins to affect the plant from the moment of its processing, the period of protective action is 1-3 months.

Potatoes and eggplant

In order to increase the yield of potatoes, as well as their resistance to frost and disease, the tubers are treated with a solution of "Bud" before planting. Use 15 g of the drug per 10 l of water, the consumption is approximately 1 l / 100 kg. In the budding phase, the same solution is used in an amount of 4 l / 100 sq. m landings.

Eggplants are sprayed at the budding and flowering stage in order to increase the content of dry matter, protein and sugar in the fruits. Prepare the same solution as for processing potatoes, while its consumption should be 4 l / 100 sq. m. This method of processing can be used to increase the yield of tomatoes, reduce the acidity of fruits and increase disease resistance.

White cabbage

White cabbage is processed to increase its vitamin C and sugar content, as well as to lower its nitrate content. To prepare the solution, take 10-15 g of "Bud", dilute in 10 liters of water, and then use it in the phases of the beginning of the formation of the first true leaf, the appearance of 6-8 leaves and during the period of setting the head of cabbage. The solution consumption is 4 l / 100 sq. m.

Other plants

For processing strawberries, cherries and black currants, prepare a solution using 10 g of "Bud" per 10 liters of water. Cucumbers are sprayed with the same solution when the first true leaf appears, as well as at the beginning of flowering. Soaking the corms of flowers in it enhances the vigor of germination, accelerates the yield of flower stalks and increases the yield of the "children" of the plant.

Precautionary measures

The drug "Bud" is considered a moderately hazardous, non-phytotoxic compound, but it can irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and skin. Persons over 18 years of age are allowed to work with it without contraindications for health reasons.

Processing is carried out using personal protective equipment: rubber gloves, glasses, a dressing gown and a respirator. While working with the drug, do not drink, eat or smoke. At the end of all work, you should wash your hands and face with soap and rinse your mouth.

Active substance: gibberellic acids of sodium salts, concentration 20 g / kg.

Purpose of Bud: Bud preparation is a natural stimulator of fruit formation, an increase in the number of ovaries and a decrease in the number of barren flowers, protects the ovary from shedding, increases the yield by 20-37% and accelerates ripening by 5-7 days, improves nutritional and taste qualities, and the content of vitamins. In addition, the drug increases the resistance of plants to frost and drought, improves the survival rate of planted or sown plants, increases the ecological purity of vegetables, fruits and berries.

Method of using Bud: plants are sprayed with a freshly prepared solution of the drug in dry calm weather in the morning or evening hours, ensuring uniform wetting of the leaves, in accordance with the recommendations for the use of the drug. The consumption rates of the drug and working solution are shown in the table.
To prepare the working solution, the amount of the drug indicated in the table is dissolved in a small amount of tap water, mixed thoroughly, then the volume of the working solution is brought to the norm indicated in the table with water and thoroughly mixed again.
The period of protective action is within 1-3 months after application. Impact speed - from the moment of processing.

Hazard class: III(the connection is moderately dangerous).

Precautionary measures: May cause irritation to the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes. Not phytotoxic. Drug resistance has not been established. Low hazard to bees (hazard class 3). Persons at least 18 years of age who do not have contraindications for health reasons are allowed to work with the drug. To carry out processing using personal protective equipment (gown, goggles, rubber gloves, respirator). During work, do not smoke, drink, eat. After work, wash your face and hands with soap, rinse your mouth.

Culture - garden and indoor flowers, open and closed ground tomatoes
Action - increases the resistance of plants to frost and drought; improves the survival rate of planted or sown plants; stimulates growth, bud formation and lush flowering

Consumption of working solution - 2 liters per 40-50 sq.m. Terms of treatments 1st after planting seedlings or transplanting plants, 2nd during budding, 3rd during flowering.

Culture - corms of flower plants
Action - increasing the energy of germination, accelerating the release of peduncles, increasing the yield of "children"
The consumption of the drug is 2 g per 2 l of water,
Consumption of working solution - 1 liter of solution per 1 kg of bulbs. Soak tulip and gladioli bulbs for 5-6 hours before planting.

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How does Bud stimulant work

Bud is a stimulant of flowering and fruit formation has an anti-stress effect. Stimulant increases plant resistance to diseases, accelerates growth and stimulates flowering. Stimulated bud prevents the ovaries from falling off and increases the yield by 30-37%.

"Bud" has a unique recipe containing several different growth stimulants that complement and reinforce each other's action, macro - and micronutrients, substances to improve its penetration into leaves and achieve high phyto-safety.

Such a richness of the recipe allows plants to always choose those substances that they need most. This explains the versatility and equally high efficiency of "Bud" for different cultures and different phenophases of their development.

"Bud" is not phytotoxic, completely absorbed by plants, does not pollute the soil and groundwater, is safe for fish, bees and other beneficial insects.

The drug allows gardeners, gardeners to replace several drugs with one and achieve amazing results: significantly increase the yield (in some cases - more than 2 times), improve the quality and ecological purity of fruits, protect plants from adverse factors. For its outstanding qualities "Buton" was awarded a gold medal.

"Bud" is used from spring to autumn... The beginning of the application of "Bud" coincides with the preparation of plants for planting.

"Bud" for flowers... If you prefer flowers and among them in your beautiful garden there are those that are propagated by corms (begonias, dahlias), then they should be soaked in the "Bud" solution for 5 hours before planting or spray them with a solution. One liter can be sprayed with 10 kg of corms. This gives an increase in the energy of germination, an acceleration of the output of peduncles, an increase in the yield of children.

Stimulant Flower Bud

Excellent results are obtained by processing "Bud" of gladioli, lilies, roses, chrysanthemums. Treated plants tolerate low night temperatures well, produce more buds, and bloom more luxuriantly and longer. The yield of gladioli bulbs increases by 15-20%.

"Bud" and fruit and berry crops... Process the apple trees 5 times per season: in the budding phase, after flowering, at the beginning of the ovary formation, during the period of fruit growth and during the budding period. "Bud » will be able to save the ovaries from falling off when unfavorable weather conditions occur. In addition, "Bud » shortens the ripening period, increases the yield, improves the nutritional and taste qualities of the fruits. And he takes care of the next year's harvest in advance.

It is enough to spray sweet cherries or currants 3 times: at the beginning of flowering, after flowering and at the beginning of the formation of berries. Strawberries can be sprayed 2 times (during the period of mass flowering or berry setting). This guarantees a large number of large and tasty berries.

A particularly strong effect is observed when processing grapes. Spraying is carried out 3 times: during the period of bud formation, during the period of mass flowering and at the time of setting berries. This leads to excellent results: the berries become larger, the number of berries in the bunch increases, the weight of the bunch and berries increases, and the sugar content increases. The yield and its quality are greatly improved.

Vegetables. "Bud" increases productivity tomatoes by 30%, eggplants and peppers - by 40%, cucumbers - by 30%, fruits and berries - up to 40%. In green crops, it stimulates the growth of vegetative mass. Reduces the ripening period of the crop by 5-7 days. Increases the mass of vegetables, fruits and berries, improves their nutritional and taste qualities. The incidence of diseases is reduced by 2-4 times.

"Bud" promotes flowering of plants. It increases the number of ovaries and keeps them from falling off. Accelerates fruit formation. The drug strengthens plants, increases their resistance to disease and stress when grown in adverse environmental conditions. Restores the productivity of fruit and berry crops affected by spring frosts.

"Bud" and potatoes... No growth regulator will prepare potato tubers for planting better than Bud. It is necessary to process the tubers during vernalization or before planting with a solution of the drug (2-4 g per 2 liters of water). One liter of solution can process 100 kg of planting potatoes. An increase in the number of eyes and an increase in the energy of their germination after treatment with "Bud" allows the emergence of friendly and strong shoots, which in the future has an extremely beneficial effect on the health and productivity of potato bushes. When the potatoes bloom, they must be treated with the same solution and this procedure must be repeated after 7 days. This stimulates tuberization. When the time comes to harvest, you will see that it has increased markedly, the tubers are larger, the little things are smaller, and the flavor and nutritional value of the potatoes have increased.

Fine( 4 ) Badly( 0 )

Each plant has its own growth and development rates. They are due exclusively to the natural qualities of this representative of the flora. But not so long ago, among gardeners, so-called stimulants came into fashion, which accelerate growth, increase fruiting and allow you to get a much larger harvest. Let's find out if this is really true, taking as an example such a drug as the plant growth stimulator "Bud".

It contains sodium salts and the substance gibberillic acid - a component of natural plant phytohormones responsible for flowering and fruiting crops. Gibberellins help accelerate flowering (for this, the plant must be processed before budding), and then fruit formation (repeated processing is needed after the formation of ovaries).

Features of the use of the drug for different crops

As you know, you can use "Bud" for a variety of garden plants, a detailed list of which is given in the instructions for this growth stimulator. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

First, you need to prepare a working solution for processing plants. To do this, take 10 liters of water and add 10 g of the preparation (for currants, cabbage, cucumbers), 15 g (for tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants) or 20 g (for onions, legumes, and flower corms). The working fluid is consumed for processing different plants also differently: cabbage, tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, daikon radish, strawberries, cucumbers, peas, beans and onions require maximum watering within 4 liters of solution per 100 sq. m of landing area. Fruit trees consume a little less - 2-3 liters will be enough for apple and cherry trees, and only 0.5 liters for black currants per bush.

Separately, you should stipulate the time when you need to use the "Bud". As mentioned above, this drug is used twice if the goal is to stimulate both flowering and fruit formation. However, for each culture, treatment with a stimulant is performed at a different period of development:

  • the tubers are processed before planting;
  • tomatoes - in the phase of the beginning of flowering of the first three brushes;
  • eggplants - during budding, and after - at the beginning of flowering;
  • for three phases of processing are permissible - when a real leaf appears, when 6-8 leaves are tied and at the beginning of tying the head of cabbage itself;
  • cucumbers are also sprayed three times - when a real leaf appears, at the beginning of flowering and during the period when the plant blooms en masse;
  • strawberry growth is stimulated only once - in the flowering phase;
  • flower corms are soaked 5 hours before planting in the ground.

When working with "Bud", as with other growth stimulants, be sure to adhere to the method of application indicated on the package. Otherwise, instead of a good harvest, you risk getting the opposite effect - from oversaturation with phytohormones, the ovary will fall off without turning into fruits.

Practice shows that growth stimulants are indeed effective. First, "Bud" increases resistance to unfavorable environmental conditions, namely to droughts and frosts. Secondly, the use of this preparation makes it possible to reduce the number of barren flowers, and, accordingly, to increase the number of fruit ovaries. This increases the yield by 30-40%, depending on the type of crop. Thirdly, thanks to the gibberellins contained in the composition, with the "Bud" growth stimulator, plant survival becomes better. Fourthly, the harvest ripens faster by about a week, and in horticulture this is a considerable period. And finally, fifthly, the stimulant has a beneficial effect on the nutritional value and taste of the fruit, which is also very important.

My aunt is a big lover of summer cottage affairs, she grows various flowers, vegetables and herbs. She still had an unused packet of Bud P fruit-forming stimulant, which she recommended to me to use to accelerate the flowering of indoor plants, as well as stimulate those plants that refuse to bloom despite adequate care to bloom.

In a bag 10 g. The cost is 35 rubles. The instructions for use can be read in the photo. I must say right away that this type of Bud is used mainly for spraying garden plants and soaking the bulbs, and besides it there is a Bud stimulator in a smaller package (3g), which is recommended specifically for flowers. But I had one, and I used it.

When Bud P is dissolved in water, a cloudy solution is obtained, which must be shaken thoroughly before spraying or watering the plants. In general, the result was obvious. As a result of 3 irrigations with an interval of 10 days, Zephyranthes bloomed in early April (last year they began to bloom in early June), and after artificial pollination, unusually large bulbs with seeds were formed, much larger than last year. The Chinese rose, which did not want to release buds in any way, but only grew its leaves, became covered with buds in mid-April. A tree-like aloe has released a peduncle (in fact, it blooms nondescriptly, but this is also a result). Hoya hasn't reacted yet. Now I would like to stimulate the Schlumberger and Decembrists in the fall, because the Decembrists have stopped blooming altogether (since the plastic windows were installed).

Stimulants are thought to undermine plant health a bit, but sometimes you want them to bloom early. Probably, Bud is not the most effective remedy, but it is also quite applicable.