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Devices for testing water quality at home. TDS meter-measuring water rigidity from various sources, including natural. The feasibility of testing

Water is an integral part of the life of every person. We daily use it during cooking, when washing dishes, accept shower or bath. This is not always such a liquid entering the apartment or house, complies with safety standards. She can harm human health or generally create a threat to life. "Wrong" water is capable of incident to the pluck in a short period of time, destroy the integrity of metal pipes and spoil clothes when washing.

We already wrote an article on this topic. If someone is not familiar with it, then you will definitely read. For this you need to go through this . In today's article, I want to tell about the range of the Russian market for measuring instruments for analyzing water quality. We learn what akvatester, which types there are, and consider the most popular models.

Aquatesther for measuring the pH level

Aquateter for measuring the PH level is a device that allows you to measure the amount of hydrogen in the liquid. These devices at home can determine the level of acidity in drinking water. Increased values \u200b\u200bof this parameter are harmful to human health. Contribute to the formation of scale, damage to household appliances and plumbing accessories. There are professional models intended for laboratory studies, however, for home conditions you can buy a portable aquatestr. It will make a detailed water analysis. The error of such devices is only 0.02%. The price of these models starts from 1000 rubles. For functional samples will have to give about 5 thousand. Get acquainted with the assortment of aquatestra to measure the pH, in this link.

OSP Tester

The human body is 90% consisting of a liquid. One of the main factors affecting our general condition and health in general is the quality of water. Aquatestster OVP is a device that determines the redox potential in any liquid. This parameter depends on the usefulness of water for a person. Each time we drink, the body receives an additional portion of acids and alkalis that contribute to the proper processing of beneficial substances and a stabilizing acid-alkaline environment. The indicator of the OVP in the human body should vary from -50 to -100 Millivolt. The device will measure the specified coefficient. In "good" water, it should not exceed 7.0. The cost of aquaters for measuring ORP starts from 2800 rubles per home appliance. For a professional tester will need to pay from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. With an approximate assortment can be found in this link.

TDS tester

TDS Tester, Solemer or Water Stiffness Meter is universal devices that can carry out a complex fluid analysis. They are great for use at home. With this device, you can learn the rigidity of water, electrical conductivity, approximate chemical and mineral composition, and also determine the presence of impurities and salts. Modern models contain a thermometer and adjust the indicators depending on the fluid temperature. The advantages of such devices lies in universality, compactness, ease of use and display of information on the display. Aquatestster of this type is able to analyze fluid for 3 minutes. The cost of models begins from 2500 thousand rubles, and comes to 15 thousand. With assortment can be found in this link.


I want to say that the cost of these devices, in my opinion, is not great. If you buy Aquatestster once, and check water that flows from the crane, you can be calm for its quality. In case the fluid does not match the established standards, it is worth thinking about the purchase of filters or cleaning systems.

If you are not familiar with the article about "Cabinet water-purification systems in an apartment or house", I can read it by clicking .

I hope my today's article was helpful to you and understandable. Write in the comments, are you sure of your water?! And what do you think, is it worth buying aquateter for the house, if so, what?

Today I will try to take on the role of our valiant Rospotrebnadzor and check the quality of the water we drink. More precisely, I will tell you about the device that is available to everyone and which can check the suitability of water to use, and, quite well, and at home.

What for?

It will be about Xiaomi TDS. The device is curious at once from several sides. First, it is a gadget from Xiaomi, which in itself is interesting for any techno-guika in our, and not only the country.

Secondly, each of us is probably at least once in life, but asked the question of the quality of the water he eating. Most of us do not drink water from under the tap and does it right. We do not live in Italy, but in Russia, with already served their communications systems. Hence the quality of water that flows through our pipes. But this is only one side. Some citizens love to travel, find springs and gain water for drinking water or cooking butt. The point, of course, is good, but it will not be superfluous to check the sanitary condition of such water.

And thirdly, the gadget is inexpensive, but in view of our favorite holidays on February 23 and March 8, it is perfectly suitable as a useful gift to a close person.

Price xiaomi tds. The official website is 35 Chinese yuan or $ 5.30, or about 400 rubles. I bought a gadget in one large Chinese online store for $ 7.25. At first I wanted to place a link to the goods, but then I changed my mind. Before me, the parcel went two months, so I will not definitely recommend such a store. In private - please.

Theory - It is important to know everyone!

In general, Xiaomi TDS is called so no accident. The name is decrypted as Total Dissolved Solids and understand it follows, as the total amount of dissolved (in water) solids. Accordingly, the gadget measures this parameter.

As a unit of measurement, the ratio of milligrams of various solids dissolved in one liter of water (mg / l) is usually used.

In the case of our device, the PPM measurement unit is used. It decryls, as the number of particles per million particles of water or in English Parts Per Million (PPM). For ease of understanding, these two units can be equalized. They are really very close to each other.


Xiaomi TDS is a tiny and stylish tider, which allows to determine the amount of solids dissolved in one liter. Of course, the device can be wrong, but in most cases the error will not exceed two percent of the result obtained. This is how the manufacturer declares.

The gadget can recognize the presence of the following substances in the water: calcium, magnesium, zinc, chromium, lead, copper, heavy metal ions, ammonium acetate, various salts, organic compounds, and so on. All these substances in a certain quantity can be harmful to our body.

As a memo, right on the package from under the device there is a special scale, which it is quite guided by measuring the purity of water.

  • 0 - 50 - crystal clear water (after deionization, microfiltration, distillation, etc.)
  • 50 - 100 - Clean water (after coal filtration, from mountain sources)
  • 101 - 300 - Normal, Heavy Water
  • 301 - 600 - high content of various solids, as a rule, drinking such water is already unpleasant
  • 601 - 1000 - Critical solid content - bad taste
  • 1000 and higher - unsuitable water

Unfortunately, on the box and in a tiny instruction, all the inscriptions only in Chinese. It is understandable, because the goods are sold exclusively in China, and it's no secret to anyone that in large cities there is a big trouble with an environment. First of all, it concerns air purity and drinking water.

I translated the above scale armed with a translator from Google and guided by a metric developed by the American Organization for Health and Environmental Protection - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

To use it is very simple. Pressed the button, the value of 0 ppm caught fire on a small LCD, lowered into the water, waited 5-10 seconds and ready. While the device is in water, it will show the current state, was taken out - the value fell. As you can see, everything is very accessible.

I checked several types of water, which was found at me at home. And that's what happened.

  • drinking water from the artesian well, purified, packaged by 19 liter bottles - 78 ppm
  • Aqua Minerale Negasted - 60 ppm
  • the same, but already boiled water - 86 ppm (the kettle was not pre-rinsed, perhaps from there and gained extra salts)
  • crane Water - 322 PPM
  • orange Juice - 1030 ppm

But the most interesting indicator issued melt water - 12 ppm. Snow for her I burned in a glass right in the yard. So think after that, what water should be used.

Specifications and design

The gadget works from two replaceable push-button batteries of the AG13 standard. It is gratifying that they are already included. The manufacturer is not fading.

Batteries are hiding at one end of the "handles". In the middle there is a small monochrome display, and next to it one only "TDS" button.

In the lower end there are sensors covered with a transparent matte cap.

Large contact is responsible for measuring the temperature and its calibration (does not show), and two smaller "mustache" made from titanium take on the duties of measuring solids dissolved in water.

The device is closed in the form factor of the usual stationery marker. The body is entirely plastic, glossy, most likely, over time will be covered with scratches and will become similar to the line with horns. But beautiful! And in the box lies spectacularly. What else do you need?

  • model xmtds01ym
  • operating temperatures: 0 - 80 degrees
  • dimensions: 150 x 16 x 16 mm
  • weight 28 g

Of course, the gadget is resistant to penetration inside the water according to the IPX6 standard. From here it doesn't matter how deeply you dip in the liquid your "handle". The only thing I did not try to completely lower the device under the water. I think nothing happens, but still did not dare.


Xiaomi TDS Tester Overview The purity of drinking water turned out rather short. On the other hand, what else can I say? Simple, useful in the farm, which, we will be frank, will be lying in one of the boxes in your kitchen. I hope that I am mistaken and I will use this device from time to time.

At the end of useful information. Perhaps someone does not know. The quality and safety of drinking water is responsible for the Office of Rospotrebnadzor. It is the staff of this department must conduct appropriate inspections on the territory controlled by them. Do not be lazy and go to the site of the local representative office to ask how things are with drinking water in your area. To do this, before the title of the page, put the code of your region and look for the information you need in the site search. Example, - Page Management in Moscow.

Measurement devices are devices that can be used in everyday life and for professional measurements of the chemical and / or physical state of objects. Aqua-Lab represents a number of measuring devices that allow measurements with an accuracy that allows us to talk about Russian and international standards.

Devices for determining water quality

PH-meters can be used for a domestic study of water supply or artesian (well) water to acidity, which is one of the important indicators of water suitability for use in everyday life.

ORP (ORP) -Metters allow you to control the redox potential of the liquid, which must comply with the human characteristics. The electronic device issues the result that is formed when measuring the difference in potentials between platinum and chloride electrodes. The quality of the results of measurements of the ORP to the company's devices gives reliable information about the quality of water consumed.

Solemer (Salinometer) or TDS meters, which company offers, serve to determine the content of salts in water, which will be used in autonomous heating systems, which is important for the long-term operation of the system. Another application is pools, and this is not to mention the rest of everyday issues like gloss hair or dry skin.

Measurement of food utility

The company offers a line of products that produce measuring the number of nitrates in agricultural products, which is not difficult for devices supplied by Aqua-Lab. In addition, the optical refractometer will become an indispensable device for analyzing alcohol-containing liquids. The company will consider the possibility of supplying other devices that will improve the quality control of food.

Environmental quality learning devices

The company offers a number of devices that analyze external factors: gas supply, radiation or exposure to energy fields affecting comfortability and even life safety. In particular, dosimeters that determine not only the level of radiation, but also the amount of radiation doses of radiation or the indicator of electromagnetic fields of the SOXEX pulse.

Aqua-Lab is committed to providing its customers with consumables (calibration fluid, buffer solutions, etc.), which guarantees the quality of measurements that are manufactured using our instruments.

To cleanse water in everyday life, all sorts of cleaning filters are often used. But in order to accurately make sure that water is deprived of harmful or extra impurities, it is useful to use a special water tester - this device will help not only check water for drinking suitability, but also will conduct its chemical analysis. According to the results of such an analysis showing the level of pollution of the fluid and the composition discloses it, you can choose a method for purifying water.

Clean drinking water must meet state standard cards for a number of indicators:

  1. Redox potential of fluid. This indicator should be in the range from 50 to 100 Milvolt. Otherwise, the body will spend many resources in the process of restoring the redox potential.
  2. The pH indicator must be neutral (7.0 marker). At the same time, permissible alkali presence, but oxidation should not be at all.
  3. Water rigidity should be at the average level. Soft water along with rigid unacceptable for use.
  4. The presence of minerals and salts should not exceed the norm. Excess of these substances harm the kidneys. The low content is also not useful - the body in this case will test the deficit of the necessary salts and minerals.
  5. The norm of the surface tension of water is 73 din / cm. Such water is easy to assimilate the organism.
  6. In addition to the listed, in drinking water should not contain heavy metals, nitrates, nitrites, chlorine and organic compounds of any kind.

Conventional personal water filters are short-lived - over time they begin to pass harmful substances and water acquires an unpleasant smell, most often - hydrogen sulfide, sewage, or chlorine. But not always harmful substances contained in the water can be easily found with the help of the smell, then Aquatestster comes to the rescue.

This device may be simple, pocket, or a whole set for a complex fluid analysis. If there is a swimming pool in a country house or in the country, you will need a special set of testers that allow you to test the water of the pool to the content in it chlorine, bromine, and also analyze the pH level.

Principle of operation and characteristics of water tester

This portable device has a sufficiently narrow functional - it calculates the amount of heavy particles in PPM - ("PAR PER MILLION" - "parts per million") from 0 to 1000, and sometimes up to 10,000 (the more this indicator, the stronger water pollution ). The norm ranges from 100 to 300 PPM. The measurement result is displayed on the display.

Pocket instrument in size is not more a thermometer, it is easy to use with a portable filter, especially on the road. To determine the composition of water takes out only 5 minutes.

A set for water analysis is more complicated than a pocket tester. It is a set of reagents, allowing the indicator, check water.

Types of Aquatesters

Monoparametric. The analysis is performed on one specific parameter:

  • pH level;
  • number of salts;
  • stiffness level and so on.

Multiparametric. Produce several types of analysis:

  • chemical,
  • optic,
  • electrochemical,
  • chromatographic
  • photochemical.

Also, testers differ in the type of water analyzed:

  • plumbing
  • ground,
  • from an artificial reservoir,
  • technical and wastewater.

Aquate resources are also distinguished by the method of their application:

  • portable;
  • stationary (installed in plumbing pipes, provide an hourly report of the state of water).

The best testers for testing water - rating the highest quality models from popular manufacturers

This will include budget, inexpensive and high-cost pocket testers, as well as devices and sets for analyzing the water of the pool and aquarium water.

API Freshwater Master Test Kit

The inexpensive set for water testing in the aquarium is a mini-station for fluid analysis. It is especially necessary for large aquariums, using special tests for testing, which determine the suitability of water for the fish living in it. The set shows the presence of ammonia, the pH level, the presence of nitrites and nitrates, and also gives a signal that it is time to change water to fresh. The average cost is 386 rubles.


  • the set is designed for 400 tests;
  • simple and understandable instruction.


  • no big flask.

Xiaomi Mi Tds Pen

Very popular and inexpensive model of water tester. This device finds out the presence and measures the amount of harmful substances contained in water: heavy metals, inorganic salts, organic compounds. Externally, the device is similar to the thermometer, at the top of which the batteries are located, and the bottoms are installed two proth from titanium. For the product of water analysis, it is necessary to simply omit the tester into the water tank - the result of the analysis is displayed on the display. In this case, the device takes into account the water temperature. In addition to checking drinking water, this tester can be used to analyze the water of the aquarium and the pool. The average cost is 500 rubles.


  • simplicity;
  • small dimensions;
  • affordable price;
  • practicality;
  • accuracy of measurements;
  • nice design;
  • good build quality.


  • produces not a complete water analysis;
  • no display illumination.


Another budget model with a basic functionality, well-suitable for home checking drinking water - the TDS range is reduced to 999 ppm, which combines the quality of water on the household level. Despite its modest possibilities, the tester copes well with its task, in addition, it is distinguished by reliability and durability. The average price of the device is 693 rubles.


  • accuracy of measurements;
  • simple control;
  • efficiency.


  • low quality materials.

HM Digital TDS-EZ Water Quality TDS TESTER

A very popular model of pocket aquatesther, which has a lot of positive user feedback. The device is characterized by high quality and reliability, has a wide range of PPM, which allows you to carry out a fairly accurate analysis of water. Average price - 819 rubles.


  • reliability;
  • good quality;
  • accuracy analysis.


  • high measurement error.

HM Digital TDS-4 Pocket Size TDS

A simple, but accurate pocket tester, the ppm measurement range from 0 to 9990. The rate for drinking water is an indicator of 100-300 ppm. Control is simple and convenient, the device is also able to "remember" the testimony. With this tester, you can also check water in the aquarium. The average price is 1,008 rubles.


  • high quality performance;
  • accuracy of analysis;
  • easily determines low-quality water;
  • portability.


  • too small display;
  • small functionality;
  • inaccuracy of measurements.

Digital Aid Best Water Quality

Aquatesther's high-quality model, equipped with a storage case, which is convenient for those who are often on trips. Measurement range 9990 PPM, high performance, pleasant design. The tester is equipped with a convenient display that has a memorization mode and comparing the results of the analysis. The average cost - 1 010 rubles.


  • high quality work;
  • modern design;
  • advanced functionality.


  • not detected.

Poolmaster 22260 5-Way Test Kit With Case - Basic Collection

A set for testing water in the pool, which can be called the best in its class. Allows you to comprehensively explore the water for the presence of substances harmful to the body. The tester is a set of bubbles with chemicals and reagents, the kit includes a test tube, flask, instruction for use. The set allows you to check water for the content in it chlorine, bromine, determine the pH level. The average cost - 1,071 rubles.


  • simple and understandable instruction;
  • accuracy of readings;
  • good build quality.



Aquavial Water Test Kit for Bacteria

Set to determine the presence of bacteria in water. In open water, the greatest danger is not so much heavy metals as bacteria and fungi, to detect which a special set is necessary. In addition to checking the pool with this tester, water analysis can be carried out after filters. The average price is 1,134 rubles.


  • multifunctional set;
  • accuracy of analysis;
  • wide functionality.


  • does not provide information about water hardness;
  • lack of cover included.


Very simple aquateter, perfectly suitable for domestic use. It is a set of testers bands that, when interacting with water, become a specific color, signaling the state of the fluid. In the instructions attached to the set, the value of each color is described in detail. This type of aquatesther is convenient for rapid water analysis, it is designed to detect metals, but besides this is able to identify the presence of bacteria and pesticides. The average cost of the device is 1 323 rubles.


  • versatility;
  • speed of obtaining results;
  • simplicity;
  • can detect the organic.


  • high price;
  • quickly spent;
  • not suitable for water research in the pool.

Criteria for choosing aquatetheter

Since domestic filters are not enough to gain firm confidence in the purity and safety of drinking water, there is a need to purchase a tester. What tester is best to buy? It all depends on what kind of tasks are delivered to this device.

If there are suspicions that the water is tough, it is best to purchase TDS-3 Solemer. The device quickly and accurately calculate the number of salts in the liquid.

For a comprehensive verification of the state of water, it is best to give preference to a universal device exploring liquid to 11 the most important parameters - a multiparameter testura, for example, U-50. Any model from this series is characterized by high efficiency, convenient control (built-in control unit) and available instructions. In addition, multiparameter aquatests of this series are able to memorize the results of the analysis, which subsequently add to a personal computer and thus track the water quality state, monitor possible changes in its composition.

If it is necessary to determine the presence of chlorine in water, then for such a case it requires the purchase of a special chlorimeter CL200 +. This device has a wide range of measurements - from 0.01 to 10 mg / l, which makes it possible to explore a highly chlorinated liquid with accuracy. In addition to the main function, the device is able to determine the level of pH and OVP not only in home water, but also in any artificial water reservoir - aquarium, pool, boiler, and so on. In addition, the device is characterized by economy, since the universal chemical reagent EXTAB is used to carry out any analysis. Measurement results are displayed in digital format.

To detect and calculate the oxygen concentration (O2), a special oximeter is intended in water. For household use, it is best to purchase the Extech DO600 + model and the AZ8401 model. Both instruments are a gas analyzer capable of conducting a study in an open well of any depth and in a closed hermetic vessel. What is their difference? The first option is EXTECH DO600 + - applies not only at home, but also in production.

Built-in device memory allows you to maintain analysis results and subsequently compare them with each other. The number of possible reports is 25 pcs. The second option - AZ8401- is designed to detect and calculate the amount of oxygen not only in conventional drinking water, but also in any reservoir, including natural (for example, in order to determine whether this reservoir is suitable for fishing, or breeding in it fish). It is worth adding that the measurement of O2 is best done regularly, since the concentration of oxygen is subject to constant changes depending on weather conditions.

To maintain and preserve the health of the body, it is necessary to use and use only clean water with a normal content of salts and minerals. Therefore, Aquatester is one of the most necessary devices in everyday life, because thanks to this compact simple device, it is possible to easily determine the condition of drinking water, aquarium water, pool and even a natural reservoir. According to the results of the analysis or regular studies and observations, it is possible to identify the problem and take measures aimed at purifying water and protect the body from the effects of harmful substances.

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Device for measuring water purity - This is a new development of American scientists. Now he is in our country. After all, for each person, it is vital what it uses in food. Including water that is the basis of the mass of dishes or that we just drink. The device for determining the purity of water will allow you to easily, quickly and most importantly determine whether to use this water or not. What is the device Water Checker? This is a compact device that is easy to take with you anywhere. The device works on two finger batteries. To determine the degree of water pollution, you need to pour a few drops into a special tank and click on one button. After a few seconds, the result is displayed on the display as a digital value and emoticons. After that, you will know exactly what kind of water in this source, is it possible to drink it or your loved ones. This is a particularly indispensable thing for those who have children in the family, since they are more sensitive to various impurities in the water.

Features of the device for measuring water pollution

  • Just only one pressing the button to measure the purity of water from under the tap, from the filter, water from the reservoir, from a bottle or mineral water
  • The determinant of water pollution Water Checker displays the measurement result with understandable icons in the form of emoticons
  • The result is displayed on the LCD display numerically
  • The water testing device has compact sizes, waterproof housing
  • Water Checker is characterized by low energy consumption
  • The device is easy to operate

Instructions for use of the device for measuring impurities in water

  1. Fill in a special water tank to a noted level
  2. Press the measurement button and keep it until you hear a beep
  3. After a few seconds, the device for measuring the degree of water pollution displays the result on the display.
  4. Understand the degree of fitness of water to use easily one of five emoticons
  5. You can interpret the digital values \u200b\u200bon the table in the instructions

Remarks on the use of the device

  • For greater measurement accuracy, it is necessary to clean the device Water Checker from water drops.
  • Quantity water should accurately match the level on the device, otherwise the readings will not be accurate

Technical characteristics of the device for measuring the purity of water Water Checker

Autonomous EL-1105 Water Purity Control Device

A unique device will allow for a few seconds to determine the level of impurities in any water and will give you recommendations for use. Water from water supply, water bodies, bottled, etc. Water in various parts of the world have different purity indicators. Wherever you are: on travel, business trip, in a campaign or in the country - you can evaluate - to drink this water or not.

The level of impurities is defined as (TDS - TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLID) and denotes the concentration of insoluble substances distributed in water. Measured in ppm. The instrument measurement table is given below.

Measurement Range, PPM


Accuracy of readings, ppm





Beginning of work.

  1. Install 2 AAA-type elements according to polarity.
  2. Fill the container to the test tag with water.
  3. Press and hold the button until you hear the beep.
  4. Results will be displayed on the display.

Water tester elements:

  1. Contacts Sensor
  2. Water tank
  3. minimum filling level
  4. Display
  5. Housing
  6. Button start test
  7. Waterproof gasket

Matching impurities (TDS) and icons:

0-30 - very clean water

31-100 - Pure water

101-200 - Normal water

201-300 - Water not recommended for use

301-999 - It is impossible to drink this water!

Table TDS values \u200b\u200bfor standard water types:

Distilled water

Drinking high purification


Water water

Water rivers, lakes

0 - 30

31 - 100

40 - 120

50 - 250

200 - 600

Attention!Some types of high-quality mineral water contain insoluble salt


The result of testing this water can give a strongly negative result. This is not a contraindication to use - however, you must be sure that this mineral water is genuine, and not artistic mineralized.

Manufacturer country: USA