Repair Design Furniture

Aquarium fast growing plants. Aquarium plants no problem. Conditions for plants in an aquarium

A lively and bright aquarium is not only about fish. Even with the most beautiful representatives of the fish kingdom, it can seem deserted and bleak if there is no vegetation in it. Creating an underwater green garden is not always easy, but if we select hardy inhabitants for it, there will be much less problems and worries. What plants can be considered unpretentious? Let's figure it out!

As we already call species that:

  • sufficient lighting of medium intensity 0.3-0.5 W / l;
  • there is no need to organize the supply of CO2;
  • no need to add organic or mineral fertilizers to water or soil - they have enough of what remains of the fish.

Hardy representatives are found in many plant taxa (systematic groups).

green algae

This filamentous algae forms a colony in the form of a fluffy green ball, which looks very picturesque and allows you to greatly diversify the aquarium design. The ball can be cut and attached to the bottom, turning it into a rug or a small lawn. Cladophora is simply adored by shrimp, as well as fish fry, which find a huge amount of edible microorganisms between its strings.

Cladophora requires lighting from 0.5 W/l, not too hard, neutral water (balls fall apart in water with high pH values), which should be clean and transparent. Prefers coolness, up to 23-24°C, loses its shape in warmer water.

Therefore, if the Cladophora lives in a warm water aquarium, at times - after about a month - the balls should be placed for several weeks in cool water to restore the colony.



This group includes the most hardy of aquarium plants -. We can say that this stoic only needs water to live, everything else is minor details. It tolerates low light and a wide range of hydrochemical characteristics. It gives room for creativity when decorating: it can form floating clouds in the water column, create a lawn on the ground or picturesquely cover stones and driftwood (first, Javanese moss needs to be fixed on the desired surface, later it can grow to it).

Like cladophora, it is dearly loved by shrimp and fry, as it provides them with shelter and a rich food base. It serves as an excellent substrate for biofilter bacteria, and is itself a good filterer, retaining suspended particles of organic matter.

Also moss, from the hepatic department, which is an interweaving of individual short small branches. It is usually allowed to swim near the surface, where it serves as fish food, a spawning site, and a nursery for fry. Riccia does not have organs for attaching to the substrate, but it can be fixed on any surface, for example, with a fishing line. Required water temperature from 22 degrees. And it should be soft, neutral or slightly acidic, with regular partial changes.

Java moss.


Undemanding include Thai and Indian water ferns.

It has embossed leaves, similar in shape to willow. It grows quite slowly, eventually forming bright green dense and lush thickets 25-30 cm tall. It is usually placed at the side walls, in the corners or in the background of the aquarium. A small bush can be placed even in the central part of the nano aquarium. The Thai does not need rich soil, since his root system is represented by small rhizoids and does not penetrate deeply. But it can be fixed on a snag or ceramic decoration, depicting an interesting landscape, for example, an abandoned castle, through the stones of which trees sprout.

Or ceratopteris, outwardly quite different. It has dissected, openwork light green leaves, well-developed roots, it forms a large tall bush. But he needs conditions for good growth similar to his Thai counterpart: medium or good lighting, fairly high temperature, soft water, slightly acidic or neutral. It is necessary to have a nutrient soil (sand or fine smooth gravel), the layer thickness is not less than 4-5 cm.

Thai fern.

flowering plants

These include the vast majority of green inhabitants of the aquarium. They have such a variety of shapes, sizes, colors that the eyes run wide. Let's try to give descriptions of the most unpretentious, dividing them into groups, based on the decorative value in the aquarium.

Lush back

These are plants that are large enough and are usually used to create the background and side wings of the aquarium.

Very popular among aquarists - a fast-growing plant with long, pointed leaves of a light shade. Consumes nutrients with the entire surface, therefore, helps to reduce the level of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in the water. Serves as a favorite food for herbivorous fish and snails. Prefers silty soil of small fractions, temperature from 24°C, not too hard water, medium lighting. Tolerates varying degrees of acidity.

Its close relative, hygrophila straight, nomafila, or lemongrass, is a little more decorative: its leaves have a pinkish border under intense lighting, are located closer to each other, in good conditions the plant bushes. The tops of lemongrass rise above the water, so they can be interesting to arrange an aquaterrarium or. This species needs at least medium lighting, hard water, neutral or slightly acidic reaction.

Hygrophila polysperma.

The same conditions are necessary for another representative of the hygrophile - the heterophyllous hygrophile (dimorphic), or blueme. It is remarkable in that its leaves are of various shapes - from oval, slightly carved along the edges, to deeply dissected, pinnate, lacy. All the mentioned types of hygrophiles are planted in groups to form dense voluminous curtains.

The inhabitant of the background, creating a fluffy openwork background, is also widely known. It has a long stem and a high growth rate (which means that it draws excess nitrogen out of the water well), fry hide in its thickets, adult fish spawn, and shrimp are usually found. Everyone loves cabomba! And she likes lighting from 0.4 W / l, clean neutral or slightly acidic water with a hardness index of no more than 8 °.

A magnificent background can be created by the Guadalupe naiad. It does not require rooting, feeling good in a free-floating state, but, being fixed on the ground, behaves like a full-fledged bush. This plant is the embodiment of grace and subtlety, but at the same time very unpretentious. The only thing it needs is good lighting, it adapts easily to the rest.

Caroline cabomba flower.

But why do we have all plants with long, narrow or needle-shaped leaves? We need to diversify our backdrop with some circles, and the white-headed hydrocotyl is perfect for this. Its leaves have a rounded shape, and the thickets are somewhat reminiscent of the usual marsh marigold in miniature. Next to our green lace and Christmas trees it will look very fun and original.

Of the requirements - only light is not less than 0.5 W / l and clean, periodically replaced water.

Growing to the surface, hydrocotyl forms floating leaves that can obscure other greens, so you need to be careful here and not let it capture too much territory.

To fill the gaps in the background of the aquarium, you can use and, collected in bunches of several branches and pressed to the bottom. They will not be able to form lush thickets, since they do not take root and do not bush, but it is quite possible to add density and texture. They are undemanding to water parameters, they tolerate almost any hardness and acidity. True, in very soft water, the stem breaks at the hornwort, and the resulting cuttings spread in different directions. Lighting like medium or good. Elodea grows best in cool water, up to 23°C.

Let's decorate the center

To revitalize the central part of our reservoir, you can use large spreading bushes, for example, Amazonian echinodorus. This species is distinguished by its shade tolerance (tolerates light of 0.25/l), grows in a wide range of acidity values, and prefers moderately hard water. What is required for it is a thick layer of nutrient soil.

In a spacious aquarium in the center and closer to the ends, you can plant low species, for example, a twisted mini-twister - several of its bushes growing nearby will create a pretty curly grove. It is not picky about light and water parameters (it only dislikes high hardness and pH values) and grows well in almost any conditions.

The middle plan will be decorated with their dark glossy greens and. They do not need a bright color, they grow in almost any water hardness slowly but surely. Anubias require nutritious soil, but they need to be planted correctly: only the roots are added dropwise, leaving a creeping stem on the surface. Anubias can be grafted to snags, and their dwarf representatives can be placed in the foreground, for which it is very difficult to find suitable vegetation in a moderately lit aquarium.

Anubias and Javanese moss attached to a driftwood.

Let's add some red

Of course, the greenery in the aquarium is great, but I want other colors as well. Unfortunately, most plants that have a red color or patterned multi-colored leaves are very picky about light and hydrochemical indicators.

An exception to this rule are Indian rotala and. Their leaves are reddish, sometimes slightly purple below, and they create bright islands against a general emerald and malachite background. The red color on the leaves appears only in conditions of at least medium lighting. At the same time, it is good if the light comes not only from above, but also from the side, then the leaves are located close to each other and several stems planted side by side form a lush bush.

If the lighting is only upper, the lower part of the stem gradually loses leaves and becomes bare. But this issue can be solved by periodic cuttings and transplantation: cut off the upper parts of the stem and collect new bushes from them. Water these plants need warm, clean, not too hard, neutral or slightly acidic.

As you can see, the choice of unpretentious plants to decorate our underwater kingdom is not so small. All of them are different, and with their help you can realize the most daring design ideas. There would be desire and patience!

To learn how to pick up aquarium plants and plant them, look at the video:

In an aquarium that you want to admire and proudly show to guests, there should be not only beautiful fish, but also interesting decor. Unpretentious aquarium plants are able to revive and decorate the underwater kingdom. They are undemanding to special conditions, they are easy to care for and easy to grow.

Fish in their underwater kingdom can exist well without representatives of the flora. But will such an aquarium be alive, and will it be able to give pleasure from contemplating a particle of nature?

Properly selected plants for the aquarium create an intoxicating magical world behind the glass, which calms and sets in a benign mood. The purpose of the herbalist's aquarium is much more than just a piece of furniture, both for humans and for the inhabitants of the underwater space. Aquarium flora maintains an ecological balance in a closed environment, bringing conditions closer to natural phenomena of nature.

  • The "lungs" of the aquadome release oxygen. They provide natural filtration due to the absorption of calcium.
  • Dispose of waste products of fish and purify water.
  • Minerals are absorbed through the pores of the leaves, which serve as a source of vitamins in freshwater.
  • Not getting enough food, the fish replenish their diet with the help of an underwater garden.
  • The natural plant environment is conducive to laying eggs on the leaves.
  • In secluded places among thickets, small fish hide from aggressive relatives.

Vegetation in the aqua corner is necessary for the full existence of aquatic inhabitants. Like any living vegetation, aquarium inhabitants require attention, care and certain conditions of detention.

Unpretentious aquarium plants: choose based on conditions

To create a harmonious corner of nature, when choosing flora, important factors must be taken into account.

  1. The volume of the glass container. It is not advisable to place a species that grows to large sizes in a small aquarium. Over time, he will dominate the territory and leave no room for the free passage of fish.
  2. Varieties of fish launched into the aquarium. If there are herbivores among them, then certain types of representatives of the flora will be required.
  3. Light background and temperature regime. Species are selected taking into account the shape of the leaves and their transparency. They should not interfere with the passage of light into the lower layers. Temperature and light are the main conditions for the successful cultivation of aquarium inhabitants. Regarding the quantity and quality of light, for some species, standard lighting is enough for a comfortable existence, without additional lighting devices.
  4. The characteristics of water parameters affect the intensity of growth and the quality of plantations. Not all aquarium plants tolerate acidity and hardness of water, but only the most unpretentious ones.
  5. Top dressing can be artificial and natural. For some species, what remains of the fish is sufficient for food. Organic or mineral fertilizers for unpretentious inhabitants of the green garden will not be needed.

Simple care and a minimum of manipulations will master any novice aquarist.

The most popular aquarium plants for beginners

When choosing aquarium plants for beginners, ignore rare and usually expensive specimens. They need a rich, well-silted soil, which is not in the new aquarium.
You can choose the most beautiful species from unpretentious aquarium plants that adapt well to ordinary space. With unusual shapes and a color palette, they will decorate a home pond, in which they will look good in the foreground and background.

Cryptocoryne wendta

It is the best suited for beginners who comprehend aquarium wisdom. It perfectly decorates the bare stems of relatives and the bases of large stones. Accepts any temperature, but grows slowly in cold water. Acidity does not matter, but soft water affects the structure of the leaves. It is not necessary to top up with fresh water or renew no more than 30 percent once a week. The size depends on the volume of storage: the larger the vessel, the larger the Cryptocoryne grows.

This is a good specimen in a home pond, as the lighting accepts anything but direct sunlight. Even in low light, the leaves continue to delight with bright colors.
The only requirement of the vendta is the nutritional value of the soil and the size of the fractions should be medium.


Vallisneria giant

Unpretentious will decorate the background with beautiful spiral-shaped leaf plates. The bushes combined into one composition create a magical curly composition. Like tiny boats, Vallisneria leaves float on the surface of the water.

This beautiful plant grows quickly and is easily propagated by side shoots from the rhizome. Adapts to any conditions of light and water.

All kinds of mosses

Some types of aquarium flora require more attention and costs than. It's good that you can choose unpretentious specimens that grow on their own: various mosses and ferns.

artificial carpet

In this sense, Java moss has many fans, thanks to its unique qualities:

  • grows on the surface of the water, under water on decorative elements;
  • there are no roots, therefore it does not need to be strengthened on the ground;
  • shade tolerant, but grows best in medium light;
  • eggs and fry find salvation in the ground cover aquarium plant;
  • exists at any acidity, hardness and temperature of the medium;
  • forms a carpet on underwater objects if initially secured with fishing line.

Aquarium plants not only decorate the aquarium, but also bring certain benefits. But in order to achieve a positive result, you should choose the right specimens, namely unpretentious ones. Having successfully coped with the task, aquarists get a beautiful glass pond that does not cause much trouble.

Conditions for plants in an aquarium

To date, there is a great variety of aquatic vegetation, which was imported from different countries. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups:

  1. Capricious, which will require special attention and often die due to lack of fertilizers or carbon dioxide, or they simply do not suit the microclimate of the aquarium.
  2. Unpretentious aquarium plants - they are ideal for the first experience due to the ability to quickly adapt to any conditions and at the same time grow rapidly. In addition, such plants are quite inexpensive and will not hit the family budget.

What do simple plants need?

At first, unpretentious aquarium plants just need to be shortened by cutting off the tops. Usually such manipulations are carried out 1-2 times a month. It all depends on the intensity of growth. Later, special complex top dressings are introduced and lighting is added, because it is often not enough.

Sometimes, in order to accelerate and improve the absorption of minerals, it will be necessary to supply carbon dioxide to the water. This is the end of all care.

The benefits of plants for the aquarium

With a minimum of effort, you can achieve not only a beautiful appearance of the aquarium, but also bring some benefits to the water world.

  1. Saturation with air. In photosynthesis, the task of plants is to consume carbon dioxide from water and release oxygen. Thanks to this, if the correct proportions of the number of fish and plants are observed, the use of an air compressor can be eliminated. As a result, noise effects are significantly reduced, the number of wires is reduced and the naturalness of the reservoir is created.
  2. Inhibition of algae growth. Fast-growing aquatic plants in the process of their development take away nutrients from algae, as a result of which the latter slow down their growth rates.
  3. Water purification. In the process of life, all the inhabitants of the aquarium pollute the water with nitrates, nitrites and phosphates. And aquatic plants, on the contrary, use these substances for their development. Thus, a certain balance is achieved: the fish clog, and the plants are cleaned. In addition, the need for frequent cleaning of the soil is significantly reduced.
  4. Alert about problems in the aquarium. Sensitively reacting to changes in the aquatic environment, plants signal the situation in the aquarium. Each plant has its own set of signals, but in general, such changes can be observed: growth retardation, yellowing and decay, which indicate clogging of the soil layer, lack of light and unfavorable water composition.
  5. Shelter for underwater inhabitants. Plants create a kind of home comfort for fish and other aquarium inhabitants. In addition to providing comfort, plants create comfortable conditions for laying eggs and breeding offspring.
  6. Additional power supply. Many fish are not averse to eating plants. Other inhabitants, such as snails and shrimps, eat the fading parts, stimulating the development of plants, and in the process saturate themselves and increase their numbers. As a result, they clean the walls of the aquarium from plaque much more intensively.
  7. Facilitate care. Upon reaching a certain symbiosis in the aquarium, you can safely go on trips, leaving your pets without daily feeding. The fish themselves will be able to feed for 1-2 weeks, and the microclimate of the tank will not suffer.
  8. aesthetic satisfaction. Aquarium plants serve as a wonderful background and effectively fill the aquarium. Some do not even breed fish, but create water herbalists that can enliven any interior.

A beautifully filled aquarium is a piece of living tropical nature in the house, looking at which a person rests his soul and calms the nervous system.

Plant selection criteria for beginners

What properties should unpretentious aquarium plants have in order to successfully establish an aquarium?

  1. Undemanding species can adapt to wide ranges of water composition. Both 5 degrees of hardness and 25 are suitable for them. Beginner aquarists usually do not measure these indicators and do not know at what level of hardness plants live. The same applies to water temperature.
  2. Lighting. Simple plants are able to grow in low light, however, in this case, their growth will not be so rapid, and their appearance will not be so bright.
  3. Such plants are resistant to sudden changes in living conditions. It often happens that a new purchase is forgotten for a long time, as a result of which the water can change its composition and become contaminated. Remembering, the owners begin to clean the aquarium and change a large amount of water. Such jumps in the composition of the aquatic environment are able to survive only the most unpretentious and persistent specimens.
  4. Irregular care. Unpretentious species are able to independently provide the conditions for their survival for a long time. For two months, such plants can live without damage to their health and not die due to overgrowth, shading, thickening, lack of nutrients and other parameters that depend on care.

The peculiarity of unpretentious plants is that they die slowly. And if you react in time and take appropriate measures, you can save aquatic vegetation.

What are aquarium plants

All aquarium plants are distinguished by group membership, in accordance with the conditions of detention:

1. The first group includes plants that grow at the bottom of aquariums or near the surface of the water surface. For the vital activity of such vegetation, all the necessary components are contained in water, but they consume light from the outside. The most unpretentious representatives of this group are mosses, which have a primitive structure.

2. The second group includes plants that float in water and on its surface - representatives from the families of Bladderwort, Hornwort and the subfamily Ryaskovye.

3. The third group is formed by vegetation from the Salviniaceae and Pontederiaceae families, which floats on the surface of the water mirror. They have air cushions in the leaves, which serve as a kind of floats.

4. The fourth group is represented by a number of plants that are attached to the ground:

  • able to bloom under water, and not tied to the presence of air;
  • releasing flowers not above the water level.

5. The fifth group includes such plants that take root at the bottom, and bring leaves and flowers to the surface. Moreover, the leaves can be both immersed and floating. This includes nuts.

6. The sixth group includes marsh and coastal plants that take root at the bottom and rise quite strongly above the water. Such plants can grow well without water, but on well-moistened soil.

Some types of unpretentious plants

1. From the plants that float on choose:

  • Azolla Caroline.
  • Pistia.
  • Richie floating.

2. Of those that are located in the water column:

  • Naiad of Guadalupe.
  • Hornworts are submerged.
  • White-headed scutes.

3. Of the plants that form the middle and background of the aquarium, it is recommended:

  • Ludwig.
  • Bacopa.
  • Vallinseria.
  • Hygrophil.
  • Cryptocoryne.
  • Lobelia.
  • Cryptocoryne.
  • Staurogyn.
  • Hadeotis.
  • Hygrophil.

5. For the decoration of pebbles and snags, they usually offer:

  • Anubias.
  • Monosolenima.
  • ferns.

If there is little experience in keeping an aquarium, then it is advised not to purchase plants with small dissected leaves and bright red colors.

Aquarium plants, the description of which will help determine the choice for a particular tank, are able to revive the pond and clearly fit into the interior of the room.


Ludwigia is an aquarium plant from the Cyprus family. The most common in aquariums is Ludwigia creeping, arcuate and marsh. Regarding the care of such a plant, experts do not agree. According to some, this is an absolutely unpretentious and low-maintenance plant that grows well. According to others, the care of ludwigia will require some experience and skill. However, it is known for certain that if a plant is placed in relatively favorable conditions, it will quickly adapt to new conditions and will actively grow and develop.

Ludwigia grow up to 36 cm and bloom profusely with small green flowers. And creeping ludwigia also forms flowers with yellow petals.

Ludwigia is an aquarium plant that will add uniqueness to any aquarium, and a huge selection of varieties is able to satisfy all tastes.


Kabomba is an aquarium plant that is ideal for beginner aquarists. Having a spectacular appearance, it is distinguished by the simplest conditions of detention. Kabomba actively absorbs carbon dioxide and nutrients, inhibiting the development of weeds that pollute the aquarium.

For successful rooting, you should purchase a medium-sized bush, which is placed in the ground and rolled with a stone. The best place is near the wall of the aquarium. Fluffy kabomba does not need additional fertilizers. And in the spring it picks up color, releasing pretty yellow flowers. To give a more fluffy look, the plant should simply be pinched. Cabomba is an aquarium plant, which is represented by several varieties: Carolina, water, red, furkata and pleformis.


The hornwort, the content of which in the aquarium brings invaluable benefits, is a fluffy green plant, the leaves of which resemble needles. This plant is also called a natural filter, because its green parts actively absorb all the dirt. In connection with this ability, the hornwort should be periodically removed from the water and washed. Pieces of twigs separated in the process of this can become new young specimens.

A useful plant is a hornwort: keeping in an aquarium does not cause much trouble, the release of a large amount of oxygen quickly oxidizes organic residues and purifies the water, and hornwort promotes the active growth of young animals.


Elodea is an aquarium plant, which is also called "anacharis", it is very unpretentious and has a fast growth rate. And the incredible rate of reproduction gave rise to the fact that the plants were nicknamed "water plague". If you give the elodea complete freedom, then it can grow up to three meters, consuming nutrients with amazing speed and having a detrimental effect on neighboring vegetation.

In appearance, elodea resemble tropical vines. They have long stems, which are covered with bright green oblong leaves.

Elodea is an aquarium plant that can grow both in the bottom soil and just floating in the water. All she needs is regular pruning. Otherwise, it will take up the entire space of the aquarium.


Nayas is an aquarium plant that grows quite rapidly in a favorable environment. The plant has thin branched shoots that can reach a meter in length and are covered with leaves growing in bunches. This plant looks very impressive in the background. Nayas creates favorable conditions for spawning fish, because it can do without soil.

Nayas is an aquarium plant that feeds on the elements contained in the water. Therefore, the soil and its composition are of little importance. Along with this, the plant regulates the microclimate of the aquarium, saturating the water with oxygen.

The plant is characterized by spear-shaped leaves that are red on the inside of the plate and at the tips. This color is characteristic of young foliage. Mature leaves are green in color. Greenish-yellow stems complete the picture.

Alternantera Reinecka rosacea does not require special care and is easily propagated by cuttings. This varietal group stands out against the background of green bushes, emphasizing the individuality of the aquarium and its inhabitants.

Limnophila indica

The aquarium plant is distinguished by a straight, slightly branched stem, which reaches half a meter in height and is covered with pinnate, strongly dissected leaves. A feature of the Indian limnophila is that it can have a different color depending on the light: in the shade - green, in the sun - brick.

Limnophila indica blooms above water. The plant produces pinkish buds. However, in order for the plant to grow well, you need to make a little effort. It needs clean water, which has a hardness of 10 degrees and a temperature of around 24 degrees.


Ambulia is an aquarium plant that is a type of limnophila. This plant very effectively decorates the aquarium, creating soft fluffy thickets of rich green color. The plant grows actively at a water temperature in the range of 26-27 degrees. If the temperature is below 22 degrees, then the ambulia will slow down its growth. A plant needs a large amount of light, because if it is lacking, it will lose its fluffiness. Regular water changes will also benefit ambulia.

Often an aquarium without living vegetation resembles a prison cell for fish, so it should be planted. Unpretentious aquarium plants will not only decorate an artificial reservoir, but also provide an optimal microclimate for its inhabitants. And the owner will be relieved of the lion's share of the hassle associated with care.

Live plants in an aquarium look much more beautiful than artificial ones. However, beginners are in no hurry to buy them, believing that they are difficult to care for. So that care does not cause a lot of inconvenience, it is enough to competently approach the choice of representatives of the flora. We bring to your attention aquarium plants for beginners, shown in the photo with the names below, which are unpretentious and grow well even in non-ideal conditions.

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java moss

This plant is a hardy champion in a variety of aquarium conditions. It wonderfully tolerates poor lighting, can live in an acidic environment and in a wide range of water temperatures. Java moss can be positioned both on the surface of the water and under it by attaching a fishing line to snags or other accessories.

If the lighting is weak, then it is better not to plant it on the bottom of the aquarium. Moss can be killed by very dirty water, where organic suspensions settle on the leaves, forming a plaque. Thus, he loses the ability to breathe, against which the process of photosynthesis worsens.


The second place among unpretentious plants in the aquarium is occupied by dwarf anubias. It grows well in moderate light conditions, does not respond to changes in acidity and water hardness. Anubias has dense leaves, so fish and snails are not afraid of it. It looks especially beautiful on a snag, so it is often incremented. Its disadvantages include slow growth.


It is one of the three most unpretentious plants. Its peculiarity lies in the absence of roots. Stems are dug into the ground, thereby forming beautiful shrubs that resemble fir branches.

The hornwort grows quickly and tolerates moderately hard water well. The stem can disintegrate in soft water. For the successful maintenance of this plant, good lighting is recommended.

Elodea Densa


A very hardy plant, so it is perfect for planting in a beginner's aquarium. It grows very quickly, releasing arrows from the shoots. Due to its narrow and long leaves, it looks very beautiful in any pond. The disadvantage is rapid reproduction, so from time to time it is necessary to cut new shoots. Otherwise, Vallisneria will flood the entire volume of the aquarium. For more information about Vallisneria, watch the video from the Green Style channel.

Arrowhead subulate

Outwardly, it resembles a bunch of grass, as it grows in a chain. This plant is suitable for planting in the foreground, because the leaves have a bright green color, and the arrowhead itself is undersized. It reproduces, like Vallisneria, by shoots, so it can quickly spread throughout the aquarium.


This is a floating plant. The lower leaves are often a refuge for some fry and small aquarium inhabitants. There are also fish that love to eat this plant. Riccia grows quite quickly, preventing natural light from entering the aquarium. In this regard, it must be periodically weeded.


One of the most popular plants in the aquarium. It can be red, bronze or green. Often, aquarists plant several types of Cryptocoryne at the same time, decorating the reservoir in an original way. The plant normally tolerates a lack of light, adapts well to water of moderate hardness. The disadvantages of cryptocoryne include difficult recovery after transplantation.


Among the existing species of this plant, there are both unpretentious and very capricious specimens. For beginners, experts recommend using swamp ludwigia. It has bright green leaves, and in very bright light becomes red.

Does not tolerate lack of light. In this case, the stems are strongly drawn out and lose their beauty. Ludwigia is not demanding on acidity readings, the optimum temperature for it is from 20 ° C to 22 ° C.

indian fern

Ideal for the beginner aquarist. This fern has beautiful leaves with small cuts. It adapts well to different conditions and water parameters in the aquarium, but requires good lighting.

All considered plants are externally different from each other. But by combining several species in one aquarium, you can create an original and beautiful landscape design under water. When choosing, beginners should be guided by the following parameters.

  1. Attitude to insufficient lighting. Many inexpensive aquariums are equipped with weak lamps, which is why they are cheap. Insufficient light can lead to the death of some plant species.
  2. All unpretentious plants for an aquarium can live in different conditions. For them, water hardness is absolutely acceptable, which varies from 4 ° to 20 °. Beginners in the aquarium trade often forget about this indicator, just like the temperature of the water.
  3. Regular maintenance and cleaning of the aquarium. If the aquarium is left unattended for several months, it begins to become dirty as a result of too much density and rotting of the plants.
  4. Resistance to sudden changes in conditions of detention. Most beginners forget about their aquarium for a long time, and during this time various processes take place in it, which require constant monitoring. A sharp change in the characteristics of the water in the aquarium can withstand only unpretentious plants.

It is worth noting that there are a number of reasons why preference should be given to living plants in an aquarium. First of all, this is the appearance of a home reservoir. A more natural aquarium looks exactly with the presence of vegetation. In addition, plants are food for some types of fish, inhibit the growth and reproduction of lower algae.

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Video "How to make the background of an aquarium from Ricci"

Having made the purchase of their first aquarium and even launched the first inhabitants into it, many novice aquarists feel some kind of incompleteness when looking at it. And this is not at all surprising, given its empty and lifeless appearance, which cannot but rejoice. Therefore, newcomers try to fill the void with emergency measures by planting all kinds of vegetation, not really thinking about the possible consequences due to such rash actions.

And it’s good if, as a result of such actions, the established ecosystem of an artificial reservoir undergoes minimal changes, but as practice shows, this happens in quite rare cases.

Most often, you have to start breeding fish from the very beginning. Therefore, in order to avoid such situations, in today's article we will consider what unpretentious aquarium plants are.

Why do we need vegetation

So, aquarium plants for beginners are needed not only to create a beautiful picture. Their undeniable advantages include:

  1. Improving the aesthetic appearance of an artificial reservoir.
  2. Creation of safe zones for fish, in which they can hide from other inhabitants of the vessel or create nests for spawning.
  3. Providing fish and other inhabitants with food.
  4. Increasing the level of oxygen dissolved in the aquatic environment.
  5. Reducing the concentration of harmful substances.
  6. Inhibition of the growth of lower plants, such as green algae.

And this is not to mention the maintenance of a normal ecological balance, which is so important for all the fish in the aquarium.

What plants can not do without a beginner

Many novice aquarists are not always in a hurry to acquire live plants, preferring to use artificial ones for this purpose, a huge variety of which can be purchased at almost any pet store. But although they are not much inferior to the living in their beauty, even the use of their huge number will not be able to create in a vessel that feeling of a truly breathtaking water world. So, the most popular unpretentious plants include:

  • vallisneria;
  • all kinds of mosses;
  • Richia and Ryaska;
  • hygrophiles.

Consider these unpretentious aquarium plants in more detail.


This plant, the photo of which can be seen below, is characterized by oblong and narrow leaves that can reach, and sometimes even rise above the surface of the water. In the latter case, the tips of the leaves can be seen floating on the water surface. It is also worth noting that several types of this plant are suitable for a beginner aquarist. So, for example, speaking of spiral vallisneria, one cannot fail to note its spiral leaves.

Representatives of this species are the most popular among beginners. And the point here is not only in their developed root system and unpretentiousness, but also in incredibly fast growth. As for reproduction, this happens in them in a vegetative way, namely with the help of processes from the root. And in less than a week, near the main bush, you can see how small new bushes begin to grow. It is not for nothing that many aquarists use Vallisneria to create incredibly exciting compositions, as shown in the photo above.

All kinds of mosses

Among the representatives of this family, I would like to note first of all, the photo of which is presented below. So, in the first place, its breeding does not require absolutely no effort. In addition, this plant serves as a natural shelter for the fish and a place to rest. An interesting fact is that Java moss can either be free-floating in the water column or attached to pebbles or snags with small roots. It is also worth noting the high rate of its growth. In this case, it is recommended to cut it periodically both with scissors and tear off too long stems with your hands.

Remember that introducing fish into an aquarium that already has a similar plant will be the first step towards creating a great home corner. In addition, moss is a favorite habitat for both shrimp and newborn fry.


This plant, the photo of which is shown below, is a favorite choice of those who are just starting to master all the nuances of breeding and caring for fish. So, first of all, I would like to note that it can be either simply planted in the ground, or simply left to float freely in the water. In addition, this plant is constantly used as a substrate in spawning grounds. As for its appearance, the hornwort is represented by an oblong and branching stem with thin and long leaves. It is distinguished by rather rapid growth, which as a result may be fraught with the formation of real thickets, among which fry love to play and hide. But experienced aquarists recommend thinning out overly rugged thickets by cutting off old stems. In some cases, you can get fish that will use this plant as food.

Richia and Ryaska

These plants, the photo of which is presented below, are in demand not only because of their unpretentiousness, but also due to the creation of a green rug of magnificent beauty. But it is worth remembering that for many fish they can also serve as food. Therefore, before you start another fish, you should ask the seller what they eat. Reproduction in such plants occurs vegetatively. In addition, the use of this vegetation will help to somewhat reduce the intensity of lighting in an artificial reservoir, if such a need arises, of course.

In addition, we must not forget about the excellent decorative component of these plants. So, using grids, you can fix Richia on a pebble or snag you like, and in a week you will get an unimaginably beautiful composition. But it is worth noting that if such plants themselves do not require too much attention, then maintaining the resulting works of art will already require certain conditions.

This vegetation covers a fairly wide group of plants, most of which are ideal for use in domestic artificial ponds, due to their high unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention.

Of particular note is their incredibly high growth rate. Reproduction in these plants occurs with the help of processes located on the sides of the shoot. In nature, they are represented by a huge number of various colors and shapes.


All of the above plants do not require almost any maintenance. They can feel great both in low light and without special vitamin supplements or carbon dioxide. But if, however, the owner of an artificial reservoir has a desire to somewhat stimulate the growth of his vegetation, then special feeding for plants in an aquarium is best suited for this purpose. As you can see, a little imagination, hard work and a previously empty and lifeless aquarium will sparkle with new colors.