Repairs Design Furniture

What is the kard table. What is the kard from the sofa. Do you know what kind of kard is and how to do it? What is a kard. Detail of cabinet furniture - rear wall

Visually, any table can be divided into two components: legs and countertops. It is on these parts of the design that the buyer pays attention most often. But, as practice shows, the table does not become more steady, and its operational period does not increase on the type-table. The quality and price of the finished product is affected by hidden details, for example, the kard.

Tsarga Tables - this ...

Connecting and fixing element of the structure, providing stability of furniture, in our case - tables. Externally, such a detail is not remarkable, often hidden, but there are options for outdoor location. The kard is fastened under the table top, connects the feet of the tables, providing fixedness of the furniture.

The kard is used not only in the tables, it is used in high-quality bedroom furniture, living room, kitchen. For example, you can often see the king in bed, sofa or on a chair.


This element of furniture is distinguished by strength and external characteristics.

  1. Open or closed. The difference between such species of the Tsargi is that there is an internal space to which the wires often hide, separate illumination elements.
  2. Metal or wooden, plastic. The most recognizable and frequently used material for the manufacture of the Tsargi is a tree. However, today such material is rarely used, more practical and durable variants made of metal treated with anti-corrosion composition.
  3. Single or multiple. Depending on the number of legs, the type of tsargi is different. For example, if the table has only two T-shaped legs, the connection will be required only between these two elements. If the legs are 4, then the kard can be a double (cross under the tabletop) or consisting of 4 parts.

The use of the Tsargi increases the operating period of the table, increases its stability. Without the use of such a locking element, the table will be ruined with time.

Table with kinga or without - what is better?

Manufacturers make it possible to choose the desired product, ideally suitable for both the price and functionality. A feature of really high-quality long-term furniture is that the Tsarga always applies in it. Such a table will be a bit more expensive, but also the quality does not compare with similar options without the connecting part.

If there is no connecting frame in the product, the price of the product is lower.

Choose that better - the table with the kinga or without it, the individual case of each buyer. The presence of such an element does not guarantee uncompromising quality, but significantly increases such a probability. Previously connecting the element was mandatory, today it is its preference for the manufacturer.

Connecting element in the production of furniture Barsky

The manufacturer of office and home furniture Barski offers its customers a wide range of products for every taste and for the best price for your case. Almost in all the tables are used by the Tsarga. If there is no such, there is a separate locking element on the back of the structure.

Metal fastening

In the new lineup of adjustable tables, a metal kard is used. It is located under the tabletop, allows to increase the stability of the structure even at maximum pressure from above. The table is difficult to flip over, tilting with a computer monitor or without it. Additional elements of stability are T-shaped feet of the table. Thus, the area of \u200b\u200bload increases, is evenly distributed over the surface of the table top.

Popular models for example.

Beginners' moonshills are faced with many newly absolutely unfamiliar terms of the terms and devices. One of them is the Tsarga. This device is necessary to obtain a high-quality homemogon.

The Tsarga is a long tube that performs the role of "filter" for the produced alcohol. The quality and fortress of the drink obtained at the output will depend on its execution. In order to properly apply this device, it is necessary to study in detail what kind of kard and what is its function.

To purify the distilted braga from harmful impurities and the acquisition of a larger fortress is used by the Tsarga. "What it is?" And "How to choose a king?" - The first questions arising from the new device.

It is made in the form of a metal tube located between the distillation cube and the reflux. Length and diameter vary depending on the goals pursued. The purity of the resulting moonshine depends on the sizes of the Tsargi. A tube length from 15 centimeters gives a twenty-fold improvement of the product. The kard is more than 45 centimeters size will allow you to clean alcohol 60 times better. This installation gives at the outlet of the alcohol fortress of 96 degrees, which is the highest result that can be obtained at home. That is why the Tsarga is considered the most effective among the entire variety of cleansing devices for moonshine.

What needs a kard

Adding the Tsargi to the moonshine device significantly modifies it. It works as a filtering device, holding down the pairs and impurities within itself, giving clean alcohol at the exit. It can be said that the kard is an analogue of the distillation column module. Its main purpose is to obtain high-quality purified raw materials. Thanks to this installation, the moonshine is getting rid of the sigh oils that give an unpleasant smell and a taste. In addition, the correctly selected distillation kard cleans alcohol, not significantly slowing down the distillation.

Functions and features of the structure

What is needed by the Tsarga in the moonshine apparatus:

  • Purification of alcohol from the fusion oils and impurities formed during the distillation of the Braga;
  • An increase in the degree of manufactured alcohol;
  • Obtaining a pure 96% alcohol at home;
  • Improving product quality, without a significant reduction in performance.
  • Simplify the design of the moonshine.

This device consists of a long tube and placed in it nozzles (mounds). The housing is performed from copper or stainless steel. Copper Tsarga better eliminates moonshine from unpleasant odors. It is used to work with fruit-berry or grain braga. In other cases, it is advisable to use stainless steel.

The material of the case, as its inner part, is not so important, since it is that it affects the bandwidth of the apparatus and the purity of alcohol. Basically, spiral-prismatic elements made of stainless steel are used as a mound. It is it that it has an optimal bandwidth, minimizing a phlegm number. However, in cheap analogs, manufacturers use kitchen metal washcloths. The inertness of such a material at high temperatures causes a lot of doubt, as well as its cleansing ability. Therefore, to obtain a high-quality moonshine or alcohol, it is necessary to choose high-quality kingu.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of the Tsargi is based on the process of deflecting - condensation of vapors with different boiling points. It proceeds in the presence of countercurrent vapor in the distillation capacity. The moonshine apparatus with Tsarga works on the following principle:

  1. In the process of boiling, the Braga forms a pair, which flows through the kingu and condensing, flows from it.
  2. Couples with condensate move towards each other.
  3. Condensate saturates pairs.
  4. Condensed liquid is constantly returning to the cube, and the saturated pair enter the refrigerator.
  5. Due to the heat exchange, the cleaning process occurs continuously.

Is it possible to replace the TsARGU

Tsarga is used to saturate condensate with alcohol pairs. The same value in capacitors or driparters used in the moonshine apparatus. From this it follows that theoretically replace the king on the drill one can. The difference will only be that the first design is higher performance and cleansing capacity. Therefore, it should be taken into account which product you want to get. The manufacture of pure alcohol is impossible with the help of an armhire.

Do I need to warm the king

Will the CARGU or not? This question also arises among others when modifications of the moonshine. Opinions on this occasion are divergent. The first is that due to the insulation of the column increases the efficiency of the entire device. Second: due to natural cooling, the cleaning of the moonshine is improved.

How to make a king do it yourself

The kard for the moonshine can be made with their own hands. To do this, you will need to prepare all the components.

Necessary materials:

  • Stainless steel pipe. Its length should be at least 45 centimeters.
  • Sieve with a small grid.
  • Kitchen washings. It is better to choose the simplest, most importantly that they are made of stainless steel. This is determined using a magnet. Stainless steel attracts it. It will take about 40 pieces.
  • Thread adapters (1 and 3.5 inches).
  • Digital thermometer with dipstick.
  • Rubber part of the dropper.

Production of filler

The manufacture of the Tsargi begins with the preparation of the filler. In addition to the washcloths, you can use ceramic mound or small glass balls. They will have to search in specialized stores. Therefore, consider the most accessible option.

Above this stage will have to sweat, as the work is small and monotonous. Each washcloth is cut into 2 parts, from which metal strips are separated. Each of them must be twisted in the springs from 3 to 5 turns. The finished fusion is sifted to separate the fine garbage and metal dust. After that, you can start assembling.

The kard is made in several stages:

  1. To the metal pipe from two sides to attach adapters from above 1 inch, from below 3.5 inches.
  2. The top to connect with the distiller.
  3. From the bottom to retreat 3.5 centimeters and at this level make a hole under the probe from the thermometer with a diameter of 6 millimeters. It is important to observe all the dimensions with an accuracy of a millimeter.
  4. Insertion is installed in the hole. To fix it, it is best to use the cropped part of the dropper. Such a connection will be sufficiently dense and sealed.
  5. Tube fill the fastening of the prepared washcloths.
  6. Secure at the bottom of the sieve.

The finished device is necessarily checked. Not only Braga is suitable, but also a ready-made moonshine, requiring additional cleaning. The finished product is checked by the alcohol content.

To equip the moonshine apparatus of the Tsargy, it is certainly worth it, especially since it is quite simple to do it. It will make your alcohol safe and high-quality. Once again, learning the manufacturing process will help you video.

Types of fastening to furniture for strength: Tsarga - what it is and what the sofa lock and countertops differ

In furniture manufacturing, each element of construction plays an important role, this number includes few well-known king. What it is and for which it is so necessary, both in furniture and in interior doors? The kard is an important element that ensures the strength of the tables, sofas and even chairs.

Tsarga, as a constructive feature, is a connecting part that is responsible for the reliability of the product and the fastening. Presents a support in any furniture attribute.

For example: the table is a simple design that consists of a tabletop and legs. But they are not connected with each other, but using a connecting board, providing reliable fastening, the stability of the legs.

Thus, the Tsarga furniture is a simple, but very important connecting element, with which the entire design is constructed. About what kind of kard is what information is given by Wikipedia, talk more.

What furniture elements are present in

What is the kard in furniture? Any rectangular product has a connecting part in its design, which is between the tabletop and legs. In such furniture, like a table or chair, it is the most important element, installed throughout the perimeter. The bed, for example, includes only three of the elements installed at the headboard, as well as bonded. In this case, they have another destination, which is to hold the mattress. Many manufacturers are inhabited by the king with all sorts of materials. At the sofa, this item is installed at the bottom of the product and connects the armrests with each other, after which it is against a cloth.

The materials from which the Tsarga is manufactured are:

  • an array of the valuable tree of the tree;
  • plywood.

At the chair, it is also located at the bottom of the design and bonded the armrests among themselves.

Interroom door

For the door of the Tsarga, used to ensure increased strength. It is two strips - vertical and horizontal. Materials that are most often used for its manufacture are:

  • coniferous wood;
  • wardrobe stove.

The inner part connecting the planks among themselves can be made of any material, and also represents a simple decorative insert. A larger number of slats provides the highest level of hardness at the door. To view the door to be more complete, its cladding is performed from:

The advantages of the Tsargi in the interior door can be attributed:

  • increased level of reliability and strength;
  • convenient element installation, as well as subsequent repairs;
  • no seams on elements such as cladding and joints;
  • appearance that looks attractive.

When replacing some elements, the appearance of the door varies.

This option is great for those who constantly update the design of their premises, and also tries to save finances when changing the interior.

But such structures have certain disadvantages, such as a low level of security, as well as a large mass.

That is why for those who want to install a light door, it is better to choose the Fiberboard slabs, but a slight amount of deficiencies easily compensate for the advantages described above.

In such an element of furniture, like the table, it is the most important coupling part that fastens a tabletop and legs. The tar of the table is installed around the perimeter of the product in the number of four pieces.

The fastening bar is only on classic wooden tables . The CARD table is stronger and reliable.

This element is located under the tabletop and connects the legs of the product, in addition to this, an additional part may be present, which is located on the bottom. Shears the name "Press". The attachment of the Tsargi to the tabletop provides additional reliability and stability of the product.

At the chair, like the table, it carries an important connecting task, and can also be installed in two places at the same time. One of them is in the upper part of the structure, the others are located at the bottom and are called prices.


What is Tsarga sofa? First of all, it is an important component of the design and is located at the bottom of the product. In addition to connecting the armrests, it is responsible for the reliability of the structure. Most often is covered with the same type of fabric, which is used for upholstery. The height of the Tsargi can reach 30 cm, but the length comes to 190 cm.


The kings beds are connected together, as well as with headboard, ensuring the reliability of the entire design. They are hijacked by any materials or tissues, as well as responsible for holding the mattress. The bed has such elements in the number of three pieces.

What is the kard of the cabinet and what is it necessary for? In such an element of furniture, it is responsible for the rigidity of the whole structure, there is there, where there are long spans with shelves. It is installed in the back of the design and has a vertical location. It connects the rack and the sidewall of the cabinet. Also may be present at the Iceft, holding an even location. Shepherlot is a nominating box that is in the closet.

Prices for Tsargu

Making your own hands

Most craftsmen are self-made for the manufacture of such simple elements of furniture, such as stools or even tables, the design of which has nothing complicated, as well as labor-intensive. It is only important to remember that each element must be properly manufactured. To make a stool, you will need to make the kings in the number of four pieces.

The size of each part depends on the intended value of the product itself, so it is very important to know what length and width will be your stool.

The king corner for the set of the table can be cut at an angle, depending on the design of the product. All this is important to consider at the assembly stage. In addition, you should not miss it, at what angle the legs are fastened.

Once all the stages are observed, the materials are prepared, you can assemble.

The CARGE canvas is a very important component of almost every furniture element, since it ensures that it provides a reliable connection between the key parts of the entire design. In addition, in some cases, this item provides furniture products with additional strength and long-term. It is worth carefully approaching the selection of material, as well as manufacturing technology.

If you choose the furniture or order its manufacture, pay attention to the quality of the execution of individual items. This will depend on the strength, stability, and therefore the convenience and duration of the life of the items. It is important not only to fulfill the work qualitatively, but also correctly pick up raw materials for manufacture.

Video on the topic: Figured Tsargi for Chair

Details of cabinet furniture and their names

The main parts of the cabinet furniture remember quite simple, the names of furniture parts speak for themselves for themselves, these are sidewalls, bottom, cover or tabletop, back wall, the king she is the base, and in some cases the shelves, the doors are the same facades, drawers, dryers, handrails and the like. Details are divided into two main types. The first form is the details of the forming furniture framework, the second appearance are those details of the furniture that are installed directly to the already assembled frame.
For example, let's look at what details a kitchen table consists.

The details forming the furniture frame in this case are the sidewalls (No. 1), the rear wall (No. 2), the Tsarga it is the base (No. 3) and the bottom (No. 4), it is also worth noting the important role of the tabletop (in the figure is not displayed) In this design, it must be rigidly fixed either on bent or corners. As an additional details of the furniture frame installed on the assembled furnace, in our case, the remaining doors are the same facades (No. 5), the shelf (No. 7) and the box (No. 6).

And, by the way, if the desire to acquire new furniture is due only to the desire to update the kitchen, although it is functionally satisfied with the former probably, it is worth thinking about changing only mounted details of the facades, pens and other things. Another thing is functionality - here it is worth thinking about the complete alteration or the addition of some elements of furniture.

Let's return to the topic of details of frame furniture and consider the features of each of them.

Detail of cabinet furniture - sidewall.

The length and width of the sidewalls determine the height and depth of your table, and if you can experiment with depth, then the incorrectly selected height of the table can make it extremely uncomfortable. From constructive features It is worth noting the need for spilling corner in the far lower corner of the sidewall, otherwise the table will rest in the plinth, which will not allow you to move the table close to the wall.

Detail of cabinet furniture - rear wall.

Typically is made of fiberboard or refined Feds. The width of the back wall is made by three millimeters less than the width of the table and at the attachment retreat approximately one and a half millimeters on each side. The height of the rear wall of the kitchen table should also be shorter than 1 - 2 millimeters of the distance from the edge of the bottom to the table tops (close the space for the console's rear wall). At the bottom, also retreat from the edge of the bottom, but at the top it is desirable to make flush with sidewalls. The rear wall is attached to the details of the furniture using ordinary small nails (on the like postage), believe me for the word - this attachment is enough.

Detail of cabinet furniture - kard, console.

In most cases, the height of this part is approximately 10 cm. It is due to this size of furniture by the fact that the Tsarga, together with the rear wall, prevent our design from diagonal deformation (in other words, do not allow it to fall on the side). Console width is equal to the width of the table minus the thickness of two sidewalls. The console is attached tightly between the sidewalls, it is desirable to attach to apply the furniture screed confirmation. In many constructions, the kard is installed flush with the doors that in my opinion it is wrong because when approaching the table you will constantly rub the shoes about the kingu, so it is worth a somewhat bu in the table. The setting of the kings at the bottom of the table is traditional, but it is not necessary at all, so the following figure shows the use of the box of the box console which can be enshrined either on the sidewalls, or have its own wheels, in the latter case it is possible to store heavier things or, for example potatoes. The console in this design is set at the top of the table.

Detail of cabinet furniture - bottom.

Detail is simple but indispensable. The dimensions of the bottom correspond to the depth of the table and the width over a minus thickness of two sidewalls. The bottom is mounted at the bottom of the sidewalls, it is desirable to attach to apply the furniture screed confirmation.

Details of cabinet furniture - doors.

Doors they are the same facades. This is a separate big topic to which we will talk next time. In this case, we will affect only the dimensions of the door. The width of the door corresponds to the half of the width of the table minus five millimeters. (4 millimeters on the edges (2 mm. Per side) and one millimeter for each door for the gap between them). The height of the door depends on the presence in the design of the boxes, in the presence of which it is necessary to take into account the gap of 2 millimeters with conjugate details of the furniture.

Details of cabinet furniture - boxes and shelves.

With shelves, everything is simple, their size corresponds to the size of the bottom. Bashed preferably to corners, furniture wanking bent or special holders for shelves. Boxes are a kind of separate design and therefore we will deserve them a separate topic.

In this case, we looked far from all the details of the cabinet furniture but only the basic, which I hope will be enough to collect the furniture with your own hands for home and giving.

Description of the Tsargi, as well as the principle of its work, independent production at home

In search of ways to produce at home not only natural, but also pure mogon, the inventors came to a reduced copy of industrial installations for the production of alcohol.

This appeared in the design of the kard for the moonshine, capable of cleaning and strengthening alcohol pairs.

What is this module?

This is an add-in over a distillation cube - vertical tube . There are compact designs of distillers, in which the Tsarga is low, and the additional attachments are departed from it - a surchant / bubbler, a refrigerator.

There are long designs - film and distillation columns.


With the help of the Tsargi, it is possible to get a strong and relatively pure moonshop organoleptics.

That is, in your kitchen to create a product that is not inferior to shopping stuffed drinks, or even superior to them.

Functions and design features

The pipe over the cube has three functions:

  • Cleaning the moonshine from high-boiling components - Oil Sivuhi.
  • Warning splashing.
  • Strengthening the final product due to dehydration. The degree of strengthening depends on the height of the column. With a 20 centimeter stupid to hope for alcohol, and it is quite real with high.

The kard can be both a hollow, and filled with nozzles or spiral-prismatic nozzles (RPN or SPN).

Operating principle

The module acts on the same principle as industrial columns for the production of alcohol. In the column there is heat-massive: a pair, breaking down from the heated alcohol-containing liquid, rushed up, partially cooling, and returned down with phlegm.

On the way there are found with new couples, entering them to the reaction. Heavy oily fractions flow back into the cube. Rebuilding repeatedly, the alcohol is cleared, getting rid of the water (strengthening).

This process is called partial condensation . This method is separated into separate substances multicomponent mixtures (oil, for example).

Nozzles in the column increase the area of \u200b\u200bcontact of vapors and phlegm, improving the quality of the final product.

How to choose?

When choosing a device with a kingoy, it is important to take into account the goal, with what you get it. If you need a moonshine apparatus with a surfactant or a bubbler to obtain a fragrant moonshine, then the length of the king is taken to be equal to the refrigerator or slightly higher.

Normal Material for Manufacture - food stainless steel Although there are copper.

If you wish to get alcohol with a fortress from 80 °, a high column is needed. On this design, we will stop more.

Tsarga for distillation and brand column

For the brigade and distillation columns - special conditions. The success of the transformation of braghi or raw alcohol (distillate obtained by directing distillation) to pure alcohol depends on the compliance with the requirements for the devices of this type.


For household columns of the distillation and brightened type, the internal diameter of 38-48 mm is adopted. The performance of the column depends on it.

With a conditional height of 1.5 meters and with internal diameter 38 mm, the calculated productivity will be up to 1 l / h, and at 48 mm - 1.8 l / h.

Influence of height

It is extremely important for the separation ability of the column (separation of individual substances) so that the planting part is at least 1 m, and the total height did not exceed 1.5 meters. If the length is smaller, the effectiveness of the selection of goals and even 96 ° alcohol will be not pure according to the composition.

The number of nozzles should be a 30-fold amount of the internal diameter of the Tsargi. That is, for example: 38 mm x 30 \u003d 1140 mm. When diameter 48, this figure will increase to 1440.

Attention. Do not confuse the full height of the Tsargi with the nozzle (where the RNP is located), which determines the performance of the structure.

Is it possible to replace an alley?

Arykharnik is not able to fully replace the king. This is due to the difference of chemical processes that occur in these modules.

The surfactant only partially eliminates the sigh oil even with a fractional distillation, the column is able to give absolutely delight of alcohol.

How to make your own hands?

In order to make the king with your own hands, you will need:

  • hollow tube of stainless steel or copper;
  • adapters;
  • connecting elements;
  • welding machine and work skills.

Calculation of length and diameter

The generally accepted diameter (internal) is already said. It should not be thought that with an increase in the pipe length, the indicators of its productivity and the degree of cleaning will be improved.

The change in height uneven affects the separating abilities and efficiency of work:

  • A practical way is proved that at the height of the Tsargi less than 45 cm only partial cleansing and the strengthening of the obtained distillate occurs.
  • The height of the brand column always exceeds 45 cm.
  • For the distillation, it is necessary that the height of the tsargs amounted to 30 of its internal diameters.


The case can serve only a pipe from copper or stainless steel. Aluminum, cast iron, especially - plastic for this module is unsuitable.


Since the kard is installed vertically over the cube, the industrial execution uses closame compounds as the most reliable. Sometimes they make a flange lid, on which the pipe is still, with welding, is installed.

With independent making, a threaded connection is most often used. For what, on the cover of the cube, in the middle of the threaded fitting with the outer thread of the same diameter as the Tsarga is installed.

Accordingly, a thread coincides with the fitting is cut on the inside of the Tsargi. At home, internal and outdoor threads can be "swap."

Caution. For a reliable connection, the threaded part must be at least 3 cm.

Grid for packing

Wire washbaskets of stainless steel scrapers are familiar to the kitchen in the kitchen. They do well with the task of sedimentation of the sighboring components and cleansing the mogon.

In the case of applying wire meshes for dishes, the first part of the Tsargi is inserted into the lower part. The rest are cut by parts and fall asleep from above. This ensures reliable heat mass exchange between the ferry and phlegm.

Attention. When the grain and fruit brah is left, it is better to use not pieces of grid, and copper wire springs.

Wash the wire to the turn to the rod (purified electrode), then cut into small pieces. Copper perfectly cleans the moonshine from sulfur compounds, which are particularly popular in grain wort.

An excellent option will be the purchase of RNP (regular Panchenkova nozzle) from stainless steel. You can buy it in most online stores, use an infinite number of times.

After each distillation, get the grid, turn out, rinse, twist and paste back. If you do not plan to use the apparatus at speed, the nozzle is better to dry.

Features. RPN can be used with copper springs. Or immediately buy a copper grid, there is such an option.

Stroke work

  • Cut the king, focusing on 45-50 cm (or - arbitrary length, depending on its idea).
  • In Cuba, install the fitting on which the kard will be cooked.
  • Top on the pipe. Provide the fastening of the head part of the rectifier cooled, if you build a distillation column. Or brew it tightly, welding up the side of the tube, leading to the heater / bubbler or directly to the refrigerator.

Features. To create a full-fledged distillation or browstone column, press the mount so that you can deliver another king module.

  • From above, refer to the thermometer socket.
  • Connect other modules (if you use) and refrigerator.

Often in the home tsargostroitelnia at the bottom of the pipes still form the grid to be able to fill the king with washcloths or spirals. This role will perfectly perfect RNP, twisted and inserted into the pipe.

Do I need insulation?

Another important question is whether insulation is needed for the Tsargi? Many do without it, moreover, a cold air flow onto the pipe to the fan to cool it for better condensing.

However, it has been proven that insulation reduces heat loss, as a result of which distillation occurs faster, and the purity of the obtained distillate or the rectial is higher.

Some of the industrial manufacturers are coming with insulation. If you are decided on insulation, make a cover from felt or flexible insulation with a foil from a construction store. Cover make removable, because it is difficult to predict whether it will benefit. This will only show practice.

Use the finished apparatus with the kinga or to improve the existing one - to solve you. If you have experience in the "old-fashioned" distiller and a device with a kingoya - share your own impressions in the comments to the article.

What is the king bed, for which it is intended and what could be?

The kard connects the elements of the bed.

Greetings to you, kind of my readers.

In the manufacture of furniture, each element of its enclosure has its own value. An important role is played and little-known among ordinary users of the Tsarga. What is this element, what is it needed, in which kinds of furniture are, what characterization is it? Let's deal with all this.

What is a kard?

Most of the parts of the cabinet furniture are quite simple names. According to these terms, it is possible to quickly understand what kind of design element is in question.

Characteristics of element

But among the furniture parts there are such, the names of which little they say to non-specificists. Among them and the Tsarga. The term from the German word "zarge", which is translated as "frame".

This is the same Tsarga.

Tsarga - horizontal connecting plank. It is located between the legs of the bed, a sofa, chair, tables and other furniture items. The bar enhances the body and gives it enough rigidity. This is due to the additional fixation of the elements of the product with its ends.

  1. Furniture equipped with four and more legs (tables, chairs, etc.). In this case, the Tsarga is a frame from boards or bars, which rigidly connects these supports.
  2. Beds, sofas, doors. In these designs, Tsargi are horizontally oriented crossings. They provide the connection of vertical racks with each other. That is, it is the upper either lower horizontally oriented frame strapping.

In the panel interior interior of the Tsarga is a wide panel.

  1. Shield furniture. With its manufacture, connective rails are also used. They fulfill their traditional feature - stiffness designs.

However, these elements look a little differently. Most often, they are a wide and heavy panel. These details play aesthetic role, often - central. In addition, such details overlap fixing and other technical elements of the subject.

What objects of furniture are present

Any rectangular furniture object has a connecting element located between the housing (or seat, worktop) and supports. At the tables and chairs, the mating bar is the most important element of the design, mounted throughout their perimeter.

Materials manufacturing element

Connecting Plank from MDF.

CARGA can be manufactured from such materials:

  1. From chipboard, including laminated (LDSP), veneered, plasticized or painted.
  2. From the solid wood.
  3. From MDF with a core from or without a tree.
  4. From thick plywood, including plasticized, laminated, veneered or painted.
  5. Metal (steel, aluminum, bronze, brass, etc.).

In the case of soft furniture, the Tsarga is often covered with any dense cloth, leather or its substitute.

Planck made of natural wood.

Tsarga in various furniture

She can have from two to four connecting elements.

Their specific number depends on:

  • does the sleeping place have headplane and popping;
  • there is only one back;
  • whether there is no headboard and squinting Planks between headboard and popping furniture. Compositional elements of the soft bed can be covered with a trim, or leather.

This subject of the interior of the Tsarga is a particularly significant connecting element.

It matches each other countertop and support legs.

The Tsarga in this case consists of four planks mounted around the perimeter of the subject.

There are fixing rails only on traditional wood tables:

  1. They are accommodated under the tabletop and mate with each other's feet of furniture.
  2. In addition, the table may have an additional connecting belt, located at the bottom. It is called proncing or bundle.
  3. Fixing planks to the tabletop gives the subject of furniture additional reliability, strength and stability.

Not all the table options have a kard. After all, not every model is equipped with four support racks. Therefore, there is no need to connect them with each other.

This object of furniture connecting belts, as well as in the table, can be mounted in two places:

  • the first Tsarga is placed at the top of the chair;
  • the second belt belt is located and called proncing. In the case of the chairs of the kard, too, mounted at the bottom of the frame. It connects the armrests with each other.

This item of the Tsarga furniture is mounted below.

It matches each other armrests.

Following the installation of the Tsarga, it is squeezed by matter or leather.

In addition to connecting each other frame elements, it provides the strength of the sofa.

The height of the Tsarga sofa can be up to 0.3 m, and its length is to reach 1.9 m.

This furniture subject has a connecting plane rigidity and strength of its hull:

  1. It is mounted on longitudinal spans with shelves. In this case, the kard is placed in a horizontal position on the back of the cabinet. It matches each other racks and side walls of furniture.
  2. In addition, the kard can be mounted at the sliding cabinet drawers. In this case, it is needed to support them in the even position.

It should be noted that the lack of connecting planks in the cabinet will lead to the fact that its body is deformed and twisted. Some unscrupulous manufacturers do not mount the kings on their products, saving so raw materials and trying to reduce the cost of furniture.

Furniture doors, as well as interroom counterparts

In the door frame there are two pairs of connecting plates oriented vertically and horizontally.

About the doors worth saying separately. After all, they can be both part of the furniture (if it comes to the cabinets) and a separate element of the room.

For all types of doors, the Tsargi is needed to give them extra strength. These elements are two pairs of planks. One of them is horizontally oriented, and the second is vertically.

The most reliable slats from the wood array.

As manufacturing materials are chosen:

  • coniferous or deciduous timber varieties;

The inner portion, mating rails with each other, can be made from any facing material. In fact, this part of the door is a decorative insert. The more install the CARG, the door frame will be stronger and tougher.

Door items can be covered with different materials.

To complete the appearance, the frame and the filling of the door can be decorated:

  • laminate;
  • natural veneer;
  • polyvinyl chloride coating;
  • multiple layers of paint.

Cingle doors are most durable and reliable.

The advantages of the doors, in the design of which there are kings:

  1. Increased strength and reliability of the design.
  2. The convenience of the phased installation and simplicity of further repair.
  3. Missing seams on decoration and joints of parts.
  4. Aesthetics of appearance.
  5. When changing elements of its frame, the appearance of the door is changing. This situation is on the hand of those who regularly change the design of the dwellings on their own, thereby saving finances.

Assembly on their own

Simple furniture items can be made independently.

Often, users are taken to independently make simple furniture items, such as stool, table or chair. After all, there are no complex elements in their design, and the work is not very laborious.

Here you need to consider that all elements of furniture must be competently made:

  1. To make a simple stool or stool, you need to prepare four connecting rails.
  2. If it is for this to choose a solid wood grade, the piece of furniture will serve for a long time.

Before assembling the furniture item, it is necessary to accurately determine the dimensions of all its elements.

  1. The dimensions of each element are dependent on the alleged sizes of the stool, table or stool. Based on this, it is extremely important to determine in advance which length and width in the interior item will be.
  2. Corner slats for furniture legs need to be cropped at an angle, based on its specific design features. This should be taken into account when assembling the subject. In addition, it is important to consider, at what angle its supports will be recorded.

The best furniture material is natural wood.

  1. It should not only do the work correctly, but also to competently choose the material for assembling furniture, as well as the elements of the lifting mechanism (if provided).

When selecting furniture in the cabin or place an order for its assembly, look at the quality of the execution of individual parts. It depends on the reliability, strength, comfort and service life of the item.


Tsarga is an important element of a frame of bed, as well as any other cabinet furniture. It matches the items of the subject among themselves. Due to this, the design becomes more durable, reliable and durable.

If you have any questions, then voicate them in the comments. We say goodbye to you in your endeavors.

In furniture manufacturing, each element of construction plays an important role, this number includes few well-knowntsarga. What it is And why it is so necessary, both in furniture and in interior doors? The kard is an important element that ensures the strength of the tables, sofas and even chairs.

In contact with

Tsarga, as a constructive feature, is a connecting part that is responsible for the reliability of the product and the fastening. Presents a support in any furniture attribute.

For example: The table is a simple design, which consists of a tabletop and legs. But they are not connected with each other, but using a connecting board, providing reliable fastening, the stability of the legs.

In this way, tsarga furniture is A simple, but very important connecting element, with the help of which the entire design is condensed. About what istsarga, what information gives about it Wikipedia , Talk more.

What furniture elements are present in

What is a kard in furniture? Any rectangular product has a connecting part in its design, which is between the tabletop and legs. In such furniture, like a table or chair, it is the most important element, installed throughout the perimeter. The bed, for example, includes only three of the elements installed at the headboard, as well as bonded. In this case, they have another destination, which is to hold the mattress. Many manufacturers are inhabited by the king with all sorts of materials. At the sofa, this item is installed at the bottom of the product and connects the armrests with each other, after which it is against a cloth.

The materials from which the Tsarga is manufactured are:

  • Chipboard;
  • an array of the valuable tree of the tree;
  • plywood.

At the chair, it is also located at the bottom of the design and bonded the armrests among themselves.

Interroom door

For the door of Tsarga Used to ensure increased strength. It is two strips - vertical and horizontal. Materials that are most often used for its manufacture are:

  • coniferous wood;
  • wardrobe stove.

The inner part connecting the planks among themselves can be made of any material, and also represents a simple decorative insert. A larger number of slats provides the highest level of hardness at the door. To view the door to be more complete, its cladding is performed from:

  • laminate;
  • veneer;
  • PVC coatings.

The advantages of the Tsargi in the interior door can be attributed:

  • increased level of reliability and strength;
  • convenient element installation, as well as subsequent repairs;
  • no seams on elements such as cladding and joints;
  • appearance that looks attractive.

When replacing some elements, the appearance of the door varies.

This option is great for those who constantly update the design of their premises, and also tries to save finances when changing the interior.

But such structures have certain disadvantages, such as a low level of security, as well as a large mass.

That is why for those who want to install a light door, it is better to choose the Fiberboard slabs, but a slight amount of deficiencies easily compensate for the advantages described above.


In such an element of furniture, like the table, it is the most important coupling part that fastens a tabletop and legs.Tsarga Table. It is installed around the perimeter of the product in the number of four pieces.

Attention!Not every table model has a king, since everyone has four legs and there is no need to establish a connection between them.

The fastening bar is only on classic wooden tables. The CARD table is stronger and reliable.

This element is located under the tabletop and connects the legs of the product, in addition to this, an additional part may be present, which is located on the bottom. Shears the name "Press".Mounting Tsargi to the tabletop Provides additional reliability and stability of the product.


At the chair, like the table, it carries an important connecting task, and can also be installed in two places at the same time. One of them is in the upper part of the structure, the others are located at the bottom and are called prices.


What is Tsarga sofa? First of all, it is an important component of the design and is located at the bottom of the product.In addition to connecting the armrests, it is responsible for the reliability of the structure. Most often is covered with the same type of fabric, which is used for upholstery.Height of Tsargi. It can reach 30 cm, but the length comes to 190 cm.


Tsargi Bed It is connected to each other, as well as with headboard, ensuring the reliability of the entire design. They are hijacked by any materials or tissues, as well as responsible for holding the mattress. The bed has such elements in the number of three pieces.


What is the kard cabinet And why is it necessary for? In such an element of furniture, it is responsible for the rigidity of the whole structure, there is there, where there are long spans with shelves.It is installed in the back of the design and has a vertical location. It connects the rack and the sidewall of the cabinet. Also may be present at the Iceft, holding an even location.Shepherlot is The extension box, which is in the closet.

Attention! The absence of the Tsargi in this design will lead to the fact that the cabinet will be spoken. Many manufacturers in this way are trying to save and reduce the cost of their product. In the store this defect is not noticeable, but as soon as the cabinet at home will be filled with things, it will manifest.

Prices for Tsargu

tsarga for furniture

Making your own hands

Most craftsmen are self-made for the manufacture of such simple elements of furniture, such as stools or even tables, the design of which has nothing complicated, as well as labor-intensive. It is only important to remember that each element must be properly manufactured. To make a stool, you will need to make the kings in the number of four pieces.

Tip!If you are used during the manufacture of solid trees, you can achieve a longer-term product service.

The size of each part depends on the intended value of the product itself, so it is very important to know what length and width will be your stool.

Tsarga corner for the legs of the table May be cut at an angle, depending on the design of the product. All this is important to consider at the assembly stage. In addition, you should not miss it, at what angle the legs are fastened.

Once all the stages are observed, the materials are prepared, you can assemble.

Tsardia bale. It is a very important component of almost every furniture element, as it ensures that it provides a reliable connection between the key parts of the entire design. In addition, in some cases, this item provides furniture products with additional strength and long-term. It is worth carefully approaching the selection of material, as well as manufacturing technology.

If you choose the furniture or order its manufacture, pay attention to the quality of the execution of individual items. This will depend on the strength, stability, and therefore the convenience and duration of the life of the items. It is important not only to fulfill the work qualitatively, but also correctly pick up raw materials for manufacture.

In furniture manufacturing, each element of construction plays an important role, this number includes few well-known tsarga. What it is And why it is so necessary, both in furniture and in interior doors? The kard is an important element that ensures the strength of the tables, sofas and even chairs.

In contact with

Tsarga, as a constructive feature, is a connecting part that is responsible for the reliability of the product and the fastening. Presents a support in any furniture attribute.

For example: The table is a simple design, which consists of a tabletop and legs. But they are not connected with each other, but using a connecting board, providing reliable fastening, the stability of the legs.

In this way, tsarga furniture is A simple, but very important connecting element, with the help of which the entire design is condensed. About what istsarga, what information gives about it Wikipedia , Talk more.

What furniture elements are present in

What is a kard in furniture ? Any rectangular product has a connecting part in its design, which is between the tabletop and legs. In such furniture, like a table or chair, it is the most important element, installed throughout the perimeter. The bed, for example, includes only three of the elements installed at the headboard, as well as bonded. In this case, they have another destination, which is to hold the mattress. Many manufacturers are inhabited by the king with all sorts of materials. At the sofa, this item is installed at the bottom of the product and connects the armrests with each other, after which it is against a cloth.

The materials from which the Tsarga is manufactured are:

  • an array of the valuable tree of the tree;
  • plywood.

At the chair, it is also located at the bottom of the design and bonded the armrests among themselves.

Interroom door

For the door of Tsarga Used to ensure increased strength. It is two strips - vertical and horizontal. Materials that are most often used for its manufacture are:

  • coniferous wood;
  • wardrobe stove.

The inner part connecting the planks among themselves can be made of any material, and also represents a simple decorative insert. A larger number of slats provides the highest level of hardness at the door. To view the door to be more complete, its cladding is performed from:

  • laminate;
  • veneer;
  • PVC coatings.

The advantages of the Tsargi in the interior door can be attributed:

  • increased level of reliability and strength;
  • convenient element installation, as well as subsequent repairs;
  • no seams on elements such as cladding and joints;
  • appearance that looks attractive.

When replacing some elements, the appearance of the door varies.

This option is great for those who constantly update the design of their premises, and also tries to save finances when changing the interior.

But such structures have certain disadvantages, such as a low level of security, as well as a large mass.

That is why for those who want to install a light door, it is better to choose the Fiberboard slabs, but a slight amount of deficiencies easily compensate for the advantages described above.


In such an element of furniture, like the table, it is the most important coupling part that fastens a tabletop and legs. Tsarga Table. It is installed around the perimeter of the product in the number of four pieces.

Attention!Not every table model has a king, since everyone has four legs and there is no need to establish a connection between them.

The fastening bar is only on classic wooden tables . The CARD table is stronger and reliable.

This element is located under the tabletop and connects the legs of the product, in addition to this, an additional part may be present, which is located on the bottom. Shears the name "Press". Mounting Tsargi to the tabletop Provides additional reliability and stability of the product.


At the chair, like the table, it carries an important connecting task, and can also be installed in two places at the same time. One of them is in the upper part of the structure, the others are located at the bottom and are called prices.


What is Tsarga sofa ? First of all, it is an important component of the design and is located at the bottom of the product.In addition to connecting the armrests, it is responsible for the reliability of the structure. Most often is covered with the same type of fabric, which is used for upholstery.Height of Tsargi. It can reach 30 cm, but the length comes to 190 cm.


Tsargi Bed It is connected to each other, as well as with headboard, ensuring the reliability of the entire design. They are hijacked by any materials or tissues, as well as responsible for holding the mattress. The bed has such elements in the number of three pieces.


What is the kard cabinet And why is it necessary for? In such an element of furniture, it is responsible for the rigidity of the whole structure, there is there, where there are long spans with shelves.It is installed in the back of the design and has a vertical location. It connects the rack and the sidewall of the cabinet. Also may be present at the Iceft, holding an even location.Shepherlot is The extension box, which is in the closet.

Attention! The absence of the Tsargi in this design will lead to the fact that the cabinet will be spoken. Many manufacturers in this way are trying to save and reduce the cost of their product. In the store this defect is not noticeable, but as soon as the cabinet at home will be filled with things, it will manifest.

Making your own hands

Most craftsmen are self-made for the manufacture of such simple elements of furniture, such as stools or even tables, the design of which has nothing complicated, as well as labor-intensive. It is only important to remember that each element must be properly manufactured. To make a stool, you will need to make the kings in the number of four pieces.

Tip!If you are used during the manufacture of solid trees, you can achieve a longer-term product service.

The size of each part depends on the intended value of the product itself, so it is very important to know what length and width will be your stool.

Tsarga corner for the legs of the table May be cut at an angle, depending on the design of the product. All this is important to consider at the assembly stage. In addition, you should not miss it, at what angle the legs are fastened.

Once all the stages are observed, the materials are prepared, you can assemble.

Tsardia bale. It is a very important component of almost every furniture element, as it ensures that it provides a reliable connection between the key parts of the entire design. In addition, in some cases, this item provides furniture products with additional strength and long-term. It is worth carefully approaching the selection of material, as well as manufacturing technology.

If you choose the furniture or order its manufacture, pay attention to the quality of the execution of individual items. This will depend on the strength, stability, and therefore the convenience and duration of the life of the items. It is important not only to fulfill the work qualitatively, but also correctly pick up raw materials for manufacture.

Getting alcohol-rectified is the cherished dream of each moonshril. This is a pure ethyl alcohol 96% of the fortress, purified from all third-party impurities. In order to prepare such high-quality alcohol, the moonshine must be installed a distillation king.

This tube of a certain length, made of stainless steel and filled with prismatic spiral-shaped nozzles. The main task of such a device is to separate the moonshine vapors into separate fractions of different density. Made for all the rules of the Tsarga for the moonshine, with their own hands allows you to create factory-level equipment.

What is needed by the kard on the moonshine apparatus

The length of the home-made distillation king must be clearly defined - it is it that is responsible for the multiplicity of cleaning the final product. Thus, the 15-centimeter pipe gives 20-fold cleaning, 35-centimeters - 50 times, 45-centimeters - 60 brief cleaning. As we see, the higher the distillation kard, the slower proceeds the process of separation of fractions, respectively, less extraneous impurities and above the Fortress of the drink.

Even with the standard height of the Tsargi, 15-35 cm can be obtained an excellent product, but before that, it is necessary to clean it with activated carbon or manganese.

For reference. How to clean moonshine coal - take the drug at the rate of 50-60 grams per 1 liter of drink, push and pour. Leave for 5-7 days, periodically scolding. After a week, they skip through a normal water filter and get moonshine without swaying oils and extraneous smells.

If you want to get 96% of the alcohol after the first distillation, you will need a distillation Tsarga 45 cm. It can be bought, but it will cost it quite expensive. The average price is 2600-4800 rubles. And you can do, although it is not so simple.

How to make a king do it yourself

To begin with, we will define what Tsarga is. This is a constructive node that allows you to maximize the moonshine from all extraneous impurities and the sigh oil. If the CARGA is installed on the household moonshine apparatus, the output will be perfectly pure alcohol, which is usually obtained in the factory.

The key process in the distillation of the mogon is distillation, which is in literally translated from the lat. means drops of drops. In the process of heat transfer of alcohol-containing vapors and condensate (droplets, phlegm), which is happening in the king, the moonshine is cleared 10-15 times better, which allows you to get an absolutely clean product.

To begin with, we will understand that it represents the kard and what structural elements it includes.

Next, study the structure of the device to figure out the principle of operation and in the main elements. Distillation begins from the moment when water boats in the distillation cube and the pipes begin to raise alcohol-containing pairs.

  • 1.2 - connecting threaded nodes;
  • 3 - fixation of the nozzle;
  • 4 - stainless steel pipe;
  • 5 - insulation (foam rubber, polyethylene)
  • 6 - chaotic nozzle with contact elements;
  • 7 - Regular nozzle with contact elements.

The distillation columns are usually going from several Tsarg. Their volume is completely filled with contact elements, which provides heat exchange of different fractions - liquids in the form of a flowing condensate and a steam rising to the top. In order for the condensate layer (phlegm) to be sufficient, the nozzle must be developed and fill out all the space.

How is the process of deflecting

The manufacture and cleaning of alcohol is possible only when there are countercurrent steam from the distillation cube and flowing condensate from the headband of the column.

The selection of alcohol is carried out from the liquid phase!

If the steam is not felled with phlegm, the heat exchange will be impossible and the process of distinguishing the discharge of alcohol from steam will occur. In order for phlegm to have a nipple-containing steam, it is necessary to establish a reflux. After it, the capacitor is underway - the hollow part of the tube, where the fluid is cooling to a certain temperature. Equipment with a deflegemaker must be installed air workers, the so-called. Spit-drivens that are pulled out of a pair of non-thelicate alcohol, and the surplus of the gas is outward.

Since alcohol is selected from liquid (condensate), it is necessary to install a small refrigerator for sufficient cooling.

The main difference between the distillation distillation from the column is that the process of deflecting is gradually and very slow. At this time, there is a constant heat exchange of liquid and steam, which allows to achieve a better separation of fractions and, as a result, a cleaner final product.

Necessary materials

  • a segment of a stainless pipe with a length of 15.35 or 45 cm - the basis of the CARGS for the moonshine;
  • thread adapter for fixing the limiter;
  • sieve with minimal holes to prevent the filler's rash;
  • 35-40 metal washcloths made of stainless steel.

In order to check whether the urine is truly made of stainless steel, take the usual magnet. If you attract the washcloth, buy. No - look next.

Production of filler

Repeat, spirals from metal washcloth can be used as such a material. You can also purchase miniature glass balls or ceramic mounds in a specialized store. And the one and the other material is absolutely inert and have no effect on the finished product.

The washcloth cut into 2 equal parts and gently separate the springs. Drill them into small rings so that it turned out 3-5 turns.

Be sure to screen the resulting springs so that unnecessary garbage does not come to the reflux.

The perfect filler is a "zulzer rolled", which is made of two strips of a corrugated fine grid. During the roll laying in the Tsard, the direction of the bands alternates right to left and left to right, resulting in a regular nozzle with contact elements.

How to assemble tsaru.

  1. Take 35 pipe, adapter for 35 below (mom) and on top of an inch (dad);
  2. Top to "dad" screw the distiller.
  3. The bottom of the pipe is measuring 35 cm and drill a 6 mm hole in the pipe - it will be a thermometer sleeve. Insert the probe from the digital thermometer here, which will allow control of the temperature. Be sure to be a sleeve with a thermomete. Early with a rubber with a dropper so that the connection was sealed.
  4. Put the pipe previously prepared springs, glass balls or ceramic mound. Take a tight, but do not push anything. Enough to tap the table about the table.
  5. Spin on the bottom of the sieve and fix it with an adapter.

How to assemble the simplest charp option with your own hands - video

September 25, 2018
Specialization: philological education. The work experience builder is 20 years. Of these, the last 15 years led the brigade as a pro. I know everything about the construction - from the design and zero cycle before interior design. Hobbies: vocals, psychology, quailing.

Greetings to you, kind of my readers.

In the manufacture of furniture, each element of its enclosure has its own value. An important role is played and little-known among ordinary users of the Tsarga. What is this element, what is it needed, in which kinds of furniture are, what characterization is it? Let's deal with all this.

What is a kard?

Most of the parts of the cabinet furniture are quite simple names. According to these terms, it is possible to quickly understand what kind of design element is in question.

Characteristics of element

But among the furniture parts there are such, the names of which little they say to non-specificists. Among them and the Tsarga. The term from the German word "zarge", which is translated as "frame".

Tsarga - horizontal connecting plank. It is located between the legs of the bed, a sofa, chair, tables and other furniture items. The bar enhances the body and gives it enough rigidity. This is due to the additional fixation of the elements of the product with its ends.

  1. Furniture equipped with four and more legs (tables, chairs, etc.). In this case, the Tsarga is a frame from boards or bars, which rigidly connects these supports.
  2. Beds, sofas, doors. In these designs, Tsargi are horizontally oriented crossings. They provide the connection of vertical racks with each other. That is, it is the upper either lower horizontally oriented frame strapping.

  1. Shield furniture. With its manufacture, connective rails are also used. They fulfill their traditional feature - stiffness designs.

However, these elements look a little differently. Most often, they are a wide and heavy panel. These details play aesthetic role, often - central. In addition, such details overlap fixing and other technical elements of the subject.

What objects of furniture are present

Any rectangular furniture object has a connecting element located between the housing (or seat, worktop) and supports. At the tables and chairs, the mating bar is the most important element of the design, mounted throughout their perimeter.

Materials manufacturing element

CARGA can be manufactured from such materials:

  1. From chipboard, including laminated (LDSP), veneered, plasticized or painted.
  2. From the solid wood.
  3. From MDF with a core from or without a tree.
  4. From thick plywood, including plasticized, laminated, veneered or painted.
  5. Metal (steel, aluminum, bronze, brass, etc.).

In the case of soft furniture, the Tsarga is often covered with any dense cloth, leather or its substitute.

Tsarga in various furniture

Photo Furniture object


She can have from two to four connecting elements.

Their specific number depends on:

  • does the sleeping place have headplane and popping;
  • there is only one back;
  • whether there is no headboard and squinting Planks between headboard and popping furniture. Compositional elements of the soft bed can be covered with a trim, or leather.


This subject of the interior of the Tsarga is a particularly significant connecting element.

It matches each other countertop and support legs.

The Tsarga in this case consists of four planks mounted around the perimeter of the subject.

There are fixing rails only on traditional wood tables:

  1. They are accommodated under the tabletop and mate with each other's feet of furniture.
  2. In addition, the table may have an additional connecting belt, located at the bottom. It is called proncing or bundle.
  3. Fixing planks to the tabletop gives the subject of furniture additional reliability, strength and stability.

Not all the table options have a kard. After all, not every model is equipped with four support racks. Therefore, there is no need to connect them with each other.

Seats (chair, stool, chair, etc.)

This object of furniture connecting belts, as well as in the table, can be mounted in two places:

  • the first Tsarga is placed at the top of the chair;
  • the second belt belt is located and called proncing. In the case of the chairs of the kard, too, mounted at the bottom of the frame. It connects the armrests with each other.


This item of the Tsarga furniture is mounted below.

It matches each other armrests.

Following the installation of the Tsarga, it is squeezed by matter or leather.

In addition to connecting each other frame elements, it provides the strength of the sofa.

The height of the Tsarga sofa can be up to 0.3 m, and its length is to reach 1.9 m.


This furniture subject has a connecting plane rigidity and strength of its hull:

  1. It is mounted on longitudinal spans with shelves. In this case, the kard is placed in a horizontal position on the back of the cabinet. It matches each other racks and side walls of furniture.
  2. In addition, the kard can be mounted at the sliding cabinet drawers. In this case, it is needed to support them in the even position.

It should be noted that the lack of connecting planks in the cabinet will lead to the fact that its body is deformed and twisted. Some unscrupulous manufacturers do not mount the kings on their products, saving so raw materials and trying to reduce the cost of furniture.

Furniture doors, as well as interroom counterparts

About the doors worth saying separately. After all, they can be both part of the furniture (if it comes to the cabinets) and a separate element of the room.

For all types of doors, the Tsargi is needed to give them extra strength. These elements are two pairs of planks. One of them is horizontally oriented, and the second is vertically.

As manufacturing materials are chosen:

  • coniferous or deciduous timber varieties;

The inner portion, mating rails with each other, can be made from any facing material. In fact, this part of the door is a decorative insert. The more install the CARG, the door frame will be stronger and tougher.

To complete the appearance, the frame and the filling of the door can be decorated:

  • laminate;
  • natural veneer;
  • polyvinyl chloride coating;
  • multiple layers of paint.

The advantages of the doors, in the design of which there are kings:

  1. Increased strength and reliability of the design.
  2. The convenience of the phased installation and simplicity of further repair.
  3. Missing seams on decoration and joints of parts.
  4. Aesthetics of appearance.
  5. When changing elements of its frame, the appearance of the door is changing. This situation is on the hand of those who regularly change the design of the dwellings on their own, thereby saving finances.

Assembly on their own

Often, users are taken to independently make simple furniture items, such as stool, table or chair. After all, there are no complex elements in their design, and the work is not very laborious.

Here you need to consider that all elements of furniture must be competently made:

  1. To make a simple stool or stool, you need to prepare four connecting rails.
  2. If it is for this to choose a solid wood grade, the piece of furniture will serve for a long time.

  1. The dimensions of each element are dependent on the alleged sizes of the stool, table or stool. Based on this, it is extremely important to determine in advance which length and width in the interior item will be.
  2. Corner slats for furniture legs need to be cropped at an angle, based on its specific design features. This should be taken into account when assembling the subject. In addition, it is important to consider, at what angle its supports will be recorded.

  1. It should not only do the work correctly, but also to competently choose the material for assembling furniture, as well as the elements of the lifting mechanism (if provided).

When selecting furniture in the cabin or place an order for its assembly, look at the quality of the execution of individual parts. It depends on the reliability, strength, comfort and service life of the item.


Tsarga is an important element of a frame of bed, as well as any other cabinet furniture. It matches the items of the subject among themselves. Due to this, the design becomes more durable, reliable and durable.

If you have any questions, then voicate them in the comments. We say goodbye to you in your endeavors.

For the kitchen table, you can use a countertop of artificial or natural stone. Before starting work, it is better to immediately make or buy a countertop itself. The size of the countertops can be different, so if necessary it is necessary to recalculate the length of the CARG.

All other parameters, thickness and width of parts can be left. The only thing to be followed is the height of the table. For kitchen 750-760 mm. For a large dining 760-780 mm. , the last digit is the maximum.

I did a substole to the ready-made, registered tabletop of 850/600 mm. , 40 mm thick. . On the table top from the bottom, in the recess, a piece of laminate is installed, so the attachment of the table tops to the podstol on the furniture corners does not represent any difficulties.

Total table height 750 mm. , Height of the legs of 710 mm. . Width of the prestigia by the facade of 750 mm. , on the side of 500 mm. . Rights of a table cover 50 mm. from all sides. By the facade, a box is installed on the table on telescopic or roller guides. As a material, I used birch, of course you can use other breeds of wood, for example pine.

The feet of the table are made of a bit of 50/50 mm cross section. , on the two inner edges of the legs of Soraganians on the cone so that the lower end turns out to be 30/30 mm. . Assembling legs with the kings of the classic view, on spikes.

Tsargi for the table.

Two side tsargi length 400 mm.
Width 120 mm.
Thickness 25 mm.

Rear Tsarga Length 650 mm.
Width 120 mm.
Thickness 25 mm.

From the facade side of the Tsarga is not solid, but consists of two parts.

Bruks of the front Tsargi length 650 mm.
Width 38 mm.
Thickness 20 mm.

The sizes of the CARG are given without taking into account the length of the spikes, all spikes with a length of 30-35 mm. .
From the front part of the bars are installed so that it turns out the opening to install the box with a width of 650 mm. and 80 mm high. .

Table box we make a height of 70 mm. , 625 mm width. , a depth of 450 mm. . As for the width of the box, it is better to first measure the thickness of the guides. The width of the box should be less than the width of the opening into two thicknesses of the guides plus 1 mm. on a free move.

It is necessary to try to make the width immediately, to a millimeter, otherwise you have to customize the box for a long time. Or spinning and reduce the length of the front and rear wall of the box, if the box was too wide. Or something to put under the guides if the box turned out to be small. Ultimately, everything can be adjusted, but this is as they say an extra hemorrhoids.

Facade plank, 397/120 mm drawer lid. , thickness 15-16 mm. And you can do it thinner so that the box does not drank behind the legs.

This box is installed on telescopic guides. Of course you can use both roller, they cheaper and adjust them easier. But this rumble at nomination, especially at night, not everyone likes. Telescopic guides are two and three-star. It is better to choose three-born, with a two-fledged box open not completely, and put them, oddly enough, harder.

In order to do not particularly break the markup for the guides, do in the middle of the opening, and, accordingly, in the middle of the side walls of the box. Divide the drawer in width into two and swipe the line parallel to the edge. Divide the guide to the inner and external details. Attach the inner detail to the sidewall of the box so that in the holes for screws the line was in the center, mark the pencil or immediately the sewing point of screwing screws.

The external part of the guide also mark in the middle, from the inside of the side CARG. Only you first need to make the platform flush with legs. I from the inside put the two strips with a width of 40 mm. , 12 mm thick. , 400 mm long. . They can be glued, or just fasten with small screws. When installing external parts of the guides, they should not be over the facade line, and it is better to drown them inside by 2-3 mm. .

Adjust the box is better after you install and secure the worktop. The tabletop is attached to 6-8 corners with self-drawing. Next, you need to put a table on some kind of smooth surface, and if necessary, adjust the height of the legs. After the table is fully adjusted to disconnect it, disconnect
Countertop, remove the guides and drawer handle.

The last stage is the final void and painting. Here there are quite a few options, this table is first toned, and then covered with a transparent varnish. I do not have a photo of the finished kitchen, but believe me on the word, the color of the podstoly and the countertops coincides with
Common kitchen design.