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How to avoid stress in everyday life. How to avoid stress at work

One of the main questions of modernity - how to avoid stress? Many people often suffer severe nervous tension, but knowledge, like overcome stress, they are not enough. In general, the methods of prevention of stress are quite simple. Almost anyone can easily learn how to use methods for preventing stress. Thus, it is possible to increase sustainability, understand psychology and get rid of any disorders that negatively affect the quality of life.

Power tricks

The easiest way that offers a psychology system to get rid of disorders is attentive consideration of daily nutrition. Surprisingly, healthy, useful and tasty food can really save a person from disorders, increase its resistance to negative influence surrounding events and carry out the prevention of stressful states. Of course, it is difficult to associate the psychoprophylaxis of stress exclusively with food, but proper nutrition gives the body lightness and good mood, which means that the entire negative is moved much easier.


Including banal lemons, oranges, and more complex and unusual, like limes, and other fruits. They can be used and simply with other fruits, and as a juice, and adding to various dishes.

Green vegetables

All vegetables possessing green. This is any cabbage, onions, cucumbers, zucchini, pepper, greens and other products. They are rich in vitamins and useful substancesMoreover, they contain a healthy chlorophyll for the body, which has long been sold as a food additive.

Dark chocolate

Mandatory high-quality cocoa content in the composition. It has been established that several squares of high-quality delicacy not only improve the mood, but also protects the nervous system, eliminates disorders. With the help of chocolate, you can increase the stability of the entire body, the psychological system also benefits from the use of excellent antidepressant.


Ideal for those who not only want to get rid of disorders, but also to extend their lives and improve physical health due to the high content of zinc and iodine.


They should be added to salads, choose wholebreaker bread and others useful dishesBecause it is they who charge the body with energy and strength.

Green tea without sugar

You can drink several times a day, but you can not forget that green tea in large quantities can cause dehydration, so together with green tea Need to drink a large number of Usually clean water.

Features of communication

Usually, few people know how to protect themselves from stress, so communication with the surrounding people can not only not get rid of various disorders, but also to deprive any chance to avoid stress. That is why you need to know how to protect yourself from stress yourself, so as not to depend on the problems and disorders of all other people. The communications system itself implies the occurrence of disorders due to conflict emerging in society. Measures to get rid of such effects, primarily consist in relation to emerging situations. To know how to avoid stress, you need to learn how to relate to what is happening as possible.

Secrets of communication with the surrounding people

  1. It is necessary to remain benevolent towards all people;
  2. The most important thing in communication is to avoid unpleasant communication, this allows you to prevent the occurrence of disorders and allows not to spend the forces on the fight against them;
  3. In the event of serious conflicts, it is necessary to talk and negotiate, compromises and joint solving problems - best exit from most serious and complex situations and develop resistance to conflicts;
  4. Measures to preserve a good mood, it is also a communication with inspirational and interesting people, it is not necessary to avoid interesting communication, it, on the contrary, can become an excellent source of new forces and energy;

The health care system can also help get rid of excess stress, no need to refuse to help in the event of increasing negative emotions and constant disorders;

Do not forget about physical health, health checks must be permanent, which will ensure confidence in your own health and help to avoid any problems arising with the body.

Self-analysis and its capabilities

One of the main recommendations describing how to protect itself from stress describes the numerous possibilities of self-analysis. The system of self-analysis allows you to deal with your own mood with simple techniques, which can be used with appliant means and without any help.

In general, there is a huge number of techniques, psychological training, tests, lectures, lessons and other material aimed at the knowledge of the knowledge of oneself, the formation of a person, setting goals, and so on. The most effective of them are that the simplest, no matter how paradoxically sounded.

Paper diary

The easiest way to understand yourself is to conduct a paper diary. It can be a simple notebook or a beautiful diary, any notepad or an album, most importantly, to make it convenient to make a record at any time.

The diary will help to speak out, get rid of extra negative, once again think specific situations, realize the pros and cons of this or that matter.

In the diary, you can fix stories about the events that have already passed and talk about the upcoming, plan, record ideas, complaining and wondering. The diary is a kind of psychologist, whose role can be taken over and talked, and then, after some time, a fresh look to evaluate the former experiences.

the Internet

The Internet with an unlimited number of their capabilities can also suggest how to understand yourself. Sure, we are talking Not about the entire worldwide web, but only about Internet diaries and blogs and thematic communities. The first is good in that it is possible to use it on the principle of a paper diary, leading personal entries, and you can publish open posts, find like-minded people or interesting people, communicate with them and speak. The blog can over time to turn into a significant Internet playground for interests.

In thematic communities, such as psychological, usually a large number of people or disassembled in the subject, or in some similar situation, so that communication with them, the story about problems and issues can help get some answers.

Shopping techniques

Another way is very similar to this, but the records need to be held in the evening, after the day, to leave all its events before going to bed and get rid of unnecessary reflection and evaluations of events. Such pages in the evening can be filled from the points of the day or plans for the near future.

Video: "My happy morning. Morning Pages - Personal Experience »

Setting goals and plans

To help get rid of stress can and setting goals, reflections on pleasant plans for the future. The reason for stress is the lack of interests and plans, so the ability to put accurate goals and go to their implementation is to get rid of various possible consequences appearance nervous tension And even his warning.

During the periods, when there is a bad mood and there is a danger of the appearance of this stress, you can contact some simple ways search for inspiration and setting new goals in life.

Cinema and books

Reading is an interesting and necessary lesson who helps develop personality in various directions. But oddly enough, watching movies can also be not only interesting, but also useful. The peculiarity is only that this process is needed in a special key. To find motivations and ideas for their own purposes, you just need to carefully watch the characters, for the situations of their development and resolution.

No wonder they say that in books we can live hundreds of lives and still learning the experience gained by characters.

In this case, this statement can be attributed to the films. Here are just stupid comedies or banal love or detective novels will not fit - they are absolutely nothing to learn, there is nothing to learn. It is much better to choose serious literature and deep movies, motivational and thematic works about the sphere of interest to a specific point, and study from the beginning to the end.

Persian inspiration

The source of inspiration and ideas can be a real-existing person, a kind of teacher affecting the process of "learning" only by its existence. It can be like someone familiar, but already achieved certain results and quite great person, the star of his case, for which you want to equal.

A similar idol in no way should be imitate. The same clothes and hairstyle, an attempt to adjust their own habits for those known will not bring anything well. And it certainly will not help achieve some positive results, not at all. It will only be distracting from a real task, take care of energy and strength that it would be possible in the case. It is much better to be like a chosen person - actions, the number of ideas, energetic, attitude to life. Not in vain, after all, many great people share their stories with society so they can motivate hundreds and thousands of other people on the struggle for their own dream, at the desire to go all the way to her to the end.

Psychological tests

You can find the desired direction with the help of psychological tests. Not those publish in magazines for girls, but in more serious and thoughtful, which are aimed at real help.

If there are no interests or at least an approximate reference point in life, then you can find tests that detect the mindset, a tendency to creativity or to some specific type of activity. Tests can also help with the definition of a personality type, but it relates more to the first problem - the inability to determine itself. Fully relying on the text conclusion is hardly worth it, but to send thoughts into a suitable channel such questionnaires are completely capable. Perhaps, on the twentieth question of the fifteenth test, an interesting thought will come to the head, turn into an idea, and it will want to implement it at the same moment.


- The process is extremely difficult, and its warning is an even more difficult task. But it is she who in practice turns out to be much more efficient because it helps to save strength. They could be thrown on to get rid of the effects of stress development, and find new goals in life. It is so much better to think about how to protect yourself from possible negative situations and keep calm and positive attitude.

Video: Natalia Grace, "setting goals and their achievement"

Stress is a non-specific response of the body on any demand presented it. For example, we sweat on the sun, the evaporation of the sweat cools us - this is an ordinary reaction. So, behind it immediately follows the body's attempt faster to adapt to this state (sweating), get used to it and survive without special losses and feelings of awkwardness in front of others. This is the desire of the body, embraced by any event, as soon as possible to come back.

For the body it does not matter, it is pleasant or not the situation with which you encounter. New Year's meeting, death close man Or a vacation, no matter how shocking it may sound, cause the same biochemical shifts in the body. It is only important how you react to an event. People die not only from grief, but also from happiness. Father Pierre Boualersha died of an overwhelming delight when the Son read him the "Seville Tag". The feeling of happiness violates emotional calmness and equilibrium of man. For the body, this is already extreme, which he reacts pain in the heart, pressure jumps, dizziness. Happiness, like any strong emotion, is also stress.

It may be caused to raise the physiological tone, it enhances attentiveness and vigilance, prepares the body to active activities, while it can reduce the ability to think and make it difficult to work the engine and motor apparatus. Getting an emission of adrenaline, a person like stimulates himself to new life victories.

Often, people not only are not trying to avoid stress, but they themselves are thrown to him in search of new impressions and sensations, live on the verge, Khmeley from the drilling of adrenaline in the blood. Addiction to horror movies and militants - nothing more than a traction for safe stress: Passions are boiled, but only on the screen. Stress often turns into need. "Adrenaline addicts", seeking strong emotions again and again, are also found.


In itself, stress is not a disease, but a provocator capable of leading to a huge number of diseases, up to cancer.

According to doctors, 95% of patients do not associate their painful or simply unusual symptoms with internal conflictwhich they are worried. Myth that "diseases from nerves" are not hazardous and non-serious, very common. Only a suspicion is driven to a person's doctor that he may have a tumor, the risk of stroke, but not the experience that fell on it during the transition to new job or during the sale season.

Scientists lead the following statistics. Now 15-20% of the population of the planet needs the help of psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and in Russia this indicator reaches 20-25%. According to the World Health Organization, over the past 65 years, the number of neuroses has increased 24 times. 13.3% of deaths occur precisely for these reasons, up to 80% of strokes occur against the background of depressions. Suicide mortality goes to the first places in the mortality structure, lagging behind only cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Specialists are confident that life events play a significant role in neurosis, forming - depressed and launching - in schizophrenia. In Sweden to a very representative sample of 6935 men aged 47-55 years, subjectively perceived stress was evaluated as a risk factor of cardiovascular diseases. The control was carried out for 12 years, the depth of subjective stress was determined by the sense of tension, irritability, anxiety, sleep disorders. Six gradations of stress were allocated. It developed in 6% of people with a low level of stress and in 10% - with high.

About 40% of directions to cardiologists about reinforced heartbeat and other heart activities are directly related to the stressful situation; Approximately the same percentage of directions to neuropathologists (due to headaches) and gastroenterologists (due to pain in the stomach) are also associated with stress.

The high concentration of cortisol stress hormone can cause strong inflammation that aggravates chronic diseases:, Psoriasis, eczema, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Stress often plays a central role in the development and manifestation of sleep disorders. Studies conducted in Europe last year have established a direct connection between insomnia and heart failure in people who cannot fall asleep.

When the adrenal glands allocate the stress hormone, the muscles are strained, which can cause long-term consequences in the form of headaches. Syndrome of irritable intestines, bloating, spasms, diarrhea and constipation are often associated with stress levels. The researchers found that stress can aggravate the clinical manifestations of asthma. People in a state of stress are inclined to accumulate fat in the abdomen due to excessive secretion of cortisol.

Stress contributes to the development of harmful food habits that provoke the development of type 2 diabetes.

Do you have stress? Consider

Physical symptoms of stress are bouts of headaches, discomfort in the spine, respiratory disorder, dizziness, high blood pressure. Psychological - constant depression, scattered, sleep disorders, frequent irritability, fatigue, worsening memory. The man in a state of stress is inclined to be very wrong, can not focus on something, it is easy to call, nothing gives him the same joy, and he should not joke with him - I will not understand.

Japanese scientists, as representatives of the nation, loving accuracy, invented the instrument - a stress level meter by the presence of amylase, enzyme, which splits polysaccharides to glucose. The stronger we are nervous, the more our organism is required. Accordingly, the higher the content of the amylase in the saliva, the stronger stress.

How to help with stress

Symptoms of chronic stress, depression, neurosis, doctors recommend removing drugs of several groups.

The most "soft" of them are sedatives based on vegetable herbs that help to get rid of emotional tension improve activities. Neuroleptics weaken psychomotor excitation, suppress the feeling of fear, reduce aggressiveness. With the help of tranquilizers, neurosis and neurotic states are treated, antidepressants improve mood and well-being.

Contrary to popular belief, these drugs do not cause personality changes and addiction, unless, of course, comply with the dosage and recommendations of the doctor. The uncontrolled treatment of sedatives can lead to the absence of a therapeutic effect and even deterioration.

In addition to drugs, there are many ways to help a person cope with stress - only psychotherapeutic techniques of about two hundred. One of the most popular - cognitive behavioral therapy, when a person teach to understand the reason for his unhealthy and otherwise respond to external events.

Sometimes it is enough to tell a psychotherapist about my problems, and they will seem not so serious. Fortunately, today the regular visit to the psychologist and the discussion with him becomes an ordinary phenomenon.

By the way, the main means of getting rid of stress 46% of Russians are considered to be viewed by television programs, 43% prefer to listen to music, 19% choose alcohol, 16% - gluttony, 15% treated with antidepressants, 12% get rid of negatives due to sports, 9% see salvation in sex and 2%-in yoga and meditation.

It is worth noting that you should not choose alcohol as a sedative. Alcohol can be an anti-stress tool only temporarily - it increases the mood, softens anxiety, anxiety, tension, makes a person more sociable, contact, but its systematic use leads to dependence. The nervous system is subjected to significant changes under the influence regular reception alcohol.

It is impossible to avoid stress, he is the most important factor survival; If you do not have stress, then you died. You can learn how to react to it correctly: it is enough to look at the world, listen to yourself, analyze your lifestyle.

Modern reality is that we are constantly faced with difficulties. Due to the constant load, the lack of time for regular sleep and rest, there is a risk of obtaining depressive disorders. Of course, situations should be avoided when circumstances are made to be involved in problems and experiences.

Well, how to act, if any unpleasant situation has already found you surprise? How to avoid stress? To begin with, let's deal with what is the answer of the body for any external stimulus. Of course, the features of each person are individual. Someone can shit any minor situation or a problem, and someone even in difficult circumstances can find strength in themselves and do not fall in spirit.

How to avoid stress when any sad event happened to you and you need to survive? First, in no case should not panic. It is absolutely normal and quite natural. Most people are subject to this phenomenon. The question is how not to lose yourself and not to be mired in disorders.

Stress due to the death of close

How to avoid stress if some serious loss occurred? Maybe this is the death of your close relative or good friend. First, never put a cross on your life due to loss. Our consciousness is a rather limited substance, and we have no idea what is happening with the soul after death. Take an event as a given and release the soul. Do not try to explain why the world is so cruel, do not spare yourself. All experiences of a similar nature are usually associated with human egoism and the inability to see someone who was dear. But we still do not know what happens after death, right? So you need to live on in this world and love those who are next to you.

Stress in love relationships

If your young man constantly causes you a feeling of jealousy and suspicion how to avoid stress? First, you do not have any evidence and the facts of its treason and betrayal. Worrying makes sense when something happens. And secondly, is the fact that your favorite person next to you in any circumstances is not a guarantee and evidence of his feelings?

Stress at work

So, today, most of us operates next to people. Any work involves interaction with colleagues and bosses.

It is rather difficult to work in a tense atmosphere, where someone from employees irritably behaves and does not hear others.

How to avoid stress at work?

Good well-being after working day is good vacation. Consider the fact that while you are at work, your brain is worn to wear. Do not stand after loading ourselves with meaningless problems. The best option will take warm shower And go to bed.

An important factor is a permanent time spent. Do not bring yourself to hasty fees to work, get up in a timely manner, leaving the breakfast time and taking the soul.

Fit right, do not try to eat in a hurry. It is extremely addicted to general condition organism.

Do not treat disregard for your working clothes. Not only does it leave the impression of you, it is also a positive action directly to your mood. Agree, it is much more pleasant to look at yourself in the mirror and not see unpleasant folds, fatty spots or custodial trousers. And when there is love and respect for yourself - they see others and treat it, respectively.

Never late. Therefore, count your time to be in the workplace on time. This will help to avoid conflicts with the bosses and ill-wishes of colleagues.

Always watch the cleanliness of your workplace. The mess around creates chaos and in the head. Moreover, it is also the indicator of your accuracy and discipline.

Plan your business day in advance. This will help to avoid unpleasant situations. Promptically plan to rest, chat with colleagues and work. Specific goals, tasks and approximate time of their execution, you save yourself from unnecessary actions.

Of course, the indispensable condition is communication. Enjoy yourself positive emotionsemanating from benevolent people, so life becomes much richer and more interesting.

Stress in front of exams

Many students often complain about the exciting moments related to the exam. It is really quite difficult - in a short time to learn a large amount of material. Still, how to avoid stress before exam?

The exam is always a rather exciting process. But at certain efforts, all experiences can be minimized. For the successful passing of the exam, it is necessary to own information a hundred percent. To do this, competently distribute time and systematically prepared. Do not hurry and deprive some questions. It should be as much as possible to know the answer to each question. And being confident in their answers, you will not fall into a difficult situation.

No less relevant is the question of how to avoid stress during the session. In this issue, too, you need to be extremely attentive. For any student, the session period is very difficult and exhausting. But if you listen to some tips, you can avoid problems and disorders about this. For successful passage Sessions It is necessary to observe the mode of operation, do not overload yourself with mental tasks, not to express themselves with long finding from the computer. It should be remembered that even if you suddenly do not get to pass a test and exam in a timely manner, there is always a chance to re-pass.


So, examined different situations, We can identify ways to avoid stress that help. First, do not fall into a negative environment, do not communicate with the displeasted life by people, which then and then take on their destiny (it is infection).

Never to upset yourself with work, you will be able to find time for sleep and rest, do not worry on trifles, take care of your nerves, do not get sorted with loved ones. Do not sit for hours at a computer and a TV - in life without a lot of interesting things. Travel more, get new impressions, charge positive emotions.

How to avoid stress? Let's still consider general methods. These are: observance of the day mode, proper nutrition, recreation, exercise, communication with pleasant people for you, rational spending time, as well as the competent distribution of financial opportunities.

Try to always be in a tone, spend time with those people who carry something positive, exercise, consume healthy food. All these aspects will minimize the emergence stressful situations.

This article discusses how to overcome stressful situations. The main thing - take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Stress is a number of non-specific reactions of the body arising from the impact on it. adverse factors of various nature (physical, psychological), which violate its normal functioning, as well as the state nervous system.

As a result of the impact on a person of various factors associated with danger or surprise in the body, the production of specific hormones (adrenaline), which excite energy sources begins.

Thanks to such a reaction, people cope with heavy situations. But, if primitive people helped survive, modern man Such situations are simple. The whole point is that the stress is not so much stress as its intensity.

Stress in limited quantities is good, but in the modern world this state of a person does not let go on a day, and this leads to the depletion of the body, and, accordingly, to.

Causes of Stress - Know To Avoid

It is difficult to list all the causes of stress, as each person is individual and the same situation will be perceived in its own way: for one it will be the norm, and another will cause stress. Whatever it was, it is important that one, the stressful state occurs in cases where a person feels danger, the threat of life, or this threat is invented himself.

The factors affecting the occurrence of stress can be attributed:

Prevention of acute stressful situations

In order for sharp stress to find surprise, it is necessary to prepare for such situations and be able to adequately accept them, thereby avoiding the destructive action of stress.

The main task of preventing acute stress is to learn how to manage and respond to the impact of irritants relaxation.

Relaxation as the main method

Considering that stress consists of three phases (pulse, stress, adaptation), the use of the relaxation method allows to intervene in this process and suspend the effect of the pulse, weaken the situation itself, accelerating adaptation. This will help to avoid the development of psychosomatic disorders, and therefore the diseases to which they can lead.

Relaxation, by activating the activity of the nervous system, helps to adjust the degree of excitation and mood.

Therefore, muscle and mental stress is relaxed or completely reset.

"Alteration" of the day in the fight against stress

The habit of bringing into your home accumulated for the working day negative, can cause stress not only with you, but also from family members who are involuntarily drawn into the punch of absolutely not exciting events. In order to avoid stress yourself and not tolerate it on households it is necessary to make the restructuring of your day:

  • after you crossed the threshold at home do not utter a word about work;
  • sit more comfortably in the chair and forget for 10 minutes about what happened in the day;
  • turn on your favorite music and plunge it completely;
  • prepare strong tea and drink it at least alone, even with family members;
  • fill the bath with warm comfortable water (you can add sea salt in it or essential oil Lavender), lie in water 10 minutes.

Also choosing this methodMake respiratory gymnastics: Tightly closer lips, take a deep breath. Lower the face into the water and slowly exhale the highest possible time for you.

Each of the methods lasts only 10 minutes. During this time you will have time to switch to a positive wave and remove stress.

Aromatherapy in the fight against negative

The beneficial effect of aromatic oils per person is known with deep antiquity. Their action lies in the fact that the pairs, falling through the membranes, the base of the nose into the brain, affect the mood.

So the use of bottles, aroma, massage, with the use of ether and its spraying around the room can remove stress. For this purpose, oils are used: basil, orange, spruce, jasmine, cedar, melissa, mint, rosemary, rose, mandarin, lavender.

How to warn chronic stressful states

In order to establish your life and avoid chronic stress, you can use a lot of methods for its prevention, but for each particular case a person will find the most effective.

Resolution of conflict situations

Conflicts in the family, at work, other places are one of the most common causes of stressful state. Unfortunately, not everyone is ready to meet its opponent and quite in vain, since for more quick to get rid of the stressful situation and the prevention of stress, the resolution of the current situation will be the most effective method.

No need to argue and clarify who is right to blame. Just go towards each other, take the first step and the situation will be resolved, and at the same time the stressful situation is exhausted, respectively, it will be possible to avoid the entire negative.

Reading books

Distract from reality and avoid stress will help reading books. For this, too much time and money is required to establish its emotional state.

Take the book (not a laptop and not a computer, namely a book) and immerse yourself with the world of fantasy, beautiful novels that switched thinking to positive switches, stimulate its normal operation.


For people believers perfect option - Reading prayer. It suppresses the action of stress-forming factors and helps to avoid nervousness.

Physical exercise

To remove excess steroid hormones from the blood, it is worth using exercise.

In addition, the person is engaged in his figure, the health of physical, also improves the psychological state.

After sports, it turns out to relax as much as possible, getting rid of stress.

The exercise complex can be chosen both independently and resort to the help of the coach.

How to stop the approach of stress at the first signs

As soon as a person noticed the approach of stress: frequent headache, heartbeat, inexplicable voltage in the morning, frequent mood change, you must immediately stop this condition.

Select the appropriate method:

  1. Pay attention to your breath and make gymnastics: Inhale deep and very slowly. This simple exercise removes the feeling of anxiety and the level of stress.
  2. Visualize a pleasant picture. The brighter it will, the better. Let the imagination draw only pleasant moments that are completely unrelated with a stress-forming factor.
  3. On a sheet of paper, sketch the situation that worries on this moment . Such a simple task will help reduce the tension and free from the stress of thought.
  4. Admit that the stress is present. Just say: "Yes, I feel the alarm, but I can handle it."

Prevention of professional burnout

The work of anyone, even a very well-coordinated team is connected with conflict situationswhich from time to time arise in a number of reasons. Dissatisfaction with its position, salary, relations with employees - all this can provoke professional stress.

How to avoid stress at work:

Antistress approach to life

Emotional stress is one of the reasons for the development of various diseases. The ability to deal with situations that cause such failures is the way to healthy image life and strong organism. In order to avoid emotional stress First you need to learn how to rebuild and not "make" your problems.

Take up physical culture: Evening walks, jogging, Chinese gymnastics will allow a person to relax as much as possible and liberate.

Remember that food should be full and rich in various vitamins, enzymes and mineral salts. More often use carrot juice, food grain products, fish fat, Brewer's yeast.

Application medicinal plants Widely used in stress prevention. Relax and calm will help: sage, Valerian, peppermint, daisy, dyeing.

Allow yourself to relax 10-15 minutes in warm bathAfter pre-adding essential oil (Melissa, Lavender, geranium, orange, rose, chamomile). And if any of the listed oils add to the massage cream and conduct self-massage procedure, relaxation will come even faster.

To calm the nervous system and the prevention of stress, you can use drug treatment in the form of drugs. The most commonly applied: Valerian (tableted shape and tincture), mother-in-law, hawthorn, new passion, perrsen.

Stress is the cause of various somatic diseases, so its prevention is the pledge of the health and normal performance of a person.

To begin with, let's figure it out that the word "stress" is so popular in recently. To do this, we turn to the eastern wisdom, as translated from Chinese stress means "danger" and "opportunity". That is, stress implies "possibility of danger", a certain state on the verge of health and illness.

Why work is one of the main sources of stress?

Yes, because it is she devoted to the good third of their lives. It is there that we spend 8 hours a day. Well, if work brings satisfaction, the possibility of implementing yourself as a professional and personality, if the team is friendly and cohesive. But after all, it happens that the relationship does not add up, work is too much, and the time for its implementation is so little ...

Just think: according to the results of research conducted by the research center of Headhunter Belarus among 820 respondents, it turned out that almost all citizens of our country are experiencing stress at work. At the same time, 27% of them - daily, 50% - from the case towards the case, and 20% may say that this is rare phenomenon. But those who are never subjected to stress in the workplace are practically no.

What are the consequences from permanent stay in a state of stress at work?

The consequences of the constant impact of stress on the human body are complex and diverse. At the same time, not only a psychological state suffers, but also physical:

  • So, arise clamps musclewho are dangerous in the further shortness of slope, radiculitis, vegetative dystonia, osteochondrosis and headaches.
  • From the side of the nervous system due to constant voltage may occur neurosis. In the future, when chronizing stress, irritability may appear, pain without reason in healthy organs and fast fatigue.
  • From the cardiovascular system is observed overvoltagecardiac muscle (myocardium) due to the narrowing of the vessels during stress. After 10 years of such a lifetime, the heart wear out so much that it seems to have had a heart attack.
  • In addition, due to the normalization of the level of hormones, at the expense of the reserve of calcium, protein and vitamins located in our bones, teeth, skin, there are demineralization, DevitaminizationIt is fraught with a decrease in the bone density, the development of caries and skin problems.
  • Immunity also reacts to its weakening. A person becomes prone to viral, bacterial and autoimmune diseases.

What makes us nervous at work?

Scientists conducted a number of studies aimed at identifying basic reasonsthe emergence of stress in the workplace:

  • According to the data obtained by Dutch scientists, the main source of stress is, oddly enough colleagues. And not even the habit of the head to make public reprimands is prevalent (it annoys only 37% of respondents). The most hated was the indulgent manner of communication and tone of colleagues. 44% of respondents indicated this reason. Another 32% called the reason for the constant stress in the workplace. The presence of employees with very loud, with voices, which constantly distract from work with conversations by phone or with colleagues. And only 11% of respondents said they did not like when colleagues stick to them with personal questions during work.
  • As it turned out, boredom and idlenessin the workplace can also cause stress! In people who bored in working time, higher level of aggression and hostile maturity. In addition, such employees are more likely to have emotional breakdowns and blood pressure drops.
  • And, of course, the notorious Abral at work and lack of time There are another cause of stressful situations at work. Of course, permanent delay with the performance of his work makes us nervous and panic. And if the situation becomes constant, emotional tension Begins to accumulate and can lead to serious health problems and depression.
  • In addition, absolutely domestic reasons, From the absence of an air conditioner indoors to mess in the office or in the workplace.
  • And if adding it to this fear of workplace lossor many years of stay wages In one place, the stress is practically not avoided.

What are the signs of the development of "chronic office stress"?

TO physical signs Stress development can be attributed:

  • fatigue,
  • head and dental pain
  • frequent dizziness,
  • shiver,
  • pain in the stomach,
  • constipation either diarrhea
  • heart palpitations,
  • pain or discomfort in the chest area,
  • feeling of lack of air, choking,
  • sharp rise in body temperature or chills,
  • increased sweating
  • loss of sexual attraction
  • insomnia
  • numbness or tingling limbs.

Psychological signs of stress are:

  • anger,
  • fear,
  • anxiety,
  • fixation only on the negative,
  • memory problems
  • feeling impotence
  • obsessive alarm state
  • irritability,
  • panic attacks.

In a state of stress, a person becomes very susceptible to external influences sensitive. Moodings, apathy and deceleration of the reaction may be observed. A person can fall out of extremes in extreme: it is not there, then absorb the food in incredible quantities, smoke cigarettes one after another, start drinking.

Nervous habits may appear (click the fingers, nibble nails). In addition, in a state of stress, some prefer to self-auenize and move away from others.

So how to prevent all this and overcome constant stress?

Effective methods of struggle with stress

In order to effectively deal with stress at work, first of all, it is necessary to establish and eliminate its cause.

Often the reason for stress at work may not be overloaded and ablian, but the elementary inability is planning a working day. Here to help can come time management Or the art of managing your time. It is important to learn how to take first for important things, plan your day, highlighting certain blocks in it. However, it is worth warming lovers of excessive planning: only the most important cases and meetings follow in the diary. Fasciating planning, people can spend more time planning than to perform tasks. In addition, a pleasant feeling that a person is experiencing, crossing completed tasks from the list of cases, can be obtained by implementing minor, unimportant cases. At the same time, important remains unfulfilled.

To familiarize yourself with the basic principles and rules of time management, you can pay the time to read such books as:

  • "Seven high-performance people skills. Powerful tools the development of the personality "Stephen Kovi;
  • "Get out of the comfort zone. Change your life. 21 Method of improving personal effectiveness »Brian Tracy;
  • "Time Drive. How to manage to live and work "Gleb Arkhangelsky;
  • "Time management. Time management workshop "Sergey Kalinina.

Separate time management tools are devoted to such publications as:

  • "How to bring things to order. The art of productivity without stress "David Allen;
  • "How to stop laying up life for later" Leo Babauta;
  • "Hard time management. Take your life under the control of "Dan S. Kennedy.

Since the main principle of time management is planning, you can start a paper diary in an old way, and you can use smartphones applications: ISO Timer for Android; Plan, Clear, Workflow for iOS.

No less important and "prevention". To resist stress learn to really evaluate your capabilities. And do not try to jump above the head. It is necessary to fulfill the task for two days, two hours or two months, it does not matter. It is important that you should not try to fulfill it in one hour or day. And do not be afraid to say about it.

An excellent stimulus that will make a different look at your work may become system of own rewards. For example, by performing some tedious task, you can pamper yourself with a piece of chocolate. And when solving a challenging task, the purchase, which has long been dreamed of. Do not forget about the final incentives like an increase in wages and enhanced service.

Little breaks are extremely important during the working day, as well as sport classes Over working time.

Moreover do not forget about relatives, friends, friends. After all, they are the source of energy, the best advisers and always come to the rescue. And the fair proportion of optimism has not lost anyone. Yes, and stress is afraid of him like fire.

But what to do exactly not necessarySo that's to confront. Of course, you may not like colleagues, but think what you will achieve, entering them into the dispute? Especially if you can not answer the question of what is the purpose of the conflict? And even if you know exactly the answer, you should not conflict. It is much more efficient to achieve your own negotiations.

And in no case can you leave everything as it is. If it really is completely short, and even a small vacation can not return to you, and the team causes only negative emotionsYou can always change the place of work.

The main thing is to remember my health. In no case do not allow stress to take over you and your progress in the workplace.