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Chemical cuisine as it is called. Molecular cuisine without secrets. Molecular foods are good for your health

  • Molecular cuisine set;
  • Half a glass of lemon juice, water;
  • Soy lecithin three teaspoons.
  • Complexity: easy


First. Mix water and juice.
Second. Add lecithin, beat with a mixer.
Third. The resulting foam is used as a decoration.

Above was shown the recipe for molecular cuisine - a foam cloud. Let us introduce you to the concept itself.

What is Molecular Cuisine? This is a trendy culinary trend. Cooking is based on physical and chemical concepts. In search of an unusual, new taste. Products are frozen, processed with liquid nitrogen, vacuum and pressure are used.

The molecular cuisine menu in a restaurant or cafe has honey or chocolate caviar, mango sphere, molecular ice cream, and more. Unfortunately, few establishments offer molecular cuisine. Not every chef can create such a dish.

In a molecular cuisine restaurant, the master will arrange a presentation of the selected delicacy. The cost of one serving on the molecular cuisine menu is expensive. But for those who want to follow the new fashion trends in cooking, prices are not an obstacle.

Molecular cuisine training is gaining popularity. There are more people willing to learn culinary masterpieces on their own. For all beginners, the courses will tell knowledge, special skills and techniques of creation. The wizard will explain the unusual ways of processing products, talk about additives. He will tell you what kind of dishes should be, list the necessary equipment for a molecular kitchen.

Molecular kitchen at home

After the knowledge base has been collected. Molecular cuisine at home will become a reality. You will need to buy utensils, additives and equipment from a molecular kitchen store. The average price of a set is about 1,500 rubles without additives.

Molecular cuisine recipes with a photo will help a beginner prepare a foamy cloud of lemon, carrot caviar, arugula spaghetti.

Carrot caviar

Would need

  • Sodium alginate and calcium chloride, half teaspoons;
  • Cold water two and a half glasses;
  • Three medium carrots;
  • Fresh ginger three cm.
  1. First. Peel, chop the carrots with ginger.
  2. Second. I use a blender to make the puree.
  3. Third. Add water to the mixture until the volume is one glass. Stir, strain.
  4. Fourth ... Remove the strained mass in the cold for an hour. Then add sodium alginate and mix gently.
  5. Fifth. Transfer the mass to a plastic jar. Make a hole in the lid with the calf diameter.
  6. Sixth. Dissolve calcium chloride in two glasses of ice water.
  7. Seventh. Squeeze the puree into the water, one drop at a time. Put the resulting caviar on a paper towel. Dry from moisture.

Emerald spaghetti

Would need

  • Half a glass of water;
  • Arugula one and a half glasses;
  • Two grams of Agar Agar;
  • Special syringe.
  1. First. Use a blender to puree the arugula and water.
  2. Second. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, mix the mixture with the agar. Stir, bring to a boil.
  3. Third. Transfer the puree to a plate. Draw it into a syringe, squeeze it into a tube.
  4. Fourth. Disconnect the tube and cool in cold water for three minutes.
  5. Fifth. Draw air into the syringe. Connect to the tube and release the air. Squeeze out the spaghetti gently.

Learn another recipe from the video

You can get new ideas by attending a molecular cuisine show. At holidays and family gatherings, the home molecular cuisine will surprise and delight everyone with new discoveries.

Did you know that there is a jelly-like borscht? Ever heard of meat foam, herring ice cream, eel candy or liquid bread? These are not fictions of science fiction writers, but real ones. molecular cuisine... Many consider this a perversion for insane money and a mockery of food, someone admires the food avant-garde and sees in it the future of cooking.

No matter how you treat the "molecular", one thing remains unchanged - it certainly leaves no one indifferent. It is not for nothing that since the turn of the century this section of culinary has been firmly held at the forefront of the gastronomic world and is the most intriguing of all the restaurant arts. Physicochemical mechanisms are used not only to satisfy the receptors of sophisticated gourmets, but also for a more efficient and thoughtful approach to the process of preparing each product.

Molecular dishes

Molecular cuisine- this is the taste of familiar products (meat, fish, vegetables, spices, oils) in an unusual form for us. Editorial staff "With taste" I have prepared for you some simple recipes for molecular cuisine that you can easily repeat at home and surprise guests at the table.

Molecular scrambled eggs

Can you surprise guests with scrambled eggs? Yes, if served as a dessert. Guests at the table will think that the bird has laid sweet eggs or has been specially sweetened with fried eggs. To mimic the color and texture, mango is used as the yolk, and the protein is made from milk.

You will need

  • 5 g sodium alginate
  • 1000 g of drinking water
  • 0.5 stack milk
  • 2 g agar agar
  • 0.75 stack vanilla yogurt
  • 250 g mango
  • 2 tbsp. l. icing sugar
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. calcium chloride


Vegetable salad with cottage cheese and arugula spaghetti

You will need

  • 100 g cottage cheese
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream
  • 1 tooth. garlic
  • 100 g olive oil
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 carrot
  • 0.5 bunch of lettuce leaves
  • 0.25 tsp dry garlic
  • 0.25 tsp paprika
  • 150 g arugula
  • 80 g chicken or vegetable broth
  • 3 g agar agar
  • salt and ground pepper to taste


Beetroot rolls with cream cheese

You will need

  • 2 beets
  • 25 g agar agar
  • 250 g soft cream cheese
  • salt and spices to taste


  1. Whisk the beets in a blender until puree, strain through a sieve and add agar-agar. Transfer to a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  2. Pour the beet juice in a thin layer onto a tray lined with cling film. Let harden completely at room temperature.
  3. Combine cream cheese with your favorite spices and season with salt. Apply the mixture to the gellied beetroot leaf, roll up and cut into portioned rolls with a sharp knife.

Balsamic Vinegar Caviar

Caviar is different - black, red, eggplant. And thanks to agar-agar, you can make eggs from balsamic vinegar, which will simultaneously become an unusual decoration and seasoning for many dishes.

You will need

  • 100 ml olive oil
  • 60 ml balsamic vinegar
  • 30 ml of water
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 25 g agar agar


Carrot oil

Using molecular cooking tricks, you can make a great carrot butter sauce. The same trick can be done with beets.

You will need

  • 6 medium carrots
  • 500 g butter


Tomato Soup Jelly

You will need

  • 350 ml of any broth
  • 1 carrot
  • 1/2 leek stalk
  • 2 tooth. garlic
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste
  • 6 cherry tomatoes
  • 15 g parsley
  • 15 g green onions
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Cut carrots, leeks, cherry tomatoes into slices, chop the garlic and herbs. Pour broth into a saucepan, throw in all vegetables and herbs, add tomato paste, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.
  2. Puree the soup with a blender and strain through a sieve. Add agar agar, stir, return to saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat.
  3. Pour the soup into tins and refrigerate. Place the completely frozen soup on portioned bowls and decorate to taste.

Here's how you can at no extra cost

For a person not used to culinary delights, molecular cuisine will seem like something out of the ordinary. This is not surprising: a room equipped with unknown devices, flasks and test tubes will seem more like a chemical laboratory than a kitchen. Such an atmosphere reigns in the territory of the chef, who defends the scientific approach to cooking, because he is not only a culinary specialist, but also a chemist, physicist and biologist. Adherents of molecular cuisine argue that using knowledge of the chemical and physical properties of a product will create the most healthy dish with an impeccable taste.

We've collected some amazing examples that demonstrate the magical power of molecular cuisine.

1. Tomato soup

Scientists' research on ingredients that can turn food into a gel has led to the widespread use of the agar-agar substance. Thanks to this ingredient, the soup we are used to acquires a completely new consistency. Without tasting the dish, you will never guess that this is a soup turned into spaghetti. However, the taste of all products is revealed in the mouth, and everything falls into place.

2. Forest haze

One of the commonly used devices in molecular cuisine is the smoke gun. This can give the dish a campfire smell and a smoky taste. You can smoke anything in this way: fruits, tea, cigars, ice cream or flowers. In many restaurants, a show is created from this process, and smoking takes place in front of the visitors within a few seconds. One of these dishes is shown in the photo: cold smoked salmon with vegetables and gifts of the forest, served on a wooden cut.

3. Raspberry caviar with strawberry foam and caramel

Such an unusual interpretation of a fruit dessert cannot but surprise. Often, chefs of molecular cuisine use whipping products into foam - an essence with a strong natural aroma. At first glance, it may seem that foam does not play a special role in the dish, but it is not. There was a case when a visitor to a molecular cuisine restaurant ordered a nondescript white foam, but after tasting it, he felt the aroma of fresh rye bread and the rich taste of a butter sandwich. Do not underestimate this or that detail, how all the ingredients of the dish take the right place in a strictly measured quantity. Foam can be made from just about anything, including strawberries.

4. Herring under a fur coat

Molecular cuisine is not only unexpected taste combinations, but also the most common dishes known to all people. For example, the famous New Year's salad with herring fits perfectly into the list of the most delicious dishes of molecular cuisine. The salad differs only in an interesting presentation: all the ingredients are collected in the form of Japanese rolls, served with beetroot sauce. People who have tasted the salad in this form claim that when all the ingredients are chewed in the mouth, the taste of the well-known salad is recreated.

5. Pumpkin and banana pie

This dish is clearly not associated with the usual perception of the pie. Looking at it, it is difficult to guess what products and how were used for cooking. This is the case when the appearance of the dish does not meet the taste expectations at all. There is a substance on your plate that looks like ice cream, but once in your mouth, it turns into a real pumpkin pie.

6. Dessert for breakfast

One of the goals of molecular cuisine is to surprise the customer. After having scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast, do not rush to add salt or pepper. In this case, despite the appearance of the dish, there is vanilla yogurt, mango and chocolate on the plate. Such an unusual tandem of picture and taste leaves an unforgettable impression.

7. Vinaigrette

Another interpretation of the well-known vegetable salad. In it, beets appear in the form of jelly, a mixture of vegetables - in the form of foam, and an emulsion serves as a dressing for the dish. Thanks to research into mixing water with fats, the consistency of the sauce and the whole dish is stabilized, keeping it perfect until the last bite is eaten.

8. Blood sausage soup

The foodpairing method is widely known in molecular cuisine. Its main principle is to combine products according to their common aromatic components. For example, not based on the usual gastronomic combinations, they created a soup from blood sausage and pumpkin. Its consistency is more like a piece of meat. But the dish turns out to be juicy, rich and leaves the aftertaste of just eaten soup.

9. Carrot air and tangerine granite

The molecular cuisine chef is able to enclose liquid in a sphere, turn ice cream into powder, combine many ingredients into a homogeneous jelly. Especially impressed by the molecular cuisine, people say that the foam in this dish is light, like air, with the aroma and taste of fresh carrots. And mandarin, despite its hard texture on the outside, is juicy and soft on the inside.

10. Radish in a creamy sauce

For lovers of fresh vegetables, chefs-scientists have invented a dish that is served directly in a pot of earth. To feast on radishes, restaurant diners will have to literally pluck them out of the edible soil and dip them in a creamy sauce. Soil can be crafted from whatever comes into the mind of the chef, as molecular cuisine can transform just about any ingredient into an edible soil.

With all the ingredients in a dish, each person can transform their own cuisine into a molecular one. The Internet contains not only recipes, but also tips from famous chefs, as well as many videos. We invite you to see how easily the chef puts the famous Cuban cocktail into a sphere.

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Today, it would seem, what new and extraordinary can you think of in cooking? After all, people have long sought to learn the science of cooking. What could be tastier and more original than the old recipes of our grandparents, which are still a mystery to modern people? The answer to this question is molecular cuisine, which dishes are also called a provocation for our senses and taste buds.


Molecular cuisine will dispel all your ideas about how food should taste and color. For example, the usual-looking scrambled eggs served to you may taste fruity, dumplings - transparent, caviar - with the taste of watermelon. This is the “trick” of such a modern trend in cooking - to make the taste of a product we are used to absolutely unrecognizable until you try it.

Such a shock effect for our receptors is achieved due to a change in the product at the molecular level, which is why this culinary art itself is called "molecular cuisine". Due to the use of chemical and physical laws of influence in the preparation of such dishes, products lose their usual properties and can acquire completely inappropriate combinations. Vacuum, inert gases, oxygen, agar-agar, liquid nitrogen, centrifugation, various chemical reactions, etc. can be used to create molecular dishes.

Molecular cuisine textures

Molecular cuisine is gaining more and more popularity in Russia. The chefs working in this direction have more and more opportunities to impress the visitors of the restaurant with dishes that are unusual in taste and appearance. Various textures can be named among the main assistants in the preparation of molecular cuisine, many of which are also used in classic cuisine. For example, the texture "agar" is used to make marshmallows or marmalade.

Textures allow you to change the appearance of a dish and add new properties that help fix the desired state or shape, be it creating spheres, foam or jelly. You can buy textures for molecular cuisine from us.

Molecular cuisine dishes can have very different consistencies: powder, mousse, foam, soufflé, ice cream, jelly. There are no limits in it in relation to the components of these dishes, where fish, vegetables, meat, and fruits are used - almost everything.

However, this trend is not innovative. After all, the Parisian gastronome physicist Hervé Tisz began his physicochemical experiments on food back in the 80s.


One of the most spectacular molecular cuisine techniques that Ferran Adrià introduced to the public. Sodium alginate, when diluted in a liquid, becomes a thickener; on contact with calcium lactate, it acts as a gelling agent. This is the way to create artificial caviar with any taste. Imagine a liquid enclosed in a very thin shell.

It's a pleasure to try it. It turns out such an unexpected explosion of taste. Another way to create an interesting effect when serving a molecular meal is to use dry ice, which is essentially frozen carbon dioxide. If you pour it with a special fragrant substance mixed with water, a very bright smell is released, which brings taste sensations to a completely different level. Sleight of hand and no cheating, but the trick is very effective.


Jelly can be made at home, usually from a bag or using gelatin. What's the catch? Molecular gelation is the art of creating seemingly ordinary dishes from unusual products. A mango-flavored egg, arugula spaghetti, honey caviar - such delights on a plate will pleasantly surprise you.

Achieve the effect of gelatinization with the help of such additives:

Agar-agar is a natural seaweed-based thickener, very persistent, dietary;

Carrageenan is another algae-based thickener that gives the substance a viscosity or jelly-like texture.


The most delicate foam made from fruit or vegetable juice is the taste itself in its purest form. For the first time such a technique was introduced in his own restaurant by Ferran Adrià, but the basics of making espum were known back in the 17th century.

It is now difficult to surprise with foams made from fruits, vegetables and drinks, the culinary gurus have gone further. Espums are made from a variety of meats, mushrooms, cocoa and coffee. It turns out to be a light weightless sauce. An example is the dish of Anatoly Komm.

The most delicate mousse made from Borodino bread with unrefined butter and salt can win the heart of any gourmet. Magic, not otherwise! They create an espum effect with the help of an additive - soy lecithin, which is extracted from soybean oil (pre-filtered). It is used for the preparation of glaze, chocolate products, water-oil and air-water emulsions.


In creative cooking, the thickening technique can be used to achieve incredible results. Sauces are soft and light because they retain a lot of air bubbles. But the real miracles begin when we prepare cocktails! Imagine pieces of fruit that seem to "float" in your drink and completely ignore gravity. There are also many special effects for making alcoholic cocktails, mainly to achieve the effect of layers.


The essence of the technique is in the processing of products with liquid nitrogen. The temperature of this substance is minus 196 degrees Celsius. This makes it possible to instantly freeze any product of consistency. In addition, liquid nitrogen evaporates instantly, so you can make ice from any sauce, cream or juice right in front of restaurant visitors, which is what many restaurateurs practice in their establishments.

Agnes Marshal was the first to use liquid nitrogen to make ice cream back in 1877. Blumenthal introduced this method of processing food for his menu from his contemporaries.

Freezing with liquid nitrogen, firstly, saves a lot of time (ice cream, for example, can be cooled to the required temperature in just a few seconds). Secondly, it makes it possible to fully preserve all the properties of products, their color, moisture content, and vitamin composition.

The sous-vide vacuum cooking technique is an improved process for cooking food in a water bath. The ingredients are closed in special vacuum bags, in which they are then cooked at a temperature of about 60 degrees Celsius for many hours and sometimes even days. Meat products prepared in this way remain juicy and tender, as well as insanely fragrant. Vacuum marinate meat, fruits and vegetables well.

Molecular gastronomy combines physics and chemistry to transform the flavors and textures of the food we are used to. What is the end result? - A real innovative and high-tech lunch. The term "molecular gastronomy" is commonly used to describe a style of cuisine in which chefs explore different culinary possibilities, borrowing from laboratory science tools and technologies and food industry ingredients. Formally, the term "molecular gastronomy" refers to the scientific discipline that studies the physical and chemical processes that take place during the preparation of food.

Molecular gastronomy seeks to investigate and explain the chemical reasons for the transformation of ingredients, as well as the social, artistic and technical components of culinary and gastronomic phenomena.

Molecular cuisine has long been a trend in the world of haute cuisine. The ZagraNitsa portal invites you to prepare several light desserts that are guaranteed to surprise and delight your loved ones!


Orange spaghetti

It's actually very easy to prepare an original dessert and surprise your loved ones! You just need to show your imagination by preparing familiar dishes with a non-standard approach. Be sure to stock up on a syringe and silicone tubes - pharmacy ones are suitable for a dropper.

Ingredients: 400 ml orange juice, 25 ml orange syrup, 75 ml sugar syrup, 25 g agar-agar, syringe


  • Mix all components, heat, but do not bring to a boil.
  • Collect the resulting liquid into a syringe and inject it into a silicone tube, and pinch the tip.
  • Immerse in cold water for 3 minutes.
  • Pull out, connect the empty syringe to the tube and squeeze out the jelly with air.
  • Garnish with orange slices or chocolate chips when serving.

Spicy truffles

The famous chocolates are named after the equally famous mushrooms they look like. We invite you to make this chocolate treat yourself and serve it in an original way.

Ingredients: 100 g chocolate, 75 ml heavy cream, 20 g butter, a pinch of dry chili



  • Break the plate into small pieces, pour cream, add butter, a pinch of dry chili and melt over low heat until completely dissolved.
  • When the consistency of the chocolate is similar to silk, remove from heat and refrigerate.
  • Then refrigerate for 2 hours.
  • When the mass hardens and becomes similar to plasticine, you need to form balls with a spoon and roll in cocoa powder on all sides.
  • Put the resulting balls in the refrigerator for another couple of hours, until they are completely hardened.

Banana candy

Who wouldn't agree that bananas with chocolate are the perfect combination? Yes, this is truly a gastronomic union made in heaven! Making such sweets will take a lot of time, but it's worth it: the taste of the delicacy is unforgettable!

Ingredients: cocoa butter 250 g, dark chocolate 250 g, frozen dry banana 100 g, powdered sugar 100 g, bourbon or rum 25 ml, banana juice (bananas 350 g, amylase 3.5 g) 500 ml

Making banana juice:

  • Preheat a water bath to 65 degrees.
  • Peel bananas.
  • Beat the ingredients in a blender until a thick, homogeneous liquid.
  • Boil over low heat for half an hour.
  • Strain the contents through a sieve and drain the juice.

Cooking sweets:

  • Add bourbon to banana juice.
  • Freeze juice in round tins, but do not pour over to the end.
  • Melt chocolate and cocoa butter in different containers.
  • Hold frozen banana balls with a toothpick and dip in melted cocoa butter.
  • Let cool and harden, then put in the freezer for a couple of hours.
  • Dip the hardened candies in the previously melted chocolate.
  • Then put in the refrigerator for another 30 minutes.
  • At this time, you need to mix dried bananas with powdered sugar, beat in a blender until a homogeneous powder is obtained.
  • Dip in this dry mixture before serving.

Chantilly chocolate mousse

It is not for nothing that Herve Tisza is considered the creator of molecular cuisine: he has dozens of amazing recipes on his account, which you can familiarize yourself with in his cookbook. We suggest you try to cook a couple of desserts from the famous French chef in your kitchen using a detailed video tutorial.

Ingredients: bitter chocolate 72% 225 g, 200 ml of water, ice.

Meringue "Crystals of the Wind"

Another recipe of a famous culinary specialist is as simple as the previous one - you just need to buy a couple of eggs and a little sugar. Cooking the meringue will take 10 minutes, but you will have to take into account that it takes almost 2 hours to bake a light dessert.

Ingredients: chicken protein 2 pcs., granulated sugar 60 g, powdered sugar 30 g, cold water 3 tbsp. l.