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What to do when emotional burnout. Examples. Physical signs and symptoms of burnout. Displeased and irritation

If you suddenly rolled fatigue, there was a feeling of helplessness and disappointment and it seems that you are completely out of order, it is possible that it is an emotional burnout. Such a state leads to a feeling of powerlessness, so it is very difficult to solve the problem. Defair and indifference arising from burnout can be a source of problems with work, jeopardize normal communication and even physical health. Therefore, it is never possible to let the situation on a self-shot, you need to fight and look for ways out.

What is emotional burnout syndrome?

CEV or emotional burnout syndrome is a state that is characterized by mental, emotional and physical exhaustion against the background of chronic stress, which in most cases is caused by the work. Most often, representatives of professions related to permanent communication: for example, teachers, doctors, social workers and employees large companies With a wide staff and high staff requirements.

Very often, doctors suffer from SEV

Due to the strong overvoltage, man gradually simply loses interest in everything. CEV leads to a decrease in productivity and energy, because of this, a feeling of helplessness, resentment and hopelessness appears. The victim seems that he does not have enough strength on anything, and he is doomed to meaningless and boring work.

One of effective ways Prevent CEV - retain workers problems at work. Going out the door, you can even symbolically wipe your legs so as not to drag the cargo of the problems home.

Of course, there are some symptoms such as banal fatigue or poor mood. If our work does not appreciate or have to be very overloaded, we can also feel like. Therefore, it is impossible to confuse CEV with depression or fatigue.

How to know sav?

In order not to confuse emotional burnout syndrome with other similar states, you need to know the three main differences:

  • A person feels emotional exhaustion and emptying, he does not please his work that previously liked, nothing brings pleasures, colleagues and all the surrounding people annoy. It is poured into poorly performed tasks, permanent quarrels, reluctance to go somewhere and communicate with someone.
  • There is a feeling of meaningless labor, the desire to work well disappears, since this "still no one appreciates." Gradually, this feeling can spread to other areas - for example, a person will stop watching himself, as it will not be better.
  • Unlike fatigue, Sev is not going anywhere after rest. After the weekend, the "burnt" man will remain as unhappy and sluggish, while the tired returns full strength.
  • Unlike depression, which always lies the fear and feeling of guilt, burnout is based on anger and irritability. A person does not believe that he does not work well or Hamit others, it seems to him that the whole world is against him.

Often emotionally burn in teachers

Although at the initial stage, emotional burnout may seem harmless, over time it often leads to psychosomatic diseases, worsening memory and concentration. The "burnt" person can not only lose his job, since his value as an employee falls sharply, but also a family that will have to live under the nest of his negative.

Development of burnout

To simplify the diagnosis of emotional burnout, a psychiatrist from New York Herbert Freudenberger has created a special scale. The first steps look quite harmless, but it is better to start the treatment already at this stage - the further, the harder will return the normal emotional background.

First there is an obsessive desire of self-affirmation, it is possible to try to prove something else, rivalry. Then comes a careless attitude to its own needs, refusal to communicate, sports, entertainment. Then - a refusal to resolve conflicts, which leads to their tightening. Over time, a person simply cease to respond to problems in communicating with relatives and / or friends. And then there comes a loss of feeling like a person and personality, a person continues to act mechanically, without applying efforts and without thinking about the future.

Constant fatigue is one of the main signs of burnout.

After some time, a person notes that he lost himself, feels the inner emptiness and most often after that the depression comes. Gradually developing, emotional burnout leads to the fact that it breaks, ills a physically and mentally, often inclined to suicidal thoughts.

No need to be afraid to change the job. Some psychologists believe that it is necessary to do this every 4-5 years. This brings freshness and novelty and does not give to "burn".

Feature of the village is such that it is easy to hide. A person can go to work, look like always and even more or less normally communicate, writing off the failure on fatigue or illness. Often, close to the problem are already known at the last stages, when a person is almost ready to say goodbye to life.

Causes of Development of SEV (video)

Many modern psychologists believe that emotional burnout is a protective mechanism in conditions of strong psychotrauming effects. In such a situation, the body simply "turns off" emotions, while preserving itself. The CEV allows you to minimize the cost of energy and save from excessive work some organism systems: for example, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular. But over time, such a "preserving mode" becomes too economical and does not allow a person to work normally and communicate with others.

To understand the causes of burnout development, you must remember that our nervous system It has a limit of fulfillment of certain processes: for example, communication, solving problems, etc. It is not easy to determine this limit, since it is not only individual for each person, but also depends on many indicators, for example, from the quality of nutrition and sleep, the state of health and season, the situation in the patient's family. But if a person exceeds it, the exhaustion occurs, which over time leads to burnout.

Often the SEA symptoms are complicated by pessimistic people and lazy people around. You need to give them to understand that you should not listen to them and help them.

The second reason is the absence of a tangible result.. Most often it happens to teachers. They can be laid out of all their might, but will not change anything, the children will also come or not to come to school, get bad or good estimates, skip the lessons and chelting. A similar situation may occur with people of other professions, if their successes do not appreciate and do not encourage. This leads to the depreciation of labor, and later to the loss of interest in it.

CEV strongly reduces the quality of work

Separately, it is worth remembering that personal qualities of a person play a large role in the development of emotional burnout syndrome. There are people who do not get tired when they have long to perform monotonous routine work, but cannot be activated to perform an urgent project. And it happens on the contrary - a person can work successfully and fruitfully only a long time, but at the same time it is spreading completely, and later simply "exhaled." There are workers who are not capable of creative tasks, but executive. And there are creators who need a feeling of freedom. If the work does not correspond to the personality of a person, it will very soon lead to emotional burnout.

In most cases, CEV is a consequence of the improper organization of labor, management errors and the unaware of personnel to their duties.

How to prevent burnout?

CEV is a problem that is easier to prevent than to solve. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your condition and at the first signs of emotional burnout to take measures to prevent it.

What to do?

  • Try to start a day with relaxing rituals: for example, to remember or make charging.
  • Go to proper nutrition, workout. This will give strength and energy to solve problems.
  • Set borders. If something annoys or strains, you need to try not to do this, to respond with a refusal to unwanted requests and do what is really important.
  • Daily rest OT modern technologies. For a while you need to turn off the phone and computer and just sit in silence.
  • To do creativity, find a hobby or more often attend events that have nothing to do with the work.
  • Learn to manage stress - this will help to resist burnout.

If the situation is not yet running, it is quite realistic to cope without the help of specialists, but it is necessary to realize that there is a problem and work on its decision will have to be serious.

How to recover yourself

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to prevent burnout. Most often, a person understands what happened when CEV is already destroying his life. If this happened, you need to concentrate on the return of a normal emotional background.

Sometimes you need to get away from the distance to recover

There are three steps for the treatment of burnout consequences:

  • Step is the first: slowing down. It is necessary to reduce to a minimum professional activity - for example, take leave. At your free time you need to relax, relax, forget about work and problems.
  • Step Two: Receive support. Thought, a person usually closes and reduces communication to a minimum. This is a normal reaction - it tries to keep energy residues. But you need to ride yourself and tell you close on what is happening. Even the very fact of the conversation can bring relief, and support for expensive people will necessarily help cope with stress.
  • Step Three: Revision of goals and priorities. If emotional burnout happened - this is a serious sign that something in life is wrong. You need to analyze everything and understand why it happened. Perhaps you should change the work or your attitude to it, or even completely block everything.

But it is not necessary to expect that immediately after awareness of the problem will come her decision. It may take time for this, because the burnout happened not the day. But if you try to follow these simple advice - Sooner or late health will come back.

Due to problems at work, an emotional decline may occur. How to deal with it and what should I do to feel the strength and feel the taste of life?

Burnout work is amenable to control

Burning at work causes a state of discomfort and stress. A sense of fatigue, anxiety, dissatisfaction gradually develops into depression. It is important to find the forces to defeat this condition, take it as a sign to change its attitude towards problems and difficulties.

The most dangerous in professional burnout is a stress that reduces performance and leads to diseases. Many people suffering from burning around are looking for consolation in alcohol, drugs and gambling.

The burnout syndrome at work is characteristic of certain categories of people:

  • idealists with high demands on their responsibilities;
  • persons having understated self-esteem, with the position of the victim, easily taking guilty;
  • wounded and touchy people;
  • people who do not want to really look at things, want to see everything in "pink".

Working with other people in services, medicine, education, creativity is risks for manifestation of syndrome.

Emotional burnout occurs from workers:

  • medicine and ambulance;
  • teachers and educators;
  • services in the service sector;
  • businessmen;
  • creative people - it can be actors, artists, designers.

Burning can also bring remote work - isolation and complete absence of communication is an extreme and critical state for the psyche.

Psychological tension creates a heavy moral situation in the staff team. Every day brings new tasks and goals, the spiral of the events is twisted, and the load on the psyche becomes inexperienced.

The burnout process occurs in stages:

  1. There is a sense of fatigue.
  2. There is an insomnia, apathy appears in work.
  3. It is hard to concentrate at work.
  4. Impairment of health, reducing immunity, constant colds, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Man becomes annoyed, displeasing, picky.
  5. Against the background of the degradation of general well-being sharply decreases the level of self-control. They become frequent manifestation of splashes of anger, resentment, man gives a feeling of guilt and pity for himself, he closes in the circle of his problems.

Notice the alarming symptoms physical state Body, psycho-emotional state and social behavior in society. The deterioration of indicators speaks of the degree of burnout.

The effect of burnout can occur in hidden form. Some people overlook the feeling of dissatisfaction, fatigue, pain - this is pushing the health of the physical body and shortens life.

Noticing and feeling the first burnout symptoms, its prevention should be carried out.

To change the situation in best sideYou need to evaluate the events that take place and take responsibility for your life. Instead of finding the guilty of the current situation, it is necessary to work on the elimination of the problem. It should be clearly understood that only you are responsible for what is happening with you.

Burning at work has obvious signs - this is fatigue and loss of interest in work. It is not possible to understand the reason for such behavior and determine the symptoms of burnout.

  • hair loss, early appearance of seeds;
  • wrinkles, bags under the eyes, premature aging;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • heart problems;
  • constant feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, fear, discontent, irritation;
  • insomnia;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • overeating, thrust to alcohol, malnutrition.

You can determine your condition by passing the test from the Internet or visiting the training. The next step is to change your attitude towards problems at work, a change in lifestyle, the development of your personality.

Burnout at work: what to do

The burnout at work can happen with each, having reveaning it in itself, you need to place priorities, decide what to do first how to change your attitude to what is happening at work situations.

If it is impossible to avoid stress, you need to learn to let him go. After all, if it is accumulated long yearsIt will turn into a sense of hopelessness and disappointment that shortens life several times.

In medicine, there is the concept of "stress shell" - this is the state of muscle stiffness, it occurs as a response to stress. Most often the muscles of the shoulder belt, faces, in the knees and hips.

The muscles are constantly tense, which means that the body works for wear. Movements become compound, tense, and vitality Expanded.

At that moment, when a person understands that something goes wrong in life and he enters the burnout stage, he needs to change the lifestyle. This will help arrange priorities and get out of the crisis. No need to deal with "bad" people, factors, problems, you need to change your attitude towards them - block them and change the situation "for yourself."

The best recipe of how to cope with stress and burnout is to rest. When planning recreation, you should give the opportunity to relax as physical bodyand consciousness.

These actions can prevent burnout development, become more sociable, strong and healthy:

  1. Three hours before sleep, we must eliminate the influence on your life of external factors. Spend time left from computer and smartphone, alternative - walk to fresh air in two hours. Returning to the house, you should take a shower and go to bed.
  2. Full sleep restores health and fills forces. Drinking mode is important for the operation of the digestive, immune system and the brain. Water should be consciously consciously, immediately after waking up, try to drink every hour during the day and before bedtime.
  3. A sedentary lifestyle is the Beach of Modern Society. If a person spent eight hours in the workplace in the sitting position, he needed an hour of physical exertion. No wonder they say that the movement is life.
  4. The earlier you realize this, longer and you will live happiness. You can choose one of the ways of walking outdoors: fast walking, jogging, rollers, skiing, bike. It is necessary to run on a low pulse, because the purpose of this jog is to saturate the body with oxygen and remove the tension.
  5. It is important to choose food in which there are many fiber, proteins and vitamins.

To feel it prepared for life, you need to constantly increase the skills of communication and domestic development.

To get rid of burnout should develop such skills:

  • the ability to change - their habits, mode, diet, lifestyle can always be changed if you need it;
  • for development, you need to constantly learn, master new knowledge to be in demand and interesting person;
  • healthy lifestyle. It is important to understand - you should not wait for impact from life in the form of a tough disease, you can choose the power, movement and sleep and be healthy and happy!
  • ability to communicate and build relationships.

Conduct the treatment of your body and the Spirit for everyone. If you wish, you can find a psychotherapist and become a participant in the training.

"I emotionally burned out at work" - such a sentence is increasingly carrying people. It becomes even a good excuse frequent care on sick leave or the cause of dismissal. Most by and large does not understand what "emotional burnout" is. Irritation, pain in the body, a bad mood at work Many identify with him.

And in fact, this is a severe functional state that has many side effects, and to get rid of them, a long period of recovery is needed.

What is "emotional burnout syndrome"?

Emotional burnout syndrome is a regression of professional development. A person is experiencing negative emotions, tension, internal psychological conflicts, psychosomatic reactions from long-term voltage. This syndrome is experiencing healthy people whose work is related to intensive and constant professional communication. This is a profession like "Man - Man": Employees of the education system, medical workers, social sphere, service sector.

"Emotional burnout" includes three mandatory symptoms:

  • emotional exhaustion;
  • indifferent attitude to work;
  • depreciation of professional achievements.

Emotional exhaustion is characterized by a sense of fatigue from work. The person is indifferent to the duties. Looking at such people, it seems that they have no strength left to test the "real" emotions.

Indifferent attitude to work. The person communicates formally, even neglecting - and with customers, and with partners, and with a team. In the medical sphere, the field of education and services, a person is only superficially interested in requests and problems of those with whom it works.

In sales, for example, "clarifying customer needs" and "after-sales service" are ignored. It is too energy-cost. Everything comes down to the formal procedure: "Want to buy and pay. You do not want - then goodbye. " Irritation is inclined to accumulate, so it is not surprising that conflicts with customers become frequent.

Depreciation of professional achievements. A person has a sense of professional incompetence and uniformity. All achievements and successes are depreciated. And personal skills and skills seem so primitive that a schoolboy can master them.

It is mistaken to accept annoyance and the lack of desire to go to work for emotional burnout.

If the employee feels the absence of forces, decline in mood, reluctance to perform duties, but it is enough for a weekend or vacation to come into the form, then this is common fatigue. With emotional burnout, a long period is required to recover. However, after returning to work, the burnout state is necessarily returned. Changing the kind of professional activity is often the only way out of this state.

Remember that the feeling of fatigue is not accompanied by devaluate yourself as a professional, a cynical attitude to work and customers, in contrast to emotional burnout. The worker loves his profession, appreciates himself as a specialist, respects customers, but in a specific period he needs a rest.

Causes of emotional burnout syndrome

Individual features of the person

Perfectionists and people with a high level of claims are more exposed to emotional burnout. This category of people who seek to perform duties perfectly and exactly on time, not allowing mistakes. Goals always put complex, do not seek easy ways. If there is a discrepancy between the requirements for yourself and the real result, the self-esteem falls, it comes frustrated in itself as in a professional.

In the risk area there are high-resistant people and people focused on external grade.

People with a high level of anxiety worry literally for each trifle, overly concerned about the future result, build negative forecasts. Life turns into solid excitement.

People who are focused on external assessment believe that they are fulfilled useful work For society and evaluate the results can only surrounding. They do not have personal standards for which it is possible to determine how good or poorly duties are fulfilled. Unkind feedback, evaluation or view of customers make them doubt their professional fitness every time.

These are specialists whose work is associated with daily and intensive communication with people. Many companies put customer-oriented in the first place, demanding from employees of an individual approach to each, hypersworthiness, hypercommunicability, hypourousness. All this takes a lot of energy and strength. Moreover, customers are all different, and to please everyone does not always work.

Work factors

The lack of independence, moral and material promotion, the hyper-controlle from the leadership, the suppression of initiative, cause negative emotional reactions to employees. After all, thus leaders inhibit their professional and career development.

Factors such as the lack of a well-equipped workplace, comfortable breaks for lunch and vacation, the possibility of communication with colleagues, form discomfort, which ultimately leads to burnout.

How to cope with "emotional burnout"

Step 1. Professional self-reflection

Any solution to the problem begins with her awareness. It is important for a person to accept that the work causes disgust. And then find out the reasons: what led to a similar state? Detention itself, company, manager, conditions? When the reason is clear, a person will have a clear idea: whether the problem is solved, as much time it takes and how radical measures should be taken.

Step 2. Go on vacation / Go to other Department / Get out of the company

In my opinion, something from this must happen. It is important to distance themselves from the problem or for a while, or at all. Vacation, for example, is a good diagnostic tool to understand if you really burn out or just fatigue.

Some companies offer the ability to transfer employees to a similar / adjacent department. Responsibilities remain the same, only surroundings change. Work boiled in a new way, there is satisfaction and shifts for the better - it means that the problem was in external conditions. If, in a new place, the work depletes, does not bring satisfaction and the above-described triad of symptoms is observed - it means burnout.

Suppose you went on vacation, worked in another department, and work still depletes and annoying - change the sphere of professional activity. Perhaps you took place as a specialist and need career growth.

Or, on the contrary, you need a professional growth. When the set of responsibilities is constant and predict, you start performing them on the machine. They periodically need to expand and complicate so that professional regression does not come.

It is possible that you do not meet the psychological qualities of your profession (for example, introverts work on active sales managers, and extrovertes specialists in the discharge of primary documents), that is, are uniform. And there is nothing terrible in this, it's just time to take care of your business.

You can offer standard Type Tips: Delegate Responsibilities, share personal and professional life, relax more. But I am convinced that all this will not save you from the problem of burnout, but will only create a temporary and illusory attempt to solve it.

The article was prepared by a psychologist, a specialist in the selection and development of personnel Anastasia Teteruk:

"If you can not cope with problematic situations at work, do not know how to behave with the authorities or a team, do not know how to effectively organize your working day, write to the address [Email Protected] I will definitely share my recommendations and as a psychologist, and as a personnel specialist. "

If you are constantly experiencing stress and feel frustration and exhaustion, most likely you are on the way to professional burnout. In a state of burnout, the problem seems unresolved, and all that happens around does not cause any emotional response. Permanent discontent and alienation represent a real threat to health, as well as professional and personal life. Nevertheless, if you manage to recognize the first signs of burnout, you can prevent it. If you have already reached a critical point, there are many ways to return balance, again believe in yourself and begin to enjoy life.

What is burnout?

Burnout is the state of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion caused by strong and long stress. Burnout causes a person to feel crushed, emotionally empty, does not allow him to match regular requirements. With a continuous impact of stress, a person loses interest and motivation, which once prompted him to take up work.

The burnout reduces the productivity of work, sucks energy, strengthens the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness, provokes indifference and cynical attitude to life. In the end, it seems to a person that he is not suitable for anything.

Consequences burnout

Negative burnout consequences apply to all areas of life, including work, family relationships, friends and acquaintances. Burning can cause long-term changes in the body - for example, reduce the ability to resist the cold and influenza. That is why it is necessary to start the fight against burnout as early as possible.

How to diagnose burnout?

You are on the way to professional burnout if:

  • Every working day seems to you bad.
  • You no longer care what is happening at home and at work.
  • You feel the strength on the outcome.
  • You spend a lot of time on things that seem incredibly boring you.
  • It seems to you that your work is not needed to anyone.

Symptoms and symptoms of burnout

Many of us have days when we feel helpless and useless, hardly make yourself get up from bed and go to work. If it seems to you that such situations happen to you too often, perhaps the burnout.

Burning is a gradual process. At first, signs are almost invisible, but over time they are exacerbated. Any, even the earliest symptoms can not be ignored. If you do as soon as possible, you can prevent a disaster. If you crawl on them with your hand, burnout will come very quickly.

Physical signs and symptoms of burnout

  • Constant fatigue and powerlessness
  • Low immunity, constant cold
  • Frequent Head or Muscular Pain
  • Changes in habits associated with food and sleep

Emotional signs and symptoms of burnout

  • Constant premonition of failure and insecurity in their forces
  • Feeling self-helplessness, hopelessness and uselessness
  • Sense of loneliness
  • Loss of motivation
  • Negative attitude to the surrounding reality, which in time increases
  • No pleasure from work and sense of self-satisfaction

Behavioral signs and symptoms of burnout

  • Evasion of duty
  • Unwillingness to communicate with others
  • Procrastination, exceeding the deadlines for standard tasks
  • The desire to "eat" problems, drinking alcohol or drug to facilitate psychological pressure
  • The desire to tear evil on others
  • Developing, desire to leave work early

Difference between stress and burnout

The burnout is the consequence of constant stress, but burnout and stress is not the same thing. Stress implies too strong pressure - both physical and psychological. People who are in a state of stress often think that the situation is normalized, it is worth only to take it under control.

Burning, on the contrary, causes the conviction that the situation is never normalized. Burning is complete devastation, lack of motivation and desire to do anything. People experiencing burnout, life seems hopeless. People in stress drown in their duties, people with burning apart - simply "dry out." People in stress are fully aware of their position, burnout often comes unnoticed.

Stress or burnout?

Causes of burnout

Burning is closely related to professional activities. It is risky to burn a risk of all who works too much and does not receive from this proper return - whether it is an office employee who did not take his vacation for several years, or a housewife that breaks between children and elderly parents.

The burnout speed also depends on the style of life and the nature of the person - in particular, from what he is engaged in free time, and as it looks at the world.

Causes of burnout associated with work

  • Lack of control over the working process
  • Lack of recognition and awards for good work
  • Unclear or overestimated expectations
  • Monotonicity, lack of complex but interesting tasks
  • Chaotic or too tense working environment

Causes of burnout associated with life style

  • Recycling, lack of time for rest and communication
  • Lack of truly close people capable of supporting
  • The desire to take on as many duties as possible, reluctance to accept assistance from
  • Lack of sleep

Character features affecting burning

  • Perfectionism, desire to do everything as best as possible
  • Pessimistic views on yourself and the world around
  • Desire to control everything, distrust of others
  • Ambitiosity, workolism

Sounds familiar?

If you feel that burnout comes or has come, it is necessary to stop immediately to prevent even greater physical and emotional damage. Take a break and think about how you can help yourself.

To cope with burnout, consult other people

People who collided with professional burnout feel helpless. However, stress can be controlled. There are several steps to be taken to return your life to equilibrium. One of them is communication.

Social interaction - a natural antidote from stress

Talk to those who know how to listen. You will immediately feel how your nervous system calms down, and the stress level will decrease. The interlocutor should not solve your problems at all. It will be enough if he just listens to you, not distracted and refraining from condemning statements.

Pulling the soul, you are unlikely to become for someone for a burden. On the contrary, many friends and relatives will certainly be cleaned with your trust, and your relationship will only improve.

Tips to overcome burnout using positive interaction

Cut out as much time as possible with the most close people. - Spouse, children or friends try to distract from experiences and make your joint pastime to be as pleasant as possible.

More chat with colleagues.Good relationships with colleagues can prevent burnout. For example, during the break, set aside the smartphone and try to talk with those who are near, or appoint them a meeting after work.

Try not to communicate with those who you do not like.Communication with negative people who are just doing that they complain about life, the mood spoils pretty. If you are forced to work with such a person, try to limit the time you spend together.

Join the community that it seems important and interesting to you.Religious and social groups allow people with similar views to communicate with each other, share ways to combat stress and make new friends. If your industry has a professional association, you can attend meetings and talk with those who are with the same problems that you.

If you do not have familiar with whom you could talk, it's never too late to make new and thereby expand your network of contacts.

Power free help

Help other people benefits satisfaction, helps reduce stress levels and expand the circle of communication.

Of course, if you are on the verge of burnout, you should not take too much, but sometimes people do not require much. Most often both sides are enough good word And smiles.

If you are engaged in monotonous and uninteresting things or constantly somewhere in a hurry, you may have to change the job. Of course, for many of Nah, it is a very responsible and not too realistic step, because we need money to pay on accounts, but in any case, you can change something for the better.

Try to find the meaning of what you are doing. Even the most boring tasks tend to benefit other people, provide them with the necessary products or services. Focus on what you like, even if it is a conversation with colleagues at lunch. Change your attitude to work, and you will feel how the sense of control over the situation begins to return.

Find balance in life. If you hate your work, look for satisfaction in your family, friends, hobbies or volunteering. Focus on the moments that you bring true joy.

Get friends at work. Close emotional connection with colleagues helps to overcome monotony and neutralize the effects of emotional burnout. If you have those with whom you can throw a pair of words, the level of stress from unloved or hard work will be significantly lower. The effectiveness of your work will increase, and the days will seem not so sad.

Take a vacation. If it seems to you that burnout is inevitable, take a break. Take a paid or unpaid leave or hospital, in one word - find a way to temporarily not appear in the workplace. Use this time to restore the stock of energy using these tips.

Burnout- This is a sure sign that you do something wrong in your life. Think about your dreams and goals. Do you have to neglect them? Regarding the current situation as an opportunity to analyze your life, relax, reflect and recover.

Set the borders. Do not strive to argue immense. Learn to abandon what is absorbing a lot of time. If it is difficult for you, remind yourself that every refusal frees the time for what is really important for you.

Arrange your holiday without technology. Every day, turn off the computer and the phone for a while so that calls and letters do not worry.

Do your creative start.Creativity is another antidote from burnout. Try a new, participate in fun projects, give your hobby time. Choose activities that have nothing to do with your work.

Plan your holiday. Relaxation methods - yoga, meditation and deep breathing - relax the body, as opposed to stress, which causes voltage.

Available as much as possible.A feeling of fatigue caused by burnout can make you think irrationally. Keep your stress under control, providing yourself with a good night's sleep.

Learn to concentrate on tasks

  • Learn to reduce stress levels at the moment.
  • Manage the alarming thoughts and sensations.
  • Motivate yourself to actions that make it possible to cope with burnout.
  • Improve relationships at work and home.
  • Remember the sensations that make work and life significant.
  • Improve your health and standard of living.


Even if it seems to you that sport is the last thing to think about in a state of burnout, it is necessary to remember that sport is a powerful tool in the fight against stress. With it, you can imagine my mood now!

  • Mail at least half an hour per day. If there is a need, you can split this interval for shorter gaps. A ten-minute walk improves the mood for two hours.
  • Rhythmic Mahi hands and legs allow you to charge energy, improve the concentration and relax the body and mind. Try to run, weightlifting, swimming, martial arts or even dancing.
  • Displays emphasis with thoughts on physical sensations (for example, on how your face blows the wind), focus on the movements (for example, for example, on how the legs step on the ground).

Do not forget to eat right food

What you eat directly affects the mood and energy level throughout the day.

Minimize sugar consumption and simple carbohydrates. If you want familiar snacks like pasta or roasted potatoes, remind yourself that food with a high carbohydrate content leads to a sharp jumps of the mood.

Minimize the consumption of products affecting the mood. (in particular, caffeine, transgins, chemical preservatives and hormones).

Enter the omega-3 fatty acids into your diet, which increase the mood. The best sources of omega-3 acids are fish (salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies, sardines), seaweed, flax-seed And walnuts.

Avoid nicotine. Smoking helps some people calm down, but nicotine is a powerful stimulator that increases the level of anxiety, and does not increase it.

Eat alcohol in limited quantities. Alcohol temporarily eliminates the alarms, but with excessive consumption you will feel even worse when the effect of intoxicating substances will end.

Emotional and professional burnout, leading to general exhaustion become the main cause of diseases from the heart, to thyroid and oncology. Applying even a few of the techniques described below - you will learn how to significantly improve your well-being.

At some point I caught myself thinking that I was a little wrong way of life that I would like. Constant fatigue and light burnout - imperceptibly became my permanent satellites. There are several promising projects, but with such productivity of labor, that I have now - I will not pull them. So sooner or later it will lead to problems with money.

Moreover, I lacked forces and time to communicate with my wife and children, and they wow how quickly grow. It turns out a shoemaker without boot. Every evening, the child came several times and asked - dad, did you already finish the work? Play me with me? Hear me a fairy tale? And I'm tired, and I do not up to that.

But I would like to run on skis in skiing, on skates, in summer on the rollers and bike, and a lot more. I kind of regularly did yoga in the morning, at the weekend sometimes went on a jog. Periodically rode the whole family of ice skating and skiing. Is it not enough?

It all started, as usual, I wanted how it was better - I began to process 1-2 hours a day, and then there was no strength to go outside to run, ride skis or skating, and there was no strength to meditate in the evening. After a week recycling, I began to burn out. Another week or two of this lifestyle and will exhaust.

What is CEV? Emotional burnout syndrome is ...

This is when there is a sense of strong fatigue not only physically, but also emotionally (mentally), which does not pass by weeks. In the morning it is difficult to wake up. At work it is difficult to focus and engage in important affairs. The performance is low, the timing is violated. The bosses or customers are unhappy with you, but there is no strength to work better, even if you are trying.

In this case, the state of apathy is felt - I do not want to do anything. It is deep body depletion due to emotional burnout. It is very difficult to focus on your duties. The relationship is spoiled at work and home with loved ones. Children painfully tolerate such a state of parents and take part of fatigue and stress on themselves.

People do not immediately understand what happens to them and why it happened. Simple reinforced vacation at the weekend does not help. There is a disappointment of life and discontent. The pity is intensified, the offense almost at all and for everything. Someone comments and their small failures are annoying, as ever and strengthening states. At the end of the day, regardless of what they did the day, feel squeezed as a lemon not only physically, but also mentally.

Your position at work or in personal life seems hopeless and hopeless. And challenges seem insurmountable. Burning and similar exhaustion is impossible to eliminate with standard ways - a vacation trip, lots of sleep, leisure, as before. Often accompanied by insomnia with overall constant fatigue.

May break through the Zhor and swim weight. Or, on the contrary, the appetite disappears and the weight falls critically.

Why are we emotionally tired and burn out?

Tired? Projects do not make dreams not to implement, with children it will not work for a long time, and life is not as much as it wanted. Or maybe you already spit on all this? Do you work to feed yourself and family? Or still wanted to wipe on something more? To live a joyful life, be satisfied with your life, some dreams, but still implement?

Let's first find out - why do we burn out?

  1. Sitting work for 8 hours a day - require a minimum of 1 hour per day of activity with legs, preferably with parasympathetic. Legs are the weakest part of the body. Do you move little? Wait for burnout, and then depletion.
  2. Permanent finding inside closed premises is greatly tiring. It is necessary to go out into the street at least 1-2 hours / day - to saturate the body with oxygen and give physical exertion. If you are not on the street - further tips on eliminating fatigue will be useless to you.
  3. Sleep, insomnia. Day stress turns out that then the body and consciousness can not calm down and relax. In a partially ordered state, it is impossible to fall asleep on time and sleep normally. In itself, this condition does not pass - it needs to be released.
  4. A little mobile lifestyle - means that the body is full of energy in the evening, while fatigue is mentally felt. So it turns out that it is difficult to fall asleep, being tired.
  5. Day is too much stress. We were taught in the school theorem and integrals, even the theory of relativity was told a little. But we did not learn from getting around with each other, as well as the stress to let go. Working with people means a lot of stress - whatever it is.
  6. No harmonious communication with loved ones: family, children. Lack of own hobbies, minor joys, periodic shifts, travel. Life turned into solid work, emotionally and mentally tired, depletes, burns out. Live only for the sake of work - does not bring satisfaction and joy.
  7. Frequent criticism, especially undeserved. And no matter where it occurs at home or at work.
  8. Low wage. What creates a sense of unnecessaryness, undertatic, not in demand.

a. Burn at work or professional burnout.

Professional burnout and exhaustion is increasingly and more often due to work. In Japan, the authorities are forced to introduce administrative and even criminal punishment for death from recycling. Even in China began to pay attention to this and punish.

In Europe, processing more than 220 hours per year with the norm of work at 1800 hours per year - prohibited by law and shall be punished with fines - followed by labor protection services and trade unions.

  • hard time
  • communications with penalties
  • big risks or responsibility
  • routine work
  • small or incident demand / sale,
  • getting or reading a lot of negative news
  • complete conflicts among colleagues
  • detaching discontent on each other and especially from the authorities
  • frequent checks, changes in legislation
  • disrespectful of your attitude, frank rudeness
  • sophisticated working conditions with people

Some statistics on burnout.

In Europe, professional burnout is the cause of 50-60% of lost working days.

In Australia to cope with stress:

  • 61% of people consume alcohol,
  • 41% flows into gambling,
  • 31% use drugs.

In Russia, a total of up to 70% of the population, which, according to statistics, are depressed in the risk area.

As you can see, expanding statistics. And she tends to grow.

b. Family reasons for emotional burnout.

Emotional burnout may occur for family reasons. Mothers after birth, because of insomnia. Even housewives can happen. Causes of burnout are about the same as at work, but outgoing from the family. Do not appreciate, do not respect. Domestic workload. Complex financial situation in the family. Debts, psychologically coming on the psyche.

Lack of due attention, love, recognition, support from the spouse or spouse. Interference of other people in the family affairs. Unreasonable critics. Lack of regular sex that helps a little discharge stress and contributes to the best sleep.

According to Pareto rule, 80% of cases require 20% of energy. And the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bof cases require 80% of energy. In other words, if the wife is only for young children to monitor, and at night to get up and do the farm to do: cook, wash, clean - it has serious chances to burn. But if a husband or someone from parents, even help and take up to 20% of the family in the family, to give his wife a little to sleep, thereby retaining her 80% of the forces.

c. Age crises

All people have age crises to which our education does not prepare. Moreover, our culture condemns an open recognition and discussion of their crises. In my youth, a lot of energy and little experience - this energy is consumed extremely not productive and often to harm.

Frankly, I felt my first crisis already in 18-19 years old, when I had to face my life one for one first time. Alas, but independent life in schools and universities do not prepare. And the state is about it. At that time, the Soviet Union only collapsed and began shock therapy in economics. I tried myself in several directions, but I didn't really manage to succeed in my business.

The second time I ran into a crisis of 25-27 years.

By the time I learned well to earn, but I had to work incredibly a lot. On the hobbies and personal life of time lacked. Yes, and there was no experience to build a relationship. Light discontent began to overcome me. And brought to the radiculitis in 28 years.

For nine months, having confused with the radiculitis, I felt like an old man: It's none of you, and we had to dress very warm because of the permanent sensation of the cold on the lower back. Radiculitis managed to cure for 3 days, in yogan courses. Well, why do not know doctors about it?

The following crisis arose about 33 years - it was already a classic middle-aged crisis. But I spent it at work for 8-16 hours a day. And all his free time meditated, I was looking for a decision.

Blood pressure dropped to 82/75 and I wanted to sleep all the time. Only kicks the bosses pulled me to work. At some point, almost died of it. But helped people - The pressure leveled for 1 evening it became like a 126/90 book.

The next crisis felt that was 40 years old.

Something happens to us at this age - you need to seriously change the lifestyle to cope with everything. Most men burn and cannot overcome this line fully. Looking like a sluggish downtown: beer, fishing, football, internet, simple work, detachment from home affairs.

Each of the crises has an emotional burnout and do not need to underestimate them. For example, in the English-language world there is a "club 27" - these are celebrities that died at the age of 27. In other words - celebrities that could not cope with this age crisis.

d. Causes from childhood.

By big account The cause of age crises is the lack of preparation for adulthood. In school, we are not taught this. Yes, and parents often instead of transferring to their children life experience They merge their discontent. Many people had a difficult childhood for any other reasons.

Let's say honestly - just how you did not teach you to raise children and your parents, no one taught it anyone. And most very much would not hurt to learn. Education of children is still not an easy thing. The process of socialization through which each of us passes in childhood is quite painful.

e. External reasons

The last 25 years is a solid crisis in the country, and in the whole world. Somewhere it is stronger, somewhere less. It would be dishonest on my part to say that the external factor does not affect your life at all.

We live in too quickly changing the world and too competitive, at the intersection of several crises: economic, cultural, interethnic, demographic and others. All this has some psychological pressure.

Doctors and teachers, although they are budgetary employees, but have pretty complex workAnd here there are still continuous "reforms" in medicine and education, when words like they want, as best and promise support, and in fact everything is done with an accuracy of the opposite.

From such a dissonance, doctors and teachers feel deceived, unnecessary and burn out. And while the policy of the state will not change - they will be in the risk area. And what to talk about businessmen and people working in companies?

Emotional burnout and your responsibility for what is happening.

All these reasons and factors complicate you life up to emotional burnout, but you need to take responsibility for your life. You are responsible for what no other is happening to you. Want to change your life to better? Take full responsibility for your life.

If you have a guilty to each complex situation - your life will never improve.

1. Professional burnout syndrome - and character features.

Some people are located to professional burnout, emotional exhaustion, chronic fatigue. These are people inclined to the following character traits:

  • Perfectionists, idealists - people who are constantly trying to do everything as best as possible, perfect
  • prone to the feeling of guilt, take over a lot of responsibility, sacrificing her interests
  • touchy people, as well as those who have expectations in relation to others to themselves
  • people with " pink glasses", Which are usually broken down by the" face of the asphalt of reality ".
  • The desire to all please, usually at your own expense.

The most difficult thing is that dozens of years can be in these states, even be proud of these features and not to notice how much they harm your life and health. Yes, I myself was touchy, and did not notice that I was offended because of every little thing. At the same time he considered himself unmatched, a good guy.

Only burnout forced me to pay attention to my supraity, perfectionism. Moreover, it was so deep inside me that if someone had docked my attention to this - I would not believe it nizatto.

Anyway, these behaviors should be keen on themselves and get rid of them. Something you can change the effort of will, and something may require a visit to a special training. Why not?

People living for others are very touchy. Due to the fact that they sacrifice for the sake of loved ones and therefore are full of expectations of the same victims in return, even if they believe that they do not need anything. But the subconsciousness does not fool. Expectations are an unconscious process. Many do not understand what to live for themselves is normal.

Emotional burnout syndrome and profession.

Most often burnout occurs from those working with other people and have increased responsibility. As well as creative people.

And it does not matter - whether you really have a job with a great responsibility, risks or you yourself decided everything and hoisted ourselves.

The risk area is especially located:

  • Doctors, medical workers, especially working in ambulance. And even ambulance drivers, as shown in the film with Nicholas Cage "Resecting the Dead."
  • Teachers in universities-ah and especially in schools. Less for educators of the orphanage.
  • Service personnel, especially with a large stream of people, not very polite behavior: bars, service centers, count
  • Sales Managers, Marketers, Officers different levels, owner of companies, entrepreneurs, businessmen.
  • Creative workers: designers, artists, actors, directories.

Multiple daily configuration with negative mood, discontent, rudeness, in other people. With general lack of preparedness for such situations and support from management. Practically guarantees the occurrence of stress, which over time accumulates as a snowball and enhances, turning first in burnout, and then in exhaustion.

All cases have general signs - Loss of interest in work, fast fatigue. Work with people is very and very difficult, even in the most favorable conditions There will be stress. All people need to be prepared for real life: to learn the stress, which unfortunately, we have no education in the education system. You either learn how to learn your life to learn, but undermining health.

Professional emotional burnout and business.

More and more effort is required to attract customers and sales. Customer orders are reduced. Accounts for payment, obligations and debts are becoming more and more. Lack of long-term perspective. Uncertainty.

Error rights are less and less. Possible consequences More and more from errors. Loss of work or business becomes very likely events - even companies who have worked 50-150 years old are ruined. This greatly complicates the moral climate in business and creates psychological tension.

Emotional load at work increases. The amount of time for rest is as much or less. The situation makes it upload and even work more. Projects require more impeccability in performance, i.e. more mental strength.

Moreover, under conditions, when victories are mined difficult - the joy of the next victory may cause burnout. Overall OT. positive emotions burnout is 5 times stronger than from negative. Simply negative emotions More, and severe positive emotions less and it is not so noticeable.

2. 10 signs of emotional burnout or exhaustion.

Not all people and do not immediately understand what is happening with them in fact and why. Often, many perceive what is happening at their own expense or accused of others - this is the main danger of emotional exhaustion and burnout.

In society, an erroneous understanding of the norm. For example, some believe, " if after 40 years it hurts somewhere, then you are still alive" In other words, perceive, pain in the body as the norm, after 40.I assure you right away. If you follow your health, then you will live 100-120 years old, and even in 80-90 will be even in a pretty good health.

Age is not cause for disease. According to Norbekov - with age, only insanity comes, and diseases from the lack of concern for their body. Pay attention to the following signs - they have many. Just do not consider that this is normal with age.

  • Early Sedina, Hair Loss
  • Problems with heart, disease, decrease immunity
  • Permanent experience, fears, irritation, discontent
  • Loss of memory, teeth, impairment
  • Wrinkles, bruises under the eyes, aged appearance
  • Heart attack, stroke, gridness, insanity
  • Drowsiness, insomnia, constant fatigue even after sleep
  • Lack of joy, depression, apathy, hopelessness
  • Unwanted sex
  • Alcohol, overeating, malnutrition

All these external signs of burnout are not an age norm.

With many diseases, you can easily cope or avoid them, and without medication. Any disease is not the norm. Each item above can be moved to a dozen other years. It is enough to regularly perform only a few simple exercises.

Most people can not be an indicator of the norm - because most initially mistaken. The norm of the norm serve some individuals who look great and feel well in 70-80-90 years and even older.

The main character from the trilogy "Hochot Shaman" has about 120 years. At the age of about 100 years, he looked at 50-60 years and it seems that he was stronger than the author of the book at the age of 47. Moreover, in 105-110, he started a civil marriage, not bad, yes? There are thousands of such examples. I personally met many people aged 50-60 look at 40 with health for 25 years.

Simple, uncomplicated exercises you can get rid of 95-99% of diseases. And the remaining, with the help of doctors, it will be much easier to eliminate if you generally follow health.

Just begin to take care of yourself and about your health.

  1. Five stages of emotional professional burnout syndrome

The progress of emotional and professional burnout and exhaustion can be divided into 5 stages. Moreover, there may be different reasons for their occurrence, but the stages and causes are about the same.

  • At the first stage, it still looks good, but some fatigue is already feeling.
  • The first external signs: insomnia against the background of fatigue, decreased concentration on duties, some apathy
  • Difficulties with concentration at work, frequent distracts - processing with a decrease in the actual work time.
  • The first signals from the body: health worsens, immunity decreases, colds in a flat place, old sores are reminded of themselves. Displeased, irritation, cavity - become a permanent state.
  • Fatigue became chronic and turns into exhaustion, health signals in large, splashes of anger, pity, offense, guilt feelings.

4. Symptoms of emotional burnout

I do not even know whether it is worth talking about the symptoms of the appearance of emotional burnout, if most people are in chronic burnout. It is believed that emotional burnout has quite a long hidden, latent period. And honestly I do not quite agree with the scientific explanation of the symptoms.

It is officially believed that first decreases the enthusiasm of their duties. I want to get rid of work from work, but it turns out on the contrary - quite slowly. Disappears the desire to focus on the fact that it is not interesting. There is a sense of fatigue from work as a whole and irritability to everyone in a little bit.

But the fact of the matter is that burnout is emotional. And it can happen that there is an interest in work, but a person criticized a lot, external factors interfere very much - and burnout.

Symptoms of emotional burnout can be divided into 3 groups:

Physical symptoms of emotional burnout

  • Chronic, constant fatigue;
  • weakness and lethargy in the muscles;
  • headaches
  • decrease in immunity;
  • insomnia;
  • eye fatigue, reduction of vision;
  • pain in joints and lower back

The weight changes due to the fact that usually stress "want" to get. It happens and loss of appetite - for example, after a divorce or dismissal. Which leads to a noticeable change in weight and external view

Socio-behavioral signs:

  • The desire to escape from all or offense at all, as a result, the desire for isolation, a minimum of communication with others
  • evasion of responsibility, non-fulfillment of responsibilities, laziness
  • charges surrounding in their own troubles, insults, irritation
  • envy, complaints that someone is lucky in life
  • complaints about their lives and what have to work a lot;
  • pessimism, the negative seems in everything

Many, if possible, flow from reality or dainshifting. A thrust may appear for sweet, alcohol or even to drugs.

Psycho-emotional signs:

  • there is indifference to his life and what is happening around the events;
  • insecurity, reduced self-esteem
  • disappointment in others
  • loss of professional motivation;
  • quiliency, irritation and discontent with other people
  • depression, constant bad mood, life failed

Mental burnout syndrome, clinically similar to depression. There is an experience of sevenfect suffering from artificially created loneliness of the erected degree of doom. In this state it is difficult to focus or concentrate. Nevertheless, emotional burnout is much easier to overcome than it may seem at first glance.

5. Implicit symptoms of professional emotional burnout.

You can deceive your mind or yourself. But it is impossible to deceive his subconscious or something in the depths of his soul. If you are tired and recycled - it means you will rest. Of course, you can issue rapid activities, sit in social networks, read news, but in fact, it will be a psychological rest.

You can even sincerely believe that you are working. But if the body is tired - it is tired - and it will rest, you want it or not. The body or consciousness will start turning off, you will sleep on the go, the concentration of attention will decrease, the attentiveness will decrease, thoughts will begin to be confused. Errors are possible in operation.

Productivity will be reduced to no - which means that you will engage in small unimportant things, teaching. But you can't rest normally, too, it is precisely the greatest danger. The next day you will come to work in the same or almost the same condition that again, say on your productivity.

Continuing to work in this mode for a long time - you will soon or later come across the revenue. And when the issue with money is added to your fatigue - emotional burnout and professional exhaustion are guaranteed.

If you are tired - go to rest! Select from this corkscrew.

6. Where are professional burnout and emotional exhaustion come from.

I remember in the mid-90s and the guys we went to the nearby city for 170 km. The car was 17 years old, "Kopeika", she only went over the engine - replaced pistons, rings. After such a overhaul, the engine was supposed to withstand 100 thousand mileage kilometers, if you go carefully, at a speed of 90-110 km / h Maximum.

But we were young and hot, we were fun, so we went by pressing the gas pedal to the floor, which was a speed of 130 km / h. It would seem that the difference in the speed of just 20% more, and we drove some 400-450 km. But this was enough to burn the engine. It turns out we burned the engine using only 0.4% of the resource, i.e., 200 times faster.

Approximately the same on you there are emotional exhaustion, professional burnout, working for any 20% intensive than your maximum resources you reduce the balance of life 20-200 times. Is it worth it? And do not ask me how to go to bed at 9 pm.

Do not ask - maybe you should not run 3 times a week and train your heart? Therefore, when you feel at work that we are tired and not working, go home, rest, restore for forces - maybe the next day will be able to work. The working day must be a maximum of 8 hours - because this is the maximum time to work.

Of course, you can work on the watch another more, how do you often do doctors, businessmen, managers - but you need to remember that the next day will have to pay for this double price. If today you have reworked for 2 hours, then tomorrow you will idle for 4 hours.

7. The consequences of emotional burnout syndrome

And if you are constantly in a state of burnout, emotional exhaustion, physical or mental fatigue - Your "ship of life" simply does not have fuel, energy to move forward.

If you knew youth,
If oldity could.

In youth you burn out from the lack of experience of life. In adulthood from inability to recover. One way or another, burnout and fatigue accumulate over the years, and after 40 years turn into chronic fatigue or exhaustion.

And that's all because we are not taught to let the stress gradually. Here we collect it all my life, and all the stress of life will settle on our body with a thick layer of tense muscles, it is scientifically called the "voltage shell".

If you do not fix burnout, then over time there is a feeling of hopelessness of your life situation. Depression appears. May result in alcoholism. Constant sensation of hopelessness, disappointment in their own life, disappointment. Feeling of injustice. Feeling of deception.

These are very strong destructive emotions. I would say that they are not compatible with life. You have seen them many times in the elderly. Usually people after that quickly die. Often such people are seriously ill difficult for treating diseases.

How cynically noticed Faina Ranevskaya: if the patient wants to live, the doctors are powerless.Doctors themselves often notice that if the patient does not want to live, the doctors are powerless. The hopelessness and disappointment of life is the reluctance to live.

Many people are accustomed to what he lives hard, get tired, sick and such a way of life seems to be normal. This unconscious pattern of thinking, imposed incomprehensible from where. But this is not the case - life can and should bring joy, pleasure, despite the external circumstances. The crisis will not end soon - that now does not live? Do not rejoice in life?

8. Emotional burnout and exhaustion - accumulate in the body for years.

There is such an anecdote: Comrade General, stop the train. In response, General Commissioned - Train, Stay! Once, two.

Emotional burnout and exhaustion is also a kind of "train" - do not deceive yourself that you can stop them or manage them on "times, two."

According to Wilhelmu Rai: emotional fatigue, burnout, exhaustion, create muscle tension in the body, which becomes chronic, even stronger suppresses the free movement of energy flows and blood flow in the body. Sooner or later, this tension leads to the formation of a "muscle tension shell", which creates a favorable ground for neurosis development.

Conducting every day, years, from childhood in a similar corset, a person becomes more busy and heavy. It is a stiffness of the muscles throughout the body, arises due to the shipment of emotions that you are taking on yourself. Naturally, these constantly tense muscles are terribly tiring and depleted your strength. As a result, a person ceases to notice his stiffness and tension, loses its natural interest in life.

You are so accustomed to the constant tension of the muscles that they do not notice this shell. But, if you pay attention to the voltage in the shoulders, neck, on the face, the back of the hip, near the knees, you will see that many these muscles are constantly tense.

9. Official scientific methods of burnout discharge do not work.

The most interesting thing is that there have been 80-100 years old, but still scientists have not proposed a full-fledged methodology for the release of this accumulated voltage in the muscles of the body. Whether they do not know, whether they do not want to offer. Therefore, I do not believe that official professors and doctors of psychological sciences will be able to offer you something really effective from burnout.

I argue that any methodology for the release of fatigue, burnout, emotional exhaustion is nothing if she cannot let the stress muscles of the voltage shell.If someone tells me, about the next superhemmer of the release of burnout and fatigue - I ask 1 question: "Voltage shell is released?

If the answer is "no", and the answer has always been negative, so far - I don't even want to look further - the whole method of the Dead Parc. And can be used in addition to something, but not as the main technique.

If you really want to let go of psychological fatigue, emotional exhaustion and professional burnout - then you should do exercises that are released and the voltage shell. Otherwise, this is an attempt to stop the "effort of thought" by "times, two."

10. Learn to rest - or how to deal with emotional burnout.

Resting need to be able to rest. By itself, this skill will not appear. This question is not solved by money. I know many people who are in 10 times richer me - but worse pour out, rest, and less complete strength, especially mental. Why? Do not be resting.

The complexity of rest lies in what we need to take into account that we have not only the body, but also consciousness. And they can get tired both and the other. They may not coincide the biorhythms when the body wants to sleep, but there is no consciousness and then it's hard to fall asleep. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to prepare the body and consciousness to sleep. 2-3 hours before sleep stop watching the TV, turn off the computer, and the smartphone.

One of the main reasons why it is not possible to relax normally - this is a sedentary sitting lifestyle. Working mind and reacting emotionally - it turns out that you are psychologically tired. And physically little moved, that is, full of strength. Go to bed and start "counting sheep", you can not fall asleep, being tired.

Here are some principles as you better rest and get enough sleep:

  • It is necessary to go outdoors every day at least 1 hour. And even better 2 hours a day. For example, Russian nobles almost in obligatory Walked 2 hours a day. If you violate this item - then everything else is useless.
  • Go to bed earlier. In order to fall asleep before - set up the body to sleep in a few hours. One hour of sleep in the evening - equals a few hours of sleep in the morning. Isn't that in the morning you sleep, sleep, but waking up the feeling like from Bokun? And even the head can sob from too long sleep in the morning.
  • Drink water as worse, before meals and every hour. Water is needed for 3 main systems in our body: for brain, immunity and digestion. What people call thirst - more like some dehydration. We do not have an exact sensation of the desire to drink. Therefore, water should be dried consciously, according to the regime, and not when you want to drink.
  • 8 hours of sediment work should be compensated for 1 hour of physical activity. This activity is desirable, which gives you pleasure. And it is also necessary to remember that activity should be directed only to health, and not on the ego like bodybuilders or fitness lovers, where some parts of the body or joint are overloaded.
  • Pint right S. sufficient number Proteins, enzymes, spices, fiber, vegetables and fruits. If you have no fruit and fiber in your diet, it is almost guaranteed you will have a light or even serious constipation. Similarly, vegetables are needed. The main source of fiber is bread, so our ancestors all ate with bread.

Food should be delicious and pleasant, easy to fasten. Sweet limit. If you need to lose weight, then learn how to carefully chew food and lose weight of 50-100 grams per week.

How to fall asleep faster and better get enough sleep so that in the morning to be full forces?

On Monday, I put a record when jogging on skis: 7.7 km in 53 minutes.

The weather was super for skis. And the skiing was very slippery.

The result exceeded all my expectations: almost 2 times faster than the day before. Almost not tired. Feet on the second day almost did not hurt. A week later, the record was broken by 3-4 minutes. And this despite the fact that I fled 2 more circles, i.e. 15.4 km. And on average, a week ran 30-45 km.
(By the way, it is very small, the last world record in Skiing is 50 km in 1 hour and 46 minutes.)

What is all this? Why run several times a week? Yes, because from a sedentary lifestyle and burnout - probably, the most deaths happen every year. Only from heart disease are dying about 31.4% each year. It is necessary to move much more.

If you read a series of books "Hochot Shaman" Vladimir Surkin, then in the third book the author asks him: how long will you be able to maintain life in your body? "Shaman" replied - yes, long. Are many people at the age of 120 you could hear such?

I am sure that 99% of people could live to 100-120 years.

If you were moving like this "shaman." Well, they would have retired stress, disappointment, and other negative emotions.

It can be all that is comparable: skiing, skates, rollers, actively bike, swimming, jogging. You need to run at least 30 minutes, and better than 1-2 hours for the lesson, 2-4 times a week. Once a week is not enough to maintain a healthy heart, and in order to get enough sleep normally.

It is necessary to run surely with pleasure and at a low pulse. Run quickly, on a high pulse strictly contraindicated.It is also necessary to run with pleasure too - the parasympathy is included, that is, you acquire energy.

Running without pleasure, i.e. in a pretty - means with loss of energy, loads joints, knees - jogging is extremely harmful to knees and joints. Look at professional diseases of athletes who are in pursuit of records overload their body. Do not rush to run a lot and quickly. You need health, not records.

You run so that the blood is to drive around the body, the heart of tremble, and to sleep well at night. And not for records. I, for example, what skiing that when running a coward - very weak results, on this moment. And I no longer need. My acquaintances can escape 1.5-2 times faster, but they have knees after such jogs.

An example of physical activity from my life.

Although I put my personal record, but I again overtook me again. This time overtook - not only old men and grandmothers, but also a couple of children of 9-11 years :-). It seemed that they were moving faster than me at least 1.5-2 times. I wonder what they have speed?

Looks like I have more enormous potential for the growth of the results. Ski equilibrium is still weak, fell 1 time when it got from the slide on clean ice. On cross-country skiing - it is difficult to keep the balance, and even at speed.

The skate style this time - 4.5 km it turned out to run. Tired less than the previous time, when I was able to run 1.5 km by a skate style. Still, what is interesting - despite the fact that he moved almost 2 times faster, the calories spent, the tracker shows less than 27%. How does he consider them?

Yesterday I did not run - rested. Today I will go on a jog again, on an hour.

That's how I have jogging in winter. In the summer I run for 1-2 hours, about 8-10km per hour. It is pretty slow, but I don't need speed.

Perhaps once the results will be at times better, and may not be. For me, the main indicator is a pleasant feeling, from running, as I sleep, and the knees do not hurt. I caught myself many times on the thoughts that I don't want to run, because today I can not repeat your best result. That's what the pursuit means for the result.

You know it difficult to actively work for 8 hours a day and at the same time put records on the jogs. Then I remind myself that I run for health, and not for the result - and I go to run as it turns out.

Good sleep is obligatory to eliminate fatigue and burnout.

And sleep normally without walking in the fresh air and without minimal runs in a day - you can not. Someone will say that he is engaged in the hall, fitness, yoga or swinging. Or dances on the hour per day. Want to believe it's not - but this is not enough for heart and health.

Yes, it is better than nothing. Heart, except jogging, does not work normally. Even the monks in Buddhist monasteries and yoga run for hours. You can swing and jumping in the hall as much as you like, but run, in the fresh air you need anyway.

If you do not train your heart, do not help him drive blood on the body - it means the heart and other organs work with the load and even overloads. So you burn out. You can not believe me, but a sedentary lifestyle is the most energy consumption for the body.

The processes in the body are interconnected - the muscles help to move blood and fluid on the body, supply cells with oxygen, clean the body, move food on the gastrointestinal tract. If you move little, it means that each organ separately works with a load. Something like this…

11. The first spy rule or moral exhaustion.

We were not preparing in school, nor in universities to of real life. We are preparing for life, which "should be", in a good way. Between these two "lives" - a huge abyss. With this upbringing, the first age crisis arises already in 18-20 years, when people are first faced with a reality one on one and "suddenly" it turns out that everything is more complicated.

In reality it turns out that everyone for himself. And the standings, deception, rigidity, are not only in the cinema, but also on our own skins and they are not at all so cool as in the movies. And or you cope with tasks, or you are replaced with another and then live as you want where you want.

To fulfill your dreams, you need to plow and plow. And that is not the fact that it will work. This leads to despondency. By and large, burnout comes from unpreparedness to life when the skills to cope with the situations catastrophically lack. And the pressure in the form of requirements and complaints from all parties continues only to increase.

In life there is a jungle law, only in the city they are hard. The first rule of the spy - do not come. Well, if you got it - "the fool itself".

On the other hand, learn how to cope with burnout, stress, exhaustion - can be pretty quickly. And to support oneself in a healthy state is quite simple. It is only necessary to understand that 85% of society success is possible thanks to a developed social skill. And only 15% thanks to technical education and knowledge.

I recommend to develop the following skills in myself in order to make it easier and it was not necessary to overvolt.

  • Change. The world is constantly changing - you need to change with it. The ability to change is the skill. Even your body changes. At various age you have different hobbies, mode and diet. Watch your habits - remember that at some point they will endure and you will need to change them to others.
  • To study. Life is constantly complicated - it means you need to constantly learn. Yoga argue that life is solid learning. When I entered the university in 1991 - some disciplines associated with IT were so new that even the teachers did not know them and studied together with students. When I finished learning in 1996 - these knowledge were hopelessly outdated. And it was necessary to teach something new, more. And now everything changes even faster. Read, learn something, develop.
  • Communication. The ability to communicate is the skill. He does not fall from the sky. People are social creatures and this means communication. You need to be able to communicate with people. From the right communication for you with interesting people you can get tremendous pleasure, inspiration and satisfaction. And this means the mental forces of the highest quality.
  • Build relationships. To learn how to build relationships with the opposite sex and at work I read a couple of dozen books and passed more than a dozen trainings for each topic.

And voila - I learned how to build and maintain relationships with both women, friends and at work.

When I got married, I took all this pack of books, records of trainings and gave my wife.

With the words, if you want a long and normal relationship - you need to know all this. Read them as quickly as possible. And she reads them. Everything. No questions.

  • Health. This is a skill, and not go away. On the doctor nadya, and not the bad. 95-99% of diseases can be eliminated - healthy way Life. In the remaining cases, let the doctor and help you. But no more.
    Abroad, the interface may be up to one year, do not speed up money. IN ambulance There's better not to fall there - how many articles are written about this. Therefore, there are 20% of the population. And in Russia (CIS) - only 2%. Hard? As it is - this is life. Are you engaged in your health? And what are you waiting for: pink under the ass in the form of a rigid disease?
  • Sales shopping. We live in a world where everything for money is for sale or bought. But at the same time we are not taught at all - buy and sell. I know a bunch of friends - earning me more 2-3 times more, but living in the worst conditions.

They can't buy and sell - a lot of money stupidly lost to nowhere, every month. And they can not stop. You have not bought a car. The apartment is not there bought and need to change. And so several times. Houses a bunch of unnecessary trash, in the absence of the necessary things. Clothes, products, home accessories - from the cannon budget on sparrows.
Moreover: sales, negotiations, conviction, the ability to negotiate, purchases are essentially the same skill based on general principles.

Do you consider yourself a brilliant Vincent Van Gogh and Nikola Tesla?

They could not earn their lives with their talents - you think you can, if you do not learn how to sell, buy, bargain and negotiate with people?

  • Honesty. Also skill, as well as the ability to tell the truth. If in the forehead, solve the truth to tell, you will call you true, and maybe even fucking and jubian. And they can also be touched on the head. And you will also make if someone goes to you with such honesty.
  • Kindness. Oddly enough, also skill. The kindness should be in moderation and to the place. There is nothing to feed in pigs oranges - forgive me for this hard, but life statement. If you are too kind, then others will enjoy you. But at the same time, it is obvious to be evil and dissatisfied, the neurod. Although it is precisely this very much, unfortunately.
  • Thanks. Probably one of the most launched skills. People most of all in our time lacks thanks, appreciation. Start a thanks and give appreciation to others, and you will be surprised how best to get to you. It will never work for everything to pay money - you need to learn to be grateful not money, but in a different way.
  • Performance. You need not just work, but it is profitable to work. Labor productivity is particularly relevant for office workers. And even if you did not think about it so far, now you should think about it. Competition is so high anything you have great performance, or in your services no longer need.

The presence of these skills will greatly facilitate life. Anyway, you need to develop them. But their absence - will cost many gray hair and health, empty spent forces. Well, then emotional exhaustion, burnout, psychological fatigue ...

12. Sympathetic and parasympathetic body control systems

In order to relax well the physical activity on the body needs. But the fact is that not all load is suitable. Most sports, to put it mildly, harmful to health, because they act on the body one-sided. Even run - almost indispensable for heart training - very harmful to knees and joints. It turns out that sporting speakers treat something else cripples. Where is the way out?

But the thing is that we have 2 nervous body control systems sympathetic and parasympathetic. But only parasympathetic supports homeostasisthe desire of the system to reproduce itself, restore the lost balance, overcome the resistance of the external environment. Yes, and the inner medium too.

Therefore, it follows in a parasympathetic system, which has a powerful reducing and healing property.

Sport fitness or something else without inclited parasympatics is a non-disabilities - because the sympathetic nervous system does not acquire, but spends your energy. That is, you will need more strength for recovery, and regenerative processes will be weaker.

The included parasympathy is the eternal elixir of youth - if you can use it. Naturally, you need to learn how to work with the included parasympathic, and it is as much time in it for a day. Then the health will be the sea, work will bring joy, and there will be no stress and fatigue from it. But this is naturally the highest pilot.

It is worth trying to learn.

13. Ways out of emotional exhaustion, professional burnout and psychological fatigue.

The general answer to this question is to change the lifestyle. If you have the opportunity to change the work that emotionally defits you - then it should be changed. If you have a relationship, friends, or relatives, which are squeezed out of you for strength and health - then you should have a minimum of them. From communication with people vampires should be abandoned - you will not be able to help them only "life" can help. But your health will hurt so that it will not seem little.

Next, you should view your routine of the day and make all the necessary changes. If you continue the same way of life as still, it is useless to deal with exhaustion and recovery. Yes, I understand not everything depends on you, but you can change a lot.

Plan for the restoration of forces for some weekend.

Ask family and close to you not to interfere with or even help - take on part of your duties. And spend the weekend for this scenario:

  • Go to bed at earlier from the evening. Let yourself sleep in the morning.
  • Drink water.
  • Morning charging or yoga - stretching. Some harmonious yogh complex. Perform with parasimpatics included.
  • You can have breakfast. Walking for 2 hours in the fresh air.
  • Walking can be combined with a run - jogging / skiing / or swimming - 1 hour (minimum) the slowest pace, on a low pulse.
  • Take up at lunch. No TV, movies, internet, smartphone. Better with children, friends, parents, talk.
  • Meditation for relaxation - 15-30 minutes.
  • To go to bed early in 21-22 hours. Take off before bedtime! (Why not?)
  • The next day repeat.

The result will be even better if all exercises are executed. More precisely, with the complete absence of gadgets and electric light and finding outdoor. Well, or at least in the country.

Easy and harmonious morning stretching complex.

For 10 years I have been making the simplest harmonious Yogan complex Suryanamascar from 33 movements. (Not to be confused with Suryanamascar from 12 movements).

You need to perform 3 times a day at least. For each approach, approximately 5-7 minutes and 1-2 minutes of the break between them. In my trainings, I tell in detail how to breathe during the complex. how

The benefit from this complex can be described by hours. Deeply cleanses the body from the inside, gives energy, increases immunity, eliminates back pain, eliminates cellulite for 2-3 days, treats a lot of diseases. Read more I tell in my trainings. Well, or look at me on the site. I'll post your hands.

Meditation to relax.

  1. The simplest and relaxing - rotation of the microcosmic orbit - from 15-20 minutes.
  2. The next rather similar is yoga-nidra, when you are on the body "roller" in turn energy balls with different sensations warm, tingling, cold. AND different color balloons.
  3. Deconcentration of attention - has more than 5 varieties.
  4. Well, the most effective this meditation memories, during her you remember your day in reverse order And let go all daytime strains.

Different meditations are suitable for different cases. There are also options for memories performed with a partner for especially hard emotional situations from the past, but it can be taught unless in living training.

This should be enough for you to restore your strength for the weekend. Further, you need to conduct an energy-efficient lifestyle and release the causes of emotional fatigue about what is described in the following paragraphs.

Remember that the best and fastest way to rest is don't get tired i.e. to conduct an energy-efficient lifestyle with elements of the restoration of forces on every day. Tired smaller, and well rest every day, otherwise the accumulation of fatigue will occur.

14. Prevention of emotional tension and professional burnout.

For health, you need to follow every day, and not when "rooster in the ass peeled." And they say: "Late Gogi to drink Borjomi, if the kidneys no longer." It's better not to bring before.

To do this, you need to create your own routine of the day in such a way that all the necessary elements of the economical spending of your health and the restoration of forces are entered into it.

  • Morning yoga - every working day. On the weekend you can take a break.
  • Drink enough water in the morning, before meals and every hour at work.
  • Work with blocks - remember every hour to get up and pull out.
  • To be outdoors every day at least 1-2 hours.
  • At least 1 hour of physical activity 3 times a week. Ideally 2-3 times a week for 2 hours.
  • After lunch, when it pulls to sleep - meditate 15-30 minutes. Well, or you can even take a nap.
  • Meditate before bedtime and day to restore forces for 15-30 minutes.
  • Let's release emotional clamps and other ... (next paragraph.)

Regarding morning yoga

Many will say that they get up early, do not fall out and go to work, so they can not do yoga in the morning. I would say that this is self-deception and excuses. Stop half an hour before and do yoga every morning. And it doesn't matter how early you have to get up. Go to half an hour before for this.

I have familiar builders who started work at 5 am, and in 4.30 came out of the house. To manage to do yoga - on my recommendation, they got up at 3 am, and went to bed on 19-20 hours. This is such an unusual routine of the day - but they like their work, so they set up under it.

30 minutes of yoga in the morning - equivalent to 1-2 hours sleep, plus the elimination of pain in the back, support for immunity and all body in order, leading to the elimination of 95-99% of diseases.

Is it possible to do without running?

Only short-term replacement as skis, skates, rollers, swimming and no more. But still, alas, completely without running can not do. I was looking for a replacement for a long time, but I did not find anything. For a sedentary lifestyle, the physical activity goes through the legs, and to be for the heart. It is our legs that we have the weakest element in the body, not breathing. When you start running, you will feel that the legs are weaker, and the breath quickly gets used to.

It is necessary to run only on a low pulse - a meditative jogging with parasympathetic. Run slowly, but run. Starting to run right, you will quickly start receiving an incredible pleasure from him.

15. Permanent stress - the cause of emotional exhaustion.

Resting in stress - almost impossible to sleep. And the accumulation of fatigue is guaranteed, which will sooner or later lead to emotional exhaustion and burnout. It is stress that creates the voltage that accumulates in the form of a "voltage shell".

Let me go stress - you need to learn, additionally. It would be nice if we were taught this since childhood, but alas, as is. Few people understand the really why stress arises, where and how he is postponed why it occurs how to let go of stress. Nowadays, these knowledge is vital already necessary.

To start, get a notebook that will be your diary, where you will write all your thoughts.

Stress arises from accumulated offended, discontent, expectations, guilt, fear of shame, anger, anger, jealousy, envy, self-pity.

Yes, it is they who create you emotional burnout and exhaustion. It is these emotions that create soul pain, especially pity for yourself.

  • Write down all such situations in the diary that you can remember.
  • Start with the simplest and start letting go. Learn to let go - it is not easy. Next, move to more complex.
  • You will not confuse anything. It must be felt. Feeling, it is very deep liberation, relief, as if some kind of gravity was removed from the shoulders.
  • Let me get offended, expectations and other is the skill to develop.
  • At first, on vacation 1 difficult situation, you can leave for several hours and even days, but then it will be necessary to 1 second. I left 3 days for the first resentment, but I immediately took away to let go of a large - do not make my mistake.
  • In the evening before bedtime, mentally remember the day in the reverse order and release all the emotional situations. You will see that they are more than you have noticed the back. But they are small.
  • Once all situations come from the list - write the next set of similar situations. Repeat the practice until you release everything.
  • Highlight on this practice from 0.5-1 hours per day.

You need to let such situations need you, not to others. You let the resentment for yourself, and not for someone. You will be surprised as a lot of health and strength, eat your resentment. And how much better you feel. I guarantee you that you will have less gray hair, wrinkles and other age-related signs with regular execution of this exercise.

After the release of emotional stals - you will sleep like a baby! If correctly let go. I will tell you more about this in a separate article. And in my trainings, I teach this and give a step-by-step plan.

16. Meditations or how to get rid of deep chronic fatigue, professional burnout, emotional exhaustion.

What accumulated over the years is impossible to let go of practitioners at the level of consciousness. Need meditative practices of different types. And also "Do not come across the day", i.e. not to be tired, not strained the day - it is impossible without meditation. And also in order not to get tired in the afternoon - you need to let go of stress that is deep in the subconscious.

In your body there is at least 3 "reactors" "bioatomic" energy that might feed you infinitely, with the right inclusion. One of them you already know is a parasympathetic system.

There are 5 meditations, and 3 of them have up to 5 different ways to accomplish different fatigue, burnout, stress in different situations. To restore mental forces.

Meditation is an eternal or infinite source of forces and health.

Because she returns strength from your past. It was there that "lost" your strength, starting up from childhood. This meditation will also teach you how not to strain during the day.

Other meditation, temporarily disables the voltage shell, which gives a powerful recovery effect throughout the body and releases fatigue.

I can not train you to all meditating subtleties through an article. I can't also paint your details all the plans for vacation of different fatigue, stress, burnout. I will write a separate article about the release of stress, but this will also not enough to let the depth stress accumulated from childhood. Everything is too individual.

For such situations, individual adjustment is required and the direction that can be given only at the training. It was for this that I compiled a detailed training for fast elimination fatigue, stress, burnout, depletion - for different stages of launch.

There are 2 packages of participation - and the simplest - worth a penny and is available at all. However, the most expensive is also available to everyone, with a strong desire.

How to quickly increase the number of forces at times and return the joy of life.

After passing this training, you will increase the strength and performance of work at times, and with it increase and income.

I am confident that even on medicines, you will save more than more than the most expensive training package.

Save your time and money. Select the appropriate package and let's go through everything together. If you doubt what kind of training package, choose - choose the simplest. And then, if you like to pay extra, and take the next one.

If you have not read the trilogy of "Shaman's laughter", Vladimir Surkin - be sure to read. I gave these books 20 and on my recommendation they bought them or downloaded on the Internet another 300. Every time I heard only positive feedback and gratitude in response, for this book.

To quickly return their strength, build energy efficient mode and double your productivity, I recommend going through my training -

There are several packages of participation - the simplest 5 lessons. Average - 5 weeks. Complete vaccination of skills, access to a new level of force, health, productivity - 12 months \u003d 1 year. Come on the link and register now. Prices are symbolic and grow after the first stream.