Repair Design Furniture

How to effectively get rid of moths in the apartment? What are the causes and signs of the appearance of moths? General information about moths

Even if it is very good to monitor the cleanliness of the apartment, there is a risk of moths entering and breeding in it. Here it is important to understand where the moth comes from in human housing and how to find the habitats of its larvae. For example, it is important to know what kind of uninvited "guest" settled in the apartment, since there are two main types of domestic moths - food and clothes. These pests are similar to each other, but their tastes are not the same, and they appear in the apartment in different ways.

This insect usually starts up where you can find a food base and it is worth noting that in elite houses it is most abundant. The nest of the moth - the place where the moth laid its eggs and its larvae hatch, can be found just where there is a food base suitable for them. By the name of the pest, it is easy to guess that the food moth feeds on food. And, I must say, the list of her preferences is quite wide:

  • cereals;
  • plants' seeds;
  • any flour;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • dry herbs for brewing tea.

The mole also likes to eat nuts.

Quite different preferences. These include:

  • clothes made of woolen and cotton fabrics;
  • knitted and fur products;
  • carpets and wool blankets;
  • furniture upholstery;
  • winter shoes with natural fur.

It looks like the clothes that the moth ate

Ways to get into housing

Often appears in the house from the store with various products. This insect may even be in the original packaging of the product.

The reason for its getting there may be a broken tightness of the packaging or non-compliance with the rules for storing the product, both in the warehouse and on the shelves of the supermarket.

An insect can move from the kitchen of a neighbor's apartment, where it used to live. And the ventilation system helps him in this, the air ducts of which are laid throughout the house. True, such a path is unlikely, since, having wings, a butterfly flies rather poorly.

A moth caterpillar becomes 400 times heavier in ninety days of life.

As already mentioned, in the apartment you can find two types of butterflies - cereal and clothes. The nest of moths should be looked for in their favorite habitats:

  • The clothes butterfly has wardrobes in which clothes are stored, as well as deep folds in furniture upholstery;
  • At the cereal butterfly - kitchen tables and lockers where there are containers with food stocks.


Having learned where the mole comes from, you can properly prevent its appearance. In order not to bring home eggs or larvae of a clothes pest, it is necessary to carefully inspect all new things and furniture. When buying a fur coat or a hat in an expensive boutique, carefully inspect the fur and the wrong side of the product for pest eggs. At home, you need to immediately hang out the purchased items on the balcony for two to three days. It is best to do this on a sunny day. In addition, for the purpose of prevention, you can put lavender in your wardrobe. The pest does not like the sharp aroma of this flower.

Moths can't stand the smell of lavender

Prevention of protection against cereal moths is similar to precautions for a clothes pest. Returning home from the supermarket, you need to carefully examine all the purchased products before putting them in storage containers and be sure to close them tightly with lids.

The appearance of moths in the house has nothing to do with the level of cleanliness and tidiness of the home. You will definitely not be able to prevent its reproduction by frequent cleaning. Remedies for moths in the apartment need to be applied much more radical. Their choice will largely depend on the type of insect.

What causes moths to appear in the apartment?

The first question that arises in people when they see gray nondescript butterflies is where does the moth come from in the apartment? The easiest way is through open windows, vents, doors, ventilation. The second most likely way is with clothes (if clothes moth) or with food (in the case of food moth). Often it starts during the storage of cereals in food warehouses. Moth larvae are barely noticeable, but it is they who destroy food supplies. As in the case of the clothes subspecies: caterpillars, not flying individuals, are engaged in damage to clothes.

Types of moths in the apartment

In total, there are more than 40 varieties of moths. Most of them live in natural conditions. The moth in the apartment belongs to the category of domestic moths. These are small insects, their body length together with wings reaches about 7 mm. When the wings are folded, they are triangular in shape. By its color different types domestic moths differ little from each other, being generally as inconspicuous as possible.

Black moth in the apartment

Black moth starts in cereals that are stored for too long. It multiplies very quickly, so at the first sign of its appearance, you need to immediately take action. Before using this or that moth remedy, you need to determine exactly where it lives. Often she prefers warm and dark places where there is no fresh air flow. The main danger to products is larvae, devouring everything around them. Flying insects are males that do not pose a big threat. Female black moths are gray in color. They are in the business of laying eggs.

Food moth in the apartment

Another type of moth that lives in the grain is silver white. Its wingspan reaches 15 mm. The eggs are laid by the female. She does it directly into the croup. When hatching, the caterpillars web several grains and feed on them, making them unsuitable for human food. Sometimes food moth settles in dried fruits and various seeds. The best are laundry soap and vinegar. In addition, they do not tolerate sunlight at all.

Moth in the closet with clothes

Clothes and furniture moths are very similar to each other. Both of them live in closets with fur, wool and cotton products. They spoil not only clothes, but also furniture upholstery and carpets. Both species reach 5-9 mm in length, the color of the wings and body is straw-yellow. Furniture moths can be a little darker than clothes moths, but at first glance it is very difficult to distinguish them. The larvae represent the main danger, feeding on our clothes and making them unusable.

Help from moths in the closet folk remedies- dried tansy, lavender, rosemary, orange peel, tobacco. They are laid out in a closet with clothes. But they only scare off exclusively adults, but they do not affect the larvae. To kill caterpillars, clothes are frozen or, conversely, heated in the hot sun, after which the larvae easily crumble. If allowed, clothes are washed at the maximum temperature.

Wax moth - how to fight?

The danger to bee hives is the wax moth. Its caterpillars feed on honey, wax and bee bread. In addition, they eat bee larvae. Sometimes large colonies of such pests can even destroy the insulation on the hive. The fight against wax moth folk remedies is the pickling of honeycombs in sealed containers with vinegar essence. Prevention consists in constant cleaning in the hive, cleaning the combs and cells themselves, or completely changing the combs and the hive when signs of infection appear. In an apartment, this type of moth can appear along with infected honeycomb larvae.

Poplar moth in the apartment

Another type of moth that can fly into our house along with fluff is poplar. It breeds on trees down pillows. Once in our house, it does not cause significant damage to things or food. At the same time, it can be very annoying with its presence. It will be especially uncomfortable if there are allergy sufferers in the house. In addition, such a moth can disable electrical appliances by climbing inside them. How to destroy moths in an apartment: you can use sticky traps and traps that attract with their light.

How to find a mole in an apartment?

The apartment begins with the search for their habitats and reproduction. Depending on the type of insect, the search methods and the remedy for moths in the apartment will differ:

  1. How to find a clothes moth: you need to start your search with clothes closets. All clothing should be carefully checked for larvae, eggs and adults. When they are found, all clothing should be treated with dichlorvos or another aerosol agent, hung out in the sun, and thoroughly cleaned.
  2. How to detect a food moth: this subspecies lives in the kitchen, hiding in loose cereals, dried fruits, tea, nuts, which are stored in loosely sealed containers. You need to carefully check the contents of all food packages in the apartment. If contaminated food is found, it should be thrown away immediately, and cabinets should be treated with a soap and vinegar solution.

An effective remedy for moths in the apartment

It's believed that the best remedy from insect pests - this is the one that acts as quickly as possible and completely kills the moth at all its stages of development. Any industrial tool from the food moth or from its clothing variety can be in the form of a spray, fumigator, trap and repeller. Folk remedies are mainly designed to repel and prevent adult moths.

Most effective means are aerosols. They help to quickly process a large area, penetrating deep into the fabric, fur and wool. Fumigators also do their job well, but their action is not as fast as that of aerosols. Traps are designed to lure flying individuals, which is ineffective, but it will do as an additional tool.

Essential oils from moths in the apartment

A folk remedy for moths in an apartment as a preventive measure or additional control measures includes the use of strong-smelling essential oils:

  • lavender;
  • clove;
  • lemon;
  • rosemary.

The way to use these oils is to dilute a few drops in water. This moth remedy in an apartment can be used to wash the floor, spray wardrobes, wipe kitchen surfaces and the insides of cabinets, moisten gauze swabs and then lay them out around the apartment. The main thing is that after such treatment, a strong fragrance remains in the house for a long time.

Herbs for moths in the apartment

Smelling herbs are also often used as an effective deterrent against flying moths in an apartment. By spreading bunches of strong-smelling dry plants everywhere, you can ensure that moths do not want to live in your closet. The best moth remedy is:

  • sagebrush;
  • carnation;
  • chamomile;
  • tansy;
  • marigold;
  • lavender;
  • valerian.

How to poison moths in an apartment?

If you need to quickly get rid of individuals already present, you will need to treat the apartment from moths with sprays (aerosols). Proven funds:

  1. "Armol". Aerosol for the treatment of fur coats and other fur products with a pleasant aroma of lavender. It does not leave marks on furniture and clothes, it can process not only clothes, but also carpets, curtains, bed sheets. There is a simple "Armol" and a reinforced "Armol Expert". The second is used to process large rooms- showrooms, shop pavilions.

  1. "Raptor". Effective against butterflies and larvae. Has a pleasant lavender scent. Used to remove clothes moth. Buying it is not a problem - the product is sold in any household chemicals store.

  1. "Clean house". Aerosol against moths, not much different from other similar products. Economical and effective spray. They can process clothes, furniture, carpets, curtains, etc.

At times, even in a perfectly clean apartment, a mole is found. The owners wonder where she comes from. There is a feeling that insects start up out of nowhere. Harmful guests spoil property and all kinds of products.

Information about finding moths in an apartment contains the following sections:

How does a mole appear in an apartment?

Considering the circumstances of the appearance of harmful insects in an apartment, it is useful to know that they are divided into 2 types:

  • Clothes.
  • Food.

Although outwardly they are very similar, they appear for different reasons.

The emergence of food moth

Homeowners are often tormented by the question: “Can moths appear in a dirty room?”. The answer is no. The appearance of insects is absolutely not affected by dirt or non-compliance with sanitary standards in the apartment. The moth spreads in those places where you can eat deliciously. In addition, we should not forget that a lover of food eats almost everything that comes across to him.

The reasons why food moth starts:

  1. It enters the apartment in products that were infected with these pests in a store or warehouse.
  2. It flies through the ventilation holes from the neighbors.
  3. It flies into the apartment through window or doorways.

Quite often, in stores or in the warehouses of suppliers, products are stored with violations of sanitary standards. In this regard, you need to be careful about promotional products or those that are sold at a discount.
If the buyer purchases nuts, dried fruits, spices, dry pet food, flour, seeds, cereals, roots for a promotion, there is a high probability that voracious pests will enter the apartment. This reason is the most common.
The entry of moths through the vents must also be considered. Therefore, it is desirable to cover these holes with gauze or a fine mesh.
The moth flies badly. Therefore, penetration into the apartment through window or doorways is unlikely.

The appearance of clothes moth

This type of moth is very fond of natural products, mainly fur and wool. It doesn't matter how clean things are. The important thing is that you have them. Reasons for the penetration of clothes moth into the apartment:
  • Moth enters housing with contaminated products.
  • Insects are brought in by pets.

The source of the appearance of pupae and larvae of the pest is most often purchased items, both new and used. Even buying clothes in an expensive store does not guarantee the absence of unpleasant individuals.
Having penetrated into the apartment, the voracious pest begins to actively breed. As a result, damaged carpets, furniture, fur products, woolen clothes are in the room.
Not new material much more accessible for moths to feed on. Therefore, you need to thoroughly check all wardrobe and interior items for the presence of pest larvae.

Clothes moth can also be "visited" by dogs of the following breeds:

  • Wirehaired Dachshund.
  • Bobtail.
  • South Russian Shepherd.
  • Giant Schnauzer.
Therefore, the owners of pets of the above breeds need to carefully care for their coat.
Shoes, clothing and carpets also need to be monitored, especially for:
  • Furniture with natural upholstery.
  • Knitted clothes.
  • Natural wool carpets.
  • Outerwear. Basically, moth spoils products made of wool and fur.
  • Shoes with natural fur.
In addition, if “unpleasant guests” were found in the apartment, you need to remember recent purchases. It is likely that it was these acquisitions that caused the appearance of malicious individuals.

How to find a mole in an apartment?

Often, moths flying around the apartment testify to the presence of insects. If they were noticed, this indicates the presence of larvae in things and products. They have completed their life cycle and turned into butterflies. The pier should be searched depending on the species in the appropriate places.

Moth eggs are not easy to spot. Although in cereals it is possible to consider pupated gluttons and caterpillar larvae. Holes appear on woolen items, and specific paths and sand (larvae excrement) are visible on fur products.

The search for food moth

This individual lives in the kitchen. It lives in all kinds of uncovered or loosely tied loose cereals. In addition, the larvae can often be found in nuts, tea and dried fruits.

In order to detect a voracious insect, you need to carefully consider the contents of all containers and food bags in the apartment. When the larvae are found, you should get rid of products with them. It is also necessary to do the surface treatment where these products were stored. To do this, you need a sponge and a cleaning agent.

Also, moths can occur in a poorly ventilated room with high humidity. Therefore, the apartment must be systematically ventilated. And if pests have already settled in the kitchen, then airing must be done more often.

To avoid the reappearance of food moths, you need to hide the cereals in an impenetrable container or in tied plastic bags, but so that pest larvae cannot crawl into them.

The search for clothes moth

Many mistakenly believe that clothes moth eats all kinds of clothes. But this is not true. These gluttons do not eat clothes, but particles of human skin left on it after wearing. That is, voracious pests can live not only in a fur coat, but also in pants, sweaters, hats, etc.

Moths need to start looking from the closet. This is where she likes to live most of all. First of all, you should explore all the cracks in search of larvae and butterflies. The closet is completely empty of clothes, which should be thoroughly cleaned.

Hang your clothes outside for a couple of days so that direct sunlight hits them. Moth doesn't like it!

To get rid of the larvae, you need to use disinfectants, which include dichlorvos.
After the cabinet, you should inspect and process all cabinet furniture in the room. Then the moth will not return.

What does a moth eat?

A domestic individual delivers a lot of inconvenience indoors in the guise of damaged things, products, property.

Favorite food moth treats

These insects are divided into several types. Therefore, they eat foods made from grains and flour. Another group of individuals loves dried fruits, sweets and confectionery products.

The range of products that this type of moth prefers:

  • bread,
  • dried fruits,
  • pasta,
  • chocolate,
  • flour,
  • flour baking,
  • cookie,
  • nuts,
  • candies,
  • groats,
  • seeds,
  • cereals.

Taste preferences of clothing moth

This pest is divided into clothes, fur coats, woolen, carpet, furniture moths.

The list of delicacies of the clothing moth:

  • jersey,
  • blankets,
  • socks,
  • bird feather products
  • knitted hats,
  • furniture upholstery,
  • mittens,
  • sheepskin coats,
  • fur shoes,
  • natural coats,
  • felt slippers,
  • felt boots,
  • wool sweaters,
  • carpets.

This is not the whole list, because the insect eats everything that consists of natural fiber. The pest can even ruin synthetic underwear if it contains cotton or wool.
Also, clothes that have been worn for a long time, in which particles of the epidermis from human skin have fallen into, are attacked.

On a note!
Do not hide clothes in plastic bags. If a moth has chosen a thing, it will even gnaw through such material!

If insects start up in the house, people panic and immediately begin to conduct active prevention with the help of aerosols that are harmful to themselves in the first place. But is it worth it, because there are natural products and components that can be used in pest control. The well-known lepidoptera insect of the order of butterflies, the moth, is no exception. When she appears in the room, I want to shout "guard", the question arises - how to get the moth out in the apartment, sometimes it's not easy to do.

Let's look at where the moth comes from in the apartment and how to get rid of the annoying butterfly in time. Any person needs to know that she lives in rooms where there is little light, but at the same time it is warm. The moth likes to lay its larvae wherever it is convenient for it, for example, it can crawl into a secluded place in the corner of a closet or into a bag of cereals. Often it affects clothes, in particular wool, fur, felt, carpets. Therefore, it is important to take care of fur products and rolled rugs, otherwise they may suffer a sad fate. It feeds on keratin, which it receives from products. How to deal with moths in the apartment will be discussed further.

There is another type of moth - food, she settles in the kitchen, eating cereals, flour, dried fruits and nuts. Moths breed in periods, if they have already visited the kitchen at least once, they strive to that place again and again. Pests can sometimes be difficult to spot. Let's find out how to find moths in an apartment, especially when it comes to an important cooking room. It is necessary to carry out a complete general cleaning if you notice something wrong. Every corner of the pantry and cabinets must be washed, it is necessary to check the cereals and flour, the bread box. Most often, after eating, the moth lays larvae, especially often it can be seen on the ceiling, especially if its design is suitable for this malicious creature. It must be destroyed before a whole swarm of new active "small" hit other products.

Folk methods of pest control

Many people believe that the moth disappears if you put moth pills in the closet, this is not entirely true. This is just one of preventive measures, and the remedy for moths in the apartment is an integrated approach to solving the problem. First of all, you need to know that the moth hates a pungent smell, so if you decompose such foods and herbs in places where harmful insects accumulate, they will no longer want to breed. And only then apply an aerosol from moths and antimol-tablets. This information is needed to know when the moth settled at home, how to get rid of annoying insects.

Effective folk remedies for moths in the apartment, which our grandmothers used, have found application even now, they are more economical and do not harm the body.

For example, lavender is the best remedy for moths, its smell repels the “clothes beast” from eating the wardrobe. Various seasonings, as well as food products, are especially popular. Having considered the methods in more detail, and having studied the theory, you can deal with moths without problems.

So, if a mole started up in the house, what should I do? Stock up on the following ingredients:

  1. citrus products. The smell of orange will scare away the pest for a long time.
  2. Laundry and strawberry soap acts on them like an insecticide.
  3. Spices and herbs - cloves, Bay leaf, mint, lavender, eucalyptus, thyme. In other words, what is pleasant and safe for people. Spread bags of these herbs around the rooms and enjoy the aroma.
  4. Garlic, its thermonuclear smell will scare away household moths.
  5. Put geraniums on the windowsill, the mole does not tolerate the aroma of these flowers and leaves.
  6. Vinegar, camphor oil, lavender, fir. Soak the swabs in oil and place them in places where the pest butterfly accumulates. Excellent repellent and tea tree oil.

Moth in the wardrobe

General cleaning in the closet should include the following steps:

  • destruction of moths and larvae manually;
  • washing shelves with a solution of laundry soap;
  • surface treatment with ultraviolet rays, if there is such a lamp in the house;
  • you need to place dry herbs on the shelves of the chiffonier and between hanging clothes on the shoulders (tie up);
  • blankets with pillows must be taken out on Fresh air, put under Sun rays so that the pests die;
  • you can use store-bought sachets, also a good product with a strong smell;
  • it is better to store things in bags with tobacco or lavender enclosed there.

Other effective methods against moths

by the most effective ways control of obsessive moths were and remain insecticides. They will get rid of the pest for a long time, but it must be remembered that they cannot be sprayed near food products and in families with children. Before processing, you need to hide all the food and utensils away, pack, and pour the cereals into jars. After treatment, anti-moth products are thrown away from the house, and the room must be left for several hours. Then ventilate the rooms and wash the surfaces with laundry soap or powder.

The best remedy for moths in the closet is, of course, Armol, its use will certainly get rid of insects, as well as Antimol tablets, sprays - Reid, Mosquitol. All these products are made on the basis of dichlorvos, it relieves the owners of nightmarish insects for a long time.

Caution - you should not buy dichlorvos and other sprays from your hands, you need to check the packaging, the inscriptions should be well read in a familiar language, and the expiration date should correspond to real time. It is not known how these moth remedies can affect the human body and what the fight against insects can turn into.

An effective remedy for moths is a glue trap, it is saturated with a pleasant smell for the ubiquitous butterfly.

Insects stuck to its surface will no longer be able to reproduce and will soon die. To get rid of moths for a long time, you should treat surfaces with steam or freeze, warm up cereals, nuts, dried fruits. For this purpose, an oven and microwave are used.

All these methods of prevention are effective against these insects, they will help prevent the appearance of moths in the apartment. From this article, it became known how to deal with moths at home when there is no insecticide at hand. It is necessary to ventilate the room, dry the cabinets thoroughly after cleaning, and the moth will never bother again.

Moth larvae do a lot of harm. Voracious creatures feed on horn components. Nutrients are found in cereals, woolen villi of carpets and knitwear, natural fur. The appearance of moth larvae causes panic among hostesses.

It is important to know how to withdraw dangerous insects how to save things from destruction. To get rid of unpleasant "neighbors" will help folk methods and synthetic drugs. After the destruction of pests, you need to protect the apartment from new attacks.

What do moth larvae look like?

Scaled butterflies that the owners encountered in the room or in the kitchen are a dangerous bell. An abundance of food, a constant microclimate allow harmful insects to develop calmly. There is a high probability of active laying of eggs, the appearance of voracious larvae. One clutch contains 100 or more eggs, the extent of the damage is easy to imagine.

How to recognize:

  • For nutrition and growth of larvae, a favorable environment is needed. Main habitats: woolen carpets, natural fur, knitwear made of wool and wool mixture, felt, high-quality fabrics without a gram of synthetics;
  • larvae require a lot of food, actively gnaw holes, eat keratin fibers;
  • it is not difficult to recognize the larvae: the worm-shaped caterpillars of off-white color, with a slight yellowish tinge, have tiny legs;
  • the head of a growing insect is darker, if you look through a microscope, it is easy to notice powerful jaws;
  • growing insects rapidly increase in size: body length - from 3-4 to 6-7 mm and more;
  • larvae reluctantly move in search of new sites with the most nutrients: often movement is noted only in the youngest individuals;
  • in a small area there may be many eggs and 5-6 grown larvae. Pests actively gnaw holes, the result is often deplorable: things cannot be restored;
  • a characteristic feature of clothes, fur coats, carpet and furniture moths is a special “cover”, which the pest weaves from the remains of damaged material and its own silk-like secretions. With a protective cocoon, the larva moves along the pile and woolen threads. Furniture moth from waste products and remnants of upholstery suits a real "home". The food species of the pest also has a cap, but it is thinner;
  • growing individuals prefer shaded places, rarely crawl out into the light. For this reason, one of effective methods pest control and prevention method - roasting knitted things, fur hats, fur coats, carpets in the sun. A sunny, hot day is often used by housewives to prevent the appearance of moths, to destroy tiny pests hatched from eggs;
  • the optimum temperature for the development of voracious larvae is from +22 to +25 degrees. At indicators below + 13 ° C or above + 30 ° C, the growth of pests stops (larvae of all types of moths die), eggs do not develop. Under favorable conditions, the full development of the larva occurs in 90 days, if the temperature drops to 13 degrees, then the growth period is extended to 190 days, at +30 degrees the cycle is reduced to 60 days;
  • the food variety of the pest grows more actively thanks to more nutritious food. There are four molts during development;
  • the less often the hostess looks into the closet, the more free the moth feels. Stale things, dust, sweat stains, warm environment attract harmful insects.


Several varieties of small flying pests live in a human dwelling. Each type of Lepidoptera butterflies has adapted to life in certain conditions picked up your kind of food. For this reason, voracious larvae and egg-laying can be found not only in a wardrobe, inside an expensive fur coat or hat made of natural fur, but also in furniture upholstery, in bags with cereals, flour.

The main types of moths:

  • woolen;
  • fur coat;
  • food;
  • furniture;
  • grain;
  • cabbage;
  • rye.

The largest is the cabbage variety. Adult individuals living in the apartment are smaller. The color of the wings is different: in the woolly and fur coat moths they are light, of a yellowish hue, the food moth is darker - brownish-gray. Catching and destroying a dress variety is much more difficult than: small size a plus high speed movements interfere with the hostess.

How to get rid of moths and their larvae

The appearance of harmful butterflies and oviposition is a signal of the wrong actions of the hostess. Moth often flies into a dwelling from the entrance, through open windows, but does not always actively multiply. Reason - reliable protection apartments or houses from the invasion of harmful butterflies, the absence favorable conditions for a calm, well-fed life of pests.

Common mistakes:

  • the hostess puts unwashed things in the closet that store stains and the smell of sweat;
  • fur products hang or lie on a shelf in tight plastic bags or tightly closed cases;
  • stocks of flour, cereals are collected in the apartment. Long-term storage, the musty smell of stale flour, semolina, millet is one of the reasons for the appearance of food moths;
  • rare cleaning in the closet: things are not shifted for two or three months, dust accumulates on the shelves and clothes;
  • insufficient attention when examining things that are a favorite food for tiny "caterpillars";
  • unwillingness to make minimal efforts to prevent the appearance of moths. Dry sprigs of wormwood, lavender or orange peels, laid out on the shelves of the cabinet - simple, but effective method scaring off adults that give numerous offspring.

The wool moth is tenacious, it tolerates temperature changes more steadfastly. If the pest wound up among warm things, it is difficult to get rid of it. With active damage to sweaters, knitted hats, scarves, mittens, you need to think carefully about whether to restore the corroded thing or better get rid of it. A few eggs left among the seams or in the folds are the impetus for the development of a new population.


With a large accumulation of larvae, severe damage to things, folk methods alone are not enough. Disinsection specialists recommend the use of synthetic preparations for the treatment of infected areas. The hostess must remember: things are damaged not by adults, but by voracious larvae.

An important point: food, kitchen cabinets should not be sprayed with toxic aerosols. Spoiled cereals and flour will have to be thrown away: it is forbidden to use bulk products damaged by harmful insects. Cleaning in the kitchen is carried out using a soap and soda solution that has good disinfectant properties.

Effective sprays and aerosols for moth control:

  • Clean house.
  • Armol.
  • A.R.G.U.S.
  • Raptor.
  • Dichlorvos Neo.
  • Mosquitall.
  • Difox.
  • Extra Meat.
  • Tornado.

Important! Treatment of areas where larvae are detected or for prophylactic purposes is carried out in long-sleeved clothing, plastic transparent glasses, a respirator or a medical mask. After spraying toxic agents, a sharp "aroma" remains. Some drugs of the new generation have practically no smell. After a few hours or a couple of days, the unpleasant aroma will disappear. One or two treatments are enough to destroy eggs and larvae, the protective effect lasts up to six months.

Folk methods

Experienced housewives offer several proven methods of dealing with moths and larvae. Components for the manufacture of repellent compositions are cheap, and the effect is clearly visible.

Popular folk remedies:

  • dried orange or tangerine peels;
  • dry tobacco leaves;
  • essential oil of geranium, lavender, mint, eucalyptus;
  • bouquets of dried lavender flowers, wormwood leaves;
  • cedar bark or coniferous elixir for processing things;
  • toilet soap with coniferous aroma;
  • flowers and leaves of geranium.

Sharp natural aromas have a negative effect on adults, interfere with reproduction. In the absence of harmful butterflies, egg-laying and voracious larvae will also not be born.

Free moth remedies:

  • roasting carpets, knitwear, fur products in the sun;
  • freezing things at low temperatures;
  • treatment with water heated to 60-70 degrees.

Learn about the rules of first aid for and methods of further treatment.

About how to make mummifying poison for mice at home and how to use it is written on the page.

Prevention of the appearance

How to protect your home from moths: ten proven ways:

  • Ventilate the closet and apartment more often.
  • Store only clean items.
  • Take out knitted things, fur products, carpets made of natural materials in the sun or frost.
  • Never put hats, knitted sweaters, scarves, suits in plastic bags.
  • Always treat valuable furs with special aerosols that prevent the development of larvae.
  • Arrange bouquets of lavender, wormwood, tansy in a chest of drawers, closet. An excellent option is dry tangerine or orange peels. Antimol tablets give a good effect.
  • Put on shelves, sew strips of foam rubber soaked in eucalyptus, mint, tea tree oil to knitted and fur things. The smell of valuable esters repels harmful butterflies.
  • Regularly sort out cereals, pour flour into a new container, do not buy more than the monthly norm of stocks of bulk products.
  • When buying cereals in transparent bags, check the quality of the goods: lumps, a tiny cobweb, glued particles, small butterflies inside indicate food moth infection.
  • Keep order in the apartment, wipe the shelves kitchen cabinets, prevent accumulation of dust. Twice a month hang things on the balcony or in the yard so that they are well ventilated. It is important not only to hang sweaters or hats, but also to look at the lining, seams, folds for the presence of eggs and growing moths.

Harmful moth larvae often destroy valuable furs, favorite knitted items, sofa upholstery, and expensive carpets. It is easier to prevent a problem than to regret a fur coat, moth-eaten or holey jacket that cannot be restored. natural ingredients and synthetic drugs plus regular cleaning in the closet, careful care of things minimizes the harm from the activity of voracious larvae. You should not store cereals and flour in the apartment: buying as needed is an easy way to prevent the appearance of food moths.

Watch a video on how to recognize and look like a moth larva in the house:

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