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Ritual for acne on the face. The magic power of an acne conspiracy: clear skin without any extra effort. How to get rid of lichen

New article: prayer for acne on the face on the site site - in all details and details from the many sources that we managed to find.

Pimples and rashes are a nuisance that many people experience from time to time. We spend a lot of money to get the hated acne off our face, but this often does not give the desired effect. Try to seek help from magic and read a special conspiracy for this acne.

What are the features of conspiracies

A conspiracy is actually an oral type of magical influence in which special words are used that have an impact on the surrounding reality, personally on a person and on other people. In this case, the conspiracy will work regardless of whether you believe in its power or not. There is a huge confirmation of eyewitnesses to this, healing and cleansing conspiracies are especially popular.

What conspiracies you would not use, you should always follow certain rules:

  • slander is read in a whisper, but it is important that your voice sounds as confident as possible;
  • it is advisable to learn the words of the conspiracies by heart, but if the slander is too long and you are afraid to get lost in the process of reading, rewrite it on a piece of paper, but in no case read it from the monitor screen or mobile phone;
  • reading should be carried out on the most suitable days of the week for this;
  • during the ceremony you should be in splendid isolation;
  • before the rituals, it is recommended to fast, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke;
  • sincerely believe in the power of the rite;
  • light conspiracies should be performed on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays;
  • refuse to conduct conspiracies on Sundays, with the exception of special cases;
  • if you are an Orthodox person, then before reading the conspiracy, we recommend that you read the prayer “Our Father”.

From our ancestors, we inherited many different conspiracies for attractiveness, passed down from one generation to another. Conspiracies for beauty performed on herbal decoctions or on hand-made soap are quite popular. You can make conspiracies both for yourself personally and, if you wish, to help your loved one who suffers from acne problems.

Acne conspiracies

Now let's look at examples of effective conspiracies that will help you cleanse your skin from hated inflammation.

Powerful remedy for acne

It is performed in the evening before going to bed. It is important to pronounce all the words of the conspiracy correctly, not to stray in the process of reading. The skin will first need to be cleansed with your usual cleanser.

For this ritual, it is necessary to stock up on holy water, then moisten a cloth or hand in it and wipe the skin of the face, while pronouncing the following magical text:

The total number of repetitions should be three.

The right time to spend is the waning moon.

Conspiracy for water

It also works very well. It is performed on the following days:

  • men - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday;
  • women on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Pour water into the container, read the slander three times on it:

Then you need to wash and pour water into the street.

A simple conspiracy for acne with horsetail

Horsetail has not only magical, but also healing properties. It has been successfully used in folk medicine to get rid of acne, blackheads, ulcers and pimples. Horsetail contains silicon, which is necessary in the process of collagen synthesis, and it also has an antibacterial and virus-suppressing effect. All this makes it an ideal solution for many skin problems.

To carry out the following simple conspiracy based on horsetail, you will need to make a decoction of 500 grams of the plant, evaporated in 2 liters of boiling water, then add it to the water when you take a bath.

Before the water procedure, read the prayer “Our Father” three times, and when you go down into the water, read the slander:

Ritual for reducing acne to milk

The time of the event is the waning moon. You will need to take the milk that was given by the black cow that calved for the first time. Speak it with the following magic words, and then wash yourself in it:

A conspiracy that will get rid of acne if you are jinxed

Often the reason for the deterioration of appearance is the banal envy of others. Confirmation that you have been jinxed will be acne on the skin of the face, which cannot be removed with the help of conventional medicines. Also, another characteristic symptom is the appearance of red spots, small pimples and blisters that constantly itch and cause discomfort.

Try to get rid of acne caused by someone else's envy with the help of a conspiracy that recites wild rose and chamomile decoction.

In the evening, use a decoction of rosehip berries, and in the morning - chamomile.

When you wash your face, say the following text:

Then the face is washed with charmed water and left to dry without using a towel.

Beauty plot with ordinary soap

It is simple and effective, with the help of it you will quickly improve the condition of your skin. You will need to prepare natural soap for him, it is best if it is made by you personally. Then the slander will need to be pronounced in the process of cooking the soap base.

You can also use purchased natural soap - the action of the ritual will not become less effective from this.

When you wash your face, say the following text:

Very soon, your skin will be cleared of hated acne and become clean and fresh.

Use acne spells to always look great and please yourself, as well as your man!

My friend suffered a lot with acne. She went to fortune-tellers, she was read various conspiracies. At home, we did a ceremony with her. Her face really cleared up.

And I read to my daughter every time with washing these lines: “Water from a goose, water from a swan, leave all the thinness with the“ name ”.

We always believed in this 🙂 There have been no acne for many years and there was no acne in childhood and at an older age too, so I think this saying helped.

how many days did you read this?

From acne, conspiracies are not needed, but special creams. Conspiracies, of course, will become an addition, but you need to treat acne with medicines.

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Unexplored world of magic and esotericism

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Acne conspiracies

Pure and fresh, like mother water,

Whiter than snow, brighter than light

For now, for centuries, for all bright times.


Conspiracy from freckles and spots on the face

So that the iyas of the body is white drove

And burned (so-and-so).

You, fire, flare up, by what I will give you, do not disdain,

Like our Lord Jesus Christ

Went to the crucifix

By His will and blood

Cleansed Adam and Eve from original sin

So that I, too, with this fire, with this sweat

Cleared myself of (something)

Acne conspiracy.

You run under the ground, under the sand,

Between people's houses.

All you, water, love and honor,

Everyone praises you and drinks.

So everyone would love and praise me.

Pure water, pure and I,

Pure girlish beauty.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Acne conspiracy.

I am going, the servant of God (name), from the bathhouse to the east.

Behind me is a fiery river, copper banks, an iron tyn.

The Mother of God is walking with me, with God's servant (name).

She met me from the bathhouse and asked:

Have you washed away everything, the servant of God (name)?

Be, the servant of God (name), pure, strong at all times.

For all eternity, forever.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from purulent acne

So that the last pimple is gone from my face.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to clear your face of acne

Saint George the Conqueror

And you, Saint Michael the Liberator,

Conquer my disease

And free my body white

For all pimples and pimples.

Like water descending from God's sky,

By God's command, it turns into icicles,

So the pimples would go nowhere from my face

And they never returned to my body.

Key, lock, tongue.

12 parts St. John's wort

1 part glycerin

Mix everything and store in the refrigerator. You will find that no store-bought lotion can match this simple remedy.

To bring all acne clean.

how I washed this soap off myself,

how I planted this soap in the ground,

so that all the sores from my body would go away.

Only when this soap sprouts

only then will I get acne.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The right remedy for acne.

This is where my pimples go.

For red pimples.

I kick out three times,

I pronounce it at a distance;

Where did you guys come from?

That's where you would go.

Away, chivki, on the line,

Away to the unsteady swamp, away to the rye,

And the slave (name), chivka, do not touch.

God bless the slave (name) of health and a clean body

From my witchcraft business.

The key is in the mouth, the lock is in the water.

And my word and deed are with me.

For clear skin

1 st. a spoonful of wild strawberries

1 st. teaspoon of chamomile

1 teaspoon birch leaves

1 teaspoon linden flowers

1 tsp pink yarrow

Pour the entire collection with two glasses of boiling water and let it brew. Cool down and wash. After a week, the skin of the linden will be tender, like a child's.

Face lotion

To increase attractiveness

Poppy blossoms, blossoms,

beauty never fades

And I, the servant of God (name), does not leave.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and ever. ages of ages. Amen

Mask for yellow spots on the face.

Apple and sauerkraut mask

How to speak chiry correctly

Not from a tree in a field of blood,

Chiria does not have a head, and without a head, chiria cannot live

And not to be on my baptized body.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen,

How to quickly get rid of herpes.

From the fish there will be no bull,

You can't get milk from a rooster.

So you can't sit on my body

And on a flawed month to die.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and ever. Amen.

And which apples dry out.

So you, wart, dry up and die.

Conspiracies from acne and blackheads - a magical help in cleansing the face

Beautiful healthy skin and a well-groomed face are the ultimate dream of many girls. However, often people are faced with such an unpleasant cosmetic problem as acne, which can ruin even the most beautiful face, lower self-esteem and can make a person ugly not only in the eyes of others, but also in their own.

There are many different ways to solve this problem, but some of them do not give a long-term effect, while others are too expensive. Therefore, you can turn to magic and, with the help of simple rituals, cleanse your face. An acne conspiracy is an effective alternative that will get rid of adversity.

What you need to know about conspiracies from acne on the face

  1. Use only one cleansing rite at a time. If you apply several rituals at once, you risk not getting the desired result.
  2. Learn in advance the text of the spell as a keepsake so that during the ritual you do not go astray when reading the plot and do not say extra words.
  3. If you need to use candles during the ceremony, then use only church candles for these purposes. They have power and will enhance the effect of spoken words.
  4. Any rite that is aimed at improving health must be carried out in complete solitude. If you do not have the opportunity to stay alone in the apartment, then for the duration of the ritual, try to be in a room without strangers.
  5. You should not tell anyone about the upcoming ceremony, nor should you talk about the results of the conspiracy.
  6. It is better to pronounce a conspiracy and a prayer for acne on a waning moon. During this period, purification takes place and one should try to get rid of everything unnecessary.
  7. Three days before the ritual, fast, refrain from eating meat, eggs, fish, dairy products, alcohol. The same must be done for cigarettes.
  8. Try to focus on the process during the ceremony, do not be distracted by extraneous things or thoughts.
  9. If the ritual needs water, then use the silent one. At dawn, draw liquid from the spring into the decanter without uttering a word. If for some reason this cannot be done, put a vessel of water on the windowsill at night in such a way that moonlight and the first rays of the sun are reflected in the liquid. As a last resort, you can use melt water charged with sunlight at dawn.
  10. While reading the plot, do not forget to remove the elastic bands, hairpins from the hair, the belt from the clothes and untie the knots.
  11. Read the spell quietly, but confidently.

Acne conspiracy on water

To conduct the ceremony, pour clean prepared water into a decanter, light a candle and say the following words: “ As the surface of the sea is quiet and mirrored, so my skin will henceforth be fresh, clean, lighter than the golden sun, whiter than crystal snowflakes from now on and forever and ever. My word is strong. Let it be as I said».

Wash your face with charmed water in the morning and evening for a couple of days

Conspiracy from acne on soap

The ritual is carried out on a new soap, which will wash the face or wash the body. Say the following words to the detergent: “ Just as our Almighty God drove out the fallen angels, so acne and acne will disappear from my face and body forever. The fire of heaven will burn and destroy everything, it will renew my skin and cleanse it of dirt and evil spirits. The word is a lock, and the key to it lies in the deep ocean. May it be so. Amen».

Cream conspiracy for acne

For the ceremony, take a jar of new cream and say the following words: How will I cover my face with this life-giving cream, rid my skin of all misfortunes. From now on, my face will be beautiful, tender, clean, young and white, like that of a clear maiden, the queen of heaven, the mistress of the sea. My word is strong. My word is strong. As she said, so be it».

Use the cream as directed twice for at least a month.

Strong conspiracy for acne and blackheads

The ritual can be performed in winter or early spring when there is snow outside. For the ceremony, you will need five handfuls of snow, take it and say these words: “ I ask you, Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Anna and Saint George the Victorious, help me, I beg you, heal my body from acne, blackheads and all black. Just as this water escapes from the sky and freezes, so let all the opportunity leave my face and never return. May it be so».

Melt the snow and wash yourself with the resulting liquid for three days.

Conspiracy - prayer for skin problems

Before reading a conspiracy for skin problems, this strong miraculous prayer to the Wonderworker Artemy Verkolsky for acne and skin diseases can help solve many skin problems without black and white magic. What kind of means and methods have not been tried by people to treat problems with the skin of the face and body, but the result comes either not quite the one expected, or skin treatment with the help of folk remedies or pharmacy ointments, it drags on for a long time. And okay, if the result pleases, then the money spent is not so pitiful, but as a rule, cosmetics for problem skin do not solve the problem. It is at such moments when many remedies and folk recipes for bringing the skin back to normal and getting rid of all its problems have been tried and failed, many people turn to magic and begin to read the most powerful conspiracies for skin problems or Orthodox prayers that make the skin clear and healthy. One of these prayers for a clean face and body is prayer to the Wonderworker Artemy Verkolsky, relieving acne and skin diseases. Someone reads a prayer for an ointment or cream for acne, and after that, having applied the prayed cream on problem skin, he rejoices at the result in the morning. There are those who simply go to church and read this prayer there - a conspiracy on the same day gets rid of all skin problems. Can be long read the reviews of those who were helped by prayer - a conspiracy from skin diseases, or you can just go to the temple and pray after reading this prayer to the Wonderworker Artemy :

O glorious servant of God, O great miracle worker,

holy and righteous Artemius, earthly cherub,

heavenly man, interlocutor of angels, heavenly inhabitant!

Look from the height of heaven with your bright eye and send us the rays of God's grace.

God-burnt lamp, with your holy prayers, the darkness of our sins is kindled,

ask the Father of Lights for the light of grace to our souls, all the faithful, being a quick helper and intercessor.

Everyone, with faith, prayerfully flow under the roof of your protection and ask the Lord for your intercession,

sometimes we help, but God’s mercy finds and the desire of his heart is not deprived,

but asks for grace and accepts the gift for the benefit of the petition. You are, righteous Artemy,

garden planted by God, in it is a healthy color,

prosper, hedgehog be healed by many from the green shaking disease.

O how many with your miraculous help have you seen the blindness, deafened your hearing,

chromia jumped up and walked, the infirmity of the action of the hands came,

insanity, becoming stronger, relaxing in the veins,

and the one who has harm is healed!

Even the defilement of the demons by your prayer was driven away,

and other incurable ailments will be resolved.

Taco, the holy and righteous Artemy, is always merciful to everyone.

We will honestly celebrate your holy memory from generation to generation,

glorifying the glorifying Christ the Lord,

He deserves all glory, honor and worship,

with His Beginningless Father and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit,

now and forever and forever and ever.

You can quickly get rid of spots and acne on your face if you read the plot on a clean face. A conspiracy in a week will cleanse the face of blackheads, blackheads and red pimples, making the skin of the face clean, soft and beautiful without any traces of the former problematic skin. The strongest conspiracy on the beauty of the face should be read on a specially prepared decoction that needs 7 days, 2 times a day

Maginya decided to grow her hair with the help of magic and the old conspiracy of her grandmother to speed up hair growth several times. In addition, the words of this conspiracy perfectly strengthen the hair on the head, making the hairstyle more magnificent and voluminous. If you also want to increase the length of your hair on your own and very quickly, as Magina did, prepare a decoction according to the recipe and on the growing moon and read on

To enhance your beauty and attractiveness for other people, especially men, the magic of beauty and this beauty conspiracy for a period of a year will help. Maginya conducts this ceremony every year from childhood and it has become a part of life. Knowing this conspiracy to female beauty and attractiveness, girls and women will enjoy the increased attention of men, men literally “lose

Today I will tell you how to conspire to quickly bring beauty and attractiveness to yourself, so that everyone with whom you communicate treats you with love and you are in favor, honor and respect with any person. The action of the conspiracy lasts only 1 day, but if desired, and it will definitely come, the rite can be repeated at least daily. Don't be afraid, this plot is completely safe and has already been tested.

Prayer that brings beauty to a person with the help of white magic is the easiest and safest way to bring beauty to yourself. When the Orthodox prayer for the beauty of the face and body is read, you will very quickly acquire beauty and become very beautiful and attractive to people. If you yourself do not like looking at your reflection in the mirror or you need to make people and

One village grandmother told me how to speak moles and birthmarks and quickly reduce all moles on the face and body with the help of a conspiracy. As soon as I learned how to reduce moles, I immediately decided to try out how an effective conspiracy works for the complete disappearance and removal of moles. Conspiracies against moles, including hanging ones, help people to speak moles on their own

White magic that helps to become the most beautiful and be attractive to everyone around is a strong ritual that brings beauty, this conspiracy that brings strong beauty was used by witches in the old days. To perform it, you need to independently read a spell for beauty and attractiveness and, using the help of magic, perform a ritual for beauty. A conspiracy that allows you to instantly become and

Conspiracy - prayer for skin problems REVIEWS WHO DID:

Dear guests, you are reading the website - Magini's diary:


Conspiracies, love spells and prayers for all occasions

Pimples and rashes are a nuisance that many people experience from time to time. We spend a lot of money to get the hated acne off our face, but this often does not give the desired effect. Try to seek help from magic and read a special conspiracy for this acne.

A conspiracy is actually an oral type of magical influence in which special words are used that have an impact on the surrounding reality, personally on a person and on other people. In this case, the conspiracy will work regardless of whether you believe in its power or not. There is a huge confirmation of eyewitnesses to this, healing and cleansing conspiracies are especially popular.

What conspiracies you would not use, you should always follow certain rules:

  • slander is read in a whisper, but it is important that your voice sounds as confident as possible;
  • it is advisable to learn the words of the conspiracies by heart, but if the slander is too long and you are afraid to get lost in the process of reading, rewrite it on a piece of paper, but in no case read it from the monitor screen or mobile phone;
  • reading should be carried out on the most suitable days of the week for this;
  • during the ceremony you should be in splendid isolation;
  • before the rituals, it is recommended to fast, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke;
  • sincerely believe in the power of the rite;
  • light conspiracies should be performed on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays;
  • refuse to conduct conspiracies on Sundays, with the exception of special cases;
  • if you are an Orthodox person, then before reading the conspiracy, we recommend that you read the prayer “Our Father”.

From our ancestors, we inherited many different conspiracies for attractiveness, passed down from one generation to another. Conspiracies for beauty performed on herbal decoctions or on hand-made soap are quite popular. You can make conspiracies both for yourself personally and, if you wish, to help your loved one who suffers from acne problems.

Acne conspiracies

Now let's look at examples of effective conspiracies that will help you cleanse your skin from hated inflammation.

It is performed in the evening before going to bed. It is important to pronounce all the words of the conspiracy correctly, not to stray in the process of reading. The skin will first need to be cleansed with your usual cleanser.

For this ritual, it is necessary to stock up on holy water, then moisten a cloth or hand in it and wipe the skin of the face, while pronouncing the following magical text:

The total number of repetitions should be three.

The right time to spend is the waning moon.

Conspiracy for water

It also works very well. It is performed on the following days:

  • men - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday;
  • women on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Pour water into the container, read the slander three times on it:

Then you need to wash and pour water into the street.

Horsetail has not only magical, but also healing properties. It has been successfully used in folk medicine to get rid of acne, blackheads, ulcers and pimples. Horsetail contains silicon, which is necessary in the process of collagen synthesis, and it also has an antibacterial and virus-suppressing effect. All this makes it an ideal solution for many skin problems.

To carry out the following simple conspiracy based on horsetail, you will need to make a decoction of 500 grams of the plant, evaporated in 2 liters of boiling water, then add it to the water when you take a bath.

Before the water procedure, read the prayer “Our Father” three times, and when you go down into the water, read the slander:

The time of the event is the waning moon. You will need to take the milk that was given by the black cow that calved for the first time. Speak it with the following magic words, and then wash yourself in it:

Often the reason for the deterioration of appearance is the banal envy of others. Confirmation that you have been jinxed will be acne on the skin of the face, which cannot be removed with the help of conventional medicines. Also, another characteristic symptom is the appearance of red spots, small pimples and blisters that constantly itch and cause discomfort.

Try to get rid of acne caused by someone else's envy with the help of a conspiracy that recites wild rose and chamomile decoction.

In the evening, use a decoction of rosehip berries, and in the morning - chamomile.

When you wash your face, say the following text:

Then the face is washed with charmed water and left to dry without using a towel.

It is simple and effective, with the help of it you will quickly improve the condition of your skin. You will need to prepare natural soap for him, it is best if it is made by you personally. Then the slander will need to be pronounced in the process of cooking the soap base.

You can also use purchased natural soap - the action of the ritual will not become less effective from this.

When you wash your face, say the following text:

Very soon, your skin will be cleared of hated acne and become clean and fresh.

Use acne spells to always look great and please yourself, as well as your man!

Current page: 18 (the book has a total of 38 pages) [available reading excerpt: 25 pages]

Acne conspiracy

From a letter:

“I have pimples all the time on my body (on my back, chest and shoulders). Could you suggest how to get rid of them?

To cleanse your face of acne, wash your face at sunrise, while reading the following plot:

Voditsa-sister, red maiden,
You run under the ground, under the sand,
In the fields, woods,
steep coasts,
Between people's houses.
All you, water, love and honor,
Everyone praises and drinks you
So everyone would love and praise me.
Pure water, pure and I,
Pure girlish beauty.

How to speak acne

From a letter:

"I beg you to write conspiracies for the treatment of acne."

On Maundy Thursday, pour water consecrated in the temple on that day and consecrated salt into a jug or basin for washing, lower any silver object (spoon, ring) and, washing yourself, say:

My Mother Mother of God,
bless me
On the cleanliness of Thursday.
How holy and pure this water is,
It would be so clean
My beauty.
How much is silver
Pure, radiant
So would the whole year
Be me, God's servant,
In perfect health and beauty.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Or ask the patient to bring some water in his bosom. Then wash the patient with this water, saying:

Wash, soul,
Wash your body.
I know my business.
How you were born with clear skin
Be like this now too. Amen.

Acne cure words

Spit on your thumb and, touching it to the face of the patient, say:

I'm doing a big job with my thumb
I will cleanse your body.

And another way to help get rid of acne

This method may seem unpleasant to someone, but believe me, it is very effective and proven by more than one generation of healers. Catch a tree frog, put it on your face (or where you have a pimple) for a second and say:

I'll give you another skin for your body
Fits for you too.

After that, you need to remove the skin from the frog and bury it in the ground. By the way, using this method, you can get rid of wen and scabs.

How to cleanse the skin of the face from flaws

From a letter:

“The fact is that I have problem skin. In your books, I found conspiracies for acne. And what conspiracies can cure the scars on my face that I have left after visiting a beautician? For three years, I regularly did facial cleansing, and after that I had deep scars on my face that can be seen even from afar. To be honest, even looking in the mirror is unpleasant, and I'm only twenty-one years old. Help me please".

To the masters of white magic with which only people do not turn. It may happen that a young girl comes to you and asks you to rid her of acne on her face. Such a request may seem insignificant to you, but do not be angry with it for taking up your time, treat someone else's misfortune with understanding. After all, all people have a different mental organization, and some girls will not leave the house if they have at least one pimple: they will sit within four walls or sob into the pillow. You, as a master, should know the conspiracies that help in this case. In this book, I will print some very effective ways to get rid of pimples on the face.

I wash my face with black cow's milk,
Get rid of pimples and blackheads forever.

Of course, for those who live in the city, such milk will not be easy to get, but for the villagers it is impossible to think of a better way. However, many people in the villages have relatives and friends who will definitely help you in your trouble and get you miraculous milk.

If you are still unable to get the milk of a black cow, then proceed as follows. Light three candles, pour water into the basin and wash yourself, reading the following plot three times in a row:

How pure is the holy face, so pure is my face.

Then pour this water into a jar and pour it at three crossroads.

Another conspiracy to help clear acne

Let the girl clean the fish from scales (the fish can be any, but always fresh), put the scales in one bag, and the fish in another. Then she needs to bury scales in different places, and then fish. Burying fish, you should read the following plot:

Like scales not on a fish, but a fish without scales,
So my face is flawless.
How will this fish rot,
So all the nastiness will come off my face. Amen.

How to get rid of acne once and for all

From a letter:

“Tell me, please, a conspiracy for acne on the back. I have had them for several years now. Recently, I started treatment, there are improvements, but they do not go away completely. Help if you can. I believe that you can advise something.

Helps get rid of acne and such a conspiracy:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I'm going, servant of God (name),
From the bath to the east side,
Behind me is a fiery river,
Copper shores, iron tyn.
The Mother of God is walking with me
With God's servant (name).
She met me from the bath, asked: -
Have you washed everything, servant of God (name),?
Be the servant of God (name) pure,
Strong for all time
For all eternity, forever.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from purulent acne

From a letter:

“I am writing to you with a request to help me. I am twenty-six years old, and for the past four years I have been plagued by acne all over my face - inflamed and sometimes painful. I tried a bunch of methods from traditional and alternative medicine, but nothing helps. Please tell me the most correct and reliable way to help for sure.

Bend the aspen branch and with your left hand pick as many leaves from it as you can. Then count the plucked leaves and then immediately say:

Here you are, sheet, was the last in a row,
So that the last pimple is gone
From my face.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

However, there is probably no universal way that helps everyone. All methods are good, and all conspiracies are time-tested, it’s just that something of their own suits everyone. After all, this is what happens with medicines: the same remedy can be useful for someone, have no effect on someone, and even harm someone. In addition, I would advise you to go to the specialists and get tested: it is quite possible that your acne is the result of some internal disease, and not just a cosmetic defect. In this case, it is necessary to treat the disease itself, and not its manifestation.

Acne Conspiracy

From a letter:

“Could you write some very strong conspiracy for pustular acne on the face and body that could be applied in an urban setting?”

Touch the affected skin with your ring finger and say:

Go where you are expected
Go there,
Where bread is baked from the earth,
Go where you were expected
Where in the field they sting the unsown.
Go there, don't say goodbye
Go and don't come back.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from subcutaneous abscesses

From a letter:

“I have boils jumping up here and there on my body. This is not diabetes: I checked - sugar is normal. How can you get rid of this misfortune?

With the middle finger of your right hand, circle a knot on a door or window jamb, saying:

How the bough dries and dries,
So dry and dry bodetop.
From the finger there is no fire, from the abscess - the core. Amen.

From the keel on the body

From a letter:

“I am forty-five years old, I work on a rotational basis and probably caught a cold, because keels appeared on my body. They are red at first and then turn blue. Surgeons cut them, and they reappear in various places. The last time I came to the surgeon, he said to me: “Do you believe in God?” I kept silent, and then this surgeon advised me to turn to a healer, saying that from experience, from people he knows that it is useless to cut the keels, the more of them you cut, the more they grow. Of course, I was surprised at his words, but at home I told my wife. She shared with her mother-in-law, and she brought your book. I liked your book, it contains life situations, and it teaches a lot. I believe in God, I just didn’t tell the doctor about it.”

Take your saliva on your little finger and circle around the keel, only not forward, but counterclockwise. At the same time, read the plot:

The God of hosts is coming,
And where will it go
Any disease will go away in people.
Lord, save, save and free
From keels of sore, red, blue, brittle.
Come out the quila from the body of the bela
From God's word and my work.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

For those who are tortured by boils and boils

From a letter:

“Dear Natalya Ivanovna, for a year now I have not been able to get rid of boils and boils. Doctors cut them, treat them, and they reappear in other places. I beg you, tell me how you can help me?

I remind you that all remedies associated with the treatment of boils, boils and acne, regardless of whether they are prayers, compresses or ointments, should be used only during the waning moon and on odd numbers.

Take strawberry soap and rub it on a fine grater. In the powder prepared in this way, add three tablespoons of unboiled whole milk. Milk from tetra packs will not work, as it is usually prepared from a composition close to milk. Stir the soap powder in milk and boil, while constantly stirring the mass so that it does not burn and is homogeneous. After cooling the finished mass to body temperature, apply it on sore spots and leave for a day. After a few hours, you will feel itchy. Remove the hardened mass from the boil, and with it you can easily remove all diseased crusts, and most importantly, the core of the boil. The skin will be clean and shiny. In another day, a slight redness will go away forever, and you will forever forget that you suffered from boils.

Conspiracy from boils

I'm walking through a smoky window
I'm walking on a basement log,
I'm climbing a mouse hole
I'm crawling along a snake path,
I will come to an open field, to an aspen forest,
I look around in all directions.
Chirey-Viry lives there,
I'll whisper it, I'll trample it.
Get lost, Boil-Viry, perish,
Leave the servant of God (name).
You won't be here
Do not age your age.
As the grass dries, dries up,
How it disappears in the winter
So you die and perish,
Leave the white body.
And be, my words, sculpting, fast,
Stronger than damask steel, better than spruce resin.
For now, for centuries, for all time.
Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen.

Strong conspiracy from boils

Swing my leg, step out
Wave, my hand, wave.
Get off my body
Everything that stuck to him
Everything that began to rot and ripened.
Like my ring finger
No name
Same on my body
Chiryu-viryu has no place.
Do not be sick, boil-viry,
Don't blush, don't turn yellow
Boil-viry, not blue.
For you to wither
Blackened, dried up and did not hurt.
Like the right foot to the ground
Sticks tight
So true that from now on
Boil-virium will heal on my body.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever
And forever and ever.

From boils

When you speak chirya, remember the following rule. If there is one head on the human body, that is, one boil, then they speak it on an odd day; if there is a multi-headed, that is, there are many boils at once, then in this case you need to speak on an even day. Find a knot on the tree, with the ring finger of your right hand, circle around the knot three times. In doing so, say this:

Your grandfather Vasily.
Where did you come from
Go there
Don't sit on my body.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever
And forever and ever. Amen.

boil treat

Move your index finger around the boil and say:

Like a knot in a tree
Dries, fades
So the boil would dry and fade,
Didn't blush and didn't get sick. Amen.

Or find a board with a knot. Move your finger along the knot, then along the boil and say these words:

As the bough dries, dries up,
So the servant of God (name)
Let the boil dry, dry out.

Or make two fingers cross and move around the boil and read:

Get off the servant of God (name)
On the beast, on the leaf,
On a low bush
On the swamp
To an empty barrel.
Cleanse the body of the servant of God (name). Amen.

From subcutaneous abscesses

The patient should see a dog feeding puppies. Looking at her, you need to say:

You have on your belly
Take mine too.

From a boil in the nose

They slander on sour cream or butter and smear it in the nose.

In a black barn
In the dead chamber
On a dry wind
On an old broom
Voron Voronovich is sitting.
He does not give butter, sour cream,
Does not milk, has no cow's udder.
Where does he look?
Everything will fade from his eyes.
It would dry up
Withered and died a boil in the nose,
In the black forest, in the black barn,
In a stone dead chamber.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever
And forever and ever.

From subcutaneous boils and ulcers

From a letter:

“My letter is a cry from the heart. For the past six months I have been struggling with boils and can not do anything. Some go down and others come up. I had a blood transfusion, drank hormones, injected strong antibiotics. What didn't I do! And if you consider how it all hurts, then you can’t find words ... "

Find a knot in a wooden fence and, after urinating in a jar, pour urine on it. Once done, say:

How my urine dries on the bitch
Same on my body
Father-boil will die.
Wither, wither
His children are with him
Godfathers, matchmakers,
Matchmakers and sons-in-law
Daughters, granddaughters, grandchildren,
All pimples and pimples.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

heal ulceration

From a letter:

“I ask you for help. Tell me, please, strong conspiracies to cure a trophic ulcer. Medicines help me a little.”

Take some of the blood of a sick person, make a hole in the egg from the blunt side, drain the protein and yolk through the resulting hole, and pour blood into it instead. Seal the egg and place under the hen. When the egg begins to rot, take it out, mix it with bran or some other food and give it to the pig.

Important: in no case do not stop medication!

A conspiracy from boils and papillomas in a hollow place

From a letter:

“I want to ask, with the help of what conspiracy can you get rid of papillomas in a hollow place?”

Cleave chips from aspen, while reading a special plot, and then burn these chips. The conspiracy is as follows:

Not from the firewood of the core,
Not from a boil of good.
The dead man has no offspring,
And you, chiryak,
There is no place or kind.

Speak scabies

From a letter:

“How can you get rid of scabies? The whole body itches from time to time, red spots form. When applying the ointment, everything returns to normal, but after a while itching appears again.

Go to the crossroads and pour the millet from hand to hand, saying:

The one who pecks the millet
That disease will take away.

Having said this, leave without looking back.

How to speak ringworm and eczema

From a letter:

“Natalya Ivanovna, you cannot even imagine how your books help us all. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what would have happened to us all. I will always pray for you and remember you. Let me disturb you. Last year, my sister went to the sea, and after this trip she got either lichen or eczema, which she can’t reduce with anything. And now she has been suffering from this disease for a year now.

You still need to determine exactly what your sister suffers from: lichen or eczema. After all, these are different diseases that are treated differently. Therefore, before proceeding with the reports, consult a specialist so that he makes an accurate diagnosis. Just in case, I will teach you two conspiracies that help in the treatment of both ailments.

Lichen conspiracy

On a moonless but not rainy night, read the following conspiracy over a sleeping patient:

Strigun-lichen, do not interfere with life.
Go to hell
On a shaggy dog
On a mustachioed cat
To the dry forest, to the empty ravine,
There is space for you
There you are welcome.
Get off the servant of God (name)
From now on and forever.

For eczema

With a new clay pot, draw water downstream, say a prayer and immediately break the pot. They read like this:

You, water of God, living water,
You come out of the earth and you go into the earth,
So my illness would go away,
Went from water to land.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

Conspiracy for dry eczema

Read the plot over water, which then wash the affected skin. The spoken words are as follows:

There are three dawns in the sky.
One is clear, the other is red, the third (name).

By the way, the master should also wash himself with such charmed water so as not to drag the disease onto himself.

How to get rid of lichen

From a letter:

“I can’t get rid of lichen for about eight years. If possible, please advise me what to do.

With the help of this conspiracy, I managed to cure a woman who was covered in lichen in just seven days. If the elderly are being treated, the conspiracy is read in the evening dawns; if young - in the morning. His words are as follows:

Chur, my word,
Not your word.
Deprive lies in the ground
The worm is guarded.
Go to hell
On the old plow
On a bitter onion
On wooden gates
Cursed to the divisions,
On a pig's snout.
Your seat was first
And now the last one.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen.

Dark spots

From a letter:

“Dear Natalya Ivanovna, I am sixty years old.

In my youth, I was a fashionista, I sewed, knitted and always looked after myself. I was always given less years than I was, but recently I was very ill, literally crawled out of the other world, and my appearance became terrible. I am especially concerned about age spots on the face, neck and hands. Could you suggest how to deal with them? Thank you in advance for your kind advice."

My readers often write to me about this. Even very old ladies cannot come to terms with the loss of youth and beauty. I will give good proven recipes that will help you, my dear, to restrain the inexorable ugly old age and rejuvenate not only your health, but also your appearance. Age spots are also called senile freckles, as they gradually sprinkle the elderly skin of the hands, neck, face, etc. They usually appear after fifty years and most often occur in those who like to work in the garden, under the sun. Keep this in mind and try to carefully cover your body with clothes, but it will be better if you stop walking in the heat altogether.

Age spots do not degenerate into malignant neoplasms, but if you continue to flaunt under the sun in open dresses, then gradually the number of spots can increase so much that they merge with each other as whole "islands". When there are a lot of spots, it is no longer possible to completely remove them, but these spots can be “lightened” with water with lemon juice, fresh kefir, and also clay diluted in mint water. Mint water is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. brew spoons of mint herb with one glass of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes, cool and dilute the clay with mint water. Apply the mask to the spots where age spots nest and leave for 10-15 minutes. After removing this mask, wipe your face, hands and chest with acidified lemon water or yogurt. Do not forget to wipe problem areas with an ice cube every day. Buy vitamins E and A and take them regularly.

Lotion for age spots

Violet flowers and roots - 10 g Linden flowers - 10 g

Calendula flowers - 3 g

Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Glycerin - 15 ml Alcohol (or vodka) - 50 g

Infuse for 3 days, shake before applying.

Conspiracy for cleanliness of the face

Boil and eat black chicken at night. Not all of it, but as much as you want. In the morning, collect her bones and, tying them in a bundle, go to the cemetery. Leave this bundle there and before you leave, say:

How was this chicken?
And now she's gone
Not in the yard
Not in the nest
And not on the perch
So there are no spots on my face,
From now on, there is no place for cones.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Leaving the cemetery, you can not look back to the house.

Senile warts

Many in their letters complain about the appearance of warts. There are many remedies for this problem. But now in every pharmacy there is a special product "Celandine" for sale, it costs a little, but it helps to get rid of not only warts, but also papillomas. One drop of this remedy is applied to a papilloma or a wart, and after a couple of days it falls off and dries up.

This remedy also helps with warts. On Thursday, buy one apple without haggling or taking change. Standing on the bridge, cut the apple into two halves and throw it on both sides of the bridge, while saying:

Eve's apple will be carried away by water,
A white wart will come off the body.
And until one half comes to the other,
The wart won't come back
White will not grow to the body.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

As soon as these words are spoken, you must immediately turn around and leave the bridge. If necessary, you can find other conspiracies and spells in my series of books that will permanently get rid of warts.

How to talk facial hair

From a letter:

“I am forty-eight years old and I have hair on my face, above my lip and on my chin. I remove them and they grow back. What can you tell me about this?"

There are many reasons for the appearance of facial hair in women. It is generally accepted that disruption of the endocrine system, hereditary hairiness, and spoilage contribute to this deficiency. So, for example, I know from my patients cases when a rival, in retaliation, did damage and even openly declared to her rival that she would soon become like a shaggy dog. Indeed, a month after the threat, the woman noticed a strong facial hair. The more she struggled with it, the more her hair thickened above her lip and on her chin. According to her, coarse hair grew very quickly, much faster than her husband's beard. It ended with her husband running away from her, not wanting to have a bearded wife. I helped her

get rid of the spoilage, and soon the hair began to thin, fall out, and in the end she again had a clean face. Today I will teach you conspiracy words that will help you find a face that is clean of hair. The plot is read on the waning moon on Friday at midnight. Here are his words:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
Have mercy on the servant of God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the sea, in the water, at its depth,
There is a wooden ship,
On that sunken boat
There is a glass casket,
The bones of drowned women lie on the boat,
three queens,
Three beautiful girls, three young women.
There are no mustaches or hair on their bones,
Three centuries ago them from them
Sea cancer carried away.
I open the depths of the sea
And I throw my misfortune at them.
You three drowned queens,
Three young, beautiful girls,
Take a hair from my face
And divide yourself into three faces.
There for my hair to be
It's my place to live.
Like the sun cannot shine at night
So no one will overcome my conspiracy.
Key to my words, lock to my deeds.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

Acne on the face and other parts of the body is the most common pathology. Accordingly, in the world there are a huge number of ways to deal with the problem. Medications for internal and external use are by far the best method in terms of efficiency. Folk remedies and natural products are also often used for treatment. But there are also completely non-standard methods that are already turned to when it seems that nothing can help. An acne conspiracy is one of those options. If you believe that such treatment will help you get rid of the problem, feel free to use the recommendations below.

Trying to be cured by this method, think adequately. If there is the slightest suspicion that you are faced with a serious pathology that causes inflammation on the skin, immediately contact the hospital. Hoping for conspiracies and prayers in this case is strictly prohibited. As long as you use non-standard recommendations, the infection can reach a serious level. Depending on the specific disease, the outcome can be fatal. Please note that contacting specialists is the most reliable and safe method of getting rid of the problem.

The most popular conspiracies for acne:

1. Conspiracy against acne using coniferous plants

For carrying out you will need a bath and several branches of a coniferous plant. Horsetail is the most suitable option. First, boil the plant in plain water. After that, pour the liquid into a bath of warm water and add the branches themselves there. Before you lie down in the bath, read the Lord's Prayer three times (preferably as a keepsake).

After the prayer, say the following words:

“I take a cleansing bath, I rid my body of infection, I rid my skin of (pimples, ulcers or other problems). I will be clean, white, beautiful, young. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Advantages of the method:

  • First of all, it is worth noting the healing properties of the coniferous branches themselves. The main active ingredient is silica. It restores damaged skin and improves elasticity.
  • The acne prayer itself, according to many real patients, has a major impact.

The method is intended for the treatment of acne and acne of various types. The only exception is acne, accurately diagnosed in the body. If you are sure that you have encountered this pathology, you can also use a conspiracy, but do not forget about standard treatment. Otherwise, the disease can quickly move to the later stages of development. In this case, conspiracies will definitely not help you if you neglect to contact the dermatology department.

2. The easiest conspiracy against acne

The method is often used to eliminate skin problems in adolescence. It helps only if you are faced with small rashes that appeared on the skin due to a disorder in the body.

The plot is considered the simplest, because no additional materials, products or actions are required. It is enough just to wake up before dawn and during the usual washing, say the following words:

“Voditsa, my sister, red maiden, you run under the sand, you flow under water, in the fields, but in the woods, on steep banks, in people's houses. Everyone respects and loves you, sister, everyone drinks and praises you, sister. As you, water, are pure, so am I (name) pure. Bela girlish beauty. What is said will come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Method advantage: the emphasis is on the healing properties of the water itself. This substance has been proven to have certain magical aspects.

For this method, do not use any soap products while washing. The whole point is that you trust the cleansing and healing to the water itself and the right words. It is advisable to carry out the ritual on the street at the time of dawn.

3. Conspiracy from acne for the winter season

The previous method, based on the recommendations, is not very convenient to use in winter. When the temperature outside is below zero, washing with cold water at dawn can lead to the development of even more diseases, so it's not worth the risk. It is better to pay attention to the possibility of using other conspiracies.

In addition, for this ritual you will need icicles. Collect seven small icicles in the morning, bring into the house and fold on a towel. Next, say the following words to the waning moon:

“St. George the Conqueror, St. Panteleimon the Healer, and St. Michael the Liberator. Help me, overcome my illness, take away my sorrow. Free my body from all pimples, but blackheads, freckles, and blacks. As water descends from the sky of God, as in winter it turns into ice, so let the pimples descend from my body and turn into nothing and never return. May it be so".

Fill a deep container with some warm water and place the icicles in it. As soon as the ice melts, use all the liquid for washing.

Advantages of the method:

  • St. George the Conqueror, St. Panteleimon the Healer and St. Michael the Liberator have healing abilities. According to belief, addressing them in this way, you have a great chance of recovery.
  • Much attention is paid to melted ice. There is an opinion that it is this water that has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, the number of acne and blackheads. According to the reviews of real patients, just one such ritual is enough to get a certain result. If you are reading this during the winter season, be sure to try the method.

How to conduct conspiracies from acne

Carefully study the principles suggested below to get the maximum result from each conspiracy. Remember that just saying the words is not enough. These are quite serious rituals that need to be treated accordingly. And in no case do not conduct them if you do not believe in their effectiveness. Your energy is needed here first of all. Prepare yourself psychologically before conducting.

Principles of conspiracies from acne:

  • Any prayers and conspiracies are always read strictly as a keepsake. Be sure to memorize the prayers word for word before conducting. Check yourself several times and make sure you are 100% sure that you know exactly the right text.
  • In a state of any intoxication, it is strictly forbidden to conduct such rituals. This also includes the effect of nicotine. Even if you smoke for a long time and do not feel any effect from cigarettes, give them up at least a day before the ritual.
  • Sunday is the most unsuitable day for magical rituals. In some cases, you can make exceptions, but under normal circumstances, it is better to choose a different day.
  • Orthodox people are encouraged to read the Lord's Prayer before performing any such rituals.

You may make exceptions to any of the principles listed. But to achieve the best effect, it is better to strictly adhere to each of them.

Specialists in the field of esotericism sometimes make entire educational videos to eliminate acne. Watch one of these videos below:

Use acne spells if you think this method can help you, but remember that going to the doctor will never be superfluous.

Beautiful healthy skin and a well-groomed face are the ultimate dream of many girls. However, often people are faced with such an unpleasant cosmetic problem as acne, which can ruin even the most beautiful face, lower self-esteem and can make a person ugly not only in the eyes of others, but also in their own.

There are many different ways to solve this problem, but some of them do not give a long-term effect, while others are too expensive. Therefore, you can turn to magic and, with the help of simple rituals, cleanse your face. An acne conspiracy is an effective alternative that will get rid of adversity.

What you need to know about conspiracies from acne on the face

  1. Use only one cleansing rite at a time. If you apply several rituals at once, you risk not getting the desired result.
  2. Learn in advance the text of the spell as a keepsake so that during the ritual you do not go astray when reading the plot and do not say extra words.
  3. If you need to use candles during the ceremony, then use only church candles for these purposes. They have power and will enhance the effect of spoken words.
  4. Any rite that is aimed at improving health must be carried out in complete solitude. If you do not have the opportunity to stay alone in the apartment, then for the duration of the ritual, try to be in a room without strangers.
  5. You should not tell anyone about the upcoming ceremony, nor should you talk about the results of the conspiracy.
  6. It is better to pronounce a conspiracy and a prayer for acne on a waning moon. During this period, purification takes place and one should try to get rid of everything unnecessary.
  7. Three days before the ritual, fast, refrain from eating meat, eggs, fish, dairy products, alcohol. The same must be done for cigarettes.
  8. Try to focus on the process during the ceremony, do not be distracted by extraneous things or thoughts.
  9. If the ritual needs water, then use the silent one. At dawn, draw liquid from the spring into the decanter without uttering a word. If for some reason this cannot be done, put a vessel of water on the windowsill at night in such a way that moonlight and the first rays of the sun are reflected in the liquid. As a last resort, you can use melt water charged with sunlight at dawn.
  10. While reading the plot, do not forget to remove the elastic bands, hairpins from the hair, the belt from the clothes and untie the knots.
  11. Read the spell quietly, but confidently.

Acne conspiracy on water

To conduct the ceremony, pour clean prepared water into a decanter, light a candle and say the following words: “ As the surface of the sea is quiet and mirrored, so my skin will henceforth be fresh, clean, lighter than the golden sun, whiter than crystal snowflakes from now on and forever and ever. My word is strong. Let it be as I said».

Wash your face with charmed water in the morning and evening for a couple of days

Conspiracy from acne on soap

The ritual is carried out on a new soap, which will wash the face or wash the body. Say the following words to the detergent: “ Just as our Almighty God drove out the fallen angels, so acne and acne will disappear from my face and body forever. The fire of heaven will burn and destroy everything, it will renew my skin and cleanse it of dirt and evil spirits. The word is a lock, and the key to it lies in the deep ocean. May it be so. Amen».

Cream conspiracy for acne

For the ceremony, take a jar of new cream and say the following words: How will I cover my face with this life-giving cream, rid my skin of all misfortunes. From now on, my face will be beautiful, tender, clean, young and white, like that of a clear maiden, the queen of heaven, the mistress of the sea. My word is strong. My word is strong. As she said, so be it».

Use the cream as directed twice for at least a month.

Strong conspiracy for acne and blackheads

The ritual can be performed in winter or early spring when there is snow outside. For the ceremony, you will need five handfuls of snow, take it and say these words: “ I ask you, Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Anna and Saint George the Victorious, help me, I beg you, heal my body from acne, blackheads and all black. Just as this water escapes from the sky and freezes, so let all the opportunity leave my face and never return. May it be so».

Melt the snow and wash yourself with the resulting liquid for three days.

Prayer for acne