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Dua of envy. Dua from corruption and evil eye - how to use to remove witchcraft. Video: rukya from the evil eye and damage


In Islam, when turning to Allah for help from corruption and the evil eye, certain duas are read - suras from the Koran, which is a huge shrine of all Islam. The entire religion of Muslims and magical rites are built on its basis.

A very effective remedy for protection against witchcraft and removal of damage in Islam should be read the following duas from corruption and evil eye:

Dua from corruption and evil eye text

Al-Fatiha (Opening) - the first sura of the Qur'an, consisting of seven verses, Al-Ikhlas (Purification of the Faith) - 112th sura, consists of four verses, Al-Falyak (Dawn) - 113th sura of five verses, An -Nas (Morning) - the last, 114th sura in the Koran.

Hubayb (radiallahu anhu) narrated the words of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam): “To the one who says “Kul Huwallahu ahad…”, “Kul a’uzu birabbil falaq…” and “Kul a’uzu birabbinnaas…” three times each in the morning and in the evenings, that will suffice for everything.” (Abu Dawud, Hadith 5082)

عن معاذ بن عبد الله بن خبيب، عن أبيه، أنه قال: خرجنا في ليلة مطر، وظلمة شديدة، نطلب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ليصلي لنا، فأدركناه، فقال: أصليتم؟ فلم أقل شيئا، فقال: «قل» فلم أقل شيئا، ثم قال: قل» فلم أقل شيئا، ثم قال: «قل» فقلت: يا رسول الله ما أقول؟ قال قل قل هو الله أحد والمعوذتين حين تمسي، وحين تصبح، ثلاث مرات تكفيك من كل شيء

This hadeeth says that "this will be enough from everything." This means that if a person acts according to this hadith with complete faith and punctuality, he will be protected from all evil, including black magic, the evil eye and evil spirits.

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الَّذِي لَا يَضُرُّ مَعَ اسْمِهِ شَيْءٌ فِي الأَرْضِ وَلَا فِي السَّمَاءِ، وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ العَلِيمُ

Transliteration: Bismillahilliazi la yadurru ma'asmihi shay-un fil-ardy wa la fis-samaa, wa huwas-sami'ul-'alim.
Translation: In the name of Allah, with the protection of whose name nothing on earth and heaven can harm, and He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

Regardless of which surahs (duas) are used to remove corruption or protection from witchcraft, it is necessary to start reading from surah Al-Fatiha and end with surah An-Nas.

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Dua from corruption and the evil eye will help get rid of the negative impact of people who deeply believe in such an impact and strongly desire it. But these prayers are contained in the Koran and belong to the Islamic religion. This is a call to the mercy of Allah, containing any request. There are a huge number of different duas, for almost all occasions. If you are convinced that you have been negatively affected, then you can solve this problem by pronouncing special duas from corruption.

There is no such thing as luck or bad luck in the Islamic religion. Everything that happens to a person depends on the will of Allah. And the dua can be found in the Koran - the main scripture of Islam. This is a powerful weapon that every Muslim uses.

"Call me and I will answer for you"

The Qur'an says: "Call on me and I will answer for you." Moreover, the more often you turn to Allah with a request, the more likely it is that you will be heard and your desire will come true. It should be noted that the dua from corruption and the evil eye, however, like all other types of prayers, must be pronounced from a pure heart and with good intentions. In addition, those who faithfully follow the scriptures of Islam, in whose life there is no place for vices and sins, are more likely to be heard.

In order to be sure that Allah will hear you, you need to pray with zeal after prayer, between adhan and iqamat, while drinking zamzam water and before dawn. It is believed that just before sunrise, Allah asks about the presence of the needy or the one who asks. And remember, you can ask Allah only for the sake of good deeds and for good people!

How to pronounce the dua from corruption and the evil eye

He pronounces a dua or, as the Arabs also call them, suras are better in chorus. When calling on Allah for help, you do not need to use any paraphernalia and observe lunar days, since dua is a prayer. The most suitable place for reading is the desert, but since we do not have one, we can perform the required actions in complete silence in an empty room. Turn off the incoming call and mobile phone beforehand so that nothing distracts you from reading.

For a greater effect, the dua from the evil eye must be pronounced in a special Arabic language. All words must be pronounced correctly, so it is better to spend a little time learning the text. Only in this case you can count on the desired result. As a rule, one person should pronounce the suras, without involving strangers, but it happens that the one subject to magical influence is not able to cope on his own, and then someone else can read the prayer. After reading the dua from the evil eye and damage by another person, he should blow on the victim.

Prayers from evil

By reading the suras, you can get rid of such negative influences as the evil eye or damage. The following duas from corruption and the evil eye are considered the most effective: Al-Fatiha - the first one including seven verses; Al-Ikhlas, 112th sura, consisting of four verses; Al-Falyak, the 113th sura, which consists of five verses.

Duas from the evil eye of children and adults are mostly short and ordinary. The texts of prayers can, if necessary, be found in the Koran. Please note that the suras must be memorized, and not just read. You need to ask Allah for help twice a day, before dawn and in the evening. Each prayer is said three times.

Evil eye protection

To protect the prophet from the evil eye, two verses from Surah Kalam were sent down. The Mushriks of Mecca tried in every possible way to harm the Prophet, and they turned to one Arab who had the ability of the evil eye to bring damage to Muhammad (the prophet). This man gave his consent, but Allah, in order to protect his Prophet, sent down to him 51-52 verses, designed to extinguish the effects of the evil eye and remove the negative program.

How the evil eye works

The evil eye and corruption do exist, and it cannot be denied. So that you are not jinxed, you need to pronounce the following words of appeal to Allah: "May Allah make it blessed." Also, in order to save a person from the effects of the evil eye, the one who jinxed must perform ablution.

You need to be able to distinguish where a person is simply jealous, and where the evil eye takes place. Envy is when you feel hatred for someone and want him to be deprived of all blessings. And the evil eye is the result of negative or even positive emotions experienced by a person. You can even, unwillingly, jinx your children, family or property. There are people who unconsciously can harm someone or something. Once they were not even allowed to go outside. Even the fact is attested that during the time of the pious Umar there were such people to whom the state paid a certain amount so that they agreed not to leave the house and not harm others. It should be clarified that the dua from damage and the evil eye are almost the same, since damage and the evil eye are similar in their effects. Both are harmful to humans.

A lot of diseases that cause people to die, while doctors simply shrug their shoulders, come from the evil eye. But, of course, the evil eye itself, and the harm caused to it - all this is according to the eternal Will of Allah, according to His Predestination. Many people think that there is no evil eye, although in fact its consequences can be terrible. After all, sometimes even a healthy person suddenly begins to suffer from headaches, a sharp deterioration in health in general, deterioration or loss of vision, as well as other serious illnesses that can even lead to death, while doctors cannot find the cause of this problem, appear this is how the evil eye often works. Harm can also come from shaitan and with magic directed against a person, and you can protect yourself from terrible consequences with the help of a dua.

Principles of using Dua (Muslim prayer) from corruption and evil eye

Many people know how effective and useful duas from the evil eye, from corruption, but not everyone knows exactly what duas are, how and when to read them. Often people wonder how to use the dua from the evil eye, as well as what is the strongest dua that is recommended to read. In this article, we will try to cover this topic in detail and talk about the dua from the evil eye (including the dua from the evil eye for children), the dua from damage, the dua from illness and the evil eye. Therefore, if you are looking for dua (Muslim prayers) from the evil eye, we advise you to read this article in full.

To know how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the harm of the evil eye and damage, you need to figure out: what is it? Undoubtedly, such concepts as the evil eye and magic are known in Islam.

  • Magic is a combination of harmful actions and words. Magic is different. Some magic is performed through acts of disbelief or by speaking words of disbelief, in which case, the person practicing such magic, these acts of disbelief lead to disbelief. For example, if a person worships the planets, the sun, shaitans, etc. Other magic that happens without committing any kind of disbelief is also forbidden and this is a great sin. One of the special ways to help avoid the influence of magic is to repeat every day in the morning and in the evening the last three Surahs from the Koran: “Al-Ihl ace"," Al-Fala to"," An-N a With". May Allah save us in the name of God in Arabic "Allah", the letter "x" is pronounced like ه in Arabic from Satan and the harm of pests.
  • The evil eye is the infliction of harm by an unkind look. It occurs when a person looks at someone with envy and bad intention, wanting him to lose the benefits he has, even if he utters words of praise or admiration. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, warned people that there is such a concept of the evil eye. In one of the Hadiths, the meaning is said: “The evil eye is the truth. At the same time, there is a shaitan and envy of a person”, i.e. at the moment when a person envies someone and speaks words of praise at the same time, shaitan intervenes and because of this, the person who was looked at with a bad look gets harm.

Also, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said meaning: “When a person sees in himself, in his property or relatives what he admires, let him read the dua, turning to Allah, so that there is a barakah (blessing), indeed, the evil eye - true". And so that there is no misunderstanding “why was it said that the evil eye happens only with bad intention, but at the same time, a person can jinx himself?”, let’s explain: for example, a person looked at himself or his relatives with admiration and with bad intention, t .e. complacency or bragging, thinking that this is only his merit, then you should read the dua so that there is no evil eye. But when a person looks with surprise and admiration at these blessings or at himself without such an intention, but with gratitude to God, this will not cause the evil eye.

If at some point you noticed that someone looked at you or someone close, making a compliment or admiring, then despite the fact that we will not be able to find out the intention of the person, nevertheless, for safety, read the dua from the evil eye and envy. For example, the following dua from the evil eye is known:

بِسْمِ اللهِ على نَفْسِي ومَالِي وأهْلِي

"Bismillayaah and 'alaya nafsia in a m aa l ai in a ahl ai»

Meaning: "In the name of Allah, let there be a fence for me, my property and my family."

Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic, peace and blessings be upon him, warned that a person can jinx himself and his children, even without wanting it, so He advised that we turn to Allah with a request to receive protection from the evil eye and damage, saying these words:

اللَّهُمَّ بّارِك فِيهِ ولا تَضُرَّه

"All a humma b a rick f and h and at a l I that d urrahu", which means: "O Allah! Grant blessings and protect him from harm."

And if a person admired himself, then for protection let him read:

اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ فِي جَسَدِي وَلاَ تَضُرَّهُ

"All a humma b a rick f and jasad and at a l I that d urrahu." It means: “O Allah! Bless my body, protect it from any harm."

And if you admired something, looking at another, then you should say:

بِسْمِ اللهِ مَا شَاءَ اللهُ

Bismill I h and m a-sh a-all a h

It means: “In the Name of Allah! Everything happens according to the Will of Allah.

Children often suffer because of the evil eye, and the evil eye can also affect babies. The child may have a fever and nausea, the state of health may deteriorate sharply, and doctors are lost in the diagnosis and treatment.

Once, as a result of the evil eye, Hassan and Hussein, the grandsons of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, fell ill. Angel Jibrail asked Him about the reason for His sadness, then the Prophet told about what had happened. And Jibrail said that the Prophet, peace be upon him, read the following dua:

اللَّهُمَّ ذا السُّلْطَانِ العَظِيمِ وَالْمَنِّ الْقَدِيمِ ذَا الرَّحْمَةِ الكَرِيمِ وَلِيَّ الكَلِمَاتِ التَّامَّاتِ وَالدَّعَوَاتِ المُسْتَجَابَاتِ عَافِ حَسَناً وَحُسَيْناً مِنْ أنْفُسِ الجِنِّ وَأَعْيُنِ الإنْسِ

« All a humma h a-ssul that nil'a hs m at al-mannil to hell and m h ar-ra X matil-kar and m, at Aliyal Kalim a tit-t a mm a ti at ad-da'a ata til mustaj a b a ti ‘ a fi X asanan at a X usainan min anfusil-jinni at a a'unil-ins».

This prayer means: “O Allah! Ruler over all! The one that bestows life and mercy! The one who sent Heavenly Messages, responding to appeals! Grant recovery to Hassan and Hussein from the harm of the jinn and the evil eye of people.

After the Prophet, peace be upon him, read this dua, by the Will of Allah, Hassan and Hussein received healing. This is a strong prayer, which is read 7 times, while the name of the patient is called. It is also recommended to read this dua after each Namaz without getting up.

There is great benefit from reciting dhikr:

لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ، لَهُ الْمُلْكُ، وَ لَهُ الْحَمْدُ، يُحْيِي وَ يُمِيتُ، وَ هُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ

L I silt I ha illusll a h at a X yesh at l I ball and kya lyah, lyahul-mulku at and lyahul- X amd, yuhy and at a yum and t, at a hu at a'al I cooly chi-in to hell and R

This means: "There is no creator but Allah - the One and Only, Who has no partner, helper, all power belongs to Him and for Him all praises, He is the One Who gives life and death, and He is Almighty."

These words are recommended to be pronounced 10 times after Namaz As-Subh and Maghrib, without changing the position of the body and without saying extraneous words. In addition to the many other benefits for reciting this dhikr, a person will also be protected against witchcraft, against you-was and safety from trouble.

Certain protective dhikrs can be listened to online and audio recordings can be included, because of this there can be a blessing and protection. But at the same time, it is necessary to select a record with the correct correct reading, since in our time, records made by incompetent people who are not worth listening to are especially widespread on the Internet.

And if a person already shows signs of the evil eye or magic, and after reading the dua from witchcraft, etc., he still does not feel any improvement, then he should contact a knowledgeable competent imam (or religious teacher) to remove damage or evil eye.

Do not forget also that a truly powerful result for safety against damage and, in general, protection from harm, including sihr (witchcraft), will give you the observance of duties. A person who skips Namaz, who does not perform obligatory rituals, is more exposed to danger than an observant Muslim.

What is dua

The word Dua is an Arabic word meaning supplication (prayer). When we read Dua, we ask Allah for some good. Prayer (Du' a`), truly, occupies an important place in the life of a believer. And the life of a believer is a life with a firm conviction that the fate predetermined by Allah is unchangeable. You need to be absolutely sure that everything happens according to the Eternal Will of Allah. Allah is Almighty, only He is the One Who creates benefit or harm, illness or healing. Therefore, when you read the dua and ask the Lord to protect you from harm, you understand that everything will be as it is ordained by Allah. But even if in the end what this Muslim asked for in his dua does not happen, then let him not be upset, because for the very reading of the dua (for turning to the Creator in a Prayer) with hope and sincere intention, insha Allah awaits him sawab (reward).

Tohow to read texts

Before you start reading special dhikrs, dua to yourself for protection, as well as to protect, for example, your children, you need to learn how to pronounce the text in Arabic correctly. It is important to read the texts of the Ayats correctly, without distortion. If a person wants to treat someone from magic, the harm of the devil or the evil eye, then he must obtain permission to do so. Not everyone can do this. Some of the cases are known when, while engaging in self-healing, without being trained in this and without permission, people themselves suffered from a jinn, which can cause great harm to the reader if he is not properly prepared. Therefore, before embarking on such activities, a person should be well aware of this: who and how can treat people from the evil eye and damage.

Tohow to use dua for evil eye

Above, we have already listed strong duas from the evil eye that can be read for protection, as well as for treatment, including if another person has an evil eye. We also remind you: in order to be useful, while reading, do not forget to make a sincere intention, trusting in Allah Almighty.

Now we give other examples of the use of protection:

  • On younger children who still cannot read, one could hang special khirzas on which Ayats are written for protection. The Hadith says that the Companions wrote Ayats for protection and hung them on their children. (We have mentioned in more detail about the permissibility of wearing them and the evidence for this in other articles).
  • It is said that from the evil eye you can read Surah Al-Fatih 7 times on water, 7 times Ayat Al-Kursiy, Surahs Al-Ihlyas, Al-Falyak, An-Nas 11 times and then drink. It is said that if a person does this, it can become a very powerful tool for healing.
  • In order to protect yourself from an unbelieving oppressor, you can read the following words, then you should blow on him
    اللَّهُ اللَّهُ رَبِّي لاَ أشْرِكُ بِهِ شَيْئاً
    All a Hu All a hu robb and l I ushriku bih and shai- a

There are many permissible reasons, as a result of which a person, by the Will of Allah, will receive a strong protection from all evil and every evil. But it should be remembered that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, forbade the use of amulets on which texts were written that contradicted the beliefs of Muslims.

Prayers from the evil eye and corruption in the Koran (Qur`but not)

Holy Book Quran this word must be read in Arabic as - الْقُـرْآن contains special Ayats that are used to treat various diseases. It is important to remember that there is no magic in the Quran itself. On the contrary, verses from the Koran are used to treat magic, the evil eye and diseases.

For example, it is known that "Ayatul-Kursiyy" helps to eliminate the effects of magic and other bad phenomena. Many Muslims hang "Ayatul-Kursiyy" written on a picture or piece of paper in their homes. It is very useful to read this Ayat in the house so that the jinn who may live in it leave it.

Listen to Ayat Al-Kursiy

And also the last three Surahs from the Koran are distinguished by a big feature, as we mentioned above, it is recommended to repeat them three times in the morning and in the evening. Here is the text of these Surahs.

Three prayers of protection

Listen Sura Al-Ihl IWith

Listen to Surah Al-Falyak

Listen to Surah An-nas

May Allah protect us from the evil eye and corruption! Amine.

Dua from corruption and evil eye is one of the few ways for devout Muslims to limit themselves from shaitanism, evil eye and evil intentions. In our article, we will consider all options for protection from enemies, curses and dark witchcraft. After all, it is known that at the present time, when even at work, competition can turn into real enmity or a bloody war, all means are good to achieve the goal.

It is known that in Islam witchcraft is forbidden and is considered a terrible sin, and those who use it to achieve certain preferences or positions in society will fall to Iblis. In general, there is no difference for what purpose witchcraft is used, because if a person has already taken this risky and obviously illegal step, then his thoughts are evil. It is believed that such people in the future will not be able to get to Paradise in any way, because the way there is blocked for sorcerers.

Together with all of the above, however, witchcraft is a very real phenomenon that comes into contact with the material world and can change a person’s life, influence it and bring irreparable consequences. By themselves, magical manipulations give results only due to the fact that there is contact with supernatural entities, the so-called jinn or shaitans, which once again confirms the evil will of the performer of such a ritual.

How can a believing Muslim protect himself from evil intent, especially associated with dark and sinful witchcraft? Only with the help of Allah and tireless prayer can you ward off the evil eye or damage to the envious person. Dua is a prayer of the Almighty for help at a difficult moment, a kind of honoring him, associated with a request that only he alone can fulfill, because that is his will. In Islam, there are a huge number of different duas dedicated to various everyday circumstances, because it is said by the Almighty in the Koran: "Call on me and I will answer you."

You may be interested in: a prayer from the evil eye and corruption for the Orthodox.

Usually duas are used before starting any new business in order to get some kind of "approval". By itself, prayer is done for oneself, later - absolutely for all relatives and friends, as well as for all believers. Prayer should begin with the exaltation of the Almighty and the direction of blessings to the prophet. Prayer must be said persistently, repeating what is requested many times, while being in a state of complete bodily and spiritual purity.

Dua in the same way can be used to ward off slander, corruption, or the evil eye. However, before using the Muslim prayer to remove the soil and the evil eye, you need to be absolutely sure that you have already been jinxed and all your misfortunes happen precisely for this reason.

The fact is that in Islam, in principle, there are no such concepts as "luck" or "bad luck", because everything that happens around, the state of affairs is such only because it is the will of the Almighty. Therefore, perhaps, if everything in your life is not going well or even tragically, you should pay attention to what kind of person you are, critically approach this issue. It may be that leading through trials and difficulties, the Almighty only shows you that it is worth changing something and therefore this issue cannot be approached lightly, looking for an easy way of deliverance in this. Duas do not work as wishes, in our case, it is getting rid of dark spells through relentless glorification and appeal to Allah.

Muslim prayers from corruption and evil eye

Many occult practitioners are sure that in order to protect your home, the life of yourself and your family from bad witchcraft and, first of all, from damage or the evil eye, it is not necessary to resort to reciprocal witchcraft and get dirty in all sorts of rituals, because the holy book of the Quran contains yourself everything you need to protect yourself.

The Koran, in fact, is the only holy book in Islam, because the book, written by Allah himself, contains virtually everything that a true Muslim needs for religious rites and rituals. As for prayers from the evil eye in Islam, according to many authoritative sources, such a prayer can only work if the prayer is sincere in his intentions and is sure that this will help him, because it will require all his strength from him. faith aimed at getting rid of bad omens. It is also worth noting that such prayers can help from the evil eye only adherents of Islam, Christians, Buddhists or Hindus are not able to help even the strongest and most powerful surahs from the evil eye, since the unbelievers are not sweet to the will of Allah.

Now let's go directly to how devout Muslims can protect themselves from evil magic, there is quite a lot of information on this subject, however, not all can be trusted. We will try to give you recommendations on how not to become a victim of damage. So, first of all, this is truth in deeds - this is how you protect yourself from not becoming a victim of someone's malicious intent. Secondly, real protection will be the feeling of being a slave of the Almighty and the recognition of all the fullness of his power over your life and everything that happens in the world. After all, everything is the will of Allah, including the fact that your life and well-being will be reliably protected. Thirdly, this is a constant stay among people, feeling and recognizing oneself as part of a team.

According to many Islamic religious figures, being in society, its general collective will is capable of performing great miracles and driving away the devil. This also includes the strict fulfillment of group prayer. And, of course, following the Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet will be the guarantee of security, because where else can the wisdom of the whole world be contained, if not in a book written by the Most High himself?

Of course, you can ask for protection from the Almighty himself, because who, if not he, can protect you? For this, there are special prayers among Muslims. Constant ablution is also protection, because a person who is clean in body, who is in constant ablution, is under the protection of angels, who, in turn, are controlled by Allah.

Also, in order to protect yourself from evil forces, you should enliven the night with your tireless prayer, because nothing cleanses the soul and thoughts of a person like praising Allah in the night when you want to sleep so much. In conclusion, it should be said that some sages assure that in order to protect yourself from any damage or the evil eye, it is worth eating exactly seven dates on an empty stomach, because this is how the Prophet escaped from the pagan witchcraft of ill-wishers. Also, it is important to read special suras that are directed against evil interference in your life, which we will discuss in more detail below.

Dua from the evil eye

If you are sure that you were subject to someone's evil eye, damage or curse, then you can try the dua, which will be presented to your attention below. However, before directly considering those prayers that can help you, we will consider what the evil eye is. According to authoritative sources, the evil eye is a type of curse that involves causing harm, sometimes quite serious damage, with an evil look.

Often this type of curse is associated with envy, an unfriendly attitude towards someone else's well-being, happiness or wealth. For example, a person admires or envies some object, contemplating it, as a result of which, having received a negative impulse, the object becomes a kind of “damned”, it can be lost. To protect yourself from this kind of manifestation of dark witchcraft, you need to use prayers to remove the damage to the evil eye in the Koran.

Special duas for removing the evil eye and damage are very short, formulated, in some way even concise, because they are read directly from the Koran. Thus, the dua for removing the evil eye is the suras, then we will give and list them.

So, in order to remove the curse of the evil eye on yourself, you need to use the following suras: Al-Fatiha, she is the first sura of the Koran, Al-Ihlas, the one hundred and twelfth sura, Al-Falyak, she is the one hundred and thirteenth sura and, finally, Al-Nas, one hundred and fourteenth sura.

It is these prayers that should help you in the fight against dark sorcery, witchcraft and an evil eye. When applying these suras, it is imperative to use them and read them in the indicated order, reading in any other order will nullify all efforts, the expected effect of deliverance simply will not follow. The ritual itself must be carried out at night, however, the last sura must be read before dawn.

There is also an opinion that in order for the prayer to work with the maximum possible effect, it should be read directly from the Koran, while reading it in Arabic, always without translation. Of course, at the same time, not only the Arabic, but also the Tatar prayer for the removal of damage can help you. However, they say that if you need to read a translation, then, while reading it, you need to recite the surahs by heart, while the Koran should lie on the knees of the prayer.

Also in Islam there is another very strong dua that can fully free you from the shackles of dark witchcraft. This is Sura Ya-Sin, she is the thirty-sixth sura of the Koran. However, it is quite possible that you will need a lot of time and effort to read it, since this sura is very long and consists of eighty-three verses from the evil eye. In order for the prayers to work the way you want it, that is, with maximum impact, the victim himself must read the suras, repeating them day after day, week after week until the very moment he realizes that the moment of deliverance has come and Changes have taken place in his life.

It is worth noting that sometimes it happens that witchcraft is very strong, and its destructive power is so great that the victim, broken by illness or misfortune, is simply unable to rise from bed. In this case, the sura can be read by another person, however, it is important that this person be close and benevolent to the victim, only in this case the dua will have an effect. Moreover, many argue that at the same time, the victim should not even suspect that outsiders are praying for his salvation, but only rely on the will of Allah, at least mentally - this is how prayers from the evil eye work in Islam.

Approaching the end of our article on how to protect yourself from the manifestation of evil in the Muslim world, I would like to say once again that dua is a very powerful tool that cannot be used lightly or lightly. Dua can protect your children from the evil eye, protect your home and family comfort only if you one hundred percent believe in their strength and the will of Allah. You also need to be absolutely sure that you have already been jinxed if you use the dua specifically against the evil eye. First, try to understand yourself, maybe you led the life of a not quite respectable Muslim or just not a very honest person? Leading you through hardships and trials, Allah makes you better, that's his will. However, if you are sure that you have become a victim of a curse and do not see any other way out, then be sure to use prayer as a means of protection.

Allah is great and just, and who, if not he, can help you find peace? Approach the reading of the Quran from the evil eye with complete seriousness and purity of thoughts, perform the reading exactly as we indicated in our article and, believe me, if it is the will of the Almighty, then your life will change very quickly - do not just stop your prayers. At the end of our article, we would like to once again note the fact that witchcraft in Islam is a terrible sin, and those who violate the ban will not have a place in Paradise. And what witchcraft or what power of the devil in this world can be compared with the greatness of Allah and his abilities?

Therefore, although you should beware of bad people and places, you should not be afraid, because you are always under his protection, especially if you spend enough time in prayer and strictly follow his will. Peace to your home and may the Almighty protect us from all evil!

Dua from the evil eye is used only by people who sincerely believe in the healing possibilities of this method. This is a Muslim tradition. And Allah taught: everything that happens is right.

It happens exactly what should and is necessary for a person at the moment. You feel the depth of this thought. Resistance is unacceptable. It takes humility and trust.

On the other hand, Allah gave the faithful suras, including for protection from evil forces. So, he allowed them to be used as a shield from evil spirits.

But this is in severe cases. And from an ordinary evil eye, you can heal yourself.

: how to read and what to read

Allah told his followers to turn to him on all occasions. Therefore, you need to ask for protection with full confidence that you will be heard.

To remove the evil eye, 112 suras are read. You can find it in the Koran. Everything is written in Arabic.

For those who do not have the necessary knowledge, but want to apply this particular method, it is recommended to study with a teacher. You need to learn the surah by heart.

There is another option - contact a Muslim to read a sura for you - a talisman.

Remember: You can only ask for good deeds. In no case do not express intention to punish the offender. You will be doubly responsible for this thought.

We must believe that everyone will receive exactly what they deserve. These are the rules of Muslim protection from the evil eye.

In addition to 112 suras, 113 and 114 are also used. All of them are written to strengthen the strength of the afflicted.

And remember: the appeal to Allah should be from the heart, complete, open, sincere. Do not under any circumstances do this in a hurry.

Clear your thoughts, calm down, sit in silence. Only then open the Quran.

Children are also treated with 112 Sura. It is called Al-Ikhlas. In addition, Al-Fatiha (the first sura) should also be pronounced. It enhances the effect.

All prayers are read three times in a row. After each time, they blow on the child. If you feel an unkind look, then say to yourself:

"May Allah make it blessed"

That's how you get out of trouble. Please note: a baby can be jinxed not only with evil, but also with good. If he is highly praised, then say this phrase.

Let not excessive attention become the cause of illness or other suffering.

When, however, the child was hit, then it must be read. This is done twice a day. In the evening - before going to bed, and early in the morning (before sunrise).

Prayers must be said correctly. Naturally, they will have to learn.

By the way, now there are a lot of videos on the net where the suras are pronounced slowly, with the correct pronunciation and stress. You can use this example so as not to be mistaken.

Dua from envy and evil eye

Allah said that he would hear every caller. Only He did not promise that He would listen to you only in case of need.

To protect yourself from envy, you should turn to Allah every day. Prayers are taken three times.

The main one is the pre-dawn appeal. This is the time when Allah watches over his "wards" especially carefully.

It is believed among Muslims that Allah at this time carefully listens to their aspirations.

It is necessary to independently correct your thoughts and intentions. Do not allow envy yourself, and Allah will not send you such a test.

That is, you need to turn to Him with pure thoughts, with complete humility. Rejoice in what Allah has sent you, then He will take care of you further.

There is one important thing that only Muslims will tell you. It is not allowed to read suras in an uncleaned room.

Women who are engaged in treatment will never start rituals until they bathe from head to toe. They say there is no other way.

You need to wash off the dirt from yourself and only then turn to Allah.

Everything around should be neat, beautiful, fresh. Keep the Koran (if you read from it) in a special box or wrap it in a clean towel.

When preparing to read, place a clean, pretty napkin under the book. Little things like that matter. They teach you not to accumulate rubbish, both in the house and in your thoughts.

Dua from witchcraft and evil eye

Below are the words of the suras for those who cannot find the audio version. So from the evil eye it is necessary to read three times:

"Hasbialahu la ilaha ilahua alayhi tawakaltu wa hua rabul arshil azim"

If the first sura does not help, then you have not just an evil eye. Try reading seven times:

"Bismilahi khairil asmai bismilahi lazii la yaduru maa ismihi shayun fil ardi wa lafi-samai"

Note that these words must be heard several times from the lips of a person who speaks Arabic. Otherwise, mistakes in pronunciation cannot be avoided.

Those who wish to practice dua should remember that this method only works if you profess the appropriate ideology.

You can’t fight competitors during the day, build insidious intrigues, and read suras in the evening and think that misfortune will blow you away. That won't work.

Allah gave his followers not only the Koran, but a whole system of worldviews.

With regard to the fight against evil, one should not imitate unkind people. It should be understood: everything created has the right to exist.

You should not mentally destroy the one who jinxed you. This is the same sin as envy. It is worth taking the enemy for granted.

Once he appeared, then you deserve it. Think about what you need to change in your worldview.

Please note: Allah hears not only the words of the sura. He perceives all your feelings and thoughts. If you are guilty, then you should repent.

In general, you need to tune in to the wave of the Koran. Live according to it, according to its main idea. Then the reading of the suras will acquire magical power. Allah will hear you.