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Is it possible to predict the sex of the child before conception. Calculator for determining the sex of the child. Planning the sex of the child according to folk methods

Planning the sex of the child is an important occupation of future parents. It turns out that it is possible to determine in advance the birth of a boy or a girl using the right methods, the past time and many married couples.

The sex of a newborn child was laid at the cellular level. From school biology lessons, every person remembers that a cell consists of a cytoplasm and a nucleus. It is the nucleus that contains a set of specific chromosomes. A healthy cell has 46 chromosomes - i.e. 23 couples.

All 22 pairs for men and women are exactly the same. The differences are only in the last 23 pair.
In the female body, these are two "X" chromosomes, in the male - "X" and "Y".

If at the time of conception the egg (female cell) meets with the "X" sperm (male cell), then after 9 months a girl will be born, and if with the "Y" sperm, a boy will be born.

Chromosomes "X" and "Y"

Back in the 60s of last year, scientists concluded that it was possible to predetermine the future sex! It all depends on the degree of cell activity.

The fact is that male cells with X chromosomes are distinguished by their vitality, but not activity. Being in the uterine cavity, they can safely wait 48 hours for ovulation. On the other hand, cells with "Y" chromosomes are more active, but are subject to rapid death. They can quickly reach the egg and fertilize it if conception occurred on the day of ovulation.

How to influence the gender of the child?

This desire arose in mankind from time immemorial and it is still relevant today. It is interesting that it took its beginning in ancient China and can be traced in many European countries. You can believe in it, but you can not, but the easterners are sure that girls are most often born to smoking parents. It is tobacco that can influence the number of "X" chromosomes in the male material. The Japanese even emphasize that a man must smoke one pack of cigarettes a day.

Men who smoke have more "X" chromosomes

Other researchers, from the other side of the world - Italians, have determined that the sex of the unborn child is affected by the time of year. So, they are absolutely sure that in the fall there is the greatest opportunity to conceive a boy, because this season affects the concentration of Y chromosomes in male sperm.

Autumn is the time for the conception of boys

The ancient scientists also believed that the moon could influence this decision. Couples need to plan sexual relations not only depending on its phases, but also take into account weather conditions. For example, the Egyptians knew for sure that the full moon favors the appearance of a son. They knew that a girl would be born if the woman was impregnated immediately after her period. Well, Aristotle himself insisted that if a couple wants a boy, she needs to conceive a child at a time when the north wind blows, and a girl when the south wind blows.

Theory of blood renewal

Modern man hardly pays attention to the weather and the phase of the moon during fertilization. However, there are several basic methods that allow you to accurately predict the sex of the unborn child. Increasingly, couples are planning the sex of the baby according to the fashionable European theory of blood renewal.

Planning the sex of the child for the renewal of blood

It is believed that, first of all, the Rh factor affects the sex of the child, and only then the age of the parents.

Chinese gender planning calendar

Table of the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of the child by the age of the mother

According to the results of special studies, male blood is able to be renewed every four years. Women's blood does this more often - once every three years.

The formula for calculating the sex of the child

To determine, you need to multiply the age of the father in months by four and divide by 16. Then you should multiply the age of the mother in months by three and divide by 12. Compare the numbers obtained, if the male number is greater, there will be a boy, if the female number is a girl.

Formula for determining the sex of a child before conception:
For a man: Y = 4 x (whole number of months lived: 16)
For woman: X \u003d 3 x (whole number of months lived: 9).
If the male number Y is greater than the female number X, then these parents will have a boy. If the female number X is greater than the male number Y, then these parents will have a girl.

Child gender calculation table

How to use the table? This is the Japanese calendar, which consists of two tables. According to the first table, we determine the number from 1 to 12 and look for this number in another table, and plan the gender of the unborn child.

The first table of the Japanese calendar for determining the sex of a child

The second table of the Japanese calendar for calculating the gender of the child

Medical planning techniques

Such planning is quite possible, but highly undesirable. Medical planning allows you to determine the sex of the future baby with 100% accuracy using chromosome staining. Such planning is allowed for couples undergoing artificial insemination and is prohibited in many countries, such as China. It is believed that this method is not natural and can lead to an imbalance on the planet.

Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis

It is used mainly for genetic diseases in parents to prevent the transmission of this disease to the child.

In addition, preimplantation genetic diagnosis is performed in couples with an increased risk of congenital anomalies in children, which is not associated with the carriage of the diagnosed mutations. Such cases include couples where the mother's age is over 35; where the father's age is above 39; if the father has severe disorders of spermatogenesis; in couples with habitual miscarriage; in couples with repeated unsuccessful IVF attempts.

Independent planning of the sex of the baby

The more people, the more opinions.

There is also a theory among the people that says that the less often there is sex in a couple’s life, the more likely it is to conceive a girl. And vice versa: more often - to the boy.

Therefore, some couples practice the method of abstinence and then proceed to insemination, and therefore often have sex when they want to conceive a son. This theory is valid, since spermatozoa tend to mature quickly.

Nutrition for conceiving the desired child

French scientists concluded that adhering to a strict diet will allow predetermining the sex of the baby. Moreover, it is believed that a certain diet should be observed during menstruation. Before conception, mom should follow a strict two-month diet. For example, if a woman wants a boy, she should give preference to:

  • potatoes
  • mushrooms
  • bananas
  • oranges
  • dates

Food should be seasoned with plenty of salt.

If a woman wants to conceive a girl, she needs to eat:

  • eggplant
  • dairy
  • cucumbers
  • pumpkin
  • beets
  • polka dots
  • pepper

Statistics show that this method has a performance exceeding 80%. It should also be borne in mind that dieting can have both positive and negative effects. Lack of trace elements leads to beriberi.

Folk signs for planning the sex of the child

There are many different folk remedies, both effective and stupid, conducive to the birth of a certain gender of the baby. For example, our great-grandmothers and great-great-grandmothers were sure that if you put an ax under your pillow during conception, a boy will be born, and if threads - a girl.

It is also known that if mothers consume sweets, this contributes to the birth of a girl, and salty - a boy. Among all the recommendations and methods, it is important to highlight the most effective ones, in which there is some truth.

It will be useful to take into account the place of work of the father, because men working in hazardous industries rarely have the opportunity to conceive a boy.

This is because the carriers of the gene in male sperm are very susceptible to negative influence factors.

A huge role in planning can be given to the heredity of the parents, for example, if there are many children in families. This feature is important for both mom and dad.

Surprisingly, it is the female heredity that is unique. Pay attention to how many children are in the mother's family and what gender they are. The predominant gender can affect your child.

The female body has a predisposition to conceive boys or girls. Therefore, a fertilized egg can be rejected by the body at any time if it does not meet its requirements.

They also believe that sex depends on the physique and appearance of a woman.

It has been noticed that it is not tall and plump ladies that reproduce boys, but slender and tall ladies give birth to girls.

And you should not ignore the nature of the couple, because it often happens that strict "iron" people are predisposed to sons, and soft, flexible and gentle men most often raise daughters.

How to conceive a child by ovulation?

In planning the sex of a child by ovulation, the decisive role is played by what the spermatozoon that fertilizes the egg will be. How to find out?

It is no secret that the sex of the unborn child depends on the father, more precisely, on the set of sperm chromosomes that will fertilize the mother's egg.

At first glance, this is a simple and effective method that does not require complex calculations. For more information on this method of planning the sex of the child and other methods, get acquainted in this article Gender of the child before conception on our website.

If you want to give birth to a girl, try following these recommendations:

  • do not salt food, try to eat fresh food
  • include in the diet a large amount of dairy and sour-milk products
  • eat a lot of sweets
  • eat meat, poultry, fish
  • forget about smoked meats
  • avoid pickles
  • don't drink coffee

If you dream of a son, try:

  • salt your food generously
  • eat sausage, smoked meat, pickles
  • eat bananas often
  • include potatoes in every menu
  • do not get carried away with eggs and milk

Which of the "correct" ways is more effective is up to you to decide. The main thing is not to overdo it with efforts and do not harm your body with diets or foods that can bring you allergies.

Video: We plan the sex of the child

Planning the sex of the child by ovulation includes the following recommendations:

  • To conceive a girl, sexual intercourse must occur 2 to 3 days before ovulation. If spermatozoa “wait” for an egg longer, then there is a higher chance that spermatozoa with a female set will survive. By the time the sperm girls reach their destination, the sperm boys will no longer be able to fertilize the egg, so although arriving late, the sperm girls will still be able to fertilize the egg.
  • To conceive a boy, intercourse must occur 12 hours before ovulation. Since male sperm will reach the egg faster than female sperm, it is necessary that the sperm enter the uterus almost at the time of ovulation. Y-spermatozoa will reach the fallopian tube just in time for the release of the egg, or even earlier. Thus, the chances that the Y-sperm will fertilize the egg are higher.

The efficiency of this method is 80%.

Planning the sex of the child for the renewal of blood

Even in ancient Egypt, the method of planning the sex of a child for the renewal of blood was known. The "renewal" of blood was not some process that can be traced in the body purely physiologically, it is rather a kind of rise in vitality ( blood was considered the source of human strength), which improves the condition of the whole organism, including promoting the maturation of genetically complete germ cells ( spermatozoa and eggs). It was believed that the blood of a man is renewed every 4 years, and that of a woman every 3. Whose blood at the time of conception will be “fresh”, this sex will be a child.

To calculate whose blood is fresher, you can use calculators, spreadsheets and calculate everything manually. To use this method, you need to know the date of birth of both future parents and the date of conception. Starting from the year of birth, all the years when blood renewal took place are calculated, for example, if the mother was born in 1990, then the years of blood renewal will be 1993, 1996, 1999, 2002, and so on. For the father, they also calculate, only add 4 years each.

If the blood of the mother was renewed, for example, in 2018, and that of the father in 2016, and the parents want to conceive a child in 2019, then a girl will be born. Since 2020, the couple has a chance to give birth to a boy, as the man's blood will be renewed again. If it turned out that both future parents renewed blood in the same year, then the month of birth should be taken into account. For example, if the woman's birthday has not yet arrived, and the man has already celebrated it this year, then the man changed the blood first, and a boy should be expected. After the mother's birthday, women's blood will be considered somewhat fresher, so the chances of conceiving a girl are higher. In any case, with such a coincidence, the sex of the child is more difficult to plan in advance.

It is important to know that there are cases when the blood is renewed earlier than expected, for example, if one of the parents had profuse blood loss, blood transfusion ( surgery). In such cases, it is important to remember the year of such an event when calculating and begin to calculate further the blood renewal schedule from this date.

The veracity of this method is easy to verify if you calculate the schedules for the renewal of the blood of the mother and father and compare them with the date of conception of already born children.

Chinese Gender Planning Calendar (Chinese Gender Chart)

This method is over 700 years old. The table of sexes was used in China by the privileged persons of the royal family, it was found in the imperial tomb. Now it is known all over the world, but most often the method works for the Chinese, perhaps due to their national ( genetic) features. The method is based on the age of the mother and the month of conception. This table was created on the basis of the Chinese lunar calendar, so the age indicated in the table corresponds to the "lunar age" of the woman. It differs from the "usual" biological age. This explains the frequent discrepancy between the sex of the child and the date of conception.

So, the Chinese lunar calendar requires calculating the age of a woman not from the date of her birth, but from the date of conception, that is, you need to add 9 months to the woman's date of birth. The month of conception also does not correspond to the Gregorian style, it is also lunar, that is, it consists of 29 days ( sometimes it has 30 days). The lunar months in each year differ from the usual calendar ones, therefore, when exactly the lunar month begins and ends, you should look in advance.

Difficulties with determining the lunar age may arise in women if they were born in January and February, or rather between January 21 and February 22. The fact is that the new year according to the Chinese calendar comes precisely in this period of time. If a woman's date of birth falls before the Chinese New Year date in the year of her birth, then the year of birth will be different from the usual. For example, if the expectant mother was born in 1990 before January 27 ( date of Chinese New Year in that year), then the year of her birth is considered not 1990, but 1989, and the age must be calculated from 1989.

The table is easy to use, you need to find the age of the mother in the right column, and the month of conception in the top row. The intersection point will indicate the sex of the child if conceived in the specified month ( M - boy, D - girl).

The Chinese believe that this method of planning the sex of the child has a reliability of more than 95%.

Chinese table of sexes

Mother's lunar age

Lunar month number

Japanese method (schedule) of planning the sex of the child

The Japanese gender planning calendar is similar to the Chinese gender chart, but the Japanese take into account the month of birth of the mother and father. The calculation of the sex of the desired baby is carried out in two stages, respectively, two tables are used. In the first table, you should find the number that is in the cell where the column of the father's birth month and the line of the mother's birth month intersect.

Part one)

Mother's birth month

Father's birth month

After determining the code number, you should refer to the second table, where the resulting number must be compared with the month of conception. At the point of intersection of the numbers will be the gender of the child ( M - boy, D - girl).

Japanese gender planning table ( part two)

Code number from the first table

Month of conception

Planning the sex of the child by the age of the mother (planning by month)

This method is known from the medicine of Kazakhstan. It is based on the woman's biorhythms, her age and the month of conception and is also known as the "Shamrina method". Elena Shamrina observed women for about 20 years and determined the relationship between the woman's age and the month of conception, thus highlighting the "female" and "male" months, and they are different for the even and odd age of the woman.

Planning the sex of the child according to the Shamrina method

Gender of the unborn child

Woman's age

Good month for conception



  • February;
  • April;
  • June;
  • August;
  • October;
  • December.


  • January;
  • March;
  • July;
  • September;
  • november



  • January;
  • March;
  • July;
  • September;
  • november


  • February;
  • April;
  • June;
  • August;
  • October;
  • December.

It is important when using this method to exclude the woman's month of birth from the calculations, and also to make sure that ovulation falls in the middle of the month. If ovulation occurs in the very first or very last days of the month, then the probability of conceiving a child of the desired gender is reduced, since the biorhythms of the previous or next month can affect conception.

Shamrina also caught the following relationship. If after childbirth, even before the start of the first menstruation, a woman becomes pregnant again, then a child of the same sex is born as was recently born. It turns out that during the first menstrual cycle after childbirth, some kind of “memory” regarding fertilization or bearing a child of the desired gender is still working. It is possible that the hormonal changes in a woman's body during pregnancy also affect the conception of a child of the same sex if conception occurred in the first menstrual cycle after childbirth. This is a perfectly reasonable explanation, if we remember that a high level of male sex hormones in the female body increases the likelihood of conceiving a boy. If a woman has been carrying a boy for 9 months, then in her body there is still a certain “surplus” of male sex hormones that form the male genital organs in the fetus. Perhaps it is they who cause the re-conception of a boy in the postpartum period, if a woman gave birth to a boy a few months ago.

Postures and features of sexual behavior for the conception of a boy and a girl

Purely technically, with the help of certain sexual positions, it is possible to ensure that the spermatozoa of the desired sex reach the egg earlier. In positions that provide deep penetration ( man from behind, woman from above or standing sex), it is easier to conceive a boy, because “fast” spermatozoa with a male set of chromosomes, when thrown directly into the uterus, reach the egg faster than “slow girls”. The mucous plug of the cervical canal plays an important role in this process. During intercourse, uterine contractions cause the opening and closing of the external opening of the cervical canal, the mucous plug is partially pushed into the vagina, enveloped in sperm and pulled back.

To conceive a boy, it is also desirable that a woman reach orgasm before a man. The fact is that during orgasm, mucus is released from the cervix and vaginal walls, which has a more alkaline reaction. This reduces the acidic environment of the vagina, making it more neutral ( less acidic), contributing to the preservation of the viability of Y-spermatozoa. Therefore, if the female orgasm occurs before the male, then the environment will become neutral before the ejection of sperm ( sperm is released at the time of orgasm in a man) and “protect” spermatozoa with a male set of chromosomes, which are less resistant to acidic environments than spermatozoa with a female set.

If you want to conceive a girl, you don't need much effort. All other positions, without deep penetration, lead to sperm entering the posterior fornix of the vagina ( pocket behind uterus). The sperm stays there for a while, and then the spermatozoa move towards the uterus. The chances of conceiving a girl in such cases increase due to the fact that sperm with a female set are more resistant to the acidic environment of the vagina.

For the conception of a child of a certain gender, the frequency of sexual intercourse is also important. If future parents want a girl, then doctors recommend complete abstinence for 1.5 months, and if you want a boy, then you should try to conceive as often as possible. This recommendation is explained by the fact that with more or less prolonged abstinence, less tenacious spermatozoa carrying the Y chromosome die in the testicles, and mainly female spermatozoa remain. Perhaps this is how the body destroys already aged, and therefore genetically defective spermatozoa, if the sperm is not used for a long time ( female sperm "age" later). At the same time, with frequent sexual intercourse, the sperm is renewed, and “young” spermatozoa enter it. The effectiveness of this method is only 15 - 20 percent, and the conditions for conceiving a girl do not always suit future parents, so not everyone uses it.

Do not use lubricants lubricants to facilitate sexual intercourse) if the partners want to conceive a male child. Lubricants disrupt the acid-base balance in the vagina, which leads to the rapid death of Y-sperm, while the more tenacious X-sperm are more likely to fertilize the egg, as they are more resistant to any adverse effect of the "external" environment.

The emotions that a couple experiences during intercourse and conception of a child also affect gender. In ancient Eastern texts, there are references to the struggle between female and male energy at the moment of conception, that is, at the moment of the merging of the bodies of future parents. Energy, that is, feelings and mental “mood”, can make the egg cell more sensitive to sperm with a certain chromosome, or the female body will create an environment for the right sperm. So, if during intercourse a man shows a lot of care, affection and gives all his efforts to please the woman he loves, then he gives more of his male energy, and a boy is conceived. A girl is also born when a woman trusts her partner more and allows herself to be led, to think about his pleasure, that is, they “activate” female energy ( while a woman with such sexual intercourse may not experience an orgasm, although this will contribute to the conception of a girl).

Diet for conceiving a boy and a girl

French scientists found that the sex of the child also depends on the reaction ( acidic, alkaline) the internal environment of the woman's body and sperm. They observed the food preferences of couples who were born mainly boys or girls. As a result, doctors came to the conclusion that certain products can affect the activity of sperm with a male or female chromosome, as well as their survival in the vagina or in the uterus. The efficiency of this method is 80%.

The acid-base balance in the body may deviate somewhat more towards an acidic or alkaline reaction, remaining within the normal range. However, this slight shift is often enough to "help" sperm with female or male chromosomes more easily reach the egg. So, it is believed that the more acidic the environment in the vagina and uterus, the higher the chance that a girl will be born. For a boy to be born, a more alkaline environment is needed. Nutrition helps to achieve the right environment, because each product has an acidic or alkaline reaction.

The explanation for the effectiveness of the diet in planning the sex of the unborn child comes down to the same theory that sperm with a Y chromosome have a worse survival rate in an acidic environment, so sperm that carry the female X chromosome get a better chance. In an alkaline environment, the chances of spermatozoa carrying the male chromosome increase, since they are more mobile and have time to reach the egg faster than spermatozoa carrying the female chromosome.

To conceive a boy, you should eat foods rich in potassium, and to have a girl - rich in calcium. Potassium is a mineral that reduces the acidity of the internal environment of the body. In contrast, acidity increases calcium and foods rich in it. For the diet to “work”, you need to start adhering to it 3 months before conception, and both parents must adhere to the diet, because the acidity of the sperm affects the activity of spermatozoa no less.

Products for conceiving a boy and a girl

To conceive a boy

Products for conceiving a girl

consume more


consume more


  • meat ( any);
  • meat broths;
  • sausages, boiled pork, liver, aspic;
  • potatoes, corn, legumes, soybeans;
  • pasta;
  • mushrooms;
  • cereals;
  • spices ( especially sharp);
  • pickles;
  • salted cheese, salted cottage cheese, salted butter and margarine;
  • fish;
  • caviar ( sturgeon);
  • bananas, peaches, apricots, olives, avocados, tomatoes;
  • dried fruits ( dates, dried apricots, prunes);
  • dark chocolate, coffee;
  • bread, crackers, cookies.
  • milk ( any food with milk);
  • eggs;
  • seafood;
  • green vegetables ( lettuce, beans, onions, sweet peppers, cucumbers);
  • cocoa;
  • sweets ( including pastries, cakes, milk chocolate);
  • nuts.
  • dairy ( live fermented milk yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, curds);
  • unsalted cheese;
  • seafood ( shrimps, crabs, sea fish);
  • cucumbers, lettuce, radish, carrot, radish;
  • cilantro, parsley, dill, onion;
  • pineapple, pears, strawberries, raspberries;
  • mineral water;
  • sweet juices, fruit drinks;
  • green tea;
  • nuts;
  • spices, mustard.
  • meat ( can only be boiled);
  • salt;
  • sausages, smoked products, pâtés ( exclude);
  • salted cheese ( exclude);
  • butter, margarine possible, but not enough);
  • avocado, cabbage, beets, tomatoes, legumes ( reduce consumption);
  • pasta, rice infrequently);
  • apricots, cherries, oranges, dried apricots, bananas, dates ( it is desirable to exclude);
  • black chocolate;
  • coffee.

If future parents want a boy, then they can salt the food abundantly, but if they want a girl, then it is recommended not to salt anything.

According to the Trivers-Willard theory, girls are born at auspicious times, that is, when there is enough food. In times of famine, the number of boys born increases. This is probably the same natural mechanism that is activated to increase the number of men in the population in "bad times" ( when you need to protect the family and stimulate the birth of more children.) Knowing about this mechanism, it is possible to offer women to eat high-calorie food if they want to conceive a girl, and eat less before conception if they plan to give birth to a boy.

Italian researcher Angelo Gagnacci put forward a different assumption, observing 10,000 women. Comparing their weight before pregnancy and the sex of the child born, the scientist came to the following conclusion. If at the time of conception a woman's weight is less than 54 kilograms, then she is more likely to give birth to a girl, and if the weight was more than 54 kilograms, then boys are born. It is believed that it is more difficult to endure a boy, so nature takes care of "thin" expectant mothers and gives them a girl. However, this observation does not refute Trivers' theory, because thinness often occurs in women with an accelerated metabolism, who eat plentifully, but still do not get fat. At the same time, women who are overweight deny themselves high-calorie foods, and low-calorie foods, according to Trivers' theory, are one of the factors in conceiving boys.

Planning the sex of the child by blood type and Rh factor of the parents

Blood type and Rh are indicators of red blood cells that depend on the presence of certain proteins on the surface of red blood cells. Rh is positive if there is a protein called “antigen D” on red blood cells, and if it is absent, then Rh is considered negative ( no protein).

Gender of the child according to the Rh factor of the parents

Many researchers believe that even if one of the parents is Rh negative, then the probability of giving birth to a girl is higher, and if both future parents have the same Rh ( no matter positive or negative), then a boy is born.

With blood groups, things are a little more complicated. Belonging to one or another blood group depends on the combination of proteins A and B in erythrocytes. To find out your Rh and blood type, you need to take a blood test.

Gender of the child according to the blood type of the parents

Mother's blood type

Father's blood group

Planning the sex of the child according to the phases of the moon (according to the lunar calendar, according to the sign of the zodiac)

Closely related to the method of planning sex by months is planning by the zodiac, that is, by the location of the moon in a particular zodiac at the time of conception. This method is widely used in India. It is based on the division of all 12 zodiac signs into "male" and "female". The moon during its cycle moves from one sign to another every 2.5 days. So, to conceive a boy, you need to plan the conception at the moment when the moon is in such constellations as Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius. To conceive a girl, you should wait until the moon is in such constellations as Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

In addition to this rule, Hindus also take into account the signs of the zodiac of the parents themselves. If a woman was born under a "male" zodiac sign ( Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius), then she often has a girl as her first child, or a boy is born under the “female” sign of the zodiac. The girl will also be born first if both future parents are under the auspices of the "male" zodiac sign. The same rule works in reverse for women born under the "female" zodiac sign ( Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces). That is, a woman born under a "female" zodiac sign will be the first to give birth to a boy or a girl under a "male" zodiac sign.

As you can see, this method is inaccurate ( both the biological and astrological sex of the child are equated), however, in order to increase the chances of having a child of the desired sex, it is worth considering these astrological features.

Planning the sex of the child during IVF

It is possible to choose the sex of the unborn child if fertilization is carried out using assisted reproductive technologies, for example, in vitro fertilization ( ECO). IVF is a procedure carried out in the laboratory, in which several maternal eggs are fertilized with paternal spermatozoa, resulting in several embryos ( embryos). Before introducing the embryos into the uterus in some cases ( according to indications) pre-implantation genetic diagnosis is performed. This procedure is needed to determine the presence or absence of genetic diseases by the chromosome set of the embryo and select a healthy embryo ( some hereditary diseases are sex-linked, that is, they are transmitted through the Y or X chromosome). At the same time, the procedure allows you to find out which particular sperm fertilized the egg - with the X or Y chromosome.

There is another procedure that allows you to separate the sperm of the desired sex before fertilization, and use them exclusively. This technology, known as Microsort ( microsort), represents laser selection at the cellular level. Such selection is possible due to the difference in the size of spermatozoa with male and female chromosome sets. Y spermatozoa are smaller than X spermatozoa. The researchers came to this conclusion when they determined that sperm that contains more sperm with a female chromosome set contains 2.8% more genetic material than sperm that contains more Y-sperm.

During the microsort procedure, the sperm undergoes a series of tests. First, it is "washed" to get rid of dead sperm cells, then it is stained with a fluorescent substance and passed through a filter under pressure. Such a filter allows you to examine each spermatozoon, measure its chemical and physical parameters. This technology is also called flow cytometry. Flow cytometry makes it possible to distinguish X-spermatozoa from Y-spermatozoa by the features of the fluorescent glow of spermatozoa ( X-sperms glow brighter because they contain more genetic material). The whole selection procedure lasts 6-7 hours. The sperm can then be injected into the uterus or used for IVF.

Sex selection using medical technology in many countries, including the Russian Federation, for the purpose of planning the sex of a child is prohibited by law. These technologies are used only to prevent hereditary diseases in the fetus, if the parents or their immediate relatives have them. Some countries, such as Cyprus and Turkey, allow parents to choose the sex of the child in IVF, so it is recommended to have the procedure there for this purpose. Israel allows you to resort to these methods for choosing a sex if 4 children of the same sex were born in the family.

Who is more difficult to conceive - a boy or a girl?

It's harder to conceive a boy. Scientists came to this conclusion after analyzing the characteristics of spermatozoa with a male and female set of chromosomes. Spermatozoa with a male set have a Y chromosome, they are more mobile, but do not live long, unlike spermatozoa with an X chromosome, that is, a female set, which can retain the ability to fertilize an egg even a few days after intercourse.

It is the viability of spermatozoa that is the decisive factor in the conception of a child of one sex or another. The vitality of "boys" is affected by the acidic environment of the vagina and overheating of the testicles, various diseases of both spouses, sexual position, frequency of sexual intercourse, nutrition, and the time of onset of orgasm in a woman. All of the above factors most often have an adverse effect on male sperm, and it is male sperm that die first in it, which increases the chances of conceiving a girl.

How to conceive twins?

If the sex of the child can be approximately planned, then it is impossible to plan the conception of twins, since twins or twins are an exception to the rule, which is observed with a frequency of 1 in 250 pregnancies. Twins can be born in two cases - if two sperm have fertilized two eggs, or if, after fertilization, not one embryo, but two, is formed in the process of cell division. It is impossible to influence the process of fertilization and “force” the body to conceive twins, but if a woman undergoes an IVF procedure ( in vitro fertilization), that is, when the fusion of the sperm and egg occurs outside the female body, the chances of conceiving twins are higher.

According to the IVF protocol, women under 35 years of age are implanted ( injected into the uterus) 2 embryos, and after 35 years - 3. If 2 embryos take root, then twins are born ( outwardly dissimilar), and if one embryo took root, but in the process of division 2 embryos were formed, - twins ( similar in appearance). Despite the fact that 3 or 5 day old embryos are transplanted, the process of division of a fertilized egg does not take place in a test tube, but already in the uterine cavity. It is noted that the occurrence of twins from one embryo during IVF occurs much more often. The fact is that IVF uses additional hormonal stimulation of the ovaries so that as many eggs as possible are formed in them. Probably, when there are a lot of hormones in the female body, the process of dividing a fertilized egg can be somewhat “disturbed”, and as a result, 2 rudiments of a new life are formed.

The chances of conceiving twins increase in the following cases:

  • Woman over 35 years of age- it is believed that the older the woman, the more prone to changes the process of fertilization, which means that there are more chances that after the division of the embryo, 2 embryos are formed.
  • Heredity- in some families, the birth of twins is a common occurrence, as there is a certain program of genes that regulate the course of division of a fertilized egg.
  • Overweight- increases the chance of conceiving twins, probably due to some hormonal imbalance, which is always present to one degree or another with excessive accumulation of body fat.
  • Taking hormonal drugs- if an infertile couple is treated with hormonal drugs, then they are more likely to conceive twins.
  • Cancellation of oral contraceptives- abrupt cancellation of birth control pills leads to the opposite effect, a woman releases hormones, active egg maturation, which is similar to hormone stimulation during IVF.
  • Lactation- if sexual intercourse occurred in the period after childbirth, when a woman is breastfeeding a baby, then there are more chances that 2 embryos are formed after conception.
  • Short menstrual cycle- if the cycle lasts 20 - 21 days, then in one month in a woman's body maturation and release of more than 1 egg can occur, that is, the probability that fertilization of both eggs will occur is higher.
  • bicornuate uterus- this is an anomaly of the uterus, in which it has, as it were, two cavities connected by a septum, with each "horn" connected to one fallopian tube and connected to one ovary. With this anomaly, the maturation of 2 eggs in each ovary is most often observed, with the fertilization of both, pregnancy will develop in each horn. True, the chances of carrying twins with such an anomaly of the uterus are lower.
  • folic acid intake- if a woman takes vitamin B9 before conception, then 40% more often she manages to conceive twins.
  • Yam- eating this root crop increases the chance of conceiving twins, which is confirmed by the fact of the birth of twins in black women who eat yams in African countries.

Will actifert help to conceive a girl?

Aktifert is a gel that facilitates the passage of spermatozoa and, accordingly, conception, by reducing the acidity of the vagina. It is known that the natural acidic environment of the vagina has a bad effect on sperm, which has an alkaline reaction. Aktifert, by reducing the acidity of the vagina, increases the chances of conceiving a boy, not a girl, because spermatozoa with a male chromosome in an alkaline environment “feel better” and, due to their speed, reach the egg first. To conceive a girl, it is better not to use vaginal alkalizing gels at all, since the natural acidity of the vagina is less detrimental to sperm with a female chromosome. They move more slowly, but live longer and more easily pass the acidic environment of the vagina.

Can an ovulation test help you conceive a girl or a boy?

Ovulation test ( the process of releasing an egg from an ovary) is carried out from the 11th day of the menstrual cycle for several days in a row to determine the peak of the release of luteinizing hormone. An ovulation test is carried out in the same way as a pregnancy test, that is, the woman places the test in a cup of urine and waits for the stripes to appear. Positive test ( two stripes) means that within 1-2 days ovulation will occur - the sac with a mature egg will burst, and the egg will enter the fallopian tube from the ovary. If the ovulation test gives a weakly positive result, that is, the second strip is not as bright as the first, then it means that ovulation will have to wait more than 2 days. This is the best period for conceiving a girl, since sperm with a female chromosome live longer than sperm with a male chromosome, so they will survive for 3 or more days ( by the time of ovulation) and can fertilize the egg.

If the couple wants a boy, then sexual intercourse should be postponed closer to the time of ovulation. When the test shows the brightest second strip, you should wait another day, scheduling the act so that it is about 12 hours before ovulation.

To know the exact time of ovulation, an ovulation test is recommended to be carried out for several months ( cycles). So a woman will know when she personally ovulates and plan conception by the hour.

What should a man do to conceive a boy?

To conceive a boy, doctors recommend that a man follow a number of rules. First, 3 months before conception, you should start following a diet. The diet is supplemented by giving up alcohol and smoking. Eating certain foods increases the activity of sperm marked "boy" or "girl" due to their more acidic or more alkaline reaction. Male sperm is alkaline. In such an environment, the best survival of male spermatozoa is ensured.

  • meat ( including sausages, offal, jelly);
  • potato;
  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • mushrooms;
  • salty foods ( cheese, fish, pickles);
  • caviar;
  • dates, prunes, dried apricots;
  • black chocolate;
  • coffee ( it is recommended to drink coffee before sexual intercourse);
  • bananas, peaches, tomatoes, olives, apricots, avocados.

All of these foods are high in potassium. It is this trace element that helps maintain the alkaline environment of sperm. Dishes can be abundantly salted and hot spices added.

In order to retain more sperm that are genetically male, it is important not to overheat the testicles. It is no coincidence that the sperm depot is anatomically located outside the abdominal cavity, but separately, in the scrotum. The internal temperature of the body is detrimental to spermatozoa of any "gender", but spermatozoa that contain the male Y chromosome are less stable.

To prevent overheating of the testicles, you should:

  • avoid during the period of preparation for conception trips to the bath, hot baths;
  • do not direct a jet of hot water to the testicles while taking a shower;
  • do not wear tight underwear, boxer shorts are better;
  • take a cold shower;
  • don't keep your laptop on your lap when heated, it begins to release a lot of heat, which is directed towards the groin).

To conceive a boy, a man also needs to reconsider his sexual life and its features. Doctors recommend making love as often as possible if you want to conceive a boy. They explain this by the same lower survivability of Y-spermatozoa, as well as the need for a new portion of sperm, where there will be more "young" male sperm, and sperm renewal is promoted by sexual intercourse and the release of already accumulated sperm. Female sperm live longer, so infrequent sexual intercourse most often leads to the conception of a girl.

  • doggy style ( the man is behind);
  • sex in a standing position;
  • position "rider" ( woman on Top).

These positions allow you to achieve deep penetration, that is, sperm enter the uterus faster, without delay in the vagina. Under such conditions, the first to reach the egg will be more active, faster and more mobile spermatozoa with a male genetic set.

In addition to posture, a man should try to make a woman experience an orgasm earlier. The fact is that during orgasm, the cervix and vagina are moistened with alkaline secretions, as a result, the acidic environment of the vagina ( she is sour) becomes neutral. It is the neutral environment that better preserves Y-spermatozoa, which are very sensitive to acid and quickly die in the vaginal environment.

From lubricants ( intimate gels for moisturizing and facilitating sexual intercourse) should be discarded. They have a bad effect on sperm in principle, that is, the chances of conceiving a child of any gender become many times less. However, since spermatozoa with a female set are more tenacious, when using lubricants, the likelihood of conceiving a girl is higher. Instead of lubricants, it is recommended to use egg white if partners have not had and do not have food allergies ( egg white can trigger an allergic reaction).

What should a man do to conceive a girl?

It takes less effort from both parents to conceive a girl. Nature is arranged in such a way that spermatozoa, which are designated by the X chromosome ( female chromosome), live longer than spermatozoa designated by the Y chromosome ( male chromosome). For this reason, it is theoretically much more difficult to conceive a boy. X-spermatozoa are preserved better, even when the testicles are overheated ( tight underwear, frequent trips to the sauna).

To conceive a girl, sexual positions without deep penetration are suitable, when neither of the partners can control the depth of insertion of the penis into the vagina ( for example, the classic pose is a man on top, a woman on the bottom). If the penis does not penetrate deeply during intercourse, then the sperm enters the uterus not immediately, but after accumulation in the posterior fornix of the vagina, behind the uterus. Even if the fast Y-sperm break off and reach the uterus earlier, the less mobile X-sperm are more likely to reach the egg. The longer the path, the more likely it is the girls' sperm that will survive.

One of the important points for conceiving a girl is the nutrition of the future father. Girls "love" everything sweet, dairy products, spices, nuts, seafood. It will be more difficult to conceive a girl if a man eats a lot of meat. The fact is that meat contains a lot of potassium, it alkalizes the sperm, increasing the chances of male sperm. "Girl" products contain calcium, it makes the reaction of sperm a little more acidic, which dramatically reduces the mobility and vitality of male sperm.

On what day of the cycle can you conceive a boy, and on which girl?

Every month for about 7 days, a woman is able to conceive, while the chances of conceiving a child of a certain sex on different days are different. 7 days during the menstrual cycle is the period of ovulation. Ovulation is the day when an egg leaves the ovary and enters the fallopian tube. This day falls in the middle of the cycle. There is no exact day of ovulation for all women. You can find out about its approach by signs of ovulation ( decreased body temperature, clearer mucus, increased sex drive, positive ovulation test). A woman should observe the signs of ovulation for several cycles in order to know on which day ovulation occurs, which days are considered days before ovulation, and which days after.

To conceive a girl, it is recommended to start active activities 2-3 days before ovulation, and if you want a boy, then 12 hours before ovulation or on the day of ovulation. This approach is associated with the characteristics of spermatozoa, which contain genetic material for the fertilization of girls and boys. The sperm needed to conceive a boy move faster but live shorter lives, so intercourse should occur as close to ovulation as possible ( "boys" will have time before "girls"). Spermatozoa with the genetic set for conception of a girl are slow, but they live for several days, surviving the “boys”, so in all those cases when the egg has to wait, the chances of giving birth to a girl are much higher.

Planning the gender of the child and the baby itself is the most important thing in the life of every family. Some couples fundamentally want to have a boy or a girl, this is especially important for those spouses who already have children. To achieve the desired effect, people have to re-read tons of literature in order to find one most reliable way. It will not be superfluous to listen to already experienced couples, if they had a similar successful experience.

In search of the question of how to plan the sex of the child, the spouses stumble upon folk and scientifically based methods. For some, this is not something fundamental, the woman will already be glad that she was able to get pregnant. But what if a man wanted a son all his life, but so far he has not achieved this?

This includes proven methods. Some of them were invented in antiquity, while others were already proposed in the modern world, and are based on actually conducted statistical studies. When compiling them, they also took into account the fact that a woman can in no way influence the birth of a son or daughter on her own. This is due to the fact that a woman's genes do not contain a Y chromosome, but only an X.

One of the most ancient ways is the Chinese calendar for planning the sex of the child. This technique is to lie down during intercourse to conceive a boy with the head to the north, and if the couple wants a girl, to the south. Naturally, for everyone this will seem rather doubtful, but there was another way, based on complex calculations and the use of tables.

Nutritionists also have their own thoughts on this and can give some advice on how to plan for a girl or a boy. Having changed your diet, you will have to follow it for about 21 days, before the planned fertilization. To consolidate the result, a woman needs to follow a diet for another 2 months.

To conceive a girl, you need to consume the following products:

  • vegetables - eggplant, fresh cucumbers, carrots, peas, boiled tomatoes;
  • fruit;
  • berries;
  • nuts (hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds);
  • spices;
  • jam;
  • strong coffee;
  • cocoa and chocolate.
  1. meat products;
  2. fish;
  3. white beans;
  4. potato;
  5. peas;
  6. all fruits;
  7. sausage;
  8. black chocolate;
  9. lentils;
  10. salted and canned food.

Planning the sex of the baby to renew the blood of future parents

In this case, the planning of the sex of the child occurs, based on the last update of the parent's blood. It happens to a woman and a man at different times. The first are waiting for him every 3 years, and the representatives of the stronger sex - 1 year longer. Calculations must be made based on a large blood loss that has occurred recently, or based on the date of birth of one of the future parents.

Those who came up with this method claimed that the child would inherit the sex of the one whose blood is younger. To determine this, it is necessary to divide the age of a woman by 3, and men, respectively, by 4. Whoever has a smaller residual number will dominate in this matter.

Folk methods

Over the entire period of existence, mankind has come up with many folk methods for planning the sex of a child, and each of them guarantees the birth of a girl or a boy if the couple adheres to all the rules. In fact, it is difficult to find one hundred percent ways here. If they have been effective, it is often written off as a coincidence.

If you combine the teachings of ancient Japan and China, you can get almost the same calculation methods. All of them involve the use of special tables. That is why such instructions inspire confidence. For example, in order for a couple to be able to give birth to a boy, it is necessary to carry out fertilization in even years of life and odd months of the current year. As for the planning of the girl, everything needs to be done exactly the opposite.

According to statistics, for every 100 girls born, there are 106 boys. Male embryos are formed somewhat more, but it is worth noting that they are more vulnerable. This lack of balance is compensated by the impressive losses of the stronger sex in the first days after conception, as well as throughout life or in its first years. It also has a connection with the fact that men have more bad habits and, in general, lead a more extreme and aggressive lifestyle.

The sex cells of a woman and a man contain half sets of genetic material - chromosomes. 22 somatic and one sexual. In the sperm and the egg, therefore, there are 23 chromosomes each. When these cells merge, the human genotype will be formed during conception - 46 XX or 46 XY. The gender of the unborn baby will be determined by the combination of the female and male sex chromosomes. A girl is characterized by a combination of XX, a boy - XY.

Note! Since male spermatozoa have both types of chromosomes - X and Y, the sex of the unborn child depends only on the future father.

Sex planning for ovulation

This technique is based on the specific differences between X and Y spermatozoa. The first is much heavier and larger than the second in size, so it is not as fast, but it has more endurance and resistance to aggressive environments. Before planning the sex of the child, it is necessary to understand that a boy or girl will be conceived only after the maturation of the egg, that is, after the ovulation period, which lasts no more than 1 day.

When a couple has sex 1-2 days before ovulation, they have every chance of having a girl. This is due to the fact that if spermatozoa remain in the female genital tract, then this is type X, because they are more tenacious and able to fertilize an egg even after a few days.

But when a couple guesses the day of ovulation, the Y sperm have a much better chance. They are ahead of their opponents in almost all cases due to increased mobility. Thus, the conception of a boy will occur.

Also here it is worth noting another important feature. One of the fundamental roles in the conception of a child of one sex or another is played by a change in the pH of the vaginal secretion, which, in turn, depends on the hormonal changes that occur during the cycle. This means that a few days before ovulation, acidity will be increased, which negatively affects the vital activity of Y spermatozoa.

Does the sex of the unborn child depend on the sexual activity of partners

If a couple has sex daily or at least every other day, their chances of having a girl are significantly reduced. Almost always, with this nature of sexual activity, boys are born. Therefore, in order to give birth to a girl, spouses need to think about how to reduce their sexual activity and not have sex at the time of ovulation, in order to allow more tenacious sperm to fertilize the egg when it is ready for this.

This method is one of the most effective, since such behavior of the human body is the same for almost everyone. If you do everything right, there is an 80 percent chance of a successful outcome of the situation. The only problems that may be encountered along the way are constant deviations and failures in the woman's cycle. Thus, the couple will not be able to accurately determine the day of ovulation, as it may come either later than the expected day, or earlier.

This behavior of the female body does not necessarily indicate any disorders, inflammatory processes or other diseases of the genitourinary system. This can happen to a completely healthy person. To solve this problem, it is better to observe for a while and track what affects the bias and what factors provoke cycle failures.


Perhaps it is better not to use different methods of planning and conduct sexual intercourse according to any rules. Today, taking into account the deteriorating environmental situation in the world and low-quality food, it is becoming increasingly difficult for people to have children, therefore, if conception has occurred, the very fact of what has happened can already be considered a great happiness for future parents.

Some future parents are upset when they find out at the first ultrasound that the child is not the gender they cherished in their dreams. Is it possible to deceive nature and "choose" the sex of the unborn child in advance?
I present to you ways of planning the sex of the child.

special diet

For the conception of a boy, the predominance of potassium and sodium ions, and as little as possible calcium and magnesium ions, is recommended. To do this, it is proposed to eat meat, fish, potatoes, mushrooms, dry white beans, lentils, dried peas, legumes, eat only protein from eggs. From fruits, cherries, apricots, peaches, prunes, dried apricots, dates are especially needed. Recommended drinks: tea, beer, fruit juices, soda mineral waters. Also, for a woman who wants to conceive a boy, cookies, biscuits, semolina and rice are useful. In addition, a woman is advised to salt all food as much as possible, eat canned foods and yeast.

Not recommended: milk and dairy products, mineral waters with calcium, shrimp, crabs, fish roe, egg-based pastries, bread, pancakes, waffles, milk confectionery, lettuce, green beans, green beans, raw cabbage , watercress, dill, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, cocoa, milk chocolate.

In order to conceive a girl, the diet of the expectant mother should be rich in calcium and magnesium ions, but low in potassium and sodium. This combination is provided by: meat in limited quantities, fresh or frozen fish, all types of baked goods without salt and yeast, eggs, potatoes in limited quantities, eggplant, asparagus, beets, carrots, cucumbers, watercress, green beans, peas, peppers, onions, tomatoes. As well as unsalted almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, sugar, honey, spices, jams and fragrant herbs. Of the drinks, coffee, tea, cocoa, calcium mineral waters are useful.

At the same time, salted foods, carbonated drinks, canned juices, and Pepsi-Cola should be avoided. It is necessary to exclude sausages, ham, smoked meats, salted and canned fish, crayfish and shrimp, all cheeses, ice cream, ordinary breads and industrial confectionery, corn and canned vegetables, fried potatoes, raw tomatoes, lentils, salted dried fruits, plums, apricots , cherries, bananas, oranges, currants, melons. During this period, you can not eat salt, yeast, soda, olives, margarine, spicy sauces, and any canned food.

The diet should be followed from the beginning of the menstrual cycle until the intended conception.

Average hit rate- 82. There is no strictly scientific explanation of this technique. Most likely, the endocrine functions of the body, the hormonal balance, are changing, which ultimately affects the sex cells. It has only been proven that temporary dieting does not cause any harm to the body. After conception, the expectant mother can eat whatever she wants (and what is good for the baby).

Use of intercourse frequency

This method is based on the fact that "male" spermatozoa are more mobile, there are more of them (several times), but they have a shorter lifespan. For women, it's the other way around. This is the basis of the natural mechanism of regulation of the numerical ratio of the sexes:

With frequent sex- at the limit of a man's abilities or so (we imitate the natural situation of a lack of males and an excess of females) - both "male" and "female" spermatozoa are present in the ejaculate in a natural proportion, but the former have an advantage due to greater numbers and mobility.

Infrequent sex- once every 1-2 weeks or less (we simulate a situation of excess males and shortage of females) - the concentration of "female" spermatozoa increases due to their increased survivability.
The method, of course, is probabilistic, but the probability of getting what you are looking for is ~ 70-80%

Using the ovulation time

If sexual intercourse occurred less than a day before ovulation, then nimble Ys are the first to reach the target. With a probability of up to 78 percent, it can be argued that a boy will be born. If sexual intercourse occurred 25-36 hours before ovulation or a day or two after it, then the Y chromosomes die. At the time of conception, predominantly spermatozoa with the X chromosome remain near the egg. Therefore, the probability of conceiving a girl is more than 71 percent. The difficulty lies only in the reliable calculation of the time of ovulation.
Today, the day of ovulation is most likely to be calculated using special tests that allow you to determine the level of luteinizing hormone (such test strips are sold in pharmacies).

Even odd

Studies by another "non-traditional" doctor, Elena Shavrina, revealed the dependence of the sex of the child on the age of the woman. In even years of a future mother's life, conception of a girl is more likely in February, April, June, August and October. In odd - in January, March, May, July, September, November. The conception of a boy occurs exactly the opposite. True, the method has a limitation: it is suitable only for those women who ovulate in the middle of the calendar month ... "

Blood renewal

Accurate to the day, the age of the parents by the day of conception is calculated. Then, the father's age is divided by four, and the mother's age by three. These magic numbers are based on the frequency of blood renewal - every four years for men and every three years for women. Along with this, large blood losses are taken into account - operations, childbirth, blood transfusion. The resulting decimal fractions are compared, and the sex of the unborn child is identified with the sex of the parent whose biorhythmic index is greater (and, therefore, whose blood is "newer"). By the way, if the mother's Rh factor is negative, then, on the contrary, whose balance is smaller.

The probability of forecast success is from 68 to 98 percent.

Moon influence

In the late 50s, the Czech physician O. Jonas made an almost revolutionary discovery: undoubtedly, along with the menstrual cycle, there was a second, individual cycle of the greatest predisposition to conception, set already from birth and accompanying the entire reproductive period of a woman's life with absolute accuracy. This second cycle is oriented to the phase of the moon that preceded the birth of this woman. Each return of the corresponding phase of the moon means for a particular woman the period of greatest predisposition to conception (fertile period) and reproduction. To determine the phase of the moon (the distance between the moon and the sun in ecliptic longitude), you need to know the hour of your birth. If you do not know your hour of birth, then focus on 12 noon.

Later, detailed studies have yielded a striking result: if the most favorable days of both cycles are used for conception, then 85% of fertilization falls on the cycle of changing the phases of the moon and only 15% on the known biological cycle. The fertile period occurs at those moments when both cycles intersect.
Thus, Dr. Jonas received in his hands the key with which it became possible to accurately calculate the most prone to conception days of any woman. The dates obtained could be used to either prevent pregnancy, or to become pregnant with the highest probability. It can be assumed that in times when man lived to a much greater extent in union with cosmic rhythms, monthly ovulation coincided with the corresponding phase of the moon, and therefore, as a rule, there were no two cycles. For some women, a single cycle has been preserved to this day. Great sensitivity to the cycle of the phases of the moon is also confirmed by the following experience: if a woman who has not had ovulation for a long time, she was called by a special massage of the connective tissues, then the treatment is most successful if it began a few days before her onset of the calculated ovulation in accordance with the phases Moon than at any other time or in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

According to the statistics of various maternity hospitals around the world, it turns out that most births occur, firstly, on the full moon and, secondly, on the new moon. For all girls born under these phases of the moon, the fertile period begins on the full moon or, accordingly, on the new moon. Perhaps this is the natural rhythm from which we have gone so far. As a result of further research, Dr. Jonas made an amazing discovery: based on astrological calculations, it is possible to predict the sex of the unborn child with 98% certainty.

The moon every 2.5 days passes the path between the female and male signs of the zodiac. If your fertile period coincides with the period when the Moon is in a female sign, then you have a 98% chance of conceiving a girl, if with a period when the Moon is in a male sign, then a boy. In order to reliably determine the sex of the child, you should think about it a day before and six hours after the moment of your greatest predisposition to conceive.

If the phases of both cycles of the fertile period are located side by side in time, then the establishment of sex can be approximate, since astrological phases change between both phases. This is worth considering if you have a strong desire to have a child of a certain gender.

If you do not know the time of your birth, and as already recommended, your hour of birth was determined as 12 noon, you should be careful when choosing a gender.

The choice of posture during sexual contact

The birth of a boy is facilitated by conception in the "man behind" position, and girls - the usual classic "man on top".

In any case, none of the presented methods gives a 100% guarantee. I think that a desired child is always happiness, no matter what gender he is!

How to plan the gender of the child? In general, is it possible to choose the sex of the child before conception? They say that nature does not completely control this process and there is a way out.

Despite the fact that more boys are born, the number of the female half of the population exceeds the male, and all because men often do not live up to 50 years. This phenomenon has been called in science the "defensive reaction of the ethnos".

How is the floor formed?
Where does the gender of the baby come from? This happens by chance: a male cell can have both X or Y chromosomes, while a female cell carries only the first type of chromosome. A girl gets if the egg is an XX chromosome compound, and if a Y chromosome gets into the egg, then a boy is born.

An analysis of these data suggests that the father is responsible for the gender of the child. But scientists don't think so. Some women are programmed by nature to give birth to a certain gender. In other words, only one egg can fertilize them. But there is no need to be upset that only a girl or a boy is born, which means that fate decided so.

Fighting fate
Doctors are trying to give some guarantees when planning the sex of the child. There are some of the most well-known methods of conceiving the desired child.

Method number 1 - ovulation
If you conceive a child 2-24 hours before ovulation, then a girl will be born. This is due to the fact that Y-spermatozoa do not live long, reaching the egg the fastest. X-spermatozoa can live in the female body for several days in anticipation of the fertilization of the egg. But, as artificial conception shows, the number of boys and girls at the time of ovulation is the same.

But this does not mean that this method should be ignored. The main thing is to know your ovulation day. You can calculate it by measuring the body temperature in the large intestine. With a stable menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs on the 15th day.


Every second couple makes their attempts to get pregnant on the wrong days of the female cycle. Therefore, I will briefly talk about the principle of operation of your menstrual cycle and the process of ovulation.

Ovulation is a process that occurs once per menstrual cycle, when, due to changes in hormone levels, an egg is released from the ovary. This usually happens 12-16 days before the start of the next period.
Eggs are produced in the ovaries. During the first phase of each menstrual cycle, one of the eggs matures to be released from the ovary.

Closer to ovulation, your body produces an increased amount of the hormone estrogen, which contributes to the growth of the endometrium in the uterus and allows you to create a favorable environment for sperm.
High levels of estrogen provoke a sharp increase in another hormone - LH (luteinizing hormone). The so-called LH surge promotes the release of an egg from the ovary, and ovulation occurs.
As a rule, ovulation occurs 24-36 hours after the LH surge, so LH is an excellent indicator for determining the peak of fertility.

Fertile days - a few days before and after ovulation, when the chances of getting pregnant are very high.

Your fertile days begin 5-6 days before ovulation, but this is not yet the optimal time for conception. The most favorable date for conceiving a child is the last day before ovulation (during fertile days). This is due to the fact that the life of the egg is 24 hours, and the sperm remain active for up to five days. Therefore, you may be surprised to learn that a couple can conceive a child by having sex a few days before ovulation.

The two most fertile (probable for conception) days of your cycle are the day of ovulation and the day before it.

How to determine the period of ovulation by the color of the discharge?
Uterine mucus, commonly referred to as "discharge" by women, can help you determine when you're ovulating. Just before ovulation and before your fertile days begin, the secretion changes color. It becomes almost transparent, viscous and less dense. This is due to the enrichment of the secretion with proteins, salts and glucose, which provide an ideal environment for spermatozoa. Actual ovulation begins in the middle of your fertile days, during the so-called “mucus climax”, when mucus becomes so abundant that panty liners are indispensable.

Calculating fertile days using temperature
The body temperature of many women rises before their fertile days (before ovulation) by 0.2-0.6 degrees. This is due to the effect of the hormone progesterone. Measure the temperature in the anus, and call it basal. Basal temperature should be measured in the morning, before getting out of bed. This will help you pinpoint your fertile days. Basal temperature should be measured for several months in a row, not forgetting to write down the exact results. It is best to have a special table for this.

Important: infectious diseases, alcohol and lack of sleep can significantly affect the timing of ovulation.

Fertilization of the egg can occur within 24 hours of ovulation. If fertilization does not occur, the overgrown endometrium begins to flake off the walls of the uterus, and you begin your period. From this moment on, a new cycle begins.

To calculate the length of your menstrual cycle, you need to count the number of days from the first day of your period to the day before your next period starts. Cycle length varies from woman to woman, but is generally between 23 and 35 days.

How to get pregnant with a boy? - have sex as close as possible to the day of ovulation, preferably directly on the day of ovulation or 12 hours before it occurs.

How to get pregnant with a girl? - plan intimacy 2-3 days before ovulation. By the time the “ready”, mature egg cell comes out to meet, all the “boy” spermatozoa will have time to die (the life of Y-chromosomes is short) and only “girlish” ones will remain.

Method number 2 - abstinence
Some experts agree that the sexual activity of partners affects the sex of the unborn child. With prolonged abstinence, a girl is more likely to be born, and with an intensive lifestyle, a boy. During abstinence, the male body produces antibodies that block the Y chromosome. To give birth to a girl, you need to abstain for about 1-1.5 months, even caresses or thoughts about sex are not allowed.

Method number 3 - nutrition
Some evidence suggests that salty foods and foods rich in potassium can help conceive a boy. But food, which contains magnesium and calcium, contributes to the birth of girls. Success is guaranteed by 70% if you switch to nutrition 2-2.5 months before conception.

Diet for conceiving a boy:

1. Meat of all varieties, any fish, smoked meats.
2. Bread, rice, semolina.
3. Mushrooms, potatoes, peas, lentils.
4. Bananas, cherries, oranges, apricots, peaches.
5. Dried apricots, dates, prunes.
6. Salty food.

Dairy products, milk, mineral water with calcium, crabs, shrimp, caviar are not welcome. Products made from dough mixed with milk and eggs should be minimized, as should beans, beans, walnuts, dill, cocoa, almonds, milk chocolate.

Diet for conceiving a girl:

1. Tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, mineral water with calcium.
2. Fresh fish, meat of all varieties, eggs, fish.
3. Bakery products without yeast and salt.

In limited quantities, you need to consume asparagus, eggplant, cucumbers, capsicum, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots.

Method number 4 - blood renewal
The cyclical renewal of blood can be another method of conceiving a child of the desired gender. Younger blood will be stronger. It is the owner of the younger blood that will decide the sex of the unborn child. Renewal of blood in the fairer sex occurs every three years, and men - once every 4 years. This takes into account the weight of blood loss (miscarriage, transfusion, donation, surgery, abortion). To calculate, we take the date of the last blood loss, and add 3-4 years to the time close to conception.

Plan your baby's gender in Polish
In Poland, a method of planning sex before conception was developed, in which they allegedly calculated the exact day when they should have sex in order to conceive a boy, and a separate day for conceiving a girl. According to her, in order to get a boy, sexual intercourse must occur strictly 11-12 days before the new menstruation. How to get pregnant with a girl? - have sex 13-14 days before the arrival of menstruation.

So, one single day can change everything!

Chinese way of planning a baby's gender
This method is very interesting. It turns out that the ancient Chinese sages are convinced that the sex of the unborn baby depends entirely on the woman. Planning the sex of a child in Chinese is based, firstly, on the age of the expectant mother at the time of conception, and secondly, on the month that at this age favors the conception of a boy or girl. How to get pregnant with a boy? - Yes, very simple. For example, a potential mother at the age of 23 is most likely to conceive a boy in the autumn and winter months, and a girl in the spring. In a 22-year-old mother, the situation is equally reversed.

Planning the gender of the future baby according to the Chinese calendar is one of the easiest ways to use. Horizontal is the age at which you intend to become a mother, and the vertical is the month for conceiving a child of the desired gender. At the intersection of these two lines - the sex of the child.

This method of planning was invented in ancient China, but what is curious is that it is still very relevant today (especially given the Chinese restrictions "one family - one child"). To this day, the patterns of this conception table have not been deciphered, and perhaps they are completely absent, so trusting her or not is a personal matter for everyone. However, in most cases, the table determines the sex of the child with very high accuracy. In addition, the Chinese conception calendar is very easy to check. For example, compare the date of your own conception by comparing the data of your relatives or friends.

Plan your baby's gender in Japanese
According to the antiquity of theories of conception, only the Japanese can compete with the Chinese. The Land of the Rising Sun has its own, no less original method of how to get pregnant with a boy or how to get pregnant with a girl. In this case, you need to correlate the months of birth of both parents with the month of the alleged conception. For example, if the mother and father of the baby were born in November, then they will be able to conceive a girl in July, and a boy in November.

The Japanese method of conception consists of a table and a graph. To calculate the appropriate time, it is necessary to determine from the table the number that is at the intersection of the months of birth of a woman and a man. This figure must be found in the schedule, and he will also tell you the right time for conception. It is necessary to find the figure in the upper line horizontally and track the changes in the vertical scale corresponding to this figure. According to some data, the reliability of the data of the Japanese method calendar is almost 80% of matches. According to others, it does not give more than 55% of the accuracy of the determination.

British conception
British experts, conducting a series of studies on the effects on the sex of the unborn child, revealed an interesting pattern. It turned out that a man can count on the birth of a son much more confidently if there are many men in his family tree.

After analyzing the family tree in more than 900 families (over 500,000 people), whose ancestors lived since 1600, experts came to a certain conclusion: the more men among the ancestors of the stronger sex, the higher the probability of having a boy in his family.

Scientifically, this is explained by the fact that in the sperm of these men there are much more Y chromosomes responsible for the birth of a boy, the body produces them in greater quantities. The only pity is that the reasons for this pattern, the scientists failed to find out. However, as well as to discover, some slightest dependence of the sex of the unborn child in women in accordance with their family tree, neither in relation to the number of men, nor in relation to the number of women in the family.

How to get pregnant with a boy or a girl using the moon phases method?
The chances of planning the sex of the child are also offered using the method of lunar phases. According to this method, there is an individual cycle that most predisposes to the conception of a child with a particular gender. It is allegedly set from the very birth of the expectant mother and accompanies her throughout her reproductive age.

According to this theory, the probability of conception is, in principle, very high precisely during the period of time when the moon is in the same phase as at the birth of the woman herself. Of course, this phase should coincide with ovulation. To determine the phases of the moon, you need to know the hour of birth. Further calculations are based on the fact that every 2.5 days the Moon overcomes the path between the male and female signs of the zodiac. When the time of greatest predisposition to conception coincides with the period when the Moon passes the female sign of the zodiac, you can conceive a girl. When there is a coincidence with the period, the presence of the Moon in a male sign is a boy.