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Types of larvae and dolls of insects. Types of larvae and dolls Development of butterflies: Four stages of life cycle

The butterfly is a very beautiful and elegant insect, bright coloring of the wings of which can be surprised every time. However, the path from the egg to an adult individual is very difficult, before becoming a butterfly insect, two stages are larvae and doll.

The larva is still called the caterpillar, it hatches from the pending eggs of butterflies. The larva of the caterpillars in the summer can be seen on plants and leaves of trees, as it actively feeds on greens to accumulate substances necessary to maintain life after turning into a doll. Butterfly larvae grow very quickly, therefore, periodically, they have a molting, sometimes the amount of skin drops can drop 5 and more than once.

After the larva gained the necessary weight and supply of substances, it turns into a doll. For this, the caterpillar flies around him a silk cocoon and pounds. The doll can be seen attached to the stalks of plants or in the soil, the location of the doll does not change, because it does not move and does not eat.

The butterfly doll can be from 3 days and more, during this time the larvae appears wings and other significant changes in the cover occur. Insect's wings have a pale or light color, and after a few days after the pukeling appears a pattern that corresponds to the butterfly. From the pupae, the insect turns into a butterfly and after the wings dried up, she will read them for the first time, making his first flight.

The life cycle of the development of butterflies consists of four phases: eggs, caterpillars, dolls and an adult insect (imago). Depending on the type and climatic conditions during the year, it can develop both one and several generations of butterflies. The duration of the development of some species is two years or more.

Types of eggs butterflies

Butterflies' eggs are a variety of shapes - rounded, flattened, oval, spindle-shaped, smooth or cellular surface, coated with spines or edges. The egg coloring is also different, more often whitish, light green or yellow, in addition, brownish, brown-purple, reddish. Eggs of many species change color as their development.

The teaching manner of eggs in different types of butterflies can be different. Eggs can be postponed one or several pieces or large groups, up to several hundred in one masonry. Eggs layout can occur on leaves, stalks, flowers, fruits of plants, crack wood crust, on the soil, lichens, on dry remains of plants. The females of some types after the tab cover the eggs with hairs from their abdomen.

How long does the stage of the egg near the butterfly?

Stage Egg U. different species It can last from several days in the warm season to many months if the eggs winter. As the egg develops inside it is formed a caterpillar, which then resells the shell and comes out. Separate species formed the caterpillar in the egg inside the egg and comes out only in spring. The caterpillars of many species immediately after the exit eat the shell of their eggs.

The body of the caterpillars consists of thirteen segments, of which three are breast and ten - abdominal. Breast segments are carried on a pair of segments, on abdominal segments there are usually five pairs of false feet, some kinds of abdominal feet have two or three pairs, or they are underdeveloped. The appearance of the caterpillars is very diverse and is often different in close species.

Many bright and pestro are painted, some have grown in the form of horns, spikes, bugrov. The surface of the body is smooth with rare shields or covered with thick hairs, warts, spikes. Body proportions are also different: some caterpillars are short and thick, others are thin and long.

What do caterpillars eat?

The caterpillars of most types of butterflies feed on green parts of plants - leaves, flowers, immature fruits. Some develop inside the branches and trunks, they feed on wood, on lichens and at the dead parts of plants, on animals residues, such as wool, fluff, feathers, and on wax.

Separate species are predatory, feeding the larvae of ants and custodians.

How long does the caterpillar stage last?

The caterpillar stage can last from a few weeks to several years, depending on the type and conditions of development. As the caterpillar grows, they linked several times, dropping old covers, some types after molting eat their previous shell. At the end of its development, the caterpillar once again lines and turns into a doll.

Transformation of the caterpillar in a butterfly - stage of the pupa

Pockery is the most vulnerable process in the butterfly development cycle, and most caterpillars are carefully prepared. The pupa's stage in different species can continue from several days to several years. Long pause (stop in development) The pupa is a device that allows you to experience unfavorable years. In the event that in the first year there were inappropriate conditions and the butterfly came out of the pupa died, the population is replenished due to the pupae ranged to this, which come out the next year.

The butterfly formed inside the doll shell has very short, soft wings. When leaving the pupa, it needs to climb on any vertical surface to breathe wings, which will give them the opportunity to dealt. After that, the wings gradually hardened, and during this time the butterfly sits motionless.

The body of the butterfly consists of three departments - head, chest and abdomen carrying internal organs.

Head carries a mustache, peppers, complex faceties and oral bodies. At the overwhelming majority of butterflies, the mouth of the sucking type and are a thin long tube-trot, which is in a state of rest rolled into the spiral. Many butterflies have underdeveloped oral apparatus and thus are not able to eat, existing due to the energy reserves accumulated at the track stage.

Butterfly mustol are an olfactory authority and there are various shapes - filamentous, male-shaped, filament, comb, and others. The smell of some butterflies is very developed, the males of such species are able to catch the smell of females at a considerable distance.

Butterfly chest carries three pairs of segal feet and two pairs of wings, while the females of some species have underdeveloped wings either in general outless, and individual species also have a nurse. The drawing on the wings of butterflies form covering their scales, hence the scientific name of the detachment - scratched.

Types of butterflies

Coloring butterfly wings is diverse. In some, they are beautiful and brightly painted, at the others, on the contrary, have a modest patronage color, allowing them to be invisible on colors and herbs, the crust of trees, stones, lichens. Many species are inherent in sexual dimorphism, that is, the pronounced exterior difference of male and female in the color, form and size of the wings, as well as in the structure of the mustache. Occasionally there are separate, nonypical painted individuals called Aberranda.

An extremely rarely encountered butterflies-hynnedromorphs, that is, the individuals combining signs of male and females. Hinanderromorphs of species look very unusual, which is inherent in a pronounced sexual dimorphism. In this case, on one side of the body of the butterfly, there are wings from the painting male, and on the other - from the coloring female.

Most butterflies are active at dusk and at night, a much smaller number of species are active in the afternoon. However, it is the day butterfly that are most noticeable, and, as a result, are best understood. Many butterflies are good flyers, for some species are characterized by regular migrations, which often causes their widespread. Others, on the contrary, inhabited only small geographic regions, such species are called endem.

Butterfly Development - Video

Butterflies are insects with a so-called full cycle of transformations. Between the stage of the larvae (caterpillars) and the adult stage (butterflies) there is an intermediate stage of the pupa. And all the development can be represented as: Egg - Caterpillar - Pupa - Butterfly.

Most day and night butterflies give one generation per year, while adult butterflies are found only within a few weeks at a certain time of the year and then disappear until next year. The offspring left by butterflies is in the stage of eggs, caterpillars or dolls, depending on the type of butterfly. Some butterflies are Krošinitsa, the daily peacock of the eyes and others - winter in a stupor on the imaginal stage. Imago these species are found throughout the year.
Many types of butterflies give two generations per year. Adult insects in this case appear late spring And once again in the summer. Caterpillars, which come out of eggs, pending in spring, grow quickly, and the caterpillars that appeared in the summer can turn into butterflies only nine months later.
Butterflies, giving one generation per year in the northern regions, can be south of two or even three times a year. Butterflies living in the mountains give, as a rule, one generation per year. Some butterflies living in a cold climate have time to finish the development only in two years, which is characteristic of caterpillars living in wood and root.

When to help dangerous? The story of one butterfly ...
Once a certain man found a butterfly cocoon and took it home.
He decided to observe the transformation process. Cocoon opened, and for several hours in a row, this person watched through what difficulties it is necessary to go through a butterfly to get out. She tried quite a long time to get out across a small hole and suddenly the moment came, as it seemed to him that the butterfly surrendered and stopped fighting. Everything looked as if she was stuck and became completely immobile.
I regrets her, a man decided to help her and holding a cocoon. Thanks to this, the butterfly got out of the cocoon, but her torso was swollen like caterpillar, the wings are small and unscrewed. The man expects her wings to strengthen and grow and give the body to transform, but nothing else happened. The butterfly sorry made up his swollen caller in a circle, doomed now on this all his life.
The person in his kindness did not understand what intervened in the natural process of nature. The efforts that the butterfly applied were simply necessary for metamorphosis. Breaking through the narrow cocoon hole, the liquid from the body of the butterfly would move into the wings, making them large and strong for flight.
Having degraded the butterfly of the struggle, the man obstees it to a miserable existence and deprived of an excellent future.
Also, people become strong and successful and transformed into the best image only when certain difficulties are undergoing and make a lot of effort.

The life cycle of butterflies consists of four stages: egg, larva, doll and adult individual. Butterflies are insects with the so-called full cycle of transformations, as the larva is completely different from the adult individual. The transition from one stage to another or transformation is called metamorphosis.

Eggs - This is the first phase of insect development. The testicles must be preserved safely and preservation, so butterflies care about it, some lay them into the soil, others pour eggs to the secretions of glands that are hardening in air - the capsule is obtained, the capsules are usually masked under the surface of the surface. Another way is that insects cover the testicles with hairs or scales, which scrape with the abdomen. The female lays eggs with portions that may contain several pieces, and can reach hundreds of eggs. Depending on the species, they are located layers, in line or ring around the escape of the plant, which will be powered by caterpillars. Some types of female scatters eggs on the fly. The development of the embryo depends on climatic conditions and can reach from several days to several months, especially when the insect winter at the stage of the egg.

From the testicles appear larvae - caterpillars. They are actively feeding, grow and accumulate substances for the following transformation. The caterpillars have three pairs of segmental legs armed with claws, and several (up to 5 pairs) of false legs equipped with bunches of curls, which allows it to be kept well on the support. Day butterfly caterpillars are very diverse in color and external structure. They have a ricking mouth and, for the most, feed on with leaves various plants. Caterpillars grow rapidly. Gradually, the outer covers (cuticles) of the larvae becomes too close for her, and they must be changed. A link occurs, which is preceded by a growth period. In most larvae there are 5 or even more if the larva is wintering. Therefore, the life expectancy of the larvae can reach from a few weeks to several months, and in the woods and up to 2-3 years.

With the last molting of the caterpillar turns into pupa. The coloring and shape of the body of the butterflies pupa is no less diverse than the caterpillars. Butterfly dolls do not eat and do not move, usually they are attached to branches, leaves, various subjects (The so-called "subcommunicative" and "hanging" dolls), or freely lie on the ground - among the fallen leaves and in the soil bedding. The duration of the development stage of the pupa can vary from a few weeks (in some tropical species) up to nine months and more (in a temperate climate, where winter is long). During this period, the organs and fabrics change and acquire features characteristic of adult individuals, wings and muscles are formed.

Butterfly is displayed from the doll. Adult butterfly (Imago) Quickly reaches puberty and in a few days ready to reproduce. Depending on how quickly the butterfly will perform this basic purpose, it lives from several days to several weeks. The exceptions are wintering butterflies that can live more than 10 months.

Butterflies are scrapers related to insects that have a complete cycle of transformation. Them distinctive feature From other squad representatives - the presence of chitinic scales on the rear and front wings. These elements have the thinnest optical components that, when interacting with ultraviolet, can see such a color gamut that does not perceive the human eye.

To find out how the development of the butterfly occurs, at first it is necessary to understand that includes a cycle with a complete transformation. This process contains the following stages:

  • stage of egg;
  • stage of the caterpillar (larvae);
  • stage of a pupa;
  • stage of an adult insect (imago).

Just as the development of the butterfly occurs, they turn into adult individuals and other representatives of the calculated - moths and mole.

Pairing butterfly

So, to deal with how the development of the butterfly occurs, it is necessary to start with the main stage of the life cycle - mating. Important factors The form of wings and their coloring are in reproduction, as well as courtship options - dancing and marriage flights. Males can detect the female at a distance of more than one kilometer. Finding each other's partners allow pheromones, as well as fragile flakes located on foot or wings.

Pairing these insects occurs on plants or on Earth for 20-25 minutes to several hours. All this time, individuals are motionless. Falling, the female gets the opportunity to get from the male spermatozoa, trace elements and proteins. It is the last two components that play a large role in the formation and laying of eggs. In some types of butterflies, females after mating arises on the bastard appendage from chitin, which forms the male at the end of the process. It is necessary in order to exclude the possibility of fertilization re-with another male.

Stage Eggs

The first in the butterfly is an egg. They have a diverse shape and solid shell enough. They are angular, round, spherical. Them outer surface Relief with symmetric tubercles and deepening. The color scheme has a transition from white to green, sometimes there is a color pattern on the outer surface.

Usually, females can postpone in one masonry more than 1000 eggs. Depending on the species of these insects, they can leave them as a group of up to 10 pieces and one by one. Stage of the egg lasts from 8 to 15 days.

Stage of Caterpillar

Butterfly larva is a worm-shaped caterpillar. She has a pronounced rodent rotter machine. The caterpillars exist special generating a secret, which, hard in the air, forms a silk thread. The larvae is basically phytophages, that is, their food is flowers, leaves and fruits of plants.

There are also types of caterpillars that are eating anti-larvae, Tlya and Cherweans. These species are predators. On the body of the caterpillar 10 abdominal with five pairs of thick legs and 3 thoracic with three pairs of segment segments. The body has a smooth spiked, warts and hairs skin. Typically, the caterpillars live on Earth, trees, bushes, but some of them, such as wicked fires, can live under water. They can be divided into two large groups:

  • caterpillars prone to free lifestyle;
  • caterpillars prone to hidden lifestyle.

The latter are constructed from silky threads Portable cases in which they live. They carry it on themselves and hide in it. Also, caterpillars in the form of asylum are building a cigar-like cake from the leaves, covering it pre-silk thread. The butterfly development cycle at this stage can last several years. The caterpillars of the northern latitude can be included in the state of the diapause before the next summer. For example, the life cycle of a watard larva, which lives in Greenland, can last up to 14 years.

Stage of dolls

With butterflies, the pupa is low-lived. The main type characteristic of scales is glued. Some families, such as cocokens, doll dwells inside the cocoon, which was woven with a caterpillar. The shape is cylindrical, sometimes rounded. - OT blonde flowers Up to the dark with the presence of bands and inclusions. Usually the pupa is inside the glued leaves on the trunks and flowers of plants with the abdomen, wings, legs and a trunk. At this stage of development there is no power.

Stage insect

Adult, finally formed insect, coming out of the pupa, is called "Imago." At this stage of the development of the butterfly and the magic metamorphosis is completed. The doll acquires an oily-transparent shell for approximately a day before the insect is released. Then imago crashes outward, breaking hard covers. Mostly females come out later than males. When they harde, they will disappear, and the final color will appear, then the insect takes off. Imago has sexual maturity and can multiply. Such a sequence of butterfly development allows you to respond to changes occurring in nature. For example, on improving or deterioration of climatic conditions, the amount of precipitation, temperature regime.

So, having understood how the butterfly development occurs, we solved another riddle in nature - how was the possible magical transformation from the green unsightly caterpillar in a beautiful flying insect.

Butterfly belongs to insects with complete transformation, or bare-alphabet. Their life cycle includes four phases:

    Larvae (Caterpillar)

    Adult insect (imago)

Butterfly larvae is called caterpillars. The body of the caterpillar consists of heads, 3 thoracic and 10 abdominal rings. In addition to three pairs of breast legs, the caterpillars have more so-called "false", or "abdominal", legs that are up to 5 pairs. Unlike adult scraped, their caterpillars always have a ricking oral apparatus. It is at this stage that heights and accumulation occurs nutrients For the whole life of the insect. I barely appeared on the light, the caterpillar begins to eat - eats the sheath of the egg, then taken for the leaves of the plant on which it sits. But if the caterpillar did not happen to find himself on the desired plant, then it will not immediately be mastered on another form - it will be hungry, rejecting food. Since the caterpillar is absorbed a large number of Food in a short time, it grows rapidly. In the process of growth, the caterpillar is linked - resets the skin; This is due to the fact that it is inelastic and cannot stretch when the abdomen increases. Most caterpillars lines 4-5 times. After the last migra, the caterpillar turns into a doll.

The specific physiological feature of the caterpillars is the presence of a pair of tubular spinning, or silky separation, glands opening with a common channel on the bottom of the lip. These are altered salivary glands, in which the basic function of salivation is replaced by the production of silk. Allocations of these glands quickly harden in the air, forming a silk thread, with the help of which some caterpillars fasten the leaves rolled into the tube, others hang in the air, going down from the branch, the third surround themselves and branches on which they are sitting, cobwebs. Finally, the caterpillars of the Silk Thread is used to build a cocoon, inside which is puzzling.

In terms of lifestyle of caterpillars can be divided into two groups: 1) caterpillars, leading free lifestyle, which live more or less open on plants; 2) Caterpillars leading a hidden lifestyle. Free-lived caterpillars live in both grassy and wood plants, feeding with leaves, flowers and fruits. The hidden lifestyle implies habitat in portable loafers, which caterpillars are gossipped from silky threads. Moving on the plant, the caterpillars are tested on themselves the case, hiding in it in danger. This is done, for example, caterpillars of bags-bags.

The intermediate position between the specified two biological groups occupy leasters. Thus are called caterpillars that build asylums from leaves, rolling them and bonding rolled pieces of silky thread. When building such asylum, one or more leaves are used. For many caterpillars, the sheet coagulation into a cigar-like tube is characterized. Caterpillars living in "societies" usually arrange special, sometimes complex nests, the fattening branch, leaves and other parts of the plants. Large cute nests form caterpillars of applete mountainous moths (Hyponomeuta Malinellus), which are dangerous pests of gardens and forests. Large groups live in the pawless nests of the caterpillar of hiking silkworms (Eupterotidae family), distinguished by peculiar behavior: in search of food, they are sent "in the campaign" by slender rows, following the Guska for each other. So behave, for example, the caterpillars of the oak hiking silkworm (Thaumetopoea Processionea), occasionally occurring in the forests of south-western Ukraine.

The caterpillars hatched from eggs in May are held by groups in a spider socket. When the leaves on the tree are already very united, they go down from it and in search of food crawled on the ground, always in a certain order: one caterpillar crawls ahead, after it, touching it with their hairs, follows another. In the middle of the column, the number of caterpillars in the row increases, first 2, then 3-4 caterpillars crawled nearby. By the end of the column again narrows. In July - early August, there is a pounding in the nest, and each caterpillar fits an oval cocoon. After two or three weeks, butterflies fly out.

The hidden lifestyle leads all caterpillars inhabiting inside various organs of plants. This includes miners, frozing, drillers and gallometers. Minerals are called caterpillars living inside the leaves and their cuffs and internal moves inside chlorophyllon tissues - mines. Some miners will not donate all the contents of the sheet, but are limited to or separate sections.

When the mining caterpillars live inside a sheet of groups, the so-called swollen mines may occur. So, the caterpillars of the Lilac Moth (Caloptilia Syringella), relating to the special family of Moles-Pestry (GracillarIidae), first live several pieces together in one common mine having a wide spot form that can occupy most of the sheet. Mines are strongly fluttered from gases from them. The epidermis covering the mine quickly yellow. Later the caterpillars leave their mines and, skeling leaves, twist them in the tube. Before puzzling, they go to the ground.

Very peculiar to the life of the scraping, the caterpillars of which are developing in aquatic environment. In the middle of summer along the shores of the reservoirs, the surface of which is covered with leaf of white lilies and yellow water lishes, you can often find a small butterfly with beautiful yellowish wings, the complex pattern of which consists of strongly curved brown lines and located between them whitish spots. incorrect form. This is a jug, or a marsh fire (Hydrochampa Nymphaeata). She lays eggs on the leaves of various water plants, from the bottom of them. Takes from eggs greenish larvae first minounted plant fabrics. At this time, their smallets are strongly reduced, so breathing occurs through the surface of the skin. After a molting of the caterpillar leaves a mine and builds a special case with carved pieces of RDEST and water lishes, and breathing remains the same. In this case, the caterpillar is winter, and in the spring leaves him and builds a new case. To do this, she jaws squints two oval or round pieces, which bonded on the sides of the web. Such case is always filled with air; At this stage, the caterpillar has quite developed stigma and trachea, and it is now breathing atmospheric air. Crawling on aquatic plants, the caterpillar testes with him the case just as the swirls do it. It feeds, scraping the jaws of the skin and flesh from the leaves of aqueous plants. Pockerying occurs in the cavalry.

In close connection with the lifestyle of the caterpillars are the shape and painting of their body. Caterpillars, leading outdoor lifestyle, often have a cryptic color, well harmony with the surrounding background. The efficacy of protective color may increase due to the characteristics of the pattern. So, the caterpillars of the brazers on a common green or gray background are oblique stripes, which dismember the body on the segments, making it even less striking. The patronage of color, combined with the characteristic form, often leads to the emergence of a patronage similarity with parts of the plants on which the caterpillar lives. At the spdens, for example, caterpillars are like dry bitch. Along with the cryptic coloring of the caterpillars leading an open lifestyle, a bright demonstration color is found, testifying to their inconsideration.

Some caterpillars at the time of danger take a threatening pose. These should be attributed to the Great Garpius caterpillar (Cerura Vinula), having a very peculiar form: it has a large flat head, wide in the front of the body strongly narrows to the rear end, on the top of which the "plug" is located, consisting of two severe threads. It is worth overlooking the caterpillar, as it immediately takes a threatening pose, lifting up the front of the body and the tip of the abdomen with the "fork".

Cuccoal doll has egg-shaped extracted shape, with a pointed rear end. Its dense outdoor covers form a solid shell; All appendages and limbs are soldered with the body, as a result of which the surface of the pupa becomes solid, legs and wings cannot be separated from the body without disturbing the integrity of the cover. Such a doll is called covered with dolls. It can not move, but she preserves some mobility of the recent Crescent segments.

In the life cycle of insect dolls - the most vulnerable stage. Therefore, it is important for the pupil to find a safe place. Pupa, which are attached to plants, is almost impossible to distinguish from leaves and branches.

Very fancy dolls of daytime butterflies: usually angular, often with a metal glitter, without a cocoon. They are attached to various subjects, and or hanging heads down (hanging doll), or wicked thread, and then their head is addressed to the top (spidered doll). Many scratched caterpillars have a silky cocoon cocoon, which is the development of a pupa.

The pupa's stage lasts a few days, some visiting - up to three years. The duration of the pupa is much and depends on external conditions - Temperature and humidity.

When the doll bursts, a butterfly comes out of it. Binding to the light, she first's looking for a place where you can freely straighten your wings. Then the butterfly dries them for several hours. Gradually, the wings lose elasticity and stronger. Now you can make the first flight.

Most butterflies appear from the pupae early in the morning, when it is not hot and the air is dominated by dew. Stripe and dry the wings at this time is much better than at noon, when the sun is palette.

When the butterfly is ready for the flight, she rushes in search of a partner. After mating, the female lays eggs, and the life cycle is repeated from the very beginning.

Insects - amazing creatures. Some of them are striking with their beauty, others scare only by the view, others can be useful to a person, and the fourths represent a danger to him. It does not matter whether small creation, or calmly crashes on the ground, in no way affecting the vital activity of people: some types of "bugs" multiply in a special way. What insects have a pupa?

What is a doll?

The pupa is nothing more than the stage of development of a certain individual, inherent in the insect, a complete change in organs and tissues belonging to the larva, in the structure of an adult individual in this state, in this state. As a rule, dolls are fixed, they do not change in size and do not eat food.

Having completed the growth process, the larva ceases to eat, moves to a sedentary lifestyle, last time recesses the skin and only then turns into a doll. The appearance of the pupa does not allow it to be called an adult person, however, it is already acquiring a list of signs that allow it to compare it with the transmitted insect. Most before turning into a doll, wraps into the cocoon. The material for its creation acts, as a rule, Silk. Cocoons of certain types of butterflies are selected to create fabrics, such as Silk and Cherech. What insects have a pupa? The list of them is quite extensive: said butterflies, mantis, horns, wasps, may beetles, indoor flies, ants and others. We will tell you more about some representatives of this group.


Answering the question about what insects have dolls, it is worth paying attention to butterflies. Immediately after the formation of the pupa of this insect, it remains open: its small legs and wings fit to the body very weakly, they can easily be bent.

However, the soft outer shell hardly hardens, the limbs are firmly glued to the body with a special liquid. With a surface inspection, the pupa is very similar to the caterpillar, but if you take care, you can see some features of an adult butterfly: wingspan, head sketch, abdomen, trunk and mustache. The durable shell of the pupa is usually devoid of hair cover, but some types of butterflies still have individuals decorated with a small amount.

What insects have a pupa, besides a butterfly?


The female is once able to postpone up to 120 eggs, and in all her life this number increases to two thousand, if the environment is favorable. The egg develops completely for 8-50 hours. Room Fly - Insect, predisposed to complete transformation. Its larvae reaches a length of thirteen millimeters, do not have legs, the form from the mouth is pointed, the tip is truncated. They live in feces, as well as in other roting agents with a semi-liquid structure.

Approximately two weeks of the larva completes the last mink and crawl into a secluded place where it turns into a doll. This phase of the life of the room flies lasts about three days. Adult special lives up to the month, but when favorable conditions This period may double. After one and a half days after the conversion of the fly is able to multiply.

In addition to flies, what insects have a pupa? They are enough.


In search of information about which insects have a doll, you can face ants. Their life begins with the advent of the egg, from which the larvae appear very quickly.

By itself, it is practically not moving, the workers of individuals are cared for it: feed, transfer to special "rooms". Passing all the larch stages, the future ant is pounding. The insect is not able to independently get rid of the shell covering the doll, so adult individuals help him finally be born.

The process of poking the caterpillars, especially the daytime types of butterflies, is striking the view of the observer with its simplicity and complexity at the same time. It would seem that a few seconds ago it was a caterpillar - and now the skin was burst into you and already in front of you already a doll (Fig. 19). Before puzzling, many types of caterpillars change behavior - become restless, stopped feeding, looking for a suitable place for themselves. In different species such places may be different. Some caterpillars are pounding immediately on the feed plant, usually on back side Leaves. Others - in fallen foliage or in twisted leaves remaining on trees. These leaves do not fall on the winter, because the caterpillars are specifically fixed. The larvae of a number of species make a whole journey in search of a suitable place and do not even pour if they are deprived of this jogging. There are caterpillars, which are buried in front of the puzzle in the ground, and there are houses in love for this wall, fences, telegraph poles. There is a known case when on the field aerodrome the mass of a pupa of one of the types of fires scored a device for regulating air pressure in the cockpit of the Yak-40 aircraft. To exclude such incidents, the aircraft designers modified the device itself.

Before puzzling, many caterpillars decrease in size - become shorter, some change color. Many species weave the cocoon, for the construction of which not only the silk thread is used, but also the restricted material - the lumps of the earth, the pieces of leaves, the stems of herbs. The case was recorded when the caterpillar of the lacker butterfly used for a cocoon slices of lead, which scraped from the lead shell of an abandoned piece of high-voltage cable.

Fig. 19. Dolls of night butterflies: and - butterflies from the family of the brahnikov (sphingidae), b - butterflies from the Scoop family (Noctuidae)

After the pounding, the very responsible stage of the development of the butterfly begins. According to external manifestations, it can be called a lull. But in fact, the crumbling of the body occur inside the doll, new organs are formed.

Most types of legs, wings, mustaches and proboscis future butterflies are only drawn in the circuit of a pupa under a single dense shell. But the pupa of some more primitive views of the finiteness butterflies are fluently behind the body, as is the yoke dolls. Rings back - parts of the body of the pupa butterflies mostly moving.

Dolls different butterflies They differ very different in shape and color. Usually they are monochrome and smooth. But there are also pupae with spiny or noded protrusions (Fig. 20). Some dolls are brown or green; Others are perfectly painted, sometimes with a gold or silver pattern. Differences are so significant and so characteristic for each species that the pupa can determine the appearance of a butterfly. In many pupae at the end of the rear of the body there is a process, often equipped with spines. It is called a cremanther and serves to fix the pupa after the caterpillar squeezes will fall. Some dolls are fixed by the riot of silk yarns.

Fig. 20. Ducts of daytime butterflies: And - the butterflies of day peacocks (Inachis IO); B - Urticae Butterfly (Aglais Urticae)

Most dolls are "silent creatures", but there are also those that make sounds. Cases of the brahnik "Dead head" (acherontia atropos) and pupae butterfly Saturnia Rodinia Phugax can squeak.

The means of protecting the pupa from predators is masking. In some types of butterflies, the color of the pupa depends on the substrate on which the caterpillar pounded. But the pupa of the butterflies of the Topoleum tape (Limenitis Populi) resorts to the deception of insectivore birds. In its sculptural structure there is a detail, externally resembling a speaker hemolyimphy - insect blood. Bird, seeing the screwdrive doll, will take it for the inedible, chosen by another bird. Stilpnotia Salicis Butterfly Case covered with bunches of hard yellow hairs serving to protect it from insectivore birds and predatory insects.

Puppet Stage U. different species Butterflies continue from one to two days to several years, if the doll falls into the so-called dapause. The impetus to such a slowdown in development can serve the duration of the daylight, temperature ambient, humidity and other factors.

It is interesting to note that the color of the wings of the future butterfly depends on which temperature conditions There was a doll. Experiments have shown that from dolls developed by low temperatures, went out butterflies, in the color of which prevailed dark tones. From the pupae contained at a higher temperature, butterflies appeared with lighter color.

Many species, the development of the dolls of which occurs in cockoons, there are special devices to exit butterflies outside. Hoplitis Milauseri Butterflies and representatives of the genus Limacodes dolls are cut into a round hole in the cocoon with a special spike that is on the shoulder. In other species, the hatched butterfly distinguishes the liquid that corrupts the cocoon. Often, especially in the species developing inside the trees and the stems of herbs, PA conifers abdomen pupae are directed backwards, giving her the opportunity shortly before hatching butterfly move along the go made by the caterpillar, to the exit outside.

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There are the following three main types of kulch:

Open, or free, dolls are free, only pressed to the body imaginal appendages (,). Among the pupa of this type, two groups are distinguished - with movable and with fixed or reduced. The first are most primitive, use movable to exit a cocoon and themselves can perform movements; They are peculiar to retina, scorpion flies, swirls and torn moles ( Micropterygidae.). Pupae with immobile or reduced, do not have the ability to apply the latter when leaving the cocoon; This includes dolls of most beetles and refamps, fleas, ferocry and many dirty.

Covered dolls - They have closely pressed and soldered with the body of imaginal appendages due to the fact that during the latter it highlights the secret, which, when solidified, covers the pupa with a solid shell. It is characteristic of the majority of butterflies, and some dirty, some beetles (for example, God's cows) and chalcides.

Hidden dolls - coated with a hard-sighted unshabed larvae, which, therefore, plays the role of a shell, or a false cocoon. Such a false cocoon is often called puparia. Inside this puparia is a typical open doll; In this regard, some authors consider this type just a modification of open dolls. It is only characteristic of the highest dwarf (round clock).