Repairs Design Furniture

Solutions for living room rectangular shape. Design stretched rectangular living room. Furniture and lighting

With premises proper form Designers are nice to work. Perfect space does not require additionally to "align" it, mask unsuccessful layout. it perfect option For the living room, because it allows you to try any interior design. To determine the style, you do not need to limit your fantasy - everything is suitable decoration Materials. That is why the design of the square living room is one of the most common queries from private homeowners. Often, the project provides for zoning a given space, which implies many nuances. To deal with guest layout, consider a competent approach to its design.

Features of the organization of space

In view of its forms close to perfection, the interior of a square living room can observe the symmetry of its arrangement in space or knowing it. Decor elements, furniture headset, even facing materials can together form an asymmetric pattern, if it was so conceived. At the same time, it is desirable to competently place furniture items so that the distance between them was equidistant.

For example, it concerns the line between the sofa and the TV. By the way, about the latter. Its dimensions should be directly proportional to the size of the room. If the design of a square living room with an area of \u200b\u200b15 square meters is designed. m, then plasma parameters will be alone. If the interior of the square living room is 18 square meters. m, then a little more. It should be viewed from the maximum number of viewing angles. The square room room has an advantage over rectangular, since it does not need to look for a place for the wall so as not to narrow the area.

Saving space in the center of the square room is the main argument for designers.

The larger the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the more noticeable it becomes dignity. In the middle it is easy to present a dance floor or a dining table for all guests (if you place all furnished items along the walls). This is a truly functional zone! Here you can provide the creation of such options as:

  • rest zone;
  • workplace;
  • sleeping;
  • children's;
  • dining room.

However, there are conditions under which this advantage is somewhat lost. We are talking about the unsuccessful location of the windows. If you immediately boast two walls window passingAnd the third is given to the deposit of interior door - then placing the furniture set becomes possible only in the last plane. Almost this is enough for the design project. The only rescue can be a large area of \u200b\u200bthe room, which allows to look at the island method of placement of furniture in the middle.

How to arrange space if the room is small

The basic condition here is to avoid massive furniture decor elements in order not to clutter useful Square. A huge servant will make it difficult to move guests. Designers There are no need to zonate space for a long time, as valuable living space meters will be used only for leisure of homeowners. It is worth placing as many furnished products, a variety of technical devicesStylized accessories.

Very important. It is not recommended to install the interroom door to a small room so that it opens inward. It steals the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Here to think about installing sliding doorswhich minimize the effect of flavored.

An important role will play natural lighting. If it is clearly not enough, then competent layout lighting devices.

Usually the interior design of the square living room costs without a multisective wall, as it is quite cumbersome. Much more practical look narrow stellags, Low racks and a variety of niches. These elements are perfectly suitable for the plasma of the TV, collectible books, elegant souvenirs.

As for the soft elements of the situation, it is worth avoiding impressive, heavy products. This is especially true of the houses, where the flow of guests is quite insignificant and allows you to do with a pair of chairs with a minimalist sofa. If you have to meet the guests often, it is possible to provide the effect of two in one thing: when a neat table is located in the center on the rug on the rug, and cozy armchairs are settled for the organization of a soft zone.

Enlarge visually space can help a horizontal mirror over a soft sofa.

What to do with space if the room is big

The large size of the room allows the designer to think over the rational zoning of the space. The free flight of creative fantasy does not imply a clogging of the design of a square living room of 16 square meters. M All sorts of decor elements.

However, the minimum set consisting of a coffee table, a sofa and two chairs may not be enough. If they put them along the entire premises, then guests will have to shout to be heard. Therefore, before designers, an interesting task is to smash the space on the functional zones. In view of the following:

  • Organize a workplace with computer table, ergonomic chair;
  • Create a library with a reader sofa;
  • Provide for a place for the dining room;
  • Take care of the bedroom.

Optimal layout Must take into account all the details of the organization and obey some rules. It is not recommended to set any partitions between them. Since instead of the desired comfort effect, two uncomfortable sites are formed in the guest. It is better to use racks, ornamental floors or special design materials as a delimiter. It is also possible to use different levels outdoor coating. This is especially true if the living room is a piano that a priori must be on some elevation.

There are joyful news: you can forget about the outdated method of arrangement of furniture items along the walls of the guest. On the contrary, the widest selection of all sorts of options for the location of the interior elements in a large-sized room is provided. Good decision in the design project will be corner sofawhich zones the space without any need to use partitions. You can envisage large kitchen table with comfortable chairs, a platter with plasma on the contrary, a decorative table with soft puffes. That is, to produce a competent grouping headset, given the perfect form of space.

The interior of the design of the square living room with storage sites allows you to enter massive samples of the headset, not at risking all the useful area. The minimalist style is a large guest is contraindicated, since the interior will look defective, unfinished. Designers recommend for such premises classic style Registration. Where pathos is combined with strictly conservative forms, and the monumentality of products from natural tree emphasizes the status of the owners. Articles and pilasters characteristic of style can additionally affect the ease of perception.

Creating a functional living area + kitchen

Planning the design of the interior design for guests functionally combined with the kitchen, should be guided defined rules. Competent adherence to the aforementioned norms will avoid the problems of the irrational location of the zones.

With high partitions, it is better not to deal with at all - they divide the room unprofitable, narrowing it even more. Much more efficiently use bar racks. It is necessary to provide a kitchen table of impressive sizes and the correct form, since kitchen zone obliges to this. The remaining elements of the kitchen utensils can be arranged in the usual way under the wall. The use of type modules that allow you to save space are welcomed.

As for the floor covering, it is better to choose it for a kitchen with glossy glitter. Cup of S. pastel tones The remaining surfaces and multi-level lighting are visually expanding the gaps.

For the recreation area, it is advisable to use the central place: to arrange soft furniture and coffee tableiR. This is one I. key differences Square apartments from traditional, where they rest in the most distant room.


The space of the right form is an invaluable advantage, a find for designers. Who should be able to use them correctly to emphasize top Qualities Apartments. If you intentionally do not overload the interior with an excessive decor, then the fantasy of the project developer can lead to stunning results in its beauty.

With premises of the right form, designers are nice to work. Perfect space does not require additionally to "align" it, mask unsuccessful layout. This is the perfect option for the living room, because it allows you to try. In the article - the design of the square living room.

To determine the style, you do not need to limit your fantasy - all finishing materials are suitable. That is why the design of the square living room is one of the most common queries from private homeowners. Often, the project provides for zoning a given space, which implies many nuances. To deal with guest layout, consider a competent approach to its design.

Features of the organization of space

Due to its forms close to perfection, the design of the square living room can observe the symmetry of its arrangement in space or know it. Elements of decor, furniture headset, even facing materials can together form an asymmetric pattern if it was so conceived. At the same time, it is desirable to competently place furniture items so that the distance between them was equidistant.

For example, it concerns the line between the sofa and the TV. By the way, about the latter. Its dimensions should be directly proportional to the size of the room. If the design of the square living room of 15 square meters is designed. m., the plasma parameters will be alone. If the design of the square living room is 18 square meters. m., then a little more. It should be viewed from the maximum number of viewing angles. The square room has an advantage over rectangular, since it does not need to look for a place for the wall so as not to narrow the area.

Saving space in the center of the square room is the main argument for designers.

The larger the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the more noticeable is this dignity. In the middle it is easy to present a dance floor or a dining table for all guests (if you place all furnished items along the walls). This is a truly functional zone! Here you can provide the creation of such options as:

  • rest zone;
  • workplace;
  • sleeping;
  • children's;
  • dining room.

However, there are conditions under which this advantage is somewhat lost. We are talking about the unsuccessful location of the windows. If two walls can immediately boast window openings, and the third is immediately given to the deposit of interior door - then placing the furniture set becomes only in the last plane. Almost this is enough for the design project. The only rescue can be a large area of \u200b\u200bthe room, which allows to look at the island method of placement of furniture in the middle.

How to arrange space if the room is small

The underlying condition here is to avoid massive elements of the furniture decor, so as not to clutch the useful area. A huge servant will make it difficult to move guests. Designers There are no need to zonate space for a long time, as valuable living space meters will be used only for leisure of homeowners. It is worth placing as far as possible furnished products, a variety of technical devices, stylized accessories.

Very important. It is not recommended to install the interroom door to a small room so that it opens inward. It steals the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Here you will think about installing sliding doors that minimize the effect of flavors.

An important role will play natural lighting. If it is clearly not enough, then competent layout of lighting devices will need.

Usually the interior design of the square living room costs without a multisective wall, as it is quite cumbersome. It is much more practical to look for narrow racks, low racks and a variety of niches. These elements are perfectly suitable for the plasma of the TV, collectible books, elegant souvenirs.

As for the soft elements of the situation, it is worth avoiding impressive, heavy products. This is especially true of the houses, where the flow of guests is quite insignificant and allows you to do with a pair of chairs with a minimalist sofa. If you have to meet the guests often, it is possible to provide the effect of two in one thing: when a neat table is located in the center on the rug on the rug, and cozy armchairs are settled for the organization of a soft zone.

Enlarge visually space can help a horizontal mirror over a soft sofa.

What to do with space if the room is big

The large size of the room allows the designer to reflect on the rational zoning of the space. The free flight of creative fantasy does not imply a clogging of the design of a square living room of 16 square meters. M All sorts of decor elements.

However, the minimum set consisting of a coffee table, a sofa and two chairs may not be enough. If they put them along the entire premises, then guests will have to shout to be heard. Therefore, before designers, an interesting task is to smash the space on the functional zones. In view of the following:

  • Organize a workplace with a computer table, an ergonomic chair;
  • Create a library with a reader sofa;
  • Provide for a place for the dining room;
  • Take care of the bedroom.

The optimal layout should take into account all the details of the organization and the obstacles of some rules. It is not recommended to set any partitions between them. Since instead of the desired comfort effect, two uncomfortable sites are formed in the guest. It is better to use racks, ornamental floors or special design materials as a delimiter. It is also possible to apply different levels of flooring. This is especially true if the living room is a piano that a priori must be on some elevation.

There are joyful news: you can forget about the outdated method of arrangement of furniture items along the walls of the guest. On the contrary, the widest selection of all sorts of options for the location of the interior elements in a large-sized room is provided. A good solution in the design project will be an angular sofa, which zonizes the space without any need to use partitions. You can provide a large kitchenette with comfortable chairs, a plasma sofa, a decorative table with soft puffs. That is, to produce a competent grouping headset, given the perfect form of space.

The interior of the design of the square living room with storage sites allows you to enter massive samples of the headset, not at risking all the useful area. The minimalist style is a large guest is contraindicated, since the interior will look defective, unfinished. Designers recommend that such premises classic style design. Where pathos is combined with strictly conservative forms, and the monumentality of natural wood products emphasizes the status of the owners. Articles and pilasters characteristic of style can additionally affect the ease of perception.

Creating a functional zone: living room + kitchen

Planning the design of the interior design for guests functionally combined with the kitchen, should be guided by certain rules. Competent adherence to the aforementioned norms will avoid the problems of the irrational location of the zones.

With high partitions, it is better not to deal with at all - they divide the room unprofitable, narrowing it even more. Much more efficiently use bar racks. It is necessary to provide a kitchen table of impressive sizes and the correct form, since the kitchen area obliges to this. The remaining elements of the kitchen utensils can be arranged in the usual way under the wall. The use of type modules that allow you to save space are welcomed.

As for the floor covering, it is better to choose it for a kitchen with glossy glitter. Together with pastel colors of other surfaces and multi-level lighting - it will visually expand the gaps.

For the recreation area, it is advisable to use the central place: to arrange soft furniture and coffee table. This is one and key differences in square apartments from traditional, where they rest in the most distant room.


The space of the right form is an invaluable advantage, a find for designers. Which should be able to use them correctly to emphasize the best quality of the apartment. If you intentionally do not overload the interior with an excessive decor, then the fantasy of the project developer can lead to stunning results in its beauty.

In many modern apartments You can find narrow rooms, and even with your nuances.

Those who became the owner of a narrow living room, the space should be correctly planned, exploring furniture items.

Only in this case the room will visually look more, while completely will not be such an impression, as if you were in the tunnel.

Color selection

You can choose the most diverse design option for a narrow living room. At the same time, the room should be cozy and spacious.

Therefore, if the room small size, Choose a bright furniture range and also finishing materials.

Thanks to this section of the room visually it will look more, and light will add. To create homemadeIt is also possible to use a pale orange gamut, or even yellowish.

This will help lighting devices, or carpet on the floor.

Choosing bright colors, the furniture does not need to pick up cumbersome. Great suitable glass table. You can see a visual demonstration in the photo a narrow living room presented in our catalog.

You can choose I. white furniturebut at the same time be sure to consider bright designer subjects in your house. Shoots are bright, but as for the walls, then with beige shades.

Making the interior of a narrow living room should not choose a dark range, like brown. On the ends, draw paintings, take the photo wallpaper with the image of an interesting landscape.

Also in a narrow living room, the curtains are suitable, blinds of dark tones.

In general, chosen colors in such space should be in bright, pastel color gamma. Only so the perimeter will be proportional. Accents set the way to combine bright tones With dark. On the walls of the glue wallpaper of a monophonic color, the drawing on which is absolutely absent, or it is very poorly expressed.

Alternatively, you can visually expand the space, glue light wallpaper opposite each other.

Separating the room to some areas and salabing them different wallpaper, the design of a long narrow living room will be not only exquisite, but also extended. If the colors choose correctly, it should be remembered that the dark gamma has the property of the narrowing, and the light-visual expansion, as well as the extension of the space.

At the expense of large patterns, the room will appear already, and a small pattern - it will be remarkably suitable in such a layout. As for large-format patterns, they must be applied solely on a wide wall.

And on the parties that are close to each other, you can apply some kind of a nonsense pattern. For example, it can be stripes, thanks to which the width of the room will vary visually.

Selection of furniture, lighting

If you add mirrors in narrow corner living rooms or long rooms, it will allow you to visually increase the space, expand it and give it even in a sense of square shape.

Walls can be covered with paint / bold wallpaper with ornament, or some kind of incomplete drawing. In this case, the colors differ from the furniture, they do not have a varnish or some caustic colors.

Creating a design in a narrow room, eliminate high walls. After all, because of them, the room will seem even more elongated, and look like a tunnel. Furniture here should be selected low, with various shelves and chests. To free the space, complete the furniture with a round table, as well as the shelf under the plasma panel.

For example, it is better to choose a lightweight and air pouf than a heavy chair.

And as an alternative, a bright picture on the wall, choose some kind of option neutral painting, not a massive coffee table, and neat, from glass, etc.

Also here it is necessary to organize intensive lighting in the center of the room. You can also place in addition lED ribbon. around the perimeter, wall bras.

Remote necessarily on your own preferences and morals, see our photos, impress and create! We wish you creative success!

Photo narrow living room

Living room square shape occurs quite often, especially in private homes and homes new buildings. Registration of such a room does not cause difficulties even among the inhabitants. However, if within the framework of the design project, a living room with several functional zones is scheduled, then we will have to take into account the mass of subtleties, weigh the set "for" and "against". Even if you take the most common room for receiving the guest room for receiving guests, the mass of features will pop up in the course of its implementation. Consider them in more detail.

Square living room in classic style

Feature of a modern living room square shape

The square living room has one very important dignity compared to rooms of another form. The space of its floor can be used as much as possible, in contrast, for example, from the room rectangular shape. The fact is that in rectangular room The overall furniture will be difficult to find a place, as it will additionally narrow the already quite narrow space.

Interior of a modern living room in black and white

Even if we assume that all the elements of the interior in the rectangular living room will be located at the wall, in the middle there is not so much space. The space remains except for more or less free movement. It will be quite difficult to arrange suggestions with a dozen friends, as it will clearly be tested.

Square Living Room in Neoclassic Style

The square room wins his "rectangular vestibule" precisely the preservation of space in the center of the room. All furniture can be conveniently located along the walls, and the middle can be turned into a "floating" functional zone, where, if necessary, you can install the table with disadvantages or even build a small dance floor. The greater the square room, the more his main advantage is striking.

Square living room with spacious dining area

Partially leveling the dignity of the square shape can be an unsuccessful location of the windows. This often can be found in private houses when the window openings are gaped in two walls of the room, excluding the opportunity to place some furniture from them. And in one wall there is an interroom door. And it turns out that for the full placement of the elements of the interior, only one wall is suitable, which is clearly not enough.

Stylish and modern living room in bright colors

In this case, the interior of the square living room can win only due to the size of the room. In a large room, furniture can be placed is an island way, that is, in the middle. Again, if we are talking about a rectangular room in which both long walls are busy with windows and interior doorsEven his big size will not be salvation, since the elements of the interior will not put in the middle and do not place the walls.

Furniture arrangement in a square living room

Features of the design of a small square living room

Design square living room small square It may require you a number of serious solutions. One of them is the need to replace ordinary swing doors on sliding. This is explained by the fact that such doors will allow maintaining the useful space in the room that occupies the door, which opens inward. If for any reason you don't want to change the door, then you should not put furniture next to them.

Classic Living Room Proper Square

Highly important Council For those who have a small living room, is that furniture in it is as small as possible. It must be the most necessary interior items. Do not think that the more beautiful furniture, the luxury will be the living room. It's not at all so, because forcing the interior of a square living room, there will be a little loose place in the center of the room. The feeling of the close space will constantly press you, so it will not be quite comfortable.

Square living room combined with kitchen and sleeping area

To avoid this effect, it is better to abandon some massive furniture. So, for example, instead of a cabinet over the wall, stop at a small dresser or hinged boxes under the TV. A good option will be an angular locker or an angular showcase for storing dishes or necessary things. Pay attention to the color of the furniture, the best items will be optimal on the background of light walls. Similar design of the square living room looks harmonious and attractive.

Spacious and free lounge square shape

Concerning soft furniture, Choose a sofa or chairs based on practical considerations. If you need a full-fledged in the living room sleeping place, of course, without a sofa could not do. In addition, if you often gather guests in large quantities, In this case, a large sofa will be required. Well, and if you are more likely to stay in the living room with your family, then you may need a fairly small sofa for 2-3 person.

Square Square Living Room Design

Design square living room large sizes also has its own characteristics. Its creation requires adhere to one important principle that can be briefly formulated as follows: "In a large square room, you must try at least at least to take the middle of the room." If this principle is neglected, the center of the living room will seem too empty and uncomfortable, which in itself spoils the interior composition.

Square Living Room Proper Square Forms with Work Zone

Professional designers adopted the interior of the square room to place in its middle or large accent elements, or meaningful, attracting functional zones. A bright example is a recreation area, an angular sofa chairs and a coffee table. Often also center big room may take a wardrobe showcase, massive, decorated various elements Dining table and even indoor fountain.

Corner sofa in a square living room

Very spectacular in the design of the square living room fits the accent element, which simultaneously plays the role of the boundary between functional zones. It can be a beautifully decorated semi-rods with a niche, a green hedge or just set across big Aquarium. Such an element looks spectacular, occupies the middle of the room, in addition, he divides the room into two parts resulting in a successful layout of the square living room.

Square living room with a partition that separates the kitchen

Zoning room space for receiving square-shaped guests, we get two full-fledged functional areas of the rectangular shape. The functional purpose of such zones may be different:

  • bedroom zone;
  • entertainment zone;
  • children's Corner;
  • work zone;
  • dining area and stuff.

Due to the size of the residential premises, the functional zones can be easily filled with everything necessary, almost without significant restrictions. Planning a room in this way, you need to understand that the interior composition should remain holistic. Color range, texture, style of both parts of the room, must be perfectly correlated with each other.

Square living room with large black chandeliers

Photo square living room

It is absolutely optional both parts of the room for receiving guests to design in one color or texture. The main thing is that they organically become combined with each other and a clear designer concept should be traced in them.

The set for furnishing living room in most cases is always one: sofa, TV, coffee table or wall. But if it allows the area, the rack with a home library, a minibar and even a dining area is added to the standard set.

Living room in modern style with standard furniture set

If in the square room of medium and large sizes, the placement of furniture in the living room is not a problem, then for non-standard premises, a certain approach and knowledge of designer tricks are required.

Furniture options in the living room

Symmetrical placement of upholstered furniture focused around the fireplace and coffee table, face to face

P-shaped labeling of the living room with the center of the room under the recreation area and the passages along the edges

Solving the issue of how to arrange furniture in the living room, always begins with the preparation of a clear plan. It is not necessary to execute it in a special computer program.

Scheme beautiful option The traditional layout of the soft zone of the living room is a sofa opposite the TV and two chairs on the sides.

After all, not everyone has the skills of working with similar design tools. Although it is impossible not to note the possibilities and advantages of 3D modeling - a more real representation of the final result.

The arrangement of the corner sofa, armchairs and pigeons to create a beautiful composition in the room

You can make a sketch on ordinary paper into a cage. The process marks:

  • height, length and width of the room in the selected scale;
  • window location door openings, niches, etc.;
  • location of sockets, radiators.

Diagonal Living Room - Option for Studio Apartments or Combined Rooms

Separation of the living room on the zone with several focal centers is suitable for large rectangular rooms.

There are a number of universal councils, how to put furniture in the living room that will help prevent errors.

  1. All items are selected on the size of the room: for small living rooms - compact, for spacious - large.
  2. Than more room, Top more elements You can afford. For small rooms, give preference to multifunctionality.
  3. If, in addition to the recreation area, it is supposed to place a dining or sleeping area, then all areas should be minimized as possible. Dinner table It is better to accommodate the window for sleep and rest less lit part of the room.
  4. Cannot close and clutter sources natural lighting - Window openings. Daylight should be freely falling inside.
  5. Refuse massive walls that were distributed in the last century. Even in a large living room, they look so obvious and difficult to combine with other interior items.
  6. The width of the passages is at least 60 cm.
  7. If the situation implies not only the sofa, but also the chairs, then the distance between the objects of a soft headset should be such that vacationers can hear each other when congently and maintain a convenient distance.
  8. The most optimal location coffee table From the sofa - at a distance of 40-50 cm.

Where to put a sofa?

The interior of any living room will not cost without a sofa. Do not position this object close to the window. It is also not recommended to place it back to the entrance. This is psychologically uncomfortable.

When choosing an embodiment of furniture, you need to navigate the model of the product that is selected under the parameters of the room, because The form, the layout is much more complicated.

Where to put the TV?

The TV in the interior of the living room plays the role of a binder, around which the remaining elements are located.

The TV still remains one of the main elements of the living room. Its location should be as comfortable as possible, namely:

  • be at the level of the eye sitting, i.e. Height from the floor is about 1.1-1.3 meters;
  • to be at a distance of at least 1.8 meters, but not more than 3 meters from the sitting.

The TV should be installed, taking into account the regulatory data providing its comfortable use.

Unsuccessful solution - the location of the TV by the window. Sun rays will interfere with viewing. It is better to choose a darkened part of the hall.

A stand can be used in the stand, modern wall, Special table. In a small living room suspended option Let save square meters.

Preparation options

When planning the interior adhere to one of the 3 options for the placement of furniture.

For the center of the room takes any element of the situation. It can be a TV, a fireplace, a wall-stand under the home theater and others. At the same distance from the selected starting point, furniture objects are settled.

This method is most common and achieved in classic interiors. It is desirable that everything is suppressed in a single style, and the symmetrically placed elements had one size and color.

The arrangement is acceptable for the premises of the right shape (square or rectangular without a big difference in width and length).

The method of symmetric furniture location in the living room is the most commonly used accommodation option.

IN modern styles This option is most common. In a non-standard living room, it helps to hide disadvantages, it is advantageous to allocate some particular part, visually make the room spacious. Clear rules and requirements, how to arrange furniture in the hall, in this case there is no. The objects themselves may be different sizes, eclectic. The main thing is the harmony of the final result.

Asymmetric furniture alignment is good because it is suitable for accommodating in a small or spacious living room, regardless of its shape.

Circular arrangement implies a choice, as in the first version, the center (more often the coffee table or chandelier). In this case, the interior items will be located in a circle at the same distance from each other, creating the right round shape. Previous options for the placement of furniture in contrast to this are easier in performance. Circular requires simultaneously space and correctness. geometric shapesbecause abandonment free corners - In itself, violation of the rules of the rational organization of a small space.

A circular method of arrangement involves the placement of furniture around the selected central element in a spacious living room

The selection of this or that way of furniture depends not only on personal preferences, but also on the planning features.

Narrow living room

An extended rectangular room profile pushes to the creation of zones separating the total area

The main error is the location of the elements of the situation along the long wall. From this passage becomes even already. Most suitable way Furniture arrangements in the living room narrow shape - asymmetrical.

Zoning in Long narrow room on the dining area and recreation and adoption

The basic principles followed by the following.

  1. Compactness. For example, you can use several small couch sofas instead of closing the free space with one big. So the room will look visually more spacious.
  2. Less furniture and more functionality. The storage system built into the sofa allows you to combine several functions at once and release a significant part of the area.
  3. Round forms. The usual square objects of furniture "eat" area. Rounded tables, sofas without loss of functionality most successfully fit into the interior.
  4. Use mirrors. If you put narrow cabinet With mirror doors along the long wall, you can achieve visual elongation.
  5. Take into account the location of the windows. If the window is on the long side, the built-in wardrobe installed to the adjacent wall aligns somewhat proportions.

Design of a long rectangular living room in beige-lilac tones

Furniture alignment in a rectangular living room - the task is easier in comparison with the previous planning option. But it is still recommended certain rules To create a harmonious setting.

One of the most good ideas In this situation is clear zoning. With the help of a specific arrangement, you can divide the room into two functional zones: for example, for dining and relaxation area. Visual division into two small squares compensates for disproportionateness. Using this technique, you create at the same time two central points with a circular location.

Unlike too narrow living room, it is possible in a rectangular room, and sometimes it is even necessary to have items perpendicularly. It can be an angular sofa, for example, or desk elongated form.

As with most non-standard premises, asymmetric furniture is the most successful solution.

Designer solution for a rectangular living room

Non-standard living rooms

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe living room in the form of a trapezium

IN lately Increasingly, in new buildings you can find polygonal rooms, living rooms in the form of a trapezium. On the one hand, such a layout looks creatively and unusual, and on the other, it raises difficulties in solving the issue, how to place the furniture in the hall of such an unusual form.

The main difficulty in non-standard breading occurs when searching for the elements of the situation. You need to be prepared for the fact that some items will have to be done under the order.

Room design incorrect form becomes the process of selecting parts and decor elements in order to make a room cozy and comfortable

In modern styles, such a lack is quite possible, turning minus rather in the original feature of the living room. Ideas for successful furniture arrangement can be several.

  1. The wrong, the beveled angle can be made by the central place and the main emphasis in the room, and arrange the furniture around it.
  2. If the main elements of the interior will be unusual design, it will only emphasize the main idea. Repeating the shape of the room in furniture forms will allow you to establish a balance in perception.
  3. Using the incorrect shape of the cabinet, for example, it is possible to achieve not only the enhancement of the effect of asymmetry, but also the contrary to smoothing the irregular angles. For example, a built-in wardrobe, made by individual order, will have inside the trapezoidal space, which is not so significant to perform its functions. But it will be possible to cover the bevelled corner and make the room as a whole more comfortable and pleasant to perception. Such an idea cannot be carried out only in the case of a certain location of the window: the source of natural lighting is impossible.

Video: 3 types of furniture arrangements: symmetrical, asymmetric and circular