Repairs Design Furniture

The interior of the room if the wallpaper is different. How to beat the wallpaper of two types. Combination of wallpaper of different colors

November 2, 2016
You can talk long about the canons in design, but every day the existing canons are becoming less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, color gamut, materials collected together, in order to obtain such a long-awaited result are an essence of your knowledge, practitioners and self-development. My motto is to find out every day, see, touch something new, and I am sure that it is possible to keep the right course in the "high design".

The combination of the wallpaper of several colors, textures and prints has long ceased to be a designer novelty, which means that we, simple orders, it's time to learn how to beat the wallpaper of two species.

Is it worth a heater dressing or what is capable of combining

Let's start with the feasibility of such actions. My inner designer with all his soul fibers is inclined to combine. The only case when I refused the idea - the presence in the interior of a large amount of decor and original furniture.

What is able to combine wall finishing?

  1. Zoning. Without several types of wallpapers, do not do owners of small-sized apartments. Various shades, textures and prints will help visually allocate individual zones, set the conditional boundaries and focus on the main thing. The more contrast wallpaper, the brighter will be separation.

  1. Accent. You can use bright wallpapers to highlight one or two walls in the room. The same reception is relevant to underline architectural elements, such as columns and niches.

  1. Change the perception of the form. The ability to change the geometry of the room is based on 3 basic rules: bright tones for small rooms, an accent wall for a square room, two dark narrow walls for the elongated area.

  1. Additional decor. If you are not an adherent of a large number of accessories, make the walls of the decorative component of the interior. Consider the design collections of wallpapers with unusual color and exclusive texture.

Combination rules

Do not know how beautiful to shove the wallpaper? I offer you some tips and universal combinations, relevant in any style and room.

  1. When combining paper and flieslinic cavities, be sure to take into account the thickness of the material. The difference is especially noticeable on geometric patterns that require a clear docking of the seams.

  1. If your walls do not boast of evenly, choose the thick main wallpapers and the same companions.

  1. The combination of bright shades of each other Leave the experimenter designers, in real life, combine better and neutral shades.

  1. The most common method of combination is the selection of various colors. If you are an amateur designer, take no more than 2-3 shades.

For the main background, you can take both pastel (beige, blue, pink, gray), and saturated (not bright!) Wallpapers, for example, brown, burgundy, emerald, blue.

Instructions for the selection of color gamut:

For an accent, you can use wallpaper with classic prints: Damascus, flowers or paisley.

  1. When combining textures, try to make different options on the same plane.

It is better to take smooth paper or textile wallpapers as the basis, but for contrast, you can use relief or metallized canvas.

  1. The interior will be diversified by photo wallpaper, which can also be smooth or relief, natural textile or volumetric PVC.

  1. If a bright characteristic drawing is used for the accent, select the most neutral background. For marine landscape, the use of white, blue; Green lawn will not be against the neighborhood with beige or peach.

Types of combination


The method is relevant for premises with low ceilings. With the same width of the canvas, the proportion of 2: 1 shows that there will be one contrast strip into two bands of the main color.


Reception, visually pulling room area, is often used in living rooms, corridors, hallways and cabinets.

To determine the line of intersection of two types of wallpaper, divide the wall into three equal parts, two top give the basic wallpaper, the bottom separate the contrast companion.

The bottom with a large pattern or flowers is suitable for one-photon top, if you have made a choice in favor of the strip, give power at the top of the wall wallpaper with a small pattern.

Inserts and patchwork combination

Reception will have to do with those who are looking for a non-trivial solution for the design of walls. Within one panel, up to 10 different types of wallpaper can successfully exist. To obtain a single surface effect, select a total color gamut, and the background textures and patterns may vary.

Wallpaper inserts involve the use of contrasting canvases.

If you want to zonate space in this way, use moldings and planks.

Combination errors

  1. If you independently select shades and prints, do not use more than two ornaments in one room.

  1. Selected shades should not duplicate the color of the ceiling, floor and furniture.

  1. If you picked up a photo wallpaper, the background should remain neutral, preferably pastel.
  2. In a small room, avoid dividing walls. For small rooms, the use of the principle of the accent wall is optimal.

  1. Do not forget about the style of the room. High-tech is hardly seated with floral and vegetable motifs, modern and - with a large strip and cage, and a country with metallized canvases.

The most responsible stage of repair is pasting side surfaces. From how the walls will look like the appearance of the room. In the process of work, problems may arise, which is then impossible to eliminate. Photo with high-quality shook walls with wallpaper you can see below.

Preparatory stage

Before you take for a roller and a bucket with glue, you need to spend some simple manipulations. It is from the correct actions that the further process of work depends. To begin with, it is necessary to calculate the consumption of the material, and prepare the walls before sticking wallpaper.


Before purchasing up with wallpaper, glue and other consumables, it is necessary to accurately calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls of the room. For convenience, you can always use the online calculator. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the fitting of the canvas if the drawing is depicted on them.

Buyers are often faced with the choice of wallpaper type. Modern manufacturers offer: paper, fliesline and vinyl model range. All of them differ in the thickness, width of the panel, drawing and quality.

We are demanding wide flieslinic wallpaper. They are just glued, they are easy to fall on the surface and have high wear resistance.

Preparation of walls

In order not to disappoint in the end result, it is necessary to clearly know how to prepare the walls for pasting. For surface treatment, you will need a spatula, an unnecessary vehicle.

To eliminate the old wallpaper layer, you need to sprinkle on it and wait until the canvas gets into and starts to move away from the wall. To enhance the effect, warm water and soap solution are used.

Then the canvas begin to skipper or knife. If the wallpaper is well separated by their hands.

Behind the old layers can hide gaps, cracks and irregularities. They must be eliminated by putty. Then the walls are plastered and ground.

After such a processing, the pasting is better to transfer the next day so that the layers are well dried.

In the case of walls with fliesline and vinyl wallpaper, plaster and primer are usually not carried out. The thickness of the canvas allows you to hide minor surface defects.

The process of salable

To begin with, you should make glue. For each type of wallpaper there are special means for salary. In warm water, it is necessary to gradually fall asleep the contents of the packaging.

In order not to form lumps, it is necessary to mix the solution to be continuously. After that, the glue must be broken and thickened. The process takes about 15 minutes.

During this time, you can still cut the wallpaper. There are several ways to cut the cloths:

  • using an angular line;
  • bend (without tools).

The fleet is spread to the floor. One end of the web can keep the assistant or it is clamped with infirred tools to avoid folding the wallpaper back into the roll. The same is carried out on the other side of the panel.

Then, knowing the height where the material has to be pasted, the roulette is measured the same length on the wallpaper. Moreover, it is desirable to add 5 cm to magnitude just in case.

A line with a straight angle is drawn the line, which should be perpendicular to the edges of the wallpaper. If there is no measuring instrument at hand, in place of the marker, the material is flex in such a way that the edges of the roll coincide.

According to the fold or on the drawn cut, the scissors are cut down a piece of wallpaper, which is then applied with glue.

Ways of spreading of beans

If you have a paper wallpaper, then the adhesive solution is applied with a roller or brush on the wall and on the glued cloth. For phlizelin and vinyl representatives, it is enough to apply glue only to a piece of wallpaper.

To the cloth evenly soaked it folds the book. At first, the two edges be flexing so that they met in about the middle, and then again bent the bent edges again in half.

This method you can make two blanks. So far, one is impregnated with glue, the second glue on the wall.

The pasting is made from top to bottom. For this, the workpiece is taken and one part is plunged. Then gently fastened the second half of the canvas.

A dry cloth the glued piece is stroked from the middle to the edges. So the surplus of glue and unwanted bubbles on the wallpaper, which is difficult to remove it.

At the edges there may be not the proclued areas. They must be missed with glue using a small brush.

While one person is engaged in the final work, the second - the next piece of wallpaper again prepares for sticking.

As you can see, shove the wallpaper with your own hands is not so difficult. Finally, I want to give a few useful recommendations to facilitate the process of pasting:

Thin paper wallpapers are glued. The remaining types of fliesline and vinyl glue online.

Work should be engaged in daylight. Electricity is desirable to disconnect, to remove all sockets and switches before sticking. The location for connectors is cut on already glued wallpaper.

In the repaired room it is necessary to remove the plinth.

You can not glue wallpaper with open windows. Drafts can lead to poor grasp of glue and wallpaper canvas. After sticking the door to the room, it is necessary to close until the glue is completely drying.

Photos of finished walls saved by wallpaper can also be viewed in our gallery. Good luck and success in repair.

Stock Foto Wall sticks with wallpaper

Combining wallpaper

Combined wallpaper

We all want in our home to be cozy and nice to live. Repairing an apartment, I want to create your own interior.

How to create your own unique interior of your apartment as original and cheap? This can help use the ways to combine wallpaper.

Combined wallpapers allow zoning the room, highlighting, for example, a dining area. It is useful in children's rooms, in living-dining-kitchens and studios apartments.

Secondly, pasting walls by combined wallpaper can do it cheaper, because many shops sell remnants of wallpapers at discounted prices.

But, of course, you need to choose wallpaper for a combination, so that it turned out beautifully. Here we will talk about this today.

It is very important to understand that combined Wallpapers - This is an accurate application of basic colors. premises. If the room is placed in one type of neutral wallpaper, the room can be filled with almost any furniture, textiles and accessories.

But if a combination with wallpapering other colors appears in such a room, then this color must necessarily be duplicated in the interior.

So, the first and most importantly - wallpaper color, which are used for a combination, should be duplicated in the interior

When the color palette of the combined wallpaper is repeated in the interior, there is a very harmonious, suspended interior.

Wallpaper Combination: Six Methods for Modern Design

The first method: vertical stripes.

Vertical stripes on the wallpaper visually raise the ceiling.

In modern interpretation on one wall there may be a striped wallpaper, and the rest are smooth or with a non-rigid, slightly noticeable pattern.

But so do not always come. You can vertical stripes to distribute on different walls. Moreover, they can be regular - repeated with a constant interval. As you can see in the photo, the interval on different walls can be different.

Strips can be different - color or drawing. In such a combination of wallpaper, the texture should be the same, otherwise it turns out incomprehensible messenger. For such a combination, it is easiest to work with one collection. The fact is that most campaigns produce several drawings combined with each other. As a rule, they are in several gamma. In one collection there are two or three monophonic backgrounds and several options with drawings.

With vertical combination there is still an interesting technique that allows you to make the ceiling above. One of the bands "comes" on the ceiling. In this case, the transition boundary is blurred, which gives a feeling of greater volume.

To the principle of the location of the bands was slightly clearer, we give several options in the graphic image. Pictures are made as when looking from above.

Methodsecond: dividing walls on the horizons.

Methodthird: bulk inserts.

Methodfourth: bulk inserts on large areas.

Methodfifth: combination with flap.

Methodsixth: allocation of various niches and protrusions.

Some general advice for the correct wallpaper combination.

Deciding to make a combined room trim, try to buy all the wallpapers in one place. If still half of the purchase need to be done in another store, be sure to make samples of purchased wallpapers, to then apply them to other rolls. This will allow you to choose the combined colors and textures, without relying on maybe. After all, even the slightest deviation of the color from the one you need can spoil the overall picture.

Try to use the same width wallpaper. This will avoid many problems associated with their lacking on the wall or with the selection of the desired edging. It is most convenient to work with a material of one species released by one manufacturer.

Combining with wallpaper will make it smoothed many disadvantages of the room: adjust an overly greater or too small wall height, to highlight and decorate niches or protrusions, balance the overall illumination of space. To achieve various visual effects, you can give the room a completely different kind, make the house more comfortable, cozy and modern.

Wallpapering of wallpapers from cloths of different colors or pattern - reception for those who are not looking for easy paths, because in addition to the work itself, you still need to competently choose the wallpaper. Therefore, before walking the wallpaper of two types, in question you need to understand the most thorough way!

How to beat the wallpaper of two colors - Methods and combinations

If we are going to combine wallpapers in one plane, for example, on one wall, you need to select those that are made of one material. Paper combine with paper, flieslinic - with phlizelinov, vinyl - with vinyl. Due to different wallpaper thickness, it makes no sense to mix them, because they form visible drops on the joints that do not even disguise the border. Another thing is when the combination occurs on different planes - we have one wall with paper samples, and the opposite - vinyl. In this regard, photo walls are universal - they can be combined with any other coating.

The vertical combination method provides for the alternation of different-type strips through one or two, depending on your wishes and stylistic solution. The canvas must be the same size, but are different in color solutions. If you are the holder of an elongated room, you can apply a vertical symmetric method of pasting for visual expansion. In this case, the central part of the room is covered with wide bright stripes. If you need to visually make the room wider and shorter, it will fit the vertical asymmetric method of sticking - to combine the canvas with both wide and narrow strips, exploring them on different walls. The design of the shoes of the wallpaper of two types allows you to distract from the lack of room, for example, an uneven wall.

In this case, brighter or wallpapers with a more dynamic pattern should be blocked on the opposite wall with a more dynamic pattern - such a wall will become a point of focusing and distracting guests from flaws.

Horizontal combination will be appropriate in high rooms. Most often combine monophonic canvases, bright and dark. The upper part of the wall is covered with light stripes, and the bottom is dark. This classic flowing method is often used to design halls and living rooms. Wallpaper with a pattern glued in their method - for the bottom of the wall, one-photographic web or striped canvas are used, while the variants are glued to the top of the wall. An exception is a children's room in which everything is done just the opposite.

Masters of the site site prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the required number of wallpaper.

The separation of the area on the zones can easily be able to be easy if you wake three walls in one pattern or color, and one highlight to another tone or texture. Sometimes to highlight the zone, it is enough to make inserts from wallpaper, especially if we arrange them, like pictures within - for this it is enough to choose a good edging. Those who have more than once experimented with the walls of the walls, will enjoy the "patchwork" method of pasting - sticking in chaotic order of differentty ones, different both in color and magnitude.

Wallpapering of the wallpaper of two species - the rules of the combination

To avoid an unsuccessful experiment, it is necessary to follow the simple rules of the combination of patterns and shades, which in turn is the condition of how to successfully bleach the wallpaper of two colors. So, saturated bright tones look good with muted, neutral tones. If you are looking for a good "partner" for wallpaper with floral ornaments, take a look at the texture canvases. Geometrical drawings are best suited for abstract patterns. Patterned samples look good together with monophonic. Single options will help balance the situation when bright parts are present in the interior, for example, panel.

For more youth interior design, you will probably want to use active colors - red, yellow, green. However, the eyes will be tired of such juicy magnificence, so it is best to combine bright wallpaper with neutral. In addition, you can thus beat the zoning of space. The correct, beautiful and imperceptible blowing of the wallpaper of two types is ensured by the same thick cloth, so that their docking will become a completely simple business. In addition to the selection of wall coverings, you need to remember about the interior items - everything should be harmonized!

Different wallpapers for different rooms - hall, living room, kitchen

In the design of the hall you will probably want to follow the mood of solemnity, luxury and, at the same time, comfort. It is understandable, the hall is the place where guests meet and arrange family dinners. The wallpaper is best chosen in noble tones - golden, beige, brown, peach. In the design it is important not to overdo the solemnity - guests are once a month, and to live in your home all the time.

The kitchen is a special place in the house, by and large it is the very first room! In addition to beauty and comfort, you should also follow the principles of practicality and functionality. Today, the choice of washable wallpapers with constelorable household coating is quite large so that you can allow combining colors and in the kitchen.

Of course, the kitchen should reign a cheerful mood, so bright, funny colors - a prerequisite for design of the kitchen interior. For a more festive mood, a combination of contrasting canvases with monophonic are used. Before walking the wallpaper of two types with a dominant red color, think well - the red stimulates appetite, so if someone is fighting someone in your home, such a color will not be completely relevant. It is better to add more orange - this color stimulates the work of our brain. Pink helps to fight with despondency.

The best combination of colors for the kitchen, according to psychologists, is a combination of turquoise and orange colors - with such wallpaper your mood will improve from the morning. Green, gray and blue shades opposite soothe and relax, drowning appetite.

In the living room, the first thing you need to accommodately approach the selection of the main tone. Shades of yellow, green, beige, as it is impossible to suit the appointment of the living room - to be the center of the house. Dark red, ocher and brown tones will bring more comfort and tranquility, while coral and pearl shades will give the atmosphere of this room a gentle mood. Psychologists recommend decomriage the living room in the yellow-green gamma - such a gamma will allow any guest to relax and get used to the setting.

The wallpaper combination includes experiments with photo wallpapers. And at least the mention itself still causes an internal shudder in people who made the works of printed "art" of the 1970-1980, but the real state of affairs in this area makes you forget all the old stereotypes. Our time inspires the most outstanding designers to create interesting interiors, so you should not fall behind. In the living room for photo wallpaper, choose a central place, this design element will definitely become a dominant in the interior.

Design of blending of two types of wallpaper in the office, bedroom and children's room

Cabinet - in this room you need to forget about all external stimuli and fully immerse yourself in the workflow. Therefore, leave bright and screaming tones behind the door - in the office let me reign of conciseness, rigoriness and sophistication. If the first and second is necessary for you, so as not to be distracted during the work, then the sophistication of your office will serve as a good additional trump card at a business negotiation, if you arrange them on your "territory".

Therefore, pick a wallpaper in calm tones with a classic pattern, for example, striped and checkered canvas. However, such examples of pasting the wallpaper of two species are irrelevant if you are a representative of the creative profession. In this case, the working office must fully comply with the creative mood of its inhabitant, stimulate his imagination and ingenuity, and for this all means are good! Speaking easier - your office, you and cards in your hands! Choose what you like it is that when choosing will inspire you to new accomplishments.

In the bedroom, we will conduct a third of their lives with a single desire - to fill themselves with energy and good mood for the remaining two-thirds. Most often presented in beige, olive, peach tones. In the bedroom combination - an excellent opportunity to allocate the most important and beautiful objects of the situation. In this case, the entire room is placed in one layer of wallpaper and only in those places where the interior items we need will be decorated with contrasting canvases. Visually it looks like a niche in the wall.

In the children's room there are their combination rules - it is necessary to take into account the nature of the child, and its preferences. Experimenting with how to beat the wallpaper of two colors, do not cease with bright and too dark shades - the first can be too invigorant effect, while the second, on the contrary, can cohere your mood and even provoke aggression. Warm and tender palette as a basis is the best choice for children. And the photo wallpaper with the same animal characters will help to make the room with a brighter and original.

How to beat the wallpaper of two species - working nuances

By and large, the combination of wallpapers on the process of the walls of the walls is not reflected in any way - the combined options are glued in the same way as the usual. The only difference is not even thinking to make this feat yourself! You will need help not one person to have someone to hold the wallpaper when you want to first see how the combination you select looks already on the wall.

First, how to prepare the walls, harvested by the spatula of the residues of old wallpaper, upgrading the carnations and screws, cutting off sticking dowels. Secondly, knead the glue in advance, observing all the prescriptions in the instructions. For flieslinic and vinyl wallpapers, special adhesive with stronger adhesion is used. As a rule, glue should be not less than a few hours. Thirdly, prepare the wallpaper yourself - make accurate wall measurements, decide with the size of the canvas and cut at least a few cloths from which you start pasting.

Do not forget to close all windows so that there is no draft. When weeping paper wallpapers need to be smeared and the wall, and the canvas, whereas the flieslinic, vinyl and photographic walls are not smeared - it is enough to cover them with the wall. In order not to be formed by bubbles under the canvas, use a special rubber roller for moving. The windows in the room are not worth opening another day after sticking.

The creation of the original and stylish interior will help combine the wallpaper. Using various application techniques, the apartment design will become unique, and small tricks will not only decorate the interior, but also adjust the disadvantages of the room.

After making the decision to make repairs in the room using wallpaper combining, it is worth considering the area, location, purpose and proportion of the room.

  • When choosing the main tone, it is necessary to repel from the square. In a small room, it is inappropriate to use a dark color palette, a light pastel gamma looks harmonious, which visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  • The spacious room is permissible to combine dark colors and volumetric patterns.
  • An important role is played by the location. In the room, the windows of which are directed in the north side, it is better to use a warm palette, it compensates for the shortage of sunlight.
  • From the south side, on the contrary, cold shades look at harmonious, they will give a sip of fresh air.
  • The apartment with high ceilings does not need to combine wallpaper with vertical patterns.
  • You can adjust the height of the ceilings using horizontal strips and volumetric images. The same rule operates in the opposite direction, light monophonic wallpapers and a small inconsimal pattern are suitable for small rooms.

Methods of combination

Combination with vertical stripes

With the help of striped wallpaper, you can visually increase the height of the ceilings. The frequency and width of the bands depends on personal preferences. When buying a material, your choice should be stopped on rolls of the same size and, if possible, one collection. In this case, in the finished version, the finish will look like a one-piece composition. The color palette can consist of two close to each other and contrasting colors.

In the photo one of the walls of the kitchen is decorated with striped wallpaper.

Horizontal combination

Horizontal patterns and strips are able to "push the walls and make the room wider. Such a finish option is suitable for rooms with high ceilings, a feeling of a low ceiling may appear in the compact room.

Another combination method is the division of the wall into two parts horizontally, the upper half is usually in lighter color than the lower one. Often the lower part is performed from wall panels.

Accent Wall

Most often the accent wall becomes the one for which the eye drops at the entrance to the room. A bright shade or volumetric image will "move" the wall, such a reception can be slightly closer to the shape of the square. Depending on the stylistic direction, the main color may be close by a tonality with an accent wall or differ radically.

On the photo the accent wall in the bedroom is decorated with pink photo wallpapers with flowers.

Monophonic and monophonic

Different shades of the same color will help zonate space and create a game of shadows. For example, a part of the bedroom is finished with a light gray tint, and the zone for sleep is deeply saturated color.

Pattern or ornament and monophonic

One of the most common ways to finish by combining. Floral patterns or ornament can echo with the interior style. The pattern is applied with a stencil, sticker or woven wallpaper. Today it is often possible to meet in the stores of the collection, in which one-photographic options are presented and with the pattern of the same basis.

Pattern and pattern

In one room, completely different patterns can be harmoniously, but there should be a common note to be combined. It may be common motives, elements or color.

Combining photo wallpaper with wallpaper

Wall murals can significantly increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Perspective photographic, such as the road or high waterfall stretch the room and make it wider.

In the photo, promising photo wallpapers (removing pier), helping to visually increase the height of a small bedroom.

Given that the photo wallpaper themselves have a bulk and colorful image, then combine them stands with a calmer tone, so as not to overload the room.

Point of Focus

In order to highlight any zone, such as a fireplace or TV use background wallpapers. Part of the wall may have a monophonic color, differing from the main shade or be with an unusual pattern.

Decorative ornaments

An unusual picture form elements framed in frames and moldings. Against the background of a calm shade of wallpaper, there can be inserts with suitivated patterns. Such combination is suitable for the interior in the classic style.

In the photo in the living room in the classic style, the wallpaper is decorated with moldings.

Patchwork technique

Patchwork equipment is suitable for finishing a children's or bedroom. The meaning is to combine the overall picture of the flap of different wallpaper. When sticking, it is necessary to observe a smooth seam.

Allocation of niche

An interesting solution will be distinguished by niches in the wall by another color. The recesses can be made on a couple of tones darker. When finishing a niche, the textured wallpaper or panels are successfully illumination, the relief will discard the interior shadows.

Wallpaper combining with different textures

The combination of different textures looks harmoniously practically in any room of the apartment. In small rooms, wallpaper with a shiny surface due to reflective properties will increase space. In addition, they are interesting to look at the contrast with the matte web.

Room zoning

It is possible to divide the room on the zone in several ways, one of them is divided by color and texture. The kitchen combined with the living room will separate the wallpaper of one texture, but different shades of one spectrum. A good option will be structural wallpapers for painting.

On the picture

Combination with wallpaper under the brick

Brick masonry is most often associated with the Loft style. In a small apartment, it is possible to replace natural material on the wallpaper with imitation. Wallpaper under red brick successfully combined with matte material of gray or white. White brick looks harmony with blond walls.

How to combine wallpaper in color?

A calm combination of color, despite saturation, can be called monochromatic. These are shades of one color, differing in saturation. In the interior, the desired zones can be designated or visually divided by space.

In the photo monochromatic combination of colors on combined wallpaper.

Complementary combination

This is a combination of contrasting, opposite colors. For example, red and green, purple and yellow, orange and blue. Combining this kind is suitable for finishing any room. The combination of calm shades can be used in the living room and bedroom, and bright suitable for children.


At first glance, similar colors are completely different, but the use of them in the interior looks harmoniously, each shade smoothly flows from one to another. As a rule, it is a combination of two or three neighboring shades from the color circle.

Combination of individual colors (table)

Beige Chocolate, white, red, blue, emerald, black.
White Universal color. Combined with any shades. The most successful combination with black, blue and red.
The black Like white, universal color, successfully combined with many shades. Successful options: white, red, lilac, pink, orange.
Brown Ivory color, beige, green, pink.
Grey The whole palette of pink, from pastel to Fuchsia. Red, blue, plum.
Black and white The combination of black and white is already considered complete. Both shades are universal, the combination will complement almost any color.
Green Yellow, golden, orange, chocolate, black, gray.
Pink Gray, chocolate, turquoise, color of young greenery, olive, gentle blue.
Blue Gray, orange, green, red, white, blue.
Blue White, pink, gray, yellow, brown, red.
Lilac White, green, pink, chocolate, gray, black.
Red White, blue, green, black, yellow.
Yellow Brown, gray, black, blue, turquoise.
Purple White, yellow, orange, lilac, black.

In the photo combining three types of wallpapers in the interior of the children's room.

Photo in the interior of rooms in the apartment

Living room

For the living room there is a mass of ideas on the design of the walls. Material and drawing is selected depending on style. In the spacious hall with an angular sofa, the accent wall is harmonious. Beautiful pattern and juicy paints denote the resting place.


In the bedroom, as a rule, preference is given to calm shades. The combination of a relaxed shade of the main wallpapers and wallpapers with a vegetable print will look harmoniously.


In the kitchen, it is practical to combine the wallpaper over the dining area and the tile in the cooking zone. Colors can overlap each other.

In the photo, the horizontal combination of two types of wallpaper - monophonic and with a floral print, the joint is decorated with a white molding.


With the children's room you can safely combine bright and juicy shades. For kids, you can use patchwork technique with flowers and drawings corresponding to the floor. Also good will look at one of the walls trimmed with photo wallpapers or wallpaper with drawings.

Hall and corridor

In a spacious or open entrance hall, simple smooth and textural wallpapers can be combined with imitation of different material.

In the photo, practical combination of decorative panels with wallpaper.

Combination with other finishing materials

The combination of painting and wallpaper successfully looks in the bedroom. A smooth painted surface will complement the canvas with an ornament, a cell or a suitis pattern.

Combination with decorative stone

The combination of wallpaper with a stone looks harmoniously in the living room or hallway. Stone coil corners and part of the wall. The material can be both natural and artificial.

Combination with brick

Combining wallpaper and brickwork, you can get a brutal style Loft and gentle Provence. Depending on the color and decorative filling, the apartments design will be completely opposite.

In the photo. A combination of wallpapers with a brick wall in the interior of the bedroom.

The combination of wallpaper and panels will be a good option for finishing the hallway, living room or children's. As a rule, panels are separated by the lower part of the wall using the method of horizontal combination. The variety of choice allows you to make repairs in both classic style and in modern.


Combination for any part of the house. Plaster sets the main tone in the room, wallpapers are an accent element. Combination can be with monophonic wallpaper, wallpaper with a light pattern and photographic windows.


Combination for kitchen and bathroom. The workspace and the zone of contact with water is trimmed with tiles, the rest is provided with wallpaper. The combination may have a contrast combination or have a common color and elements.

In the photo combining wallpaper with mosaic tiles.

How to make a transition when combining

Without transition

The easiest and most common method is the lack of transition. Wallpaper canvas are glued. It must be remembered that for a better result you need to prepare and align the surface. This method is well approached for the accent wall.


Beautiful and elegant way of design. Visually looks like a picture or panel. The main tone is chosen a calm shade, the second part can have both a simple geometric and unusual shape and on the edge is separated by moldings.

Border wallpaper

The border is located on the upper edge or on the central part. He will add a highlight to the interior. It looks harmonious in the living room, bedroom and children's room.

Features of the design of a small room

  • In a small apartment, for example in Khrushchev, it is preferable to choose light shades when combined.
  • Vertical or horizontal direction of pattern or lines will help you adjust the space.
  • Simple drawings and patterns can also be visually enlarged. What pictures you can visually expand the space you can see.
  • Mirror surfaces are able to significantly assist the expansion of the borders.
  • A pairs of high mirrors framed in the frame will completely change the appearance of the interior.

In the photo, one of the walls is decorated with horizontal stripes, which visually increases the width of the children's room.

In the photo, one of the walls is decorated with wallpaper with an ornament, this technique visually will make a long room of a small area more proportional.

Laying errors

Some combination errors can spoil the overall picture.

  • Along the walls with large patterns, you should not arrange large furniture, it is better to choose one-photo wallpaper.
  • In a small room, the finish in the dark color scheme will be an erroneous solution. Light shades and bright decor elements will look harmonious. You should not use three or more colors.
  • In a narrow room, the wallpaper is not applied to a large wall, so the room will be even already.
  • In the apartment with low ceilings, horizontal strips and patterns even stronger space.

Combination of liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpapers deserve separate attention. They allow you to create unique paintings, even diagonally, while simple in applying. On tactile sensations, liquid wallpapers have a soft and warm surface. The material is applied on the principle of textured plaster. For an ideal result, it is also necessary to prepare the surface.

On the photo with liquid wallpaper allocated a TV zone.

Photo gallery

Read more in a question of the combination of wallpaper, you can discover a lot of interesting examples and ideas. Repair no longer represents boring sticking paper wallpaper, the layout of various textures and technology creates a work of art. Below are photo examples of combining wallpaper wallpapers in rooms of various functional purposes.