Repairs Design Furniture

Little room design (12 m2) with sofa. Little Room Design (12 m2) with a sofa design of a rectangular room 13 sq m

Many apartments of our country are not distinguished by a large area. However, even on small territory you can make a repair that will meet all your wishes. To do this, you can use the help of a designer or include your own fantasy. If you decide to improve the arrangement yourself, you need to carefully choose the design of the bedroom of 13 sq m.

The room must match the taste of the owner's preferences and be fairly functional. To determine the optimal option, you can use photos from the Internet or logs.

Visual increase in space

For the bedroom does not seem close, you can apply a few tricks that visually expand the room:

  • vertical pattern on wallpaper;
  • furniture with small dimensions;
  • bright color gamut;
  • good lighting;
  • floor coating stacked diagonally.

Since in the room 13 m design walls plays an important role, to this process it is worth it with full responsibility. It is necessary to align the surface, and the wallpaper should be selected on paper or vinyl-based basis. If you decide to paint the walls, give preference to environmentally friendly paint or fine-grained plaster. Pastel and bright shades will additionally expand the space and create an atmosphere of comfort and calm.

Choosing a ceiling design, do not forget about the bedroom dimensions, each meter is important here. The best option It will be the usual staining or stretch glossy canvas that can visually make the room above. From multi-tier structures It is better to refuse, because they will climb and without that small room.

An important role in the bedroom is played by noise insulation. To solve this problem, carpet and laminate as an outdoor coating are perfectly suitable. These materials are characterized by environmental cleanliness and comfort.

Options zoning space

If the bedroom is 13 kV is not only a sleeping room, it will have to zonail. Looking at the photo of embodied ideas, you can pick up optimal option For your housing.

The design selection will depend on the functional load:

  • Bedroom and place to work. In this case, the space for sleep is located by the window, which will hang curtains that do not transmit daylight. Workplace opposite to equip nearby entrance door, providing quality artificial lighting. To split space, you can use book stellags Small sizes that will be part of the design.

  • Place for sleep and guest zone. Not always the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment allows you to allocate separate room For guests receiving, and the role of the guest is played by a bedroom with multifunctional furniture. In such a room as bedroom Ideal for folding sofa.You can plant a few people who have come to your tea, and decompose on the night, turning into a comfortable bed.

  • Bedroom and children's corner. Little children need a personal space that can be equipped in a bedroom of 13 square meters. m. To do this, it is advisable to highlight the place by the window, where the kids will be warm and light. As a partition, the shelf for books is suitable, convenient cabinet or decorative shirma.

The need to zoning the bedroom significantly complicates the task. However, thinking design options, it must be remembered that it is primarily a place to relax and sleep.

On video: Bedroom, living room and office in one room

Rectangular Bedroom Design Secrets

Not always the bedroom of 13 sq. It has a square shape, and in this case it is worth using techniques that will help make it visually wider and shorter. On the different photos interiors can be seen as square furniture fit forth in rectangular design Rooms. It can be tables, cabinets, ottomans, paintings in the frame. A square mat is used as an outdoor coating.

Competent placement and selection of furniture items will also help correct the disproportionate in shape. The square room can be done with a long cabinet installed along the wall.Cross bed location also visually expands the space. Choosing lightingYou should give preference to soft and scattered light.

When choosing textiles for furniture and windows in the bedroom small size There are some nuances. Curtains do not only protective functionBut are an important decorative element. Overall curtains, lambrequins, ultrayness of fringe only reduce the room.

To save space, preference should be given to light, translucent materials. And protect the room from excessive sunlight Roman curtains or blinds will help.

Additional accessories

Anyone designer solution Provides for availability decorative elements. This can be not only statuettes, photo in the frame, but also more functional things that complement the interior. Colored pillows, rug handmade, original mirror, covered on the bed - all this will give the individuality of your bedroom. Preference is given to the flowing light tissues of pastel shades.

When searching for a suitable option, you can rely on real design experience. Viewing a variety of photos will push you to choose the interior that will satisfy all your requirements. However, only the owner of the apartment is able to give her housing personality and uniqueness. It remains only to decide on suitable. finishing materials, textiles and furniture.

Reincarnation of a rest room (2 videos)

Design Ideas for Little Bedroom (40 photos)

Large kitchen - the best opportunity to combine two rooms in one space. The project of unification of the premises, for example, the same kitchen and living room, leads in the list of transformations. But in the case when the walls are not necessary, and 13 meters square meters enough to make a single space without serious transformations, where the kitchen and the living room will fit.

Combining two different areas of the functionality is possible if your goal is saving meters. It turns out that, room designed under the living room will be a bedroom or children's.

If the kitchen is not sorry, and the room can accommodate the place of reception of guests, a TV with a TV, etc., then the kitchen-seating version is not bad.

Obvious "pros" of such a merger:

  • Cook food and communicate with households, watch TV - and everything, being in the same room - for many it is very convenient for many;
  • The former living room can be converted into a children's room, to the office, in the guest bedroom, to the room for the elderly family member, etc.;
  • The zoning of the space will help to avoid the illusion of interior mixing: the place of cooking and the living area will be, although they are located on the same 13 sq. M. meters, differ from both the interior and design
  • By fusion zones, it is possible to achieve the very comfort, which combines households.

"Cons" zone connections:

  • Difficult without the help of specialists to make a design project of combined space;
  • There are many meters, but the location of the furniture is sometimes difficult to make competent - often there is no place for something;
  • Not everyone likes that sitting on the sofa of the TV, smells will be heard from the kitchen, even if the most fragrant;
  • The interior of the combined premises should not contrast due to the different purpose of the zones - it is not always possible to do it yourself.

And, nevertheless, connecting the kitchen with the living room, you can get free separate room, And this is the main goal of such a merger.

Design kitchen combined with living room (video)

Taking zoning

Any project begins with options, in case of alignment of two zones - from zoning options. 13 sq m - enough in order to try the mass of the possibilities:

  • Bar rack. The easiest and most popular zoning intake is to use a rack separating the kitchen from the living room. At the same time, in color and texture, the bar rack should be harmonized with a kitchen ensemble, but some semantic shade in the tone headset and the rack should be in the living room.
  • Partition with TV. More original solution. Perhaps for someone it is a bold design, but as an interior idea is interesting. The bottom line is that the place of separation of the kitchen from the living room is covered with a solid wall slightly wider than the length of the TV. Accordingly, there is a TV and fixed. The wall design can assume the shelves, and niches, and various patterns.

  • Shelf. Like the wall, behind which the living room begins, 13 sq. Meters can be divided into a shelf with a ceiling height. On her shelves, you can place anything - from the dishes before books. Interesting will be the options with aquarium.
  • Wall-ledge. In the place that is assigned to the kitchen, you need to design a bulk ledge. Its value can be different: it is possible to imagine that the refrigerator can actually hide behind the protrusion (that is, such a width).
  • Podium. The project with a podium can assume as an independent interior solution (i.e., the podium and all) and combinations of the floor level with other zoning techniques.
  • A long dinner table. Also a good option for 13 sq. M. Only to do it is not a usual table on the legs, but a long and solid construction without a hole under the table top.

Among other options changing the design of the room: False walls of different geometric shapes, curtain from decorative threads, sliding transparent doors, screen, mobile partitions, etc.

What to do with a sofa

More precisely, how best to enter it in the interior? By the way, the sofa can also be wonderful to cope with the role of the "zonator" of the room. He puts the front side to the entrance, and its rear side indicates the start line kitchen zone.

Often behind the sofa put a bar counter, behind which, in turn, begins the kitchen. Such a design is simple, but very convenient, especially while watching movies with the whole family - there is a place for 13 sq. M.

Room lighting

Living room located in big kitchen, assumes the presence of chandelier, and muted light for evening gatherings and watching TV.

In the kitchen, the work area should be separately lit: the lighting of the meters where the food is prepared must be high quality.

Lamps must harmoniously fit into the interior, combining the style of two zones. That is, high-tech lamps in the kitchen and the classic chandelier in the living room will break the design concept of space.

A large kitchen gives an excellent opportunity to arrange two rooms in one space large kitchen - the best opportunity to combine two rooms in one space. The project of unification of the premises, for example, the same kitchen and living room, leads in the list of transformations. But in the case when the walls are not necessary, and 13 meters square meters enough to make a single space without serious transformations, where the kitchen and the living room will fit.

When you need to combine living room with kitchen room

Combining two different areas of the functionality is possible if your goal is saving meters. It turns out that, room designed under the living room will be a bedroom or children's.

I combine the functional of two rooms, you get an extra room that can be used for your own purposes

If the kitchen is not sorry, and the room can accommodate the place of reception of guests, a TV with a TV, etc., then the kitchen-seating version is not bad.

Obvious "pros" of such a merger:

  • Cook food and communicate with households, watch TV - and everything, being in the same room - for many it is very convenient for many;
  • The former living room can be converted into a children's room, to the office, in the guest bedroom, to the room for the elderly family member, etc.;
  • The zoning of the space will help to avoid the illusion of interior mixing: the place of cooking and the living area will be, although they are located on the same 13 sq. M. meters, differ from both the interior and design
  • By fusion zones, it is possible to achieve the very comfort, which combines households.

"Cons" zone connections:

  • Difficult without the help of specialists to make a design project of combined space;
  • There are many meters, but the location of the furniture is sometimes difficult to make competent - often there is no place for something;
  • Not everyone likes that sitting on the sofa of the TV, smells will be heard from the kitchen, even if the most fragrant;
  • The interior of the combined premises should not contrast due to the different purpose of the zones - it is not always possible to do it yourself.

And, nevertheless, connecting the kitchen with the living room, you can get a free separate room, and this is the main goal of such a merger.

Design kitchen combined with living room (video)

Taking zoning

Any project begins with options, in case of alignment of two zones - from zoning options. 13 sq m - enough in order to try the mass of the possibilities:

  • Bar rack. The easiest and most popular zoning intake is to use a rack separating the kitchen from the living room. At the same time, in color and texture, the bar rack should be harmonized with a kitchen ensemble, but some semantic shade in the tone headset and the rack should be in the living room.
  • Partition with TV. More original solution. Perhaps for someone it is a bold design, but as an interior idea is interesting. The bottom line is that the place of separation of the kitchen from the living room is covered with a solid wall slightly wider than the length of the TV. Accordingly, there is a TV and fixed. The wall design can assume the shelves, and niches, and various patterns.

Using a bar rack, you can separate the cooking area from the living room.
Small simple TV - more stylish solution For zoning

  • Shelf. Like the wall, behind which the living room begins, 13 sq. Meters can be divided into a shelf with a ceiling height. On her shelves, you can place anything - from the dishes before books. Interesting will be the options with aquarium.
  • Wall-ledge. In the place that is assigned to the kitchen, you need to design a bulk ledge. Its value can be different: it is possible to imagine that the refrigerator can actually hide behind the protrusion (that is, such a width).
  • Podium. The project with a podium can assume as an independent interior solution (i.e., the podium and all) and combinations of the floor level with other zoning techniques.
  • Long dining table. Also a good option for 13 sq. M. Only to do it is not a usual table on the legs, but a long and solid construction without a hole under the table top.

Among other options changing the design of the room: False walls of different geometric shapes, a curtain of decorative threads, sliding transparent doors, wide, mobile partitions, etc.

What to do with a sofa

More precisely, how best to enter it in the interior? By the way, the sofa can also be wonderful to cope with the role of the "zonator" of the room. It is put on the front side of it to the entrance, and its rear side indicates the start of the kitchen zone.

Sofa in combined kitchen with living room can be central Element Interior

If there is no possibility or desire to make redevelopment, you can zonate the room with the help of the sofa
About the bar counter separating the kitchen area from the living room, you can arrange a sofa. Such a design is simple and convenient

Often behind the sofa put a bar counter, behind which, in turn, begins the kitchen. Such a design is simple, but very convenient, especially while watching movies with the whole family - there is a place for 13 sq. M.

Room lighting

The living room, located in a large kitchen, assumes the presence of chandeliers, and muted light for evening gatherings and watching TV.

In the kitchen, the work area should be separately lit: the lighting of the meters where the food is prepared must be high quality.

Lamps must harmoniously fit into the interior, combining the style of two zones. That is, high-tech lamps in the kitchen and the classic chandelier in the living room will break the design concept of space.

Kitchen Living room 13 sq m (video)


In the kitchen, where disadvantage square meters No, make combination of two different functional zones very often. Contemporary appliances Allows the living room zone to stay away from sounds and smells from the kitchen area, and the households, on the contrary, will be easier to communicate with each other, without ceasing to engage in each other.

Kitchen design 13 sq m (interior photo)

Photo Gallery (26 photos):

Indoors with an area of \u200b\u200b13 square meters. m There is where to raise the designer fantasy. Spacious cuisine You can arrange in any color scheme and any stylist. In such a room, all the necessary furniture will be placed. If you wish, you can combine the kitchen with another room, such as the living room. Designers can offer many ideas of interiors for kitchens of 13 square meters. m. Photo kitchens in different styles You can see below.

The kitchen with white facades and almy chairs looks very impressive

Select layout

The kitchen in 13 squares can not be called big, but it is not small. It will freely settle in it: kitchen set, dining area and even a sofa. Development of planning should be started by determining the location of the washing and gas stoveSince communications must be connected to them. Then the question is solved with the location of the refrigerator. When cooking, the most important part of the kitchen is the "working triangle", consisting of a refrigerator, washing and plates. All these three elements should be close to each other, but on the safety technique at a distance is no closer than 50 cm.

Modern kitchen design 13 square meters. meters

There are several layout options.


Suitable for both rectangular, and for square kitchen. The kitchen wall can take the corner at the door or by the window. In the latter case, a working surface should be installed under the window. From hinged jackets Above it will have to abandon. The dining table and chairs usually have in the corner near the window or along the wall opposite the headset.

Corner kitchen in three tiers


Actually in the kitchen rectangular shape. The headset is installed along one of the long walls. Opposite the headset is located the dining area, perhaps with a sofa. Photo interior kitchen 13 square meters. M with a sofa is presented below. In order for the headset to accommodate as much as possible kitchen utensils, it is recommended to choose a model or make them under the order with mounted cabinets to the ceiling. So under the closet it will be possible to disguise the hood.

Linear kitchen with white facades and blue retro style technique

In the form of the letter "P"

The headset with such a layout takes the distance along the three walls. Most often in such kitchens there are not enough space for dining area, Only for bar counter. But if the kitchen wall has small dimensions, then the room will remain in the room for the table and chairs. The passage between parallel parts, the headset must be at least 1 meter. Planning of this type can be seen on real photo. Kitchen interior 13 square meters. m.

The interior of the P-shaped kitchen is 13 square meters. meters


With such a layout working surface Located in the center of the room. It can be at the same time dining table. On the working island you can install electrical cook surfaceAnd in the cabinet under the tabletop to install a mini refrigerator.

Kitchen with an island zone, an area of \u200b\u200b13 square meters. meters


Suitable for narrow and long kitchens. With this layout of the headset is placed along both long walls. It takes the distance along one wall completely, and along the other - only up to half, leaving a place by the window for the dining area. You can occupy the side of the area along both long walls. In this case, the dining room will be put in a separate room or combined with the living room.

Interior of the kitchen with parallel furniture arrangement

Tip!So that the narrow room seemed visually wider, it is recommended to put the boards of laminate on the room or to lay a practical carpet with a pattern consisting of horizontal lines.

Kitchen design with arrangement Furniture along parallel walls

Finishing of the room

The decoration of the room is often one of the primary tasks when planning the interior.

Wall decor in the kitchen interior of 13 square meters. meters

Choosing an outdoor coating

For outdoor coverage, it is worth choosing practical, wear-resistant and moisture-resistant materials: ceramic or vinyl tile, laminate, linoleum. The material format or pattern on linoleum can be different: small narrow or wide long boards, small or large tiles.

Laminate under the light tree in the kitchen interior

Floor color depends on the selected interior style and the total color Gamma. premises. If a light shade is chosen for the walls and headset, the floor can be made dark brown. Under the color of the floor often choose countertops for the working and dining area.

Floors from dark laminate in the kitchen

If the kitchen set has a dark color, it is recommended to choose a light material for floor covering.

Cerass floors in the kitchen interior

Wall decoration

For decoration of walls in the kitchen, such materials are usually used:

  • A real or artificial stone;
  • Washable wallpaper;
  • Decorative plaster;
  • Tile;
  • PVC wall panels, natural tree, MDF, laminate.

Wall clearance in the kitchen decorative tiles

Wallpapers - very affordable option. The wall with a dining area can be distinguished by more dark or bright wallpaper, with a large pattern, photo wallpaper or other material, for example, laminated boards.

If you expand the kitchen space by combining it from the living room or simply removing doorwayConnecting with the corridor, zoning can be carried out with the help of the arch, separating it with a decorative stone.

Wallpaper with horizontal pattern in the kitchen interior

Ceiling design

The ceiling is better to arrange in white or dairy.

Visually expand the space will help the installation stretch ceiling with a glossy surface. He effectively reflects the light. On it beautifully look at the built-in point lamps.

Multi-level ceiling in the kitchen interior of 13 square meters. meters

Drawing in different styles

Kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b13 square meters. m can be issued in different styles, including:


The kitchen in this style is filled with light, warmth, comfort and feeling of proximity to nature. Walls and ceiling are made in bright color: White or beige. Flooring May be dark.

Kitchen design in the style of "Provence" 13 square meters. meters

The kitchen set is selected with open shelves, glass inserts and carvings. It can be a light green or blue, but most often choose white or light beige. Provence feature is an abundance of textiles with a floral print. The photo shows the design of the kitchen of 13 square meters. m in the style of Provence.

Tea set in the style of "Provence"


A rustic style similar to Provence, but a little more discreet in the design: does not imply the mandatory presence of floral patterns. For kitchen design selected light colors, all furniture has simple shape And manufactured from a natural tree. Drinking plants are used as decor.

Kitchen "Country" with a big suspended shelf For colors above the table.

High tech

Design of kitchen design 13 square meters. M B. modern style High-tech suggests large quantity Light, glossy, plastic and chrome-plated. Necessarily the presence of modern household appliances And almost complete lack of decor, especially textiles. The headset can be bright, rich colors, calm beige, pure-white, deep black, metal color.

Kitchen interior in the style of "High-Tech" with frosted black facades

The main thing is the lack of carving, the presence of concise fittings. The surface of the headset should be monophonic, matte or glossy. Dining area furniture can be made of the same materials as the headset.

Kitchen design in High-Tech style

Kitchen-living room 13 square meters. M.

To combine two rooms in one - it is fashionable and practical, therefore, in place of thirteen square meters, it is possible to place an even seating area in addition to the kitchen.

Tip!In the united room above the slab, it is necessary to install a powerful exhaust so that the smells of cooking and steam do not spread all over the area.

It is possible to divide the space on the zone using:

  1. Bar rack;
  2. Partitions from plasterboard or other material;
  3. Shelves, rack or cabinets. It can be placed on a TV or aquarium, a pot with a flower and various subjects Decor: Vases, photos, figurines, etc.;
  4. Arches;
  5. Sofa;
  6. Dining table with chairs;
  7. Multi-level floor or ceiling;
  8. Different materials or color decoration of walls or floor.

The kitchen from the recreation area separates the bar counter

It is not necessary to equip a full-fledged living room with a coffee table, chairs, aspiracy and a servant. To achieve comfort in the kitchen, you can simply install the sofa. To save space to it substitute a dining table. Kitchen design 13 square meters. m with a sofa below in the photo.

Light kitchen interior combined with living room and soft sofa

Real photos of kitchens demonstrate a lot of ideas for decoring a kitchen of 13 square meters. m. The room of this size can be issued in many styles. The main thing is that the layout and design of the kitchen were not only beautiful, but also practical and functional, liked the owners of the house.

In a small bedroom, dark shades are inappropriate, visually sharply reducing volumes. Usually in such cases use pastel shades, but the perfect choice is an white colorwhich B. bedroom design 13 square meters. m. used for walls and furniture.

Cabinet doors gloss helps to increase the feeling of space. On the contrast with this white canvas, the smears of dark tones are especially advantageous - wooden floor, bedside table, shelves, work table near the window.

The black and white interior is diluted with a geometric ornament of textiles and walls near the head of the bed: here and the romance, and squares, and triangles, and classic meander. Natural tones do not allow these ornaments to look too hard, softens the corners and gives the atmosphere of comfort.

Original lamps near the bed and in work zone, interesting form clay vessels, similar to figurines - all these details in bedroom design 13 square meters. m. Serve to create an exquisite and slightly fused atmosphere. In Ne. bright accent And the pearl of the interior is the velvet blue chair. All this, combined, hints at the originality of the owners, their status and exquisite taste.

At the same time, the bedroom is very functional, there is a place for recreation, and a place to work, comfortable shelves For books and work materials, and as seven sockets for various gadgets.