Repair Design Furniture

Do-it-yourself shelves on the wall: we make a shelf on the wall with step-by-step instructions. Challenge B4: Cutting Glass DIY Bookshelves and Racks

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Lesson objectives:

  • to systematize and generalize the knowledge of students on the topic "Word problems";
  • contribute to the formation of skills to apply techniques: comparison, generalization, highlighting the main thing, transferring knowledge to a new situation, analyzing the condition of the problem, drawing up a solution model;
  • to promote the development of skills and abilities to apply mathematical knowledge to solving practical problems, to navigate in the simplest drawings and tabular data when solving a problem;
  • to contribute to the education of interest in mathematics, activity, mobility, and the ability to communicate.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Reveal the level of training of students in mathematics on a given topic, systematize the knowledge gained
  • Help in the development and self-realization of the creative abilities of the individual; teach the techniques of organizing intellectual work
  • Continue fostering in students a respectful attitude towards each other, a sense of camaraderie, a culture of communication, a sense of responsibility

Preparation for the lesson: Selection of tasks for the lesson, selection of presenters and speakers from the students, preliminary solution of problems by the speakers and their preparation of mock-up posters or presentation slides with solutions to their problems, compilation and preparation of a general presentation for the lesson, preparation of handouts.

Equipment: Interactive whiteboard, presentation for the lesson, posters - layouts with tabular data for tasks No. 2 and No. 3, handouts (Appendix 1), cards with assignments for independent work (Appendix 2)

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

Lead 1. Today our lesson is devoted to the repetition and consolidation of the topic "Word problems".

Most often you hear from parents and teachers: solve as many problems as possible, be confident in yourself, love mathematics, because it puts your mind in order ... After all, the road will be mastered by the walker, and mathematics by the thinking one!

In contrast to these "good advice", in this lesson you will receive specific recommendations and algorithms for solving word problems. (Presentation. Slide 1-2)

Lead 2."Why Word Problems?" - you ask. (Presentation. Slide 3) Attention: In order to simply pass the exam and get a certificate, it is enough to solve five problems. Common sense dictates that you choose the lightest. It is word problems that are simple, since you do not need to have mathematical abilities to solve these problems. It is important to know some secrets:

First: simple logic and the ability to count without a calculator. They have nothing but elementary arithmetic operations.

Second: A word problem requires only knowledge of the algorithm and the key formula of the solution, this will ensure success on the exam.

Attention! To learn how to solve word problems, you only need three to four hours of independent work, that is, two or three lessons. All that is needed is life experience, common sense plus the ability to solve an equation or system of equations.

2. Updating basic knowledge

Moderator 1. But before moving on to the tasks themselves - check yourself.

Let's remember what proportion is. (Presentation Slide 4)

Presenter 2. In many tasks, the concept is used - percentage. (Presentation. Slide 5)

Presenter 1. Let us also recall those systems of measures that we know. (Presentation. Slide 6)

Presenter 2. Write it down in the form of a mathematical expression (Presentation. Slide 7)

3. Main part

Presenter 1. So, let's move on to solving typical problems.

We give the floor to Valeria Kostinyuk (Presentation. Slide 8-9).

A library for making bookshelves needs to order 52 identical glasses from one of three companies. The area of ​​each glass is 0.25 m 2. Below are the prices for glass, as well as glass cutting and edge grinding.

How much will the cheapest order cost?

The speaker draws up the solution on an interactive whiteboard (Presentation. Slide 9), writes the actions in the table (Fig. 1).

Solution (Fig. 2):

Answer. 8840 rubles

We give the floor to Maria Utkina and Lisa Burdina (Presentation. Slide 10).

The store received three types of ceramic tiles: “Sea Dreams”; "Japanese tunes"; "Heavenly blue". The tiles come in different sizes and are packed in boxes. Using the data in the table, determine in which case the price of one square meter of tiles will be the lowest. Indicate this price in response.

Name Size of one tile (m? M) Number of tiles in a box Box price (rubles)
"Dreams of the Sea" 0,4?0,4 8 896
"Japanese tunes" 0,4?0,6 6 936
"Heavenly blue" 0,6?0,2 10 864

The presenters explain the solution to the problem using a poster layout.

Solution (Fig. 3):

We give the floor to Sasha Suzdaltseva and Ksenia Galich (Presentation. Slide 11).

The table shows the conditions for a bank deposit in three different banks. It is assumed that the client deposits 40,000 rubles into the account for a period of one year.

* After opening a deposit, the specified service fee is debited from the account. At the end of the year, the contribution is increased by the specified number of percent.

Which bank will have the largest deposit by the end of the year?

In response, indicate the amount of this deposit in rubles.

The speakers explain the solution to the problem using a poster layout (Fig. 4.5)

Solution (Fig. 5):

Answer. 43164

Problem 4 (for movement)

We give the floor to Alexander Schemerov (Presentation. Slide 12-14).

On two parallel railway tracks, high-speed and freight trains follow towards each other, the speeds of which are 85 km / h and 80 km / h, respectively. The length of the commodity is 600 meters. Find the length of a fast train if the time it took it past a freight train is 24 seconds? Give your answer in meters.

The speaker uses a drawing to explain the solution (Presentation. Slide 14), and writes down the computational actions of the solution on the board (Fig. 6).

Let's find the speed of convergence of trains: 80 + 85 = 165 (km / h).

Let's translate into m / s:

Using the key distance formula S =?t, find the distance covered by the fast train:

Subtract the length of the freight train from this distance and get the length of the fast train:

Task 5 (to work)

We give the floor to Anna Sokolova (Presentation. Slide 15-18).

Masha can weed a garden in 40 minutes, and Dasha in 35 minutes. The girls worked together for the first 14 minutes, and then Dasha left and Masha alone weeded the rest of the garden. In how many minutes was the bed weeded?

The speaker uses a table (Presentation. Slide 16) and a drawing (Presentation. Slide 17) to explain the solution, and writes the solution to the equation on the board (Fig. 7).

Solution: Presentation. Slide 16-18

Problem 6 (percent)

We give the floor to Valeria Tsaplina (Presentation. Slide 19).

Pants are 30% more expensive than a shirt and 22% cheaper than a jacket. How much is a shirt cheaper than a jacket?

The speaker makes a short note and draws up the solution to the problem on the board (Fig. 8-9).

Solution (Fig. 9):

Problem 7 (percent)

We invite Faizova Marina (Presentation. Slide 20-21).

On Monday, the company's shares rose by a certain number of percent, and on Tuesday they fell by the same number of percent. As a result, they became 4% cheaper than at the opening of trading on Monday. How much did the company's shares rise in price on Monday?

The speaker tells the solution to the problem (Fig. 10).

Solution: Presentation. Slide 21

Problem 8 (for mixtures and alloys)

We give the floor to Irina Bazhenova (Presentation. Slide 22-25).

The first solution contains 40% acid and the second 60% acid. By mixing these solutions and adding 5 liters of water, a 20% solution was obtained. If instead of water, 5 liters of an 80% solution were added, then a 70% solution would be obtained. How many liters of 60% acid solution were there originally?

The speaker tells the step-by-step solution of the problem (Presentation. Slide 23-24), and then, after drawing up the system, allows the students to solve it on their own. Each student checks the result of the solution of the system (Presentation. Slide 25).

Solution: Presentation. Slide 23-25

4. Independent work on cards (Appendix 2)

Moderator 1. This concludes the consideration of all the main types of problems.

We remembered the algorithms for solving word problems, analyzed the ways to solve them, clearly demonstrated the condition and the course of solving each problem, and, thanks to this, we saw all their pitfalls.

Thank you for your help in preparing and teaching the lesson. Your work will be highly appreciated.

Lead 2. But for this work to be not in vain, it is necessary to consolidate the material, i.e. independent solution of such problems. And now we give you the opportunity to independently test yourself in solving word problems. You will learn the results of independent work in the next lesson.

So let's get started. (Presentation. Slide 26)

We will send the material to you by e-mail

The age of electronics is relentlessly pushing books out of our lives. Indeed, an electronic gadget can hold a whole collection of popular reading materials in a small tablet. But you must admit how pleasant it is to leaf through a real tome, admire the embossed cover, enjoy the comfort of your home library. The editors of the site have prepared tips for you on how to choose the right shelves for your books. We will talk about how to fix the shelving on the wall and consider original design ideas.

Books in the house are a sign of the education of its owners.

Not everyone can afford to allocate a separate room for a home library. Most often, favorite books are placed in or in the bedroom, children's literature - in the child's room.

Modern designers offer many original and practical ideas. Recently, modular shelving has been particularly popular. They can change their appearance and design, move around, gather in or podiums. Such models will appeal to those who like to do rearrangements.

Classic wall-mounted shelves never go out of style. They are reliable, static and can be decorated in the style of your interior. And here there are many interesting ideas to implement. Consider several options that can be used in a house or apartment.

Classics of the genre: wall-mounted bookshelves

Hanging shelves for books can be purchased at any furniture store. Their assortment is quite wide, and you can easily find models that match the main headset.

Conditionally wall shelves can be divided into several types:

ClassicSimple and lightweight shelves of various shapes are attached to the load-bearing walls and can be assembled in rows or complex compositions. They can be in the form of a simple board, placed evenly or at an angle.
CornerTo make the most of a room's space, corner bookshelves are a great option. They fill the usually empty corner, and are attached to both adjoining walls. Shelves can be attached to inside and outside corners.
SuspendedIf you want something unusual, hang the shelf from a beam or from the ceiling against the wall. The hinged structure must be reliable and firmly fixed, because the books weigh a lot.

Wall mounted book shelves are great because they save space.

Built-in drywall book shelves

If your walls have suitable niches, you can install plasterboard shelves in them. With the help of drywall, unusual shelves for books are obtained on the walls by the windows and doors. It is easy to integrate lighting into such racks.

The only drawback of this solution is the fragility of the material. Such structures require additional frame reinforcement; heavy folios should not be installed on them.

Related article:

Ways of attaching shelves to the wall

A neat and strong fastening is an important point in the installation of shelves. There are several types of fasteners:

  • Hidden- bolts or nails are invisible on such fasteners. The shelf seems to hang in the air, and the main load is distributed to a metal console hidden behind the back wall.

  • bracket- the metal holder is attached to the wall separately, and then the shelf is put on it and fixed in special grooves.

  • Corner or loop- this type of fastener does not look as neat as others, but it is more durable. Corners add strength to the structure, and built-in hinges allow the shelf to be raised or lowered as needed.
  • Fasteners for glass Is a special type of awning that allows you to neatly and firmly fix the glass panel on the wall.

Important! When choosing a shelf mount, pay attention to the permissible load indicator.

If you are going to use an original idea, first evaluate it according to several parameters:

Shelves made of wood or plywood are easy to cut out yourself using a saw or a saw, but glass surfaces are best ordered at a workshop. At home, it is difficult to process an edge with high quality or to perform curly cutting. You might like the idea of ​​using scrap materials in your bookcase.

Master class: a small bookshelf made of wood with your own hands

A small shelf is suitable for this, which can be installed on a windowsill, table or even on the floor. To make it, you will need a sheet of plywood, a jigsaw, a ruler, sandpaper and wood glue. Step-by-step description of the process:

On a sheet of plywood, you need to draw the outline of a sheep, horse, dog or any other animal, if it is a shelf for a child. For an adult's room, you can limit yourself to abstract contours.
Use a jigsaw to cut out the main part along the drawn outline.
Three grooves need to be drawn on the workpiece: two from below and one from above.
The thickness of the groove should be equal to the thickness of the material from which you are making the shelf.
This is how the workpiece looks like with finished lower grooves.
The legs of the shelf are two semicircular pieces with grooves cut from the top.
The third vertical part is made with a groove at the bottom. When assembled, it looks like this.
For the surface on which the books will stand, mark a perpendicular line on all inserts. Use a building level for this purpose.
On vertical inserts, cut out the shelf guides with a jigsaw.
The shelf itself is a long piece with three slots.
During final assembly, all grooves must be treated with wood glue.
Shelf for children's books is ready. It can be colored, decorated with decoupage or left as it is.

Master class: do-it-yourself book rack

The simplest shelving can be made from a regular planed and sanded board.

For a correctly completed task, you can get 1 primary score.

Approximately 12 minutes.

What you need to know when completing 12 tasks in basic math:

Task 12 in mathematics of the basic level in the exam are subdivided into several types:

  1. kit creation;
  2. selection of the best option from two / three / four possible options.

Training tasks

Problem number 1

To service the international seminar, it is necessary to assemble a group of translators. Information about the candidates is presented in the table.

Translators Languages Service cost (rubles per day)
1 Chinese, English 7000
2 Japanese, Chinese 6000
3 Japanese 3000
4 Japanese, French 6000
5 French 2000
6 English 4000

Using the table, collect at least one group in which translators together speak four foreign languages: English, French, Chinese and Japanese, and the total cost of their services does not exceed 12,000 rubles per day. In your answer, indicate exactly one set of translator numbers, in which there is a translator who knows only Japanese, without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Problem number 2

In order to knit a sweater, the hostess needs 1000 grams of blue wool yarn. You can buy blue yarn at a price of 120 rubles per 100 grams, or you can buy undyed yarn at a price of 80 rubles per 100 grams and dye it. One packet of paint costs 70 rubles and is designed for dyeing 500 grams of yarn. Which purchase option is cheaper? In the answer, write how many rubles this purchase will cost.

Problem number 3

To make bookshelves, you need to order 40 identical glasses from one of three companies. The area of ​​each glass is 0.2 m 2. The table shows the prices for glass, as well as glass cutting and edge grinding. How much will the cheapest order cost?

Problem number 4

A certain rating firm determines the price-performance ratio of electric shavers. The rating can be calculated based on the average price P and assessments of functionality F, quality Q and design D... Each individual indicator was assessed by experts on a five-point scale with integers from 0 to 4. The formula for calculating the final rating:

R = 3 (F + Q) + D - 0.01P

The table provides estimates for each indicator for several shaver models. Determine which model has the lowest rating. In response, write down the value of this rating.

Electric shaver model average price Functionality


A RUB 1,500 1 2 0
B RUB 2100 2 3 2
C RUB 3200 2 0 4
D 2800 RUB 3 3 3

The fashion for a minimalist interior forces designers to look for non-standard solutions for familiar things. The arrangement of bulky bookcases in the interior has long since sunk into oblivion. Instead of massive attributes of furniture, original bookshelves on the wall began to be popular. One of the advantages of this trend is that shelves for your favorite works can be made by hand. This is all the more important when you want to fit the shelf into the overall decor. In this case, it is not at all necessary to purchase exclusive material. Consider further what is needed to equip stylish book shelves in your own home.

  1. What is the purpose of the shelf? Exclusively for books? Or just decoration?
  2. What are the dimensions of the future product? How many tiers are needed to satisfy?
  3. What material is needed to support the weight of all items?
  4. Which method of fastening the structure: wall or on?

These are the most obvious questions you need to answer yourself. Thanks to an understanding of their own needs, it will be easier for a person to decide on. The choice of materials will also put the craftsman in front of the need to search for one or another tool. For example, wood products will require saws, sandpaper, screwdrivers, and varnish.

Wooden bookshelves

The classic version is in constant demand. Woody material is easy to reach and sander works wonders for design. In this case, it is not necessary to paint the finished product. You can only do with a surface protection agent. It is also not always necessary to go to the hardware store for wooden planks. It is quite possible to use handy materials for a bookshelf. Old crates, a guitar or in a closet - all of this lends itself to sawing and reuse.

Attention! For example, a shelf-boat will perfectly fit into the marine theme of the interior. And if you free a rare TV from the screen and paste over the interior with wallpaper, you get an ideal repository for women's novels.

The algorithm of actions in this case is quite simple. It is necessary to make or order long wooden corners (about 25 cm) for fixing the shelves. In this case, the latter should not exceed 1 m, so as not to break under the weight of thick novels.

Children's shelves

An interesting option for kids can be a bookshelf - a showcase. To build a fabulous cabinet, you will need several slats up to 10 cm wide. Fixing them on the wall in an unusual way will forever be remembered by the little person. And there is also an option with fabric products. For this:

  • You need to find a thick cloth and some pipes or sticks.
  • The simplicity of the design consists in attaching it to the wall using ordinary brackets. The latter are installed using screws.
  • It is recommended to hem the fabric with a sewing machine to make neat pipe slots.

Rope shelves

To follow the popular nautical theme, you will need to stock up on sticks, a suitable rope, and planed planks. Of the tools, you only need an electric drill. Even nails are not necessary. You will also need a tool for processing wood material. The algorithm of work is as follows: with the help of a drill, suitable holes are drilled in the boards. A rope is then passed through these holes.

The originality of this solution lies in the fact that this thick rope itself serves as a fastener - it is enough to tie it with a sea knot.

And the multi-tiered option will require the use of additional bars. They should be located between the shelves like a rope ladder. Therefore, the parts must be of the same length. The uppermost knots of the rope are suspended from proud hooks in the wall.

Such a hinged structure is quite versatile: it is easy to imagine it both in a children's room and in the study of an adult home owner.

Invisible shelves

Instead of ordinary shelves, you can make inconspicuous products with your own hands. They compare favorably with boring cabinets in that books seem to stick to the wall. To accomplish this miracle is quite simple: you need to stock up on L-shaped brackets for each book. You will also need screws and double-sided tape.

Advice. To prevent the book from falling off such a shelf, the brackets must be fastened according to the level. Your favorite books will then be placed on the horizontal part.

Cable reel

You can even use this to equip a bookshelf. A traditional wooden reel with a black cable is connected to the furniture casters. To do this, cut off round bars of sufficient width. They will subsequently be inserted into the drilled holes in the middle of the aforementioned wheels.

Attention! The wheels should not be drilled through - the holes should not be more than half the depth.

An adhesive binder is then used in the drilled holes to secure the bars. For solidification, it is recommended to press down the structure with something heavy. Painting is allowed only after the glue has completely dried. A bookshelf can easily be movable if it has casters.

Old stairs

Another use for the ladder is unusual hanging. Unlike the sea version with ropes, it is better to unfold the old ladder horizontally - and put it on the same brackets. In this case, the option with a half ladder will look good. Or even two copies.
Another feature of this type of fastening is the priority of painting the stairs before installation. It is also recommended to move the newly-appeared bookshelf slightly away from the wall: either completely, or only the lower part.

Arranging a cool bookshelf is easy to do with your own hands. This will require a little imagination and a minimum of handy materials. You don't even have to go to the market. But the interior design will be updated beyond recognition that friends and acquaintances will be able to appreciate both in the photo and in person.

Bookshelf Ideas: Video

There is nothing better than shelves for organizing space in rooms, as well as for decorating the interior. Comfortable, functional, original form, they help to conveniently arrange a lot of things and give the rooms a more comfortable look. Making shelves on the wall with your own hands is not at all difficult, and you can use a wide variety of materials - wood, fiberboard, glass, pieces of tin, plywood.

Types of wall shelvesDescription
ClassicThis type of shelves is the most common because of its simplicity, aesthetic appearance and ease of installation. They represent a huge flight of fantasies: from simple square to creative asymmetric shapes.
CornerThis type of wall shelves differs in the way of fastening - it is carried out on adjacent adjacent walls. Most often they are mounted in utility rooms and bathrooms.
SuspendedThis original way of creating a shelf involves attaching a simple structure to the ceiling using cables or vertical posts.
FloorThis wall shelf is a floor support structure. This type of product is especially relevant in hallways, as well as large rooms where you do not have to think about the loss of space.
Open and closed shelves on the wallWall-mounted shelves can be designed, for example, with or without glass

Making a simple wooden shelf

Wood is the most convenient material for work. Wooden shelves are simple, complex shapes, open and closed, vertical, horizontal and corner. Taking the basic version as a basis, you can assemble a shelf from several modules and give it the most incredible look. For the product to serve for a long time, you should choose the right wood: the boards must be perfectly flat, completely dry, without cracks, voids and traces of mold.

During the assembly process you will need:

  • hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • building level;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • boards 16 mm thick;
  • stain;
  • wood varnish;
  • grinder;
  • screws, brackets, dowels.

As an example, a simple rectangular shelf 250 mm wide, 300 mm high and 1100 mm long is used.

Step 1. Markup

The boards are laid flat on the table and the measurements are transferred from the drawing. The height of the side walls should be 268 mm, since they will be located between the top and bottom: wall height + board thickness x 2 = 300 mm.

Step 2. Cutting the boards

If the markings exactly match the pattern, you can start sawing. It is best to use a jigsaw for this, then the cuts are perfectly even and neat. You should get 2 long blanks and 2 short ones.

Step 3. Processing blanks

Before proceeding with the assembly, each workpiece must be sanded, covered with wood stain and varnish. If you plan to simply paint the shelf, the workpieces are processed - this way the service life increases, and the paint lays down smoother.

Step 4. Assembling the product

The bottom board is laid flat on a flat surface. From the ends of the workpiece, 8 mm retreat and 2 straight lines are drawn parallel to the cuts. Now, on these lines, you need to mark two points at a distance of 5 cm from the edge, and drill holes there for self-tapping screws. Do the same with the upper workpiece. When all the holes are ready, side blanks are installed on the lower board and screws are tightened. A second board is applied from above and the side walls are also fixed with self-tapping screws.

Brackets are fixed at the ends of the side walls, holes are drilled in the wall for dowels, self-tapping screws are inserted and tightened so that they protrude by about 5 mm. The dowels should be located strictly horizontally, therefore, before drilling, outline a line using a level. Now all that remains is to attach the brackets to the fasteners and hang the shelf. If desired, the back wall of the product can be hammered in with a piece of plywood, and glass can be inserted in front.

To make such a simple shelf more original, you can replace one side wall with a stump of a thick branch. To do this, choose an even branch with a diameter of about 7-8 cm with a smooth clean bark, saw off a piece 28 cm long, cut off all lateral processes. The chock is treated with a primer, dried and varnished. You do not need to remove the bark. After the varnish has dried, the workpiece is inserted between the upper and lower boards and screwed tightly with self-tapping screws.

Based on this drawing, you can make various variations of the wall shelves. For example, reduce the length to 400 mm and make 3-4 blocks at once. Then set them on top of each other in a checkerboard pattern and fasten them together with metal plates. Or just fix them on the wall separately, placing them at a short distance from each other.

Often, to save space, the shelves are made corner, and they can be mounted both in the inner and outer corners.

The workpieces are made according to the scheme described above, only the upper and lower boards consist of two elements, with the ends sawn off at an angle. The manufacturing process for such a shelf is quite simple:

  • the halves of the top board are coated with glue at the ends and clamped with clamps;
  • repeat the same actions with the lower board;
  • when the glue dries, all the blanks are covered with a stain or primed;
  • fastening lines are marked on the upper and lower workpiece and holes are drilled;
  • insert the side walls and fix them with self-tapping screws.

Wall Shelf MaterialsAdvantages and disadvantages
Wood: plywood, chipboard, MDF and othersIt is relatively easy to work with this material, it looks beautiful, natural and effective, its service life is quite long, especially if pre-processed
PlasticThis material is the most versatile, it can imitate both wood and stone, while removing their shortcomings.
MetalSuch wall shelves will be very strong, reliable and durable, but they will hardly fit into a classic interior. In addition, corrosion can also become a problem, so special processing and conditions will be required for metal products.
GlassTransparent wall shelves will create an atmosphere of lightness and comfort in your home. Of course, it will be difficult to make a glass structure with your own hands, but if you, nevertheless, decide to do all the work on your own, then you will have to work with the glass for a long time and very carefully, especially if various cutouts are planned in the design of the shelf

Original shelves for books

Non-standard shelves are in great demand, so if you wish, you can try to assemble something original. For example, I used a bookshelf in the form of a simplified maze.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • edged board 20 mm thick;
  • joiner's glue;
  • clamps;
  • roulette;
  • hacksaw;
  • miter box;
  • Sander;
  • stain;
  • furniture screws, self-tapping screws;
  • decorative shelf supports.

If you have everything you need, you can start making the shelf.

Step 1. Markup

On the prepared boards, cut lines are marked with a pencil under the ruler. Measurements should be transferred very carefully, since all horizontal parts have different lengths.

Step 2. Cutting blanks

The ends of each workpiece are cut at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees. The diagram shows the first option, so you need a miter box for sawing off. It is very important to place the miter box correctly on the board so that the cuts are symmetrical. If you saw off the ends incorrectly, you will not be able to fold the shelf.

Step 3. Assembling the structure

The ends of the parts are smeared with glue, squeezed tightly and additionally fixed with slotted furniture screws. Regular self-tapping screws do not fit here. Each joint requires at least 2 screws. Both parts of the shelf are applied to the wall, set in level and the attachment points are marked with a pencil. After that, holes are drilled for dowels, brackets are screwed to the shelf with self-tapping screws and the structure is hung on the wall. Instead of brackets, decorative shelves "pelican" are often used.

Hinged shelf with belts

If you need a decorative shelf for small items, the next option is perfect - a board suspended from straps.

To make a shelf you will need:

  • 2 edged boards 300x750 mm, 30 mm thick;
  • 4 leather belts 75 cm long;
  • 4 long screws with plastic dowels;
  • 4 short self-tapping screws;
  • building level;
  • ruler;
  • sharp knife;
  • drill.

Step 1. Prepare the belts

The cuts of the belts must be perfectly even, so if necessary, cut them with a knife. Fold each belt in half, press the ends against the table, retreat 2 cm from the edge and drill a neat through hole with a drill. Do the same with the remaining three.

Step 2. Attaching the straps to the wall

On the wall, using a level, two points are determined at a distance of 60 cm. Holes are drilled and plastic dowels are inserted. The belt folded in half is applied to one of the holes and fixed with a long screw - a large loop is obtained on the wall. Another such loop is attached next to it.

Step 3. Installing the shelf

A polished board is pushed into the hinges and aligned horizontally. To prevent the shelf from moving, the parts of the belts adjacent to the wall at the board itself are screwed with short self-tapping screws. Now, another shelf is suspended under this shelf, exactly repeating the steps described above. The result is a lightweight and tidy two-tiered shelf. If you wish, you can add another 1-2 tiers.

For the manufacture of the shelves described above, you can use not only wood, but also plywood, as well as chipboard sheets. The latter option is used most often, since chipboard is lightweight, high strength, practicality and durability. When assembling shelves from this material, all sections must be pasted over with a melamine edge to match the color of the sheet.

Glass shelf making

Glass shelves blend harmoniously into any interior, and the installation process does not take much time. For work you will need:

  • strained glass;
  • hammer;
  • electric drill;
  • building level;
  • aluminum profile;
  • dowels;
  • adhesive tape;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

Not everyone knows how to cut glass correctly, and therefore it is better to order cutting of blanks in a workshop. They will also perform grinding and polishing of the edges so that you do not cut yourself on sharp edges when installing the shelf. Everything else can be done by yourself.

Step 1. Marking for fasteners

The section of the wall where the shelf will hang should be as large as possible. With the help of a building level, a horizontal line is drawn on the wall with a pencil. The locations of the fasteners are marked on the line, holes are drilled.

Step 2. Installing Profiles

An aluminum profile is applied to the wall surface and the conformity of the fixing marks is checked. Then they insert dowels into the holes, screw the profile with one screw and level it horizontally. After that, tighten the rest of the screws.

Insert the bracket screw instead of the drill
Screw in the bracket screw
Leave the bracket screw to protrude from the wall

Checking the position
We arrange the shelves

Step 3. Attaching the shelf

The rear edge of the glass shelf is closed with adhesive tape. You can use separate tape spacers, positioning them where the glass will touch the screw heads. The shelf is inserted into the profile, the edges of the profile are covered with protective caps. If two shelves touch on the sides, their edges are fastened with metal fittings.

If you have free time and a desire to experiment, you can create very unusual shelves on the wall from scrap materials. For example, a corner shelf made of plastic pipes looks original. To make it, you will need sewer pipe sections and corner beads. The shelf is fixed to the wall with screws and dowels.

Old suitcases and diplomats can also make great wall shelves. To do this, they are cut in height to half, the back part is covered with plywood and fixed to the wall with screws or on brackets.

Drawers from unnecessary bedside tables are quite suitable for the manufacture of shelves. To give them an elegant look, the boxes should be carefully sanded, primed and painted in bright colors. Then they are leaned against the surface with their back wall, the attachment points are marked and holes are drilled for them. Even one such shelf looks very original, and a composition of 2-3 drawers will become a real decoration.

Video - DIY shelves on the wall

Interesting shelf made of wood. Master Class

You will need:

  • Rope;
  • Board with a thickness of at least 2 cm;
  • 2 corners (fasteners) for shelves;
  • Steel washers;
  • Lighter;
  • Drill;
  • Saw.