Repairs Design Furniture

Living room with dining area 30 sq. M. Kitchen interior design - living room - photo and design projects. Cons kitchen associations with living room

Build a kitchen-living room with an area of \u200b\u200b30 square meters will not be easy. This can be explained by a relatively large space that you need to skillfully distribute and correctly arrange. Kitchen-living room 30 sq. M. Design can be picked up the most different. It concerns the personal preferences of everyone. Before making repairs, it is better to get advice experienced designerwho will help pick up common style with considering characteristic features premises. The main rule is the creation of a single composition.

Combine the kitchen and the living room can each. It will not be a lot of work if you get permission to redecessing and perform it yourself or with the help of builders.

The whole snag in the redevelopment of the apartment lies in its area and her proper design. Exactly designer techniques It can be visually increased by a small area, properly arrange accents between several zones of a single space.

There are a number of questions that need to be solved before proceeding with the arrangement of the kitchen-living room. Answers to them give experienced designers, but it should be remembered about the uniqueness of each space and the individual preferences of its owners.

Questions to solve

  • Combining taste preferences and convenience. For an apartment with 30 square meters, the question will touch the ability to pick up right style For a large area.
  • Decide with costs. Different styles require finishing materials, furniture, textiles of different price categories.
  • Determine whether the space is responsible for the selected style.
  • It is important to ensure that the functionality of the room is not lost.
  • Decide whether the room will be decorated in one style or different. Various styles need to be able to combine each other.

When placing an important place, first of all, decide on the idea. It is she who will lay out an understanding of what design techniques need to be used for its incarnation.

Design project kitchen-living room 30 sq m: Features and nuances

Before you start making repairs, you need to create a design project that will clearly show how the kitchen and living room will look in the same space.

A good idea is to arrange a kitchen-dining room. The area of \u200b\u200b30 sq m allows you to play with space.

The kitchen-dining room will unload space, make it more practical and functional. The large area allows for the furniture to furnish the room, which has a positive effect on appearance And the convenience of the room.

Features of the design of the kitchen and dining area:

  • The use of big round or oval tables To equip a spacious room. They can be placed in the center of the island zone, then the emphasis will be made on the dining area.
  • The selection of furniture for the dining area should coincide with the style of the kitchen headset. Otherwise, the kitchen can purchase an eclectic look.
  • Highlight dining area With low lamp lamp. The area for work must be equipped with directional lighting. This will help the correct zoning of the kitchen and dining room.
  • In the kitchen, you can arrange a recreation area - an area of \u200b\u200b30 sq m allows you to do this. It can be a soft corner, corner sofa, Sofa Canapse, chair, Ottmanka. FROM upholstered furniture You can put the table.
  • In order to highlight the recreation area, you should use multiple, muted light.

To arrange a room in the style that all family members will like, it is necessary for everyone to work together to develop a design project, which today can be easily accomplished in special computer programs.

Planning a kitchen-living room 30 sq m: arrangement of two zones

The kitchen-living room should combine functionality and comfort. When choosing a planning of the room, it is important to pay attention primarily to the convenience of the space used.

In order to properly plan the space, it is necessary to visually divide the kitchen zone and the living area. This will help to properly arrange accents.

For big kitchen It will be convenient for the P-shaped layout, which occupies a lot of space, but at the same time it is quite practical and convenient.

Arrangement of the kitchen zone

  • Pay attention to the work surface arrangement. It must have good lighting.
  • The workspace must be located at a sufficient distance from upholstered furniture.
  • Place the hot and wet zones taking into account safety.

When re-pleased, it is important to remember that the kitchen cannot be located above the residential premises.

Arrangement of living room area

  • Make a living room with a sufficient number convenient locations For guests.
  • The cabinets used should be functional, hold many objects and things, while not to be bulky. As storage systems, it is possible to use dressers, low Tumbers, compartments and podiums.

Perform the layout correctly - the task is not simple. To begin with, it requires permission to place the interior items on paper, and only then embody the idea of \u200b\u200breality.

The kitchen-living room with such an area is a pretty spacious room that gives designers a field for productive work.

The space of 30 sq. M allows you to implement all the ideas and use any style in the interior. An important nuance Is avoiding the oversaturation of the combined space by the details.

There are many options that can offer modern designers. The interior style in the room of this type depends on the individual preferences of residents.

  • Hi-Tech;
  • Fusion;
  • Classic style;
  • Modern;
  • Scandinavian style;
  • Provence;
  • Ethno-style.

Each style has its own characteristics and features and can be embodied independently or with the help of an experienced designer. It is important to remember that each style requires various material costs.

Kitchen combined with living room: planning and zoning ideas (video)

The room at 30 square meters can be equipped in any style. When it is elected, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the main rule that designers is guided is harmony. It should be achieved when conducting finishing work, placement of furniture, selection of textiles and interior items. Even if the kitchen area and living room will be performed in different style - They should combine common elements that will make the room harmonious.

Design kitchen living room 30 square meters. m (photo)

Today, the kitchen of strictly functional space, usually located on the back of the house or under all other rooms on the ground level, becomes an attractive room located in the center of the home composition. Thanks to technological advances and smart architectural solutions for ventilation, the kitchen is easily connected to the living room. Open concept of live zones in modern design tolerate modern room For cooking in the center of the apartment or at home. Spacious premises today especially in fashion. Consider the interior of the kitchen-living room of 30 square meters. m, choosing for yourself the most suitable composition.

Design kitchen living room 30 square meters. M.

For centuries, the kitchen was strictly working space, but today the studio apartments are particularly popular, which will mostly open the living area, combining the whole house. Now people want the kitchen to be an active part of the family hearth, so they often connect it from the living room.

What is an open kitchen-living room 30 sq.m?

What should be considered when planning the open space of modern kitchens-living rooms 30 sq. M. Be sure to pay attention to the main characteristics and options for this location, the latest trends in modern interior design. Today skillfully combined high quality Life with simplified and elegant decoration, without sacrificing functionality. Most often, the kitchen area is open and practical, is associated with some dining area: from a simple location of the bar counter to classic Table. and chairs. And, as a rule, in the concept of the studio room, the dining area gives a symbolic border between the cooking area and the rest of the living room. But thanks to the infinite work of modern designers, there are many approaches in organizing the planning of the kitchen-living room of 30 square meters. m.

Kitchen with living room - Fashion trends combined 30 sq.m.

The idea of \u200b\u200bopen kitchen is not at all unusual, especially in the case of modern houses. Currently, the trend is to make the interior as free and simplify the structure and decor without sacrificing functionality. That is why the elimination of the barrier between the kitchen and the living room is a practical step. Most often, the kitchen is connected to the dining area and an adjacent living room. The dining table usually becomes a buffer territory between the areas of the room.

Pluses and disadvantages of open kitchen

Why combine the kitchen with the living room? The easiest way to respond to this question - Evaluate the advantages and possible limitations of the task.


First, the open plan gives great benefit for the social life of the family, as the process of cooking is no longer isolated and is not separated, because all residents and guests of the house can fully participate not only in eating, but also in creating different dishes. Secondly, in addition to the social advantages of such a plan, the feeling of space, free movement and open space for the house should not be underestimated. Thanks to smart design kitchen-living room 30 square meters. m can become an ideal zone for life. And, of course, the practical side of the free movement between the countertop and the oven in the dining area makes the maintenance and collection of the table with simple and pleasant.


Some difficulties S. open kitchens They may proceed from the architectural problem of removing walls, adding new plumbing and wiring if they are not provided in the original design of your home. An unpleasant moment can be the absence of powerful ventilation. The open location of the kitchen in the living room means free penetration of noise, odors and common chaos between the zones of your home. However, if the dwelling allows you to combine the kitchen-living room of 30 square meters. m, then it is worth continuing to study the possibilities offered by modern design and innovation technique for the open plan project.

Kitchen living room 30 square meters. M: Furniture photo

The inventive imagination of modern designers is looking for a flexible, colorful and practical location of various kitchen blocks (from the refrigerator to the sink) to satisfy the needs of the owners and emphasize the personal style, therefore suggests various options Kitchen headcards. Furniture of different layouts perfectly fits into a large living room-kitchen of 30 square meters. m, as the area allows.

One wall modular kitchen

This type kitchen equipment It rotates around a single installation, which contains various modules intended for a linear configuration, which makes such a choice in the simplest and more clear way to make a cooking corner in the open living room. Thus, the kitchen zone in the open room remains like one space without certain boundaries between the living room and the rest of the residential space.

L-shaped modular kitchen

L-shaped modular kitchen is quite popular, especially when it is adjacent to another living room. This type of simple, but efficient kitchen configuration offers a magnificent decor not only for functional cuisine, but also a living room. Finishing a kitchen headset Letters L is a good option that serves a cute bar for breakfast. Offering comfort, practical distribution of space and sufficient number Countertops, cabinets for all necessary household appliances In the kitchen, L-shaped headset is a good, classic choice.

U-shaped kitchen (horseshoe)

Such a choice of furniture will create a room in the room, which is especially suitable for extensive areas of 30 square meters. m. In fact, U-shaped kitchen configuration works well in large roomsBy offering several cabinets and practical surface options for the cook. These are several tabletops, well-organized warehouse cabinets, which are always at hand. Another positive characteristic of such a headset is that several chefs can use space at the same time, without interfering with each other.

G-shaped kitchen (peninsula)

You can look at the G-shaped kitchen - this is an extension of the U-shaped configuration, as the four walls of storage are involved plus the advantage of an additional peninsula, which can accommodate more kitchen utensils or a bar rack.

Design kitchen-living room 30 square meters. M: Separation of zones

There are many elegant and creative ways to divide or, more precisely, create a symbolic boundary between the kitchen and residential premises, in fact without using different rooms with walls and doors. One of the fashionable approaches in modern design is the rise of one of the zones. Another frequently used option for separation between the cooking area and the living room in the outdoor room is glass partition - Fashionable and functional dexterity, which gives certain confidentiality between two zones. Noise and smells from the kitchen do not fall into the living room.

Kitchen-living room 30 square meters. M is a large room that allows many ideas into reality. Consider the photo gallery in this article to determine for yourself what exactly you expect to see in own home. Use the ready-made design of the rooms!

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The main dilemma, which takes the owners of one-bedroom apartments, is the issue of expanding free square.

For a large living room size 30 sq.m. Beautifully suitable such styles like Baroque, modern, classic and many others.

In fact, nothing is difficult. Ensure that by having studied some designers developing, with which it is possible to visually increase the space.

Rules of redevelopment of the apartment

Redevelopment refers to the category of the most radical clauses. To increase the space, you can combine the design of the living room and kitchen or the living room and the corridor. In the second case, it will turn out a dining room.

To delimit the design of the kitchen from the living room, which is intended for official ceremonies, use materials for finishing. So, the design of the kitchen can be emphasized with ceramic tiles or linoleum on the floor. And the interior of the living room is possible to deliver the parquet. The same principle can be used when finishing the walls.

It is possible to divide the living room with furniture, such as a sofa, which must be put perpendicular to the wall.

So, the design of the kitchen can provide for the decoration of the walls of the walls plastic panelswhereas the design of the living room is a wake-up. From the hallway, you can also create an autonomous territory at the expense of finishing and building materials.

Deciding to make redevelopment, be sure to get a written permission to all changes in the relevant government agencies.

In accordance with this legislation, it is allowed to perform the following upgrade: to increase residential space by joining useful Square Corridor, cut the arched and ordinary doorways in the bearing walls, subject to the fixation of the entire design, is still allowed to arrange built-in furniture and rearrange the floor electric stove in the kitchen.

At the same time, it is forbidden to dismantle bearing walls, beams and supports, lay (stitched in the wall) racks for gas, expand utility premises At the expense of square meters belonging to the residential.

Sometimes removed not all interior doors, but only part. For example, between the kitchen and the living room. It should be borne in mind that the doors protrude with the spaces of space on smaller components, taking such a valuable metra. Especially it concerns swing structuresTaking the lion's share of space during the opening and closing process.

Living room kitchen design: ideas for creativity

You can split the living room with a kitchen using a variety of genital coatings, for example, in the kitchen you can put a tile, and in the living room - carpet.

  1. When it is required at low surfaces of the ceilings and walls, arrange the design of the living room kitchen, then resort to the following tricks: decorate the interior of the main hall with the help of gluing a strip wallpaper with a vertical location; When gluing sheets, tightly adjoin the top of each to the border of the ceiling.
  2. To create a volume in the interior of the halls: one surface is covered with sheets of pastel shades, while others - with a saturated color palette; The ceiling part is discharged by longitudinal sheets of wallpaper, directed towards the brightest surface.
  3. The kitchen room is separated by materials in light color gamma or with small ornament.
  4. Laminate and linoleum selected as outdoor coating, lay down longitudinal stripes along the wall heading to the window. Also achieve the effect of expansion of spatial volume with the help of laying parquet Board "Deck" or "Christmas tree". In addition, such a nuance is important here: for these purposes it is necessary to acquire narrow, not wide panels.
  5. Increasing the size of the wall in height is achieved by stretch design with a glossy tint. A serious lighting system is important here, which organically combines several types of illumination: decorative, basic, scattered and directed.

Interior one-bedroom apartment With a kitchen of a living room of 30 sq. M will look much more voluminous when they fill each functional area with bright light.

Summary increase the height of the ceiling by sending the flow of light rays on it. To achieve the greatest effect on lighting, a combination of light is used on top and bottom, that is, outdoor lamps, Bra, ceiling chandeliers.

Interior of the living room kitchen

The lack of living room-kitchen is the smell, which even with the most excellent ventilation will be felt in the entire room.

The increased area of \u200b\u200bthe resulting living room kitchen provides an opportunity for experimenting with furnishings and installation of a kitchen headset. If the space is small, then the furniture is selected compact, and better - transformer.

It is better to prevent the placement of sofas, chairs and cabinets around the perimeter of the room. The living room is most often highlighted by a soft corner, installed on a slight distance from the wall and closer to the central part.

  1. With intensive operation of the kitchen area makes sense to put a hood with high power. Of course, you will have to put up with some noise from her work, but the impregnation by third-party odors of the finishes in the interior will be excluded.
  2. Dishwasher I. washing machineThe refrigerator should be placed in the most remote corners of the kitchen area, which will create comfortable conditions for finding in other areas of the combined space.
  3. Equipment for home theater usually have in the living room or on a special stand or hang on the wall opposite the soft sofa.
  4. The backlight of each specific zone must be present in addition to the main lighting. LED cords can be played as such illumination to create soft lights located in special ceiling niches or under kitchen cabinets (for highlighting the working area).

In case of insufficiency natural lighting You can provide in the interior installation of the French window.

It misses much more sun raythan usual.

Under Maloyo conditions natural light The apartment is better to abandon heavy tight tissue curtains, replacing them on light curtains from lightweight materials.

Using the listed tricks of designer thought, you can get a beautiful and multifunctional design of the living room. Try - and everything will turn out!

30 sq. Meters - How do you think there is a lot or a little? Probably, everyone will agree that the answer to this question depends on how specifically the placement you are counting on the Method.

30 square meters. Meters - standard and, we recognize this, a rather small area of \u200b\u200ba studio apartment. The kitchen and the living room in such apartments barely barely allow you to turn around and force the owners to dream of more. But it is necessary to work with what we have, therefore - do not try to combine the spaces of the kitchen and living room to get a bigger space and in your own unique interior in your home?

Such an idea is also suitable if you only plan to build your own home. small metrah (about 30 sq. M of residential space), or view online photos of finished design projects, thinking on the interior for the finished studio apartment (for apartments for apartments, the idea of \u200b\u200ba kitchen combined with the living room is a real find, original and practical). Carefully thinking the design of your home, it will be enough for you to go to some large furniture center (for example, in the furniture-hall), where those most or similar, solutions that most like you in the photo are presented in abundance.

Interior kitchen living room

The interior of the kitchen combined with a living room for 30 square meters. Meaders square, should be different two main characteristics:

  1. Functionality and practicality of the household side.
  2. Design, successfully zoning space from a visual point of view.

What is it for? First of all, in order to ultimately get an organic and beautiful space that combines the advantages of the kitchen and the living room, and not the absorption of household appliances and furniture, where it will be uncomfortable to cook food, nor rest before the TV after the working day.

Functional features

The kitchen is always the smell of food, flax stains and hot couples, and few people like when all this flies into the residential area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment. Therefore, we have gathered for you a few most obvious and most important ideas of the kitchen-living room planning, and the photo will help illustrate these ideas with the most successful options Design projects that you can rely on.

Visual features and design

With the practical side of the case, it seems, everything is clear (although you, of course, will come across large quantity Different subtleties when the time will come to embody thoughtful design to life). And what about visual zoning?

In order for your evening vacation or gatherings with friends at the weekend, a truly cozy, living area in your apartment should differ significantly from the kitchen area design. So, what is visually divided by these two spaces, so that at the same time they still constitute a single whole and did not look like two pieces from different apartments, "glued" together? We read, reflect and watch photos.

Separating - Singochy

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen-living room interior is 30 square meters is that, visually dividing an apartment on the zones, you must leave and something uniting, echoing so that the interior looks holistic and dodid. These can be various design trivia - the same (or in one style) outdoor vases, photos of your loved ones in the framework, total color dominant, etc.

Experiment - and soon your friends will start to visit visit to explore your new interior and take advantage of especially successful ideas!

Each woman knows how to make a large kitchen room, in which you do not have to close the family members. The kitchen-living room embodies all those requirements that are presented to such premises. But it was not always so. The partition between the two functional rooms was cleaned after the third feminist, who considered the discrimination is an isolated finding a woman in the kitchen. A similar idea has become popular worldwide. The combined premises received a large area and many different design options. Let's consider the design of the kitchen-living room of 30 sq m and the design of each functional area separately.

If there is an independent redevelopment of the apartment and the union of the premises, then when the zone is selected, where the food will be prepared, it is worth it to be closer to communications. If it is a multi-storey residential building, then sleeping rooms should not be under the kitchen area. For studio apartments, where such an union is included in the planning, communications have already been summed up in certain places.

When placed kitchen furniture Leave more space for the work surface where food will prepare. Think out the storage systems in which all necessary items and products will be available in the affordable proximity. Those things that are used infrequently can be placed on the upper shelves of kitchen cabinets.

A lot of light is required in any kitchen. In this area, the central chandelier can hang. It is also absolutely necessary to illumination of the desktop. For this apply spotlightsbuilt into the ceiling or in upper bar Kitchen headset. Good lighting gives lED Strip Lightdisposable kitchen apron. Convenient if illuminated cooking panel, for example, an exhaust lamp.

There are also special rules for placing the main elements: plates, sinks, refrigerators. They are placed in such a way that you can move freely between them. But the sink, according to the safety technique, is mounted on from the slab and others electrical devices, as well as in the distance from the upholstered furniture and the bar counter in order to avoid splashing.

Do not forget about a powerful hood. It will help to save furniture and other items in the kitchen-living room of 30 sq m from pollution. Moreover, the upholstery of the furniture has the property to absorb evaporation and smells, and the ceiling starts yellowing over time.

Remember! Modern kitchen - This is still a lot of household electrical appliances: a slow cooker, kettle, coffee machine, toaster and other. Therefore, there are several paired outlets in different places.

In that part of the kitchen-living room, where the whole family will relax, install upholstered furniture. Some prefer transformer sofas, which, as needed, can turn into additional sleeping places. The design of this area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen-living room at 30 square meters is also thoroughly thought out so that the whole design looks cozy, and it was comfortable to hosts and their guests.

When finishing the living room you need to pay attention to some points.

If necessary in the design of the living room, located together with the kitchen on 30 squares, there is furniture for storing things not only for household purpose, as in the photo. Closed and open shelves for storing things are thought out. It can be stylish modern wallconsisting of two rows of shelves, lower and upper. Between them, a TV is mounted on the usual wall, and the necessary technique is set.

Multi-level lighting is convenient because you can have bright light from chandeliers and sconces when receiving guests, and a muted atmosphere with the included flooring during cozy home evenings, for example, when watching movies.

The main equipment in the living room is usually the TV. It can be a home theater, and various plasma or liquid crystal panels that are attached on the wall. The main thing is that the screen location is at such a level, which will be comfortable for viewing from the chairs and sofas.

You can delimit a large kitchen-living room using visual and subject ways. Consider the features of each group. And in the photo you can see the design of the kitchen-living room of 30 sq. M with different zoning.

It is a visual separation of sections of the room with a decoration with different color, decor, lighting.

It happens enough to stick the wallpaper of different tones in the kitchen and dining area. Moreover, the working part requires moisture-resistant coating, for example, washable wallpaper or ceramic tiles On the floor. For the rest of the room, not such a practical finish is selected. Here, the main role is played by the external attractiveness and tastes of the owners. Divide the room will help carpets.

Kitchen zone requires more light. Here there are several point lamps on the ceiling or highlight the working surface with lED lamp. You can also arrange a plate with washing. In the center of the living room hang to the chandelier, but more often use soft scattered light of sconces, floor lamps, desktop lamps.

In this case, the priority will be the placement of furniture and some architectural solutions.

There may be a lot of such combinations. Stylish I. modern decision Bar rack equipment on the kitchen border and living room. Over the top it is made up with several lamps on long cords or a suspended system for storing bottles and glasses. The partition can be a sofa, detached seat toward the living room. Ceiling racks under the ceiling in themselves the function of the slide and the bookcase. And the cabinet for dishes with glass doors Provide an additional worktop.

The role of the partition in the interior between the kitchen and the living room of 30 square meters can perform sliding glass doors. This option is still convenient because the smells and evaporation during cooking will not penetrate the living room. Separate parts of the room and sliding wiring or tissue curtains. Plasterboard partitions can combine other functions, for example, become a support for the telepanel, contain built-in aquarium or opening for flowers, books, various things.

Often in the adjacent kitchen-living room is a forced separation of space by columns, ceiling beams, partitions. Then it happens enough to beat such a design, turning it into a functional or decorative part. For example, arrange a wide arch or hide the old column under the stylish shelves for books and of different little things. Select the kitchen space, you can make a small podium a few meters in width or multi-level ceilingsif the height allows.

In this room there are two key zones that need to be equipped with furniture.

the main thing actor here kitchen set. At the request of the owners, it can be installed along one of the walls, P-shaped or letter G. If a significant part of the room is distinguished for such a zone, it will be convenient to make an island in the center, where the work surface will be successfully located and lower cabinets For dishes. The dining group can stand here.

In the kitchen it is important and availability various systems Storage: Retractable, suspended or swivel baskets, boxes, drying for dishes, containers. This will save space and organize home work.

The traditional set of furniture for the living room usually includes:

  • Soft furniture: sofa or corner, armchairs;
  • Coffee table or transformer table, which has two layout options: low and high;
  • At the request of the owners put a cabinet wall or more advanced and convenient option - modular system;
  • It is difficult to present a living room without a TV or home theater.

In each case, the choice remains for the owner: what he is waiting for this big room. For example, some young couples do not buy dinner tableAnd eat at a bar counter, located on the border of the kitchen and living room. But in the recreation area, modern home cinema with a large soft corner and armchairs is made.

Important! Bar rack will save the area, replacing the table, delimit the functional zones, and will also become a storage destination kitchen utensils.

The placement of furniture depends on the form of the room. If it has the appearance of an elongated rectangle, then the kitchen part is drawn up from one end, on the other - the living room. In the square studio area where food is preparing, can be located along one of the walls and separated from the rest of the living room with soft furniture small plasterboard partition. Examples of the design of the kitchen-living room of 30 sq m. Watch in the photo.

Designer styles help accompany the room, connecting the decoration, furniture, accessories and lighting into a single composition. You can and do not adhere to a certain direction, and as a basis to take just like the color decision or proceed from the acquired headset and upholstered furniture.

But if you want to join the experience of world design, and the soul asks something unusual and original, then you will choose the most suitable style to you in character and mood.

Scandinavian style is distinguished by conciseness, ease and extraordinary comfort. It has many bright colors, natural materials and bright decorative details. So do white glossy kitchen facades, put the floor from gray porcelain stoneware, which will be good to combine with modern household appliances. In support of the general mood, you can choose metal brackets, handles, stylish chandeliers. Countertop and bar counter are made of natural oak. In the living area also white furnitureSmall paintings and open shelves. For windows it is worth choosing the blinds, not the curtains so that the room is as much as possible. The design of a similar living room of 30 sq m with two windows is presented in the photo.

Loft style or the so-called attic style is suitable for young creative people who are not burdened by addiction to comfort and accumulation. Part of the walls in such a room remains without decoration, and the part is covered with coarse plaster. The kitchen zone is easily separated from the living room table or rack. You can play on the contrast of the past era and modernity. Then the brilliance of the trendy plate will overlap with a massive exhaust. Open shelves are bought for dishes, and the kitchen headset itself can be both out of a roughly treated tree and shrink chromed finish. Window Rama. Usually done from wood. The living room is the most simple furniture without jewelry.

In such a room there is a lot of luxury and gilding. Designed kitchen-living room in gentle pastel tones. The walls are perfectly twisted or covered with expensive wallpaper with a minimum of patterns. For ceilings appropriate stucco. And in the living room zone there is a luxury chandelier, and the kitchen is crowned unique lamps. At the border of two zones, columns from expensive materials or openwork wooden arches are drawn up. The furniture is chosen from the natural massif, and the expensive upholstery of the sofas and the chair has to rest, the second is the rich design of windows. In the kitchen, the expensive modern technique is adjacent to the well-known brands of dishes.

This style for those who prefer minimalism, high technology and right forms. The decoration of such a kitchen-living room is limited to color solutions: neutral brown, gray, glossy white, black. Different functional areas are separated from each other furniture: bar with a bar or back of the sofa. In such a style, it is necessary to have the most modern technology: in the kitchen it will be the latest models hob, refrigerators, multicookers and the rest, and in the living room choose fashionable electronics or home theater. Walls decorate photos and pictures of abstractionists.

If it is very difficult to stick to one style, then you can take elements of different directions. Then the kitchen-living room will receive an unusual individual design. For example, the Energy of Ar Deco is perfectly combined with ethno-style patterns, minimalism universality will soften mediterranean style, And the design of neo-classics itself consists of a combination of past and present. Examples of the interiors of the kitchen-living room of 30 m, decorated in different styles Design, look at the photo.

Kitchen-living room - fashionable solution, gaining popularity due to the possibility of obtaining a large space and design it in the design you like. If you have decided to combine the kitchen and living room or have already bought a studio apartment, then the photos presented here will help you choose the desired design.