Repairs Design Furniture

Standard Height of the Written Desk in GOST. Standard written table sizes. Ergonomics of lower cabinets

In the selection of a convenient written table, it is necessary to take into account not only its design and manufacturing materials, but also the parameters of the height. This feature It is one of the most important, despite the fact that many consumers forget about her after the finding model of the model. The writing desk inappropriate height is able to lead to health problems, so do not pay attention to such a characteristic of furniture simply.


Users of all ages can spend most of the day for writing desks. Such furniture can be used not only in home interiors, but also offices. It is always convenient for it to work, and, as a rule, on table tops of high-quality written structures fit a large number of different items.

However, choosing such products, it is necessary to pay special attention to their height. And it doesn't matter at all, you buy a table for an adult or child.

In both cases, the furniture must be made high quality so that work behind it does not lead to problems with the spine.

One of the main parameters of these interior items is their height. If you get too low or too high a model, it will be very uncomfortable for it, and the posture can be very spoiled. Often, work behind such tables leads to annoying pains in the neck and lower back. If a long time to sit behind the writing desk of the wrong height, it can even lead to tangible headaches interfering with work.

This option is equally important if you are looking for a table for a child's room. The growing organism should not be located in uncomfortable conditions even during the fulfillment of homework or reading books.

As a rule, incorrectly chosen tables lead to the curvature of the spine of young users, with whom it is very difficult to fight.

Standard dimensions

Few people know, but today there is a special standard-system called "Modulator", in accordance with which the standard parameters of absolutely whole furniture are revealed, including indicators of the height of writing tables. This parameter plays one of the most important roles, because it primarily affects the position of the user sitting behind him.

Being overly low design, a person will slouch and serve the body forward, if the user works for too high, then he will have to constantly raise his head.

Don't forget that Under the right position implies perfectly smooth back, quietly underlying forearms and the lack of unnecessary stiffness in the shoulders area. It should also be remembered that the legs should be located on the floor and bent at an angle of 90 degrees.

Height in centimeters

As a rule, in the manufacture of modern written tables for the main indicator, the average human growth is taken, constituting 175 cm.

Creator useful system The "modulator" Le Corbusier believed that the height of such furniture should vary in the indicators of 70-80 cm, so the standard size is most often 75 cm (in accordance with average growth of 175 cm, and female - 162 cm).

These parameters can be based on most of the users of the standard set, however, in modern furniture stores You can find I. non-standard optionsIf the buyer has a more modest or, on the contrary, an impressive growth.

In addition, the exact height of the design will be able to learn and calculate with the help of a special simple formula that looks like this: Height x 75: 175. So, if a human growth is 169 cm, then the height of the suitable furniture will be 72 cm.

If the user parameters go beyond the standard framework, You can pick up a comfortable chair with height adjustment.However, in this case, you can not forget about the presence of a special stand for stop. It is necessary so that the knees always remain bent at an angle of 90 degrees. However, it is possible to order a table by individual sizes. As a rule, such furniture is more expensive than standard display cases, but buying it, you will get the most convenient and appropriate model.

Other parameters

If you want to choose a desk, work for which will be comfortable and comfortable, then you need to take into account not only its height, but also its ratio with the width of the table top. Under this parameter, the distance from the left to the right edge is implied.

In the smallest structures, the countertop takes no more than 60 cm. Of course, such furniture will become a real "salvation" for a small room, but still Experts recommend buying more spacious options.

A competently calculated depth of the product for an adult is 25-60 cm.

The playground on which the legs should be located should not be less than 52 cm. It is quite important to identify the indicators of the width and height of the chair.

In accordance with calculations Le Corbusier The most convenient and optimal is the seating width, not exceeding the mark of 40 cm. As for the height, it should vary in 42-48 cm.

Adjustable model

Modern manufacturers Release not only standard structures Stationary type, but also more thoughtful instances that can be adjusted at their discretion at any convenient moment. Often these models buy for children's rooms, Since they can "grow" along with a young user, without harming his health.

The essence of such models of tables is their capabilities of raising and lowering the table top, thanks to the special moving legs (as a rule, they are 4).

In addition, adjustable options are good in that many of them provide a function of changing inclination.

Thanks to such useful qualities, such furniture can use several households, as each person will be able to adjust the design under its parameters.

Such copies today are represented by a rich assortment and are in great demand. They are made of the most different materials, from cheap plastic to natural tree. There are also exist interesting optionsCombined with a chair whose height can also be changed at its discretion. Otherwise, such models are called parties.

How to pick up?

Before you go to the store for buying a table, you should decide which sample you need: written or computer. After that, it is necessary to resolve the question regarding the cost of furniture. The price of the table will depend on the following important parameters:

  • production of the product. Of course, the higher cost will have options released under well-known brands and large brands. However, such spending are quite justified, since such products most often serves a long time and does not lose their attractiveness even after many years;
  • material. Also, the cost of a written table is affected by the material from which it is manufactured. The most inexpensive are model from LDSP, MDF and plastic, and the most reliable and expensive - structures from the wood array;
  • dimensions. As a rule, small written tables cost much cheaper than large options, since in the production process there are less raw materials on them;
  • decorative elements. Affects the price finished product And the presence of one or another fittings in it. The higher its quality and more interesting designThe more expensive will cost the table as a whole.

How to choose for a child?

The choice of a written table for the children's room should be used especially seriously and weigly so that incorrectly chosen furniture does not have a negative effect on the growing spine. If you want to acquire a really high-quality and safe model, then try to stick to some uncomplicated recommendations:

  • the recommended tabletop width in the design for a child should be at least 100 cm;
  • as for the depth, it should vary from 60 and to 80 cm;
  • for the legs of the young user should remain space about 50x54 cm;
  • it is recommended to purchase structures with a small stand for the legs directly under the table top. If this is not provided by the manufacturer, it should be purchased separately from the table;

  • an important role in the selection of structures for the child also plays the difference between the height of the chair and the desk. This parameter should be 20-24 cm;
  • going behind such furniture to the store, experts recommend taking a child with them to sit at the table before buying. At this moment, it is necessary to control his position: elbows and legs should be placed relaxed and not in tension. As for the gap between the upper part of the table and the knees of the user, then it should be 10-15 cm;
  • it is necessary to consider the upper part from the eye of the user. It must match the gap between the elbow and the tips of the fingers;
  • psychologists advise to take into account the taste preferences and desires of the child. At the same time, you need to trace the worktop to make the product quite spacious and not too close, otherwise it will not work for such a model, it will not be very convenient;

The size and height of the computer table play a major role in the performance of work. It is already inconvenient to work for an ordinary or writing desk due to a variety of such components of the computer, like keyboards, various cords and connectors. Special attention should be paid to this issue if schoolchildren are in the house. In order for the child, the child has no health problems arise, it is advisable to purchase a special table that will simultaneously replace the usual or written. The place to study should also be attractive, convenient and cause a desire to perform homework, fixing the knowledge gained.

If at school it is impossible to control the process, since the parties have a standard, then at home this is at home to any loving parent. Due to the fact that during the seating is strained by a large number of muscles, the height of the table affects the degree of body fatigue. In other words, the overvoltage will affect the health of the child. Incorrect posture forms scoliosis. Currently, the choice is quite large, and to acquire a qualitative thing, you must have some knowledge.

First you need to decide on the location. Such a table is desirable to put at the window so that left hand located closer to him. Right hand Will give a shadow that additionally strains vision. At the same time, the size is important - the more, the better, but it all depends on the place where it will stand.

Now the production of furniture is so diverse that it is not quite easy to make a choice.

  1. There are tables only from wood.
  2. They also offer on metal legs.
  3. Can be ordered corner tables In accordance with the ordered sizes.
  4. With side drawers on one side or on both sides.
  5. Attached to the table shelves at the top.

We learned to produce transformer tables on the rise, in which there is a special mechanism that regulates the height of the table from 53 to 80 centimeters to growth from 109 to 200 centimeters, as well as tilt under construction under different types Classes. It includes chairs with the same special regulator. Specialists have calculated that, for example, for an adult, with a height of 165-175 cm, with handwritten operation, a standard height - from 70 to 75 cm. To work with the mouse - from 68 to 73 cm, therefore, the special tables for the computer provides advanced Under the tabletops panel stand for the keyboard.

Doctors recommend that when working at the table, a person in humans stood steadily on the floor, and even more so in the child. If the height of the table is large, then you need to apply something to them so that they do not hang, but had a stable support. The best thing To do wooden standwhich can be attached to fur. Today, the new technologies have solved the problem of replacing and buying a new table in accordance with age and the growth of the baby, schoolchild or student by adjustment. The following table shows the growth of the child and the ideal height of the computer table and the chair according to the approved gta stations, which are indicated in the Sanpine application 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03 " Hygienic requirements To personal electronic computing machines and work organization. "

Growth in centimeters Stamp height in centimeters Stool height, see
up to 80. 34 17
80-90 38 20
90-100 43 24
100-115 48 28
115-119 50 29
119-130 52 30
130-145 52-58 30-34
145-160 58-64 34-38
160-175 64-70 38-42
above 175. 75 46

It is also necessary to take into account how the wires will be placed and how far from the location of the computer table is placed sockets. If this is not taken into account, then with too far there is an additional extension and cords, and this will create inconvenience when cleaning the room.

When choosing, pay attention to the place of place placement. There must be enough space. It may be in the middle, if additional boxes will be located on both sides. Since this is a special table, it is advisable to buy a corresponding chair in which there is a height adjustment. With a close arrangement to the table, its armrests should not be resting in the tabletop due to the fact that it interferes with even and comfortable seats. The adjustment is needed that the hands are not overwhelmed from the inconsistency of the growth and height of the table.

When choosing this type of furniture, the following criteria should be observed:

  • the chair is convenient and supports the back in a literal state;
  • the height of the table corresponds to the growth, otherwise the legs are based on a special stand;
  • the table lamp does not blind and does not heat up; It is better if it is with a height regulating device.

The most important thing when working is the right posture. In childhood, the spine is not yet ugly and therefore check from time to time, whether your child is sitting correctly, defining such external signs:

  • full feet rest on the floor;
  • the knees bent at the right angle do not rest in the table table;
  • the distance from the knees to the countertop corresponds to the size of the fist of the hand;
  • hands are relaxed, and the shoulders are omitted and not tense;
  • snakes under the knees do not touch the edge of the seat;
  • the back is straightened, and not hitched.

Please note that the distance from the eyes to the monitor should be not closer to the elongated hand. The most upper line of the text on the screen is slightly lower than the level of the eye, and not higher. Since the computer is very drying up, then take a break for 10 minutes each hour. Remember, the miser pays twice. Do not save on health and buy a transforming table immediately, which will serve not one year.

Tables differ in height and purpose. There are models for seating on chairs, on the floor, for standing work. The optimal height of the product depends on these indicators, as well as on the growth and dimensions of the person. Children it is advisable to buy the table "on the grow out" so that you should not repeat the purchase every two or three years. You can also purchase an adjustable model. The main problem in the selection convenient table For the whole family, it can become just a difference in growth. Chairs with adjustable height can solve the problem. But you need to take into account the fact that people easier to adapt to the low table than to too high. Masters and place of accommodation: in the living room, the kitchen and other rooms are selected furniture of different heights. It is advisable to buy the most versatile models so that they will serve as much as possible regardless of the load and other nuances.

Choice rules

When buying a table, first of all it is necessary to pay attention to the height rate. There are a number of recommendations as to which this parameter should be. But there are no universal standards for all products, it all depends on their purpose. Before buying, you should consult with the seller regarding the height of the furniture and inform him of your own parameters. If the table is designed to use with chairs, then it must be convenient to keep elbows on the surface. You can find furniture with adjustable height. It is designed for children of younger school and preschool age. It is recommended to buy furniture that will provide a convenient and correct pose. If the dining table is intended for the living room, then it is better to take the models higher to make it easier to fall on the leg. If you do not pay enough attention to the height, then health problems may arise:

  • rachiocampsis;
  • pain in the joints;
  • worsening vision.

Altitude depending on the purpose

Tables are journal, massage, written, kitchen, dining, computer. Some are designed for a sedentary position, others are designed to work standing. The dining table is selected depending on the growth of the person and the height of the chairs. For the desktop table, the height of 87-97 cm will be comfortable for people with growth of 155-200 cm. This optimal optionIf you take into account the difference in the growth characteristics, but if you take into account the average indicator, the table with a height of 84-85 cm will suit the most wide category of people. The coffee table is ideally for several centimeters above the seats of sofas and chairs. Written do mainly inclined. They are more convenient to write if we are talking About several hours of continuous work. Children of younger school age (7-11 years) it is recommended to buy such tables.

Kitchen table

Key parameter for the selection of the perfect height working surface is height. If this indicator is below one and a half meters, the height of the table top is selected within 75-80 cm. Tables are 5 cm above, 80-85 cm from the ground, suitable for people with growth of 150-160 cm. Most people have an increase of 160 to 180 cm. Most of the manufacturers are focused on such anthropometric indicators and produces kitchen tables Height from 85 to 92 cm. Work on such a surface will be convenient and men and women. Those who are above 180, but below 195 cm, fit furniture with a tabletop at 95-100 cm. For high people from 195-200 cm and above optimal decision There will be a special order. Since family members have different growth, then you need to count on average And buy a table for these parameters, but with the advantage in favor of one who spends more time in the kitchen.

When choosing a desktop for cooking may be a false impression that its height is perfect, so it is necessary to learn the exact indicator.

It can be accommodated:

  • in the kitchen;
  • in the living room;
  • on the summer terrace.

The height of this element of furniture can be comfortable for everyone, since when sitting the difference in growth is not so tangible. In a sitting position, it is important that the knees be comfortable, the body was resting, and the legs could at least stretch a little. It is recommended to choose among tables with a height parameter around 70-75 cm. This indicator is ideal for medium height. There is a simple formula to determine the preferred size. dining table.: Own growth in centimeters is multiplied by the standard height of products (75), after which the result is divided into growth to which manufacturers are oriented (165). For a man of medium height (170), the final result will be 77.3 cm. In the process of selection of the dinner table, priority is given to a smaller indicator for convenient use of lower height. Special seats are chosen to small children.

Selected parameters for children and adults are highlighted. Furniture for an adult must be combined with its growth and physique. For a child, it is better to acquire a table with an adjustable height. The surface of these products make tilted. First of all it concerns children's tables. In the 20th century, experts have developed rules that are necessary to preserve the health of the spine. With 175-183 cm height, the ideal height of the table is 70-80 cm. A low table (up to 600 mm) is recommended for low growth people (150-160 cm). For high (190-200 cm), furniture is suitable height from 850 to 900 mm. The workover desk must have drawers and save sufficient number Places under your feet. In addition, the retractable surface for the keyboard may be required. Standard height It takes into account all these factors and is 75 cm. However, if human growth is higher than 190-195 centimeters, a special order will be required.

Modern people spend a lot of time after him. If the table is too low, you will have to be tilted, and if it is too high - overload the neck. It is recommended to select furniture based on the basic rules for preserving a healthy posture. The back must be kept smooth with a small bend forward, and the shoulders are straightened. The elbows must be left in the air, and the rest of the forearm, respectively, on the surface. The perfect height for the table top is a level of 5-7 cm below the solar plexus. Feet properly hold on the floor, in a smooth position, without lifting. The knees must be bending at an angle of 90 °. On the screen you need to look from top to bottom. Computer desk Proper configuration ensures compliance with all these criteria. Thus, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are prevented and the comfort and efficiency of work increases. Standard height is suitable for the overwhelming majority of people, and only very low or high will need to do special order.

To pick up perfect option, It is necessary to measure the height of the seats, next to which this piece of furniture will be located. There are no unambiguous rules for ideal parameters. coffee table.. It is recommended to buy a table a little higher than the seats, but some modern designers do not agree with this and insist that it can only correspond to their height or be lower. Exist state standards With absolutely other criteria. According to them, the manufacturer is obliged to make the height so that the product has extended an estimated load. The famous architect Le Corbusier paid attention to such a factor as the convenience of operation in the sitting position. Another technical rule recommends that the ratio between the height and the size of the countertops: a large surface area corresponds to a low support and vice versa.

IN lately Magazine Table Transformers, the adjustable height of which leaves the buyer several options for their use at once.

For a massage session, you need to create comfortable conditions for the employee. The height of the table affects the power of exposure and, accordingly, on the quality of the service. The standard height rate is ranging from 70 to 80 cm. It is designed for medium-sized massage - 170-180 cm. When choosing the table, it is necessary to repel from the average indicator regarding the physique and growth, but if there are high employees (from 185 cm), then it is recommended Acquire models with adjustable height. Tables for massage relatively low - from 55 to 90 cm. The greater the adjustable range, the better. At the heart of the tables with a changeable height lies with an electrical or hydraulic system. The wizard will be able to configure the parameters alone: \u200b\u200bthe table should not be higher than the lower point of the fist of the hand down, but not lower the fingertips of the palm.

Table for preschool children

  • children of junior preschool age (3-4 years);
  • average group (4-5 years);
  • children of senior preschool age (5-7 years).

Usually they play on the floor, but a small table will help prepare for training conditions in schools. Since the children grow quickly, you need to buy copies with an adjustable tabletop height. The table should have a slope and a small stand so that the child can draw and play with the tablet. The height of all children's tables is approximately between 37 and 60 centimeters. This "corridor" corresponds to 80-140 cm growth. In most cases, parents buy tables for children of senior preschool age, that is, 5-7 years. The optimal location of the table top will be at 48 cm from the floor, and the chair is 28 cm. It is important that the child develops correctly, otherwise it will only harm from the table. You need to measure everything yourself, because there are no special models for preschoolers, but only for certain age frames.

Table for schoolchildren

Under the parameters of schoolchildren are suitable tables with countertops at the level of 53-75 cm from the floor. Two types of tables are distinguished: written tables - parties and more versatile furniture with additional sections. At the first type, a tilt tabletop. Designed such furniture for junior classes. It has an adjustable height. Some modifications change both countertops. Universal buy children over 10-11 years old, but you can find a low model at 7 years old. Some of them can also increase in height. There are many tables with superstructures on sale: sections, shelves and drawers. Transformers are sold with the function of "transformation" from the written table into a working table, as well as special orthopedic models. Teenagers from 13-15 years old can approach an adult table. Together with it you need to use a chair with an adjustable height. However, the legs should touch the floor entirely.

Choosing a table and a chairs for the growth of the child

If the growth is less than 80 centimeters, then you need to purchase products with tabletop at 34 cm and seats at 17 cm from the floor. Children above 80 and below 90 cm are selected tables and chairs with a height of 38 and 20 cm, respectively. If the growth is more than 90 cm, but less meterThe ideal indicators will be 43 cm for table and 24 cm for stool. If the child is above the meter and below 115 cm, then a 28-centimeter chair and a 48-centimeter table will be suitable. If a child has an increase of 115-119 centimeters, he needs a tabletop at 52-54 cm from the floor and the seat above 30 and below 32 cm. When height 120-129 cm It is necessary to purchase tables 52-54-centimeter heights and chairs with seats at the level 32-35 cm from the floor. If the growth rate is within 130 and 139 cm, we need a table and a chair with a height of 60-62 and 36-38 cm, respectively. Boys from 14 years old worth buying a table already under adult parameters - for growth 165-177 cm.

Tables with adjustable height

They are also called mechanical. Such models help to save money. They are intended for several purposes. First, schoolchildren and preschool children over the years can have a homework behind them. In addition, "adults" tables will be regulated depending on growth and needs. Mechanical furniture can be X-shaped legsWith the help of which the height is easily adjusted. Some models are equipped with a telescopic mechanism: to change the height of the vertical supports, you must hold the tabletop on both sides. This is a less convenient option. There are also electronic and retractable mechanisms. With any of these devices, you can not only adjust the height from the floor, but also change the appearance or a set of functions, for example, to turn coffee table in dining. All products have a small minus - the maximum load is limited to 30-45 kilograms.
Pluses much more. Among them:


Tables usually have a standard height, taking into account the average growth value. Surfaces for standing work are usually higher. But there are exceptions: the massage table can be adjusted and done quite low - about 55 cm from the floor. The height of the working kitchen surface and the dining table is selected depending on the parameters more low person. In this case, written, computer and desktops are chosen based on the needs of a tall person. Chairs with adjustable height compensate for inconvenience. The standard height of the stationery is 75 cm. This also applies to other furniture for use with chairs. But special attention should be paid to the choice children's table. For effective I. fast work The child needs a comfortable table with various devices. Orthopedic chairs Help keep posture.

For their children, parents seek to acquire high-quality, reliable things. From right choice Health and child performance depends. After all, if the furniture, where you have to do lessons, inconvenient, the baby will not be able to sit here a sufficient amount of time. He will be hard to teach the lessons at home. That is why it is so important to approach the process responsibly.

Choosing sizes for a schoolboy, you need to get acquainted with the recommendations of specialists. There are certain norms that allow you to purchase optimal furniture. Conducting pretty for a long time Behind the desk, the schoolboy should sit correctly. It directly depends on the health of his back, view, as well as comfort and performance. For an inconvenient table, the child will not raise for a long time. It will interfere with concentrate on educational material. How to choose optimal dimensions Specialists will be prompted.

Where to begin?

In second place, the quality of materials is in second place. From this indicator depends the durability of the product, comfortable for a schoolboy. The compliance of the presented furniture the interior of the room should not slip away from the buyer's attention zone, but nevertheless it is a secondary question. The main thing is to like the table. In the process of selection, parents should pay attention to the quality of fasteners. Children are very mobile, so the table should be strong, good.

This is one of the most expensive purchases that must be made by the parents of the first grader. But a writing table, selected correctly, is operated for several years.

Popular table shape

Studying the standard sizes of the desk for a schoolboy, it is necessary to pay attention to the form. There are several popular options for the execution of the furniture represented. The first form is the oldest. But she is still in the trend. These are rectangular tables with a small number of boxes.

Next, this species should be paid as a computer table. Now many schoolchildren have an appropriate office equipment. Tables at the same time have a special place for the monitor, disks, retractable panel for the keyboard.

If the size of the room allows, you can purchase a M-shaped species. On one side, the child can perform written work, and on the other - to work on the computer.

Another popular principle of construction is a transformer table. It is adjusted to the growth of the child, so such a product is exploited longer than ordinary varieties of children's furniture.

Making tables

The size of a written table for a schoolchildren regulates GOST 11015-71. He highlights groups of children in accordance with their growth. There are 5 categories that are labeled or color. To easily figure out the principles that are used in the manufacture of tables, it is necessary to consider the table of their size for schoolchildren.

In the manufacture of furniture for schoolchildren adhere to the standards presented. This allows children to ensure comfortable tables. Tirelessness in this case is significantly reduced. This allows you to provide up to 85% of children with suitable furniture for productive learning.

One of the variants of drawings with dimensions is presented. All parameters are selected in accordance with the specified GOST.

Dimensions of a table

To make it easier to choose the correct dimensions of the furniture, it is necessary to consider the drawing of the writing desk with sizes for a schoolboy (further). So that the child could freely decompose his notebooks on it, textbooks, width working area There must be at least 60 cm, and the length is 120 cm.

I - length of the table (120 cm).

II - Width of the table (60 cm).

If on the usual rectangular table A laptop or computer will stand, it is necessary to consider the dimensions of technology. The furniture will be even wider and longer. In this case, special types of tables will be helped to organize. It is also important to choose their height correctly.

The distance from the floor to the countertops must correspond to the growth of the child. So that it does not slightly, the part should be high enough.

But if this parameter exceeds the norm, the legs of a small student will not get to the floor. It is very uncomfortable. There are other sizes to pay attention to when choosing.

Table parameters

Choosing the sizes of the desk for a schoolboy according to GOST, you need to pay attention to a number of other parameters. It should be noted that the desk is selected simultaneously with the chair. When a child stays behind her, his legs should stand on the floor. The knees should be bent at an angle of 90º.

Free space under the table should be enough. If there are drawers here, the distance for the child's feet should be 45 cm long, and in the width - at least 50 cm.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the angle of tilt the tabletop. Ideal if it is 30 °. If the furniture without a slope, you need to buy a stand under books, notebooks.

How to check the correctness of the choice

The optimal size of the writing desk for a schoolchild should be selected with the child. It is necessary to ask the baby to sit on the high chairs. Elbows lie freely. At the same time, the shoulders should not be raised. Feet stand on the floor. The distance from them to the countertops should be 15 cm.

If the height is chosen correctly, the surface of the furniture will be at the level of the child's solar plexus.

There is another simple test that allows you to appreciate the correctness of the furniture. When a schoolboy sees at the table, you need to ask him to put hands in front of myself. Next, the tip of the middle finger, the child must get to the eye. If this condition is performed, the choice is correct.

Additional equipment

Different additional elements may have written tables for schoolchildren. With dimensions will help determine the above rules. But furniture dimensions depend on its configuration.

To avoid chaos in the workplace, various shelves will be required, drawers. Multiple bedside tables can also be included. Such additional elements should be on wheels. This will allow free to move the bedside tables if necessary.

Shelves above the table can be open. Boxes in the table are also necessary. Some doors can be closed on the key. It will give the opportunity to feel your personal space, keep some kind of secrets.

Review of inexpensive models

In search better options Furniture It is necessary to consider an overview of convenient desks for a schoolboy. Among the inexpensive varieties (from 6 to 10 thousand rubles), such models such as Delta-10, Demi, R-304, Grifon Style R800 should be highlighted.

This is pretty quality options Furniture for schoolchildren. They are celebrated as the best in the low-grade segment many buyers. Materials from which presented tables are made are safe for a child.

Wanting to exploit furniture for a long time, It is worth buying "Demi." It can be adjusted under the growth of the child. If the kid slips, sitting incorrectly, you can give preference to the R-304 table. It has a special cutout, corrective posture. If the table is standing on the table, it is better to buy R800.

Overview of medium and expensive tables

Studying the size of the desk for a schoolboy, you should pay attention to the expensive and average at the cost of the product. Their price starts from 11 thousand rubles. Up to 15 thousand rubles. Popular models such as Direct 1200m, ComStep-01 / BB, orthopedic Conductor-03 / Milk & B, Mealux BD-205 will cost. It's stylish beautiful models With a wide range of functions. They are selected in accordance with the needs of the child.

Users note that the MOLL CHAMPION transformer table is characterized by the optimal ratio of price and quality. Its cost is about 35 thousand rubles. The countertop is divided into three functional zones. This is a convenient furniture in all respects. Durability and comfort confirm numerous user reviews.

Choosing the size of the written table for a schoolboy, parents seek to buy the most comfortable furniture. In addition to the dimensions, it is necessary to pay attention to the form. Lines must be smooth, streamlined.

Surface high-quality furniture Do not have hooks, irregularities. The table should not smell with varnish or other chemicals. Too soft surface will be short-lived. It is typical for poor-quality plastic. Therefore, it is better to give preference to more expensive, but good-quality materials.

It is also necessary to consider the harmonious location of furniture in the interior. It is very important to create proper lighting. Therefore, it is originally necessary to put the table so that a sufficient amount of daylight falls on it. You also need to put a lamp. This is a mandatory attribute of a schoolboy desktop. Some models already have appropriate places to connect the lamp.

Applying to the process of choice, you can buy high-quality, durable furniture. Through this table, the child will be convenient to perform homework. He will not slouch, quickly get tired. If this thing really likes the young schoolboy, he will be able to spend enough time at the table. And its performance depends on it. The table is a personal corner of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of this subject of the interior as possible.

The choice of a suitable written table - the process is definitely important, because the correctness of the solution will depend not only the performance of the sitting, but also health. This is especially true when it comes to a child and its emerging organism.

What are the standards taken

The health of a person working at a computer requires special attention. When choosing, all factors should be taken into account, on the size of the monitor to the height of the written table. Wrong calculations can lead to problems with the spine and impairment of vision. In addition, if a person working at a computer will feel discomfort, it is quickly tired and, as a result, his performance will fall.

Exists "MODULOR" - the system according to which the standard proportions are detected for the whole modern furniture, including the height of the tables. This parameter is very important, because it is precisely the position of the sitting person. Low-table stunned and leans forward, and sitting in high forced to raise his head upwards, which naturally is erroneous.

Do not forget that proper position The human body implies straightened back, freely lying forearms and lack of tension in the shoulder belt. In addition, legs should be on the floor and bent at an angle of 90 degrees.

How many centimeters is height?

Taking the basis of the average height ordinary person, component of 175 cm, the creator of the "MODULOR" system Le Corbusier came to the conclusion that the height of the written table should be between 70 to 80 centimeters. Thus, the standard value is 75 cm in the case of a male growth of 175 cm and female 162 cm. This formula is correct for the bulk of people with typical growth. Naturally, there are exceptions if a person is significantly lower or higher.

If your growth goes beyond the standards, first, you can change the height of the seating (as a rule, modern models are adjustable). Do not forget to add a stand under your feet so that your knees remain bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Secondly, you can make the table on individual order. Thirdly, it is possible to choose a table with an adjustable tabletop height.

Are there any other dimensions?

Comfortable work is impossible without proper definition The widths of the table top, that is, the distances between its left and right edges. Minimum size It is 60 cm, but it is recommended to choose models with large indicators. Correctly calculated the depth of the table for an adult is from 35 to 60 cm. The space where your legs are located (the length between the legs or Tumb) should be at least 52 cm. Also important is the definition of parameters such as the width and height of the stool. According to the calculations of Le Corbusier, for comfortable work the width of the seating should exceed 40 cm, and the height is to be between 42 to 48 cm.

What is a good adjustable table?

Adjustable models usually buy for children. Such tables can be used for a long time, despite the fact that the growth of the child will change. The essence of such furniture is as follows: it is possible to raise or lower the worktop at the expense of extending legs, as well as change its tilt. These tables can be wooden, plastic or with metal carcasy. Very often, the design is combined with a chair whose height can also be adjusted. In essence, the design is the desk.

Adjustable table For adults will be an excellent solution for families in which people of different growth Forced to use the same workplace.

How to choose a written desk?

Deciding to buy a written table, you need to first decide which sample you need is a regular writing or computer. In the second case, make sure that the subject has special places for the system unit, speakers, keyboards and wires. Next, it is necessary to resolve the issue with the cost. The price of a future purchase depends on the following factors:

  • Where is the furniture and is it under the "cap" brand? Tables made in Russia are usually cheaper than foreign. Also consider that sometimes little-known firms can surprise the high quality together with low prices.
  • Material. Products made of plastic, chipboard or MDF are much smaller than the model from the wood array.
  • Dimensions. The smaller the table size, the lower its price.
  • Decor. The presence of accessories significantly affects the final cost of furniture. The higher the quality, more accessories and intricate design, the more money You will have to pay.

For a child

The main thing is what should be remembered by choosing a table for a child - these are the requirements of its health. Store the following rules:

  • The width of the tabletop must be at least 100 cm, and the depth is between 60 to 80 cm.
  • For the child, the child should remain a space of approximately 50 * 45 cm.
  • Take into account the difference between the height of the table and the chair: this parameter should be 20-24 cm.

Buying a table, take a kid with you to the store and ask him to sit at the selected model. Look at the elbows and legs: the first must be freely located, and the second turn out to be bent at right angles and firmly stand on the floor. Between the worktop and knees, try to leave the gap of 10-15 cm.

Also from the table top to the eye of your child, it is necessary to withstand the distance equal to the distance between its elbows and the tips of the fingers. In addition, there are some more recommendations for the choice of a workplace for a schoolboy. Consider the interests of the child and watch the table to be roomy: during execution homework The schoolboy must calmly post textbooks, notebooks, stationery and other necessary items.

Models of children's tables are different, you can choose a design with a design that meets your child's interests:

  • Standard construction rectangular shape with multiple boxes. The price depends on the material, but, as a rule, it is the cheapest constructions.
  • Computer desk with computer necessary parts: panels under the keyboard, monitor space, wire holes and others. Such models are made of glass, wood and furniture shields.
  • M-shaped table that allows you to combine and place for a computer, and space for homework.
  • Transformer (adjustable), which makes it possible to change the height of the table when the child grows. Sometimes such models are orthopedic or folding.

Do not buy a schoolboy an expensive table, Children are unlikely to leave it in the original state and do not swap with paints or handles. Also watch safety: separate types of plastic can be toxic and have a strong smell causing allergies, moreover, they quickly come into disrepair. In no case do not save on quality.

For adults

How to correctly calculate the dimensions of the writing table, was mentioned above, however the choice of a workplace for an adult is largely depends on its purpose.which determines both the material and functionality, and the size of the structure:

  • Big tables are the most expensive models. Made usually from valuable wood high QualityThey are decorated with skin, carvings and designer fittings and are complemented by numerous drawers and stands.
  • Mid-sized tables can be made of both a solid of wood and from furniture plates. Their price depends on this. Such tables perform the same functions as large, but due to smaller size and other material won in value.
  • Little tables are usually bought for small rooms, which are important to save space. They are cheap, quickly collected, but do not have drawers or shelves.

Choosing a written table, also pay attention to the manufacturer material, capacity, your needs (for example, if you have bad vision, it is not recommended to purchase a closed design table) and a place where the furniture is located. Basic materials for tables: MDF, chipboard, wood, glass or plastic. Determine the number of shelves and boxes depending on your needs: what they are more, the higher the functionality of your design.

When choosing accessories, give preference to steel alloys.

Overview of popular models

Model "Micke", IKEA

A writing desk is made of chipboard, MDF and DVP, offered in white and dark brown colors. The model has a laconic neutral design, which allows it to fit into any interior. To increase the working space, you can add the table with the couches and a variety of modules for things. Behind there is a hole for wires, that is, the table also acts as a computer, and the drawer is equipped with a special design that prevents falling. The surface is covered with acrylic paint.

Model "Chemneces", IKEA

The surface of the standard table is treated with a white verse, but the furniture can also be represented in light brown and dark brown colors. Made a table from the pine array, which increases its environmental properties. Computer wires And extension cords can be hidden on a special shelf under the table top. There are two drawer And two closed shelves. Classic design.