Repair Design Furniture

How to make massandra on the roof of the house. Do-it-yourself technology for building a mansard roof. Standard attic design

The mansard roof is the optimal method of increasing usable area Houses. This will keep costs to a minimum. With this design, you can equip one or more living rooms. Often in the attic they arrange children's rooms or an office. A comfortable room in the attic can serve as a living room.

When arranging the attic, it is important to remember a few principles that will help create a comfortable and practical room. The mansard roof is a specially equipped attic. When creating such a structure, it is important to carefully approach the stages of thermal insulation, redevelopment and ventilation of the room on the roof. A video of building a mansard roof with your own hands (step by step) can be found at the end of the article.

Advantages and disadvantages of the solution

When deciding to equip an attic room, you need to know the features of its construction. The advantages of attic rooms include:

  • There is an extra room in the attic. It can be equipped depending on taste preferences and purpose.
  • Small costs. The construction of the attic room will not rise in a large amount. Such work will be equivalent to the construction of an extension near the house. At the same time, the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is expanding.
  • Great view from the window. Attractive landscapes outside the attic window will not leave anyone indifferent.

If we consider the disadvantages of the attic device, we should remember the need for additional heating of the room.

Types of mansard roofs

When designing an attic floor, it is important to take care of choosing the type of roof. It is necessary to understand not only the choice of the appearance of the structure, but also the methods of its arrangement. There are several options that are most acceptable when creating a mansard roof. They can be selected only taking into account the features of the house:

It is important to deal with the device of the mansard roof, which it was decided to make.

Attic device

Each roof has its own design features. However, attic structures have a number of common features with simple pitched structures. It is important to know them before starting work:

Knowing the structure of the roof, you can start the main work. A photo of the construction of a mansard roof with your own hands (step by step) will help you deal with the stages of the process.

Attic construction technology

Often, when designing a mansard roof, architects do not take into account the errors in the ventilation system and the insulating layer. If there are such errors, the result can be disastrous. Within a few years, the roof will begin to leak. Since the attic is quite close to the wall inside the room, it is quite difficult to ensure the optimal level of heat transfer. The design of the attic must necessarily include elements such as thermal insulation and ventilation.

Important! Elements of the truss system should be pre-treated with various means of protection that will reduce the impact of fire and microorganisms.

The heat-insulating layer is made 20 cm thick. This is due to the cold climate in most regions of Russia. In addition, when creating good thermal insulation in summer, it will be cool under the mansard roof. The advantages of this solution indicate the need to select a high-quality protective material.

In addition, you will need to create a roof ventilation system. In summer, when the temperature is quite high, the roof will get very hot, which can make staying in the attic quite uncomfortable. With a properly equipped air supply and exhaust system, being in a room will become much more pleasant. The same solution will protect the roof from destruction. A layer of sound insulation is laid to create a quiet and comfortable environment inside the attic. At the same time, rain, hail or strong winds will not be heard much.

Advice! when laying insulation materials, it is best to work with an experienced installer. This will avoid mistakes.

Stages of construction of the attic

Step-by-step instructions for arranging an attic floor involve the implementation of a number of subtleties of technology. For the construction of the attic, you must have at least minimal experience in construction work. The construction of an attic space will be significantly more difficult than in the case of a conventional roof. This is due to the need to comply with the desired angles of the slopes. You can figure out how to build an attic in a private house with your own hands after studying the construction plan.

You need to start with the drafting of the attic floor. For this purpose, it is better to invite a specialist who can accurately calculate the load and set the required dimensions of the elements. If you have certain knowledge, all calculations can be performed in a special program. You will also need to calculate the slopes of the roof and the expected loads. For error-free work, you will need to study the book "loads and effects on buildings and structures."

The construction of the truss frame

When performing this stage of work, you will need to invite 2-3 workers. It is better to start the roofing device with the laying of Mauerlat bars. They are fixed around the perimeter of the house. For Mauerlats choose bars 100x100 mm.

Then they mount the frame of the future attic room. Its vertical elements will serve as support posts for the truss system. First, vertical supports are installed on both sides. They are fixed to the longitudinal beams. For connection, you need to use metal corners and self-tapping screws.

Advice! In the process of such work, it is better to use a screwdriver. This will speed up the work considerably.

As a result of such actions, two arches are obtained. They should be connected with a twine. It must be strictly horizontal. Even with a slight slope of the tow, one of the arches will have to be shortened. Then, at a certain distance from each other, other arches should be installed. To fix the jumpers, use stamped corners.

Then the upper rafters are installed. This kind of work is quite difficult. Rafters should be mounted in such a way that they are installed at a certain slope. First, a template is made from the boards. It is necessary that they correspond to the connected rafters. When using such a template, you need to cut the rafters that are on the ground. Then they are installed in the right place. Installation of rafters is carried out taking into account the construction of the internal attic room.

Installation ends roof structure nailing the crate. Usually it is made of plywood or chipboard.

Attic roof insulation

After completing the installation of the truss system and the crate, you can create an insulating layer. The vapor barrier film is laid from the inside of the roof. It is fixed to the rafters on building brackets. After that, thermal insulation is performed. It is necessary to monitor the density of laying the insulation on the surface of the rafters. There should be no gaps due to which problems with condensate and thermal protection of the room may arise in the future. the construction of the crate is attached to the thermal insulation with a gap between the boards of half a meter.

Waterproofing is laid on top of the rafters. It will protect the attic from moisture. Roofing is laid on top of the waterproofing layer. Such a roofing pie scheme is optimal when constructing an attic.

Attention! During construction, it is important to take care of compliance with safety requirements.

As you can see, building a mansard roof is a serious job. The durability of the structure depends on the degree of seriousness with which to approach the work. You can find a lot of examples, which design and appearance may have an attic. Among its various types, you can choose the most suitable option. If you want to create optimal daylight, you should install a large window. Often its shape is chosen round or square. In any case, before work, you should carefully prepare and draft a future building.


When building a mansard roof, some features of the work should be taken into account. For example, it is important to create proper insulation and waterproofing the cake. In addition, care must be taken to select roofing. Thanks to this, the mansard roof will be reliably protected from the weather.

Before work, a draft of the future building is drawn up. It is created taking into account the design loads and materials used. The construction plan reflects all the subtleties of the process. It is important to follow the mansard roof construction technology - this will ensure its reliability and durability.

The roof under which the living rooms are located is called the attic. This building does not have a ceiling. This design allows you to increase the total volume of the room and do it with minimal material investment. Roofs can have a different shape, but the most popular is a gable sloping roof. In the article we will tell you how to make a mansard roof with your own hands.

Carrying out design work

First of all, it is necessary to conduct research of the foundation and walls. Design broken roof much more complicated and heavier than a typical one, so a strong foundation is required for its construction. In the process of studying the walls and foundations, it is required to establish whether they can withstand this type of roof. If the mansard roof is planned in preparation for the construction of the building, then all the features should already be taken into account in the design.

The choice of the shape of the roof must be taken responsibly. Since with errors in the calculations or with the wrong choice of parameters, the roof can collapse, and with it all the supporting structures.

It is best to entrust the drafting of the project to professionals. Modern technologies allow all necessary calculations to be made using special computer programs. With their help, the optimal angles of inclination and other characteristics are calculated from the initial parameters. Moreover, all calculations are made in compliance with SNiPs.

The level of ceiling height is the main requirement for a comfortable arrangement of the attic. It should be from two and a half meters and above. The broken line of the roof must be located at a level of about 2.8 meters. At the same time, the thickness of the insulation layer, the protrusions of the floors and the finishing of the walls from the inside are taken into account.

Before starting installation work, it is necessary to draw up a clear plan-scheme, indicating all the linear parameters of the building, pitched angles and the total height of the house.

Technical terms

  • A beam that performs a supporting function, transferring the load from the lower ends of the rafters to the upper end of the walls of the structure, is commonly called Mauerlat.
  • The construction of wooden beams, which forms the main shape of the roof, is called rafters.
  • A powerful beam that supports puffs, as well as evenly distributing the load between individual rafters, is called a suspension.
  • Plywood sheets or flat boards used for laying roofing material are called crates.

Roof frame

First, a mauerlat is installed on all four sides of the building, which is a support beam that allows you to transfer the load to the walls of the house from the truss system. If the main structure is made of wood, then either the top beam or the top log can be the Mauerlat. In rooms made of bricks or blocks, the support beam is fastened using studs or anchors that are already built into the walls during masonry. Such a beam has a cross section of 10–15 centimeters and is made only from coniferous wood. Mauerlat is aligned along the inner surface of the wall of the house. What remains outside afterwards is ennobled using decorative masonry.

The support beam is laid on top of the anchor studs and pressed tightly so that dents from the studs remain on its surface. These marks are drilled required holes for later fixing. You can also mark the beam with a tape measure, but the first option is preferable and more accurate. Waterproofing is laid on the surface of the wall. As it can be used roofing material, laying it in two layers. A Mauerlat is put on the stud on the waterproofing layer, and the nuts are tightened.

On a brick wall, the support beam is installed using wooden plugs. Floor beams are made of coniferous timber with cross-sectional dimensions of 100 × 200 mm. These beams are laid on the Mauerlat in such a way that they protrude thirty to fifty centimeters beyond the wall. You can put them in special pockets that are made during the construction of walls. When laying on the Mauerlat, the beams are fastened with metal corners and self-tapping screws. In order for the laying of the ball to be even, the outer beams are first attached, then the intermediate ones are installed along the stretched cord.

Note! Floor beams are installed in increments of fifty to one hundred centimeters. However, experts advise the optimal step - sixty centimeters. This arrangement of the inter-beam space allows you to lay the heat insulator without cutting it.

To align them in height, they are hemmed or wooden linings are used.

When mounting racks using pockets in masonry, their ends are treated with a special liquid waterproofing material and wrapped in roofing material. They are aligned in a similar way, using a cord.

Racks are mounted on beams that are located at the edges. They are made from a bar measuring one hundred by one hundred and fifty millimeters in cross section.

The installation line and height are predetermined on the corresponding drawing. Be sure to use a device called a level, as well as a plumb line for leveling the racks. Then they are temporarily fastened in a perpendicular direction with the help of slopes, fixing them across and along the axial section of the roof.

All these measures are taken to ensure that the racks are installed without deviations. Any tree can be used for jibs. They are attached to the racks with nails. After the racks are installed at the edges, the cord is again pulled between them. They are guided by it when installing intermediate racks. Their step should be equal to the step of the beams. When carrying out a sequence of such works, the result should be two rows of racks that have the same height and are parallel to each other.


On the already installed racks, the so-called runs are laid and fastened - boards fifty by one hundred and fifty in diameter. Fastening is carried out with nails one hundred and fifty mm, as well as on metal corners, which are fastened with self-tapping screws. Crossbars are placed on top of the girders, which are made of boards with dimensions: fifty mm thick and two hundred mm wide. Their narrow side is turned down, which allows you to get more rigidity. There will be no load on the crossbar during operation, therefore their dimensions are considered optimal. But to eliminate deflection and increase reliability during installation, temporary supports are additionally placed under the crossbars. These are boards, the thickness of which should be at least twenty-five millimeters. Temporarily and on top of the crossbar are fastened with boards, until the process of installing the rafters begins. Additional fasteners are not installed in the middle of the tightening, so that they do not interfere with further installation.

After the crossbars, racks and girders are installed and fixed, a sufficiently rigid structure should be obtained that will limit the room inside the attic. In the future, it is subject to even greater strengthening using contractions and struts.

The lower rafters are made of boards with dimensions in diameter: fifty by one hundred and fifty millimeters. To begin with, a template is made from boards of smaller thickness. This makes them faster and easier to process. Applying such a board to the upper run, a cut shape is drawn on it with chalk or a pencil, and then this shape is cut out according to the marks. The template is applied to the run, in those places where it is supposed to install the rafters. If there is a complete match in all places, then the upper part of all prepared rafters is cut out according to this pattern. The lower end of the rafters, which should rest on the Mauerlat close to the floor beams, is cut out at the place where it will be attached. The rafters are fastened with metal corners, self-tapping screws and nails.

Note! When it comes to the top rafters, one must first mark the geometric center of the roof. This is done using a temporary rack, which is nailed to the Mauerlat at one end and a puff located at the end of the roof.

The work is done in such a way that one of the edges of this temporary board corresponds to the center of the future roof. The rafters are aligned along this edge. A flat board template is being prepared again, transverse dimensions twenty-five by one hundred and fifty millimeters. It is applied to the edge of the previously installed board at the appropriate level and to the run on which the lower rafters are supported.

The cuts are marked from both ends of the board, and the template is cut out according to the markup. Checking the correctness of determining the center is made by applying the sawn parts of the template to both sides of the roof. If the condition of parallelism is met during the installation of the racks, then there should be no problems with the installation of the upper rafters. After all, they all have exactly the same size.

Using the manufactured template, the required number and the appropriate configuration of the rafter legs will be performed. Rafters are installed on the mounted runs. In the upper part, they are fastened with overhead metal plates using self-tapping screws. In the run itself, the rafter parts are inserted into the cuts and fastened using special metal corners and self-tapping screws.

Note! In order for the rafters to stand strictly vertically, they are additionally reinforced with struts. The lower end they are installed on puffs.

In a similar way, the rest of the rafters are installed. Choosing pieces of boards, measuring twenty-five by one hundred and fifty millimeters, hanging racks are attached. The upper edges of the suspension are attached to the place where the rafters are connected, and the lower edges to the puff.

Struts are installed on the rafters, which are located in the lower part. They are made of boards with dimensions in cross section of fifty by one hundred and fifty millimeters. They rest with an oblique lower cut in load-bearing beam and fastened with metal corners. The upper edges are nailed to the rafter legs from the side. Additional through holes are drilled. Bolts are inserted into them and tightened with nuts. When the lower struts are installed, all temporary fasteners are removed.

Now it's the turn for sewing the gables. They are sheathed in such a way that there are places for door and window openings. When laying floor beams in wall pockets, special boards are reinforced on the lower rafters, which continue the line of rafters and form roof overhangs. They are called fillies.

If the laying is done on the Mauerlat, then there is no need to use fillies.

Now you need to make a crate. Its type depends on the roofing material. When using roofing material or roofing felts, the crate is mounted solid, without gaps. Without fail, waterproofing material is laid on the crate. After that, you can start laying the roofing material. If a mansard roof of a broken configuration is built, then it does not need insulation. Walls and ceilings are to be insulated.

The rafter room is quite spacious, which provides good ventilation of the attic space. At the same time, in the summer, the heating of all rooms of the attic room is reduced, and in winter, additional thermal insulation is provided. To this end, windows are left in the gables to improve the ventilation process.

The crate is designed to perform a number of functions:

  • redistribution and transfer of weight roof deck on the rafters;
  • implementation of an additional bundle of the rafter system;
  • base for mounting the roofing sheet.

The lathing can be one- or two-layer, solid or with a vacuum. When constructing a roof from wave slate, metal tile crate is made of boards that are attached to the beams of the rafters with nails. In this case, the distance between adjacent boards can vary in the range of 15-30 centimeters. The final decision is made when using a particular type of coating.

A solid type of lathing is used when installing soft roofing roll material. In this case, moisture-resistant plywood sheets or oriented particle boards. Pine wood material can be used, in the form of a cut board.

Note! When installing such a crate, it must be taken into account that the material laid on the crate will follow all the contours of its outer surface. Then the frame must be strong and even.

When laying the material of the crate, you need to use a special building cord, with which the boards or slabs will lie exactly, strictly parallel to each other. The material must be treated with an antiseptic before fastening, which will protect it from fungal formations, premature decay and dampness.

The material for the manufacture of the crate must be of high quality and even, preference is given to wood of the first or second grade, without numerous knots and any other defects.

Note! Mandatory requirement- the tree must be pre-dried, otherwise the boards will warp when dried.

If you have made such a decision how to build an attic - it will be the right one. Before building an attic in an existing house, you first need to decide on its shape, and whether the roof will be completely converted into an attic floor or not.
After all, the construction of the attic is considered not only more economical, but also a process that will require much less labor in comparison with the construction of the next floor. It is these facts that make the construction of the attic very popular. Projects of country houses with an attic, as a rule, have a special or, as the builders call it, a "broken" roof, as it makes it possible to make the most of the usable area.

Particular attention in solving such an issue as building an attic must be paid to the quality of the roof. Since it should not only have an aesthetic appearance, but also have excellent thermal insulation, and also have good waterproofing. The best thermal insulation material for roofing is either slate or ceramic tiles, but in no case do not use metal tiles, as they tend to get very hot in the sun. In this case, how to build an attic with your own hands? On the initial stage construction of a building, it is possible to make calculations of the supporting structure with maximum accuracy.

It should be borne in mind that the installation of rafters must be done at an angle (from 30 to 60 °), since an increase in the degree of inclination leads to a decrease in the usable area of ​​​​the attic.
To solve the problem, you can insulate the attic from the inside using mineral wool.

A residential attic requires a large layer of insulation. The material must comply with fire safety requirements and be non-toxic. Mineral wool is one of the most suitable options.

Varieties of material

The main types of mineral wool are basalt wool and glass wool. Each has its own properties, pros and cons.
Basalt wool

Basalt wool is produced from gabbro-basalt rock. Carbonate rocks are specially added to it, which allows you to adjust the acidity module. Material of greater acidity is more resistant to moisture, more durable. The addition of binders to basalt wool: bituminous, synthetic, composite, bentonite clays - holds the fibers together, helps to give the desired shape.

glass wool

Glass wool is a mineral material, for the manufacture of which raw materials used in the production of glass are used, as well as waste, broken glass.

The properties of glass wool are different from those of basalt, its thickness is 3–15 microns, and its length is several times greater than that of basalt. Therefore, glass wool slabs are more elastic, have greater strength, and are resistant to vibrations. Glass wool is fire resistant, withstands up to 450 °C.

Despite all the advantages of glass wool, there is one significant drawback that reduces the popularity of its use. When laying this material, a lot of small particles that are harmful to health are formed. Therefore, the installation is carried out in special clothes, shoes, a protective mask. It will not work to clean them after work, you will need to throw them away.

Nuances of isolation

When insulating the roof, it is better to use cellulose wool, it provides better moisture conductivity, and does not allow moist air to accumulate under the roof.

The main difficulties of insulation are manifested when working on the slopes of the roof, which has a truss structure.

Here it is necessary to use dense cotton wool, which can be securely placed between the rafters. It should be light and elastic.

The main advantages of mineral wool are its incombustibility, soundproofing, good thermal insulation performance, vapor permeability, high environmental friendliness, relatively affordable price. It is produced in plates, mats, cylinders, there are options with foil coating.

If the size of the insulation is greater than the distance between the rafters, it is cut into the necessary pieces, adding a few centimeters for a tight fit.

This method is well suited for warming attics, residential premises located directly under the roof. The disadvantage is the reduction internal dimensions due to a layer of cotton wool, drywall and additional finishing.

Thermal insulation methods

Depending on which structural element of the building is insulated, there are 2 ways to insulate the roof from the inside.

Thermal insulation of the floor

The first option is floor insulation. The method is inexpensive and very easy to implement. It consists in laying cotton wool on concrete plates grounds or, if hardwood floor between structural elements. Any kind of mineral wool will do, even soft and granular. Laying is simple, it is not required to bypass the rafters, as when insulating roof slopes, you can easily fill all the gaps and cracks.

Thermal protection of slopes

The second option is the insulation of the roof slopes. If the room in the attic is not in use, then this option is not economically viable. The consumption of materials increases significantly, it takes more time due to bypassing the rafters and additional fastening of the mineral wool.

Insulation of slopes can be done in two ways: over open rafters or between them. In the first option, wooden beams remain visible indoors and have an additional decorative function.

Sequence of work

Regardless of which method of mineral wool insulation is used, the general algorithm of actions is as follows: surface preparation, waterproofing, insulation installation, vapor barrier laying, sheathing.

Preparatory activities

Before starting work on thermal insulation, the surface to be insulated must be prepared. The structure is inspected, if necessary, the identified defects are eliminated, cleaned of dirt and debris. The preparatory work can also include the calculation of the amount of material.

The thickness of the insulation layer should be at least 15–20 cm, so when choosing wool of a smaller thickness, it will need to be laid in two layers.


To protect the roof from moisture, waterproofing is installed on the surface to be insulated. It is overlapped, fixed with a stapler and gluing the joints with adhesive tape.

It is important to install the waterproofing membrane so that there is a ventilation gap between it and the insulation, and the material completely covers the entire rafter system and goes a little on the walls.

A batten sheathing is then nailed over the insulation to the rafters to secure the material and provide a ventilation gap. All wooden structural elements are best treated with a special antiseptic.

Insulation laying

After installing the waterproofing, you can proceed with the installation of insulation. To do this, mineral wool is cut into pieces about 5 cm wider than the distance between the rafters. Then, after laying, the material will straighten out and better fill the space. Installation of mineral wool should be carried out in such a way that the material fits as tightly as possible to the beams and there are no gaps left.

Arrangement of vapor barrier

After laying the insulation, it is necessary to protect it from water vapor coming from inside the room. If this is not done, the mineral wool will gradually get wet and lose its thermal insulation properties. Therefore, a vapor barrier is installed on top of the insulation. As a vapor barrier, special foil materials, polyethylene films or roofing material are used.

For tightness, the vapor barrier is laid with overlapping layers, the seams are glued. It is important to install foil vapor barriers with the metallized side inside the attic. Fix the design wooden slats, on which the sheathing (lining or drywall) is subsequently attached.

Roof insulation with mineral wool is one of the most affordable ways to equip a warm and cozy attic. The main thing is to strictly follow the technology. And then everything will work out.

Try to pay special attention to the insulation of the attic roof. If the roof is not insulated, do not expect heat in the attic. A roof is a roof covering. The mansard roof is roofing cake”, consisting of several layers: a vapor barrier layer from the inside, a waterproofing layer from the outside, a heater between them and an air gap.

Various materials are used as insulation. The characteristics of the materials used depend on some factors: the functional purpose of the room, the level of humidity, critical temperatures, loads, and so on. Non-combustible, basalt materials are the best option.

Various materials are used as insulation for the attic from the inside. The most popular and simple - mineral wool

Styrofoam is not recommended. He is hot. Possesses poor vapor conductivity. Mineral wool is perfect. It is pressed into a plate. On the inside, there is a vapor barrier layer. WITH outside– waterproofing (special layer).

Now it has become quite popular to use polyurethane foam spraying to insulate the attic from the inside. This method is also quite economical and very effective.

If the attic is made from an old attic, then, as a rule, the rafters are retained. The load is minimized by using low-density insulation for this, as they are much lighter. The disadvantage is that they are blown by the wind. Additionally, windproof, vapor-permeable material is laid.

Approach the installation of insulation with due attention. Do not forget about the presence of sufficient ventilation space between the roofing and the insulation layer.

The attic is warm in winter and cool in summer only when all the work on the insulation of the walls and roof is done correctly. Do not ignore these rules and your budget will get a tangible effect.

Attic - fashionable architectural element. F. Mansara (French architect) three centuries ago was the first to use the attic space not only for household purposes, but also for housing.

Now in civil and industrial construction, it is quite widely in demand. In individual construction, the attic is experiencing a real boom. It is equipped both during the construction of a new house, and during the repair of attics (roofs).

The house takes on an expressive look, and the attic space is used functionally and efficiently. The area occupied by the attic is decent. Additional room for a good rest room (billiard room) or a wonderful summer bedroom. By making it warm and dry, it will be habitable.

A well-insulated and well-made attic can become great room rest and work

How to properly insulate the attic from the inside? A pre-designed project is required. It will allow you to prepare well, to foresee all the nuances. Competent approach to attic insulation and mandatory use quality materials help to avoid mistakes, which over time can play a very bad role.

In a private house, as a rule, there are large heat losses. Basically, it happens through the ceiling and upper floors. The processes of wetting (drying) of the insulation under the roof degrade its quality. Violation of the microclimate is often the cause of the cold inside the house. This occurs mainly due to poor-quality construction work associated with the attic.

It is recommended to insulate the attic not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Warming is a technically rather complicated process. The impressive area of ​​​​the attic floor, its maximum contact with the external environment, the complexity of the design - requires certain knowledge and skills from the one who will deal with its insulation.

Attic structures are distinguished by the fact that they can be built from the most various materials, for example, from wood, metal, reinforced concrete. There are no restrictions here, it is only necessary to ensure stability and proper insulation. The ceilings in the rooms can also be very different: inclined, flat with one inclined wall, formed by two slopes converging at an acute angle. All this and much more has made the attic so popular for more than four hundred years.

The main advantages of such a roof are as follows:

1. The possibility of an attic add-on, that is, the use of the infrastructure of an already standing building. At the same time, there is no need to completely disassemble the entire roof, which allows significant savings during the work. This is an additional floor that can be used for its intended purpose.

2. The living area of ​​the house is increased due to the reconstruction of the unused attic space. This allows you to add a full-fledged second floor at a relatively low cost.

3. In places with quite dense building the attic second floor is the best way out.

4. Appearance buildings are improved, the structure acquires a finished, integral look.

5. Attics can be attached not only to one level. If necessary and in compliance with all the rules and requirements, it is possible to build a two-story attic, which will decorate any building, adding additional living space to it.

6. During the construction of the attic, heat losses through the roof of the house are much reduced. In addition, this results in lower heating costs during the winter months.

7. The construction of attics is possible even in a residential building without the need to resettle residents. For this, it is not necessary to use heavy construction equipment, all work is carried out directly on the roof of the building in the shortest possible time. A new floor can be built almost without problems and costs.

But when building an attic, there are also disadvantages, like any design. It is worth noting such shortcomings as:

1. When arranging such a room, some of the usable area is lost.

2. Sloped and sloping ceilings greatly reduce the height of the walls, the ceilings in the attic are usually low, do not exceed 2.4 meters.

3. Windows in many cases can only be located in the ceiling, which is not always convenient.

4. Roof structures due to lack of ventilation begin to degrade quickly. Usually their service life is about three times less than with a cold attic.

5. Large amounts of snow often accumulate on skylights in winter, which reduces the level of already insufficient lighting.
Varieties of designs

When deciding how to make an attic, you must first decide what type of truss system will be used. A characteristic feature of the attic design is its broken, rather steep configurations, but we must not forget that this is not an aesthetic function, but a purely practical one. Such broken forms provide:

correct transfer of all loads to load-bearing walls;

allow you to effectively protect the entire structure from precipitation;

· give stability to such negative phenomena as temperature extremes, showers, snowfall, the formation of a large amount of ice.

The simplest form of a residential attic is a triangle, the most complex is with a break. All horizontal logs and vertical racks are recommended to be made of wooden thin beams.

Among the used truss systems for the attic floor, the most commonly used are:

1. Rafter hanging type. They rest on the walls, creating a horizontal load. If you decide to make an attic second floor using this type of truss system, then you need to take into account the design features. To connect the beams, intermediate supports are not used here, only special puffs made of metal or wood.

2. An inclined type of truss system is recommended for small cottages in which the load-bearing wall is located in the center or intermediate supports are available. The rafters rest on the outer walls, the middle part of the structure - on the inner wall. Apply such simple system possible only for those houses in which the distance between separate bearing walls no more than six and a half meters.

3. Hanging and inclined rafters can be in the form right triangles, which have an emphasis behind the bearing wall. In this case, the Mauerlat does not need to be erected; ordinary beams are taken for the rafters. Struts are required, all racks cut into the floor beams, the rafters are attached with anchors.
Construction stages

So how to properly assemble the attic structure? The sequence of all work should be strictly observed, which will allow you to build a solid, reliable attic. Be sure to correctly determine all loads, which only experienced designers can do.

The construction of the attic provides for such work as:

1. Dismantling of the old roof. In this case, it is not necessary to completely disassemble the overlap. Unless it is foreseen by the project.

2. If necessary, the floor structures are strengthened. This is done so that the second floor (mansard) does not give unnecessary loads. If necessary, an additional layer of waterproofing is laid at this stage.

3. The construction of the truss system, the insulation of the attic itself.

4. Installation of windows.

5. Internal and exterior finish buildings.

For the construction of the attic, it is recommended to use wooden bars, which have a cross section of fifty by one hundred and fifty centimeters. At the same time, the following sequence of work is observed: first, the frame of the future structure is made, after which the support beams and rafters are strengthened. After the installation of stepped bevels, waterproofing work is carried out, insulation is laid. Now you can strengthen the crate and lay roofing material. Finishing work carried out last, after all windows are installed.

The attic second floor must be insulated to ensure the safety of the structure and the comfort of living conditions. In order for such a process to become effective, it is necessary to observe the construction of a multilayer "pie", which includes:

internal finishing material on the ceiling of the attic room: moisture resistant plywood, drywall and more;
vapor barrier membrane

insulation (usually mineral wool in rolls or slabs);

installation of waterproofing

installation of roofing (tiles, corrugated board, etc.).

The insulation layer should be two hundred and fifty - three hundred millimeters, often a special frame is made for its installation, which is attached perpendicular to rafter system. When laying, it is impossible to allow gaps and cavities to remain between the insulation plates, as this will lead to significant heat losses, low thermal insulation efficiency.

The attic is not only beautiful, but also a very functional architectural element that is able to fulfill the numerous tasks assigned to it. This perfect place for housing. Here you can equip a nursery, game room or a large gym.

The attic construction technology consists in the high-quality and consistent performance of such works:

1. Development of a project for the construction of an attic floor or its refurbishment.

2. Dismantling of old roof structures.

3. Strengthening the wall structures of the upper floor.

4. Device for waterproofing and thermal insulation of ceilings.

5. Construction of the end walls of the attic room.

6. Erection mansard roof, its insulation and finishing.

7. Installation of attic windows.

8. Arrangement of a new living space.

To work, you will need to purchase materials and tools. It is usually necessary to have wall panels (or other material) for sheathing the end walls of the attic space, thermal insulation materials for walls and pitched roof, roofing materials, beams for roof structure, finishing materials, etc.

After preparing everything that is required for construction, project development, you can begin the main work. First you need to make a frame for the roof. Rafters can be made from beams measuring 50x150 cm. The structure must be well fixed, slings, support blocks must be installed, attic walls erected and rafters installed. The truss structure must be mounted securely and accurately. After that, stepped bevels of the walls, partitions of the attic room are installed, and work is carried out on the insulation and waterproofing of the attic. Next, you should build a crate for the attic roof, lay a heat insulator on it, strengthen it and then finish the roof with roofing material. After that, the installation of doors and windows, interior decoration and arrangement of the premises.

Attic roof

In order to understand how to make the roof in the attic correctly, knowledge about the features of such a room will not be superfluous. Leaks in the roof and other roof defects will affect the entire building to a much greater extent than the same defects in a conventional roof. attic roof. In this case, water will flow into the living room, which is likely to lead to the repair of the premises.

The main feature of the mansard roof is that it is exposed to moisture both from the outside and from above (snow, rain, etc.) and from below (the formation of condensate from the air moisture of the living quarters of the lower floors). To eliminate this problem, the attic construction technology provides for the installation of a special vapor barrier layer that prevents the penetration of moist and warm air from living rooms to the tiles.

It is also necessary to make waterproofing under the roofing material and ensure sufficient ventilation of the roof. attic space. As a roofing, you can use soft bituminous tiles or metal tiles.

Warming and arrangement of the attic

In view of the fact that the attic is usually used as a living space, great importance is attached to its thermal insulation. High-quality insulation of the attic roof ensures the creation of a comfortable microclimate in such a room and other rooms of the house, effective heat preservation and long term operation of the entire building. There are several ways to insulate the attic. Outside insulation means general insulation the whole house.

The optimal and most effective way is additional internal insulation, which involves the use of a multi-layer heat-insulating structure consisting of the following layers:

First layer (internal) - finishing material, such as drywall sheets, plywood and other materials that form the ceiling of the attic room

The second layer is a vapor barrier film

The third layer is a porous heat-insulating material (mineral wool, etc.)

The fourth layer is a waterproofing material laid with the formation of a small gap and the possibility of a simple withdrawal of water to the outside

· The fifth layer is roofing (metal tiles, soft roofing, etc.).

Advice from the master!

In addition to the thermal insulation of the attic roof, it is also necessary to insulate its walls and floor. The arrangement of the premises in the attic includes the implementation of such works as the installation of skylights, internal partitions, doors, as well as decorative trim.

Installing pitched skylights is the best solution for an attic. Glazing can occupy a significant area of ​​​​the attic surface, at least - 12.5%. The glasses in such windows are special: they do not break when pressed hard or hit, but crumble into granules that do not have sharp and cutting surfaces.

The specificity of the attic rooms allows you to equip them in a special way, arrange them in an unusual and original way. Many designers recommend using translucent plastic partitions or partitions decorated with translucent fabrics for zoning these rooms. When choosing a shade for wall decoration, it is recommended to give preference to light colors that will make the interior light and pleasant. It is not recommended to decorate roof windows with curtains, but it is better to choose light-colored blinds.

Having learned how to build an attic yourself, equip it, create a comfortable, cozy and unusual room, you can try to build the top floor at home. This is a great way to make your home unique and individual, increase its usable area and equip additional living space.

It should also be noted that the attic should be at least 3 meters wide, and the height in the center of the room should be at least 2.2 m. But in this case, how to build an attic that was not originally planned? There are always additional questions such as, for example, the device of the stairs. Place a ladder, you can in the area attic hatch, which will simplify construction, and the spiral staircase will also make it possible to save space. In order to prevent the wood from rotting and being damaged by pests, all wooden elements of the roof must be treated with an antiseptic.

To increase fire resistance, it is necessary to impregnate with flame retardants (special wood flame retardants). Also, when deciding how to build an attic, it is necessary to take into account that the attic and attic differ primarily in climatic conditions. The attic is a less ventilated room, which causes condensation to form on the insulation. Therefore, it is necessary to leave a space between the insulation and the roof (at least 50 mm), and another layer of vapor barrier should be laid on the insulation from the inside. When carrying out thermal insulation work, one should also not forget about the insulation of walls, which are thinner in attic structures. The layer of their thermal insulation must have a thickness of at least (250-300 mm). Self-construction of the attic floor is possible, but for this it is necessary to carefully plan the implementation of all work and thoroughly observe the existing technology.
Of course, it would be much easier not to disassemble it, but to reinforce the ceiling over the premises of the house. As load-bearing structures you can use bars, or a channel.

After the ceiling is reinforced, you need to determine the size of the attic rooms, their height at the walls should not be lower than 1.5 m, and in the middle part should be standard height 2.5 m or even more. After that, a guide profile (PN) is attached to the floor, for drywall, and above it, the same profile to the rafters. Marking, which is done with a plumb line, tape measure, or a strong cord. Then, the rack profile (PS) is installed in the guide profiles, the pitch of which should be 600 mm. On inclined ceiling surfaces, the metal profile can be mounted horizontally. After that, when the layout of the rooms is clearly visible, several skylights can be installed on the roof so that the rooms are well lit with natural light. In addition, it will be necessary to make an opening in the ceiling for the installation of stairs to the attic. The least space on the ground floor will be occupied by a single-flight staircase, with goose step steps.

After that, with outer side the frame of the attic partitions can be sheathed with waterproof drywall, and then lay electrical wiring inside the frame to connect switches and sockets. Further, mineral wool slabs, 100 mm thick, or, in extreme cases, 50 mm, are placed in the frame. On the inside, they are closed with a vapor barrier, and fastened inner lining from waterproof drywall, holes are made in it for the installation of sockets and switches, and wires are brought out into them for connection. Then the ceiling and inclined surfaces are hemmed, which are also insulated with a mineral wool board.

When people start building a house, they rarely think about the fact that the composition of the family may soon change. What to do if additional living space is needed, and it is impossible to expand the dwelling with outbuildings due to the small area of ​​​​the land? The design of the mansard roof solves the problem of lack of space, it can be mounted on a newly built house or to reconstruct an existing roof.

Gable attic

Sloped roof with attic

Varieties of mansard roofs

The group of mansard roofs includes all types of roofs, under the slopes of which it is possible to equip a living space. By building codes the attic is distinguished from the attic by the height of the ceiling, suitable for human habitation and the presence natural light. The following are suitable for attic installation:

Houses with a roof of any type can be equipped with an attic, however, working with a hipped, shed and asymmetric is more difficult and expensive, it is better to abandon these options in favor of more rational ones - a gable or broken roof.

Types of attic rooms

Heated attic room - a real alternative to the second residential floor wooden or brick house. The fact is that the increase in the number of storeys of the structure is associated with significant costs for the capital foundation and the construction of the stairs. Different attic configurations are used depending on the available area and the needs of the homeowner:

  • Single-level. Under broken or straight slopes gable roof have only one dwelling. The construction of this type of attic is not associated with an increase in the weight of the roof, so it is suitable for buildings under construction and reconstructed. Even a master without experience can perform the calculation and build a drawing of a single-level attic. According to building codes, the ceiling height in a residential area should be 2.5 m or more.
  • Single-level with a remote console. A cantilever type mansard roof device is placed under an asymmetric roof. To increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living space, part of it is taken out to the limits of the perimeter of the structure. The protruding part of the attic, based on pillars, is adapted for a canopy or garage. The roof of the house with consoles is asymmetric, the main part of the house is covered by a gable roof, and the console is a single-pitched “patch”. Cantilever attic view erected to install vertical windows for natural light. However, professional architects can create a project and drawings of such complexity, and a complex scheme of the truss system is not suitable for self-assembly.
  • Two-level. If the roof height exceeds 5 m, then in the attic room it is possible to equip two rooms located at different levels and connected by a staircase. This type of attic is not built on existing houses. Two-level premises are planned at the design stage, taken into account when creating foundation drawings. Scheme relative position rafter system is specially designed for complex, asymmetric geometry of roof slopes. The second level of the attic is based on columns, so the reliability of the structure directly depends on the correctness of the calculations and the professionalism of the architect.

Designers can create real masterpieces from cantilever and two-level attics using the advantages of panoramic lighting, equip a greenhouse, nursery or bedroom filled with fresh air and light, however, a simple single-level design is more suitable for self-assembly.

Advantages of the attic

Homeowners try to use every opportunity to rationalize construction costs, so they do not miss the opportunity to use the space under the roof of the house. This option to increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house has the following advantages:

  1. The minimum price of 1 sq. m of living space. Due to the fact that the attic equipment is not associated with an increase in the cost of building a foundation, the cost of each meter in a house is cheaper than in the construction of two-story structures.
  2. Rationalization of heating costs. An air pocket between the attic floor and ceiling prevents the heat generated by the heaters from escaping through the roof. Air does not transfer heat well, so it will be warmer on the ground floor of the building, which leads to energy savings.
  3. Finished look. Attic equipment makes the look of the house complete and harmonious, allows you to equip a balcony, shed or garage.
  4. Construction speed. During the construction of the attic in a residential building, it is imperative to stop the operation of the first floor. The speed of installation allows you to complete work on the attic equipment within a week.
  5. Minimum costs. Experienced builders say that there is no cheaper way to get a few square meters.

To equip an attic room, the length of the end wall of the building must exceed 4.5 m, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is more than 7 square meters. m, the recommended proportion of height to area is ½.

Natural lighting in the attic

The presence of natural light is a prerequisite that must be met in order for the attic space to be considered residential according to building codes. There are two ways to organize it.

When choosing windows for the attic, keep in mind that it must be in harmony with the roofing material, the total area of ​​​​windows cannot exceed a third of the surface of the slopes, and the size of the translucent structure directly depends on the angle of inclination.

Ventilation equipment

If you are going to insulate and heat the attic, it must be equipped with a forced ventilation system. The cold under-roof space is ventilated independently with the help of dormer windows. In a well-insulated attic, natural air circulation becomes difficult, which makes it stuffy, damp and uncomfortable. To avoid such problems, installation is necessary:

The location of the elements is forced ventilation system on a soft roof

A working forced ventilation system makes air circulate with the help of convection - the properties of warm air rise up, making room for cool air taken from the street. This will increase the life of the truss system, roofing material, protect against mold and dampness, and also create a pleasant microclimate in the attic.

There are ready-made drawings of mansard roofs of a standard size available for do-it-yourself installation, if you are an inexperienced builder, then it will be most reliable to stop at just such options.

Video instruction

A house with an attic is not just an additional living space, but also a presentable view of the entire building. Even if the room under the roof is not heated and is used only in summer, it still has a powerful " air cushion”, Contributing to the retention of heat inside the entire building.

It will be difficult to make an attic on your own, especially if you do not have the relevant experience, because this is a rather massive and complex structure.

Attic room can be installed under various types roofs, but the most popular is a broken or gable design. According to the scheme of structure, they differ slightly from each other.

In order to decide which of the designs will be more suitable for your home and will be easier to install, you need to consider both options in more detail. In addition, the master who will be engaged in the construction of the mansard roof must understand which of the two types of structures of the truss system to choose.

Any roof belongs to one of the existing two types of truss systems, it is a layered and hanging structure. Each of them has a special feature, and which one to choose depends on how the load-bearing walls of the structure are located.

Hanging structure

A hanging structure is a rafter system that rests only on the extreme main walls. This happens when in the house itself, except for the outer walls, there are no capital partitions.

This design can only be used if the distance between two main walls is no more than 8 m, since this system gives a high load on the foundation. To reduce it, various elements are used in the hanging system, such as puffs and grandmas, struts and crossbars. For example, the headstock hangs the puff to the ridge connection, and the struts pull the beams to the rafter legs.

For floor beams in a hanging system, hewn logs or rather thick bars are used that are mounted on the edge. Their cross section must be at least 100x200 mm. The floor in the attic room should be as reliable as possible, and in order not to make a mistake in the parameters, it is better to entrust the calculations to a specialist.

Layered system

The layered system, unlike the hanging one, rests not only on two external load-bearing walls, but also on the main partitions installed on the foundation. Therefore, when planning the construction of an attic, it is necessary to think in advance what the design of the strip foundation will be, on which capital partitions will be installed. The layered system is perfect for an attic device, as it can withstand high loads, compared to the hanging version. It provides good foundation for floor beams and, accordingly, for the attic floor.

If you make a broken version of the mansard roof, then it makes sense to use a combined roofing system, that is, the side rafters are installed according to the layered type, and the ridge rafters are installed in the form of a hanging system.

Do-it-yourself mansard roof: video, photo

When building a house from blocks or bricks with an attic, its front side is often built from the same material. This is convenient, because you do not have to calculate the parameters of these roof elements and assemble them from bars, the field of which should be raised to the wall. But it is important to understand that the walls of the building must necessarily stand on a solid foundation and have a good thickness, since such a pediment gives a significant load to the main building.

If the attic plays the role of another floor all year round, then a gable wall made of foam blocks or bricks is an excellent option for creating a living space under the roof.

In order for attic rooms with a gable roof to be spacious and have a normal height, the angle of the roof slopes should be approximately 45-50 °, depending on the width of the end part of the structure. If you take a smaller angle, the volume of the room will significantly decrease. An increase in the steepness of the slopes will make the roof unreasonably high, it will become heavier, it will have a large windage under wind load, and the cost of materials will be inappropriate.

Of course, the installation of a gable roof is easier compared to a broken structure, since even rafters are used without additional connections and any kinks. But the broken design allows you to make the room in this part more spacious, and the ceilings are correspondingly higher.

The broken system in execution, calculations, and roofing is much more complicated, but it not only creates a more spacious space under the roof, but also gives solidity to the entire structure. Its main difficulty lies in the large number of complex connecting elements. All ligaments must be carried out in accordance with the technology, otherwise the roof will turn out to be unstable.

If the walls are built of brick or stone, then it is better to lay out the frontal parts in advance during the general masonry. In this case, in order to create a unique truss system, leveling at the finished gables, you can install intermediate rafters and special retaining fasteners for them.

Before you buy and prepare material for a particular system, you need to draw up a design project with the appropriate dimensions - it will become the main guide for preparing and assembling elements during installation.

Video: broken mansard roof truss system

Attic project

When developing a scheme for building an attic, it is better to do this in various projections in order to clearly understand how the elements of the truss system will be placed. It is important to correctly calculate what the height of the roof ridge should be, since the size of the area depends on it.

When preparing a scheme-project for the construction of a roof for an attic, it is necessary to calculate the height of the ceiling, the ridge and the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

The minimum height from the floor to the ridge is 2.5-2.7 m, but if this distance is smaller, then the room cannot be called an attic, the name attic is more suitable for it. This indicator is established by the norms of SNIP.

In order for all elements to be accurately drawn and have correct location in the general system, it is necessary to start from a figure with right angles, namely from a square or rectangle - a section of the created attic space. Based on the width and height of the future room, you will never be mistaken with the angles at which the roof slopes are located, with the location of the rafters, ridge and other retaining elements. Having found out these parameters, they must be immediately entered into the drawing.

First of all, you need to calculate the middle of the width of the front wall. Further from this point, the height of the ridge, the attic ceiling, the location of the walls (pillars) and the size of the cornice overhang are determined.

Due to the fact that each of these structures has a certain number of connecting nodes with different configurations, it would be nice to draw each of these connections separately in order to understand in detail the features of the conjugation of all elements that are connected at this point.

All truss systems include basic and additional elements that may not be found in every design. The main components of the attic roof include:

  • floor beams (the basis for the remaining elements of the system). They are laid on the main walls.
  • Rafter leg, consisting of two sections (in the case of a broken pattern) or straight in a gable system. The upper rafter in this case is called the ridge rafter, since it forms the highest point of the roof - the ridge, and the rafters that form the walls of the attic are called side rafters.
  • Mauerlat is a powerful bar that is attached to the main side walls. Rafter legs must be installed on this element.
  • A ridge board or beam is an essential element for gable roof, but not always used when constructing a broken roof.
  • Buildings - supporting elements that are required to strengthen the polyline and gable design. In the first case, a side and ridge rafter is attached to it, and in the latter case, the stand acts as a good support for a long rafter. Moreover, the racks are a frame for sheathing and insulating the walls of the attic.
  • Diagonal binding elements additionally fasten longitudinal beams or racks and rafters, thereby making the structure even more durable.
  • Interrafter runs are installed in the case of a broken roof for structural rigidity.
  • beams attic floor are used in both versions of the system - they connect the racks, and they act as a frame for the ceiling device.

In order to be sure that the project is developed without errors, it would be nice to show it to a specialist. It will determine how correctly you have chosen the parameters of the attic to the length and width of the walls of the building.

Video: mansard roof calculation using software

Parameters of materials for the construction of a mansard roof

When graphic element is ready, then, based on the dimensions set on it, you will be able to calculate the amount of materials that will be needed to build a mansard roof. It is necessary to choose materials according to their characteristics, which must meet the requirements of environmental and fire safety.

For wood, it is necessary to provide for treatment with an antiseptic, which will significantly reduce the combustibility of materials. For construction you will need:

  • boards for rafter legs, the section of which is selected according to the results of calculations, which you will learn about a little lower.
  • A beam of 150x200 or 100x150 mm - for floor beams, depending on the width between the bearing walls, the truss system, as well as for girders, valleys or diagonal legs - if, of course, they are provided for by the design.
  • Beam from 100x150 or 150x150 mm, designed for laying Mauerlat.
  • Usually, timber 150x150 or 100x100 mm is used for racks.
  • Unedged board for the subfloor, as well as some fasteners.
  • Annealed steel wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm - for fastening some parts.
  • Bolts, nails, staples various sizes, corners of different configurations and other fasteners.
  • Lumber for counter battens and battens for roofing material - depending on what type of roofing will be.
  • Vapor barrier and waterproofing membranes.
  • Insulating materials intended for thermal insulation of the roof.
  • Roofing material and special fasteners.

Rafter section

Rafters provide a roofing element that takes the main external loads, which means that special requirements are imposed on their cross section.

The size necessary lumber depends on many parameters - starting from the step between the rafter legs, the length of these legs between the support points and ending with the wind and snow load falling on them.

The geometric parameters of the truss system are easily determined on the drawing. But to deal with other parameters, you will have to turn to reference materials and perform some calculations.

It's no secret to anyone that snow load differs in different regions of our country. Below in the figure you will see a map on which the whole of Russia is divided into zones demonstrating the snow load.

In total, 8 zones are distinguished (the latter belongs to extreme and can not be considered for the construction of a mansard roof).

Sg - indicator in the table (carefully study the map and the table attached to it).

μ - correction factor, which depends on the steepness of the roof slope.

For example, if the angle of the roof slope is less than 25°, then - μ=1.0; if from 25 to 60°, then μ=0.7; if more than 60°, then the snow will not linger on the roof, and the snow load is not taken into account.

If the mansard roof is a broken structure, then for its various sections the load may have different values.

The angle of inclination of the roof can be determined by a simple ratio of the height and base of the triangle (usually half the width of the span) or by a protractor according to the drawing.

This indicator also largely depends on the region where the structure was built, on the height of its roof and on the characteristics of the environment.

And again, for the calculation, you will need to determine the initial data on the map and the table attached to it.

The calculation for this task will be carried out according to the following formula:

Wp = W × k × c

W - value in the table, depending on the specific region.

k - coefficient taking into account the location and height of the building (see table).

The following zones are indicated by letters in the table:

  • A - open areas, forest-steppes, steppes, tundra, deserts, forest-tundra, coasts of the seas, reservoirs and large lakes.
  • B - urban areas, terrain with frequent obstacles to the wind, artificial or embossed, at least 10 m high, wooded area.
  • B - dense urban development, the height of buildings is from 25 m.

With- a coefficient that depends on the prevailing wind direction (wind rose of the region), as well as on the angle of the roof.

With such a coefficient, the matter is much more complicated, since the wind can have a double effect on the roofs. So, it has a tipping, direct effect on the roof slopes. However, at small angles, the aerodynamic effect of the wind is of particular importance - it raises the slope plane due to the emerging lifting forces.

As you have already noticed, on the diagrams that are attached to the tables, the sections of the roof that are subject to maximum wind loads are marked, as well as the corresponding coefficients used for the calculation.

It should be noted that at slope angles up to 30 ° (in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bridge rafters), the coefficients are indicated both negative (pointing upwards) and with a plus sign. They somewhat dampen the wind load, and in order to reduce the effect of lifting forces, it is necessary to carefully fix the roofing material and the truss system in this area, using additional connections (for example, annealed steel wire).

As soon as the snow wind load will be calculated, they can be summed up and taking into account design features system, identify the cross-section of boards for rafters.

Please note that these data are for the most commonly used coniferous materials (spruce, pine, larch or cedar). In the table you can see the maximum length of the rafters between the supports, the cross section of the board depending on the step between the rafters and the grade of the material.

The value of the total load is indicated in Kilopascals (kPa). It will not be difficult to carry out this value in the usual kilograms per m 2. 1 kPa ≈ 100 kg/m².

As for the value of the dimensions of the board in its cross section, it is rounded up to the standard sizes of lumber.

What tools will be needed to equip a mansard roof with your own hands?

Of course, during work you can not do without a set of tools, the list of which includes:

  • screwdriver, electric drill;
  • building level, tape measure, plumb line and square;
  • chisel, axe, hammer, chisel;
  • electric jigsaw, circular saw, hacksaw;
  • carpentry knife.

If the work is carried out in the environment of competent mentors, step by step and carefully, and the tool is of high quality, the process will be much accelerated.

Do-it-yourself mansard roof: main steps + video

It is important to strictly follow the sequence of work, because only in this way the design will turn out to be strong and reliable.

  1. Mauerlat mount.

The installation of any truss system should begin with fixing a powerful support beam, the Mauerlat, at the end of the side walls of the buildings. It is convenient to install rafter legs on it. It is made of high-quality bar 100x150 mm. Mauerlat is laid on roofing material waterproofing, laid along the upper end of the wall (regardless of the material).

Thanks to the mauerlat, the load is evenly distributed over the walls and transferred to the foundation. It is fixed to the wall by means of metal studs, which are previously embedded in a crown or concrete belt running along the upper edge of the wall of the structure or anchor bolts 12 mm. They should go deep into the wall by at least 150-170 mm. In the event that the Mauerlat is installed on a wooden wall, then the bars are attached to it using wooden dowels.
  1. Installation of the truss system.

The installation of the truss structure begins with the installation of floor beams, which can be mounted on top of the mauerlat (if you plan to take the beams outside the room, increasing its area). In this design, the rafter legs are fixed directly to the floor beams.

Otherwise, they can be laid on waterproofed walls and fixed with brackets or corners to the inner edge of the Mauerlat. This option is used if the rafter legs need to be fixed directly to the Mauerlat.

Racks should be at the same distance from the middle of the floor beam. In the future, they will determine the location of the walls of the room, namely its width.

Bars for racks must have a section corresponding to the size of the floor beams. Racks are attached to the beams with wooden plates and special corners. But first they are baited with nails, after which they are leveled with a plumb line and building level and only then they are capitally fixed with the expectation of upcoming loads.

As soon as the first pair of racks is installed, they are fastened on top with a bar (tightening). It, in turn, is connected using metal corners with racks.

When the puff is fixed, you will get a U-shaped design. On the sides, layered rafters are installed on it, which are laid on the Mauerlat or attached to the floor beam with the second end.

A groove (special notch) is cut out on the installed supports for the beam or in the rafter. With its use, the rafters are installed on the Mauerlat beam and fastened with metal brackets.

To ensure structural rigidity from the base of the rack to the middle side rafter braces can be installed. If this is not enough, and you do not feel sorry for the material, then it would be nice to strengthen the overall design with contractions and additional racks.

Then the middle is calculated on the puff. A beam will be attached to this place, which supports the ridge connection of the upper hanging subsystem of the rafters.

The next step is the installation of ridge rafters. They can stick together various connections- these can be powerful bolts with metal washers or plates or metal lining.

After their installation, a headstock is attached to the middle of the puff and the ridge.

Upon completion of work on one part of the truss structure, it is necessary to make the rest according to the same principle. The distance between adjacent rafters in such a system should be no more than 900-950 mm, but the best option there will be an interval of 600 mm, which will give the structure the necessary stability and rigidity and will be convenient for insulation with standard mineral wool mats. But this significantly complicates the structure and increases the cost of materials.

First, the side parts of the assembled system are installed, after which the intermediate ones. They are interconnected by runs that are installed between the upper ends of the racks and work like spacers. So, it turns out a rigid structure of the attic rafters, where there will already be a ready-made frame for wall decoration.

Mansard roof waterproofing

As soon as you build the truss system, you can start finishing it with insulation and other related materials.

It is worth noting that the first coating over the rafters should be a waterproofing and windproof film. It is attached to the rafters with a stapler and staples, starting from the eaves. The canvases are overlapped (200 mm), and then the joints are glued with waterproof tape.

A counter-lattice is stuffed on top of the waterproofing, which will better fix the film on the surface and create a ventilation distance between the roofing and windproof material. Usually the counter-lattice is made of boards with a thickness of 50-70 mm and a width of 100-150 mm.

A crate is fixed perpendicular to it, on which the roofing material is laid. As for the step between the slats, it is calculated depending on the size and type of sheet roofing material, taking into account the overlap required for it.

If you use a soft roof, then plywood sheets are usually fixed to the counter-lattice.

How is roofing installed?

Roofing material is fixed on the prepared plywood or crate. Usually, its installation starts from the roof eaves and then alternately, from one of the edges - depending on the type of roof. The roofing sheets themselves are overlapped. If a metal tile or a metal profile is used for coating, then this material is fixed with the help of special self-tapping screws with elastic gaskets. Usually fasteners are matched by color to the material.

The most difficult stage in covering a sloping roof is the transition from layered side rafters to ridge rafters. Some difficulties may also arise if there are ledges on the roof for arranging the roof over windows or balconies.

Moreover, if a chimney pipe goes to the roof, it needs a separate opening in the insulation layer and the truss system, and on the roof - a device around reliable waterproofing. It is worth noting that the construction of any roof, including such a complex one as an attic, is very responsible and dangerous, and therefore requires increased security measures. If you do not have experience in such construction processes, then it is better to entrust their implementation to specialists or invite experienced craftsman, under the control of which to perform all actions, carefully and carefully.