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Boat on an air cushion with their own hands. Boat on the airbag "Airrodzhip" How to make a car on an air cushion

One of the most serious and affordable problems for residents of the countryside is the roads, especially in the spring time in the flood. An ideal alternative Any vehicles in such conditions become all-terrain vehicles on an air cushion.

What is this transport?

The vessel is a special vehicle, the dynamics of which lies the air flow under the bottom, which allows it to move along any surface - both liquid and solid.

The main advantage of such transport is its high speed. In addition, its navigation period is not limited to the conditions ambient - You can move on such alliers both in the winter and summer. Another plus can be called the possibility of overcoming obstacles not more than meters in height.

The minuses include a small number of passengers who are able to transport all-terrain vessels on an air cushion, and enough high flow Fuel. This is explained by the increased power of the engine aimed at creating air flow under the bottom. Minor particles in the pillow can cause static electricity.

Advantages and disadvantages of all-terrain

To say for sure why it is worth the choice of such a vessel model, it is rather difficult, since it all depends on the personal preferences of the future owner and its plans for acquired transport. Among the huge number of characteristics and parameters from all-terrain vehicles on an air cushion have their advantages and disadvantages, many of which are known or professionals, or manufacturers, but not ordinary users.

One of the cons of such courts is their frequent stubbornness: at temperatures in -18 degrees, they may refuse to start. The reason for this is the condensate in the power plant. In order to increase the wear resistance and the strength of all-terrain vehicles on the airbag, the economies have steel inserts in the bottom, which is not from their expensive analogues. Enough powerful engine It may not pull the rise of transport to a sufficiently small shore with a bias in a pair of degrees.

Such nuances are detected only during the operation of the all-terrain vehicle. To avoid disappointment in transport, it is advisable to consistently consult with experts and view all available information.

Varieties of all-terrain vehicles

  • Junior vessels. Perfect option For outdoor activities or fishing on small water bodies. In most cases, such all-terrain vessels are acquired by those who live far enough from civilization and you can get to the place of living for their stay. Is it possible for only helicopter. The movement of small ships is largely likewise on however the latter are not capable of side slip at a speed of about 40-50 km / h.
  • Large ships. Such transport can be taken already on a serious hunt or fishing. The carrying capacity of the all-terrain vehicle ranges from 500 to 2000 kilograms, capacity - 6-12 passenger seats. Large ships almost completely ignore the onboard wave, which allows them to use them even at sea. You can purchase such all-terrain vehicles in our country - in the markets there are transport of both domestic and foreign production.

Principle of operation

The functioning of the airbag is quite simple and is largely based on a physics course familiar from school times. The principle of operation is to raise the boat over the surface of the earth and the leveling of the friction force. This process Wears the name "Exit to the pillow" and is a temporal characteristic. For small vessels, it takes about 10-20 seconds, it is large for the order of half a minute. Industrial all-terrain vehicles injected air for several minutes in order to increase the pressure to the desired level. After reaching the required mark, you can start moving.

On small vessels capable of transporting from 2 to 4 passengers, the air into the pillow is injected using banal air intakes from the traction engine. Riding begins almost immediately after a set of pressure, which is not always convenient, since the rear transmission of junior and middle-class all-terrains is missing. On larger all-terrains of 6-12 people, this drawback is compensated by the second engine controlling only the air pressure in the pillow.

On an air cushion

Today you can meet many folk craftsmen who independently create a similar technique. The all-terrain airbag is assembled on the basis of another transport - for example, Dnipro motorcycle. A screw is installed on the engine, pumping air under the bottom, covered by a cuff from a leatherette, resistant to exposure negative temperatures. The same motor and movement of the vessel forward.

A similar all-terrain airbag with their own hands is created with good technical characteristics - For example, the speed of its movement is about 70 km / h. In essence, such transport is the most profitable for independent manufacturebecause it does not require the creation of complex drawings and chassis, differing from this maximum level of passability.

Ways on the airbag "Arctic"

One of the developments of Russian scientists from Omsk is an amphibious freight platform called "Arctic", which was put into armed with the Army of the Russian Federation.

Amphibian domestic vessel has the following advantages:

  • Full all-purpose - transport passes through the surface of any relief.
  • It can be operated in any weather and any time of the year.
  • Large loading capacity and impressive stroke stock.
  • Safety and reliability provided by design features.
  • Compared with other modes of transport, it is economical.
  • Environmentally safe for the environment, which is confirmed by the relevant certificates.

The Arctic is an air cushion vessel capable of moving along the surface of both water and sushi. Its main difference from similar transport capable only temporarily on Earth is the ability to operate both on swampy, snow-covered and iced areas and on various reservoirs.

Covercraft makes it possible to move around the water and land. In this article we will look at how to make it with your own hands.

Coverackraft - what is it

One way to combine the car and the boat was the airbag vessel, which possesses good patency and the high speed of water movement due to the fact that its body does not fall under water, but as it were, slides along its surface.

This method allows you to move economically and quickly, since the fusion force of slipping and the strength of the aquatic mass is, as they say, two big differences.

But, unfortunately, despite all the advantages of the hovercraft, its field of application on Earth is limited - it can move not on any surface, but only on a sufficiently soft, such as sand or soil. The asphalt and solid rocks with sharp stones, and the industrial garbage simply will be angry with the bottom of the vessel, bringing an airbag into disrepair, namely, thanks to her SVP and moves.

Therefore, Covercrafts are used mainly where you need to sail a lot and go a little, otherwise amphibious cars are used. SVP today is not common, but in some countries they employ rescuers, for example, in Canada, and there is also data that they are in service with NATO.

Buy ship on an air cushion or do it yourself?

Hovercraft is quite expensive, for example, the average model costs about 700 thousand rubles, while the same scooter scooter can be bought 10 times cheaper. But definitely paying money, you get the factory quality, and you can be sure that the ship will not fall apart right below you, although such cases have been, but still probability here is lower than as applied to homemade.

In addition, manufacturers sell mainly "professional" SBP for fishermen, hunters, and all sorts of services. Amateur vessel can be found extremely rare, and mostly they are products handmade, by virtue, again, their low popularity in the people.
Why hovercrafts did not win big love

Main reasons:

  • High price I. expensive service. The fact is that the parts and functional components of the SBP are very quickly wearing and require a replacement, and the purchase and installation also cost a lot of money. Therefore, only a rich man can afford him, but even for him, every time you dismay a broken ship in the repair shop is very inconvenient, because such workshops are units, and they are mainly in major cities. Therefore, as a toy, it is more profitable to buy, for example, quadro- or hydrochlor.
  • Because of the screws, they are very noisy, so you can ride only in headphones.
  • It is impossible to swim and ride against the wind, because the speed is very reduced.
    Amateur SVPs were and remain only like the manifestation of their design abilities for those who can serve them and repair them.

The process of independent manufacture

How to catch more fish?

For 13 years, active fishing classes, I found many ways to improve Klevel. And here are the most effective:
  1. Activator Kleva. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones, which are part of the composition and stimulates its appetite. Sorry Rosprirodnadzor Wants to introduce a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive tackle. Read the appropriate guidelines for the specific type of tackle On the pages of my site.
  3. Bait based on pheromonov.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing free by reading the other materials on the site.

Make a good SVP is not easy, but if you think about it, then most likely you have either the ability or desire, but note that if you do not have a technical education, forget about this idea, because your hovercraft will break in the first testrive.

So, you should start with the drawing. Develop the design of your SVP. How do you want to see him? Rounded, as the Soviet helicopter Mi-28 or angular, as an American "alligator"? Should he be strengthened as Ferrari, or Zaporozhets-shaped? When you answer your questions, proceed to creating a drawing.

The figure shows a sketch of SVP standing in service with the Canadian rescue service.

Technical characteristics of the ship

Medium homemade SCP can develop enough high speed - What specifically - depends on the mass of passengers and the boat itself, as well as from the engine power, but in any case, with the same parameters of the motor and mass, the usual boat will be slower several times.

Regarding the carrying capacity, it can be said that the model of a single hovercraft proposed here is capable of withstanding the driver with a mass of 100-120 kg.

The management will have to get used to it, because it differs significantly from the ordinary boat, firstly, because there is quite different speeds, and secondly, fundamentally different methods Movement.

The faster the SVP moves, the more it makes it on the turns, so it is necessary to lean a bit. By the way, if you adapt, then on Covertraft you can not bad "drift".

Necessary materials

All that will need is plywood, foam and a special set of whale from Universal Covelkraft, designed specifically for self-taped engineers, containing everything you need.

Isolation, screws, airbag cloth, epoxy, glue and other - all this is already in finished setwhich you can order on their official website for 500 dollars, and in addition, it will have several options for the plan with drawings.

Manufacture of housing

The bottom is made from foam plastic, 5-7 cm thick, when calculating one person, if you want to make a ship for two and more passengers, then attach another such sheet below. Next, in the bottom you need to make two holes: one for air flow, and the second to ensure the pillow inflated. You can use a jigsaw saw.

Next need to be insulated low part Cases from water - for this, fiberglass is perfect. Apply it to the foam and process with epoxy. But irregularities and air bubblesto prevent this, cover fiberglass polyethylene film, and cover the blanket. At the top, put another layer of the film, and stick it with a tape to the floor. To blow the air from under the received "sandwicarian", use regular vacuum cleaner. The bottom of the case will be ready after 2.5-3 hours.

The upper part of the case can be made arbitrary, but we should not forget about aerodynamics. Make a pillow easy. It is only necessary to correctly consolidate it, and synchronize with the bottom - it eats it so that the air flow from the engine passed through the hole in the pillow, without losing efficiency.

Pipe for a motor Make an eraphoma, do not lose with sizes so that the screw entered it, but the gap between its edges and the inside of the pipe was not very big, as it will reduce the craving. The next step is to install the holder for the motor. In fact, it is just a stool on three legs, which are attached to the bottom, and the engine is placed on top of it.


There are two options - the finished engine from the company Yu.K. either homemade. You can take it from chainsaws or washing machine - The power they give is enough for amateur SVP. If you want something more, you should look at the motor from the scooter.

Be sure to balance the blades of the screw when you install them, because if one will weigh the other, then centrifugal forces The propeller is breaking, and the vibrations that arose as a result of this will rather quickly destroy the entire engine.

Is the airbag reliably?

Factory SSPs with frequent use break about once every half a year, but these are all malfunctions that do not require overhaul. Most often, the airbag and the air injection system fails. The likelihood that competently assembled hovercraft will fly away under your feet extremely small, for this you need to fall at a big speed to some big stone or a piece of wood, but even in this case, there is a chance that the airbag will protect you.

In Canada, rescuers flying on such SSPs are repaired directly on the go, and the problems associated with the pillow are eliminated in a special garage.

The model described here is, in principle, reliable, but only if:

  • Materials were proper quality, including adhesives and epoxy.
  • The engine has not worked out its service life.
  • Connections performed securely.
  • That is, as far as possible to trust in Hovercraft, it all depends on you.

If you make SVP as a toy for a child, it is better to buy ready, otherwise you have to have very good data as a designer. If you are doing just for your pleasure, and you have no big technical experience, it is better, just in case, not to let the steering wheel of children.

But there is another option - to make a double SCP with the security system provided, while the child will sit in front, and you rear - between it and the engine.

Building vehiclethat would allow you to move on both land and water preceded acquaintance with the history of the opening and creating original amphibian devices on airbag (WUA), studying their principled device, comparison different designs and schemes.

To this end, I visited a lot of Internet sites of enthusiasts and the creators of WUA (including foreign), I met some of them in part. In the end, behind the prototype conceived boat() He took the English "Coveraft" ("soaring ship" - so in the UK they call WUA), built and tested by the local enthusiasts.

Our most interesting domestic cars of this type are mostly created for power departments, and in last years-For commercial goals, had large dimensions, and therefore it was not enough for amateur manufacturer.

My apparatus is airbag (I call it "Airrodzhip") - triple: the pilot and passengers are located on the T-figurative scheme, as on the tricycle: the pilot in front of the middle, and the passengers behind nearby, one near the other.

The machine is single-engine, with a separated air flow, for which in its ring channel is slightly lower than its center installed a special panel. Cater-WUA consists of three main parts: a screw-engine installation with a transmission, fiberglass case and "skirts" - flexible fencing of the bottom of the body, so to speak, "pillowcases" of the airbag. Corpus "Airport".

It is double: fiberglass, consists of inner and outer shells. The outer shell has a fairly simple configuration - this is just inclined (about 50 ° K horizontal) on the side without a bottom-flat almost all over the width and slightly curved in the upper part of it. The nose part is rounded, and the back has a view of an inclined trans.

In the upper part around the perimeter of the outer shell, the oblong holes are cut out, and the covering the cable covering the cable for attaching the lower parts of the segments is fixed in the ry-bolt below.

The inner shell on the configuration is more comprehensive than the outer, since it has almost all the elements of a small vessel (say, boats or boats): the side, the bottom, the curved plank, a small deck in the nose (there is only the top of the transom in the stern), - at the same time performed like one item.

In addition, in the middle of the cockpit along it, another separately molded tunnel with a can of the driver's seat was glued to the bottom, it contains a fuel tank and battery, and the gas cable and the rugs control cable are laid. In the stern part of the inner shell, it is a peculiar, raised and open in front.

It serves as the base of the ring channel for the air screw, and its deck-jumper-air flow separator, part of which (supporting stream) is sent to the mine opening, and the other part is to create a passive thrust force.

All elements of the housing: inner and outer shells, tunnel and ring channels were spilled out in the matrices of a glassmate with a thickness of about 2 mm on a polyester resin. Of course, these resins are inferior to vinyl ether and epoxy on adhesion, the level of filtration, shrinkage, as well as the release of harmful substances during drying, but they have an indisputable advantage in price-they are much cheaper, which is important.

For those who intend to use such resins, remind you that the room where the work is carried out should have good ventilation and a temperature of at least 22 ° C. The matrices were manufactured in advance along the master model from the same glass matters on the same polyester resin, only the thickness of their walls was more and accounted for 7-8 mm (in the shells of the body-about 4 mm).

Before the stitching elements with working surface The matrices were carefully removed all the roughness and jackets, and she was covered three times diluted in a chipidar waxed and polished. After that, a thin layer (up to 0.5 mm) of the gelkuty (color varnish) of the selected yellow color was applied to the surface with a sprayer (or roller).

After it dried, the process of the shell is laid along the following technology. Initially, using a roller, the matrix wax surface and the side of the glassmate with smaller pores are wedged by the resin, and then the mat is fitted onto the matrix and rolls up to completely remove air from under the layer (if necessary, a small slot can be done in mat).

In the same way, the subsequent layers of glass places to the required thickness (4-5 mm) are stacked, with the installation, where necessary, mortgage parts (metal and wooden). Excessive flap across the edges are trimmed when the "Persoys" is laid. It is recommended for the manufacture of body sides, use 2-3 layers of glassmate, and bottom-up to 4 layers.

At the same time, it is necessary to smoke additionally all the angles, as well as the places of screwing the fasteners. After the resin is rejected, the shell is easily removed from the matrix and processed: the edges are turned off, the grooves are cut, the holes are cut. To ensure the non-optimity of the "airfield" to the inner shell, pieces of foam (for example, furniture) are glued, leaving only channels for air pass throughout the perimeter.

The pieces of foam gluits a resin among themselves, and the glassate strips are attached to the inner shell, also with lubricated resin. After the manufacture separately, the outer and inner shells are docked, fasten with clamps and screws, and then connected (glued) along the perimeter with strips of a 40-50 mm width of the polyester resin, from which the shells themselves were made.

After that, the housing is left to complete polymerization of the resin. After a day to the upper joint of the shells on the perimeter attach stretched rivets Duralumin the loop with a cross section of 30x2 mm, setting it vertically (segment tongues are recorded on it). On the bottom of the bottom, wooden polishes are glued with dimensions of 1500x90x20 mm (length x width x height) at a distance of 160 mm from the edge.

One layer of glassmate is pasted on top of the end. In the same way, only from the inside of the shell, in the stern part of the cockpit, the basis of wooden plate under the engine. It is worth noting that by the same technology on which the outer and inner shells were made, smaller elements were gathered: the inner and outer shells of the diffuser, the rotation, gas tank, the engine casing, the windmill, tunnel and the driver's seat.

The same who is just starting to work with fiberglass, I recommend to prepare the manufacturer boat It is from these small elements. The total mass of the fiberglass case along with the diffuser and the steering directions is about 80 kg.

Of course, the manufacture of such a housing can be entrusted to both firma-plastic boats and boats. Fortunately and in Russia there are many of them, and expenses will be commensurate. However, in the process of independent manufacture, it will be possible to obtain the necessary experience and the ability to simulate in the future itself and create various elements and structures from fiberglass. Screw motor.

It includes the engine, air propeller and transmission transmitting from the first to the second torque. The engine is used by Briggs & Stattion, produced in Japan on American license: 2-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke, with a capacity of 31 hp With 3600 revolutions per minute. Its guaranteed motor is 600 thousand hours.

Run is carried out by the electric starter, from the battery, and the operation of the spark plug-of magneto. The engine is installed on the bottom of the airfield housing, and the axis of the propeller hub is fixed at both ends on the brackets in the center of the diffuser, raised above the housing. The transmission of torque from the output shaft of the engine on the hub is carried out with a toothed belt. The driven and the drive of the pulleys, like the belt, -the.

Although the engine mass is not so large (about 56 kg), but its location on the bottom significantly reduces the center of gravity of the boat, which has a positive effect on the stability and maneuverability of the machine, especially such - "airplane".

Exhaust gases extended to the lower air flow. Instead of the Japanese installed, you can also use suitable domestic engines, - For example, from snowmobiles "Buran", "Lynx" and others. By the way, for one or two-seater WUAs, the engines are fastening the capacity less than 22 liters. from.

Air screw-hexless, with a fixed step (installed on land attack angle) blades. An integral part of the screw-engine installation should be attributed to the ring channel of the air screw, although its base (the lower sector) is made at the same time with the inner shell of the case.

The ring canal, like the housing, is also composite, glued out of the outer and internal shells. Just in the place where the lower sector is suitable with the top, the fiberglass separation panel is arranged: it separates the air flow created by the propeller (and the walls of the lower sector, on the contrary, connects along the chord).

The engine, located at the Trana in the cockpit (behind the back of the passenger seat), is closed on top of a fiberglass hood, and the air screw, except the diffuser, - in front of the wire grille. The soft elastic fencing "Aerodzhipa" (skirt) consists of individual, but the same segments, carved and sewn from dense light fabric.

It is desirable that the fabric is water-repellent, not solid on the frost and did not let the air. I used the VinyPlan material of Finnish production, but the domestic flicker type of Person is quite suitable. The pattern of the segment is simple, and you can even manually sew it. Each segment is fastened to the housing as follows.

The tongue is thrown on the onboard vertical bar, with an overlap of 1.5 cm; On him, the tongue of the neighboring segment, and both of them in the place of the adhesion are fixed on the plank with a special clamp of the "crocodile" type, only without teeth. And so on the entire perimeter of the "Airrofig". For reliability, you can still put a clamp and in the middle of the tongue.

The two of the lower corners of the segment with the help of kapron homutics are suspended freely on the cable, claking the lower part of the outer shell of the case. Such a composite design of the skirt allows you to replace the segment failed without any problems, which will take 5-10 minutes. It will be said to the place that the design turns out to be operational at the failure of up to 7% of the segments. In total, they are placed on the skirt up to 60 pieces.

The principle of the "Airrofig" next. After starting the engine and its work on idling The device remains in place. With an increase in the number of revolutions, the air screw begins to drive a more powerful air flow. Part of it (big) creates gossipped strength and provides the catering movement forward.

Another part of the flow goes under the separation panel into the air ducts of the housing (free space between the shells to the nose itself), and then through the holes-grooves in the outer sheath evenly enters the segments.

This flow simultaneously with the beginning of the movement creates an air cushion under the bottom, lifting the device above the underlying surface (whether it is soil, snow or water) for several centimeters. The rotation of the "airfield" is carried out by two rugs of directions deflecting the "translational" flow of air to the side.

Steering wheel management is carried out from a two-flux of a motorcycle type steering column, through a Boudenovsky cable, running along the right side between the shells to one of the steering wheel. The other steering wheel is connected to the first rigid tight. On the left handcoat of the bilette lever, the throttle control damper control of the carburetor (analogue of the gas handle) is fixed.

For use air cushion boats It must be registered in the local state inspection on small courts (GIMS) and get a ship ticket. To obtain a certificate for the right to control the boat, you should also go through the course of managing a small vessel. However, in these courses, it is still not everywhere there are instructors on piloting devices on an air cushion.

Therefore, each pilot has to master the Office of the WUA independently, literally the grains by giving the appropriate experience.

Boat on the airbag "Airrodzhip": 1 -segment (dense fabric); 2-mooring duck (3 pcs.); 3-wind visor; 4-on-board plaque mounting segments; 5-handle (2 pcs.); 6-fencing of the air screw; 7-ring channel; 8-wheel direction (2 pcs.); 9-lever steering wheelchair; 10-hidden access to gas tank and battery; 11-seat of the pilot; 12-passenger sofa; 13-casing engine; 14-engine; 15-outer shell; 16-filler (foam); 17-inner shell; 18-separation panel; 19-air screw; 20-sleeve of the air screw; 21-drive toothed belt; 22-node for fastening the bottom of the segment

Theoretical drawing of the body: 1-inner sheath; 2-outer shell

Screen Mounting Transmission Scheme: 1-line motor shaft; 2-lead gear pulley; 3-combs the belt; 4-slave toothed pulley; 5 - aka; 6-distance sleeves; 7-bearing; 8-axis; 9-hub; 10-bearing; 11-remote sleeve; 12-support; 13-air screw

Steering column: 1-hand; 2-biscuit lever; 3-rack; 4-Cup (see photo)

Steering Scheme: 1-steering column; 2-cable Bouter, 3-node fastening braids to the case (2 pcs.); 4-bearing (5 pcs.); 5-steering panel (2 pcs.); 6-bonded lever bracket (2 pcs.); 7-coupling steering panels (see photo)

Flexible fencing segment: 1-stock; 2-cover with tongue

Unsatisfactory status of the network road roads And almost complete lack of road infrastructure on most regional trails makes it look for vehicles operating on other physical principles. One of these means is the airbag vessel capable of moving people and cargo in off-road conditions.

Transportation on an air cushion, which is the sonorous technical term "Hovercraft", differs from traditional models of boats and cars not only with the ability to move along any surface (reservoir, field, swamp, etc.), but also the ability to develop a decent speed. The only requirement for such a "road" should be more or less smooth and relatively mild.

However, the use of an airbag with a boat-all-terrain vehicle requires quite a serious energy costs, which in turn entails a significant increase in fuel consumption. The functioning of vessels on air lines (SVP) is based on a combination of the following physical principles:

  • Small specific SFP pressure on the surface of the soil or water.
  • High speed.

This factor has a fairly simple and logical explanation. The area of \u200b\u200bcontact surfaces (the bottom of the device and, for example, the soil) corresponds or exceeds the SCP area. Speaking technical language, the vehicle dynamically creates a reference value of the required value.

Overpressure created in a special device, takes off the machine from the support to a height of 100-150 mm. It is this airbag that interrupts the mechanical contact of the surfaces and minimizes the resistance of the translational movement of the SVP in the horizontal plane.

Despite the ability to quickly and, most important, economical movement, the scope of the use of Coveraft on the surface of the Earth is significantly limited. For it, asphalt areas, solid rocks with the presence of industrial garbage or solid stones are absolutely not suitable, since significantly increases the risk of damage to the main element of the SBP - the bottom of the pillow.

Thus, the optimal route of the Covelkraft can be considered such where it is necessary to sail a lot and go a bit. In some countries, for example, in Canada, rescuers use vehicles on an air cushion. According to some data, the devices of such a design are in service with the armies of some NATO member countries.

Why does the desire arise to make a vessel on the air cushion with their own hands? There are several reasons:

That is why I didn't receive a lot of distribution. Indeed, as an expensive toy, you can purchase a quad bike or anemsani. Another option is to make a boat-car yourself.

Choosing working schema, it is necessary to decide on the design of the housing, optimally corresponding specified technical conditions . Note, SVP do it yourself with assembly drawings homemade elements Create quite real.

The specialized resources are replete with ready-made homemade airbag ships. The analysis of practical test shows that the most successful optionsatisfying conditions arising when driving on water and soil are pillows formed by chamber method.

Choosing a material for the main constructive element of the vehicle on an air cushion - housing, consider several important criteria. First, it is simplicity and ease of processing. Secondly, small specific gravity material. It is this parameter that provides an affiliation of SBP to the category of "Amphibians", that is, the lack of risk of flooding in the case emergency stop vessel.

As a rule, for the manufacture of the housing, 4-millimeter phanels are used, and the superstructure is performed from the foam. This significantly reduces its own design weight. After pasting the outer surfaces of the penplex and the subsequent color, the model acquires the initial features of the appearance of the original. For glazing the cabin apply polymer materials, and the remaining elements are wound out of the wire.

The manufacture of the so-called skirt will require a dense waterproof tissue from polymer fiber. After cutting parts, the parts are stitched by a double dense seam, and gluing is performed by means of waterproof glue. This ensures not only the high degree of reliability of the design, but also allows you to hide the mounting joints from extraneous eyes.

Design power plant assumes the presence of two engines: Marsh and injection. They are equipped with undercoltor electric motors and two-blade type screws. A special regulator carries out the management process.

The supply voltage is supplied from two rechargeable batteries, the total capacity of which is 3,000 milliam per hour. With the maximum charge level, SCP can be operated for 25-30 minutes.

ATTENTION, only today!

Building a vehicle that would allow you to move both on land and water, preceded acquaintance with the history of the opening and creating original amphibians - air cushion (WUA), the study of their fundamental device, comparing various structures and schemes.

To this end, I visited a lot of Internet sites of enthusiasts and the creators of WUA (including foreign), I met some of them in part.

In the end, in the prototype of the conceived boat, the English "Hovercraft" ("the steaming vessel" took - so in the UK they call WUAs), built and tested by the local enthusiasts. Our most interesting domestic machines of this type are mostly created for the security agencies, and in recent years - for commercial purposes, there were large dimensions, and therefore a little fit for amateur manufacturer.

My apparatus on the air cushion (I call it "Airrodzhip") - triple: the pilot and passengers are located in the T-shaped scheme, as on the tricycle: the pilot in front of the middle, and the passengers behind nearby, one near the other. The machine is single-engine, with a separated air flow, for which in its ring channel is slightly lower than its center installed a special panel.

Technical data boats on an air cushion
Overall dimensions, mm:
length 3950
width 2400
height 1380
Engine power, l. from. 31
Mass, kg. 150
Load capacity, kg. 220
Fuel reserve 12
Fuel consumption, l / h 6
Overcome obstacles:
Lifting, hail. 20
Wave, M. 0,5
Cruising speed, km / h:
on water 50
on soil 54
on ice 60

It consists of three main parts: a screw-engine installation with a transmission, fiberglass hull and "skirts" - flexible fencing of the bottom of the case - so to speak, "pillowcases" of the airbag.

1 - segment (dense tissue); 2 - a mooring duck (3 pcs.); 3 - wind visor; 4 - Side Plank Fastening segments; 5 - handle (2 pcs.); 6 - the fencing of the air screw; 7 - Ring Channel; 8 - steering wheel (2 pcs.); 9 - Ruly control lever; 10 - accessory access to gas tank and battery; 11 - pilot seat; 12 - Passenger sofa; 13 - engine casing; 14 - engine; 15 - outer shell; 16 - filler (foam); 17 - inner shell; 18 - separation panel; 19 - air screw; 20 - sleeve of the air screw; 21 - drive toothed belt; 22 - node for fastening the bottom of the segment.
zoom, 2238x1557, 464 KB

Case boat on an air cushion

It is double: fiberglass, consists of inner and outer shells.

The outer shell has a fairly simple configuration - these are just inclined (about 50 ° K horizontal) on the side without the bottom - flat almost all over the entire width and slightly curved parts in the uppermost one. The nose is rounded, and the rear has a view of an inclined trans. In the upper part around the perimeter of the outer shell, the oblong holes are cut out, and the covering the cable covering the cable for attaching the lower parts of the segments is fixed in the ry-bolt below.

The inner shell on the configuration is more comprehensive than the outer, since it has almost all the elements of a small vessel (say, boats or boats): the side, the bottom, the curved plank, a small deck in the nose (there is only the top of the transom in the stern), - at the same time performed like one item. In addition, in the middle of the cockpit along it, another separately molded tunnel with a can of the driver's seat was glued to the bottom, it contains a fuel tank and battery, and the gas cable and the rugs control cable are laid.

In the stern part of the inner shell, it is a peculiar, raised and open in front. It serves as the base of the ring channel for the air screw, and its deck jumper is the air flow separator, part of which (supporting stream) is sent to the mine opening, and the other part is to create a passive force of thrust.

All elements of the case: inner and outer shells, tunnel and ring canal - glired in the matrices of the glassmate with a thickness of about 2 mm on a polyester resin. Of course, these resins are inferior to vinyl ester and epoxy on adhesion, the level of filtration, shrinkage, as well as the release of harmful substances when drying, but have an indisputable advantage in price - they are much cheaper, which is important. For those who intend to use such resins, remind you that the room where the work is carried out should have good ventilation and a temperature of at least 22 ° C.

The matrices were made in advance according to the master model from the same glass matters on the same polyester resin, only the thickness of their walls was more and accounted for 7-8 mm (in the hull shells - about 4 mm). Before the removal of elements from the working surface of the matrix, all the roughness and jackets were carefully removed, and it was covered three times diluted with wax chipidar and was polished. After that, a thin layer (up to 0.5 mm) of the gelkuty (color varnish) of the selected yellow color was applied to the surface with a sprayer (or roller).

After it dried, the process of the shell is laid along the following technology. Initially, using a roller, the matrix wax surface and the side of the glassmate with smaller pores are wedged by the resin, and then the mat is fitted onto the matrix and rolls up to completely remove air from under the layer (if necessary, a small slot can be done in mat). In the same way, the subsequent layers of glass places to the required thickness (4-5 mm) are stacked, with the installation, where necessary, mortgage parts (metal and wooden). Excessive flap across the edges are trimmed when the "Persoys" is laid.

After the resin is rejected, the shell is easily removed from the matrix and processed: the edges are turned off, the grooves are cut, the holes are cut.

To ensure the non-optimity of the "airfield" to the inner shell, pieces of foam (for example, furniture) are glued, leaving only channels for air pass throughout the perimeter. The pieces of foam gluits a resin among themselves, and the glassate strips are attached to the inner shell, also with lubricated resin.

After the manufacture separately, the outer and inner shells are docked, fasten with clamps and screws, and then connected (glued) along the perimeter with strips of a 40-50 mm width of the polyester resin, from which the shells themselves were made. After that, the housing is left to complete polymerization of the resin.

After a day to the upper joint of the shells around the perimeter, they are attached to exhaust rivets in a duralumin by a cross section of 30x2 mm, setting it vertically (segment tongues are recorded on it). On the bottom of the bottom, wooden polishes are glued with dimensions of 1500x90x20 mm (length x width x height) at a distance of 160 mm from the edge. One layer of glassmate is pasted on top of the end. In the same way, only from the inside of the shell, in the stern part of the cockpit, the base of the wooden plate under the engine is satisfied.

It is worth noting that by the same technology on which the outer and inner shells were made, smaller elements were gathered. The same who is just starting working with fiberglass, I recommend to prepare the manufacturer of the boat from these small elements. The total mass of the fiberglass hull together with the diffuser and rugs of the direction is about 80 kg.

Of course, the manufacture of such a housing can be entrusted with specialists - firms producing fiberglass boats and boats. Fortunately and in Russia there are many of them, and expenses will be commensurate. However, in the process of independent manufacture, it will be possible to obtain the necessary experience and the possibility in the future to simulate and create different elements and structures from fiberglass.

Winner installation boat on an air cushion

It includes the engine, air screw and transmission transmitting from the first to the second torque.

The engine is used by Briggs & Stattion, produced in Japan on an American license: a 2-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke, with a capacity of 31 liters. from. With 3600 revolutions per minute. Its guaranteed motor is 600 thousand hours. The launch is carried out by the electric starter, from the battery, and the operation of the spark plugs is from magneto.

The engine is installed on the bottom of the airfield housing, and the axis of the propeller hub is fixed at both ends on the brackets in the center of the diffuser, raised above the housing. The transmission of torque from the output shaft of the engine on the hub is carried out with a toothed belt. The slave and drive of the pulleys, like the belt, - gear.

Although the engine mass is not so large (about 56 kg), but its location on the bottom significantly reduces the center of gravity of the boat, which has a positive effect on the stability and maneuverability of the machine, especially such - "airplane".

Exhaust gases extended to the lower air flow.

Instead of the Japanese installed, suitable domestic engines can be used, for example, from snowmobiles "Buran", "Lynx" and others. By the way, for one- or double WUB, the engines are perfectly suitable - about 22 liters. from.

The air screw is a hexless, with a fixed step (installed on land an angle of attack) blades.

1 - walls; 2 - Cover with tongue.

An integral part of the screw-engine installation should be attributed to the ring channel of the air screw, although its base (the lower sector) is made at the same time with the inner shell of the case. The ring canal, like the housing, is also composite, glued from the outer and inner shells. Just in the place where the lower sector is suitable with the top, the fiberglass separation panel is arranged: it separates the air flow created by the propeller (and the walls of the lower sector, on the contrary, connects along the chord).

The engine located at the transnta in the cockpit (behind the back of the passenger seat) is closed on top of a fiberglass hood, and the air screw, except the diffuser, is also a wire lattice in front.

The soft elastic fencing of the boat on the air cushion (skirt) consists of individual but the same segments, cut and stitched from dense light fabric. It is desirable that the fabric is water-repellent, not solid on the frost and did not let the air. I used the VinyPlan material of Finnish production, but the domestic flicker type of Person is quite suitable. The pattern of the segment is simple, and you can even manually sew it.

Each segment is fastened to the housing as follows. The tongue is thrown on the onboard vertical bar, with an overlap of 1.5 cm; On it - the tongue of the neighboring segment, and both of them in the place of adhesion are fixed on the plank with a special clamp type "crocodile", only without teeth. And so on the entire perimeter of the "Airrofig". For reliability, you can still put a clamp and in the middle of the tongue. The two of the lower corners of the segment with the help of kapron homutics are suspended freely on the cable, claking the lower part of the outer shell of the case.

Such a composite design of the skirt allows you to replace the segment failed without any problems, which will take 5-10 minutes. It will be said to the place that the design turns out to be operational at the failure of up to 7% of the segments. In total, they are placed on the skirt up to 60 pieces.

Principle of Movement air cushion boats following. After starting the engine and its work at idle the apparatus remains in place. With an increase in the number of revolutions, the air screw begins to drive a more powerful air flow. Part of it (big) creates gossipped strength and provides the catering movement forward. Another part of the flow goes under the separation panel into the air ducts of the housing (free space between the shells to the nose itself), and then through the holes-grooves in the outer sheath evenly enters the segments. This flow simultaneously with the beginning of the movement creates an air cushion under the bottom, lifting the device above the underlying surface (whether it is soil, snow or water) for several centimeters.

The rotation of the "airfield" is carried out by two rugs of directions deflecting the "translational" flow of air to the side. Rules management is carried out from a bilette lever of a motorcycle type steering column, through a Boudenesk cable, which runs on the right side between the shells to one of the steering wheel. The other steering wheel is connected to the first rigid tight.

On the left handcoat of the bilette lever, the throttle control damper control of the carburetor (analogue of the gas handle) is fixed.

To operate the boat on an air cushion, it must be registered in the local state inspection on small courts (GIMS) and get a ship ticket. To obtain a certificate for the right to control the boat, you should also go through the management course.

However, in these courses, it is still not everywhere there are instructors on piloting devices on an air cushion. Therefore, each pilot has to master the Office of the WUA independently, literally the grains by giving the appropriate experience.