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Set Make Autogyr myself. Autogyro do it yourself: drawings, description. Homemade autogyri. Elements of kilomete beam

In recent years, aviation lovers of many countries show great interest in flights on homemade autogiar plates and self-rigorous. Inexpensive, easy to manufacture and simple in piloting, these aircraft can be applied not only for sports, but also as an excellent means of familiarizing the wide circles of youth with air element. Finally, they can successfully be used to communicate. In 1920 - 1940s, autogyry was built in many countries. Now they can be seen only in museums: they did not stand the competition with helicopters. However, for sports purposes, autogyrin and especially towed autogyr-planes are applied today (see Fig.).

We have the design and construction of micro-wares are mainly engaged in the student design bureau of aviation universities. The best cars of this class were exhibited at the exhibitions of technical creativity of young people, etc. The readers of the "model store" in numerous letters are asked to tell about the device of autogyrin and microdoxes. This question at one time quite well lit up on the pages of the magazine Master of Sports G. S. Malinovsky, who was still in the pre-war years participated in the experimental work with autoginds of industrial buildings.

Essentially, this article is still relevant, since it affects the interesting area of \u200b\u200btechnical creativity, where aviation lovers can and should achieve great success. The article does not apply for an exhaustive fullness of the issue. It is only the beginning of a big conversation.

Talking begins with "Fly"

Everyone knows a flying toy, famous called "Fly". This is carrying a screw (propeller), planted on a thin wand. It is worth promoting a stick with his palms, as the toy itself breaks out of the hands and rapidly takes up, and then, smoothly rotating, go down to the ground. Let's figure it out in nature. Taking off the "fly" because we spent some kind of energy on its promotion - it was a helicopter (Fig. 1).

Now we will be tied to a stick, on which the rotor is imposed on, a thread of a length of 3 -5 m and try to pull the "flies" against the wind. It takes off and under favorable conditions, quickly rotating, will gain height.

This principle is laid in autogyry: while running along the take-off track, its carrier screw under the action of the oncoming flow begins to unwind and gradually develops the lifting force sufficient for the takeoff. Therefore, the carrying screw - the rotor performs the same role as the wing of the aircraft. But, compared with the wing, it has a significant advantage: its translational speed with an equal lifting force may be much smaller. Thanks to this, the autogyr is able to descend in the air almost vertically and land on small sites (Fig. 2). If, when you break up the rotor blades at the zero corner of the attack, and then sharply translate them to a positive angle, then the autogyr will be able to take off vertically.

What flew I. Bensen

The prototype of most amateur plants-autogyrov served the American I. Bensen machine. She was created shortly after the end of World War II and caused great interest in many countries. According to official data, more than several thousand devices of this kind are built and successfully flying.

Avzhir I. Bensen consists of a cruciform metal frame A, on which the pylon b is toughly mounted, which serves as a rotor support in with a direct control lever in front of the pylon, the pilot seat is located, and behind the frame - the simplest vertical plumage consisting of keel e and steering wheel The directions of J. The latter is connected by cables with a foot pedal located in the front of the frame. The chassis of autogyr is a three-wheeled, with pneumators of a lightweight type (the side wheels are 300 × 100 mm, front, controlled - 200 × 75 mm). Under the tail part of the frame there is an additional support wheel made of solid rubber with a diameter of 80 mm. The rotor has a metal hub and two wooden blades that describe the circle with a diameter of 6 m. Chord blades - 175 mm, relative profile thickness -11%, material - high-quality wood, disheveled with plywood and reinforced fiberglass. Flights of Platnogo-Avgir Bensen was carried out on a tug by a car (Fig. 5). Subsequently, a 70-strong engine with an pushing screw was installed on such machines.

Polish constructors Alexander Bobik, Cheslage Yurka and Andrey Sokalsky created the on-line autogyr (Fig. 4), whining from the water. It was towed by a high-speed boat or a moto with a powerful suspended engine (about 50 hp). The planper is installed on the float, in shape and design, a similar body of a sports scooter of junior classes. The rotor with direct control is fixed on a simple and lightweight pylon, struck by cable stretching to the float housing. This made it possible to achieve the minimum weight of the structure with it quite sufficiently reliability. The technical data of the author plane, which its authors called the "Viroplanger", are: the length is 2.6 m, the width is 1.1 m, the height of -1.7 m, the total weight of the structure is 42 kg, the diameter of the rotor is 6 m. His powerful data: take-off speed - 35 - 37 km / h, maximum permissible - 60 km / h, landing - 15 - 18 km / h, rotor speed - 300 - 400 rpm.

Polish designers made a lot of successful flights on their "VIPLAND". They believe that their car has a great future. One of the creators of the "Viroplanera", Caclage Yurr, wrote: "When complying with the elementary rules of caution, the high disciplination of the driver of the boat and the service personnel flights on the" Viroplangers "are completely safe. A large number of lakes, the water surface of which is always free, will make it possible to engage in this fascinating sport and rest to everyone. "


Let's figure out how the controllability of the car is ensured. On an airplane, it's easy - there are wings of heights, the steering wheel of rotation and ailerons. Any evolution is carried out in the desired side by the deviation. And it turns out to be the roller machines, such steering wheel: the change in the direction of the flight happens immediately as the axis of the rotor changes its position in space. To change the inclination of the rotor axis, a device consisting of two bearings was applied on the autogyra plater; Mustly fixed in brushes head A and associated with control lever B. Bearing A, being spherical, allows the rotor shaft to deviate from the main position 12 ° to any side, which provides the machine longitudinal and transverse handling.

Rotor control lever, toughly connected with the lower bearing body, has a reminiscent bicycle steering wheel, which the pilot holds with both hands. For takeoff to translate the rotor to a big angle, the lever moves forward; To reduce the corner and transferring the machine to the horizontal flight - back; To create a roll to the right (or eliminate the left roll), the lever deviates to the left, with the right roll - right. This feature of the management of autogyry creates well-known difficulties for pilots flying on ordinary planes, airplanes and helicopters (the movements of the handle all these machines are directly opposed to the sign).

Therefore, before the flights on Llanoran-Autogair with direct control, it is necessary to undergo special training on the booth-simulator. It is possible, however, to go for some complication of the design, equipping the machine by the control of the "normal" aircraft type (shown by the dotted line on the BENENSENT scheme, see Fig. 3),

Before building

Planter-Autogyr has significantly less details than the usual bike. But this does not mean that it can be made somehow, in one place tied by a wire, and in the other - instead of the bolt insert a nail.

All items should be made, as they say, at the highest aviation level: because of their quality, their reliability depends on the life of a person. Even if you fly over the water. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately accept such a decision: it is possible to fulfill all the work high-quality - we will do the virus, if not, I will postpone the construction to better times.

The most responsible and difficult item in the manufacture of the virus is definitely the rotor. Attempts to use for installation on homemade planners-autogyrous, the blade from the produced by our industry did not have success, since they are designed for other regimes. Therefore, they should not be applied. A typical design of the blades is shown in Figure 6. For gluing a spar, it is necessary to prepare long, well-dried pine railings and thoroughly clean them to each other. They are collected in the package, as shown in Figure 7. In the intervals between the rails, the strips of the fiberglass of the ASTT6 \u200b\u200bbrand must be laid, pre-missed epoxy glue. Rakes should also be missed on both sides. The package after the necessary exposure is pressed into a fixture that provides straightness of both wide and narrow side of the package. After drying, the package is processed in accordance with a given profile, forming the front part ("Nose") blades. Processing must be performed very carefully using steel counterclabs. The "tail" of the blades is made of PC-1 foam foam blocks or PS-2, reinforced by a range of plywood ribs. The gluing should be performed in a special stapel (Fig. 8) to ensure the correctness of the profile. The final processing of the blades is conducted with a file and a skin, using counterclands, after which the entire blade is fluttered with thin fiberglass on epoxy glue, polished, painted in a bright color and is polished first with pasta, and then polishing water.

The finished blade made by the ends into two supports must be withstanding at least 100 kg of static load.

To connect to the rotor hub on each blade, the steel plates are strengthened with six bolts, as shown in the drawing; In turn, to the hub, these plates are attached to two M10 bolts. Trimmer D and cargo-counterweight g are installed on a fully decorated blade. Cargo - on three bolts M5, trimmer - on five ripples with a diameter of 4 mm. In the "shank" blade for the attachment of the trimmer in advance is pasted between plywood ribs wooden bobbish.

The spherical bearing of the rotor head on foreign structures is selected from the diameter 50x16x26 mm to a diameter of 52x25x18 mm; Of the domestic bearings of this type, № 126 GOST 5720-51 can be applied. In the diagram (Fig. 4), this bearing for clarity is shown by one-row. Lower control bearing - No. 6104 GOST 831-54.

A - base; B - hook; In - installing a lock on the autogyr table (crocheting down); G - installation of the lock on the boat-towed (crochet up)

The limit simplicity of the design is the characteristic feature of Avtigirov I. Bensen

Fastening the control lever to the bearing body can be made by brackets, as shown in Figure 4 (this allows you to disassemble the entire node to individual elements) or welding.

The base ("heel") of the pilon is fastened in the housing of the float to the ribbra, connected by four bolts M6 with a kelle. These bolts are simultaneously attached to the float housing outer metal feather. Cable stretching, connecting the pylon with sides of the float, preferably before dripping with an effort 150 - 200 kg. Dulders - aircraft, with thick threaded rods 5 mm.

As mentioned above, the weight of the viroplanore is needed to withstand within 42 - 45 kg. It's not as simple as it seems at first glance. It is necessary to very carefully select the necessary materials, correctly process and assemble, do not apply heavy shtales and paints. This is especially true of the production of the float. Its wooden frame should be assembled from well-dried straight plates, light (non-resinous) pine. The best wood for the production of the skeleton float will be the so-called "aviation" pine in the boiled bars, but it is not everywhere and can not be reached. Therefore, it is not necessary to neglect the possible substitutes: for example, a good tare plate or rakes, drinking from a thick neck (porching is a crook, the most durable part of the trunk; if it is proper sawing from it, there are excellent rails of the desired section). Complete and near food canned food are packaged in good boxes. By typing two or three dozen such packs, of which you can choose the necessary for work. Each rack before it is installed in place should be tested for strength. If it breaks it - not the trouble, you can put another; But it will be complete confidence that the kit is made of reliable material.


The child in childhood is definitely asked - who he wants to be? Of course, many answer that they want to be pilots or cosmonauts. Alas, but with the arrival of adult life, children's dreams evaporate, in priority the family, earnings of money and the realization of a children's dream is moving into the background. But if you want to want to feel very much, then you can feel like a pilot - although it is not for long, and for this we will design the autogyro do it yourself.

Autogyra can make any person, you need to understand a little in the art, there will be enough common ideas. There are many articles and detailed guides on this score, we will analyze the autogyrighs in the text and their design. The main thing is a high-quality auto shoot at the first flight.

Autogyrian gliders - assembly instructions

The autogyr-glider rises to the sky with a car and cable - a design similar to the aircraft serpent, which many, being children, launched into the sky. The height of the flight on average is 50 meters, when the cable is released, the pilot on the autogyry is able to plan some time, gradually losing height. Such small flights will give the skill that is useful when controlling the autogyr engine with the engine, it can dial up to 1.5 km and speed 150 km / h.

Autogyros - base of construction

For flight, you need to make a high-quality basis to mount the other parts of the structure. Kelema, axial beam and mast from duralumin. Front wheel shot from a racing card, which is attached to the killema beam. Of the two sides of the wheel from the scooter, screwed to the axial beam. A farm is installed in front of a keil beam, made of duralumin, applied to dump the cable when towing.

There are also the simplest air appliances - a speed meter and lateral demolition. The dashboard placed the pedal and the cable from it, which goes to the steering wheel. At the other end of the keel beam is a stabilizing module, steering wheel and insurance wheel.

  • Farm,
  • attachment for towing hook,
  • hook,
  • air speedometer,
  • cable,
  • demolition indicator
  • control lever,
  • the blade for the carrier screw
  • 2 bracket for the head of the rotor,
  • rotor head from the carrier screw
  • aluminum bracket for fastening seats,
  • mast,
  • back,
  • control handle
  • bracket for handle,
  • rama Seat,
  • roller for control cable,
  • mast attachment bracket
  • pitch
  • top dive,
  • vertical and horizontal plumage,
  • safety wheel,
  • axis and killea beam
  • fastening wheels to the axial beam,
  • lower split from the steel corner,
  • brake,
  • sitting support
  • pedal knot.

Autogyros - the process of operation of the flying agent

A mast is attached to a keil beam with 2 brackets, a pilot is located near it - a seat with safety belts. The rotor is installed on the mast, it is also attached with 2 duralumin brackets. The rotor and the screw are spinning due to air flow, thus, it turns out the auto shoot.

Planer handle for control, which is installed near the pilot, tilts the autogyr to any side. Autogyros are a special kind of air transport, their control system is simple, but there are also features if you tilt the handle down, then instead of the loss of height, they are gaining it.

On Earth, the autogyros is controlled by a nose wheel, the pilot changes its direction to your feet. When the autogyr goes into the auto shoot mode, the direction of the direction is responsible for the control.

The direction of the direction is a brake device plank, which changes the axial direction when pressed by the pilot with his legs on its part. When landing, the pilot presses the board, which creates friction about the wheels and quench the speed - such a primitive brake system is very cheap.

Autogyry have a small mass, which allows you to assemble it in an apartment or a garage, and then carry a place on the roof in the place you need. AutoNotation is what you need to achieve when designing this aircraft. Build perfect autogyro after reading one article, it will be difficult, we recommend watching the video on the assembly of each part of the design separately.

Most of people who do not have a direct relationship to aviation seeing this aircraft in flight or standing on Earth, most likely think: " What a funny little helicopter!"- And immediately make a mistake. External similarity, in fact, everything ends. The fact is that there are completely different principles for the flight and helicopter flight.

Why autogyr flies

At helicopter lifting and driving force are created by rotating the carrier screw (one or more), permanent drive to which is transmitted from the engine through a complex transmission system. The chain of the skew changes the plane of the rotating screw in the desired direction, providing forwarding movement and maneuvering, adjusting the speed.

A story about another form of an aircraft of ultralight aviation -, read the same on our website.

The story about Motoparaplane and Aeroshut is located. Learn which there are devices with a soft wing and a burden on the engine.

The design and principle of the action of the Aircraft is completely different, and, probably, is more similar to the aircraft (glider, motodeltaplane).

Lifting force is provided by the counter stream of air, but in the role of wing stands freely rotating screw (It is customary to call the rotor). The translational motion is provided by a pulling or pushing force of the Marsh Engine, located, respectively, ahead or behind the aircraft. And what gives the rotation of the Rotor - just a counter-air flow. This phenomenon is called reproach.

Without a doubt, the principle was suggested by nature itself. You can pay attention to the seeds of some trees (maple, linden), which are equipped with a peculiar propeller. Proward, dried and separated from the branch, they do not fall vertical down. Air resistance spins them "rotors", and seeds can plan enough time, flying away from the native tree for very significant distances. The power of gravity, of course, takes its own, and landing them inevitably. But this is the task of human genius to find the means to manage such a flight.

In Autogyla, the selection of power from the engine on the rotor is made only in the most initial phase of the flight, to give it necessary to it, the frequency of rotation. Next - a short run, the rise - and that's all, the law of reproof comes into force - the rotor rotates completely independently, until the apparatus is completely fit. Located at a certain angle of attack, it creates a lifting force needed for flight.

History of aircraft

The first who seriously engaged in research and the practical application of the principle of autork was the Spanish Designer Engineer Juan de la Siirev. I began to engage in aircraft building at the very dawn of aviation, he had to endure a catastrophe of his brainchild - a three-minded biplane, and he completely switched to a completely unrecorded section of the airplane.

It was also, after long-term tests in the aerodynamic tube, the principle of autography was formulated and theoretically substantiated. By 1919, the first model was developed in the drawings, and in 1923, the S-4 autogrine first rose into the air. According to the design, it was a conventional aircraft case, instead of the wings equipped with a rotor. After a number of refinement, a small serial release of such devices in France, England, USA was even established.

Soviet aircraft designers were also almost parallel. In a specially created department of special designs (ook), the TsAGI was developed by the development of its own autogyrov. Eventually the first Soviet office of Cascr-1 rose into the air in 1929.

He was developed by a group of young engineers, which included Nikolai Ilyich Kamov, Later - an outstanding aircraft designer of the KA series helicopters. It is noteworthy that Kamov, as a rule, has always participated in the flight tests of their children.

Cascr-2. was a more brought and reliable car that was demonstrated by a representative government commission at the Khodynsky airfield in May 1931.

Further surveys and design modifications led to the creation of a serial model that was named P-7.. This machine was created according to the winged autogyra scheme, which made it possible to significantly reduce the load on the rotor, increase the speed qualities.

N.I. Kamov not only developed and improved its device, but also stated his practical application constantly. Already in those years, R-7 has been held pollination of agricultural land.

During the rescue operation on the removal of the first polar expedition of Papanin in 1938, on the icebreaker "Ermak" stood ready for the rise of P-7. Although the help of such a deck aviation was then not needed, the fact itself speaks of the high reliability of the car.

Unfortunately, The Second World War Many design beginnings in this area interrupted. The resulting cuddle of the helicopter technique later pushed the autogyres to the background.

Autogle fighting

It is clear that in the first half of the last century, in this an extremely militarized period, any new developments were considered in the plane of their use for military needs. I did not escape this fate and autogyro.

The first combat coil machine was the same P-7.. Given its ability to lift a payload of 750 kg into the air, it was 3 machine guns, cameras, means of communication and even a small bomb kit.

Combat squadron Avtigirov A-7-for part of 5 units took part in the battles on the Yelninsky ledge. Unfortunately, a complete opponent's domination in the sky did not give the opportunity to use these low-speed apparatuses for this conduct of intelligence in the afternoon - they were used only at night, mainly to scat out campaign materials over enemy positions. It is significant that the squadron engineer was none other than M.L. Mil, Future designer mI series helicopters.

Used autogyros and our opponents. Especially for the needs of the underwater fleet of Germany, an inspector apparatus was developed Fokke-Akhgelis Fa-330, in fact, the autogyr-snake. He gathered in a matter of minutes, then the rotor was joined, and the autogyry took off to a height of up to 220 meters, towed to the full-time submarine. Such a flight height allowed to monitor up to 50 kilometers radius.

Bold attempts were both the British. Preparing for the upcoming invasion in Northern France, they generally planned to combine authors with a combat army jeep for landing from a heavy bombarder. True, even after sufficiently successful tests, the question was removed.

Advantages and disadvantages of autogyra

The creators of Avgir managed to solve the mass of safety issues and the economy of flights that could not be realized on aircraft or helicopters:

  • The loss of speed, for example, when the march engine is out of order, does not lead to a dumping in the "Corkscrew".
  • The auto shot of the rotor allows you to make a soft landing even with the complete loss of translational movement. By the way, this property is used and helicopters - there is an inclusion of the auto-revaluation mode in emergency situations.
  • Small length of takeoff run and landing site.
  • Flexible to thermal streams and turbulence.
  • Economic in operation, simple in the construction, its production is much cheaper.
  • Autogyr's management is much easier than aircraft or helicopters.
  • Virtually not afraid of wind: 20 meters per second for it - normal conditions.

There are of course, and a number disadvantagesThe elimination of which constructors-enthusiasts constantly work:

  • There is a likelihood of "Kuwarka" when landing, especially in models with a weak tail plumage.
  • The phenomenon, called the "Deavy Copyright Zone", not fully studied, leading to the termination of rotation of the rotor.
  • Invalid flights on the autogyry in the conditions of possible glaciation - this can lead to the output of the rotor from the auto shoot mode.

In general, benefits significantly outweigh deficienciesWhat makes it possible to attribute the autogyro to the category of the safest aircraft.

Is there a future?

The fans of this type of mini-aviation on a similar question are in a friendly thing that the "era of autogyrov" is just beginning. Interest in them was revived with a new force, and now in many countries of the world serial models of such aircraft are produced.

In terms of its capacity, speed and even fuel consumption, the autogyr boldly compete with the familiar passenger cars, surpassing them in its multifunctionality and non-affected roads.

In addition to purely carriage, autogyrin find their application, performing tasks for patroling forests, sea coasts, mountains, lively motorways, can be used for aerial photographs, video recording or observation.

Some modern models are equipped with a "jumping" take-off mechanism, others allow you to carry out a successful takeoff from the place if there are winds more than 8 km / h, which further increases the functionality of the autogyrov.

The leading manufacturer in the current market of such devices is the German company "Autogyro", producing up to 300 cars per year. They try to keep up with the Russians - in our country produce a number of serial models: Irkut Irkutsk Aviation Authority, "Twist" Aerocluba "Twister Club", "Hunter" NPC "Aero-Astra" other.

The number of fans of this type of conquest of the sky is constantly growing.

Photo gallery Avtigirov

Without exaggeration, it is possible to say that the main thing in the autogyra plays is the carrying screw. From the correctness of its profile, from the mass, accuracy of centering and strength depend on the flight qualities of the autogyry. True, the inspection apparatus on the tug of a car rises only 20 to 30 m. But the flight at such an altitude requires the mandatory compliance with all the conditions previously expressed.

The blade (Fig. 1) consists of the main one who perceives all the loads of the element - the spar, the rib (Fig. 2), the gaps between which are filled with plates of foam, and the back edge made from a straight pine rail. All these parts of the blades are glued with a synthetic resin and, after proper profiling, the fiberglass is covered to give additional strength and tightness.

Materials for the blade: Aviation Plywood 1 mm thick, fiberglass thickness 0.3 and 0.1 mm, Epoxy resin ED-5 and PS-1 foam. The resin is plasticized by dibutyl phthalate in an amount of 10 - 15%. The hardener is polyethylenepolyamine (10%).

The manufacture of a spar, the assembly of the blades and their subsequent treatment is made on the stapel, which should be sufficiently rigid and have a straight horizontal surface, as well as one of the vertical edges (their straightness is provided by a rig for a leak-type line, not less than 1 m long).

Stipel (Fig. 3) make from dry boards. To the vertical longitudinal edge (the straightness of which is provided) at the time of assembly and gluing the spar are attached with screws metal mounting plates at a distance of 400 - 500 mm from each other. The top edge should rise above the horizontal surface by 22 - 22.5 mm.

1 - spar (plywood glued with fiberglass); 2 - pad (oak or ash); 3 - rear edge (pine or linden); 4 - Planck (Pine or Lipa); 5 - aggregate (foam); 6 - covering (2 layers of fiberglass S0,1); 7 - trimmer (duralumin brand D-16M S, 2 pcs.); 8 - Rib (plywood S2, layer along)

For each blade, 17 plywood bands should be prepared, cut out along the drawing of the spar with an outer layer along, with 8-4 mm handling allowances per side. Since the size of the plywood sheet is 1500 mm, in each layer is inevitable to glides the bands on the mustache at least 1:10, and the joints in one slag to defend the joints in the other next to it at a distance of 100 mm. Plywood segments are located so that the first joints of the lower and the upper layers will take away from the clove of the spar to 1500 mm, the second and the penultimate layers - by 1400 mm, etc., and the shake of the middle layer will be 700 mm at a distance from the end of the comluk part of the blade. Accordingly, the second and third joints of the blanks will be distributed along the spar.

In addition, you need to have 16 stripes of fiberglass with a thickness of 0.3 mm and 95 × 3120 mm sizes each. Previously, they must be processed to remove the lubricant.

To glue the blades is needed in a dry room at a temperature of 18 - 20 ° C.

Making a spar

Before assembling the workpieces, the stapel is lined with a trash so that the workpieces do not stick to it. Then the first layer of plywood is placed on the mounting plate. It is attached to the shelter with thin and short nails (4-5 mm), which are driven by a commander and at the end of the blade, as well as one on each side of the joints to prevent the displacement of plywood sections along the resin and fiberglass during the assembly process. Because they will remain in the layers, they are brought them. Nails are driven by the specified order and to secure all the subsequent layers. They must be of a sufficiently soft metal so as not to damage the cutting edges of the tool used for further processing of the spar.

The plywood layers are abundantly wetted using a roller or a brush resin ED-5. Then the fiberglass strip is sequentially imposed on the phaneer, which is smoothed by hand and a wooden ironing, while the resin will not appear on its surface. After that, the cloth is laying a layer of plywood, from which first lubricate the one side, which will fall on fiberglass. In this way, the spar is covered with cottage, laid on it rake with dimensions of 3100x90x40 mm. Between the rail and the Stapel Clamps located at a distance of 250 mm from each other, along the entire length of the rail, they produce a compression of a dialed packet, while its thickness is equal to the upper edges of the installation plates. Surplus resin must be removed before it is hardening.

The billet of the spar is removed from the stapel after 2-3 days and is processed to the width of 70 mm in the profile part, 90 mm - in the comleva, as well as the length between the ends - 3100 mm. The required requirement that should be observed at this stage is to ensure the rectinity of the surface of the spar, which forms the front edge of the blade in the process of further profiling. The surface to which ribs and foam aggregate will be glued, should also be quite straightforward. It is necessary to process it with a plane and necessarily with a knife of solid alloys or in the extreme case of ribbed files. All four longitudinal surfaces of the billet of the spar must be mutually perpendicular.

Preliminary profiling

The markup of the workpiece of the spar is produced so. It is put on the stapel and on the end end, the front and rear planes are caused by lines, sanding from the surface of the stapel at a distance of 8 mm (~ UN MAX). At the end end, in addition, it is drawn up using a template (Fig. 4) full profile of the blade on a scale of 1: 1. Of particular accuracy in the manufacture of this auxiliary template is not required. From the outside of the template, the chord is applied to the chord line and on it at the profile sock and at a distance of 65 mm from it, two holes with a diameter of 6 mm are drilled. Looking through the holes, combine the chording line of the template with a line spent on the end of the spar to apply a line that determines the profiling boundary. In order to avoid shifts, the template is attached to the end of thin nails, which are drilled in it arbitrarily located by their diameter of the hole.

Processing spars by profile produced by a simple ruble (coarse) and a flat driving file. In the longitudinal direction it is controlled by a ruler. Having completed processing, stick the ribs to the back surface of the spar. The accuracy of their installation is ensured by the fact that in the course of manufacture they are applied by a chord line, which is aligned with the chord line caused on the back plane of the billet of the spar, as well as the visual test of the rectinity of their location relative to the auxiliary template. It is fixed again for this purpose to the terminal end. Rights are located at a distance of 250 mm from each other, and the first is set at the very beginning of the side member profile or at a distance of 650 mm from the end of the comluge part.

Assembly and processing blades

After hardening the resin between the ribs, the plates of the foam, corresponding to the profile of the rear of the blade, are pasted, according to the protruding ends, the ribs make rods in the rake forming the rear edge. The latter is glued on

resin to ribs and plate plates.

Next, produce rough processing of foam plates, the curvature of which is adjusted under the curvature of the rib, and also remove excess wood from the rail to form the back edge with some allowance for subsequent accurate processing along the main pattern (Fig. 5).

The bulk of the template is made first with the allowance, 0.2 - 0.25 mm on the magnitude of the HC and UNO, indicated in the template, to get a smaller profile than the final, size of fiberglass.

When processing the blade using the main template, its lower surface is taken over the base. For this purpose, it is selected by the lectal line the straightness of it forming it at a distance xn \u003d 71.8 mm, where UN \u003d 8.1 mm. The straightness can be considered sufficient if in the middle of the line in length in 1 m there is no more than 0.2 mm.

Then to the long sides of a well-corrected duralumin plate with dimensions of 500x226x6 mm are fastened with guides of solid wood or duralumin height of 8.1 mm. The distance between them for the upper half of the main template should be equal to the width of the blade, or 180 mm. The latter laid on the Raspel on 3-4 lining, the thickness of which is equal to the thickness of the plate of the device, and pressed the clamps. Due to this, the distilled plate can move between the stapel and the lower surface of the blade along the entire length in the straight plane, which is ensured by the constancy of the blade and the correspondence of its surface to the specified profile.

The top surface of the blade can be considered processed if the upper half of the template moves along its entire length without a gap of the profile and in the places of contact of the template with the guides. The lower surface of the blades is checked by a fully assembled pattern, both half of which are rigidly connected together. The upper and lower surfaces are shaped with the help of drickeling files with coarse and medium notch, and the depressions and irregularities close up on the pattern with the ED-5 resin, mixed with wood flour, and again flowed across the template.

Blowing blades

The next operation is pastypes of profile and comuted parts of the blades of fiberglass with a thickness of 0.1 mm in two layers on the resin ED-5. Each layer is a solid fiberglass tape, which is superimposed with its middle on the front edge of the blade. The main requirement that needs to be observed is the surplus of the resin after the fabric is well soaked, should be carefully squeezed using a wooden ironing in the transverse direction from the front edge to the rear, so that air bubbles are not formed under the tissue. The fabric will not be sent anywhere or wrinkle to avoid unnecessary thickening.

After saving the blades, they are cleaned with sandpaper, and the rear edges are adjusted to thickness close to the final one. Check also a spar sock profile. While this is done using a basic template with some allowances, as mentioned above, to make sure the quality profiling of the upper and lower surfaces.

The main pattern is adjusted to the desired size and it is used to produce a final fit of the profile using the spit, and the bottom surface of the blade is taken as the basis, for which it is again checked by the rectinity of it for an xn \u003d 71.8 mm from the sock. After convincing its straightness, the blade is put on the shell of the lower surface down on the lining with a height of 42 mm (this value is a rounded difference between the height of the lower half of the template and un \u003d 8.1 mm). One of the linings falls under the climate of a climate, which in this place is pressed against the clamp, the rest along the blades at arbitrary distances from each other. After that, the upper surface of the blade is washed with acetone or solvent and is covered along the entire length of the thin layer of the apparatus of ED-5 resin and the dental powder so that it is easily distributed on the surface and did not flow through the curvature of the profile (consistency of thick sour cream). The firmly fastened main pattern is slowly and evenly moving along the blade of the headset for the movement so that its edge relies on the horizontal surface of the stake all the time. Removing an excessive plaque on the convex places of the profile and leaving the necessary amount of its in the depressions, the template provides the profile convection. If it turns out that the depressions in some places were not filled, then this operation is repeated after applying a thicker putty layer on them. Excessive putty should be periodically removed when it starts hanging from the front and rear edges of the blade.

When performing this operation, it is important to move the pattern without distortion and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the blade, moving it non-stop to avoid the irregularities of the surface of the blade. By giving the shplanovka to achieve complete hardness and smoothding it slightly sandpaper, the operation of the final replacement is repeated on the bottom surface, using the linings with a height of 37 mm.

Finishing blades

By making the blades, they are treated with sandy paper of medium grain, paying particular attention to the formation of the profile sock, washed with acetone or solvent and coated with soil No. 138, except for the trimmer fastening site (Fig. 6). Then all irregularities close up with a nitro -pacelate, following the profiled surfaces, unnecessary thickens are not formed.

The final finishing works, consisting in cautiously removing the water-resistant sandpaper of different grain of excessive splocks, is carried out by coating with the promotion of a closed pattern along the surfaces of the blade without excess pitching and gaps (no more than 0.1 mm).

After the blades of the blades fiberglass with a thickness of 0.1 mm and to their coating with a ground on a closet of the blades on top and bottom on the resin, the ED-5 glued plates from oak or ash with dimensions of 400x90x6 mm, which are constrained so that the blades have acquired the installation angle, prisonered between chord and Horizontal plane and equal to 3 °. It is checked with a simple template (Fig. 7) with respect to the front surface of the comula, as well as controlling the parallelism of the surfaces of the surfaces below and on top of the comula.

This ends the formation of a comula blade, and it is placed in a glass desire of 0.3 mm on the resin ED-5 to give the blade of hermetic. The finished blade, except for a comula, is painted nitroemal and polished.

Tips regarding the definition of the actual position of the center of gravity of the blades, read their balancing and pairing with the sleeve in the following log rooms.

Assembly and adjustment

In the previous issue of the magazine, the technological process of manufacturing the blades of the carrier screw of the autogyr was described.

The next step is the balancing of chord blades, the assembly and balancing of the carrying screw along the radius of the blades. The smoothness of the carrying screw operation depends on the accuracy of the latter, otherwise increased unwanted vibrations will occur. Therefore, it is necessary to take it very seriously to the assembly - do not rush, do not start work until all the necessary tools, fixtures are selected and is not prepared. When balancing and assembling, it is necessary to constantly monitor your actions - it is better to measure seven times than once to fall at least with a low height.

The process of balancing chord blades in this case is reduced to defining the position of the center of gravity of the blade element.

The main goal that causes the need to balancing the blade in chord is to reduce the tendency to the emergence of flutter type oscillations. Although the described machine, the emergence of these oscillations is unlikely, however, it is necessary to remember them, and with adjustment, all efforts should be made so that CT blades are within 20 - 24% chord from the spout of the profile. The profile of the NACA-23012 blade has a very small movement of the pressure center (CD - the application point of all the aerodynamic forces acting on the blade in flight), which is in the same limits as CT. This allows you to combine the TsT lines and CD, which practically means the absence of a pair of forces causing the blade of the carrier screw.

The proposed blade design provides the required position of the CT and CD, subject to the manufacture of them strictly according to the drawing. But even with the most thorough selection of materials, compliance with the technology, weight discrepancy may occur, in connection with which balancing works are performed.

It is possible to determine (with some permissible errors) the position of the CG of the blade made by performing blades with the intake at the ends of 50- 100 mm. After final filing, the allowance is cut off, the blade is made on the blade, and the cut element is attached to the balancing.

1 - corner limiter (D16T); 2 - axis of the carrier screw (30HGSA); 3 - lower sleeve plate (D16T, S6); 4 - Farm bushings (D16T); 5 - axis of the main hinge (30khgs); 6 - sleeve (bronze tinzy); 7 - Puck Ø20 - 10, 5 - 0.2 (steel 45); 8 - Bearing hull (D16T); 9 - a hole for a pin; 10 - Cover Case Bearing. (D16T); 11 - crown nut M18; 12 - washer Ø26 - 18, 5 - 2 (steel 20); 13 - screw fastening M4 cover; 14 - Radial-stubborn bearing; 15 - radial-spherical bearing No. 61204; 16 - bolt fastening blades (30xgs); 17 - padding pad (S3, 30HGSA); 18 - Puck Ø14 - 10 - 1.5 (steel 20); 19 - self-docking nut M10; 20 - screw M8; 21 - buck (Ø61, L \u003d 200, D16T); 22 - pylon (pipe Ø65 × 2, L \u003d 1375, Lipa)

On the trothed, horizontally located prism is the blade element (Fig. 1). His plane of the chord section should be strictly perpendicular to the edge of the prism. The movement of the element of the blade along the chord is achieved by its equilibrium and measure the distance on the profile toe to the edge of the prism. This distance should be 20 - 24% of the chord length. If the CT will be released for this maximum limit, on the nose of the profile in the end of the blade it will be necessary to hang the anti-collaborate cargo of this weight so that the CT is shifted forward to the required value.

Colley blades are reinforced with overlays, which are steel plates with a thickness of 3 mm (Fig. 2). They are attached to the Komble blade with pistons with a diameter of 8 mm and ripples wise on any glue: BF-2, PU-2, ED-5 or ED-6. Before installing linings, Kollych blade is preparing coarse sandpaper, and the pad itself is processed by sandblasting. The glued surfaces of the details, that is, a kolly of blades, lining, holes for the pistons and the pistons themselves, degrease and carefully lubricate with glue. Then shrink the pistons and put ripples (4 pieces per lining). After this operation, the blades are ready for the markup to install them on the sleeve.

The carrying screw of the Aircraft (Fig. 3) consists of two blades, sleeves, the screw axis with rolling bearings, the housing housing of the horizontal hinge and the angle of the bearing axis of the carrier screw.

The sleeve consists of two parts: the P-shaped farm and the bottom plate (Fig. 4). The farm is advisable to do from forgings. In the manufacture of it from the rental, it is necessary to pay special attention to ensuring that the rolling direction is necessarily parallel to the longitudinal axis of the farm. The same rolled rolling should be on the lower plate, which is made from the sheet of duralumin of the brand D16t with a thickness of 6 mm.

Farm processing is carried out on the operation in the following order: First, the workpiece is obtained, leaving the allowance of 1.5 mm per side, then the farm is subjected to heat treatment (hardening and aging), after which the final milling is performed according to the drawing (see Fig. 4). Then the shabra and sandpaper on the farm are withdrawn all transverse risks and a longitudinal bar is applied.

The axis (Fig. 5) is attached to peil on two mutually perpendicular axes, which allow it to deviate from the vertical to the specified angles.

Two rolling bearings are planned on the top of the axis: the bottom -radial number 61204, the upper -radial-resistant-resistant No. 36204. Bearings are enclosed in the housing (Fig. 6), which is perceived by its lower inner side in flight the entire load from the weight of the autogyry. In the manufacture of the case, it is necessary to pay special attention to the processing of the pairing of the side with the cylindrical part. Subsuits and risks at the place of conjugation are unacceptable. In the upper part, the bearing hull has two ears in which bronze sleeves are pressed. Holes in the sleeves are processed by rash after their pressing. The axis of the sleeves should pass through the axis of the rotation of the body strictly perpendicular to it. Through the holes in the ears of the bearing housing and the sleeves, which are pressed in the farm's cheeks, the bolt passes (Fig. 7), which is a horizontal hinge of the carrier screw of the autogyre, relative to the axis of which the blades make bats.

The angle of deviation of the axis and, accordingly, the change in the position of the rotation plane of the disk is limited to the plate fixed on the pylon (Fig. 8). This plate does not allow to deviate the carrying screw over the permissible angles that ensure the controllability of the Pitch and Krenu.

B. Barkovsky, Y. Rysyuk

How to make autogyro do it yourself? This question was most likely asked those people who love or want to fly. It is worth noting that, perhaps, not everything heard about this device, as it is not too common. They were widely used only until helicopters were invented in the form in which they are now. From the moment of the exit to the sky, such models of aircraft guns immediately lost their relevance.

How to build autogyro do it yourself? Blueprints

Create such an aircraft will not be much difficult for someone who is fond of technical creativity. Special tools or expensive building materials will also not be needed. The place that will have to highlight on the assembly, minimal. It is worth adding to immediately that the assembly of autogyry will save with their own hands, as the purchase of a factory sample will require tremendous financial costs. Before proceeding to the process of modeling this device, you need to take care of the availability of all tools and materials at hand. The second step is to create a drawing, without which it is not possible to assemble the standing design.

Basic design

Immediately it is worth saying that it is quite simple to build an autogyro, if it is a glider. With the rest of the models will be somewhat more complicated.

So, to start work, it will be necessary to have three duralumin power elements among materials. One of them will serve as a keel structure, the second play the role of the axial beam, and the third will serve as a mast. You can immediately attach a controlled nasal wheel, which should be equipped with a brake device. The ends of the axial power element must also be equipped with wheels. You can use small parts from the scooter. Important moment: if with your own hands, the autogyro is going to fly for a boat on a tug, then the wheels are replaced with controlled floats.

Farm Installation

Another of the main elements is a farm. This item is also mounted at the front end of the keel beam. This device is a triangular design that grips from three duralumin corners, and then amplified by sheet linings. The purpose of this design is a towing hook. The device of the autogyry with its own hands with the presence of a farm should be done so that the pilot pulling over the cord could be pulled off at any time from the towing cable. In addition, the farm is necessary in order for it to install the simplest air navigation devices. These include a flight tracking device, as well as a lateral demolition mechanism.

Another main element is the installation of a pedal node that is installed directly under the farm. This part should have a cable liner to the aircraft driving.

Frame for aggregate

When assembling Avgir, it is very important to pay due attention to his frame.

As stated earlier, it will take three duralumin pipes. These parts should have a cross section of 50x50 mm, and the thickness of the pipe walls should be 3 mm. Similar items are often used when mounting windows or doors. Since it will be necessary to drill holes in these pipes, it is necessary to remember the important rule: when working, the drill should not damage the inner wall of the element, it should only touch it and no more. If we talk about the choice of diameter, then it must be selected so that the bolt of the MB type can go as close as possible into the resulting hole.

Another important remark. When drawing up the drawing of the autogyry, you need to take into account one nuance. When assembling the machine, the mast must be rejected slightly backwards. The angle of inclination of this part is approximately 9 degrees. When drawing up the drawing, this moment should be considered to not forget. The main purpose of this action is to create an angle of attacking the loudspeakers of the autogyr to 9 degrees even when it just stands on Earth.


Assembly of the Rama Rama, with their own hands, continues to secure the axial beam. She is attached to Kil across. To reliably fasten one base element, it is necessary to use 4 MB bolts, as well as add finished nuts to them. In addition to this attachment, you need to create additional stiffness of the structure. To do this, use four disclosures that connect two parts. The disclosures must be made of steel corner. At the ends of the axial beam, as mentioned earlier, it is necessary to fix the wheel axes. To do this, you can use pair clip.

The next step in the assembly of the autogyry will be the manufacture of the frame and the back of the seat. In order to assemble this small design, it is also best to use duralumin pipes. For assembly, the frames are perfectly suitable for details from children's clamshells or wheelchairs. For fastening the frame of the seat, two duralumin corners with dimensions of 25x25 mm are used, and it is attached to the mast with a bracket made from a steel corner of 30x30 mm.

Checking Avgilla

After the frame is ready, the seat is collected and attached, the farm is ready, navigation devices and the rest of the important elements of the autogyre are installed, it is necessary to check how the finished design works. It is necessary to do this before the rotor will be installed and developed. Important note: Checking the performance of the aircraft is necessary on the platform from which further flights are planned.