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How to distinguish the silicone vacuum cleaner hose from the usual. How to distinguish silicone hose from PVC. In the chemical industry

In everyday life you often have to use hoses. They are used in aquariums to enrich water oxygen, for watering garden and country areas, in food production, such as winemaking and moonshine. Such products are divided into two groups: silicone hose and pvc hose. And if in many situations the material from which the tubes are made is not fundamental, then when making food, the quality of the hose is of great importance.

PVC Hose Features

Polyvinyl chloride tubes are often used in domestic and production purposes. Their main advantage is low cost. However, in the desire to save consumer often forgets the properties of this material.

Yes, it is resistant to many aggressive media, such as gasoline, hydrochloric and nitric acids, but only until their temperature rises above 60 degrees. When heated, the PVC hose begins to burn and allocate poisonous substances for a person - dioxides.

Therefore, the use of PVC products is allowed only in cases where their heating is not supposed.

Advantages of silicone hose

This type of product easily tolerates high temperatures without entering chemical interaction with products and media that are inside them. Among the advantages of silicone products should be noted features such as:

  • Non-toxicity, complete safety for humans and animals. Food silicone is a compound of oxygen and silicon, which does not carry any danger or threat to health.
  • Elevated strength and wear-resistant characteristics.
  • Resistance to any mechanical exposure - bending, squeezing, compressing. Taking the necessary form to the user, the material retains its qualities.
  • The ability to withstand low and high temperatures (from -60 to +250 degrees) without loss of properties.
  • Anti-adhesion. The inner walls do not attract the decay products, due to which the diameter of the tube does not occur.
  • Ease of operation and storage. These products are easily twisted, occupying a minimum of space, well stretched, taking the original shape.
  • Long service life.

The only drawback of silicone is its higher price. Therefore, choosing a silicone hose or PVC, the consumer may place priorities for himself, giving preference to saving or quality of the product.

How to distinguish silicone from PVC

It often happens that the manufacturer deceives consumers by issuing Silicon for PVC. Therefore, before you go for the purchase, you should know how to distinguish the Silicone Hose from PVC. There are several ways to do it:

These techniques will allow you to easily determine what the store offers you - the PVC Hose or Silicone. And what to choose is the personal matter of everyone.

In order to make a high-quality moonshine, you must have a number of devices and devices. The list includes the moonshine apparatus itself, equipped with a distillation column, a drill and a distillation cube, as well as some additional means - a thermometer, an alcoholometer, fermentation vessel. In the device itself, a very important factor is the tightness, reliability of joints and connections. Experienced moonshoes recommend using silicone hoses for the moonshine.

Many newcomers do not attach importance to what connective tubes are made, and in vain. Subsequently, such a factor turns out to be important, as it affects the quality of the moonshine and the durability of the structure, but the most important thing is to safely. Hoses should not change the diameter or shape under the action of temperature and, of course, melt.

Silicone hoses of different diameter

On sale you can meet two types of hoses made of polymer material - this is silicone and from polyvinyl chloride. The latter is two times cheaper, but is distinguished by low operation characteristics. The hose for the silicone moonshine apparatus has several advantages:

  • First of all, it is a wear resistance. Silicone has durability. It can be repeated repeatedly, and the quality does not deteriorate over time. It is recommended to apply it, provided that the device will be operated from time to time, in this case the hoses must withstand the maximum impact.
  • It has high resistance to temperature drops. It can be used at a temperature of from 60 to 300 degrees Celsius, which is quite enough for the distillation of the mogon.
  • Silicone has high resistance to chemical compounds, even to very aggressive. The separation of such compounds is accompanied by distillation of the Braga, especially at the moment when "heads" and "tails" are selected from the initial product.
  • Anti-adhesion characteristics. This parameter is especially important when it comes to food. And represents the following: the possibility of particles stick to the surface. Silicone hoses are easily cleaned than prevent product accumulation and disruption of the intensity of the removal and supply of liquids.
  • Bioerity. This quality helps to get a moonshine without sudden smells or any additional tastes that appear when using rubber tubes or equipment from PVC. Silicone does not enter chemical reactions, for which is actively used in medical devices.
  • Silicone is highly elastic, it makes it possible to connect different elements among themselves, while not disturbing the permeability. In addition, thanks to this factor, the products can be used repeatedly without the risk of change in the form.
  • During the period of use and outside its silicone does not have a specific smell, which makes it possible much wider.
  • The functionality of the hose does not change in mechanical exposure.
  • It does not support the development of fungus.
  • It has a convenient way of fastening, standard sections and characteristics, which allows you to buy the desired number of hose and conveniently secure it.

All these combined characteristics give a long period of use, and low cost (at least weak higher than in PVC) makes them most rational for use in the moonshine.

Often when buying hoses on the market or in a small shop, the seller himself does not know what exactly it sells. In some cases, people are also trying to deceive and sell them instead of a polyvinyl chloride silicone, therefore it is very important to at least approximately represent than these two material differed in each other.

Methods of differences are usually uncomplicated, you can check on the spot. First of all, appreciate the softness of the material - silicone is well compressed and restored after the mechanical exposure is completed. If the seller agrees to cut off a small piece of the hose and it will be possible to set fire to it, it is worth paying attention to the fact that silicone does not support burning, unlike PVC, which smokes black and highlights characteristic odors.

How to choose a silicone tube?

Currently, the range of diameters of the silicone tubes, which the industry offers, is very large - from 2 to 50 millimeters. Usually for the moonshine, the hoses are chosen with a diameter of 5, 6, or 8 millimeters and a thickness of 1.5-2 millimeters. Depending on the design, dimensions may vary, but usually their choice is not difficult.

You can buy such tubes in a specialized store or via the Internet. Moreover, in the latter case, together with the hoses, you can also buy other parts of the device. Such tubes are best used in sites between the source of cold water, the distillation column and others, in particular, between the distillation cube and the distiller.

Of course, no one guarantees that silicone tubes will be excellent quality. But as a rule, shops are trying to choose reliable suppliers. If you buy a hose in a specialized store, then its quality is most likely to meet GOST.

Installing silicone hoses

It is very important to securely secure all the compounds of silicone tubes. In this case, the tightness of the installation should be maximum. It is very convenient to use a sanitary wagon, its diameter must correspond to the inner diameter of the hose. It is installed inside a small opening, which is drilled in the lid of the distillation cube. After installation, the Sgon is tightened from the outside using the nut. For reliability, it is recommended to use a rubber gasket in places to connect or, even better, silicone sealant.

If you additionally fasten the hose with a clamp, then it will be kept stronger, as it will protect the system from depressurization when the tube expansion is due to the increase in temperature.

Mounting silicone hoses simply, and if necessary, they can be easily replaced by new as opposed to copper. In addition, they occupy a much less place when storing and transporting.

How to clean silicone hoses?

According to general principles, silicone tubes, like others, require cleaning after each distillation process. Despite the extensive number of silicone advantages, the remains of the product can accumulate in the tubes, which will cause extraneous odors during re-distillation.

Most often enough washing with running water, but sometimes special rams may need. After washing the hoses must be dried. In addition, hoses that are noticeable wear, should be replaced at all.

If there are doubts about buying - silicone tubes for the moonshine or still cheaper analogs from polyvinyl chloride, it is worth analyzing possible losses. Such savings can cause damage to the hoses spoiled to taste a drink, a possible leakage of the product and, as a result, to ignition. Therefore, such a choice does not make sense.

Silicone is a representative of polymers, refers to the group of elastomers. The physical characteristics that this material possesses allow it to be applied in situations and experimental conditions.


Silicone hose is produced for many industries and is widely used in various fields. Silicone hoses are used as seven-wires, milk pipelines, oil carriers, for feeding of peephyhiricates, for irrigation, splashing on the fields of liquid organic fertilizers, for cleaning manure and for many other purposes. With their manufacture, all the necessary requirements and loads, which they must comply with according to established standards and standards. To give products a certain rigidity, thanks to which the form is kept, they are reinforced. Such a hose is a flexible design of plasticized PVC or from silicone or polyurethane, an uniformly shock-resistant spiral from hard polychlorvinyl.

A bit of history

Silicone hose was originally developed exclusively for use in the technical sphere. But gradually he also began to be used in the field of food transportation. Products made from this material have been widely used due to a number of certain qualities with which they possess.

The first and, perhaps, its mainstream is to use in cases where ordinary elastomers cannot be applied. Silicone hose is quality and reliability, so it is in a wide demand in extreme conditions and unconventional situations.

Temperature mode

This product withstands a fairly wide range of absolutely different temperatures - from minus 60 ° C to plus 300 ° C. In addition, the silicone hose is highly resistant to sea and fresh water, as well as to salts, alcohols, phenols, oils, alkalis and acid solutions and other aggressive environments.


The suction hose can be used where there is an influence of electric fields, active UV radiation. An important quality of the material from which such products are manufactured is that even when the surface layer burns on the hose itself (SiO2), due to which electrical insulation is provided. Another significant advantage is that the silicone hose is non-toxic and has physiological inertness. Regardless of temperature, its properties will remain unchanged. This product, with all its advantages, will retain its strength, elasticity and durability.

Silicone hoses in the Russian market

Every year, this material only improves its qualities, becomes more popular and affordable in the price category for even more consumers. Many Russian enterprises for the production of silicone hoses are fully capable of competing with foreign suppliers.

To the process of manufacturing strong alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to prepare thoroughly. From accessories, without which it is impossible to cook moonshine, there must be a moonshine apparatus, a distillation column, an armor and a number of other devices, including connecting hoses. They are needed to exit the finished product, the supply of water, removal and passing the steam, as well as the organization of other processes necessary for the preparation of a drink in all the rules.

Those who are going for the first time to prepare moonshine may think that the connecting hoses play a minor role. However, the type, reliability and type of material can be in a large extent to affect the taste characteristics, the fortress and the quality of the beverage. Experienced moonshoes use systems with silicone tubes, and not cheap analogs from PVC.

Advantages of silicone

What is better to choose: silicone elements or products from PVC, which are more affordable by price. The cost should not become a key factor in the manufacture of moonshine. After all, not any polyvinyl chloride can have long to withstand the effect of aggressive chemical compounds, high temperatures and other factors that occur during moonshine.

It is not necessary to exclude the risk that during the preparation of drinks, the tubes will be destroyed at the most inappropriate moment, and as a result of exposure to high temperatures, the hazardous substances contained in the material will fall into the preparating product.

The advantages of silicone hoses:

Purchase all of the above advantages of silicone tubes were able to thanks to the special manufacturing technology.

The basis for this material is special silicone compounds, which, when adding other compounds and exposure to the temperature, as well as at the expense of chemical reactions and certain manipulations, are converted into ready-made silicone surfaces.

The technology used is one of the most modern. Therefore, silicone has all the necessary properties for widespread, efficient and safe use in various fields:

  • in the food industry
  • medicine
  • everyday life
  • wherever it is required to provide a reliable and secure connection.

Features of choice

To date, manufacturers offer many variants of silicone hoses, differing from each other with a working diameter. With regard to the moonshine construction, tubes 5, 6, 8 mm and a wall thickness of 1.5-2 mm are usually used. To determine the exact dimensions of the tubes, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the system, but in most cases there are enough products with the above dimensions.

Purchase place

Today, not only specialized trading points are engaged in selling silicone hoses, but many online shopping, offering favorable delivery terms. In the network you can find a lot of resources, where everyone can order the necessary components, including a serpent, and along with them the main equipment, as well as a number of auxiliary devices. Silicone tubes are best suited for connecting sections between the distillation column, the source of cold water and other devices.

Special attention must be paid to the manufacturer of the product, as this can strongly affect the quality of the hose. But problems with this arise very rarely, since most companies offer proven products that satisfies all the requirements for it.

How to distinguish silicone

Unfortunately, to understand in appearance, whether the proposed product is a hose from silicone or PVC, the usual consumer is very difficult. But there are proven ways to find out whether the product is silicone.

To do this, it is necessary to bring the source of fire to the edge of the tube and watch what the smoke will be. If he has an unpleasant caustic smell and black, then most likely it is a fake. The original hose from silicone smoke will be light, and the burning of the material is necessarily accompanied by the formation of white ash.

By this reception you can use if you decide to buy a hose on the market. But in the case of acquiring silicone tubes in a specialized store, a medical laboratory to resort to this method. You do not have to. In such places, all products complies with the requirements of the GOST, and therefore there is no reason to doubt its authenticity.

Rules for cleaning

Each cycle of the moonshine boiling must be completed by cleaning the connecting pipes. Although it is known that silicone does not absorb odors and does not support the reaction with other compounds, it is impossible to exclude the likelihood of extraneous odors that may arise due to distillation residues.

To effectively delete them, you can use special rods. However, in most cases, it is enough just to rinse the tubes with flowing water. After removing foreign substances, you need to give hoses to dry, it should be suspended for this. When serious signs of wear are detected, which can be determined by changing the color and deterioration of elasticity, do not further continue using such tubes.

If the above facts did not fully convince you that silicone tubes are more preferable than PVC hoses, think about possible damage that may arise due to the use of a conventional connecting device. In this case, you are waiting for the following:

  • Spoiled drink taste;
  • The need to stop the distillation process due to the violation of the connection of the element, damage.

Also remember that you will have to spend money on the purchase of a new connecting hose.. If the leakage will occur directly during the boiling of the moonshine, then you are also deprived of a certain amount of alcohol.

The referee process must be approaches responsibly. Even such an insignificant part, as incorrectly selected connecting tubes can seriously affect the quality of the drink. Despite the fact that this element can be viewed as an object for savings, experienced moonshoes are not recommended to acquire budget versions for the moonshine system.

In the case of their sudden failure not only worsen the taste of alcohol. In addition, you will have to spend additional funds for the purchase of a new connecting element, not to mention the fact that you will be forced to interrupt the process of making alcohol to purchase a connection interconnection and restore the system's performance.

ATTENTION, only today!

Indeed, at first glance, the difference in polymeric materials used for the production of hoses is very difficult to find. Externally, they look like the same. And in the process of operation, PVC can show all its drawbacks. With a strong heating, this material will change shape, stretching. Under the prolonged exposure to heat, the surface will begin to collapse, highlighting harmful substances that worsen the taste quality of the drink.

The best option would be to buy a silicone hose in specialized stores that sell medical and laboratory techniques, as well as components for them. But such businesses are far from everywhere, therefore, this product is searched for in building materials stores.

You can, of course, ask the seller, from which material hoses, but they sometimes do not know exactly, so they can deceive, without suspecting. Usually, silicone tubes are twice as expensive, but the price is not an indicator in our time. However, there are two simple methods that can be understood from which the hose is made without departing from the fit:

Features of burning

If it is appropriate, you can ask the seller to check the material as follows. Ask for it to cut a small ring from the hose or just a piece. Put it on a non-combustible surface and adjust, using a lighter or match. PVC will inflame cheerfully, in the process of burning it will smoke with black smoke and allocate the opposite smell. Silicone, on the contrary, will not burn with a flame, and a solid whitening crust will be formed on its surface.

Tactile sensations

Here it is better to compare two samples at once to understand the difference. The PVC surface is dense, the wall of the tube cannot be squeezed with his fingers so that its thickness decreased. Silicone hose softer and pliable. It will fade between the fingers, it is easier to fold it and even crumble. Release it, and it will make the original form.


Silicone? Ideal material for obtaining a high-quality moonshine at home. Thanks to the use of environmentally friendly polymers, silicone products do not smell, do not contain toxic

Important characteristics of silicone products:

  • Increased strength.
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Hypoallergenicity.
  • The ability to maintain initial properties in the temperature range from -60 ° C to + 300 ° C.
  • Resistance to organic and artificial chemical compounds, due to which silicone tubes (hoses) do not affect the taste, color, the smell of distillation products.
  • Long service life, exceeding the operational indicators of products from other materials at times.

Silicone hoses for the moonshine apparatus, unlike adapters from other materials during distillation, can be used multipoint. Plus, they provide a reliable connection of the functional nodes of the distiller, since the fittings are fitted tightly and do not fall from them when the temperature is raised inside the system.

With a detailed analysis, it is possible to distinguish such preferential characteristics of silicone hoses:

  • High resistance to aggressive chemical compounds present in Brage, alcohol pairs, moonshine.
  • No smell even when heated.
  • Resistance to mechanical influences (squeezing, bending).
  • Immunity to the microornel (fungi, bacteria).
  • Bioerity. The taste characteristics of the moonshine are as important as safety for the human body and the Fortress of the drink. The temperature differences, substances contained in brage and alcohol pairs, other factors can change the structure of the material. As a result, chemical elements (compounds) can enter the distillation substrate, the presence of which in the moonshine is undesirable. In the case of the use of silicone hoses, this will not happen, as Silicone? The material is bioorent and to the reaction with aggressive media does not enter.
  • Low adhesive ability. This is a very important indicator for the processes of preparation of products (beverages), since the particles accumulating on the walls of the tube make it difficult to progressive movement of steam or fluid. PVC metal adapter tubes in repeated use are clogged, which significantly reduces the intensity of the fluid movement on the system. Flip on the inner walls of the moonshine hoses, among other things, it worsens the quality of the Mogon distillation obtained during the distillation process. In addition, the anti-adhesive properties of silicone hoses facilitate equipment care.
  • Silicone hoses are elastic. When equipped on a rigid base, the material is slightly stretched, which makes it possible to connect separate elements of the distiller to each other without damage to the passability. Due to its excellent elasticity, the shape of silicone hoses does not change in the process of repeated use, since with any deformations, silicone always acquires an initial configuration.

The advantages of using silicone hoses in moonshine can be attributed to the fact that they produce similar products in a wide range. Depending on the specific requirements, the design features of the distillator, you can purchase hoses of the desired size and color, with a different inner cross section, of different thicknesses, etc. The cost of silicone products is relatively high, but given their numerous advantages, fully justified.

Santekhkomplekt for moonshine

On the Internet offer plumbing kits for moonshine. Designed for the convenience of work and provide high-quality driving. Designed under the half of the half-mums, which are standard for many Ca models.


In the configuration, as a rule:

  • cold and hot water hoses (10 meters) from polyurethane;
  • needle crane for fine tuning water supply to the refrigerator;
  • a tee having a sleeve for a thermometer;
  • brass thermometer sleeve;
  • quick-consuming tee for the separation of water flow;
  • quick-release connectors (dad / mom);


The main task of such a kit is the exact adjustment of the supply and removal of water to cool the distillate for the sake of obtaining high-quality elite homemade alcohol with excellent taste, without harmful impurities.

Prepare and use natural and useful homemade spirits. Share the received information with friends in social networks.

What are the connecting elements?

Today, transformers are popular, that is, from some, conventionally call them - spare parts, you can collect and distiller-return, and a distillation column.

And so that all this worked, it is necessary to ensure reliable tightness of each compound, and there can be up to dozen there. Therefore, the connecting elements are used:

  • clamps are fast-breasted fittings of a simple design with silicone filler or gaskets. In Russia are not issued, they come to us from Europe or Asia (China);
  • flanges - Cuba Connections and Sports on Stiletto and Nutty Bashes. Also not effective without silicone or rubber pads;
  • welded connections (stainless or metal tubes). Their disadvantage - in the inability to rinse the system to well after distillation. And the remains of the splashes affect negatively on subsequent distilts;
  • silicone hoses can be the entire system of connecting canopies and a distillation cube. Especially involved in the independent manufacture of drunks / bubblers and refrigerators.

How to pick up

Since silicone, and stainless steel have many subspecies, not enough to know the name of the material. In addition, the hoses must correspond to the parameters of the moonshine. Therefore, choosing a product, it is worth following a number of criteria having a priority value:

  • Marking. You can use only food varieties, but they are divided into several categories, so it is necessary to clarify the seller, whether the selected view of ethanol and elevated temperature is resistant.
  • Inner diameter. Although the pipes and hoses are sold in terms of external diameter indicators, it is the internal order that must correspond to the power of the system. Too narrow will lead to elevated pressure, as a result deteriorate distillate, with too low the unit will also work badly, in the "half-head" mode.
  • Wall thickness. It depends on the operational resource of the hoses, too subtle it is not worth it - they will be unfastened faster, but also there is no need to overpay, the range from 1.5 to 2 mm is the most chassis.
  • Total length. It is better to take with a slight margin, especially if you plan to install threaded compounds with a cape nut.

Important! Since PVC hoses that cannot be used for the aircraft vehicles are very similar to silicone, so as not to get to be asked, ask the seller whether it is possible to set fire to the edges. PVC during combustion highlights significantly more smoke and "plastic" odor, silicone burns with a white-gray smoke and leaves behind white ashes .. Modern polymer materials are distinguished by a huge assortment and make it possible to highlight the moonshine of both steam and water pipelines for reasonable money.

Modern polymer materials are distinguished by a huge assortment and make it possible to qualitatively equip the moonshine apparatus both vapor and water pipelines for moderate money.

But you should not lose vigilance, only "food" varieties can be used in contact with alcohol-containing substances.

Almost all of the suitable materials are silicone modifications, but if you want greater reliability and durability, you can always attend and equip the unit with food stainless steel tubes.

Positive sides of silicone

Consider the main advantages of silicone hoses:

  • The wear resistance of this material is relatively high. The quality of such hoses does not deteriorate even after repeated use.
  • Thermal resistance of the material allows you to withstand substantial temperature differences.
  • The tubes are quite resistant to the effects of various aggressive chemical compounds that are allocated in the manufacture of alcohol. Silicone does not react with present connections.
  • Anti-adhesive properties are important for moonshine processes because there is always the likelihood of sticking to the walls and accumulation of various particles. When the tubes are clogged, the intensity of the removal and the flow of water can also decrease. This often determines the poor quality of the cooling system. All dirt is easily washed from silicone tubes. There is no need to interrupt the distillation process to clean the closed connecting element.
  • The price of silicone tubes is acceptable, if compared, for example, with copper products.
  • The duration of service life is much larger than the rubber elements.
  • The method of fastening is very convenient because silicone? This is an elastic material.
  • The structure of the material does not contribute to the development of fungus.
  • Silicone tubes can be used together with fittings of various diameters and other connecting elements.
  • Relative mechanical stability allows you to bend the hose by any convenient way, not at the same time damage it.
  • With prolonged use in such hoses, a foreign smell will appear.
  • The elasticity of silicone allows you to collect a moonshine device without prejudice to the patency in the connection places.

On the advantages

If any moonshner becomes used rubber tubes as adapters, then make sure The disgusting quality of the obtained homemade alcohol. The taste of the burned rubber is very unpleasant. Therefore, it is not necessary for the distiller for the distiller. The best material for flexible tubes will be silicone. Of these, it is not long to assemble a device for distillation. With independent manufacture of the moonshine, it is difficult to combine adapters from metal. Do not everyone can persuade the connections. And the hoses for moonshine production at home can be bought in the store. They are sold through the Internet. Still food silicone materials are used in agriculture at dairy farms. The tubes of adapters of milking machines are made precisely of them. This material is widely used in the chemical industry and medicine. In automotive production too.

How to make your own hands?

But it is not so difficult to make an independently silicone gasket of any size and thickness. For this you need:

  1. Silicone for aquariums (this species is suitable for our goal). Plumbes are unsuitable.
  2. Accurate drawing of the future seal on paper.
  3. Two pieces of transparent food film. Silicone will not stick to her.

Therefore, if you need a thicker gasket, it can be increasing: when the first layer is dry, pour the second one. But it is better to apply a tin "wrapper" to build up, for example, from beer cans.

Initially, you must draw a future item (for example, by attaching already existing from another material) on paper. Then put the film on top and fill the desired part of the silicone pattern.

Cover the other piece of film, to put a flat skipper in the top so that the gasket was the same thickness. Leave for a day. Remove plate and paper, check the degree of polymerization by pressing your finger.

From time to time you can dry with a hairdryer, not much approaching the nozzle of the device to Silicon. Fully dried item cut off with scissors.

Important. Before put, boil the gasket to finally get rid of the smell

After that, it can be used for its intended purpose.

Milk Flag

Everything is simple here. After driving the existing rubber sealing ring, the deepening in the lid fill with silicone about a third of the depth, which was sitting last gasket. Provide horizontal lid!

Leave it for a day. Purge how "grabbed" silicone. If only the upper part dried, and inside the "shyness", leave another day, or even two. Filling with silicone repeat times three. Close the flask with a cover with a gasket, make sure that the connection is dense and hermetic.

With insufficient thickness - either add silicone and dried again, or use the substrate under the bidon clamp. So the lid sees deeper and silicone wait for all the gaps.

Features of the installation of silicone hoses

With the abundance of various connections of the moonshine, it is important to achieve their tightness so that the quality of the product is best. To reliably fasten the silicone hose to the distillation cube, you can apply a sanitary wagon

Its size in width should be equal to the inner diameter of the hose.

In the cover of Cuba, you need to make a small hole, insert a sanitary wagon into it and fasten with nuts from the inside. Complete tightness will help ensure rubber gaskets or silicone sealant.

After that, you can connect the hose. To reduce the likelihood of its depressurization, use small metal clamps. After all, heating, the tubes have a property to expand, which can lead to the appearance of slots in the joints.

During operation, silicone hoses will show themselves from the best side. Silicone does not interact with alcohol, so he will not give the moonshine uncharacteristic tastes and smells, sedimentary particles will not create.

Due to the flexibility of silicone hoses, the components of the apparatus can be moved, rearrange, during storage, the distiller will take a much less space. They are very easy to rinse with running water, it is permissible to use detergents for dishes. However, remove them neatly with metal pipes, under prolonged heating, the material can slightly accumulate.

Finally, despite the long service, silicone hoses also wear out. It is possible to determine this by changing the shade or turbidity of the walls, loss of flexibility. Do not delay the replacement time of your products, clean and wash, it is better to simply replace them with new ones.

Advantages of silicone

It is not necessary to exclude the risk that during the preparation of drinks, the tubes will be destroyed at the most inappropriate moment, and as a result of exposure to high temperatures, the hazardous substances contained in the material will fall into the preparating product.

The advantages of silicone hoses:

Wear resistance. Silicone distinguishes high durability, and even with repeated use, they will retain their high quality. Such tubes can easily withstand various adverse effects.

Resistance to high temperatures and drops. Silicone remains stable, even if it is exposed to critical temperature fluctuations. It can be safely used without any risk in the temperature range from -60 ° C to +300 ° C.
Resistance to chemical compounds. During the manufacture of alcohol, concomitant compounds occur. It is impossible to call them critical in its influence, however, if there are quite a lot of them, and they will constantly have an effect on the walls of the system, it may endure very poorly. This will not occur when using silicone tubes, which can easily withstand any effects and do not react with emerging connections.
Anti-adhesion characteristics

This quality is important in relation to food processes. It determines the ability of particles to stick to the walls and accumulate on the surface, and also removed from the tubes when passing through them

In the event of a blockage in the tubes during distillation, water will no longer come at the right speed and in the right amount, and this will certainly affect the quality of the process, and not for the better. The appearance of blockages makes the forced breaks and blow and remove the particles stuck in them from the connecting elements.
Bioerity. The quality of the alcoholic beverage is determined not only by its fortress, degree of cleaning, but also taste properties that can be seriously injured due to the use of ordinary tubes. Since the moonshine process is accompanied by a constant impact of high temperatures contained in the components in Brage, as well as a number of other factors, all this can have an impact on the structure of the hose material. If he cannot withstand this, not always safe substances will be released from it. With silicone tubes, this is excluded, as well as they do not react with other solutions.
Elasticity. Thanks to this quality, silicone tubes can be used repeatedly. The ability of the material to maintain its form is due to the fact that even with significant deformations, it returns its initial configuration.
Lack of specific smell. Even with the time of the tube from silicone, it will not begin to highlight an unpleasant smell or change its taste.

Mechanical resistance. With silicone hoses, you can perform a variety of actions aimed at changing their shape, and this will not affect their functionality.
The difference in size, cross-section, color and other external characteristics. Due to this feature, silicone tubes can be used as part of a variety of fittings and structures.
Resistance to the development of fungus. The reason for this is the special structure of the material.
Convenient installation method. Silicone is inclined to stretch, and it is possible to connect elements among themselves, without applying special efforts, as well as use special adapters.
Durability. If we compare silicone tubes for the moonshine with rubber, then the first can be operated several times longer. The material retains its initial operational properties during the same period as the elements from PVC, and some of its modifications - even longer.
Affordable price. Silicone hoses are inexpensive, especially if you compare them with copper tubes.

Purchase all of the above advantages of silicone tubes were able to thanks to the special manufacturing technology.

Types and characteristics of connecting elements

The tubes are associated with a distillation cube, a cooler and an amar furnace with each other. They perform ways of feeding and removing water to cool, release steam, drain of finished alcohol, separation of fusion oils and heavy metals. There is a constant effect of high temperatures, aggressive chemical compounds, water pressure. Ideally, the tubes should steadily withstand the influence of all these factors.

Connecting elements can be made of various materials. Metal tubes for distillation cube are made of copper, aluminum, brass, stainless steel. They are often welded among themselves in one indefinite design. It is convenient from the point of view of the simplest installation, but delivers considerable difficulties in caring and washing. The main advantage of metallic links is strength and durability, which, in turn, is reflected in the cost of products.

In addition to solid tubes, flexible hoses can be used. The material for them can serve as silicone, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and even rubber. The last material does not withstand any criticism due to a strong specific smell, which has tires without even exposed to the heating process. Accordingly, the entire chemical bouquet is transmitted and produced by moonshine. Drinking such a drink does not give any pleasure.

Flexible hoses can be metal, as it is not strange. With independent making device for moonshine, resourceful masters use flexible corrugated tubes, usually intended for supplying gas and water. Outside, they are made of stainless steel, the inner surface of silicone or PVC. They have not yet received widespread, apparently due to high cost.

In turn, their PVC hoses are quite popular, although polyvinyl chloride is difficult to call a completely sustainable material. PVC products withstand the effects of hydrogen, nitric, formic acids, gasoline and other reagents, provided that the temperature of the medium does not exceed 60 ° C. At a higher temperature, it begins to enter into chemical reactions, at the same time combustion products. During the interaction with oxygen at a temperature of 100 ° C-120 ° C, poisonous dioxides begin. No need to possess deep knowledge in chemistry to understand the degree of danger. Polyvinyl chloride decomposition products not only adversely affect a person producing alcohol and inhaling dedicated couples, but also the future consumer.

Silicone, in contrast to chemically complex multicomponent materials, is a compound of silicon and oxygen. Both items are absolutely safe when used (we are talking about food silicone, which should not be confused with industrial). Such an uncomplicated structure avoids many problems.

Where to get silicone for pads?

  • cube and lid;
  • an overhaft and refrigerator;
  • cube and Tan.

And other parts of the distillation system should be sealed with silicone seals.

They can be ready to buy them in specialized stores. But it is not always possible to choose from a standard set of sizes and thickness, especially if the device of its own manufacturer.

In this case (although not always), you can use, for example, silicone kitchen rugs. But they have shortcomings: unjustified expevion and too small cross section. The thickness of such a rug rarely exceeds 1 mm.

How to distinguish from PVC?

As you know, PVC hoses are two or more cheaper than silicone products. At the same time, quality indicators here many times lower

In order to distinguish the silicone hose from the PVC product, you need to pay attention to some signs

  • When the silicone hose is ignited, its structure does not change, the light white smoke is formed and the ashes of the same color. When igniting PVC, it blacks and melts. Crash black smoke and ashes.
  • If you put the hose in the refrigerator, then the product made from PVC, and the silicone tube will remain elastic, while retaining its physical properties.
  • In most cases, silicone is softer PVC, so it will be useful to take the handset in the hands and interfer it. At the same time, it should be clarified that modern polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is not inferior to Silicon. Therefore, it is more reliable to take advantage of all three ways to check.

What gaskets are better - silicone or rubber?

In dairy bids, even produced today, under the lid - rubber. It reliably seal the contents of the flask, but has a significant disadvantage - the eaten smell. Moreover, if for a cold product (the same milk) it does not have a decisive value and the product is practically not transmitted, then when heated the smell of rubber is enhanced.

It affects the quality of the moonshine, in which an unpleasant taste appears, which can irrevocably spoil the finished product. In addition, rubber in heating conditions will quickly crack and fails.

Therefore, the answer is unequivocal: better - silicone, which is used by all self-respecting dishes. This material has a number of advantages not only before rubber, but also, let's say, before PVC:

complete absence of smell;

  • non-toxicity and stability - the material does not react with any components of the carrier and alcohol pairs;
  • elasticity;
  • fortress;
  • saving all properties at temperatures from -50 to + 250-300 ° C.

Stainless steel coil

Stainless steel can be used to create a coil in the cooling system. On the example, consider the tube, the inner diameter of which is 10 mm, and the wall thickness? 2 mm. In order for the element when processing, the element is not deformed, you need to pour into the dry sophisticated sand. It should be attentive and prevented from entering large particles to the tube so that it does not borrow. After that edge, it is necessary to close with small wooden bars.

The product is bent on the usual turning machine, which will be found in almost any city. With slow rotation of the shaft, the coil coil will be filled with a rod, thickness
which should not be less than 100 mm. It is necessary to calculate the width of the manufactured element in order to be able to choose a suitable cylinder under it. There should be a distance between the spirals of the spiral and the walls of the container in which the coaching will be located so that the quality of heat exchange is not reduced.

Next, it is necessary to remove the previously floated sand from the product and provide condensate free passage. The cylinder is installed two nozzles for the supply and output of the cold liquid. After that, the capacity is closed in such a way that it remains two holes for alcohol vapors and, accordingly, for running water.

Features of the material

Stainless steel? This is absolutely neutral material that does not enter into a chemical reaction with alcohol pairs. Therefore, the moonshine apparatus with such a coil will produce alcohol with a minimum amount of extraneous impurities. Stainless steel wear resistance is very high, if you compare it with copper or aluminum. Products from this material are not corrosion and can serve much longer as the elements of the moonshine.

How to distinguish from PVC?

PVC reacts with alcohol and impurities contained in distillate, which is unsafe for the health of those who use such alcohol. In contact with the chemicals, a plasticizer is washed out, which, among other things, makes the hoses fragile and inelastic.

Therefore, PVC tubes cannot be used where they come into contact with the finished products, that is, as adapters from the hemack to the refrigerator, from the serpent - to the receiving capacity, etc.

In large stores, supermarkets you are unlikely to be deceived. Moreover, they have certificates for products. However, unscrupulous sellers in the markets often issue PVC tubes for silicone, since it is impossible to distinguish them to the eye

Therefore, it is important to be able to choose the right hose

Ask the Seller cut off a small piece of the hose you need and adjust it with a lighter. PVC Hose burns with black smoke, leaving black charred and ash. Silicone burns without soot, ash and charring it is pure white.

And by this way you will be able to determine which material in front of you, only at home, already making a purchase. Put the hose (gasket) in the freezer for the night / day, and then look. Silicone even at temperatures below 20-28 ° C will remain elastic, PVC will deteriorate.

Advantages of silicone hose

Special properties of silicone made his sought-after material from Vinokurov:

  • the ability to not enter into chemical reactions with ingredients in alcohol;
  • the temperature is available for material, without changing properties - from -55 ° C to + 200-300 ° C. Even in the most pressing frost, the hoses remain quite elastic (bent, without breaking), and not "floating" when heated;
  • withstands pressure in 2 atm;

the availability of pipes of any section suitable for moonshine devices;
The elasticity of the material allows you to use the same tube when the cross section corresponding to its internal diameter, as well as for dressing for the fitting, the external cross section of which is 2-3 mm wide;
If the phone is randomly covered by a pipe, "hanging out", then for silicone, the clamps are not terrible, which hoses are strengthened on the fittings;
On silicone tubes, mold is not formed, negatively affecting the quality of the distillate;
The material does not smell, does not affect sunlight, moisture, dryness;
The hoses are easy to wash (which is especially important if the clearance has been borrowed by random ejection of the braga), since the foreign particles do not "make it".

Rubber brand IRP-1338

What should be the relevant documents in which it is precisely indicated that this type of silicone has a food tolerance.

Although many kind of special attention do not pay special attention to this item.

The non-silicone silicone also does not smell, but the finished product at the first time with the use of such tubes can give a light rubber taste and a notch in the smell. Apparently, this is "washed out" rubber processing products in silicone. In the distant such taste is not observed.

Scope of application

Thanks to the practicality and reliability, silicone hoses have found applied in almost all spheres.

At home

Silicone sleeves are widely used for watering gardening. Realized models that have protected from ultraviolet rays are popular. Silicone tubes can be used in all water purification systems. In addition, reinforced silicone hoses are used as water supply, and conventional transparent use as an elong hydroevum.

In medicine

In the medical sphere, Silicon is used for more than half a century. The sleeves from it productively apply in laboratories and hospital institutions. With their help, transportation of reagents, drugs, vitamins. Ordinary medical droppers are also equipped with silicone tubes. Corrugated tubes from transparent material are used in medical equipment.

An important indicator when working with silicone in medicine is the fact that the material can withstand reusable sterilization with high temperature air and aqueous ferry.

In production

In terms of production purposes, silicone hoses are invaluable when equipping pumping equipment and pneumatics for transporting liquid and gas substances. They also carry out a protective function (used as electrical insulation to protect against humidity). In the food production, silicone hoses perfectly withstand the requirements for compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards. They are used as vehicles for bulk and liquid products, such as milk, mineral water, juices, vinegar, alcoholic beverages, as well as oil. Food hoses can be suction, pressure and pressure-suction.

In agriculture

In modern agriculture, do not do without silicone hoses. For example, they have become indispensable in the manufacture of milking devices. They are also actively used as consumables for agricultural machinery.

In the chemical industry

Thanks to excellent resistance to various aggressive substances, silicone sleeves are used to move chemical media between technological nodes.

In moonshine

In the manufacture of alcoholic beverages, silicone tubes are used, which do not spoil the taste and smell of fluid proceeded on them. Silicone hoses are used both to connect flow water, and for a turn of the finished product.

Silicone hoses are quite simple in operation, can be used at any time of the year. They are designed for both high-temperature regime and use in winter when critical temperatures. They can be easily soaked and replaced.

Despite the fact that silicone hoses are inert to adhesion and do not absorb smells, they can accumulate various flavors due to remnants of transportation products. Therefore, they need cleaning in order to remove the smell and accumulation of foreign substances from the inner surface. This procedure is performed using special rods or by running flow water. After washing the hoses, they are desirable to dry. It is optimally done in a limful condition.

When damaged the hose is recommended to replace it with a new one. In some situations, the short-term use of the renovated tube is allowed. The place of gap or cut can be glued with the help of glue-sealant, taking a smaller diameter tube as a connector adapter. However, this is the only forced temporary measure, in most cases related to car repair. This design is not designed for continuous use.

About why cost to choose silicone hoses, see the next video.

Instructions for manufacture

  1. We take a liter jar with a screw metal lid. Place the centers of two holes in the lid, in which the fitting with an external thread will be inserted. The distance between the centers must be chosen such that the locking and the fitting with the internal threads could fit on the cover without interfering with each other.
  2. We do holes. I cut them with a drill on a tree with a size of 20. It suits perfectly.
  3. Insert the fittings, as shown in the photo below.
  4. To seal holes, we will need two silicone gaskets. I cut them directly from the silicone hose. It has thick walls, so such gaskets are well compressed and seal the gaps.
  5. We put on the laying on the threads of the fittings and tightly tighten into one lock nut, and on the other - a fitting with an internal thread, on which we dress the silicone tube. Photo:
  6. We wind on the neck of the banks of the ribbon FUM at least two layers. Tightly spin the lid. Harmonic is ready. It connects to the distillation cube and the refrigerator with silicone hoses with a diameter of 12 mm.