Repairs Design Furniture

Degree in millimeters. Translation of degrees to millimeters formula. How to translate angular values \u200b\u200binto linear. Examples of different speeds

Angle values \u200b\u200bare actively used in our lives along with linear. The more important the ability to transfer one type of values \u200b\u200bto others. Consider on the "car" example the possibility of translation of some values \u200b\u200bto others.

The parameters of the corner of the thrust and collapse is made to measure in degrees, but they can be measured and displayed degrees and minutes. Outbound parameters are also measured in degrees, but can be displayed and length parameters. The parameters listed above are considered to be angular, as we calculate the angle.

One of the most important questions will be the question: with what the value of the diameter of the tire or wheel is measured by the corner distance? It is quite natural that, then with a larger diameter, it will be large and the distance of the corner. Here it should be noted some nuances: with the ratio of inches and millimeters of the reference diameter, the standard value is used, which is specified and reflected on the "car specifications" screen. However, if millimeters and inches are specified as units of measurement, but there is no information about the diameter of the wheelbarrow, it is assumed that the diameter is equal to the standard, that is, 28.648 inches.

Usually convergence displays the width of the rut between the front and rear ends of the car wheel. Here is the general formula for location:

Small angles

Of course, everything can be measured in the corners. However, the angular division is often unnatural and uncomfortable, since whole degrees are divided into smaller units: an angular second and an angular moment. Angular minute - this is 1/60 part of the degree; Angle second - 1/60 of the previous unit.

The human eye during normal lighting is capable of "fixing" the value is approximately equal to 1 minute. That is, the resolution of the human body of vision perceives instead of two points with a distance of one minute, and even less, as one.

It is also worth considering the concepts of sinus and tangent of small angles. The tangent of the corner of the rectangular triangle is called the ratio of the parties of the opposite catech to the adjacent one. The tangent of the angle α is taken to indicate: TG α. At small angles (about which, in fact, it is about.), Tangent angle is equal to the magnitude of the angle measured in radians.

Transfer example:

Diameter of the alleged disc: 360 mm

Alignment is: 1.5 mm

Then we think that, Tg α ≈ α \u003d 1.5 / 360 \u003d 0.00417 (RAD)

Translation into degrees:

α [°] \u003d (180 / π) × α [pleased]

where: α [rad] - the designation of the angle in radians, α [°] - the designation of the angle in degrees

Now implement the translation process per minute:

α \u003d 0.00417 × 57,295779513 ° \u003d 0.2654703 ° \u003d 14.33542 "

Special converter will help translate some units.

Thus, we see: the conversion of angular values \u200b\u200binto linear is not much difficult.

"Corner" parameters, for example, the collapse and angle of thrust are measured in degrees, but they can be displayed both in degrees and in degrees with minutes. The parameters of the cloves are "angular" and, accordingly, are always measured in degrees, but they can be displayed both in degrees and in length measure.

The most important thing in this situation is the question: with what diameter of the tire or wheel is measured this distance? The greater the diameter, the greater the distance for this angle.If the relationship is established as units inch or millimeters and reference diameter, The system uses the value of the reference diameter specified on the "car specifications" screen.If an inches or millimeters are installed as a measurement units, but the diameter of the disk is not specified, the default diameter is considered to be 28.648 inches, which is a simple recalculation of 2 ° convergence to each inch (or 25.4 millimeters) of convergence.

When the convergence is displayed as a distance, it means the difference in the width of the gauge between the front and rear edges.

L \u003d L 2- L 1

Small angles

In principle, it would be possible to measure all the angles in radians. In practice, the degree of corners are widely used, although it is unnatural with a pure mathematical point of view. At the same time, special units are used for small angles: an angular minute and an angular second. Corner minute - this is 1/60degree; The angular second is 1/60 part of the angular moment.

Angle minute view gives such a fact: `` resolving the ability of the human eye (at one hundred percent sight and good lighting) is equal to about one angular minute. This means that two points that are visible to an angle of 1 "or less, perceived as one.

Let's see what can be said about sine, cosine and tangent of small corners. If the angle α is small, then the height of Bc, BD arc and a segment BE, perpendicular AB, very close. Their lengths are SIN α, the radian measure α and Tg α. Therefore, for small angles, sinus, tangent and radicular measure are approximately equal to each other: if α is a small angle, measured in radians, then sin α ≈ α; TG α ≈ α

The tangent of the corner of the rectangular triangle is called the attitude of the opposite catech to the adjacent cathelet. The tangent of the angle α is indicated: TG α. And at small angles (namely, these are speaking) Tangent is approximately equal to the corner itself measured in radians.

An example of transfer of linear values \u200b\u200bto the corner:

Dial diameter: 360 mm AC
Alignment: 1.5 mm BC
Then TG α ≈ α \u003d 1.5 / 360 \u003d0.00417 (Rad)

We will transfer to degrees:

α [°] \u003d (180 / π) × α [pleased]

where: α [rad] - angle in radians, α [°] - angle in degrees

), unwittingly raised the question of the correct collapse / convergence by car. Properly exhibited angles of collapse, convergence and caster, however, as wrong, I can significantly change the chairs of the car on the road, especially this should be felt at elevated speeds.

1. To begin with, I turned to the tyrnet for the optimal corners of the wheel installation, and it turned out that the plant recommends us the following values:

Outline car, front axle:
Collapse 0 degrees +/- 30 minutes
Caster 1 degree 15 minutes +/- 30 minutes (without EUR)
2 degrees 20 minutes +/- 30 minutes (with EUR)
Linear convergence 2 +/- 1 mm
corner 0 degrees 10 minutes - 0 degrees 30 minutes
Rear axle:
Split -1 degrees
Convergence total 10 minutes

2. Next, I raised the printout of the very first measurements with TO-1 at 2300 km in Davith (distant autumn 2012). To my surprise, work was performed on the card of the first Kalina (thanks for not 2110). By that time, the car was sold for a whole year, and it is strange to not detect in one correct parameters in the equipment.

Caster - good
Split - Normal
Alignment - Good
Split - Normal
Convergence - incomprehensible, terribly a lot (Apparently the side effect of using the map of another car model)

3. Last fall was replaced by the Springs on Tekhnoressor -30, after which I went to edit the similarity collapse on a 3D stand in the car-ib garage. By the way, before measurements were not even checked and not asked about tire pressure. To all of the time, after adjustments, the steering wheel began to look left, but he did not return to the alteration. The results were as follows:

Two questions arise here:
- Why such a huge caster?
- Why so different collapse on the rear wheels?

The only reason for the magnification of the Castera could only be understood, other changes in the suspension were not produced. But this option caused doubts. First, such a caster would be visually noticeable, the wheels were to be close to the front bumper. Secondly, it is simply logical to explain how the understatement can affect Caster.

But on the collapse of the back there were several options: the beam sweat, the inaccuracy of measurements, the curve wheel.

4. Before the coming spring repair, the suspension decided to control the stand on the stand and remove the measurements. But not just like that. The reason was the following - visually it seemed that on the right wheel was chosen in minus the collapse, despite the fact that the right was exactly. I thought that the car somewhere was badly survived. To exclude your cretinism, showed the wheel to familiar guys, those according to nodded, they say really left wheel "lies." But the 3D booth of the same car-Iba showed the following ...

TOTAL I see:
- Split on both wheels positive! (It is necessary an ophthalmologist to show my eyes)
- Castor again not whatever. The ruler stated that he did not match them yet! What? There is no longer a foot. In addition, the pressure is again in the wheels before measurements were not checked.
- With the back of the beam, again, everything is bad, apparently bent, sadness.

5. Serving the suspension and installing the crab strut, began to look for new collars. The car was terribly pulled left, so I could not stand for a long time, and instead of lunch, I went to a certain widespread profile car service called "Obereg", which is on Karpinsky. Stand there is a computer, but with pulling strings and other shamanism. He helped find a grant in the list of maps, otherwise they wanted to do Kalina on her sister. The rear axle did not measure, they said that they did not make it, well. The printout was also not given, their mechanic simply closed the program and said "I am everything." But I remember everything, the result is the following:

Before (lion / right.)
Caster: +1.50 "/ +2.00"
Split: +0.15 "/ +0.20"
Alignment: +0.10 "/ +0.10"

The car rides straight, the steering wheel is exactly, there are no complaints. But the second time I will not go. And they took expensive.


Soon there will be again manipulations with a suspension, I will go to check and new collapsers.

Total cost:
Adjustment in Kar-Ibe (autumn) - 800 rubles.
Measures in Kar-Ibe (Spring) - 400 rubles.
Adjusting to the guard (Spring) - 900 rubles.

Perhaps I will write on "pieces". Do not wagging on multiple changes in one record.
I want to tell about the settings of the suspension. About collapse. But do not rush to close the article! Yes, you can go to a specialist. You all adjust. And you will even like it. BUT.
Pancake. Well, at least in any of your record, I will manage without this "but"?
So here. Do you want to configure the suspension better? The factory data is not perfect. They can be changed. So, it is more pleasant and better to go.
Yes, even if you wish, you work a little on your hands - save money.
I will try to highlight some points. So, for starters: read in the factory book (or on the Internet), how and what the suspension parameters are regulated (well, if you do not know, of course)
And further. What you heard about, the plan "it is difficult" and "requires high accuracy" - it's not all. Enough attentiveness, converting head and hands growing not at the level of the middle of the body. And with the rest I will help you.

Front axis:

The first thing to do is Castor. If you change it, the remaining parameters will have to configure again.
How to measure it "in my garage"? Well, there is a way, but you don't need it. I would advise you to follow the gap between the wheel and the back of the wing. It is incorrect, but ... if you even make a mistake on some sides, then the Muscovite will simply not be noticed. It is not so demanding. Although after the stabilizer groove, I recommend at least once to set the Castor on the stand. Later, it is hardly necessary for you, except for cases after moving the trenches, trenches and open drains.

The second in the queue - the collapse. Measure it easy. It is enough to make a plumb: to tie a sizes of approximately M6 to 80 centimeters of thread. Tool ready. Well, plus the line with the "zero" from the end is useful with inappropriate. You can modify the usual.
Like this:

Now you can skip the plumb to the wheel, but not in the center, but a little on the side of the "bloating" (which is down due to weight)

Clearance in the upper part. The wheel is frozen inside that is "minus" collapse.
If the gap in the bottom, then the collapse - "plus", the wheel "like a Tatra"
How to regulate - I will not explain.
Experiments gave the collapse, which I like most of all in Riding: -0 "20" ~ -0 "50" (this is minus 2-5mm on a plumb at the top)
Want to rotate aggressively? Make -1 "30" (8-10mm on a plumb) but on the highway will be worse.
Did you go along the highway? Make the wheel smoothly.

Caution number 1. Fear errors! Even if you make a mistake and put the wheels with a 3mm difference, then neither Muscovite, nor you notice when driving!

Caution number 2. If you docked the stabilizer too much, then the wheels can be too much "in a plus" - i.e. Outpaste the tops outside. And so much that the adjustment stock is not enough. Then simply remove the wheel, unscrew the two bolts (bottom to unscrew, but do not knock, remind you!) And send the upper hole in the rack inside. From accounting that 2 mm was enough enough to fill the wheel of millimeters by 5-6.

Do not be afraid to do so! Opel-Omega and FV Passat, well-known for you, have such rods right from the factory. And as you can see, drive, do not fall apart.

Tools: The same ruler and 5 meters of thin (2-3mm) rubber cord (canful, but uncomfortable). Cord cut into 2 pieces.

Tie back to the bracket of spares and stretch in the middle of the wheels as in the photo.

Just smoothly drive your hand with a cord while touching the front wheel. If you did the collapse, then we cope with this.
Clearance in the front of the wheel - "Alignment" or "Plus"
Clearance in the rear - respectively, "discrepancy" or "minus"
I always did everything in +0 "05" (plus 0,5mm)
On the cord, it will look like "almost smoothly", but with a light hint on the advantage.

Rear axle
The principle of measurement is the same as collaps and convergence. But adjustment is more difficult.
Let me remind you. The hub axis is screwed to the beam with four bolts with a diameter of 10mm. Pretty popular scheme.

By changing the fit of the plane using the washers, you can adjust both collaps and convergence.

Attention No. 2 washers are put only between the brake shield and beam (and then there were cases) :)

For adjustment, you will need several piles 10 or 12 (which easier to receive) with a thickness of 0.5 mm or thinner. Thin washers with diameter 12 are adjustable from the plant in the VAZ classics as adjusting collapse.
Put the washers at the rate: 0.5mm washer is 1.5-2mm on the wheel. The first time will be rare.
They were protected by all the parameters on both wheels, recorded, attached how much the washers would need and what bolts. Twisted again. Remove the drum. Twisting one bolt, in turns put on the washers.
We measure:

My parameters:
split -1 "20" (minus 8mm at the top of the plumb)
alignment +0 "10" (1mm for the front)
(The inheritance of the glorious brand Audi)

So to speak:
If you do the first time and worry, then do, and then move to the stand for checking. Ask a printout of data and explained where which parameter is attached to millimeters. Early on the car again, compare with a printout.
Degrees-minutes to millimeters of about 10/1 for example.
1 "00" \u003d 0 "60" \u003d 60 minutes \u003d ~ 6mm
1 "40" \u003d 0 "60" +0 "40" \u003d 100 minutes \u003d ~ 10mm

All data together (degrees / minutes):

castor: +1 "30 minimum (I was taken by +2" 30)
split: Universal -0 "30 -0" 50, Sport -1 "30, Route 0" 00
alignment: +0 "05 (general +0" 10)
charked: -1 "20
alignment +0 "10 (general +0" 20)

Make it up, do not fall apart! :)
(if you forgot and write questions - write in the comments)

Angle values \u200b\u200bare actively used in our lives along with linear. The more important the ability to transfer one type of values \u200b\u200bto others. Consider on the "car" example the possibility of translation of some values \u200b\u200bto others.

The parameters of the corner of the thrust and collapse is made to measure in degrees, but they can be measured and displayed degrees and minutes. Outbound parameters are also measured in degrees, but can be displayed and length parameters. The parameters listed above are considered to be angular, as we calculate the angle.

One of the most important questions will be the question: with what the value of the diameter of the tire or wheel is measured by the corner distance? It is quite natural that, then with a larger diameter, it will be large and the distance of the corner. Here it should be noted some nuances: with the ratio of inches and millimeters of the reference diameter, the standard value is used, which is specified and reflected on the "car specifications" screen. However, if millimeters and inches are specified as units of measurement, but there is no information about the diameter of the wheelbarrow, it is assumed that the diameter is equal to the standard, that is, 28.648 inches.

Usually convergence displays the width of the rut between the front and rear ends of the car wheel. Here is the general formula for location:

Small angles

Of course, everything can be measured in the corners. However, the angular division is often unnatural and uncomfortable, since whole degrees are divided into smaller units: an angular second and an angular moment. Angular minute - this is 1/60 part of the degree; Angle second - 1/60 of the previous unit.

The human eye during normal lighting is capable of "fixing" the value is approximately equal to 1 minute. That is, the resolution of the human body of vision perceives instead of two points with a distance of one minute, and even less, as one.

It is also worth considering the concepts of sinus and tangent of small angles. The tangent of the corner of the rectangular triangle is called the ratio of the parties of the opposite catech to the adjacent one. The tangent of the angle α is taken to indicate: TG α. At small angles (about which, in fact, it is about.), Tangent angle is equal to the magnitude of the angle measured in radians.

Transfer example:

Diameter of the alleged disc: 360 mm

Alignment is: 1.5 mm

Then we think that, Tg α ≈ α \u003d 1.5 / 360 \u003d 0.00417 (RAD)

Translation into degrees:

α [°] \u003d (180 / π) × α [pleased]

where: α [rad] - the designation of the angle in radians, α [°] - the designation of the angle in degrees

Now implement the translation process per minute:

α \u003d 0.00417 × 57,295779513 ° \u003d 0.2654703 ° \u003d 14.33542 "

Special converter will help translate some units.

Thus, we see: the conversion of angular values \u200b\u200binto linear is not much difficult.

Length Converter Length Converter Mass Converter Volume Resume Products and Food Converter Square Converter Volume and Units Measurement In Culinary Recipes Temperature Converter Converter Pressure, Mechanical Voltage, Module Jung Converter Energy and Operation Converter Power Converter Power Converter Time Converter Linear Speed \u200b\u200bFlat Angle Converter Heat Efficiency and Fuel Engineering Converter Numbers in Different Systems Systems Converter Units Measurement Quantity Currency Currency Dimensions Women's Clothing Sizes Men's Clothing And Shoe Corner Speed \u200b\u200bConverter and Rotation Converter Speed \u200b\u200bConverter Corner Acceleration Converter Density Converter Specific Specification Converter Moment Inertia Moment Moment Converter Rotary Converter Converter Specific heat combustion (by weight) Energy density converter and specific heat combustion (by volume) Temperature converter Converter coefficient Heat expansion Converter thermal resistance Converter specific thermal conductivity Converter specific heat converter Energy exposure and thermal radiation power converter Heat flux density converter Masse consumption converter Converter Mass flow converter Mass density converter Mass converter Mass converter Mass converter Converter Mass concentration converter Dynamic converter Absolute) Viscosity Cinematic Viscosity Converter Surface Tension Converter Parry Permeability Converter Water Steam Flow Converter Sound Converter Microphones Sound Pressure Level Converter (SPL) Sound Pressure Converter Light Converter Light Converter Light Converter Resolution Converter Light Converter Frequency converter and wavelength optical power in diopters and focal Distance Optical Power in Dioptia and Increasing Lenza (×) Converter Electrical Charge Converter Linear Density Charge Surface Density Converter Charge Survection Density Converter Electrical Current Converter Linear Current Converter Surface Current Converter Electrical Fields Converter Electrostatic Potential and Voltage Converter Electrical Resistance Converter Converter Specific electrical resistance Converter Electrical conductivity Specific electrical conduction converter Electrical capacity Inductivity converter Converter American wire wire valve levels in DBM (DBM or DBMW), DBV (DBV), watts, etc. Units Magnetotorware Converter Magnetic Field Converter Magnetic Flow Converter Magnetic Flow Converter Magnetic Induction Radiation. Power converter absorbed dose of ionizing radiation radioactivity. Radioactive decay converter radiation. Converter exposure dose radiation. Converter absorbed dose converter decimal consoles data transmission converter units typography and image processing converter units of measurements of the volume of timber calculation of the molar mass Periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev

1 millimeter per minute [mm / min] \u003d 0.01666666666666666666666 millimeter per second [mm / s]

Source value

Transformed value

meter per second meter per hour per minute kilometer per hour kilometer per minute kilometer per second centimeter per hour centimeter per minute centimeter per second millimeter per minute millimeter per minute millimeter per second per hour foot per minute ft per second yard per hour yard A minute yard per second mile per hour per minute miles per second knot knot (Brit.) Speed \u200b\u200blight in vacuum First cosmic velocity Second cosmic speed Third space speed Earth speed Speed \u200b\u200bspeed in fresh water Sound speed in seawater (20 ° C, Depth 10 meters) Maha number (20 ° C, 1 atm) MAKH Number (SI standard)

Read more about speed


Speed \u200b\u200bis a measure of the distance traveled during a certain time. The speed can be scalar value and vector - while the direction of movement is taken into account. The speed of movement in a straight line is called linear, and around the circle - angular.

Speed \u200b\u200bmeasurement

Middle speed v. Find, sharing the total distance passed Δ x. For the total time Δ t.: v. = ∆x./∆t..

In the system, the speed is measured in meters per second. Kilometers per hour in the metric system and miles per hour in the United States and the UK are also widely used. When the direction is also indicated, for example 10 meters per second north, then we are talking about vector velocity.

The speed of moving with the acceleration of bodies can be found with the help of formulas:

  • a.with initial speed u. during the period Δ t.has the final speed v. = u. + a.×∆ t..
  • Body moving with constant acceleration a.with initial speed u. and the final speed v., has an average velocity Δ v. = (u. + v.)/2.

Average speed

Speed \u200b\u200bof light and sound

According to the theory of relativity, the speed of light in vacuum is the greatest speed with which energy and information can move. It is denoted by Constanta c. and equal c. \u003d 299 792 458 meters per second. Matter cannot move at the speed of light, because for this it will take an infinite amount of energy, which is impossible.

Sound speed is usually measured in an elastic medium, and is 343.2 meters per second in dry air at 20 ° C. The speed of sound is the lowest in the gases, and the highest - in solids. It depends on density, elasticity, and the substance shift module (which shows the degree of deformation of the substance during the shear load). Mach number M. - This is the ratio of body velocity in a fluid or gas environment to sound speed in this environment. It can be calculated by the formula:

M. = v./a.,

where a. - this is the speed of sound in the medium, and v. - body speed. Machum is usually used in determining speeds close to sound speed, such as aircraft speeds. This value is non-permanent; It depends on the state of the medium, which, in turn, depends on pressure and temperature. Supervice speed - speed exceeding 1 max.

Vehicle speed

Below are some vehicle speeds.

  • Passenger aircraft with turboclerous engines: the cruising speed of passenger aircraft - from 244 to 257 meters per second, which corresponds to 878-926 kilometers per hour or m \u003d 0.83-0.87.
  • High-speed trains (like Sinkansen in Japan): Such trains reaches maximum speeds from 36 to 122 meters per second, that is, from 130 to 440 kilometers per hour.

Speed \u200b\u200bof animals

The maximum speed of some animals is approximately equal:

Speed \u200b\u200bman

  • People walk at a speed of approximately 1.4 meters per second or 5 kilometers per hour, and run at speeds of about 8.3 meters per second, or up to 30 kilometers per hour.

Examples of different speeds

Four-dimensional speed

In classical mechanics, vector speed is measured in three-dimensional space. According to the special theory of relativity, the space is four-dimensional, and the fourth dimension is also taken into account in measuring speed - space-time. Such speed is called four-dimensional speed. Its direction may vary, but the value is constant and equal c., that is, the speed of light. Four-dimensional speed is defined as

U \u003d ∂x / ∂τ

where x. Represents the world line - a curve in space-time, according to which the body moves, and τ - "own time", equal to the interval along the global line.

Group speed

Group velocity is the speed of propagation of waves, which describes the speed of the propagation of the wave group and determining the rate of transmission energy of the waves. It can be calculated as ∂ ω /∂k.where k. - wave number, and ω - angular frequency. K. Measure in radians / meter, and the scalar frequency of fluctuations of waves ω - in radians per second.

Hyperzvukoy speed

Hyperzvukovka speed is a speed that exceeds 3000 meters per second, that is, many times higher than the speed of sound. Solid bodies moving at such a speed acquire the properties of liquids, since due to inertia, the load in this state is stronger than the forces while holding together the molecules of the substance during collision with other bodies. Under ultrahigh hypersonic speeds, two colliding solids are converted to gas. In the body of the body, they move at such a speed, and engineers designing space ships, orbital stations and spaces, should take into account the possibility of a collision of a station or cosmonaut with space trash and other objects when working in open space. With such a collision, the lifting of the spacecraft and the spacecraft suffers. Equipment developers carry out experiments of collisions on hypersonic speed in special laboratories to determine how strong collisions are withstanding the spacecraft, as well as the skin and other parts of the spacecraft, such as fuel tanks and solar panels, checking them for strength. For this, the space and trim are exposed to blows with different objects from a special installation with supersonic speeds exceeding 7,500 meters per second.

"Corner" parameters, for example, the collapse and angle of thrust are measured in degrees, but they can be displayed both in degrees and in degrees with minutes. The parameters of the cloves are "angular" and, accordingly, are always measured in degrees, but they can be displayed both in degrees and in length measure.

The most important thing in this situation is the question: with what diameter of the tire or wheel is measured this distance? The greater the diameter, the greater the distance for this angle. If the relationship is established as units inch or millimeters and reference diameter, The system uses the value of the reference diameter specified on the "car specifications" screen.If an inches or millimeters are installed as a measurement units, but the diameter of the disk is not specified, the default diameter is considered to be 28.648 inches, which is a simple recalculation of 2 ° convergence to each inch (or 25.4 millimeters) of convergence.

When the convergence is displayed as a distance, it means the difference in the width of the gauge between the front and rear edges.

Small angles

In principle, it would be possible to measure all the angles in radians. In practice, the degree of corners are widely used, although it is unnatural with a pure mathematical point of view. At the same time, special units are used for small angles: an angular minute and an angular second. Corner minute - this is 1/60 degree; The angular second is 1/60 part of the angular moment.

Angle minute view gives such a fact: `` resolving the ability of the human eye (at one hundred percent sight and good lighting) is equal to about one angular minute. This means that two points that are visible to an angle of 1 "or less, perceived as one.

Let's see what can be said about sine, cosine and tangent of small corners. If the angle α is small, then the height of Bc, BD arc and a segment BE, perpendicular AB, very close. Their lengths are SIN α, the radian measure α and Tg α. Therefore, for small angles, sinus, tangent and radicular measure are approximately equal to each other: if α is a small angle, measured in radians, then sin α ≈ α; TG α ≈ α

The tangent of the corner of the rectangular triangle is called the attitude of the opposite catech to the adjacent cathelet. The tangent of the angle α is indicated: TG α. And at small angles (namely, these are speaking) Tangent is approximately equal to the corner itself measured in radians.

An example of transfer of linear values \u200b\u200bto the corner:

Dial diameter: 360 mm AC
Alignment: 1.5 mm BC
Then TG α ≈ α \u003d 1.5 / 360 \u003d 0.00417 (RAD)

We will transfer to degrees:

α [°] \u003d (180 / π) × α [pleased]

where: α [rad] - angle in radians, α [°] - angle in degrees

Usually convergence displays the width of the rut between the front and rear ends of the car wheel. Here is the general formula for location:

Small angles

Transfer example:

Alignment is: 1.5 mm

Translation into degrees:

α [°] \u003d (180 / π) × α [pleased]

Length Converter Length Converter Mass Converter Volume Resume Products and Food Converter Square Converter Volume and Units Measurement In Culinary Recipes Temperature Converter Converter Pressure, Mechanical Voltage, Module Jung Converter Energy and Operation Converter Power Converter Power Converter Time Converter Linear Speed \u200b\u200bFlat Angle Converter Heat Efficiency and Fuel Engineering Converter Numbers in Different Systems Systems Converter Units Measurement Quantity Currency Currency Dimensions Women's Clothing Sizes Men's Clothing And Shoe Corner Speed \u200b\u200bConverter and Rotation Converter Speed \u200b\u200bConverter Corner Acceleration Converter Density Converter Specific Specification Converter Moment Inertia Moment Moment Converter Rotary Converter Converter Specific heat combustion (by weight) Energy density converter and specific heat combustion (by volume) Temperature converter Converter coefficient Heat expansion Converter thermal resistance Converter specific thermal conductivity Converter specific heat converter Energy exposure and thermal radiation power converter Heat flux density converter Masse consumption converter Converter Mass flow converter Mass density converter Mass converter Mass converter Mass converter Converter Mass concentration converter Dynamic converter Absolute) viscosity kinematic viscosity converter surface tension converter Parry permeability converter Parry permeability converter and pair transfer speed converter microphone sensitivity converter Sound pressure level converter (SPL) Sound pressure converter Light converter light converter resolution converter graphics frequency converter and wavelength optical power in diopter x and focal length optical power in diopterry and zooming lenses (×) electrical charge converter linear density charging converter surface density charge bulk density charging power converter electric current converter current surface density converter electrical field converter electrostatic potential and voltage converter Electrical Resistance Specific Electrical Resistance Converter Electrical Conduction Converter Electrical Conductivity Converter Electrical Capacity Inductance Converter Converter American Wiring Caliber Levels in DBM (DBM or DBMW), DBV (DBV), Watts, etc. Units Magnetotorware Converter Magnetic Field Converter Magnetic Flow Converter Magnetic Flow Converter Magnetic Induction Radiation. Power converter absorbed dose of ionizing radiation radioactivity. Radioactive decay converter radiation. Converter exposure dose radiation. Converter absorbed dose converter decimal consoles data transmission converter units typography and image processing converter units of measurements of the volume of timber calculation of the molar mass Periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev

1 millimeter [mm] \u003d 56,6929133858264 twee

Source value

Transformed value

tweep meter centimeter millimeter symbol (x) symbol (Y) pixel (x) pixel (y) inch ketching (computer) soldering (typographic) item NIS / PostScript item (computer) item (typographic) average dash dyido

Read more about units used in typography and for processing digital images


The typography studies the playback of the text on the page and the use of its size, headset, colors and other external signs so that the text is better read and looks beautiful. The typography appeared in the middle of the 15th century, with the advent of printing machines. The location of the text on the page affects our perception - the better it is to position, the greater the likelihood that the reader will understand and remember what is written in the text. Poor-quality typography, on the contrary, makes the text poorly readable.

The headsets are divided into different types, for example, on fonts with serifs and without. Sexing is a decorative font element, but in some cases they facilitate the reading of the text, although sometimes happens and vice versa. The first letter (blue) on the image is typed with a font with serfs of Bodyney. One of the four sneakers is circled in red. The second letter (yellow) is scored with a font of a feet without serifs.

There are many classifications of fonts, for example, according to the time of their creation, or style, popular at a certain time. So, there are fonts old style - A group that includes the oldest fonts; More new fonts transient style; modern fontscreated after transitional fonts until the 1820s; And finally fonts of a new style or upgraded old fonts, that is, the fonts made according to the old model at a later time. This classification is mainly used for serif fonts. There are other classifications based on the appearance of fonts, for example, on the thickness of the lines, the contrast between thin and thick lines, and the form of serifs. In domestic printing there are their classifications. For example, the GOST classification group fonts on the presence and absence of sneakers, thickening in serifs, smooth transition from the main line to serif, twin, and so on. In the classifications of Russians, as well as other Cyrillic fonts, it is often a category for old Slavonic fonts.

The main task of typography is adjusting the size of the letters and choosing the appropriate fonts, place the text on the page so that it read well and looks nice. There are a number of systems to determine the size of the font. In some cases, the same letter of letters in typographical units, if they are printed in different heads, does not mean the same size of the letters themselves in centimeters or inches. This situation is described in more detail below. Despite the inconvenience caused by this, the font size applied at the moment helps the designers gently and beautifully compound the text on the page. This is especially important in layout.

In the layout you need to know not only the size of the text, but also the height and width of digital images to place them on the page. Size can be expressed in centimeters or inches, but there is also a specially designed to measure the size of the image - pixels. Pixel is an image element in the form of a point (or square), of which it consists.

Definition of units

The size of the letters in the typography is denoted by the word "Kehel". There are several skill measurement systems, but most of them are based on unity "soldering" In the American and English measurement system (eng. Pica), or "Cicero" in the European measurement system. The name "soldering" sometimes writes as a "peak". There are several types of soldering, which are slightly different in magnitude, so using the soldering, it is worth remembering what kind of soldering is meant. Initially, Cicero was used in domestic printing, but now we often meet. Cicero and computer soldering are similar in magnitude, but are not equal. Sometimes cycleo or solder is used directly to measure, for example, to determine the size of the fields or columns. More often, especially for measuring text, derivatives used from soldering, such as typographic items. The soldering size is determined in different systems in different ways, as described below.

The letters are measured as shown in the illustration:

Other units

Although computer soldering gradually displaces other units, and it may be replaced by more familiar cidero, along with it other units are also used. One of these units - american soldering It is equal to 0.166 inches or 2.9 millimeters. There is still I. typographical soldering. It is equal to American.

In some domestic printing houses and in the literature on the press still use pica - Unit that was widely used in Europe (with the exception of England) before the appearance of a computer soldering. One cidero is 1/6 French inch. French inch is slightly different from the modern inches. In modern units, one cycleo is equal to 4.512 millimeters or 0.177 inches. This value is almost equal to computer solders. One Cicero is 1.06 computer soldering.

Round Space (EM) and Half Arbiland (EN)

The units described above determine the height of the letters, but there are also units indicating the width of letters and symbols. Round and semicircular papation - just such units. The first is also known as a bowling sampling or EM, from the English, denoting the letter M. Its width is historically equal to the width of this English letter. Similarly, the semicircular sampie equal to half the round - known as EN. Now these values \u200b\u200bare not determined by the letter M, since this letter can have a different size of different fonts, even if the kegle is the same.

In Russian, a short and long dash is used. To refer to the ranges and intervals (for example, in the phrase: "Take 3-4 sugar spoons") a short dash is used, called the dash-en (English En Dash). Long dash is used in Russian in all other cases (for example, in the phrase: "Summer was short, and winter is long"). It is also called Tire-EM (eng. Em Dash).

Problems with modern units

Many designers do not like the current system of typographical units based on soldering or cissero, as well as on typographic items. The main problem is that these units are not tied to a metric or imperial system of measures, and at the same time they have to be used together with centimeters or inches, in which the size of the illustrations is measured.

In addition, the letters made in two different headsets can be very different, even if they are the same size in typographic items. This is caused by the fact that the height of the letter is measured as the height of the literal site, which is not directly related to the height of the sign. This makes it difficult to the task of designers, especially if they work with several fonts in one document. In the illustration - an example of this problem. The size of all three fonts in typographic locations is the same, but the sign height is everywhere different. Some designers to solve this problem offer to measure Kehal as the height of the sign.

), unwittingly raised the question of the correct collapse / convergence by car. Properly exhibited angles of collapse, convergence and caster, however, as wrong, I can significantly change the chairs of the car on the road, especially this should be felt at elevated speeds.

1. To begin with, I turned to the tyrnet for the optimal corners of the wheel installation, and it turned out that the plant recommends us the following values:

Outline car, front axle:
Collapse 0 degrees +/- 30 minutes
Caster 1 degree 15 minutes +/- 30 minutes (without EUR)
2 degrees 20 minutes +/- 30 minutes (with EUR)
Linear convergence 2 +/- 1 mm
corner 0 degrees 10 minutes - 0 degrees 30 minutes
Rear axle:
Split -1 degrees
Convergence total 10 minutes

2. Next, I raised the printout of the very first measurements with TO-1 at 2300 km in Davith (distant autumn 2012). To my surprise, work was performed on the card of the first Kalina (thanks for not 2110). By that time, the car was sold for a whole year, and it is strange to not detect in one correct parameters in the equipment.

Caster - good
Split - Normal
Alignment - Good
Split - Normal
Convergence - incomprehensible, terribly a lot (Apparently the side effect of using the map of another car model)

3. Last fall was replaced by the Springs on Tekhnoressor -30, after which I went to edit the similarity collapse on a 3D stand in the car-ib garage. By the way, before measurements were not even checked and not asked about tire pressure. To all of the time, after adjustments, the steering wheel began to look left, but he did not return to the alteration. The results were as follows:

Two questions arise here:
- Why such a huge caster?
- Why so different collapse on the rear wheels?

The only reason for the magnification of the Castera could only be understood, other changes in the suspension were not produced. But this option caused doubts. First, such a caster would be visually noticeable, the wheels were to be close to the front bumper. Secondly, it is simply logical to explain how the understatement can affect Caster.

But on the collapse of the back there were several options: the beam sweat, the inaccuracy of measurements, the curve wheel.

4. Before the coming spring repair, the suspension decided to control the stand on the stand and remove the measurements. But not just like that. The reason was the following - visually it seemed that on the right wheel was chosen in minus the collapse, despite the fact that the right was exactly. I thought that the car somewhere was badly survived. To exclude your cretinism, showed the wheel to familiar guys, those according to nodded, they say really left wheel "lies." But the 3D booth of the same car-Iba showed the following ...

TOTAL I see:
- Split on both wheels positive! (It is necessary an ophthalmologist to show my eyes)
- Castor again not whatever. The ruler stated that he did not match them yet! What? There is no longer a foot. In addition, the pressure is again in the wheels before measurements were not checked.
- With the back of the beam, again, everything is bad, apparently bent, sadness.

5. Serving the suspension and installing the crab strut, began to look for new collars. The car was terribly pulled left, so I could not stand for a long time, and instead of lunch, I went to a certain widespread profile car service called "Obereg", which is on Karpinsky. Stand there is a computer, but with pulling strings and other shamanism. He helped find a grant in the list of maps, otherwise they wanted to do Kalina on her sister. The rear axle did not measure, they said that they did not make it, well. The printout was also not given, their mechanic simply closed the program and said "I am everything." But I remember everything, the result is the following:

Before (lion / right.)
Caster: +1.50 "/ +2.00"
Split: +0.15 "/ +0.20"
Alignment: +0.10 "/ +0.10"

The car rides straight, the steering wheel is exactly, there are no complaints. But the second time I will not go. And they took expensive.


Soon there will be again manipulations with a suspension, I will go to check and new collapsers.

Total cost:
Adjustment in Kar-Ibe (autumn) - 800 rubles.
Measures in Kar-Ibe (Spring) - 400 rubles.
Adjusting to the guard (Spring) - 900 rubles.

Perhaps I will write on "pieces". Do not wagging on multiple changes in one record.
I want to tell about the settings of the suspension. About collapse. But do not rush to close the article! Yes, you can go to a specialist. You all adjust. And you will even like it. BUT.
Pancake. Well, at least in any of your record, I will manage without this "but"?
So here. Do you want to configure the suspension better? The factory data is not perfect. They can be changed. So, it is more pleasant and better to go.
Yes, even if you wish, you work a little on your hands - save money.
I will try to highlight some points. So, for starters: read in the factory book (or on the Internet), how and what the suspension parameters are regulated (well, if you do not know, of course)
And further. What you heard about, the plan "it is difficult" and "requires high accuracy" - it's not all. Enough attentiveness, converting head and hands growing not at the level of the middle of the body. And with the rest I will help you.

Front axis:

The first thing to do is Castor. If you change it, the remaining parameters will have to configure again.
How to measure it "in my garage"? Well, there is a way, but you don't need it. I would advise you to follow the gap between the wheel and the back of the wing. It is incorrect, but ... if you even make a mistake on some sides, then the Muscovite will simply not be noticed. It is not so demanding. Although after the stabilizer groove, I recommend at least once to set the Castor on the stand. Later, it is hardly necessary for you, except for cases after moving the trenches, trenches and open drains.

The second in the queue - the collapse. Measure it easy. It is enough to make a plumb: to tie a sizes of approximately M6 to 80 centimeters of thread. Tool ready. Well, plus the line with the "zero" from the end is useful with inappropriate. You can modify the usual.
Like this:

Now you can skip the plumb to the wheel, but not in the center, but a little on the side of the "bloating" (which is down due to weight)

Clearance in the upper part. The wheel is frozen inside that is "minus" collapse.
If the gap in the bottom, then the collapse - "plus", the wheel "like a Tatra"
How to regulate - I will not explain.
Experiments gave the collapse, which I like most of all in Riding: -0 "20" ~ -0 "50" (this is minus 2-5mm on a plumb at the top)
Want to rotate aggressively? Make -1 "30" (8-10mm on a plumb) but on the highway will be worse.
Did you go along the highway? Make the wheel smoothly.

Caution number 1. Fear errors! Even if you make a mistake and put the wheels with a 3mm difference, then neither Muscovite, nor you notice when driving!

Caution number 2. If you docked the stabilizer too much, then the wheels can be too much "in a plus" - i.e. Outpaste the tops outside. And so much that the adjustment stock is not enough. Then simply remove the wheel, unscrew the two bolts (bottom to unscrew, but do not knock, remind you!) And send the upper hole in the rack inside. From accounting that 2 mm was enough enough to fill the wheel of millimeters by 5-6.

Do not be afraid to do so! Opel-Omega and FV Passat, well-known for you, have such rods right from the factory. And as you can see, drive, do not fall apart.

Tools: The same ruler and 5 meters of thin (2-3mm) rubber cord (canful, but uncomfortable). Cord cut into 2 pieces.

Tie back to the bracket of spares and stretch in the middle of the wheels as in the photo.

Just smoothly drive your hand with a cord while touching the front wheel. If you did the collapse, then we cope with this.
Clearance in the front of the wheel - "Alignment" or "Plus"
Clearance in the rear - respectively, "discrepancy" or "minus"
I always did everything in +0 "05" (plus 0,5mm)
On the cord, it will look like "almost smoothly", but with a light hint on the advantage.

Rear axle
The principle of measurement is the same as collaps and convergence. But adjustment is more difficult.
Let me remind you. The hub axis is screwed to the beam with four bolts with a diameter of 10mm. Pretty popular scheme.

By changing the fit of the plane using the washers, you can adjust both collaps and convergence.

Attention No. 2 washers are put only between the brake shield and beam (and then there were cases) :)

For adjustment, you will need several piles 10 or 12 (which easier to receive) with a thickness of 0.5 mm or thinner. Thin washers with diameter 12 are adjustable from the plant in the VAZ classics as adjusting collapse.
Put the washers at the rate: 0.5mm washer is 1.5-2mm on the wheel. The first time will be rare.
They were protected by all the parameters on both wheels, recorded, attached how much the washers would need and what bolts. Twisted again. Remove the drum. Twisting one bolt, in turns put on the washers.
We measure:

My parameters:
split -1 "20" (minus 8mm at the top of the plumb)
alignment +0 "10" (1mm for the front)
(The inheritance of the glorious brand Audi)

So to speak:
If you do the first time and worry, then do, and then move to the stand for checking. Ask a printout of data and explained where which parameter is attached to millimeters. Early on the car again, compare with a printout.
Degrees-minutes to millimeters of about 10/1 for example.
1 "00" \u003d 0 "60" \u003d 60 minutes \u003d ~ 6mm
1 "40" \u003d 0 "60" +0 "40" \u003d 100 minutes \u003d ~ 10mm

All data together (degrees / minutes):

castor: +1 "30 minimum (I was taken by +2" 30)
split: Universal -0 "30 -0" 50, Sport -1 "30, Route 0" 00
alignment: +0 "05 (general +0" 10)
charked: -1 "20
alignment +0 "10 (general +0" 20)

Make it up, do not fall apart! :)
(if you forgot and write questions - write in the comments)

Angle values \u200b\u200bare actively used in our lives along with linear. The more important the ability to transfer one type of values \u200b\u200bto others. Consider on the "car" example the possibility of translation of some values \u200b\u200bto others.

The parameters of the corner of the thrust and collapse is made to measure in degrees, but they can be measured and displayed degrees and minutes. Outbound parameters are also measured in degrees, but can be displayed and length parameters. The parameters listed above are considered to be angular, as we calculate the angle.

One of the most important questions will be the question: with what the value of the diameter of the tire or wheel is measured by the corner distance? It is quite natural that, then with a larger diameter, it will be large and the distance of the corner. Here it should be noted some nuances: with the ratio of inches and millimeters of the reference diameter, the standard value is used, which is specified and reflected on the "car specifications" screen. However, if millimeters and inches are specified as units of measurement, but there is no information about the diameter of the wheelbarrow, it is assumed that the diameter is equal to the standard, that is, 28.648 inches.

Usually convergence displays the width of the rut between the front and rear ends of the car wheel. Here is the general formula for location:

Small angles

Of course, everything can be measured in the corners. However, the angular division is often unnatural and uncomfortable, since whole degrees are divided into smaller units: an angular second and an angular moment. Angular minute - this is 1/60 part of the degree; Angle second - 1/60 of the previous unit.

The human eye during normal lighting is capable of "fixing" the value is approximately equal to 1 minute. That is, the resolution of the human body of vision perceives instead of two points with a distance of one minute, and even less, as one.

It is also worth considering the concepts of sinus and tangent of small angles. The tangent of the corner of the rectangular triangle is called the ratio of the parties of the opposite catech to the adjacent one. The tangent of the angle α is taken to indicate: TG α. At small angles (about which, in fact, it is about.), Tangent angle is equal to the magnitude of the angle measured in radians.

Transfer example:

Diameter of the alleged disc: 360 mm

Alignment is: 1.5 mm

Then we think that, Tg α ≈ α \u003d 1.5 / 360 \u003d 0.00417 (RAD)

Translation into degrees:

α [°] \u003d (180 / π) × α [pleased]

where: α [rad] - the designation of the angle in radians, α [°] - the designation of the angle in degrees

Now implement the translation process per minute:

α \u003d 0.00417 × 57,295779513 ° \u003d 0.2654703 ° \u003d 14.33542 "

Special converter will help translate some units.

Thus, we see: the conversion of angular values \u200b\u200binto linear is not much difficult.